Exemplo n.º 1
        def grabMyScreen(x, y, width, height, filename=None, productionRender=False):
            if width <= 0 or height <= 0:
                raise RuntimeError("width or height is 0")

            log.debug('grabScreen: %d %d %d %d', x, y, width, height)
            # Draw before grabbing, to make sure we grab a rendering and not a picking buffer
            sx0 = x
            sy0 = G.windowHeight - y - height
            sx1 = sx0 + width
            sy1 = sy0 + height
            sx0 = max(sx0, 0)
            sx1 = min(sx1, G.windowWidth)
            sy0 = max(sy0, 0)
            sy1 = min(sy1, G.windowHeight)
            rwidth = sx1 - sx0
            rwidth -= rwidth % 4
            sx1 = sx0 + rwidth
            rheight = sy1 - sy0
            surface = np.empty((rheight, rwidth, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
            log.debug('glReadPixels: %d %d %d %d', sx0, sy0, rwidth, rheight)
            glmodule.glReadPixels(sx0, sy0, rwidth, rheight, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, surface)
            if width != rwidth or height != rheight:
                surf = np.zeros((height, width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) + 127
                surf[...] = surface[:1, :1, :]
                dx0 = (width - rwidth) / 2
                dy0 = (height - rheight) / 2
                dx1 = dx0 + rwidth
                dy1 = dy0 + rheight
                surf[dy0:dy1, dx0:dx1] = surface
                surface = surf

            surface = np.ascontiguousarray(surface[::-1, :, :])
            # surface = Image(data = surface)
            return surface
        def grabMyScreen(x, y, width, height,filename = None, productionRender=False):
            if width <= 0 or height <= 0:
                raise RuntimeError("width or height is 0")

            log.debug('grabScreen: %d %d %d %d', x, y, width, height)
    # Draw before grabbing, to make sure we grab a rendering and not a picking buffer
            sx0 = x
            sy0 = G.windowHeight - y - height
            sx1 = sx0 + width
            sy1 = sy0 + height
            sx0 = max(sx0, 0)
            sx1 = min(sx1, G.windowWidth)
            sy0 = max(sy0, 0)
            sy1 = min(sy1, G.windowHeight)
            rwidth = sx1 - sx0
            rwidth -= rwidth % 4
            sx1 = sx0 + rwidth
            rheight = sy1 - sy0
            surface = np.empty((rheight, rwidth, 3), dtype = np.uint8)
            log.debug('glReadPixels: %d %d %d %d', sx0, sy0, rwidth, rheight)
            glmodule.glReadPixels(sx0, sy0, rwidth, rheight, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, surface)
            if width != rwidth or height != rheight:
                surf = np.zeros((height, width, 3), dtype = np.uint8) + 127
                surf[...] = surface[:1,:1,:]
                dx0 = (width - rwidth) / 2
                dy0 = (height - rheight) / 2
                dx1 = dx0 + rwidth
                dy1 = dy0 + rheight
                surf[dy0:dy1,dx0:dx1] = surface
                surface = surf

            surface = np.ascontiguousarray(surface[::-1,:,:])
    #surface = Image(data = surface)
            return surface