Exemplo n.º 1
    def delete(self, context_gus, *uriargs):
        Request: adminContextDesc
        Response: None
        Errors: InvalidInputFormat, ContextGusNotFound

        context_iface = Context()
        receivertip_iface = ReceiverTip()
        internaltip_iface = InternalTip()
        whistlebtip_iface = WhistleblowerTip()
        comment_iface = Comment()
        receiver_iface = Receiver()
        file_iface = File()

        # This DELETE operation, its permanent, and remove all the reference
        # a Context has within the system (in example: remove associated Tip,
        # remove


            context_desc = yield context_iface.get_single(context_gus)

            tips_related_blocks = yield receivertip_iface.get_tips_by_context(context_gus)

            print "Tip that need to be deleted, associated with the context",\
                context_gus, ":", len(tips_related_blocks)

            for tip_block in tips_related_blocks:

                internaltip_id = tip_block.get('internaltip')['internaltip_id']

                yield whistlebtip_iface.delete_access_by_itip(internaltip_id)
                yield receivertip_iface.massive_delete(internaltip_id)
                yield comment_iface.delete_comment_by_itip(internaltip_id)
                yield file_iface.delete_file_by_itip(internaltip_id)

                # and finally, delete the InternalTip
                yield internaltip_iface.tip_delete(internaltip_id)

            # (Just consistency check)
            receivers_associated = yield receiver_iface.get_receivers_by_context(context_gus)
            print "receiver associated by context POV:", len(receivers_associated),\
                "receiver associated by context DB-field:", len(context_desc['receivers'])

            # Align all the receiver associated to the context, that the context cease to exist
            yield receiver_iface.align_context_delete(context_desc['receivers'], context_gus)

            # TODO delete stats associated with context ?
            # TODO delete profile associated with the context

            # Finally, delete the context
            yield context_iface.delete_context(context_gus)

        except ContextGusNotFound, e:

            self.write({'error_message': e.error_message, 'error_code' : e.error_code})
Exemplo n.º 2
    def delete_context(self, context_gus):
        This DELETE operation, its permanent, and remove all the reference
        a Context has within the system (Tip, File, submission...)
        store = self.getStore()

        # Get context description, just to verify that context_gus is valid
        context_iface = Context(store)
        context_desc = context_iface.get_single(context_gus)

        # Collect tip by context and iter on the list
        receivertip_iface = ReceiverTip(store)
        tips_related_blocks = receivertip_iface.get_tips_by_context(context_gus)

        internaltip_iface = InternalTip(store)
        whistlebtip_iface = WhistleblowerTip(store)
        file_iface = File(store)
        comment_iface = Comment(store)

        # For every InternalTip, delete comment, wTip, rTip and Files
        for tip_block in tips_related_blocks:

            internaltip_id = tip_block.get('internaltip')['internaltip_id']


            # and finally, delete the InternalTip

        # (Just a consistency check - need to be removed)
        receiver_iface = Receiver(store)
        receivers_associated = receiver_iface.get_receivers_by_context(context_gus)
        print "receiver associated by context POV:", len(receivers_associated),\
        "receiver associated by context DB-field:", len(context_desc['receivers'])

        # Align all the receiver associated to the context, that the context cease to exist
        receiver_iface.align_context_delete(context_desc['receivers'], context_gus)

        # Get the profile list related to context_gus and delete all of them
        profile_iface = PluginProfiles(store)
        profile_list = profile_iface.get_profiles_by_contexts([ context_gus ])
        for prof in profile_list:

        # Get the submission list under the context, and delete all of them
        submission_iface = Submission(store)
        submission_list = submission_iface.get_all()
        for single_sub in submission_list:
            submission_iface.submission_delete(single_sub['submission_gus'], wb_request=False)

        # Finally, delete the context

        return self.prepareRetVals()
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get(self, tip_token, *uriargs):
        Parameters: None
        Response: actorsReceiverList
        Errors: InvalidTipAuthToken

            if is_receiver_token(tip_token):

                requested_t = ReceiverTip()
                tip_description = yield requested_t.get_single(tip_token)


                requested_t = WhistleblowerTip()
                tip_description = yield requested_t.get_single(tip_token)

            itip_iface = InternalTip()

            inforet = yield itip_iface.get_receivers_by_itip(tip_description['internaltip_id'])


        except TipGusNotFound, e:

            self.write({'error_message' : e.error_message, 'error_code' : e.error_code})
Exemplo n.º 4
    def post(self, *uriargs):
        Request: wbSubmissionDesc
        Response: wbSubmissionDesc
        Errors: ContextGusNotFound, InvalidInputFormat, SubmissionFailFields

        This creates an empty submission for the requested context,
        and returns submissionStatus with empty fields and a Submission Unique String,
        This is the unique token used during the submission procedure.
        sessionGUS is used as authentication secret for the next interaction.
        expire after the time set by Admin (Context dependent setting)

        context_iface = Context()
            request = validateMessage(self.request.body, requests.wbSubmissionDesc)

            # XXX DUMMY PATCH CLIENT USAGE -- open tiket in GLClient
            print "Before", request
            if not request.has_key('wb_fields'):
                request.update({'wb_fields' : ''})
            if not request.has_key('receivers'):
                request.update({'receivers' : []})
            if not request.has_key('files'):
                request.update({'files' : []})
            if not request.has_key('finalize'):
                request.update({'finalize' : False })
            print "After ", request
            # XXX DUMMY PATCH CLIENT USAGE -- open tiket in GLClient

            context_desc = yield context_iface.get_single(request['context_gus'])

            submission_iface = Submission()
            submission_desc = yield submission_iface.new(request)

            if not context_desc['selectable_receiver']:
                submission_iface.receivers = context_iface.receivers

            if submission_desc['finalize']:

                internaltip_iface = InternalTip()
                wb_iface = WhistleblowerTip()

                internaltip_desc = yield internaltip_iface.new(submission_desc)
                wbtip_desc = yield wb_iface.new(internaltip_desc)

                submission_desc.update({'receipt' : wbtip_desc['receipt']})
                submission_desc.update({'receipt' : ''})

            self.set_status(201) # Created
            # TODO - output processing

        except ContextGusNotFound, e:

            self.write({'error_message': e.error_message, 'error_code' : e.error_code})
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get(self, what, *uriargs):
        Parameters: None
        Response: Unknown
        Errors: None

        /admin/overview GET should return up to all the tables of GLBackend
        from globaleaks.models.externaltip import ReceiverTip, WhistleblowerTip, Comment
        from globaleaks.models.options import PluginProfiles, ReceiverConfs
        from globaleaks.models.internaltip import InternalTip
        from globaleaks.models.receiver import Receiver

        expected = [ 'itip', 'wtip', 'rtip', 'receivers', 'comment', 'profiles', 'rcfg', 'all' ]

        if what == 'receivers' or what == 'all':
            receiver_iface = Receiver()
            receiver_list = yield receiver_iface.admin_get_all()
            self.write({ 'elements' : len(receiver_list), 'receivers' : receiver_list})

        if what == 'itip' or what == 'all':
            itip_iface = InternalTip()
            itip_list = yield itip_iface.admin_get_all()
            self.write({ 'elements' : len(itip_list), 'internaltips' : itip_list })

        if what == 'rtip' or what == 'all':
            rtip_iface = ReceiverTip()
            rtip_list = yield rtip_iface.admin_get_all()
            self.write({ 'elements' : len(rtip_list), 'receivers_tips' : rtip_list })

        if what == 'wtip' or what == 'all':
            wtip_iface = WhistleblowerTip()
            wtip_list = yield wtip_iface.admin_get_all()
            self.write({ 'elements' : len(wtip_list), 'whistleblower_tips' : wtip_list })

        if what == 'comment' or what == 'all':
            comment_iface = Comment()
            comment_list = yield comment_iface.admin_get_all()
            self.write({ 'elements' : len(comment_list), 'comments' : comment_list })

        if what == 'profiles' or what == 'all':
            profile_iface = PluginProfiles()
            profile_list = yield profile_iface.admin_get_all()
            self.write({ 'elements' : len(profile_list), 'profiles' : profile_list })

        if what == 'rcfg' or what == 'all':
            rconf_iface = ReceiverConfs()
            rconf_list = yield rconf_iface.admin_get_all()
            self.write({ 'elements' : len(rconf_list), 'settings' : rconf_list })

        if not what in expected:

Exemplo n.º 6
    def delete(self, tip_token, *uriargs):
        Request: None
        Response: None
        Errors: ForbiddenOperation, TipGusNotFound

        When an uber-receiver decide to "total delete" a Tip, is handled by this call.

            if not is_receiver_token(tip_token):
                raise ForbiddenOperation

            receivertip_iface = ReceiverTip()

            receivers_map = yield receivertip_iface.get_receivers_by_tip(tip_token)

            if not receivers_map['actor']['can_delete_submission']:
                raise ForbiddenOperation

            # sibilings_tips has the keys: 'sibilings': [$] 'requested': $
            sibilings_tips = yield receivertip_iface.get_sibiligs_by_tip(tip_token)

            # delete all the related tip
            for sibiltip in sibilings_tips['sibilings']:
                yield receivertip_iface.personal_delete(sibiltip['tip_gus'])

            # and the tip of the called
            yield receivertip_iface.personal_delete(sibilings_tips['requested']['tip_gus'])

            # extract the internaltip_id, we need for the next operations
            itip_id = sibilings_tips['requested']['internaltip_id']

            file_iface = File()
            # remove all the files: XXX think if delivery method need to be inquired
            files_list = yield file_iface.get_files_by_itip(itip_id)
            print "TODO remove file_list", files_list

            comment_iface = Comment()
            # remove all the comments based on a specific itip_id
            comments_list = yield comment_iface.delete_comment_by_itip(itip_id)

            internaltip_iface = InternalTip()
            # finally, delete the internaltip


        except ForbiddenOperation, e:

            self.write({'error_message' : e.error_message, 'error_code' : e.error_code})
Exemplo n.º 7
    def get_receiver_list_by_receiver(self, tip_gus):

        store = self.getStore()

        requested_t = ReceiverTip(store)
        tip_description = requested_t.get_single(tip_gus)

        itip_iface = InternalTip(store)
        inforet = itip_iface.get_receivers_by_itip(tip_description['internaltip_id'])

        return self.prepareRetVals()
Exemplo n.º 8
    def comment_notification(self):

        plugin_type = u'notification'
        store = self.getStore()

        comment_iface = Comment(store)
        internaltip_iface = InternalTip(store)
        receivercfg_iface = ReceiverConfs(store)
        profile_iface = PluginProfiles(store)

        not_notified_comments = comment_iface.get_comment_by_mark(marker=u'not notified')

        for comment in not_notified_comments:

            receivers_list = internaltip_iface.get_receivers_by_itip(comment['internaltip_id'])

            # needed to obtain context!
            itip_info = internaltip_iface.get_single(comment['internaltip_id'])

            for receiver_info in receivers_list:

                receiver_conf = receivercfg_iface.get_active_conf(receiver_info['receiver_gus'],
                    itip_info['context_gus'], plugin_type)

                if receiver_conf is None:
                    # TODO applicative log, database tracking of queue

                # Ok, we had a valid an appropriate receiver configuration for the notification task
                related_profile = profile_iface.get_single(receiver_conf['profile_gus'])

                settings_dict = { 'admin_settings' : related_profile['admin_settings'],
                                  'receiver_settings' : receiver_conf['receiver_settings']}

                plugin = PluginManager.instance_plugin(related_profile['plugin_name'])

                return_code = plugin.do_notify(settings_dict, u'comment', comment)

                if return_code:
                    print "Notification of comment successful for user", receiver_conf['receiver_gus']
                    print "Notification of comment failed for user", receiver_conf['receiver_gus']

            # remind: comment are not guarantee until Task manager is not developed
            comment_iface.flip_mark(comment['comment_id'], u'notified')
Exemplo n.º 9
    def operation(self):
        Goal of this function is to check all the InternalTip
        and create the Tips for the receiver needing.

        Create the ReceiverTip only, because WhistleBlowerTip is
        created when submission is finalized, along with the receipt

        Only the Receiver marked as first tier receiver has a Tip now,
        the receiver marked as tier 2 (if configured in the context)
        had their Tip only when the escalation_threshold has reached 
        the requested value.
        log.debug("[D]", self.__class__, 'operation', datetime.today().ctime())

        internaltip_iface = InternalTip()
        receivertip_iface = ReceiverTip()

        internal_id_list = yield internaltip_iface.get_newly_generated()

        if len(internal_id_list):
            log.debug("TipSched: found %d new Tip: %s" % (len(internal_id_list), str(internal_id_list)))

        for id in internal_id_list:
            yield receivertip_iface.create_receiver_tips(id, 1)
            yield internaltip_iface.flip_mark(id, u'first')

        # loops over the InternalTip and checks the escalation threshold
        # It may require the creation of second-step Tips
        escalated_id_list = yield internaltip_iface.get_newly_escalated()

        if len(escalated_id_list):
            log.debug("TipSched: %d Tip are escalated: %s" % (len(escalated_id_list), str(escalated_id_list)))

            # This event would be notified as system Comment
            comment_iface = Comment()

            for id in escalated_id_list:
                # yield comment_iface.add_comment(id, u"Escalation threshold has been reached", u'system')
                yield receivertip_iface.create_receiver_tips(id, 2)
                yield internaltip_iface.flip_mark(id, u'second')
Exemplo n.º 10
    def put(self, submission_gus, *uriargs):
        Parameter: submission_gus
        Request: wbSubmissionDesc
        Response: wbSubmissionDesc
        Errors: ContextGusNotFound, InvalidInputFormat, SubmissionFailFields, SubmissionGusNotFound, SubmissionConcluded

        PUT update the submission and finalize if requested.

        context_iface = Context()
            request = validateMessage(self.request.body, requests.wbSubmissionDesc)

            context_desc = yield context_iface.get_single(request['context_gus'])

            submission_iface = Submission()
            submission_desc = yield submission_iface.update(submission_gus, request)

            if not context_desc['selectable_receiver']:
                submission_iface.receivers = context_iface.receivers

            if submission_desc['finalize']:

                internaltip_iface = InternalTip()
                wb_iface = WhistleblowerTip()

                internaltip_desc = yield internaltip_iface.new(submission_desc)
                wbtip_desc = yield wb_iface.new(internaltip_desc)

                submission_desc.update({'receipt' : wbtip_desc['receipt']})
                submission_desc.update({'receipt' : ''})

            self.set_status(202) # Updated
            # TODO - output processing

        except ContextGusNotFound, e:

            self.write({'error_message': e.error_message, 'error_code' : e.error_code})
Exemplo n.º 11
    def update_tip_by_receiver(self, tip_gus, request):

        store = self.getStore()

        receivertip_iface = ReceiverTip(store)

        if request['personal_delete']:

        elif request['is_pertinent']:
            # elif is used to avoid the message with both delete+pertinence.
            # This operation is based in ReceiverTip and is returned
            # the sum of the vote expressed. This value is updated in InternalTip
            (itip_id, vote_sum) = receivertip_iface.pertinence_vote(tip_gus, request['is_pertinent'])

            internaltip_iface = InternalTip(store)
            internaltip_iface.update_pertinence(itip_id, vote_sum)

        return self.prepareRetVals()
Exemplo n.º 12
    def put(self, tip_token, *uriargs):
        Request: actorsTipOpsDesc
        Response: None
        Errors: InvalidTipAuthToken, InvalidInputFormat, ForbiddenOperation

        This interface modify some tip status value. pertinence, personal delete are handled here.
        Total delete operation is handled in this class, by the DELETE HTTP method.
        Those operations (may) trigger a 'system comment' inside of the Tip comment list.

        This interface return None, because may execute a delete operation. The client
        know which kind of operation has been requested. If a pertinence vote, would
        perform a refresh on get() API, if a delete, would bring the user in other places.

            request = validateMessage(self.request.body, requests.actorsTipOpsDesc)

            if not is_receiver_token(tip_token):
                raise ForbiddenOperation

            receivertip_iface = ReceiverTip()

            if request['personal_delete']:
                yield receivertip_iface.personal_delete(tip_token)

            elif request['is_pertinent']:
                # elif is used to avoid the message with both delete+pertinence.
                # This operation is based in ReceiverTip and is returned
                # the sum of the vote expressed. This value is updated in InternalTip
                (itip_id, vote_sum) = yield receivertip_iface.pertinence_vote(tip_token, request['is_pertinent'])

                internaltip_iface = InternalTip()
                yield internaltip_iface.update_pertinence(itip_id, vote_sum)


        except InvalidInputFormat, e:

            self.write({'error_message' : e.error_message, 'error_code' : e.error_code})
Exemplo n.º 13
    def delete_tip(self, tip_gus):

        store = self.getStore()

        receivertip_iface = ReceiverTip(store)

        receivers_map = receivertip_iface.get_receivers_by_tip(tip_gus)

        if not receivers_map['actor']['can_delete_submission']:
            raise ForbiddenOperation

        # sibilings_tips has the keys: 'sibilings': [$] 'requested': $
        sibilings_tips = receivertip_iface.get_sibiligs_by_tip(tip_gus)

        # delete all the related tip
        for sibiltip in sibilings_tips['sibilings']:

        # and the tip of the called

        # extract the internaltip_id, we need for the next operations
        itip_id = sibilings_tips['requested']['internaltip_id']

        # remove all the files: XXX think if delivery method need to be inquired
        file_iface = File(store)
        files_list = file_iface.get_files_by_itip(itip_id)

        # remove all the comments based on a specific itip_id
        comment_iface = Comment(store)
        comments_list = comment_iface.delete_comment_by_itip(itip_id)

        internaltip_iface = InternalTip(store)
        # finally, delete the internaltip

        # XXX Notify Tip removal to the receivers ?
        # XXX ask to the deleter a comment about the action, notifiy this comment ?

        return self.prepareRetVals()
Exemplo n.º 14
    def get_receiver_list_by_wb(self, receipt):

        store = self.getStore()

        requested_t = WhistleblowerTip(store)
        tip_description = requested_t.get_single(receipt)

        receiver_iface = Receiver(store)

        itip_iface = InternalTip(store)
        # inforet = itip_iface.get_receivers_by_itip(tip_description['internaltip_id'])
        # the wb, instead get the list of active receiver, is getting the list of receiver
        # configured in the context:
        receivers_selected = itip_iface.get_single(tip_description['internaltip_id'])['receivers']

        inforet = []
        for receiver_gus in receivers_selected:

        return self.prepareRetVals()
Exemplo n.º 15
    def operation(self):
        Goal of this function is to check all the InternalTip
        and create the Tips for the receiver needing.

        Create the ReceiverTip only, because WhistleBlowerTip is
        created when submission is finalized, along with the receipt

        Only the Receiver marked as first tier receiver has a Tip now,
        the receiver marked as tier 2 (if configured in the context)
        had their Tip only when the escalation_threshold has reached 
        the requested value.

        internaltip_iface = InternalTip()
        receivertip_iface = ReceiverTip()
        receiver_iface = Receiver()

        internal_tip_list = yield internaltip_iface.get_itips_by_maker(u'new', False)

        # TODO for each itip
            # TODO get file status

        if len(internal_tip_list):
            log.debug("TipSched: found %d new Tip" % len(internal_tip_list) )

        for internaltip_desc in internal_tip_list:

            for receiver_gus in internaltip_desc['receivers']:

                receiver_desc = yield receiver_iface.get_single(receiver_gus)

                # check if the Receiver Tier is the first
                if int(receiver_desc['receiver_level']) != 1:

                receivertip_desc = yield receivertip_iface.new(internaltip_desc, receiver_desc)
                print "Created rTip", receivertip_desc['tip_gus'], "for", receiver_desc['name']

                # switch the InternalTip.mark for the tier supplied
                yield internaltip_iface.flip_mark(internaltip_desc['internaltip_id'], internaltip_iface._marker[1])
                # ErrorTheWorldWillEndSoon("Goodbye and thanks for all the fish")
                print "Internal error"

        # Escalation is not working at the moment, may be well engineered the function
        # before, permitting various layer of receivers.
        # loops over the InternalTip and checks the escalation threshold
        # It may require the creation of second-step Tips
        escalated_itip_list = yield internaltip_iface.get_itips_by_maker(internaltip_iface._marker[1], True)

        if len(escalated_itip_list):
            log.debug("TipSched: %d Tip are escalated" % len(escalated_itip_list) )

        # This event has to be notified as system Comment
        comment_iface = Comment()

        for itip in escalated_itip_list:
            itip_id = int(itip['internaltip_id'])

            yield comment_iface.add_comment(itip_id, u"Escalation threshold has been reached", u'system')
            # XXX missing part new
            yield internaltip_iface.flip_mark(itip_id, internaltip_iface._marker[2])
            log.debug("TipSched: escalated %d ReceiverTip for the iTip %d" % (receivertip_created, itip_id))
Exemplo n.º 16
    def tip_creation(self):

        store = self.getStore()

        internaltip_iface = InternalTip(store)
        receiver_iface = Receiver(store)

        internal_tip_list = internaltip_iface.get_itips_by_maker(u'new', False)

        if len(internal_tip_list):
            print "TipSched: found %d new Tip" % len(internal_tip_list)

        for internaltip_desc in internal_tip_list:

            for receiver_gus in internaltip_desc['receivers']:

                    receiver_desc = receiver_iface.get_single(receiver_gus)
                except ReceiverGusNotFound:
                    # Log error, a receiver has been removed before get the Tip

                # check if the Receiver Tier is the first
                if int(receiver_desc['receiver_level']) != 1:

                receivertip_obj = ReceiverTip(store)
                receivertip_desc = receivertip_obj.new(internaltip_desc, receiver_desc)
                print "Created rTip", receivertip_desc['tip_gus'], "for", receiver_desc['name'], \
                    "in", internaltip_desc['context_gus']

            internaltip_iface.flip_mark(internaltip_desc['internaltip_id'], internaltip_iface._marker[1])

        # Escalation is not working at the moment, may be well engineered the function
        # before, permitting various layer of receivers.
        # loops over the InternalTip and checks the escalation threshold
        # It may require the creation of second-step Tips
        escalated_itip_list = internaltip_iface.get_itips_by_maker(internaltip_iface._marker[1], True)

        if len(escalated_itip_list):
            print "TipSched: %d Tip are escalated" % len(escalated_itip_list)

        for eitip in escalated_itip_list:
            eitip_id = int(eitip['internaltip_id'])

            # This event has to be notified as system Comment
            Comment(store).new(eitip_id, u"Escalation threshold has been reached", u'system')

            for receiver_gus in eitip['receivers']:

                    receiver_desc = receiver_iface.get_single(receiver_gus)
                except ReceiverGusNotFound:
                    # Log error, a receiver has been removed before get the Tip

                # check if the Receiver Tier is the second
                if int(receiver_desc['receiver_level']) != 2:

                receivertip_obj = ReceiverTip(store)
                receivertip_desc = receivertip_obj.new(eitip, receiver_desc)
                print "Created 2nd tir rTip", receivertip_desc['tip_gus'], "for", receiver_desc['name'], \
                    "in", eitip['context_gus']

            internaltip_iface.flip_mark(eitip_id, internaltip_iface._marker[2])
Exemplo n.º 17
    def complete_submission(self, submission_gus):
        need a best-safe receipt feat

        store = self.getStore('complete_submission')

            requested_s = store.find(Submission, Submission.submission_gus==submission_gus).one()
        except NotOneError:
            raise SubmissionGusNotFound
        if requested_s is None:
            raise SubmissionGusNotFound

        log.debug("Creating internal tip in", requested_s.context_gus,
            "from", requested_s.submission_gus, "with", requested_s.files)

        if not requested_s.fields:
            raise SubmissionFailFields

        internal_tip = InternalTip()

        # Initialize all the Storm fields inherit by Submission and Context

        # here is created the table with receiver selected (an information stored only in the submission)
        # and the threshold escalation. Is not possible have a both threshold and receiver
        # selection in this moment (other complications can derived from use them both)
        for single_r in requested_s.receivers:

            # this is an hack that need to be fixed short as possible.
            # receiver_map is an outdated concept
            if type(single_r) == type({}):
                receiver_gus = single_r.get('receiver_gus')
                receiver_gus = single_r

                selected_r = store.find(Receiver, Receiver.receiver_gus == unicode(receiver_gus)).one()
            except NotOneError:
                raise ReceiverGusNotFound
            if not selected_r:
                raise ReceiverGusNotFound



        log.debug("Created internal tip %s" % internal_tip.context_gus)

        log.debug("Creating tip for whistleblower")
        whistleblower_tip = WhistleblowerTip()
        whistleblower_tip.internaltip_id = internal_tip.id
        whistleblower_tip.internaltip = internal_tip

        if not requested_s.receipt:
            requested_s.receipt = requested_s._receipt_evaluation()

        statusDict = requested_s._description_dict()

        # remind: receipt is the UNICODE PRIMARY KEY of WhistleblowerTip
        whistleblower_tip.receipt = unicode(requested_s.receipt)
        # TODO whistleblower_tip.authoptions would be filled here

        log.debug("Created tip with address %s, Internal Tip and Submission removed" % whistleblower_tip.receipt)

        # store.remove(requested_s)

        return statusDict
Exemplo n.º 18
    def get(self, what, *uriargs):
        Parameters: None
        Response: Unknown
        Errors: None

        /dump/overview GET should return up to all the tables of GLBackend

        expected = [ 'itip', 'wtip', 'rtip', 'receivers', 'comment',
                     'profiles', 'rcfg', 'file', 'submission', 'contexts', 'plugins', 'all', 'count' ]

        outputDict = {}

        if what == 'receivers' or what == 'all' or what == 'count':
            receiver_iface = Receiver()
            receiver_list = yield receiver_iface.get_all()

            if what != 'count':
                outputDict.update({ 'receivers_elements' : len(receiver_list), 'receivers' : receiver_list})
                outputDict.update({ 'receivers_elements' : len(receiver_list)})

        if what == 'itip' or what == 'all' or what == 'count':
            itip_iface = InternalTip()
            itip_list = yield itip_iface.get_all()

            if what != 'count':
                outputDict.update({ 'internaltips_elements' : len(itip_list), 'internaltips' : itip_list })
                outputDict.update({ 'internaltips_elements' : len(itip_list)})

        if what == 'rtip' or what == 'all' or what == 'count':
            rtip_iface = ReceiverTip()
            rtip_list = yield rtip_iface.get_all()

            if what != 'count':
                outputDict.update({ 'rtip_elements' : len(rtip_list), 'receivers_tips' : rtip_list })
                outputDict.update({ 'rtip_elements' : len(rtip_list)})

        if what == 'wtip' or what == 'all' or what == 'count':
            wtip_iface = WhistleblowerTip()
            wtip_list = yield wtip_iface.get_all()

            if what != 'count':
                outputDict.update({ 'wtip_elements' : len(wtip_list), 'whistleblower_tips' : wtip_list })
                outputDict.update({ 'wtip_elements' : len(wtip_list)})

        if what == 'comment' or what == 'all' or what == 'count':
            comment_iface = Comment()
            comment_list = yield comment_iface.get_all()

            if what != 'count':
                outputDict.update({ 'comment_elements' : len(comment_list), 'comments' : comment_list })
                outputDict.update({ 'comment_elements' : len(comment_list)})

        if what == 'profiles' or what == 'all' or what == 'count':
            profile_iface = PluginProfiles()
            profile_list = yield profile_iface.get_all()

            if what != 'count':
                outputDict.update({ 'profiles_elements' : len(profile_list), 'profiles' : profile_list })
                outputDict.update({ 'profiles_elements' : len(profile_list)})

        if what == 'plugins' or what == 'all' or what == 'count':
            plugin_list = yield PluginManager.get_all()

            if what != 'count':
                outputDict.update({ 'plugins_elements' : len(plugin_list), 'plugins' : plugin_list })
                outputDict.update({ 'plugins_elements' : len(plugin_list) })

        if what == 'rcfg' or what == 'all' or what == 'count':
            rconf_iface = ReceiverConfs()
            rconf_list = yield rconf_iface.get_all()

            if what != 'count':
                outputDict.update({ 'rcfg_elements' : len(rconf_list), 'settings' : rconf_list })
                outputDict.update({ 'rcfg_elements' : len(rconf_list)})

        if what == 'submission' or what == 'all' or what == 'count':
            submission_iface = Submission()
            submission_list = yield submission_iface.get_all()

            if what != 'count':
                outputDict.update({ 'submission_elements' : len(submission_list), 'submissions' : submission_list })
                outputDict.update({ 'submission_elements' : len(submission_list)})

        if what == 'file' or what == 'all' or what == 'count':
            file_iface = File()
            file_list = yield file_iface.get_all()

            if what != 'count':
                outputDict.update({ 'file_elements' : len(file_list), 'files' : file_list })
                outputDict.update({ 'file_elements' : len(file_list)})

        if what == 'contexts' or what == 'all' or what == 'count':
            context_iface = Context()
            context_list = yield context_iface.get_all()

            if what != 'count':
                outputDict.update({ 'contexts_elements' : len(context_list), 'contexts' : context_list })
                outputDict.update({ 'contexts_elements' : len(context_list)})

        if not what in expected:

Exemplo n.º 19
    def operation(self):
        Goal of this function is to check all the:
            System Event

        marked as 'not notified' and perform notification.
        Notification plugin chose if perform a communication or not,
        Then became marked as:
            'notification ignored', or

        Every notification plugin NEED have a checks to verify
        if notification has been correctly performed. If not (eg: wrong
        login/password, network errors) would be marked as:
        'unable to be notified', and a retry logic is in TODO
        plugin_type = u'notification'

        log.debug("[D]", self.__class__, 'operation', datetime.today().ctime())

        receivertip_iface = ReceiverTip()
        receivercfg_iface = ReceiverConfs()
        profile_iface = PluginProfiles()

        # TODO digest check missing it's required refactor the scheduler using a dedicated Storm table
        not_notified_tips = yield receivertip_iface.get_tips_by_notification_mark(u'not notified')

        for single_tip in not_notified_tips:

            # from a single tip, we need to extract the receiver, and then, having
            # context + receiver, find out which configuration setting has active

            receivers_map = yield receivertip_iface.get_receivers_by_tip(single_tip['tip_gus'])

            receiver_info = receivers_map['actor']

            receiver_conf = yield receivercfg_iface.get_active_conf(receiver_info['receiver_gus'],
                single_tip['context_gus'], plugin_type)

            if receiver_conf is None:
                print "Receiver", receiver_info['receiver_gus'], \
                    "has not an active notification settings in context", single_tip['context_gus'], "for", plugin_type

                # TODO applicative log, database tracking of queue

            # Ok, we had a valid an appropriate receiver configuration for the notification task
            related_profile = yield profile_iface.get_single(receiver_conf['profile_gus'])

            settings_dict = { 'admin_settings' : related_profile['admin_settings'],
                              'receiver_settings' : receiver_conf['receiver_settings']}

            plugin = PluginManager.instance_plugin(related_profile['plugin_name'])

            updated_tip = yield receivertip_iface.update_notification_date(single_tip['tip_gus'])
            return_code = plugin.do_notify(settings_dict, u'tip', updated_tip)

            if return_code:
                yield receivertip_iface.flip_mark(single_tip['tip_gus'], u'notified')
                yield receivertip_iface.flip_mark(single_tip['tip_gus'], u'unable to notify')

        # Comment Notification here it's just an incomplete version, that never would supports
        # digest or retry, until Task manager queue is implemented

        comment_iface = Comment()
        internaltip_iface = InternalTip()

        not_notified_comments = yield comment_iface.get_comment_by_mark(marker=u'not notified')

        for comment in not_notified_comments:

            receivers_list = yield internaltip_iface.get_receivers_by_itip(comment['internaltip_id'])

            # needed to obtain context!
            itip_info = yield internaltip_iface.get_single(comment['internaltip_id'])

            for receiver_info in receivers_list:

                receiver_conf = yield receivercfg_iface.get_active_conf(receiver_info['receiver_gus'],
                    itip_info['context_gus'], plugin_type)

                if receiver_conf is None:
                    # TODO applicative log, database tracking of queue

                # Ok, we had a valid an appropriate receiver configuration for the notification task
                related_profile = yield profile_iface.get_single(receiver_conf['profile_gus'])

                settings_dict = { 'admin_settings' : related_profile['admin_settings'],
                                  'receiver_settings' : receiver_conf['receiver_settings']}

                plugin = PluginManager.instance_plugin(related_profile['plugin_name'])

                return_code = plugin.do_notify(settings_dict, u'comment', comment)

                if return_code:
                    print "Notification of comment successful for user", receiver_conf['receiver_gus']
                    print "Notification of comment failed for user", receiver_conf['receiver_gus']

            # remind: comment are not guarantee until Task manager is not developed
            yield comment_iface.flip_mark(comment['comment_id'], u'notified')