Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_compare(self):
        """ Tests the compare funciton """

        a, b = 'test123', 'test123'
        compare_result_true = compare(a, b)

        a, b = 'test123', 'test456'
        compare_result_false = compare(a, b)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_compare(self):
        """ Tests the compare funciton """

        a, b = 'test123', 'test123'
        compare_result_true = compare(a, b)

        a, b = 'test123', 'test456'
        compare_result_false = compare(a, b)
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: url.py Projeto: x91111/web3py
def verifyURL(request, hmac_key=None, hash_vars=True, salt=None, user_signature=None):
    Verifies that a request's args & vars have not been tampered with by the user

    :param request: web2py's request object
    :param hmac_key: the key to authenticate with, must be the same one previously
                    used when calling URL()
    :param hash_vars: which vars to include in our hashing. (Optional)
                    Only uses the 1st value currently
                    True (or undefined) means all, False none,
                    an iterable just the specified keys

    do not call directly. Use instead:


    the key has to match the one used to generate the URL.

        >>> r = Storage()
        >>> gv = Storage(p=(1,3),q=2,_signature='a32530f0d0caa80964bb92aad2bedf8a4486a31f')
        >>> r.update(dict(application='a', controller='c', function='f', extension='html'))
        >>> r['args'] = ['x', 'y', 'z']
        >>> r['get_vars'] = gv
        >>> verifyURL(r, 'key')
        >>> verifyURL(r, 'kay')
        >>> r.get_vars.p = (3, 1)
        >>> verifyURL(r, 'key')
        >>> r.get_vars.p = (3, 2)
        >>> verifyURL(r, 'key')


    if not '_signature' in request.get_vars:
        return False  # no signature in the request URL

    # check if user_signature requires
    if user_signature:
        from globals import current
        if not current.session or not current.session.auth:
            return False
        hmac_key = current.session.auth.hmac_key
    if not hmac_key:
        return False

    # get our sig from request.get_vars for later comparison
    original_sig = request.get_vars._signature

    # now generate a new hmac for the remaining args & vars
    vars, args = request.get_vars, request.args

    # remove the signature var since it was not part of our signed message

    # join all the args & vars into one long string

    # always include all of the args
    other = args and urllib.quote('/' + '/'.join([str(x) for x in args])) or ''
    h_args = '/%s/%s/%s.%s%s' % (request.application,

    # but only include those vars specified (allows more flexibility for use with
    # forms or ajax)

    list_vars = []
    for (key, vals) in sorted(vars.items()):
        if not isinstance(vals, (list, tuple)):
            vals = [vals]
        for val in vals:
            list_vars.append((key, val))

    # which of the vars are to be included?
    if hash_vars is True:       # include them all
        h_vars = list_vars
    elif hash_vars is False:    # include none of them
        h_vars = ''
    else:                       # include just those specified
        # wrap in a try - if the desired vars have been removed it'll fail
            if hash_vars and not isinstance(hash_vars, (list, tuple)):
                hash_vars = [hash_vars]
            h_vars = [(k, v) for (k, v) in list_vars if k in hash_vars]
            # user has removed one of our vars! Immediate fail
            return False
    # build the full message string with both args & vars
    message = h_args + '?' + urllib.urlencode(sorted(h_vars))

    # hash with the hmac_key provided
    sig = simple_hash(message, str(hmac_key), salt or '', digest_alg='sha1')

    # put _signature back in get_vars just in case a second call to URL.verify is performed
    # (otherwise it'll immediately return false)
    request.get_vars['_signature'] = original_sig

    # return whether or not the signature in the request matched the one we just generated
    # (I.E. was the message the same as the one we originally signed)

    return compare(original_sig, sig)