def Append_Solar(glmDict, io_opts, time_opts, location_opts, model_opts):
  glmDict is a feeder already processed by GLD_Feeder, but with no solar yet appended.

    model_opts, config_data, tech_data, use_flags = get_parameters(
        io_opts, model_opts)

    last_key = len(glmDict)

    # Append Solar: Call append_solar(feeder_dict, use_flags, config_file, solar_bigbox_array, solar_office_array, solar_stripmall_array, solar_residential_array, last_key)
    if use_flags['use_solar'] != 0 or use_flags[
            'use_solar_res'] != 0 or use_flags['use_solar_com'] != 0:
        glmDict = Solar_Technology.Append_Solar(glmDict, use_flags,
                                                config_data, tech_data,

    # Append recorders
    glmDict, last_key = AddTapeObjects.add_recorders(glmDict,

    return (glmDict, last_key)
def Append_Solar(glmDict, io_opts, time_opts, location_opts, model_opts):
  glmDict is a feeder already processed by GLD_Feeder, but with no solar yet appended.
  model_opts, config_data, tech_data, use_flags = get_parameters(io_opts, model_opts)
  last_key = len(glmDict)
  # Append Solar: Call append_solar(feeder_dict, use_flags, config_file, solar_bigbox_array, solar_office_array, solar_stripmall_array, solar_residential_array, last_key)
  if use_flags['use_solar'] != 0 or use_flags['use_solar_res'] != 0 or use_flags['use_solar_com'] != 0:
    glmDict = Solar_Technology.Append_Solar(glmDict, use_flags, config_data, tech_data, last_key)
  # Append recorders
  glmDict, last_key = AddTapeObjects.add_recorders(glmDict, io_opts, time_opts, last_key, solar_only = True)

  return (glmDict, last_key)  
Exemplo n.º 3
def OMFmain(

    if milsoft is None:
        print("Please input a model to convert!")
        # error
        internal_flag_to_calibrate = 0
        if feeder_config is None:
            if feeder_info is None:
                pass  # We'll use defaults.
                # use whatever feeder_info is to write a new feeder_config file that will populate appropriatly.
                # feeder_config = writeFeederConfig(feeder_info)  #TODO: This function is in the future.
            # We should check that this file is a valid feeder_config file for use inside This is important if it's coming from the user incase they made change to the file that aren't compatible with our format.
        if calibration_config is None:
            if scada is None:
                pass  # Well, we can't do any calibration but we can still pump out a populated model by using defaults.
                internal_flag_to_calibrate = 1
                days, SCADA = processSCADA.getValues(scada)
            # We'll check that this file is a valid calibration_config file for use inside This is important if it's coming from the user incase they made change to the file that aren't compatible with our format.
            # This might be where we can find out if this is the final calibration file or if we're starting mid-calibration. To do this maybe:
            #  a. We could have another input to the script that is a flag indicating "yes, this is calibrated" or "no, this isn't finished yet".
            #  b. We could just run the script using this calbiration_config file and let the script determine whether it's calibrated -- this might take too long though.
            #  c. There could be a flag within the calibration_config file that was set when it was previously determined to be the "best".

            # Create base .glm dictionary from milsoft model

            # stdPath, seqPath = milsoft[0], milsoft[1]
            # outGlm = milToGridlab.convert(stdPath,seqPath)
            # directory = createFeederDirectory(milsoft)

            # testing with pre-made dictionary
        outGLM = milsoft
        directory = createFeederDirectory(None)

        # write base .glm to file (save as .txt so that it isn't run when batch file executed)
        basefile = open(directory + "\\" + model_name + "_base_glm.txt", "w")
        basefile.write("\\\\ Base feeder model generated by\n")

        if (
            internal_flag_to_calibrate == 1 and user_flag_to_calibrate == 1
        ):  # The user must want to calibrate (user_flag_to_calibrate = 1) and we must have SCADA input (internal_flag_to_calibrate = 1).
            # Send base .glm dictionary to calibration function
            final_calib_file, final_dict, last_key = calibrateFeeder.calibrateFeeder(
                outGLM, days, SCADA, case_flag, feeder_config, calibration_config, directory
            # Populate the feeder.
                "Either the user selected not to calibrate this feeder, the SCADA was not input, or this feeder has already been calibrated."
            final_dict, last_key = Milsoft_GridLAB_D_Feeder_Generation.GLD_Feeder(
                outGLM, case_flag, directory, calibration_config, feeder_config
            # AddTapeObjects
            # filename = 'test_feeder'
        if final_dict is not None:
            # AddTapeObjects.add_recorders(final_dict,None,last_key,None,1,0,filename,None,0,0)
            dict_with_recorders, last_key = AddTapeObjects.add_recorders(
                final_dict, case_flag, 0, 1, model_name, last_key

            # TODO: Turn final_dict into a .glm and return it to the user.
            glmstring = str(dict_with_recorders)

            if final_calib_file is not None:
                # calib = re.sub('.txt$','',final_calib_file)
                m = re.match(r"^Calib_ID(\d*)_Config_ID(\d*)", final_calib_file)
                if m is not None:
                    calib =
                    calib = "unrecognized"
                calib = "using_default_configuration"

            file = open(directory + "\\" + model_name + "_" + calib + "_final.glm", "w")
            print("Final *.glm file is " + directory + "\\" + model_name + "_" + calib + "_final.glm")
            print("Calibration file is " + directory + "\\" + final_calib_file)
def GLD_Feeder(glmDict, io_opts, time_opts, location_opts, model_opts):
  glmDict is a dictionary containing all the objects in WindMIL model represented as equivalent GridLAB-D objects

  model_opts['tech_flag'] is an integer indicating which technology case to tack on to the GridLAB-D model
    -1 : Loadshape Case
     0 : Base Case
     1 : CVR
     2 : Automation
     3 : FDIR
     4 : TOU/CPP w/ tech
     5 : TOU/CPP w/o tech
     6 : TOU w/ tech
     7 : TOU w/o tech
     8 : DLC
     9 : Thermal Storage
    10 : PHEV
    11 : Solar Residential
    12 : Solar Commercial
    13 : Solar Combined

  io_opts['config_file'] is the name of the file to use for getting feeder information

  GLD_Feeder returns a dictionary, glmCaseDict, similar to glmDict with additional object dictionaries added according to the model_opts['tech_flag'] selected.

  model_opts, config_data, tech_data, use_flags = get_parameters(io_opts, model_opts)
  #tmy = 'schedules\\\\SCADA_weather_ISW_gld.csv'
  tmy = config_data['weather']

  #find name of swingbus of static model dictionary
  swing_bus_name = None
  nom_volt = None
  for x in glmDict:
    if ('bustype' in glmDict[x]) and (glmDict[x]['bustype'] == 'SWING'):
      swing_bus_name = glmDict[x]['name']
      nom_volt = glmDict[x]['nominal_voltage'] # Nominal voltage in V
  assert(swing_bus_name is not None)
  assert(nom_volt is not None)

  # Create new case dictionary
  glmCaseDict = feeder.GlmFile()
  last_key = len(glmCaseDict)

  # Create clock dictionary
  glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'clock' : '',
               'timezone' : '{:s}'.format(config_data['timezone']),
               'starttime' : "'{:s}'".format(tech_data['start_date']),
               'stoptime' : "'{:s}'".format(tech_data['end_date'])}
  last_key += 1

  # Create dictionaries of preprocessor directives
  if use_flags['use_homes'] != 0:
    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'#include' : '{:s}/appliance_schedules.glm'.format(io_opts['resources_dir'])}
    last_key += 1
    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'#include' : '{:s}/water_and_setpoint_schedule_v5.glm'.format(io_opts['resources_dir'])}
    last_key += 1

  if use_flags['use_battery'] == 1 or use_flags['use_battery'] == 2:
    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'#include' : '{:s}/battery_schedule.glm'.format(io_opts['resources_dir'])}
    last_key += 1

  if use_flags['use_commercial'] == 1:
    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'#include' : '{:s}/commercial_schedules.glm'.format(io_opts['resources_dir'])}
    last_key += 1

  if use_flags['use_market'] == 1 or use_flags['use_market'] == 2:
    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'#include' : '{:s}/daily_elasticity_schedules.glm'.format(io_opts['resources_dir'])}
    last_key += 1

  if use_flags['use_ts'] == 2 or use_flags['use_ts'] == 4:
    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'#include' : '{:s}/thermal_storage_schedule_R{:d}.glm'.format(io_opts['resources_dir'],config_data['region'])}
    last_key += 1

  glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'#define' : 'stylesheet='}
  last_key += 1

  glmCaseDict[last_key] = { '#set' : 'minimum_timestep={}'.format(time_opts['sim_interval'].total_seconds()) }
  last_key += 1

  glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'#set' : 'profiler=1'}
  last_key += 1

  glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'#set' : 'relax_naming_rules=1'}
  last_key += 1

  # Create dictionaries of modules to be used from the model_opts['tech_flag']
  glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'module' : 'tape'}
  last_key += 1

  glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'module' : 'climate'}
  last_key += 1

  glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'module' : 'residential',
                           'implicit_enduses' : 'NONE'}
  last_key += 1

  glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'module' : 'powerflow',
                           'solver_method' : 'NR',
                           'NR_iteration_limit' : '50'}
  last_key += 1

  if use_flags['use_solar'] != 0 or use_flags['use_solar_res'] != 0 or use_flags['use_solar_com'] != 0 or use_flags['use_battery'] == 1 or use_flags['use_battery'] == 2:
    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'module' : 'generators'}
    last_key += 1

  if use_flags['use_market'] != 0:
    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'module' : 'market'}
    last_key += 1

  # Add the class player dictionary to glmCaseDict
  glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'class' : 'player',
               'variable_types' : ['double'],
               'variable_names' : ['value']}
  last_key += 1
  if use_flags['use_normalized_loadshapes'] == 1:
    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'object' : 'player',
                 'name' : 'norm_feeder_loadshape',
                 'property' : 'value',
                 'file' : '{:s}'.format(config_data['load_shape_norm']),
                 'loop' : '14600',
                 'comment' : '// Will loop file for 40 years assuming the file has data for a 24 hour period'}
    last_key += 1
  # Include the objects for the TOU case flags
  if use_flags['use_market'] != 0:
    # Add class auction dictionary to glmCaseDict
    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'class' : 'auction',
                 'variable_types' : ['double','double'],
                 'variable_names' : ['my_avg','my_std']}
    last_key += 1

    # Add CPP player dictionary to glmCaseDict
    CPP_flag_name = config_data['CPP_flag'] # Strip '.player' from config_data['CPP_flag']
    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'object' : 'player',
                 'name' : CPP_flag_name,
                 'file' : config_data['CPP_flag']}
    last_key += 1

    # Add auction object dictionary to glmCaseDict
    # Determine which stat to use for my_avg and my_std
    if use_flags['use_market'] == 1: #TOU
      temp_avg = config_data['TOU_stats'][0]
      temp_std = config_data['TOU_stats'][1]
    elif use_flags['use_market'] == 2 or use_flags['use_market'] == 3: #TOU/CPP
      temp_avg = config_data['CPP_stats'][0]
      temp_std = config_data['CPP_stats'][1]

    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'object' : 'auction',
                 'name' : tech_data['market_info'][0],
                 'period' : "{:.0f}".format(tech_data['market_info'][1]),
                 'special_mode' : 'BUYERS_ONLY',
                 'unit' : 'kW',
                 'my_avg' : temp_avg,
                 'my_std' : temp_std}
    parent_key = last_key
    last_key += 1

    # Add player object dictionary for the auction object's clearing price
    # Determine which file to use for the clear_price
    if use_flags['use_market'] == 1: #TOU
      auction_price_file = config_data['TOU_price_player']
    elif use_flags['use_market'] == 2 or use_flags['use_market'] == 3: #TOU/CPP
      auction_price_file = config_data['CPP_price_player']

    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'object' : 'player',
                 'parent' : glmCaseDict[parent_key]['name'],
                 'file' : auction_price_file,
                 'loop' : '10',
                 'property' : 'current_market.clearing_price'}
    last_key += 1
    CPP_flag_name = None;

  # Add climate dictionaries
  if '.csv' in tmy:
    # Climate file is a cvs file. Need to add csv_reader object
    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'object' : 'csv_reader',
                             'name' : 'CsvReader',
                             'filename' : '"{:s}"'.format(tmy)}
    last_key += 1
    climate_name = tmy.replace('.csv','')
  elif '.tmy2' in tmy:
    climate_name = tmy.replace('.tmy2','')

  glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'object' : 'climate',
                           'name' : '"{:s}"'.format(climate_name),
                           'tmyfile' : '"{:s}"'.format(tmy)}
  if '.tmy2' in tmy:
    glmCaseDict[last_key]['interpolate'] = 'QUADRATIC'
  elif '.csv' in tmy:
    glmCaseDict[last_key]['reader'] = 'CsvReader'
  last_key += 1

  # Add substation transformer transformer_configuration
  glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'object' : 'transformer_configuration',
               'name' : 'trans_config_to_feeder',
               'connect_type' : 'WYE_WYE',
               'install_type' : 'PADMOUNT',
               'primary_voltage' : '{}'.format(config_data['nom_volt']),
               'secondary_voltage' : '{:s}'.format(nom_volt),
               'power_rating' : '{:.1f} MVA'.format(config_data['feeder_rating']),
               'impedance' : '0.00033+0.0022j'}
  last_key += 1

  # Add CVR controller
  if use_flags['use_vvc'] == 1:
    # TODO: pull all of these out and put into TechnologyParameters()
    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'object' : 'volt_var_control',
                 'name' : 'volt_var_control',
                 'control_method' : 'ACTIVE',
                 'capacitor_delay' : '60.0',
                 'regulator_delay' : '60.0',
                 'desired_pf' : '0.99',
                 'd_max' : '0.8',
                 'd_min' : '0.1',
                 'substation_link' : 'substation_transfromer',
                 'regulator_list' : '"{:s}"'.format(','.join(config_data['regulators'])), # config_data['regulators'] should contain a list of the names of the regulators that use CVR
                 'maximum_voltage' : '{:.2f}'.format(config_data['voltage_regulation'][2]),
                 'minimum_voltage' : '{:.2f}'.format(config_data['voltage_regulation'][1]),
                 'max_vdrop' : '50',
                 'high_load_deadband' :'{:.2f}'.format(config_data['voltage_regulation'][4]),
                 'desired_voltages' : '{:.2f}'.format(config_data['voltage_regulation'][0]),
                 'low_load_deadband' : '{:.2f}'.format(config_data['voltage_regulation'][3])}

    num_caps = len(config_data['capacitor_outage']) if 'capacitor_outage' in config_data else 0
    if num_caps > 0:
      glmCaseDict[last_key]['capacitor_list'] = '"'

      for x in range(num_caps):
        if x < (num_caps - 1):
          glmCaseDict[last_key]['capacitor_list'] = glmCaseDict[last_key]['capacitor_list'] + '{:s},'.format(config_data['capacitor_outage'][x][0])
          glmCaseDict[last_key]['capacitor_list'] = glmCaseDict[last_key]['capacitor_list'] + '{:s}"'.format(config_data['capacitor_outage'][x][0])
      glmCaseDict[last_key]['capacitor_list'] = '""'

    num_eol = len(config_data['EOL_points'])
    glmCaseDict[last_key]['voltage_measurements'] = '"'

    for x in range(num_eol):
      if x < (num_eol - 1):
        glmCaseDict[last_key]['voltage_measurements'] = glmCaseDict[last_key]['voltage_measurements'] + '{:s},{:d},'.format(config_data['EOL_points'][x][0],config_data['EOL_points'][x][2])
        glmCaseDict[last_key]['voltage_measurements'] = glmCaseDict[last_key]['voltage_measurements'] + '{:s},{:d}"'.format(config_data['EOL_points'][x][0],config_data['EOL_points'][x][2])
    last_key += 1

  # Add substation swing bus and substation transformer dictionaries
  #TMH - any values that we want to to measure from the swing bus need to be added here (e.g., 'measured_power' : '0',
  glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'object' : 'meter',
               'name' : 'network_node',
               'bustype' : 'SWING',
               'nominal_voltage' : '{}'.format(config_data['nom_volt']),
               'phases' : 'ABCN',
			   'measured_power' : '0',
			   'measured_current_A' : '0',
			   'measured_current_B' : '0',
			   'measured_current_C' : '0'}
  # Add transmission voltage players
  parent_key = last_key
  last_key += 1

  if config_data["voltage_players"][0] is not None:
    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'object' : 'player',
                             'property' : 'voltage_A',
                             'parent' : '{:s}'.format(glmCaseDict[parent_key]['name']),
                             'loop' : '10',
                             'file' : '{:s}'.format(config_data["voltage_players"][0])}
    last_key += 1

  if config_data["voltage_players"][1] is not None:
    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'object' : 'player',
                             'property' : 'voltage_B',
                             'parent' : '{:s}'.format(glmCaseDict[parent_key]['name']),
                             'loop' : '10',
                             'file' : '{:s}'.format(config_data["voltage_players"][1])}
    last_key += 1

  if config_data["voltage_players"][2] is not None:
    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'object' : 'player',
                             'property' : 'voltage_C',
                             'parent' : '{:s}'.format(glmCaseDict[parent_key]['name']),
                             'loop' : '10',
                             'file' : '{:s}'.format(config_data["voltage_players"][2])}
    last_key += 1

  glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'object' : 'transformer',
               'name' : 'substation_transformer',
               'from' : 'network_node',
               'to' : '{:s}'.format(swing_bus_name),
               'phases' : 'ABCN',
               'configuration' : 'trans_config_to_feeder'}
  last_key += 1

  # Copy static powerflow model glm dictionary into case dictionary
  for x in glmDict:
      # skip clocks, since already added one
      if 'clock' in glmDict[x]:
      glmCaseDict[last_key] = copy.deepcopy(glmDict[x])

      # Remove original swing bus from static model
      if 'bustype' in glmCaseDict[last_key] and glmCaseDict[last_key]['bustype'] == 'SWING':
          swing_node = glmCaseDict[last_key]['name']
          del glmCaseDict[last_key]['bustype']
          glmCaseDict[last_key]['object'] = 'meter'
      last_key += 1

  # Add groupid's to lines and transformers
  for x in glmCaseDict:
    if 'object' in glmCaseDict[x]:
      if re.match("triplex_line.*",glmCaseDict[x]['object']):
        glmCaseDict[x]['groupid'] = 'Triplex_Line'
      elif re.match("transformer.*",glmCaseDict[x]['object']):
        glmCaseDict[x]['groupid'] = 'Distribution_Trans'
      elif re.match("overhead_line.*",glmCaseDict[x]['object']) or re.match("underground_line.*",glmCaseDict[x]['object']):
        glmCaseDict[x]['groupid'] = 'Distribution_Line'
  # Create dictionary that houses the number of commercial 'load' objects where commercial house objects will be tacked on.
  commercial_dict = {}
  if use_flags['use_commercial'] == 1:
    commercial_key = 0

    to_remove = []
    for x in glmCaseDict:
      if 'object' in glmCaseDict[x] and re.match("load.*",glmCaseDict[x]['object']):
        commercial_dict[commercial_key] = {'name' : glmCaseDict[x]['name'],
                                           'parent' : 'None',
                                           'load_classification' : 'None',
                                           'load' : [0,0,0],
                                           'number_of_houses' : [0,0,0], #[phase A, phase B, phase C]
                                           'nom_volt' : glmCaseDict[x]['nominal_voltage'],
                                           'phases' : glmCaseDict[x]['phases']}
        if 'parent' in glmCaseDict[x]:
          commercial_dict[commercial_key]['parent'] = glmCaseDict[x]['parent']

        if 'load_class' in glmCaseDict[x]:
          commercial_dict[commercial_key]['load_classification'] = glmCaseDict[x]['load_class']

        # Figure out how many houses should be attached to this load object
        # First determine the total ZIP load for each phase
        load_A, load_B, load_C = helpers.calculate_load_by_phase(glmCaseDict[x], 'real')

        commercial_dict[commercial_key]['load'][0] = load_A
        commercial_dict[commercial_key]['load'][1] = load_B
        commercial_dict[commercial_key]['load'][2] = load_C

        # TODO: Bypass this if load rating is known
        # Determine load_rating
        total_load = (load_A + load_B + load_C)/1000.0
        load_rating, load_rating_index = helpers.get_transformer_size(
        commercial_dict[commercial_key]['load_rating'] = load_rating

        # Deterimine load classification
        load_class = None
        if commercial_dict[commercial_key]['load_classification'].isdigit():
          load_class = int(commercial_dict[commercial_key]['load_classification'])
          # load_classification is unknown determine from no_houses and transformer size
          random_class_number = random.random()*100
          cum_perc = 0
          for i, perc in enumerate([one_load_class[load_rating_index] for one_load_class in config_data['comm_load_class_dists']]):
            if cum_perc < random_class_number <= cum_perc + perc:
                 load_class = 6 + i
            cum_perc += perc
        assert load_class is not None
        commercial_dict[commercial_key]['load_classification'] = load_class
        # print('Replacing {:.0f} kW with buildings of type {}, on a transformer rated at {} kW.'.format(
        #       total_load,
        #       config_data["load_classifications"][load_class],
        #       load_rating))

        # Remove load (used to be changed into a node, but then the node was dangling)
        # if load parented by meter ...
        meter_key = glmCaseDict.get_parent_key(x,'meter')
        if meter_key is not None:
          transformer_key = glmCaseDict.get_connector_by_to_node(meter_key,'transformer')
          if transformer_key is not None and 'phases' in glmCaseDict[transformer_key]:
            phases = glmCaseDict[transformer_key]['phases']
            m = re.match("(A|B|C|AB|AC|BC|ABC)N",phases)
            if m is not None:
              phase =
              # ... and the structure is what we expect, swap out the transformer for an overhead_line
              glmCaseDict[transformer_key]['object'] = 'overhead_line'
              glmCaseDict[transformer_key]['length'] = '50ft'
              glmCaseDict[transformer_key]['configuration'] = 'line_configuration_comm{:s}'.format(phase)
              glmCaseDict[transformer_key]['groupid'] = 'Distribution_Line'

        commercial_key += 1
    for x in to_remove:
      del glmCaseDict[x]
  # Create dictionary that houses the number of residential 'load' objects where residential house objects will be tacked on.
  residential_dict = {}
  if use_flags['use_homes'] == 1:
    residential_key = 0
    to_remove = []
    for x in glmCaseDict:
      if 'object' in glmCaseDict[x] and re.match("triplex_node.*",glmCaseDict[x]['object']):
        if 'power_1' in glmCaseDict[x] or 'power_12' in glmCaseDict[x]:
          residential_dict[residential_key] = {'name' : glmCaseDict[x]['name'],
                             'parent' : 'None',
                             'load_classification' : 'None',
                             'number_of_houses' : 0,
                             'load' : 0,
                             'large_vs_small' : 0.0,
                             'phases' : glmCaseDict[x]['phases']}
          if 'parent' in glmCaseDict[x]:
            residential_dict[residential_key]['parent'] = glmCaseDict[x]['parent']

          if 'load_class' in glmCaseDict[x]:
            residential_dict[residential_key]['load_classification'] = glmCaseDict[x]['load_class']

          # Figure out how many houses should be attached to this load object          
          # First determine the total ZIP load
          load = helpers.calculate_load(glmCaseDict[x], 'real')
          c_load = helpers.calculate_load(glmCaseDict[x], 'complex')
          residential_dict[residential_key]['load'] = load  
          residential_dict[residential_key]['complex_load'] = c_load  

          # Determine load_rating
          total_load = load/1000 # kW
          load_rating, load_rating_index = helpers.get_transformer_size(
          residential_dict[residential_key]['load_rating'] = load_rating

          # Deterimine load classification
          load_class = None
          if residential_dict[residential_key]['load_classification'].isdigit():
            load_class = int(residential_dict[residential_key]['load_classification'])
            # load_classification is unknown. determine from no_houses and transformer size
            residential_dict[residential_key]['load_classification'] = None
            random_class_number = random.random()*100
            load_class = None
            cum_perc = 0
            for i, perc in enumerate([one_load_class[load_rating_index] for one_load_class in config_data['res_load_class_dists']]):
               if cum_perc < random_class_number <= cum_perc + perc:
                 load_class = i
               cum_perc += perc
          assert load_class is not None
          residential_dict[residential_key]['load_classification'] = load_class
          # print('Replacing {:.0f} kW with houses of type {}, on a transformer rated at {} kW.'.format(
          #     total_load,
          #     config_data["load_classifications"][load_class],
          #     load_rating))

          # Remove constant load keys
          if 'load_class' in glmCaseDict[x]:
            del glmCaseDict[x]['load_class'] # Must remove load_class as it isn't a published property

          if 'power_12' in glmCaseDict[x]:
            del glmCaseDict[x]['power_12']

          if 'power_1' in glmCaseDict[x]:
            del glmCaseDict[x]['power_1']

          residential_key += 1
  # Calculate some random numbers needed for TOU/CPP and DLC technologies
  if use_flags['use_market'] != 0:
    # Initialize psuedo-random seed
    random.seed(2) if config_data["fix_random_seed"] else random.seed()

    if len(residential_dict) > 0:
      # Initialize random number arrays
      market_penetration_random = []
      dlc_rand = []
      pool_pump_recovery_random = []
      slider_random = []
      comm_slider_random = []
      dlc_c_rand = []
      dlc_c_rand2 = []

      # Make a large array so we don't run out
      if len(residential_dict) > 0:
        aa = len(residential_dict)*100 # was total_house_number -- just guessing at a big enough maximum number
        for x in range(aa):
          dlc_rand.append(random.random()) # Used for dlc randomization

          # 10 - 25% increase over normal cycle
          pool_pump_recovery_random.append(0.1 + 0.15*random.random())

          # Limit slider randomization to Olypen style
          if slider_random[x] > tech_data['market_info'][4]:
            slider_random[x] = tech_data['market_info'][4]
          if slider_random[x] < 0:
            slider_random[x] = 0

        # Random elasticity values for responsive loads - this is a multiplier
        # used to randomized individual building responsiveness - very similar
        # to a lognormal, so we'll use one that has a mean of ~1, max of
        # ~1.2, and median of ~1.12
        sigma = 1.2
        mu = 0.7
        multiplier = 3.6
        xval = []
        elasticity_random = []
        for x in range(aa):
          elasticity_random.append(multiplier * math.exp(-1 / (2 * pow(sigma,2))) * pow((math.log(xval[x]) - mu),2) / (xval[x] * sigma * math.sqrt(2 * math.pi)))

      if len(commercial_dict) > 0:
        aa = len(commercial_dict)*15*100
        for x in range(aa):
          # Limit slider randomization to Olypen style
          if comm_slider_random[x] > tech_data['market_info'][4]:
            comm_slider_random[x] = tech_data['market_info'][4]
          if comm_slider_random[x] < 0:
            comm_slider_random[x] = 0

      market_penetration_random = None
      dlc_rand = None
      pool_pump_recovery_random = None
      slider_random = None
      comm_slider_random = None
      dlc_c_rand = None
      dlc_c_rand2 = None
      xval = None
      elasticity_random = None
    market_penetration_random = None
    dlc_rand = None
    pool_pump_recovery_random = None
    slider_random = None
    comm_slider_random = None
    dlc_c_rand = None
    dlc_c_rand2 = None
    xval = None
    elasticity_random = None

  # Tack on residential loads
  solar_residential_array = [0,[],[]]
  if use_flags['use_homes'] != 0:
    if use_flags['use_normalized_loadshapes'] == 1:
      glmCaseDict, last_key = AddLoadShapes.add_normalized_residential_ziploads(glmCaseDict, residential_dict, config_data, last_key)
      glmCaseDict, solar_residential_array, ts_residential_array, last_key = ResidentialLoads.append_residential(
          glmCaseDict, use_flags, config_data, tech_data, residential_dict, last_key, CPP_flag_name,
          market_penetration_random, dlc_rand, pool_pump_recovery_random, slider_random, xval, elasticity_random, 
          io_opts['dir'], io_opts['resources_dir'])
  # End addition of residential loads ########################################################################################################################

  solar_office_array = [0,[],[]]
  solar_bigbox_array = [0,[],[]]
  solar_stripmall_array = [0,[],[]]
  if use_flags['use_commercial'] != 0:
    if use_flags['use_normalized_loadshapes'] == 1:
      glmCaseDict, last_key = AddLoadShapes.add_normalized_commercial_ziploads(glmCaseDict, commercial_dict, config_data, last_key)
      glmCaseDict, solar_office_array, solar_bigbox_array, solar_stripmall_array, ts_office_array, \
      ts_bigbox_array, ts_stripmall_array, last_key = CommercialLoads.append_commercial(
          glmCaseDict, use_flags, config_data, tech_data, last_key, commercial_dict, comm_slider_random, 
          dlc_c_rand, dlc_c_rand2, io_opts['dir'], io_opts['resources_dir'])
  # Append Solar: Call append_solar(feeder_dict, use_flags, config_file, solar_bigbox_array, solar_office_array, solar_stripmall_array, solar_residential_array, last_key)
  if use_flags['use_solar'] != 0 or use_flags['use_solar_res'] != 0 or use_flags['use_solar_com'] != 0:
    glmCaseDict = Solar_Technology.Append_Solar(glmCaseDict, use_flags, config_data, tech_data, last_key)
  # Append recorders
  glmCaseDict, last_key = AddTapeObjects.add_recorders(glmCaseDict, io_opts, time_opts, last_key)

  return (glmCaseDict, last_key)
def GLD_Feeder(glmDict, io_opts, time_opts, location_opts, model_opts):
  glmDict is a dictionary containing all the objects in WindMIL model represented as equivalent GridLAB-D objects

  model_opts['tech_flag'] is an integer indicating which technology case to tack on to the GridLAB-D model
    -1 : Loadshape Case
     0 : Base Case
     1 : CVR
     2 : Automation
     3 : FDIR
     4 : TOU/CPP w/ tech
     5 : TOU/CPP w/o tech
     6 : TOU w/ tech
     7 : TOU w/o tech
     8 : DLC
     9 : Thermal Storage
    10 : PHEV
    11 : Solar Residential
    12 : Solar Commercial
    13 : Solar Combined

  io_opts['config_file'] is the name of the file to use for getting feeder information

  GLD_Feeder returns a dictionary, glmCaseDict, similar to glmDict with additional object dictionaries added according to the model_opts['tech_flag'] selected.

    model_opts, config_data, tech_data, use_flags = get_parameters(
        io_opts, model_opts)

    #tmy = 'schedules\\\\SCADA_weather_ISW_gld.csv'
    tmy = config_data['weather']

    #find name of swingbus of static model dictionary
    swing_bus_name = None
    nom_volt = None
    for x in glmDict:
        if ('bustype' in glmDict[x]) and (glmDict[x]['bustype'] == 'SWING'):
            swing_bus_name = glmDict[x]['name']
            nom_volt = glmDict[x]['nominal_voltage']  # Nominal voltage in V
    assert (swing_bus_name is not None)
    assert (nom_volt is not None)

    # Create new case dictionary
    glmCaseDict = feeder.GlmFile()
    last_key = len(glmCaseDict)

    # Create clock dictionary
    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
        'clock': '',
        'timezone': '{:s}'.format(config_data['timezone']),
        'starttime': "'{:s}'".format(tech_data['start_date']),
        'stoptime': "'{:s}'".format(tech_data['end_date'])
    last_key += 1

    # Create dictionaries of preprocessor directives
    if use_flags['use_homes'] != 0:
        glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
        last_key += 1
        glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
        last_key += 1

    if use_flags['use_battery'] == 1 or use_flags['use_battery'] == 2:
        glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
        last_key += 1

    if use_flags['use_commercial'] == 1:
        glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
        last_key += 1

    if use_flags['use_market'] == 1 or use_flags['use_market'] == 2:
        glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
        last_key += 1

    if use_flags['use_ts'] == 2 or use_flags['use_ts'] == 4:
        glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
                io_opts['resources_dir'], config_data['region'])
        last_key += 1

    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
    last_key += 1

    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
    last_key += 1

    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'#set': 'profiler=1'}
    last_key += 1

    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'#set': 'relax_naming_rules=1'}
    last_key += 1

    # Create dictionaries of modules to be used from the model_opts['tech_flag']
    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'module': 'tape'}
    last_key += 1

    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'module': 'climate'}
    last_key += 1

    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
        'module': 'residential',
        'implicit_enduses': 'NONE'
    last_key += 1

    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
        'module': 'powerflow',
        'solver_method': 'NR',
        'NR_iteration_limit': '50'
    last_key += 1

    if use_flags['use_solar'] != 0 or use_flags[
            'use_solar_res'] != 0 or use_flags[
                'use_solar_com'] != 0 or use_flags[
                    'use_battery'] == 1 or use_flags['use_battery'] == 2:
        glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'module': 'generators'}
        last_key += 1

    if use_flags['use_market'] != 0:
        glmCaseDict[last_key] = {'module': 'market'}
        last_key += 1

    # Add the class player dictionary to glmCaseDict
    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
        'class': 'player',
        'variable_types': ['double'],
        'variable_names': ['value']
    last_key += 1

    if use_flags['use_normalized_loadshapes'] == 1:
        glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
            '// Will loop file for 40 years assuming the file has data for a 24 hour period'
        last_key += 1

    # Include the objects for the TOU case flags
    if use_flags['use_market'] != 0:
        # Add class auction dictionary to glmCaseDict
        glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
            'class': 'auction',
            'variable_types': ['double', 'double'],
            'variable_names': ['my_avg', 'my_std']
        last_key += 1

        # Add CPP player dictionary to glmCaseDict
        CPP_flag_name = config_data[
            'CPP_flag']  # Strip '.player' from config_data['CPP_flag']
        CPP_flag_name.replace('.player', '')
        glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
            'object': 'player',
            'name': CPP_flag_name,
            'file': config_data['CPP_flag']
        last_key += 1

        # Add auction object dictionary to glmCaseDict
        # Determine which stat to use for my_avg and my_std
        if use_flags['use_market'] == 1:  #TOU
            temp_avg = config_data['TOU_stats'][0]
            temp_std = config_data['TOU_stats'][1]
        elif use_flags['use_market'] == 2 or use_flags[
                'use_market'] == 3:  #TOU/CPP
            temp_avg = config_data['CPP_stats'][0]
            temp_std = config_data['CPP_stats'][1]

        glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
            'object': 'auction',
            'name': tech_data['market_info'][0],
            'period': "{:.0f}".format(tech_data['market_info'][1]),
            'special_mode': 'BUYERS_ONLY',
            'unit': 'kW',
            'my_avg': temp_avg,
            'my_std': temp_std
        parent_key = last_key
        last_key += 1

        # Add player object dictionary for the auction object's clearing price
        # Determine which file to use for the clear_price
        if use_flags['use_market'] == 1:  #TOU
            auction_price_file = config_data['TOU_price_player']
        elif use_flags['use_market'] == 2 or use_flags[
                'use_market'] == 3:  #TOU/CPP
            auction_price_file = config_data['CPP_price_player']

        glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
            'object': 'player',
            'parent': glmCaseDict[parent_key]['name'],
            'file': auction_price_file,
            'loop': '10',
            'property': 'current_market.clearing_price'
        last_key += 1
        CPP_flag_name = None

    # Add climate dictionaries
    if '.csv' in tmy:
        # Climate file is a cvs file. Need to add csv_reader object
        glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
            'object': 'csv_reader',
            'name': 'CsvReader',
            'filename': '"{:s}"'.format(tmy)
        last_key += 1
        climate_name = tmy.replace('.csv', '')
    elif '.tmy2' in tmy:
        climate_name = tmy.replace('.tmy2', '')

    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
        'object': 'climate',
        'name': '"{:s}"'.format(climate_name),
        'tmyfile': '"{:s}"'.format(tmy)
    if '.tmy2' in tmy:
        glmCaseDict[last_key]['interpolate'] = 'QUADRATIC'
    elif '.csv' in tmy:
        glmCaseDict[last_key]['reader'] = 'CsvReader'
    last_key += 1

    # Add substation transformer transformer_configuration
    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
        'object': 'transformer_configuration',
        'name': 'trans_config_to_feeder',
        'connect_type': 'WYE_WYE',
        'install_type': 'PADMOUNT',
        'primary_voltage': '{}'.format(config_data['nom_volt']),
        'secondary_voltage': '{:s}'.format(nom_volt),
        'power_rating': '{:.1f} MVA'.format(config_data['feeder_rating']),
        'impedance': '0.00033+0.0022j'
    last_key += 1

    # Add CVR controller
    if use_flags['use_vvc'] == 1:
        # TODO: pull all of these out and put into TechnologyParameters()
        glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
            ),  # config_data['regulators'] should contain a list of the names of the regulators that use CVR

        num_caps = len(config_data['capacitor_outage']
                       ) if 'capacitor_outage' in config_data else 0
        if num_caps > 0:
            glmCaseDict[last_key]['capacitor_list'] = '"'

            for x in range(num_caps):
                if x < (num_caps - 1):
                    glmCaseDict[last_key]['capacitor_list'] = glmCaseDict[
                        last_key]['capacitor_list'] + '{:s},'.format(
                    glmCaseDict[last_key]['capacitor_list'] = glmCaseDict[
                        last_key]['capacitor_list'] + '{:s}"'.format(
            glmCaseDict[last_key]['capacitor_list'] = '""'

        num_eol = len(config_data['EOL_points'])
        glmCaseDict[last_key]['voltage_measurements'] = '"'

        for x in range(num_eol):
            if x < (num_eol - 1):
                glmCaseDict[last_key]['voltage_measurements'] = glmCaseDict[
                    last_key]['voltage_measurements'] + '{:s},{:d},'.format(
                glmCaseDict[last_key]['voltage_measurements'] = glmCaseDict[
                    last_key]['voltage_measurements'] + '{:s},{:d}"'.format(
        last_key += 1

    # Add substation swing bus and substation transformer dictionaries
    #TMH - any values that we want to to measure from the swing bus need to be added here (e.g., 'measured_power' : '0',
    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
        'object': 'meter',
        'name': 'network_node',
        'bustype': 'SWING',
        'nominal_voltage': '{}'.format(config_data['nom_volt']),
        'phases': 'ABCN',
        'measured_power': '0',
        'measured_current_A': '0',
        'measured_current_B': '0',
        'measured_current_C': '0'
    # Add transmission voltage players
    parent_key = last_key
    last_key += 1

    if config_data["voltage_players"][0] is not None:
        glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
            'object': 'player',
            'property': 'voltage_A',
            'parent': '{:s}'.format(glmCaseDict[parent_key]['name']),
            'loop': '10',
            'file': '{:s}'.format(config_data["voltage_players"][0])
        last_key += 1

    if config_data["voltage_players"][1] is not None:
        glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
            'object': 'player',
            'property': 'voltage_B',
            'parent': '{:s}'.format(glmCaseDict[parent_key]['name']),
            'loop': '10',
            'file': '{:s}'.format(config_data["voltage_players"][1])
        last_key += 1

    if config_data["voltage_players"][2] is not None:
        glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
            'object': 'player',
            'property': 'voltage_C',
            'parent': '{:s}'.format(glmCaseDict[parent_key]['name']),
            'loop': '10',
            'file': '{:s}'.format(config_data["voltage_players"][2])
        last_key += 1

    glmCaseDict[last_key] = {
        'object': 'transformer',
        'name': 'substation_transformer',
        'from': 'network_node',
        'to': '{:s}'.format(swing_bus_name),
        'phases': 'ABCN',
        'configuration': 'trans_config_to_feeder'
    last_key += 1

    # Copy static powerflow model glm dictionary into case dictionary
    for x in glmDict:
        # skip clocks, since already added one
        if 'clock' in glmDict[x]:

        glmCaseDict[last_key] = copy.deepcopy(glmDict[x])

        # Remove original swing bus from static model
        if 'bustype' in glmCaseDict[last_key] and glmCaseDict[last_key][
                'bustype'] == 'SWING':
            swing_node = glmCaseDict[last_key]['name']
            del glmCaseDict[last_key]['bustype']
            glmCaseDict[last_key]['object'] = 'meter'
        last_key += 1

    # Add groupid's to lines and transformers
    for x in glmCaseDict:
        if 'object' in glmCaseDict[x]:
            if re.match("triplex_line.*", glmCaseDict[x]['object']):
                glmCaseDict[x]['groupid'] = 'Triplex_Line'
            elif re.match("transformer.*", glmCaseDict[x]['object']):
                glmCaseDict[x]['groupid'] = 'Distribution_Trans'
            elif re.match("overhead_line.*",
                          glmCaseDict[x]['object']) or re.match(
                              "underground_line.*", glmCaseDict[x]['object']):
                glmCaseDict[x]['groupid'] = 'Distribution_Line'

    # Create dictionary that houses the number of commercial 'load' objects where commercial house objects will be tacked on.
    commercial_dict = {}
    if use_flags['use_commercial'] == 1:
        commercial_key = 0

        to_remove = []
        for x in glmCaseDict:
            if 'object' in glmCaseDict[x] and re.match(
                    "load.*", glmCaseDict[x]['object']):
                commercial_dict[commercial_key] = {
                    'name': glmCaseDict[x]['name'],
                    'parent': 'None',
                    'load_classification': 'None',
                    'load': [0, 0, 0],
                    'number_of_houses': [0, 0,
                                         0],  #[phase A, phase B, phase C]
                    'nom_volt': glmCaseDict[x]['nominal_voltage'],
                    'phases': glmCaseDict[x]['phases']

                if 'parent' in glmCaseDict[x]:
                    commercial_dict[commercial_key]['parent'] = glmCaseDict[x][

                if 'load_class' in glmCaseDict[x]:
                        'load_classification'] = glmCaseDict[x]['load_class']

                # Figure out how many houses should be attached to this load object
                # First determine the total ZIP load for each phase
                load_A, load_B, load_C = helpers.calculate_load_by_phase(
                    glmCaseDict[x], 'real')

                commercial_dict[commercial_key]['load'][0] = load_A
                commercial_dict[commercial_key]['load'][1] = load_B
                commercial_dict[commercial_key]['load'][2] = load_C

                # TODO: Bypass this if load rating is known
                # Determine load_rating
                total_load = (load_A + load_B + load_C) / 1000.0
                load_rating, load_rating_index = helpers.get_transformer_size(
                    total_load, config_data['standard_transformer_ratings'],
                commercial_dict[commercial_key]['load_rating'] = load_rating

                # Deterimine load classification
                load_class = None
                if commercial_dict[commercial_key][
                    load_class = int(
                    # load_classification is unknown determine from no_houses and transformer size
                    random_class_number = random.random() * 100
                    cum_perc = 0
                    for i, perc in enumerate([
                            for one_load_class in
                        if cum_perc < random_class_number <= cum_perc + perc:
                            load_class = 6 + i
                        cum_perc += perc

                assert load_class is not None
                    'load_classification'] = load_class

                # print('Replacing {:.0f} kW with buildings of type {}, on a transformer rated at {} kW.'.format(
                #       total_load,
                #       config_data["load_classifications"][load_class],
                #       load_rating))

                # Remove load (used to be changed into a node, but then the node was dangling)

                # if load parented by meter ...
                meter_key = glmCaseDict.get_parent_key(x, 'meter')
                if meter_key is not None:
                    transformer_key = glmCaseDict.get_connector_by_to_node(
                        meter_key, 'transformer')
                    if transformer_key is not None and 'phases' in glmCaseDict[
                        phases = glmCaseDict[transformer_key]['phases']
                        m = re.match("(A|B|C|AB|AC|BC|ABC)N", phases)
                        if m is not None:
                            phase =
                            # ... and the structure is what we expect, swap out the transformer for an overhead_line
                                'object'] = 'overhead_line'
                            glmCaseDict[transformer_key]['length'] = '50ft'
                                'configuration'] = 'line_configuration_comm{:s}'.format(
                                'groupid'] = 'Distribution_Line'

                commercial_key += 1

        for x in to_remove:
            del glmCaseDict[x]

    # Create dictionary that houses the number of residential 'load' objects where residential house objects will be tacked on.
    residential_dict = {}
    if use_flags['use_homes'] == 1:
        residential_key = 0
        to_remove = []
        for x in glmCaseDict:
            if 'object' in glmCaseDict[x] and re.match(
                    "triplex_node.*", glmCaseDict[x]['object']):
                if 'power_1' in glmCaseDict[x] or 'power_12' in glmCaseDict[x]:
                    residential_dict[residential_key] = {
                        'name': glmCaseDict[x]['name'],
                        'parent': 'None',
                        'load_classification': 'None',
                        'number_of_houses': 0,
                        'load': 0,
                        'large_vs_small': 0.0,
                        'phases': glmCaseDict[x]['phases']

                    if 'parent' in glmCaseDict[x]:
                            'parent'] = glmCaseDict[x]['parent']

                    if 'load_class' in glmCaseDict[x]:
                            'load_classification'] = glmCaseDict[x][

                    # Figure out how many houses should be attached to this load object
                    # First determine the total ZIP load
                    load = helpers.calculate_load(glmCaseDict[x], 'real')
                    c_load = helpers.calculate_load(glmCaseDict[x], 'complex')

                    residential_dict[residential_key]['load'] = load
                    residential_dict[residential_key]['complex_load'] = c_load

                    # Determine load_rating
                    total_load = load / 1000  # kW
                    load_rating, load_rating_index = helpers.get_transformer_size(
                        'load_rating'] = load_rating

                    # Deterimine load classification
                    load_class = None
                    if residential_dict[residential_key][
                        load_class = int(residential_dict[residential_key]
                        # load_classification is unknown. determine from no_houses and transformer size
                            'load_classification'] = None
                        random_class_number = random.random() * 100
                        load_class = None
                        cum_perc = 0
                        for i, perc in enumerate([
                                for one_load_class in
                            if cum_perc < random_class_number <= cum_perc + perc:
                                load_class = i
                            cum_perc += perc

                    assert load_class is not None
                        'load_classification'] = load_class
                    # print('Replacing {:.0f} kW with houses of type {}, on a transformer rated at {} kW.'.format(
                    #     total_load,
                    #     config_data["load_classifications"][load_class],
                    #     load_rating))

                    # Remove constant load keys
                    if 'load_class' in glmCaseDict[x]:
                        del glmCaseDict[x][
                            'load_class']  # Must remove load_class as it isn't a published property

                    if 'power_12' in glmCaseDict[x]:
                        del glmCaseDict[x]['power_12']

                    if 'power_1' in glmCaseDict[x]:
                        del glmCaseDict[x]['power_1']

                    residential_key += 1

    # Calculate some random numbers needed for TOU/CPP and DLC technologies
    if use_flags['use_market'] != 0:
        # Initialize psuedo-random seed
        random.seed(2) if config_data["fix_random_seed"] else random.seed()

        if len(residential_dict) > 0:
            # Initialize random number arrays
            market_penetration_random = []
            dlc_rand = []
            pool_pump_recovery_random = []
            slider_random = []
            comm_slider_random = []
            dlc_c_rand = []
            dlc_c_rand2 = []

            # Make a large array so we don't run out
            if len(residential_dict) > 0:
                aa = len(
                ) * 100  # was total_house_number -- just guessing at a big enough maximum number
                for x in range(aa):
                        random.random())  # Used for dlc randomization

                    # 10 - 25% increase over normal cycle
                    pool_pump_recovery_random.append(0.1 +
                                                     0.15 * random.random())

                    # Limit slider randomization to Olypen style
                    slider_random.append(random.normalvariate(0.45, 0.2))
                    if slider_random[x] > tech_data['market_info'][4]:
                        slider_random[x] = tech_data['market_info'][4]
                    if slider_random[x] < 0:
                        slider_random[x] = 0

                # Random elasticity values for responsive loads - this is a multiplier
                # used to randomized individual building responsiveness - very similar
                # to a lognormal, so we'll use one that has a mean of ~1, max of
                # ~1.2, and median of ~1.12
                sigma = 1.2
                mu = 0.7
                multiplier = 3.6
                xval = []
                elasticity_random = []
                for x in range(aa):
                        multiplier * math.exp(-1 / (2 * pow(sigma, 2))) * pow(
                            (math.log(xval[x]) - mu), 2) /
                        (xval[x] * sigma * math.sqrt(2 * math.pi)))

            if len(commercial_dict) > 0:
                aa = len(commercial_dict) * 15 * 100
                for x in range(aa):
                    # Limit slider randomization to Olypen style
                    comm_slider_random.append(random.normalvariate(0.45, 0.2))
                    if comm_slider_random[x] > tech_data['market_info'][4]:
                        comm_slider_random[x] = tech_data['market_info'][4]
                    if comm_slider_random[x] < 0:
                        comm_slider_random[x] = 0


            market_penetration_random = None
            dlc_rand = None
            pool_pump_recovery_random = None
            slider_random = None
            comm_slider_random = None
            dlc_c_rand = None
            dlc_c_rand2 = None
            xval = None
            elasticity_random = None
        market_penetration_random = None
        dlc_rand = None
        pool_pump_recovery_random = None
        slider_random = None
        comm_slider_random = None
        dlc_c_rand = None
        dlc_c_rand2 = None
        xval = None
        elasticity_random = None

    # Tack on residential loads
    solar_residential_array = [0, [], []]
    if use_flags['use_homes'] != 0:
        if use_flags['use_normalized_loadshapes'] == 1:
            glmCaseDict, last_key = AddLoadShapes.add_normalized_residential_ziploads(
                glmCaseDict, residential_dict, config_data, last_key)
            glmCaseDict, solar_residential_array, ts_residential_array, last_key = ResidentialLoads.append_residential(
                glmCaseDict, use_flags, config_data, tech_data,
                residential_dict, last_key, CPP_flag_name,
                market_penetration_random, dlc_rand, pool_pump_recovery_random,
                slider_random, xval, elasticity_random, io_opts['dir'],

    # End addition of residential loads ########################################################################################################################

    solar_office_array = [0, [], []]
    solar_bigbox_array = [0, [], []]
    solar_stripmall_array = [0, [], []]
    if use_flags['use_commercial'] != 0:
        if use_flags['use_normalized_loadshapes'] == 1:
            glmCaseDict, last_key = AddLoadShapes.add_normalized_commercial_ziploads(
                glmCaseDict, commercial_dict, config_data, last_key)
            glmCaseDict, solar_office_array, solar_bigbox_array, solar_stripmall_array, ts_office_array, \
            ts_bigbox_array, ts_stripmall_array, last_key = CommercialLoads.append_commercial(
                glmCaseDict, use_flags, config_data, tech_data, last_key, commercial_dict, comm_slider_random,
                dlc_c_rand, dlc_c_rand2, io_opts['dir'], io_opts['resources_dir'])

    # Append Solar: Call append_solar(feeder_dict, use_flags, config_file, solar_bigbox_array, solar_office_array, solar_stripmall_array, solar_residential_array, last_key)
    if use_flags['use_solar'] != 0 or use_flags[
            'use_solar_res'] != 0 or use_flags['use_solar_com'] != 0:
        glmCaseDict = Solar_Technology.Append_Solar(glmCaseDict, use_flags,
                                                    config_data, tech_data,

    # Append recorders
    glmCaseDict, last_key = AddTapeObjects.add_recorders(
        glmCaseDict, io_opts, time_opts, last_key)

    return (glmCaseDict, last_key)