Exemplo n.º 1
 def __callback_runImport ():
     if self.__input_string.get() <> 'Required':
         # Write variables to .var file
         VAR.set_variable("INPUT_FILE", "STRING", self.__input_string.get())
         VAR.set_variable("RGIVERSION", "STRING", self.__rgi_version.get())
         VAR.set_variable("RGIREGION", "STRING", self.__rgi_region.get())
         # Remove GUI window and destroy it.
         try: master.destroy()
         except: pass
         try: self.root.destroy()
         except: pass
         # Import needs to be here in case ARCPY not found. Crashes on import if not
             import glacier_utilities.functions.data_pop as data_pop  #@UnresolvedImport
             print 'STARTING RGI ID GENERATION'
             data_pop.generate_RGIIDs(self.__input_string.get(), self.__rgi_version.get(), self.__rgi_region.get())
             print 'FINISHED RGI ID GENERATION'
             tkMessageBox.showwarning ('Warning', 'Could NOT Analyze Folder. Check folder paths.')
         tkMessageBox.showwarning ('Warning', 'You must select Input and Output files.')
Exemplo n.º 2
        def __callback_runImport():
            if self.__input_string.get() <> 'Required':

                # Write variables to .var file
                VAR.set_variable("INPUT_FILE", "STRING",
                VAR.set_variable("RGIVERSION", "STRING",
                VAR.set_variable("RGIREGION", "STRING",

                # Remove GUI window and destroy it.

                # RUN APPLICATION
                # Import needs to be here in case ARCPY not found. Crashes on import if not
                    import glacier_utilities.functions.data_pop as data_pop  #@UnresolvedImport
                    print 'STARTING RGI ID GENERATION'
                    print 'FINISHED RGI ID GENERATION'
                        'Could NOT Analyze Folder. Check folder paths.')
                    'Warning', 'You must select Input and Output files.')
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__ (self, input_features, output_location, DEM, variables):
        # Create a copy of the input file in the output folder. This will be the
        # actual result file after fields are updated. This is done so no changes
        # are imposed on the original file.
            output = output_location + '\\' + os.path.basename(input_features)
            input_copy = ARCPY.CopyFeatures_management(input_features, output)
            print 'Output Glacier file already exists or the output folder is not available.'
        try: # Start Log file and write it to the output folder
            log_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(output))
            __Log = LOG.Log(log_path)
            print 'Log file could not be written to the output folder.'
        try:  # Get ArcInfo License if it's available
            import arcinfo                          #@UnresolvedImport @UnusedImport
            __Log.print_line('ArcInfo license NOT available')

        try: # Check out Spatial Analyst extension if available.
            if ARCPY.CheckExtension('Spatial') == 'Available':
                __Log.print_line('Spatial Analyst is available')
            __Log.print_line('Spatial Analyst extension not available')
        try: # Set environment
            workspace = output_location + '\\workspace'
            os.makedirs(workspace) # Create Workspace
            ARCPY.env.workspace = workspace
            __Log.print_line('WARNING - Workspace folder already exists.')
        # Read Variables
        centerlines = variables.read_variable('CENTERLINES')
        hypsometry = variables.read_variable('HYPSOMETRY')
        slope = variables.read_variable('SLOPE')
        aspect = variables.read_variable('ASPECT')
        glimsids = variables.read_variable('GLIMSIDS')
        rgiids = variables.read_variable('RGIIDS')    
        rgiversion = variables.read_variable('RGIVERSION')   
        rgiregion = variables.read_variable('RGIREGION')   
        # Create output table header information to populate the tables with
        table_output = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(output))
        Attribute_header = variables.read_variable('ATTABLE')
        Statistics_header = variables.read_variable('STATABLE')
        max_bin = variables.read_variable('MAXBIN')
        min_bin =  variables.read_variable('MINBIN')
        bin_size = variables.read_variable('BINSIZE')
        bin_header = DP.generate_bin_header(max_bin, min_bin, bin_size)
        header = Attribute_header + Statistics_header + bin_header
        # Read other variables
        check_header = variables.read_variable('RGI_SPEC')
        subset_buffer = variables.read_variable('BUFFER')
        scaling = variables.read_variable('SCALING')
        eu_cell_size = variables.read_variable('EU_CELL_SIZE')
        power = variables.read_variable('POWER')
        # Other variables
        currently_processing = 1
        total_features = str(int(ARCPY.GetCount_management(input_copy).getOutput(0)))

        # Print run time variables to log file
        __Log.print_line("Input File: " + os.path.basename(input_features))
        __Log.print_line("Input DEM: " + os.path.basename(DEM))
        __Log.print_line('Output Folder: ' + os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(output)))
        __Log.print_line('Output Glaciers: ' + os.path.basename(output))
        if centerlines == True: __Log.print_line('Output Centerlines: centerlines.shp' )
        __Log.print_line("Runtime Parameters")
        __Log.print_line("     Run Hypsometry: " + str(hypsometry))
        __Log.print_line("     Run Slope: " + str(slope))
        __Log.print_line("     Run Aspect: " + str(aspect))
        __Log.print_line("     Generate GLIMS ID's: " + str(glimsids))
        __Log.print_line("     Generate RGI ID's: " + str(rgiids))
        __Log.print_line("          RGI Version: " + str(rgiversion))
        __Log.print_line("          RGI Region: " + str(rgiregion))
        __Log.print_line("     Maximum Bin Elevation: " + str(max_bin))
        __Log.print_line("     Minimum Bin Elevation: " + str(min_bin))
        __Log.print_line("     Bin Size: " + str(bin_size))
        __Log.print_line("     Subset Buffer: " + str(subset_buffer) + 'x')
        __Log.print_line("     DEM Scaling Factor: " + str(scaling))
        __Log.print_line("     Centerline Euclidean Cell Size: " + str(eu_cell_size))
        __Log.print_line("     Centerline Line Power Factor: " + str(power))
        __Log.print_break() # Break for next section in the log file.
        #*******Input File Cleanup**********************************************  
        __Log.print_line('Input Polygon Checks')
        # Check to see if the input file follows RGI table headings.
        formate_error, not_found = DP.check_formate(input_features, check_header)
        if formate_error == False:
            __Log.print_line('    Input header information is consistent with the standard set')
        if formate_error == True:
            __Log.print_line('    ERROR - Input header information is NOT consistent with the standard set')
            __Log.print_line('        Items not found: ' + not_found)
        # Check geometries. If there are errors, correct them and print the
        # results to the log file
        repair = DP.repair_geometry(input_copy)
        __Log.print_line('    Geometry - ' + repair[0] + ' errors found (Repaired ' + repair[1] + ')')
        # Check to see if there are any multi-part polygons in the input file. If
        # so, prompt the user to stop and correct. Print to log file.
        multipart = DP.check_multipart(input_copy, workspace) # Check for multi-part Polygons
        __Log.print_line('    Multi-Part Polygons - ' + multipart + ' found')
        # Check to see if the area from the AREA column matches the actual area
        # calculated. If not signal the user to correct. Print results to log.
        area = DP.check_area(input_copy, workspace)
        __Log.print_line('    Area - ' + area[2] + ' difference')
        __Log.print_line('        Original area: ' + area[0] + ' , Final area: ' + area[1], True)
        # Check to see if there are any topology errors in the input file. If there 
        # are signal the user to correct before moving forward. Print to log.
        topology = DP.check_topology(input_copy, workspace)
        __Log.print_line('    Topology - ' + topology[0] + ' errors on ' + topology[1] + ' features')
        __Log.print_line('        Rule set - Must Not Overlap (Area)', True)
        # Warnings: 
        if multipart <> str(0): print "WARNING:  Multi-part features found.."
        if area [2] > 1 or area[2] < -1: 'WARNING: The AREA difference exceeds the threshold.'
        if topology[0] <> str(0): raw_input(str(topology[0]) + " WARNINGS: Topology errors found.")
        __Log.print_break() # Break for next section in the log file.
        #*******Prepare Input file*********************************************
        if glimsids == True: # Generate GLIMS id's if applicable
            __Log.print_line('Generating GLIMS IDs')
            glims_ids = POP.generate_GLIMSIDs(input_copy, workspace) # Copy to Output
            __Log.print_line('   GLIMS IDs - ' + glims_ids + ' GLIMS IDs Generated')
        if rgiids == True: # Generate RGI id's if applicable
            __Log.print_line('Generating RGI IDs')
            rgi_ids = POP.generate_RGIIDs(input_copy, rgiversion, rgiregion) # Copy to Output
            __Log.print_line('   RGI IDs - ' + rgi_ids + ' RGI IDs Generated')
        __Log.print_break() # Break for next section in the log file.
        #*******Calculate Statistics********************************************

        # Generate center lines output file to append centerlines
        if centerlines == True:
            output_centerlines = ARCPY.CreateFeatureclass_management(output_location, 'centerlines.shp', 'POLYLINE', '', '', 'ENABLED', input_features)
            ARCPY.AddField_management(output_centerlines, 'GLIMSID', 'TEXT', '', '', '25')
            ARCPY.AddField_management(output_centerlines, 'LENGTH', 'FLOAT')
            ARCPY.AddField_management(output_centerlines, 'SLOPE', 'FLOAT')
            ARCPY.DeleteField_management(output_centerlines, 'Id')

        # Create an instance of hypsometry, slope and aspect table if applicable
        if hypsometry == True: hypso_csv = CSV.CSV(table_output, 'Stats_Hypsometry', header) 
        if slope == True: slope_csv = CSV.CSV(table_output, 'Stats_Slope', header) 
        if aspect == True: aspect_csv = CSV.CSV(table_output, 'Stats_Aspect', header) 

        if centerlines == True or hypsometry == True or slope == True or aspect == True:
            rows = ARCPY.SearchCursor(input_copy) # Open shapefile to read features
            for row in rows: # For each feature in the shapefile
                # Get Attributes information such as GLIMS ID, Lat, Lon, area... etc.
                attribute_info, attribute_error = DC.get_attributes(row, Attribute_header)
                print ''
                print ''
                print 'Currently running: ' + str(currently_processing) + ' of ' + str(total_features)
                print 'Feature ' + str(attribute_info[0]) + ' ' + str(attribute_info[1])
                print '    Glacier Type: '  + str(attribute_info[2])
                print '    Area: ' + str(attribute_info[7]) + ' Sqr.'
                print '    Centroid (DD): ' + str(attribute_info[5]) + ', ' + str(attribute_info[6])
                if attribute_error == True: # If function failed
                    __Log.print_line(str(row.GLIMSID) + ' - ERROR - Could not read attributes')
                # Subset the DEM based on a single buffered glacier outline
                subset, subset_error = DC.subset(row, DEM, workspace, subset_buffer)
                if subset_error == True: # If function failed
                    __Log.print_line(str(row.GLIMSID) + ' - ERROR - Could not subset feature')
                # Get basic statistics such as minimum elevation, mean... etc.
                if hypsometry == True or slope == True or aspect == True:
                    statistics_info, statistics_error = DC.get_statistics(row, subset, workspace, scaling) 
                    print '    Elevation: ' + str(statistics_info[0]) + ' Min. / ' + str (statistics_info[1]) + ' Max.'
                    print '    Area Weighted Avg. Elev. = ' + str(statistics_info[2])
                    if statistics_error == True: # If function failed
                        __Log.print_line(str(row.GLIMSID) + ' - ERROR - Could not generate basic statistics')
                if hypsometry == True or slope == True or aspect == True:
                    print '    Running Hypsometry for Bin Mask & Table Statistics'
                    hypsometry_info, hypso_error, bin_mask = DC.get_hypsometry(row, subset, workspace, scaling, max_bin, min_bin, bin_size)
                    if hypsometry == True and hypso_error == False:
                        hypso_csv.print_line(attribute_info + statistics_info + hypsometry_info) # Print hypsometry data.
                    if hypso_error == True:
                        __Log.print_line(str(row.GLIMSID) + 'ERROR - Could not generate hypsometry information')
                if centerlines == True or slope == True or aspect == True:
                    print '    Running Center Line'
                    centerline, center_length, center_angle, centerline_error = DC.get_centerline(row, subset, workspace, power, eu_cell_size)
                    if centerline_error == False: 
                        print '    Center Line Length: ' + str(center_length) + ' & Slope Angle: ' + str(center_angle)
                        if centerlines == True:
                            ARCPY.Append_management(centerline, output_centerlines)
                    if centerline_error == True:
                        __Log.print_line(str(row.GLIMSID) + ' - ERROR - Could not generate center line')
                    if slope == True:
                        print '    Running Slope Table Statistics'
                        slope_info, slope_error = DC.get_slope(centerline, bin_mask, bin_header, workspace, scaling, bin_size)
                        slope_csv.print_line(attribute_info + statistics_info + slope_info)
                        if slope_error == True:
                            __Log.print_line(str(row.GLIMSID) + ' - ERROR - Could not calculate binned slope data')
                    if aspect == True:
                        print '    Running Aspect Table Statistics'
                        aspect_info, aspect_error = DC.get_aspect(centerline, bin_mask, bin_header, workspace, scaling)        
                        aspect_csv.print_line(attribute_info + statistics_info + aspect_info)
                        if aspect_error == True:
                            __Log.print_line(str(row.GLIMSID) + ' - ERROR - Could not calculate binned aspect data')
                # Clean Up Workspace
                try: ARCPY.Delete_management(subset)
                except: pass
                try: ARCPY.Delete_management(centerline)
                except: pass

                currently_processing += 1
            del row , rows #Delete cursors and remove locks
        try: # Script Complete. Try and delete workspace 
            __Log.print_line('Processing Complete')
            __Log.print_line('Workspace Could not be deleted')
            __Log.print_line('Processing Complete')
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, input_features, output_location, DEM, variables):

        # Create a copy of the input file in the output folder. This will be the
        # actual result file after fields are updated. This is done so no changes
        # are imposed on the original file.
            output = output_location + '\\' + os.path.basename(input_features)
            input_copy = ARCPY.CopyFeatures_management(input_features, output)
            print 'Output Glacier file already exists or the output folder is not available.'

        try:  # Start Log file and write it to the output folder
            log_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(output))
            __Log = LOG.Log(log_path)
            print 'Log file could not be written to the output folder.'

        try:  # Get ArcInfo License if it's available
            import arcinfo  #@UnresolvedImport @UnusedImport
            __Log.print_line('ArcInfo license NOT available')

        try:  # Check out Spatial Analyst extension if available.
            if ARCPY.CheckExtension('Spatial') == 'Available':
                __Log.print_line('Spatial Analyst is available')
            __Log.print_line('Spatial Analyst extension not available')

        try:  # Set environment
            workspace = output_location + '\\workspace'
            os.makedirs(workspace)  # Create Workspace
            ARCPY.env.workspace = workspace
            __Log.print_line('WARNING - Workspace folder already exists.')

        # Read Variables
        centerlines = variables.read_variable('CENTERLINES')
        hypsometry = variables.read_variable('HYPSOMETRY')
        slope = variables.read_variable('SLOPE')
        aspect = variables.read_variable('ASPECT')
        glimsids = variables.read_variable('GLIMSIDS')
        rgiids = variables.read_variable('RGIIDS')
        rgiversion = variables.read_variable('RGIVERSION')
        rgiregion = variables.read_variable('RGIREGION')

        # Create output table header information to populate the tables with
        table_output = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(output))
        Attribute_header = variables.read_variable('ATTABLE')
        Statistics_header = variables.read_variable('STATABLE')
        max_bin = variables.read_variable('MAXBIN')
        min_bin = variables.read_variable('MINBIN')
        bin_size = variables.read_variable('BINSIZE')
        bin_header = DP.generate_bin_header(max_bin, min_bin, bin_size)
        header = Attribute_header + Statistics_header + bin_header

        # Read other variables
        check_header = variables.read_variable('RGI_SPEC')
        subset_buffer = variables.read_variable('BUFFER')
        scaling = variables.read_variable('SCALING')
        eu_cell_size = variables.read_variable('EU_CELL_SIZE')
        power = variables.read_variable('POWER')

        # Other variables
        currently_processing = 1
        total_features = str(

        # Print run time variables to log file
        __Log.print_line("Input File: " + os.path.basename(input_features))
        __Log.print_line("Input DEM: " + os.path.basename(DEM))
        __Log.print_line('Output Folder: ' +
        __Log.print_line('Output Glaciers: ' + os.path.basename(output))
        if centerlines == True:
            __Log.print_line('Output Centerlines: centerlines.shp')
        __Log.print_line("Runtime Parameters")
        __Log.print_line("     Run Hypsometry: " + str(hypsometry))
        __Log.print_line("     Run Slope: " + str(slope))
        __Log.print_line("     Run Aspect: " + str(aspect))
        __Log.print_line("     Generate GLIMS ID's: " + str(glimsids))
        __Log.print_line("     Generate RGI ID's: " + str(rgiids))
        __Log.print_line("          RGI Version: " + str(rgiversion))
        __Log.print_line("          RGI Region: " + str(rgiregion))
        __Log.print_line("     Maximum Bin Elevation: " + str(max_bin))
        __Log.print_line("     Minimum Bin Elevation: " + str(min_bin))
        __Log.print_line("     Bin Size: " + str(bin_size))
        __Log.print_line("     Subset Buffer: " + str(subset_buffer) + 'x')
        __Log.print_line("     DEM Scaling Factor: " + str(scaling))
        __Log.print_line("     Centerline Euclidean Cell Size: " +
        __Log.print_line("     Centerline Line Power Factor: " + str(power))
        __Log.print_break()  # Break for next section in the log file.

        #*******Input File Cleanup**********************************************

        __Log.print_line('Input Polygon Checks')
        # Check to see if the input file follows RGI table headings.
        formate_error, not_found = DP.check_formate(input_features,
        if formate_error == False:
                '    Input header information is consistent with the standard set'
        if formate_error == True:
                '    ERROR - Input header information is NOT consistent with the standard set'
            __Log.print_line('        Items not found: ' + not_found)

        # Check geometries. If there are errors, correct them and print the
        # results to the log file
        repair = DP.repair_geometry(input_copy)
        __Log.print_line('    Geometry - ' + repair[0] +
                         ' errors found (Repaired ' + repair[1] + ')')

        # Check to see if there are any multi-part polygons in the input file. If
        # so, prompt the user to stop and correct. Print to log file.
        multipart = DP.check_multipart(
            input_copy, workspace)  # Check for multi-part Polygons
        __Log.print_line('    Multi-Part Polygons - ' + multipart + ' found')

        # Check to see if the area from the AREA column matches the actual area
        # calculated. If not signal the user to correct. Print results to log.
        area = DP.check_area(input_copy, workspace)
        __Log.print_line('    Area - ' + area[2] + ' difference')
            '        Original area: ' + area[0] + ' , Final area: ' + area[1],

        # Check to see if there are any topology errors in the input file. If there
        # are signal the user to correct before moving forward. Print to log.
        topology = DP.check_topology(input_copy, workspace)
        __Log.print_line('    Topology - ' + topology[0] + ' errors on ' +
                         topology[1] + ' features')
        __Log.print_line('        Rule set - Must Not Overlap (Area)', True)

        # Warnings:
        if multipart <> str(0): print "WARNING:  Multi-part features found.."
        if area[2] > 1 or area[2] < -1:
            'WARNING: The AREA difference exceeds the threshold.'
        if topology[0] <> str(0):
            raw_input(str(topology[0]) + " WARNINGS: Topology errors found.")

        __Log.print_break()  # Break for next section in the log file.

        #*******Prepare Input file*********************************************

        if glimsids == True:  # Generate GLIMS id's if applicable
            __Log.print_line('Generating GLIMS IDs')
            glims_ids = POP.generate_GLIMSIDs(input_copy,
                                              workspace)  # Copy to Output
            __Log.print_line('   GLIMS IDs - ' + glims_ids +
                             ' GLIMS IDs Generated')

        if rgiids == True:  # Generate RGI id's if applicable
            __Log.print_line('Generating RGI IDs')
            rgi_ids = POP.generate_RGIIDs(input_copy, rgiversion,
                                          rgiregion)  # Copy to Output
            __Log.print_line('   RGI IDs - ' + rgi_ids + ' RGI IDs Generated')

        __Log.print_break()  # Break for next section in the log file.

        #*******Calculate Statistics********************************************

        # Generate center lines output file to append centerlines
        if centerlines == True:
            output_centerlines = ARCPY.CreateFeatureclass_management(
                output_location, 'centerlines.shp', 'POLYLINE', '', '',
                'ENABLED', input_features)
            ARCPY.AddField_management(output_centerlines, 'GLIMSID', 'TEXT',
                                      '', '', '25')
            ARCPY.AddField_management(output_centerlines, 'LENGTH', 'FLOAT')
            ARCPY.AddField_management(output_centerlines, 'SLOPE', 'FLOAT')
            ARCPY.DeleteField_management(output_centerlines, 'Id')

        # Create an instance of hypsometry, slope and aspect table if applicable
        if hypsometry == True:
            hypso_csv = CSV.CSV(table_output, 'Stats_Hypsometry', header)
        if slope == True:
            slope_csv = CSV.CSV(table_output, 'Stats_Slope', header)
        if aspect == True:
            aspect_csv = CSV.CSV(table_output, 'Stats_Aspect', header)

        if centerlines == True or hypsometry == True or slope == True or aspect == True:
            rows = ARCPY.SearchCursor(
                input_copy)  # Open shapefile to read features
            for row in rows:  # For each feature in the shapefile

                # Get Attributes information such as GLIMS ID, Lat, Lon, area... etc.
                attribute_info, attribute_error = DC.get_attributes(
                    row, Attribute_header)
                print ''
                print ''
                print 'Currently running: ' + str(
                    currently_processing) + ' of ' + str(total_features)
                print 'Feature ' + str(attribute_info[0]) + ' ' + str(
                print '    Glacier Type: ' + str(attribute_info[2])
                print '    Area: ' + str(attribute_info[7]) + ' Sqr.'
                print '    Centroid (DD): ' + str(
                    attribute_info[5]) + ', ' + str(attribute_info[6])
                if attribute_error == True:  # If function failed
                        str(row.GLIMSID) +
                        ' - ERROR - Could not read attributes')

                # Subset the DEM based on a single buffered glacier outline
                subset, subset_error = DC.subset(row, DEM, workspace,
                if subset_error == True:  # If function failed
                        str(row.GLIMSID) +
                        ' - ERROR - Could not subset feature')

                # Get basic statistics such as minimum elevation, mean... etc.
                if hypsometry == True or slope == True or aspect == True:
                    statistics_info, statistics_error = DC.get_statistics(
                        row, subset, workspace, scaling)
                    print '    Elevation: ' + str(
                        statistics_info[0]) + ' Min. / ' + str(
                            statistics_info[1]) + ' Max.'
                    print '    Area Weighted Avg. Elev. = ' + str(
                    if statistics_error == True:  # If function failed
                            str(row.GLIMSID) +
                            ' - ERROR - Could not generate basic statistics')

                if hypsometry == True or slope == True or aspect == True:
                    print '    Running Hypsometry for Bin Mask & Table Statistics'
                    hypsometry_info, hypso_error, bin_mask = DC.get_hypsometry(
                        row, subset, workspace, scaling, max_bin, min_bin,
                    if hypsometry == True and hypso_error == False:
                            attribute_info + statistics_info +
                            hypsometry_info)  # Print hypsometry data.
                    if hypso_error == True:
                            str(row.GLIMSID) +
                            'ERROR - Could not generate hypsometry information'

                if centerlines == True or slope == True or aspect == True:
                    print '    Running Center Line'
                    centerline, center_length, center_angle, centerline_error = DC.get_centerline(
                        row, subset, workspace, power, eu_cell_size)
                    if centerline_error == False:
                        print '    Center Line Length: ' + str(
                            center_length) + ' & Slope Angle: ' + str(
                        if centerlines == True:
                    if centerline_error == True:
                            str(row.GLIMSID) +
                            ' - ERROR - Could not generate center line')

                    if slope == True:
                        print '    Running Slope Table Statistics'
                        slope_info, slope_error = DC.get_slope(
                            centerline, bin_mask, bin_header, workspace,
                            scaling, bin_size)
                        slope_csv.print_line(attribute_info + statistics_info +
                        if slope_error == True:
                                str(row.GLIMSID) +
                                ' - ERROR - Could not calculate binned slope data'

                    if aspect == True:
                        print '    Running Aspect Table Statistics'
                        aspect_info, aspect_error = DC.get_aspect(
                            centerline, bin_mask, bin_header, workspace,
                        aspect_csv.print_line(attribute_info +
                                              statistics_info + aspect_info)
                        if aspect_error == True:
                                str(row.GLIMSID) +
                                ' - ERROR - Could not calculate binned aspect data'

                # Clean Up Workspace

                currently_processing += 1
            del row, rows  #Delete cursors and remove locks

        try:  # Script Complete. Try and delete workspace
            __Log.print_line('Processing Complete')
            __Log.print_line('Workspace Could not be deleted')
            __Log.print_line('Processing Complete')
Exemplo n.º 5
import sys, os
sys.path.append (os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))

import glacier_utilities.functions.data_pop as DP
import arcpy as ARCPY                                        #@UnresolvedImport

# Read parameter values from ArcGIS tool input
# 1 - The file RGI ID values will be added to. File must have a 'rgiid' field.
# 2 - The RGI version
# 3 - The RGI region

try: rgi_file = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(0)
except: ARCPY.AddError('RGI Input File Error')

try: rgi_version = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(1)
except: ARCPY.AddError('RGI Version Information Error')

try:rgi_region = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(2)
except: ARCPY.AddError('RGI Version Information Error')

# Run the Generate RGI ID function
    DP.generate_RGIIDs(rgi_file, rgi_version, rgi_region)
    ARCPY.AddError('Errors generated during function execution')

# Driver - Currently Does nothing
def driver():
if __name__ == '__main__':