Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, win, *args, **kwargs):
        """Set up the backend window according the params of the PsychoPy win

        Before PsychoPy 1.90.0 this code was executed in Window._setupPygame()

        win : psychopy.visual.Window instance
            PsychoPy Window (usually not fully created yet).
        share : psychopy.visual.Window instance
            PsychoPy Window to share a context with
        bpc : array_like
            Bits per color (R, G, B).
        refreshHz : int
            Refresh rate in Hertz.
        depthBits : int,
            Framebuffer (back buffer) depth bits.
        swapInterval : int
            Swap interval for the current OpenGL context.
        stencilBits : int
            Framebuffer (back buffer) stencil bits.
        winTitle : str
            Optional window title string.
            Additional position arguments.
            Additional keyword arguments.

        BaseBackend.__init__(self, win)

        # window to share a context with
        shareWin = kwargs.get('share', None)
        if shareWin is not None:
            if shareWin.winType == 'glfw':
                shareContext = shareWin.winHandle
                    'Cannot share a context with a non-GLFW window. Disabling.')
                shareContext = None
            shareContext = None

        if sys.platform=='darwin' and not win.useRetina and pyglet.version >= "1.3":
            raise ValueError("As of PsychoPy 1.85.3 OSX windows should all be "
                             "set to useRetina=True (or remove the argument). "
                             "Pyglet 1.3 appears to be forcing "
                             "us to use retina on any retina-capable screen "
                             "so setting to False has no effect.")

        # window framebuffer configuration
        win.bpc = kwargs.get('bpc', (8, 8, 8))  # nearly all displays use 8 bpc
        win.refreshHz = int(kwargs.get('refreshHz', 60))
        win.depthBits = int(kwargs.get('depthBits', 8))
        win.stencilBits = int(kwargs.get('stencilBits', 8))
        # win.swapInterval = int(kwargs.get('swapInterval', 1))  # vsync ON if 1

        # get monitors, with GLFW the primary display is ALWAYS at index 0
        allScrs = glfw.get_monitors()
        if len(allScrs) < int(win.screen) + 1:
            logging.warn("Requested an unavailable screen number - "
                         "using first available.")
            win.screen = 0

        thisScreen = allScrs[win.screen]
        if win.autoLog:
            logging.info('configured GLFW screen %i' % win.screen)

        # find a matching video mode (can we even support this configuration?)
        isVidmodeSupported = False
        for vidmode in glfw.get_video_modes(thisScreen):
            size, bpc, hz = vidmode
            if win._isFullScr:  # size and refresh rate are ignored if windowed
                hasSize = size == tuple(win.size)
                hasHz = hz == win.refreshHz
                hasSize = hasHz = True
            hasBpc = bpc == tuple(win.bpc)
            if hasSize and hasBpc and hasHz:
                isVidmodeSupported = True

        nativeVidmode = glfw.get_video_mode(thisScreen)
        if not isVidmodeSupported:
            # the requested video mode is not supported, use current

                ("The specified video mode is not supported by this display, "
                 "using native mode ..."))
                ("Overriding user video settings: size {} -> {}, bpc {} -> "
                 "{}, refreshHz {} -> {}".format(

            # change the window settings
            win.size, win.bpc, win.refreshHz = nativeVidmode

        if win._isFullScr:
            useDisplay = thisScreen
            useDisplay = None

        # configure stereo
        useStereo = 0
        if win.stereo:
            # provide warning if stereo buffers are requested but unavailable
            if not glfw.extension_supported('GL_STEREO'):
                    'A stereo window was requested but the graphics '
                    'card does not appear to support GL_STEREO')
                win.stereo = False
                useStereo = 1

        # setup multisampling
        # This enables multisampling on the window backbuffer, not on other
        # framebuffers.
        msaaSamples = 0
        if win.multiSample:
            maxSamples = (GL.GLint)()
            GL.glGetIntegerv(GL.GL_MAX_SAMPLES, maxSamples)
            if (win.numSamples & (win.numSamples - 1)) != 0:
                # power of two?
                    'Invalid number of MSAA samples provided, must be '
                    'power of two. Disabling.')
            elif 0 > win.numSamples > maxSamples.value:
                # check if within range
                    'Invalid number of MSAA samples provided, outside of valid '
                    'range. Disabling.')
                msaaSamples = win.numSamples
        win.multiSample = msaaSamples > 0

        # disable stencil buffer
        if not win.allowStencil:
            win.stencilBits = 0

        # set buffer configuration hints
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.RED_BITS, win.bpc[0])
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.GREEN_BITS, win.bpc[1])
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.BLUE_BITS, win.bpc[2])
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.REFRESH_RATE, win.refreshHz)
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.STEREO, useStereo)
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.SAMPLES, msaaSamples)
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.STENCIL_BITS, win.stencilBits)
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.DEPTH_BITS, win.depthBits)
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.AUTO_ICONIFY, 0)

        # window appearance and behaviour hints
        if not win.allowGUI:
            glfw.window_hint(glfw.DECORATED, 0)

        # create the window
        self.winHandle = glfw.create_window(
            title=str(kwargs.get('winTitle', "PsychoPy (GLFW)")),

        # The window's user pointer maps the Python Window object to its GLFW
        # representation.
        glfw.set_window_user_pointer(self.winHandle, win)
        glfw.make_context_current(self.winHandle)  # ready to use

        # set the position of the window if not fullscreen
        if not win._isFullScr:
            # if no window position is specified, centre it on-screen
            if win.pos is None:
                size, bpc, hz = nativeVidmode
                win.pos = [(size[0] - win.size[0]) / 2.0,
                           (size[1] - win.size[1]) / 2.0]

            # get the virtual position of the monitor, apply offset to the
            # window position
            px, py = glfw.get_monitor_pos(thisScreen)
                                int(win.pos[0] + px),
                                int(win.pos[1] + py))

        elif win._isFullScr and win.pos is not None:
            logging.warn("Ignoring window 'pos' in fullscreen mode.")

        # set the window icon
        glfw.set_window_icon(self.winHandle, 1, _WINDOW_ICON_)

        # set the window size to the framebuffer size
        win.size = np.array(glfw.get_framebuffer_size(self.winHandle))

        if win.useFBO:  # check for necessary extensions
            if not glfw.extension_supported('GL_EXT_framebuffer_object'):
                msg = ("Trying to use a framebuffer object but "
                       "GL_EXT_framebuffer_object is not supported. Disabled")
                win.useFBO = False
            if not glfw.extension_supported('GL_ARB_texture_float'):
                msg = ("Trying to use a framebuffer object but "
                       "GL_ARB_texture_float is not supported. Disabling")
                win.useFBO = False

        # Assign event callbacks, these are dispatched when 'poll_events' is
        # called.
        glfw.set_mouse_button_callback(self.winHandle, event._onGLFWMouseButton)
        glfw.set_scroll_callback(self.winHandle, event._onGLFWMouseScroll)
        glfw.set_key_callback(self.winHandle, event._onGLFWKey)
        glfw.set_char_mods_callback(self.winHandle, event._onGLFWText)

        # set swap interval to manual setting, independent of waitBlanking
        self.setSwapInterval(int(kwargs.get('swapInterval', 1)))

        # give the window class GLFW specific methods
        win.setMouseType = self.setMouseType
        if not win.allowGUI:
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, win, *args, **kwargs):
        """Set up the backend window according the params of the PsychoPy win

        Before PsychoPy 1.90.0 this code was executed in Window._setupPygame()

        :param win: a PsychoPy Window (usually not fully created yet)
        :param share: a PsychoPy Window to share a context with
        :param bpc: list-like, bits per color (R, G, B)
        :param refreshHz: int, refresh rate
        :param depthBits: int, framebuffer depth bits
        :param stencilBits: int, framebuffer stencil bits
        :param swapInterval: int, screen updates before swapping buffers
        :param winTitle: str, optional window title

        BaseBackend.__init__(self, win)

        # window to share a context with
        share_win = kwargs.get('share', None)
        if share_win is not None:
            if share_win.winType == 'glfw':
                share_context = share_win.winHandle
                    'Cannot share a context with a non-GLFW window. Disabling.'
                share_context = None
            share_context = None

        if sys.platform == 'darwin' and not win.useRetina and pyglet.version >= "1.3":
            raise ValueError("As of PsychoPy 1.85.3 OSX windows should all be "
                             "set to useRetina=True (or remove the argument). "
                             "Pyglet 1.3 appears to be forcing "
                             "us to use retina on any retina-capable screen "
                             "so setting to False has no effect.")

        # window framebuffer configuration
        win.bpc = kwargs.get('bpc', (8, 8, 8))  # nearly all displays use 8 bpc
        win.refreshHz = int(kwargs.get('refreshHz', 60))
        win.depthBits = int(kwargs.get('depthBits', 8))
        win.stencilBits = int(kwargs.get('stencilBits', 8))

        # TODO - make waitBlanking set this too, independent right now
        win.swapInterval = int(kwargs.get('swapInterval', 1))  # vsync ON if 1

        # get monitors, with GLFW the primary display is ALWAYS at index 0
        allScrs = glfw.get_monitors()
        if len(allScrs) < int(win.screen) + 1:
            logging.warn("Requested an unavailable screen number - "
                         "using first available.")
            win.screen = 0

        this_screen = allScrs[win.screen]
        if win.autoLog:
            logging.info('configured GLFW screen %i' % win.screen)

        # find a matching video mode (can we even support this configuration?)
        vidmode_is_supported = False
        for vidmode in glfw.get_video_modes(this_screen):
            _size, _bpc, _hz = vidmode
            if win._isFullScr:  # size and refresh rate are ignored if windowed
                has_size = _size == tuple(win.size)
                has_hz = _hz == win.refreshHz
                has_size = has_hz = True
            has_bpc = _bpc == tuple(win.bpc)
            if has_size and has_bpc and has_hz:
                vidmode_is_supported = True

        _size, _bpc, _hz = glfw.get_video_mode(this_screen)
        if not vidmode_is_supported:
            # the requested video mode is not supported, use current
                ("The specified video mode is not supported by this display, "
                 "using native mode ..."))
                ("Overriding user video settings: size {} -> {}, bpc {} -> "
                 "{}, refreshHz {} -> {}".format(tuple(win.size), _size,
                                                 tuple(win.bpc), _bpc,
                                                 win.refreshHz, _hz)))
            # change the window settings
            win.bpc = _bpc
            win.refreshHz = _hz
            win.size = _size

        if win._isFullScr:
            use_display = this_screen
            use_display = None

        # configure stereo
        use_stereo = 0
        if win.stereo:
            # provide warning if stereo buffers are requested but unavailable
            if not glfw.extension_supported('GL_STEREO'):
                    'A stereo window was requested but the graphics '
                    'card does not appear to support GL_STEREO')
                win.stereo = False
                use_stereo = 1

        # setup multisampling
        # This enables multisampling on the window backbuffer, not on other
        # framebuffers.
        msaa_samples = 0
        if win.multiSample:
            max_samples = (GL.GLint)()
            GL.glGetIntegerv(GL.GL_MAX_SAMPLES, max_samples)
            if (win.numSamples & (win.numSamples - 1)) != 0:
                # power of two?
                    'Invalid number of MSAA samples provided, must be '
                    'power of two. Disabling.')
            elif 0 > win.numSamples > max_samples.value:
                # check if within range
                    'Invalid number of MSAA samples provided, outside of valid '
                    'range. Disabling.')
                msaa_samples = win.numSamples
        win.multiSample = msaa_samples > 0

        # disable stencil buffer
        if win.allowStencil:
            win.stencilBits = 0

        # set buffer configuration hints
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.RED_BITS, win.bpc[0])
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.GREEN_BITS, win.bpc[1])
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.BLUE_BITS, win.bpc[2])
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.REFRESH_RATE, win.refreshHz)
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.STEREO, use_stereo)
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.SAMPLES, msaa_samples)
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.STENCIL_BITS, win.stencilBits)
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.DEPTH_BITS, win.depthBits)

        # window appearance and behaviour hints
        if not win.allowGUI:
            glfw.window_hint(glfw.DECORATED, 0)
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.AUTO_ICONIFY, 0)

        # window title
        title_text = str(kwargs.get('winTitle', "PsychoPy (GLFW)"))

        # create the window
        self.winHandle = glfw.create_window(width=win.size[0],

        # set the window icon
        glfw.set_window_icon(self.winHandle, 1, _WINDOW_ICON_)

        # The window's user pointer maps the Python Window object to its GLFW
        # representation.
        glfw.set_window_user_pointer(self.winHandle, win)
        glfw.make_context_current(self.winHandle)  # ready to use

        # set the window size to the framebuffer size
        win.size = np.array(glfw.get_framebuffer_size(self.winHandle))

        if win.useFBO:  # check for necessary extensions
            if not glfw.extension_supported('GL_EXT_framebuffer_object'):
                msg = ("Trying to use a framebuffer object but "
                       "GL_EXT_framebuffer_object is not supported. Disabled")
                win.useFBO = False
            if not glfw.extension_supported('GL_ARB_texture_float'):
                msg = ("Trying to use a framebuffer object but "
                       "GL_ARB_texture_float is not supported. Disabling")
                win.useFBO = False

        # Assign event callbacks, these are dispatched when 'poll_events' is
        # called.
        glfw.set_scroll_callback(self.winHandle, event._onGLFWMouseScroll)
        glfw.set_key_callback(self.winHandle, event._onGLFWKey)
        glfw.set_char_mods_callback(self.winHandle, event._onGLFWText)

        # enable vsync, GLFW has additional setting for this that might be
        # useful.

        # give the window class GLFW specific methods
        win.setMouseType = self.setMouseType
        if not win.allowGUI:

        #glfw.set_window_size_callback(self.winHandle, _onResize)
        #self.winHandle.on_resize = _onResize  # avoid circular reference

        # TODO - handle window resizing

        # Set the position of the window if not fullscreen.
        if not win.pos:
            # work out where the centre should be
            win.pos = [(_size[0] - win.size[0]) / 2.0,
                       (_size[1] - win.size[1]) / 2.0]
        if not win._isFullScr:
            # get the virtual position of the monitor, apply offset to pos
            _px, _py = glfw.get_monitor_pos(this_screen)
            glfw.set_window_pos(self.winHandle, int(win.pos[0] + _px),
                                int(win.pos[1] + _py))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, win, backendConf=None):
        """Set up the backend window according the params of the PsychoPy win

        Before PsychoPy 1.90.0 this code was executed in Window._setupPygame()

        win : `psychopy.visual.Window` instance
            PsychoPy Window (usually not fully created yet).
        backendConf : `dict` or `None`
            Backend configuration options. Options are specified as a dictionary
            where keys are option names and values are settings. For this
            backend the following options are available:

            * `share` (`psychopy.visual.Window instance`) PsychoPy Window to
              share a context with.
            * `refreshHz` (`int`) Refresh rate in Hertz.
            * `bpc` (`array_like`) Bits per color (R, G, B).
            * `swapInterval` (`int`) Swap interval for the current OpenGL
            * `depthBits` (`int`) Framebuffer (back buffer) depth bits.
            * `stencilBits` (`int`) Framebuffer (back buffer) stencil bits.
            * `winTitle` (`str`) Optional window title string.

        Create a window using the GLFW backend and specify custom options::

            import psychopy.visual as visual

            options = {'bpc': (8, 8, 8), 'depthBits': 24, 'stencilBits': 8}
            win = visual.Window(winType='glfw', backendOptions=options)

        BaseBackend.__init__(self, win)

        # if `None`, change to `dict` to extract options
        backendConf = backendConf if backendConf is not None else {}

        if not isinstance(backendConf, dict):  # type check on options
            raise TypeError(
                'Object passed to `backendConf` must be type `dict`.')

        # window to share a context with
        shareWin = backendConf.get('share', None)
        if shareWin is not None:
            if shareWin.winType == 'glfw':
                shareContext = shareWin.winHandle
                    'Cannot share a context with a non-GLFW window. Disabling.')
                shareContext = None
            shareContext = None

        if sys.platform=='darwin' and not win.useRetina and pyglet.version >= "1.3":
            raise ValueError("As of PsychoPy 1.85.3 OSX windows should all be "
                             "set to useRetina=True (or remove the argument). "
                             "Pyglet 1.3 appears to be forcing "
                             "us to use retina on any retina-capable screen "
                             "so setting to False has no effect.")

        # window framebuffer configuration
        bpc = backendConf.get('bpc', (8, 8, 8))
        if isinstance(bpc, int):
            win.bpc = (bpc, bpc, bpc)
            win.bpc = bpc

        win.refreshHz = int(backendConf.get('refreshHz', 60))
        win.depthBits = int(backendConf.get('depthBits', 8))
        win.stencilBits = int(backendConf.get('stencilBits', 8))
        # win.swapInterval = int(backendConf.get('swapInterval', 1))  # vsync ON if 1

        # get monitors, with GLFW the primary display is ALWAYS at index 0
        allScrs = glfw.get_monitors()
        if len(allScrs) < int(win.screen) + 1:
            logging.warn("Requested an unavailable screen number - "
                         "using first available.")
            win.screen = 0

        thisScreen = allScrs[win.screen]
        if win.autoLog:
            logging.info('configured GLFW screen %i' % win.screen)

        # find a matching video mode (can we even support this configuration?)
        isVidmodeSupported = False
        for vidmode in glfw.get_video_modes(thisScreen):
            size, bpc, hz = vidmode
            if win._isFullScr:  # size and refresh rate are ignored if windowed
                hasSize = size == tuple(win.size)
                hasHz = hz == win.refreshHz
                hasSize = hasHz = True
            hasBpc = bpc == tuple(win.bpc)
            if hasSize and hasBpc and hasHz:
                isVidmodeSupported = True

        nativeVidmode = glfw.get_video_mode(thisScreen)
        if not isVidmodeSupported:
            # the requested video mode is not supported, use current

                ("The specified video mode is not supported by this display, "
                 "using native mode ..."))

            actualWidth, actualHeight = nativeVidmode.size
            redBits, greenBits, blueBits = nativeVidmode.bits
            # change the window settings
            if win._isFullScr:
                    ("Overriding user video settings: size {} -> {}, bpc {} -> "
                     "{}, refreshHz {} -> {}".format(
                        (actualWidth, actualHeight),
                        (redBits, greenBits, blueBits),

                win.clientSize = np.array((actualWidth, actualHeight), int)
                    ("Overriding user video settings: bpc {} -> "
                     "{}, refreshHz {} -> {}".format(
                        (redBits, greenBits, blueBits),

            win.bpc = (redBits, greenBits, blueBits)
            win.refreshHz = nativeVidmode.refresh_rate

        if win._isFullScr:
            useDisplay = thisScreen
            useDisplay = None

        # configure stereo
        useStereo = 0
        if win.stereo:
            # provide warning if stereo buffers are requested but unavailable
            if not glfw.extension_supported('GL_STEREO'):
                    'A stereo window was requested but the graphics '
                    'card does not appear to support GL_STEREO')
                win.stereo = False
                useStereo = 1

        # setup multisampling
        # This enables multisampling on the window backbuffer, not on other
        # framebuffers.
        msaaSamples = 0
        if win.multiSample:
            maxSamples = (GL.GLint)()
            GL.glGetIntegerv(GL.GL_MAX_SAMPLES, maxSamples)
            if (win.numSamples & (win.numSamples - 1)) != 0:
                # power of two?
                    'Invalid number of MSAA samples provided, must be '
                    'power of two. Disabling.')
            elif 0 > win.numSamples > maxSamples.value:
                # check if within range
                    'Invalid number of MSAA samples provided, outside of valid '
                    'range. Disabling.')
                msaaSamples = win.numSamples
        win.multiSample = msaaSamples > 0

        # disable stencil buffer
        if not win.allowStencil:
            win.stencilBits = 0

        # set buffer configuration hints
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.RED_BITS, win.bpc[0])
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.GREEN_BITS, win.bpc[1])
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.BLUE_BITS, win.bpc[2])
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.REFRESH_RATE, win.refreshHz)
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.STEREO, useStereo)
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.SAMPLES, msaaSamples)
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.STENCIL_BITS, win.stencilBits)
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.DEPTH_BITS, win.depthBits)
        glfw.window_hint(glfw.AUTO_ICONIFY, 0)

        # window appearance and behaviour hints
        if not win.allowGUI:
            glfw.window_hint(glfw.DECORATED, 0)

        # create the window
        self.winHandle = glfw.create_window(
            title=str(backendConf.get('winTitle', "PsychoPy (GLFW)")),

        # The window's user pointer maps the Python Window object to its GLFW
        # representation.
        glfw.set_window_user_pointer(self.winHandle, win)
        glfw.make_context_current(self.winHandle)  # ready to use

        # set the position of the window if not fullscreen
        if not win._isFullScr:
            # if no window position is specified, centre it on-screen
            if win.pos is None:
                size, bpc, hz = nativeVidmode
                win.pos = [(size[0] - win.clientSize[0]) / 2.0,
                           (size[1] - win.clientSize[1]) / 2.0]

            # get the virtual position of the monitor, apply offset to the
            # window position
            px, py = glfw.get_monitor_pos(thisScreen)
                                int(win.pos[0] + px),
                                int(win.pos[1] + py))

        elif win._isFullScr and win.pos is not None:
            logging.warn("Ignoring window 'pos' in fullscreen mode.")

        # set the window icon
        if hasattr(glfw, 'set_window_icon'):
            glfw.set_window_icon(self.winHandle, 1, _WINDOW_ICON_)

        # set the window size to the framebuffer size
        self._frameBufferSize = np.array(glfw.get_framebuffer_size(self.winHandle))

        if win.useFBO:  # check for necessary extensions
            if not glfw.extension_supported('GL_EXT_framebuffer_object'):
                msg = ("Trying to use a framebuffer object but "
                       "GL_EXT_framebuffer_object is not supported. Disabled")
                win.useFBO = False
            if not glfw.extension_supported('GL_ARB_texture_float'):
                msg = ("Trying to use a framebuffer object but "
                       "GL_ARB_texture_float is not supported. Disabling")
                win.useFBO = False

        # Assign event callbacks, these are dispatched when 'poll_events' is
        # called.
        glfw.set_mouse_button_callback(self.winHandle, self.onMouseButton)
        glfw.set_cursor_pos_callback(self.winHandle, self.onMouseMove)
        glfw.set_cursor_enter_callback(self.winHandle, self.onMouseEnter)
        glfw.set_scroll_callback(self.winHandle, self.onMouseScroll)
        glfw.set_key_callback(self.winHandle, event._onGLFWKey)
        glfw.set_char_mods_callback(self.winHandle, event._onGLFWText)

        # set swap interval to manual setting, independent of waitBlanking
        self.setSwapInterval(int(backendConf.get('swapInterval', 1)))

        # give the window class GLFW specific methods
        win.setMouseType = self.setMouseType
        if not win.allowGUI: