Exemplo n.º 1
    def add(self, image_id, image_file, image_size):
        """Stores an image file with supplied identifier to the backend
        storage system and returns a tuple containing information
        about the stored image.

        :param image_id: The opaque image identifier
        :param image_file: The image data to write, as a file-like object
        :param image_size: The size of the image data to write, in bytes
        :retval tuple of URL in backing store, bytes written, checksum
                and a dictionary with storage system specific information
        :raises `glance.common.exception.Duplicate` if the image already
                `glance.common.exception.UnexpectedStatus` if the upload
                request returned an unexpected status. The expected responses
                are 201 Created and 200 OK.
        checksum = hashlib.md5()
        image_file = _Reader(image_file, checksum)
        loc = StoreLocation({
            'scheme': self.scheme,
            'server_host': self.server_host,
            'image_dir': self.store_image_dir,
            'datacenter_path': self.datacenter_path,
            'datastore_name': self.datastore_name,
            'image_id': image_id
        cookie = self._build_vim_cookie_header(
        headers = {
            'Connection': 'Keep-Alive',
            'Cookie': cookie,
            'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked'
            conn = self._get_http_conn('PUT', loc, headers, content=image_file)
            res = conn.getresponse()
        except Exception:
            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
                    _('Failed to upload content of image '
                      '%(image)s') % {'image': image_id})

        if res.status == httplib.CONFLICT:
            raise exception.Duplicate(
                _("Image file %(image_id)s already "
                  "exists!") % {'image_id': image_id})

        if res.status not in (httplib.CREATED, httplib.OK):
            msg = (_('Failed to upload content of image %(image)s') % {
                'image': image_id
            raise exception.UnexpectedStatus(status=res.status,

        return (loc.get_uri(), image_file.size, checksum.hexdigest(), {})
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _do_request(self, method, url, body, headers):
        Connects to the server and issues a request.  Handles converting
        any returned HTTP error status codes to OpenStack/Glance exceptions
        and closing the server connection. Returns the result data, or
        raises an appropriate exception.

        :param method: HTTP method ("GET", "POST", "PUT", etc...)
        :param url: urlparse.ParsedResult object with URL information
        :param body: data to send (as string, filelike or iterable),
                     or None (default)
        :param headers: mapping of key/value pairs to add as headers


        If the body param has a read attribute, and method is either
        POST or PUT, this method will automatically conduct a chunked-transfer
        encoding and use the body as a file object or iterable, transferring
        chunks of data using the connection's send() method. This allows large
        objects to be transferred efficiently without buffering the entire
        body in memory.
        if url.query:
            path = url.path + "?" + url.query
            path = url.path

            connection_type = self.get_connection_type()
            headers = self._encode_headers(headers or {})

            if 'x-auth-token' not in headers and self.auth_tok:
                headers['x-auth-token'] = self.auth_tok

            c = connection_type(url.hostname, url.port, **self.connect_kwargs)

            def _pushing(method):
                return method.lower() in ('post', 'put')

            def _simple(body):
                return body is None or isinstance(body, six.string_types)

            def _filelike(body):
                return hasattr(body, 'read')

            def _sendbody(connection, iter):
                for sent in iter:
                    # iterator has done the heavy lifting

            def _chunkbody(connection, iter):
                connection.putheader('Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked')
                for chunk in iter:
                    connection.send('%x\r\n%s\r\n' % (len(chunk), chunk))

            # Do a simple request or a chunked request, depending
            # on whether the body param is file-like or iterable and
            # the method is PUT or POST
            if not _pushing(method) or _simple(body):
                # Simple request...
                c.request(method, path, body, headers)
            elif _filelike(body) or self._iterable(body):
                c.putrequest(method, path)

                use_sendfile = self._sendable(body)

                # According to HTTP/1.1, Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding
                # conflict.
                for header, value in headers.items():
                    if use_sendfile or header.lower() != 'content-length':
                        c.putheader(header, str(value))

                iter = self.image_iterator(c, headers, body)

                if use_sendfile:
                    # send actual file without copying into userspace
                    _sendbody(c, iter)
                    # otherwise iterate and chunk
                    _chunkbody(c, iter)
                raise TypeError('Unsupported image type: %s' % body.__class__)

            res = c.getresponse()

            def _retry(res):
                return res.getheader('Retry-After')

            status_code = self.get_status_code(res)
            if status_code in self.OK_RESPONSE_CODES:
                return res
            elif status_code in self.REDIRECT_RESPONSE_CODES:
                raise exception.RedirectException(res.getheader('Location'))
            elif status_code == httplib.UNAUTHORIZED:
                raise exception.NotAuthenticated(res.read())
            elif status_code == httplib.FORBIDDEN:
                raise exception.Forbidden(res.read())
            elif status_code == httplib.NOT_FOUND:
                raise exception.NotFound(res.read())
            elif status_code == httplib.CONFLICT:
                raise exception.Duplicate(res.read())
            elif status_code == httplib.BAD_REQUEST:
                raise exception.Invalid(res.read())
            elif status_code == httplib.MULTIPLE_CHOICES:
                raise exception.MultipleChoices(body=res.read())
            elif status_code == httplib.REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE:
                raise exception.LimitExceeded(retry=_retry(res),
            elif status_code == httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR:
                raise exception.ServerError()
            elif status_code == httplib.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE:
                raise exception.ServiceUnavailable(retry=_retry(res))
                raise exception.UnexpectedStatus(status=status_code,

        except (socket.error, IOError) as e:
            raise exception.ClientConnectionError(e)