Exemplo n.º 1
def init_person_hierarchy(ch, hierarchies):
    hier = TDLHierarchy('person')

    for p in ch.persons():
        for st in p[1].split(';'):
            hier.add(p[0], st)

    if not hier.is_empty():
        hierarchies[hier.name] = hier
Exemplo n.º 2
def init_pernum_hierarchy(ch, hierarchies):
    hier = TDLHierarchy('pernum')

    for pn in ch.pernums():
        for st in pn[1].split(';'):
            hier.add(pn[0], st)

    if not hier.is_empty():
        hierarchies[hier.name] = hier
Exemplo n.º 3
def init_gender_hierarchy(ch, hierarchies):
    hier = TDLHierarchy('gender')

    for g in ch.genders():
        for st in g[1].split(';'):
            hier.add(g[0], st)

    if not hier.is_empty():
        hierarchies[hier.name] = hier
Exemplo n.º 4
def init_number_hierarchy(ch, hierarchies):
    hier = TDLHierarchy('number')

    for n in ch.numbers():
        for st in n[1].split(';'):
            hier.add(n[0], st)

    if not hier.is_empty():
        hierarchies[hier.name] = hier
Exemplo n.º 5
def init_form_hierarchy(ch, hierarchies):
  Create the FORM hierarchies associated with the user's choices
  about verb forms
  Adds FORM finite and nonfinte values if there are auxiliaries
  or if user specified
  hier = TDLHierarchy('form')

  if ch.get('has-aux') == 'yes' or 'noaux-fin-nf' in ch:

    hier.add('nonfinite', 'form')
    hier.add('finite', 'form')

    for p in ('nf', 'fin'):

      for subform in ch.get(p + '-subform',[]):
        if p == 'nf':
          sup = 'nonfinite'
        elif p == 'fin':
          sup = 'finite'

        sub = subform.get('name')
        hier.add(sub, sup)

  if not hier.is_empty():
    hierarchies[hier.name] = hier
Exemplo n.º 6
def init_situation_hierarchy(ch, hierarchies):
    hier = TDLHierarchy('situation')

    for situation in ch.get('situation', []):
        name = situation.get('name')
        for supertype in situation.get('supertype', []):
            supername = supertype.get('name')
            hier.add(name, supername)

    if not hier.is_empty():
        hierarchies[hier.name] = hier
Exemplo n.º 7
def init_form_hierarchy(ch, hierarchies):
    Create the FORM hierarchies associated with the user's choices
    about verb forms
    hier = TDLHierarchy('form')
    if ('form-fin-nf' in ch):
        hier.add('nonfinite', 'form')
        hier.add('finite', 'form')
        for subform in ch.get('form-subtype', []):
            hier.add(subform.get('name'), subform.get('supertype'))
    if not hier.is_empty():
        hierarchies[hier.name] = hier
Exemplo n.º 8
def init_other_hierarchies(ch, mylang, hierarchies):
    for feature in ch.get('feature', []):
        feat = feature.get('name', '')
        type = feature.get('type', '')
        hier = TDLHierarchy(feat, type)

        if feature.get('new', '') == 'yes':
            for value in feature.get('value', []):
                val = value.get('name')
                for supertype in value.get('supertype', []):
                    stype = supertype.get('name')
                    hier.add(val, stype)
            if type == 'head':
                mylang.add('head :+ [ ' + feat.upper() + ' ' + feature.get('existing', '') + ' ].',
                mylang.add('png :+ [ ' + feat.upper() + ' ' + feature.get('existing', '') + ' ].',

        if not hier.is_empty():
            hierarchies[hier.name] = hier
Exemplo n.º 9
def init_aspect_hierarchy(ch, hierarchies):
    hier = TDLHierarchy('aspect')

    for aspect in ch.get('aspect', []):
        name = aspect.get('name')
        for supertype in aspect.get('supertype', []):
            supername = supertype.get('name')
            hier.add(name, supername)

    if not hier.is_empty():
        hierarchies[hier.name] = hier
    elif ch.get('perimper'):
        for asp in ('perfective', 'imperfective'):
            name = asp
            supername = 'aspect'
            hier.add(name, supername)
            hierarchies[hier.name] = hier
Exemplo n.º 10
def init_mood_hierarchy(ch, hierarchies):
    hier = TDLHierarchy('mood')

    for mood in ch.get('mood', []):
        name = mood.get('name')
        for supertype in mood.get('supertype', []):
            supername = supertype.get('name')
            hier.add(name, supername)

    if not hier.is_empty():
        hierarchies[hier.name] = hier
    elif ch.get('subjind'):
        for md in ('subjunctive', 'indicative'):
            name = md
            supername = 'mood'
            hier.add(name, supername)
            hierarchies[hier.name] = hier
Exemplo n.º 11
def init_case_hierarchy(ch, hierarchies):
    cm = ch.get('case-marking')
    cases = case_names(ch)

    hier = TDLHierarchy('case')

    # EKN 2018-03-02 If possessive strategy implemented, add an intermediate
    # level to case hierarchy that contrasts with a 'false' case type that is
    # assigned to possessors. Keeps possessors from being args of verbs, etc.
    poss = True if ch.get('poss-strat') or ch.get('poss-pron') else False

    # For most case patterns, just make a flat hierarchy.  For fluid-s,
    # split-n and split-v, however, a more articulated hierarchy is required.
    if cm in ['nom-acc', 'erg-abs', 'tripartite', 'split-s', 'focus']:
        # LTX 2022-04-22: real-case should be only defined once
        if poss:
            hier.add('real-case', 'case',
                     'intermediate case type for all real cases')
        for c in cases:
            if poss:
                hier.add(c[2], 'real-case', c[1])
                hier.add(c[2], 'case', c[1])
    elif cm in ['fluid-s']:
        if poss:
            hier.add('real-case', 'case',
                     'intermediate case type for all real cases')
        abbr = canon_to_abbr('a_case+o_case', cases)
        for c in cases:
            if c[0] in ['a_case', 'o_case']:
                hier.add(c[2], abbr, c[1])
                if poss:
                    hier.add(c[2], 'real-case', c[1])
                    hier.add(c[2], 'case', c[1])
    elif cm in ['split-n', 'split-v']:
        if poss:
            hier.add('real-case', 'case',
                     'intermediate case type for all real cases')
        nom_a = canon_to_abbr('nom', cases)
        acc_a = canon_to_abbr('acc', cases)
        erg_a = canon_to_abbr('erg', cases)
        abs_a = canon_to_abbr('abs', cases)
        if cm == 'split-v':
            for c in cases:
                hier.add(c[2], 'case', c[1])
        else:  # 'split-n':
            if poss:
                hier.add('a_case', 'real-case', 'transitive agent')
                hier.add('s_case', 'real-case', 'intransitive subject')
                hier.add('o_case', 'real-case', 'transitive patient')
                hier.add('a_case', 'case', 'transitive agent')
                hier.add('s_case', 'case', 'intransitive subject')
                hier.add('o_case', 'case', 'transitive patient')
            for c in cases:
                if c[2] == erg_a:
                    hier.add(c[2], 'a_case', c[1])
                elif c[2] == nom_a:
                    hier.add(c[2], 'a_case', c[1])
                    hier.add(c[2], 's_case', c[1])
                elif c[2] == abs_a:
                    hier.add(c[2], 's_case', c[1])
                    hier.add(c[2], 'o_case', c[1])
                elif c[2] == acc_a:
                    hier.add(c[2], 'o_case', c[1])
                    hier.add(c[2], 'case', c[1])

    if not hier.is_empty():
        hierarchies[hier.name] = hier
Exemplo n.º 12
def write_dir_inv_types(choices, mylang, hierarchies):
    mylang.add('verb :+ [ DIRECTION direction ].', section='addenda')
    hier = TDLHierarchy('direction')
    hier.add('dir', 'direction')
    hier.add('inv', 'direction')

    if choices.has_SCARGS():
        mylang.add('word-or-lexrule :+ [ SC-ARGS list ].', section='addenda')
        mylang.add('lex-rule :+ [ SC-ARGS #1, DTR.SC-ARGS #1 ].',

    cases = case.case_names(choices)
    features = choices.features()

    # Figure out which features are involved in the hierarchy
    names = []  # feature names
    for scale in choices.get('scale', []):
        for feat in scale.get('feat', []):
            names.append(feat.get('name', ''))

    # Now pass through the scale, creating the direct-inverse hierarchy
    # pairwise
    mylang.add_literal(';;; Direct-inverse scale')
    supertype = 'dir-inv-scale'
    mylang.add(supertype + ' := canonical-synsem.')

    scale_len = len(choices.get('scale', ''))

    for i in range(1, scale_len):
        values = {}  # for each feature, a set of values

        # get the features on the first scale entry in this range
        for feat in choices.get('scale')[i].get('feat', []):
            name = feat.get('name', '')
            if name not in values:
                values[name] = set()

        # create the left type in the pair
        type = 'dir-inv-' + str(i)

        mylang.add(type + ' := ' + supertype + '.')

        for n in values:
            vset = values[n]

            if n == 'case':
                new_vset = set()
                for v in vset:
                    new_vset.add(canon_to_abbr(v, cases))
                vset = new_vset

            geom = ''
            for f in features:
                if f[0] == n:
                    geom = f[2]

            value = hierarchies[n].get_type_covering(vset)
            if value != n:  # don't bother if it doesn't constrain anything
                mylang.add(type + ' := [ ' + geom + ' ' + value + ' ].')

        # rest of the scale
        values = {}
        for scale in choices.get('scale')[i:]:
            for feat in scale.get('feat', []):
                name = feat.get('name', '')
                if name not in values:
                    values[name] = set()
                values[name].add(feat.get('value', ''))

        # create the right type in the pair
        type = 'dir-inv-non-' + str(i)

        mylang.add(type + ' := ' + supertype + '.')

        for n in values:
            vset = values[n]

            if n == 'case':
                new_vset = set()
                for v in vset:
                    new_vset.add(canon_to_abbr(v, cases))
                vset = new_vset

            geom = ''
            for f in features:
                if f[0] == n:
                    geom = f[2]

            value = hierarchies[n].get_type_covering(vset)
            if value != n:  # don't bother if it doesn't constrain anything
                mylang.add(type + ' := [ ' + geom + ' ' + value + ' ].')

        supertype = type

    # generate subtypes to patch the direct-inverse/unexpressed type conflict
        ';;; Direct-inverse/unexpressed subtypes for compatibility with argument optionality'

    # add subtypes for each left-branching leaf on the scale
    for i in range(1, scale_len):
        type = 'dir-inv-' + str(i)
        subtype = type + '-unexpressed'
        mylang.add(subtype + ' := ' + type + ' & unexpressed.')

    # now add the last, right-branching leaf
    type = 'dir-inv-non-' + str(scale_len - 1)
    subtype = type + '-unexpressed'
    mylang.add(subtype + ' := ' + type + ' & unexpressed.')
Exemplo n.º 13
def init_tense_hierarchy(ch, hierarchies):
    hier = TDLHierarchy('tense')

    tdefn = ch.get('tense-definition')
    if tdefn:
        if tdefn == 'choose':
            ppflist = []
            for ten in ('nonfuture', 'nonpast', 'past', 'present', 'future'):

                if ten in ch:
                    if ten not in ppflist:
                        hier.add(ten, 'tense')

                    for subtype in ch.get(ten + '-subtype', []):
                        st = subtype.get('name', '')
                        hier.add(st, ten)

                    if ten == 'nonfuture':
                        for moreten in ('past', 'present'):
                            if moreten in ch:
                                hier.add(moreten, ten)

                    if ten == 'nonpast':
                        for moreten in ('present', 'future'):
                            if moreten in ch:
                                hier.add(moreten, ten)

        elif tdefn == 'build':

            for tense in ch.get('tense', []):
                name = tense.get('name')

                for supertype in tense.get('supertype', []):
                    supername = supertype.get('name')
                    hier.add(name, supername)

    if not hier.is_empty():
        hierarchies[hier.name] = hier
Exemplo n.º 14
def init_case_hierarchy(ch, hierarchies):
    cm = ch.get('case-marking')
    cases = case_names(ch)

    hier = TDLHierarchy('case')

    # For most case patterns, just make a flat hierarchy.  For fluid-s,
    # split-n and split-v, however, a more articulated hierarchy is required.
    if cm in ['nom-acc', 'erg-abs', 'tripartite', 'split-s', 'focus']:
        for c in cases:
            hier.add(c[2], 'case', c[1])
    elif cm in ['fluid-s']:
        abbr = canon_to_abbr('a_case+o_case', cases)
        for c in cases:
            if c[0] in ['a_case', 'o_case']:
                hier.add(c[2], abbr, c[1])
                hier.add(c[2], 'case', c[1])
    elif cm in ['split-n', 'split-v']:
        nom_a = canon_to_abbr('nom', cases)
        acc_a = canon_to_abbr('acc', cases)
        erg_a = canon_to_abbr('erg', cases)
        abs_a = canon_to_abbr('abs', cases)
        if cm == 'split-v':
            for c in cases:
                hier.add(c[2], 'case', c[1])
        else:  # 'split-n':
            hier.add('a_case', 'case', 'transitive agent')
            hier.add('s_case', 'case', 'intransitive subject')
            hier.add('o_case', 'case', 'transitive patient')
            for c in cases:
                if c[2] == erg_a:
                    hier.add(c[2], 'a_case', c[1])
                elif c[2] == nom_a:
                    hier.add(c[2], 'a_case', c[1])
                    hier.add(c[2], 's_case', c[1])
                elif c[2] == abs_a:
                    hier.add(c[2], 's_case', c[1])
                    hier.add(c[2], 'o_case', c[1])
                elif c[2] == acc_a:
                    hier.add(c[2], 'o_case', c[1])
                    hier.add(c[2], 'case', c[1])

    if not hier.is_empty():
        hierarchies[hier.name] = hier