Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_parsing_timezone(self):
        """Assert glyphs_datetime can parse the (optional) timezone
        formatted as UTC offset. If it's not explicitly specified, then
        +0000 is assumed.
            parse_datetime("2017-12-18 16:45:31 -0100"),
            datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 18, 15, 45, 31),

            parse_datetime("2017-12-18 14:15:31 +0130"),
            datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 18, 15, 45, 31),

            parse_datetime("2017-12-18 15:45:31"),
            datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 18, 15, 45, 31),

            parse_datetime("2017-12-18 03:45:31 PM"),
            datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 18, 15, 45, 31),

            parse_datetime("2017-12-18 09:45:31 AM"),
            datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 18, 9, 45, 31),
Exemplo n.º 2
def from_loose_ufo_time(string):
    """Parses a datetime as specified for UFOs into a datetime object,
    or as the Glyphs formet."""
        return from_ufo_time(string)
    except ValueError:
        return parse_datetime(string)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_set_disable_last_change(self):
     glyph = GSGlyph()
     glyph.name = "a"
     layer = GSLayer()
     layer.layerId = self.font.masters[0].id
     layer.associatedMasterId = self.font.masters[0].id
     layer.width = 100
     glyph.lastChange = parse_datetime("2017-10-03 07:35:46 +0000")
     self.font.customParameters["Disable Last Change"] = True
     self.ufo = to_ufos(self.font)[0]
         self.ufo.lib[FONT_CUSTOM_PARAM_PREFIX + "disablesLastChange"])
     self.assertNotIn(GLYPHLIB_PREFIX + "lastChange", self.ufo["a"].lib)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_parsing_12hr_format(self):
     """Assert glyphs_datetime can parse 12 hour time format"""
     string_12hrs = '2017-01-01 5:30:30 PM +0000'
                      datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 1, 17, 30, 30))
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_parsing_24hr_format(self):
     """Assert glyphs_datetime can parse 24 hour time formats"""
     string_24hrs = '2017-01-01 17:30:30 +0000'
                      datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 1, 17, 30, 30))
    def test_write_font_attributes(self):
        """Test the writer on all GSFont attributes"""
        font = classes.GSFont()
        # List of properties from https://docu.glyphsapp.com/#gsfont
        # parent: not handled because it's internal and read-only
        # masters
        m1 = classes.GSFontMaster()
        m1.id = "M1"
        font.masters.insert(0, m1)
        m2 = classes.GSFontMaster()
        m2.id = "M2"
        font.masters.insert(1, m2)
        # instances
        i1 = classes.GSInstance()
        i1.name = "MuchBold"
        # glyphs
        g1 = classes.GSGlyph()
        g1.name = 'G1'
        # classes
        c1 = classes.GSClass()
        c1.name = "C1"
        # features
        f1 = classes.GSFeature()
        f1.name = "F1"
        # featurePrefixes
        fp1 = classes.GSFeaturePrefix()
        fp1 = "FP1"
        # copyright
        font.copyright = "Copyright Bob"
        # designer
        font.designer = "Bob"
        # designerURL
        font.designerURL = "bob.me"
        # manufacturer
        font.manufacturer = "Manu"
        # manufacturerURL
        font.manufacturerURL = "manu.com"
        # versionMajor
        font.versionMajor = 2
        # versionMinor
        font.versionMinor = 104
        # date
        font.date = parse_datetime('2017-10-03 07:35:46 +0000')
        # familyName
        font.familyName = "Sans Rien"
        # upm
        font.upm = 2000
        # note
        font.note = "Was bored, made this"
        # kerning
        font.kerning = OrderedDict([
            ('M1', OrderedDict([
                ('@MMK_L_G1', OrderedDict([
                    ('@MMK_R_G1', 0.1)
        # userData
        font.userData = {
            'a': 'test',
            'b': [1, {'c': 2}],
            'd': [1, "1"],
            'noodleThickness': "106.0",
        # grid -> gridLength
        font.grid = 35
        # gridSubDivisions
        font.gridSubDivisions = 5
        # keyboardIncrement
        font.keyboardIncrement = 1.2
        # disablesNiceNames
        font.disablesNiceNames = True
        # customParameters
        font.customParameters['ascender'] = 300
        # selection: not written
        # selectedLayers: not written
        # selectedFontMaster: not written
        # masterIndex: not written
        # currentText: not written
        # tabs: not written
        # currentTab: not written
        # filepath: not written
        # tool: not written
        # tools: not handled because it is a read-only list of GUI features
        # .appVersion (extra property that is not in the docs!)
        font.appVersion = "895"
        self.assertWrites(font, dedent("""\
            .appVersion = "895";
            classes = (
            code = "";
            name = C1;
            copyright = "Copyright Bob";
            customParameters = (
            name = note;
            value = "Was bored, made this";
            name = ascender;
            value = 300;
            date = "2017-10-03 07:35:46 +0000";
            designer = Bob;
            designerURL = bob.me;
            disablesNiceNames = 1;
            familyName = "Sans Rien";
            featurePrefixes = (
            features = (
            code = "";
            name = F1;
            fontMaster = (
            ascender = 800;
            capHeight = 700;
            descender = -200;
            id = M1;
            xHeight = 500;
            ascender = 800;
            capHeight = 700;
            descender = -200;
            id = M2;
            xHeight = 500;
            glyphs = (
            glyphname = G1;
            gridLength = 35;
            gridSubDivision = 5;
            instances = (
            name = MuchBold;
            kerning = {
            M1 = {
            "@MMK_L_G1" = {
            "@MMK_R_G1" = 0.1;
            keyboardIncrement = 1.2;
            manufacturer = Manu;
            manufacturerURL = manu.com;
            unitsPerEm = 2000;
            userData = {
            a = test;
            b = (
            c = 2;
            d = (
            noodleThickness = "106.0";
            versionMajor = 2;
            versionMinor = 104;

        # Don't write the keyboardIncrement if it's 1 (default)
        font.keyboardIncrement = 1
        written = test_helpers.write_to_lines(font)
        self.assertFalse(any("keyboardIncrement" in line for line in written))

        # Always write versionMajor and versionMinor, even when 0
        font.versionMajor = 0
        font.versionMinor = 0
        written = test_helpers.write_to_lines(font)
        self.assertIn("versionMajor = 0;", written)
        self.assertIn("versionMinor = 0;", written)
    def test_write_glyph(self):
        glyph = classes.GSGlyph()
        # https://docu.glyphsapp.com/#gsglyph
        # parent: not written
        # layers
        # Put the glyph in a font with at least one master for the magic in
        # `glyph.layers.append()` to work.
        font = classes.GSFont()
        master = classes.GSFontMaster()
        master.id = "MASTER-ID"
        font.masters.insert(0, master)
        layer = classes.GSLayer()
        layer.layerId = "LAYER-ID"
        layer.name = "L1"
        glyph.layers.insert(0, layer)
        # name
        glyph.name = "Aacute"
        # unicode
        glyph.unicode = "00C1"
        # string: not written
        # id: not written
        # category
        glyph.category = "Letter"
        # subCategory
        glyph.subCategory = "Uppercase"
        # script
        glyph.script = "latin"
        # productionName
        glyph.productionName = "Aacute.prod"
        # glyphInfo: not written
        # leftKerningGroup
        glyph.leftKerningGroup = "A"
        # rightKerningGroup
        glyph.rightKerningGroup = "A"
        # leftKerningKey: not written
        # rightKerningKey: not written
        # leftMetricsKey
        glyph.leftMetricsKey = "A"
        # rightMetricsKey
        glyph.rightMetricsKey = "A"
        # widthMetricsKey
        glyph.widthMetricsKey = "A"
        # export
        glyph.export = False
        # color
        glyph.color = 11
        # colorObject: not written
        # note
        glyph.note = "Stunning one-bedroom A with renovated acute accent"
        # selected: not written
        # mastersCompatible: not stored
        # userData
        glyph.userData['rememberToMakeCoffe'] = True
        # Check that empty collections are written
        glyph.userData['com.someoneelse.coolsoftware.customdata'] = [
                ('zero', 0),
                ('emptyList', []),
                ('emptyDict', {}),
                ('emptyString', ""),
        # smartComponentAxes
        axis = classes.GSSmartComponentAxis()
        axis.name = "crotchDepth"
        # lastChange
        glyph.lastChange = parse_datetime('2017-10-03 07:35:46 +0000')
        self.assertWrites(glyph, dedent("""\
            color = 11;
            export = 0;
            glyphname = Aacute;
            lastChange = "2017-10-03 07:35:46 +0000";
            layers = (
            associatedMasterId = "MASTER-ID";
            layerId = "LAYER-ID";
            name = L1;
            width = 600;
            leftKerningGroup = A;
            leftMetricsKey = A;
            widthMetricsKey = A;
            note = "Stunning one-bedroom A with renovated acute accent";
            rightKerningGroup = A;
            rightMetricsKey = A;
            unicode = 00C1;
            script = latin;
            category = Letter;
            subCategory = Uppercase;
            userData = {
            com.someoneelse.coolsoftware.customdata = (
            zero = 0;
            emptyList = (
            emptyDict = {
            emptyString = "";
            rememberToMakeCoffe = 1;
            partsSettings = (
            name = crotchDepth;
            bottomValue = 0;
            topValue = 0;

        # Write the script even when it's an empty string
        # Same for category and subCategory
        glyph.script = ""
        glyph.category = ""
        glyph.subCategory = ""
        written = test_helpers.write_to_lines(glyph)
        self.assertIn('script = "";', written)
        self.assertIn('category = "";', written)
        self.assertIn('subCategory = "";', written)

        # Write double unicodes
        glyph.unicodes = ['00C1', 'E002']
        written = test_helpers.write_to_lines(glyph)
        self.assertIn('unicode = "00C1,E002";', written)