Exemplo n.º 1
def produce_results():
    test_AF, test_LD = loadPriorKnowledge(

    SNPRefList = []
    dataset = []
    datFile = open("E:/Lab/LCA1/honeygenes/dat/new_genotypes_chr22_CEU.txt")
    for line in datFile.readlines():
        attrArray = line.split()

#    SNPRefList = SNPRefList[0:100]
    dataset = np.array(dataset, dtype=int)
    #    bitLen1 = int(math.ceil(len(SNPRefList)*math.log(3,2)))
    maxNaiveSeed = 3**len(SNPRefList) - 1
    bitLen2 = int(math.ceil(len(SNPRefList) * 3))
    for i in range(len(SNPRefList)):

    sec_exp_result = open('sec_exp_result_large.txt', 'w')
    pInd = 16
    while pInd < 17:
        pInd += 1
        correctSize = gmpy2.log2(
            intervalSize(list(dataset[:, pInd]), SNPRefList, test_AF, test_LD,
        numOfExps = 1000
        sizes1 = [0] * numOfExps
        for i in range(numOfExps):
            randomSeed1 = random.randint(0, maxNaiveSeed)
            randomSeq1 = naiveDecode(randomSeed1, SNPRefList, test_AF, test_LD,
            sizes1[i] = gmpy2.log2(
                intervalSize(randomSeq1, SNPRefList, test_AF, test_LD,
            print sizes1[i]
        print ', '.join(map(str, sizes1))

        sizes2 = [0] * numOfExps
        for i in range(numOfExps):
            randomSeed2 = random.randint(0, 2**bitLen2 - 1)
            sizes2[i] = gmpy2.log2(
                intervalSize2(randomSeed2, SNPRefList, test_AF, test_LD,
        print ', '.join(map(str, sizes2))
        sec_exp_result.write(str(correctSize) + '\n')
        sec_exp_result.write('\t'.join(map(str, sizes1)) + '\n')
        sec_exp_result.write('\t'.join(map(str, sizes2)) + '\n')
Exemplo n.º 2
def aks_test(n):
    Implement the AKS primality test.
    get_context().precision = bit_length(n)
    # Check if n is a perfect power. If so, return composite.
    if is_power(n):
        return "composite"

    # Find the smallest r such that the multiplicative order of n modulo r
    # is greater than log(n, 2)^2
    r = get_r(n)

    # If 1 < gcd(a, n) < n for some a <= r, return composite
    for a in range(1, r):
        if gcd(a, n) > 1 and gcd(a, n) < n:
            return "composite"

    # If n <= r, return prime
    if n <= r:
        return "prime"

    # Check if (x + a)^n mod (x^r - 1, n) != (x^n + a) mod (x^r - 1, n)
    if False in ray.get([
            is_congruent.remote(a, n, r)
            for a in range(1, mpz(floor(sqrt(phi(r)) * log2(n))))
        return "composite"

    return "prime"
Exemplo n.º 3
def good_pair(p, q):
    """Returns p*q if p and q are a good pair, else 0."""
    n = p * q
    k = gmpy2.ceil(gmpy2.log2(n))
    if abs(p - q) > 2**(k / 2 - 100):
        return n
    return 0
Exemplo n.º 4
def check_pair(p: int, q: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    """Returns the encryption modulus and totient for the given primes."""
    n = p*q
    k = ceil(log2(n))
    if abs(p - q) > 2**(k/2 - 100):
        return n, n - (p + q - 1)
    return 0, 0
Exemplo n.º 5
def solve(*lines):
    P, Q = lines
    Q = mpz(Q)
    P = mpz(P)
    _gcd = gcd(P, Q)
    if gcd > 1:
        P = c_div(P, _gcd)
        Q = c_div(Q, _gcd)
    if not log2(Q).is_integer():
        return 'impossible'
    res = log2(P)
    res = mpz(floor(res))
    res, rem = c_divmod(Q, 2**res)
    if rem:
        return 'impossible'
    return int(log2(res))
Exemplo n.º 6
def bits_in_number(number):
    Returns number of bits in the given number
    :param number: long number
    if number == 0:
        return 0
    return gmpy2.mpz(gmpy2.floor(gmpy2.log2(number)) + 1)
Exemplo n.º 7
def p_to_entropy(p01, p10, bitwidth):
    smp = mpfr('0.0')

    mcv_prob, mcv = symbol_max_probability(p01, p10, bitwidth)

    ent = -gmpy2.log2(mcv_prob)
    #printf("XXX entropy = %f  p01=%f, p10=%f\n",ent,p01,p10);
    return ent / bitwidth, mcv_prob, mcv
Exemplo n.º 8
def p_to_entropy(p01, p10, bitwidth, verbose=False):
    smp = mpfr('0.0')

    mcv_prob, mcv = symbol_max_probability(p01, p10, bitwidth)

    ent = -gmpy2.log2(mcv_prob)
    #printf("XXX entropy = %f  p01=%f, p10=%f",ent,p01,p10,file=sys.stderr)
    return ent / bitwidth, mcv_prob, mcv
Exemplo n.º 9
def ecm(N: int):

    Elliptic-curve factorization method

        N (int): target

        int: factor
    L = int(gmpy2.log2(N)**2 + gmpy2.log2(N) * 0.25)
    iter_count = 0

    while True:
        a = gmpy2.mpz(random.randint(0, N))
        x = gmpy2.mpz(random.randint(0, N))
        y = gmpy2.mpz(random.randint(0, N))

        ECMPoint.init(a, N)
        P = ECMPoint(x, y)

        prime = gmpy2.mpz(2)

        while prime <= L:
            base = copy.copy(P)
            exponent = gmpy2.mpz(logn(L, prime))
            M = pow(prime, exponent)
            prime = next_prime(prime)

            M -= 1
            while M > 0:
                if M % 2 == 1:
                    add_rslt = P.add(base)
                    if not add_rslt:
                        return ecm_calc_factor(P, base, N)
                add_rslt = base.add(base)
                if not add_rslt:
                    return ecm_calc_factor(base, base, N)
                M //= 2
        iter_count += 1
Exemplo n.º 10
 def compute_parameters(self, orwell_file):
     data_prob = 0.0
     total_count = 0
     for token_list in self.data_parser.iterate_line(orwell_file):
         total_count += 1
         sent_len = len(token_list) - 1
         sent_prob = self.sent_prob(sent_len)
         data_prob += gmpy2.log2(sent_prob)
     log_data        = (data_prob / total_count)
     perplexity      = math.pow(2, (-1.0 * log_data))
     cross_entropy   = math.log(perplexity, 2)
     return cross_entropy, perplexity
Exemplo n.º 11
def check_modulus_size(n):
    # type: (int) -> RE
    Checks if the modulus has good RSA sizes

    :n The RSA modulus
    # TODO: Research exact size

    if gmpy2.log2(n) < 1023:
        return RSAResult.SMALL_MODULUS
    return RSAResult.OK
Exemplo n.º 12
def find_composite():
    Historically the mersenne.org manual results didn't mark as complete
    ranges that included a composite result.
    e.g. https://www.mersenne.org/report_exponent/?exp_lo=113644673&full=1

    Search for any result that contained 1 or more composite factor and save
        found <x> factor for M<z> from 2^72 to 2^73 [mfaktc 0.21 barrett76_mul32_gs]

    # results[exp][bitlevel] = []
    results = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))

    # set of (exp, bitlevels) that will need to be resubmitted
    composite = set()

    assert os.path.isfile(RESULTS_FILE), RESULTS_FILE
    with open(RESULTS_FILE) as results_file:
        for result in results_file:
            match = re.match("M([0-9]*) has a factor: ([0-9]*).*TF:..:([0-9]{2})", result)
            if match:
                M, factor, upper_tf = map(int, match.groups())
                # Wonky factor, see https://www.mersenneforum.org/showthread.php?p=585014#post585014
                if factor == 147602823780943516039:

                # Composite factor
                if not gmpy2.is_prime(factor):
                    log2 = gmpy2.log2(factor)
                    assert (upper_tf - 1) < log2 < upper_tf, (factor, log2, upper_tf)
                    composite.add( (M, upper_tf) )

            match = re.match("found [1-9]+ factors? for M([0-9]+) from 2\^([0-9]+) to 2\^([0-9]+)", result)
            if match:
                # Assumes that mfaktc was run with StopAfterFactor=0 (which is was
                M, low, high = map(int, match.groups())

    print ()
    print ("{} compsite factors found, {} exponents {} bit levels".format(
        len(composite), len(results), sum(map(len, results.values()))))
    print ()

    for M, high in sorted(composite):
        if high <= 68:
        #print (f"\t# M{M} 2^{high-1} to 2^{high}")
        for result in results[M][high]:
            print (result.strip())
Exemplo n.º 13
def is_good_pair(p: int, q: int) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]:
    """Returns the encryption modulus and totient for the given primes.
    :param p: One of the two primes to be used for encryption.
    :type p: int
    :param q: The other prime used for encryption.
    :type q: int
    :returns: Either the encryption modulus and the totient, or None.
    :rtype: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]"""
    n = p*q
    k = gmpy2.ceil(gmpy2.log2(n))
    if abs(p - q) > 2**(k/2 - 100):
        return n, n - (p + q - 1)
    return None
Exemplo n.º 14
def get_r(n):
    Find the smallest r such that the multiplicative order of n modulo r
    is greater than log(n, 2)^2. If r and n are not coprime, skip this r.
    r = 2
    while True:
        if gcd(r, n) != 1:
            r += 1
        elif ord(n, r) > pow(log2(n), 2):
            r += 1

    return r
Exemplo n.º 15
def produce_results():
    test_AF, test_LD = loadPriorKnowledge(

    SNPRefList = []
    dataset = []
    datFile = open("E:/Lab/LCA1/honeygenes/dat/new_genotypes_chr22_CEU.txt")
    for line in datFile.readlines():
        attrArray = line.split()
#    SNPRefList = SNPRefList[0:100]
    dataset = np.array(dataset, dtype=int)
    #    bitLen1 = int(math.ceil(len(SNPRefList)*math.log(3,2)))
    maxNaiveSeed = 3**len(SNPRefList) - 1
    bitLen2 = int(math.ceil(len(SNPRefList) * 3))
    for i in range(len(SNPRefList)):

    for i in range(50):
        print gmpy2.log2(
            intervalSize(list(dataset[:, i]), SNPRefList, test_AF, test_LD,
Exemplo n.º 16
def compute_cross_entropy_perplexity(obj_model, data_file):
    obj_model.logger.info("Started analysing data file %s to compute cross entropy" % data_file)
    data_prob  = 0.0
    word_count = 0
    for token_list in obj_model.data_parser.iterate_line(data_file):
        word_count += len(token_list)
        sent_prob   = obj_model.sentence_probability(token_list)
        if sent_prob is None:
            return None
        data_prob  += gmpy2.log2(sent_prob)
    obj_model.logger.info("Data Probability : %.10f" % data_prob)
    log_data        = (data_prob / word_count)
    obj_model.logger.info("Log Data         : %.10f" % log_data)
    perplexity      = math.pow(2, (-1.0 * log_data))
    obj_model.logger.info("Perplexity       : %.10f" % perplexity)
    cross_entropy   = math.log(perplexity, 2)
    obj_model.logger.info("Cross Entropy    : %.10f" % cross_entropy)
    return cross_entropy, perplexity
Exemplo n.º 17
 def checkPQDistance(self, keys):
     if not isinstance(keys, (tuple, list)):
         keys = [keys]
     ctx = gmpy2.get_context()
     ctx.precision = 5000
     ctx.round = gmpy2.RoundDown
     ctx.real_round = gmpy2.RoundDown
     for key in keys:
         gmpy_key = gmpy2.mpfr(key)
         skey = int(gmpy2.sqrt(gmpy_key))
         skey2 = skey ** 2
         if (skey2 > key) or (((skey + 1) ** 2) < key):
             print skey2
             print (skey+1)**2
             raise Exception("WTF")
         bits = int(gmpy2.log2(key - skey2))
         if bits < 480:
             print '%d Has p, q distance of %d bits' % (key, bits)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def checkPQDistance(self, keys):
     if not isinstance(keys, (tuple, list)):
         keys = [keys]
     ctx = gmpy2.get_context()
     ctx.precision = 5000
     ctx.round = gmpy2.RoundDown
     ctx.real_round = gmpy2.RoundDown
     for key in keys:
         gmpy_key = gmpy2.mpfr(key)
         skey = int(gmpy2.sqrt(gmpy_key))
         skey2 = skey**2
         if (skey2 > key) or (((skey + 1)**2) < key):
             print skey2
             print(skey + 1)**2
             raise Exception("WTF")
         bits = int(gmpy2.log2(key - skey2))
         if bits < 480:
             print '%d Has p, q distance of %d bits' % (key, bits)
Exemplo n.º 19
def to_bin(num, working_base=WORKING_BASE):
    to_bin(num) -> int(bin_num)

    Calculates the binary of num.

    @param        num(int) -> A number.
    @param        working_base(int) -> num's base.
    @return        bin_num(int) -> num's binary value.

    # Initialize.
    bin_num = 0

    # Finding the closest power of 2 to num. Then summerizing
    # the binary value of num and decreasing num until it's zero.
    while num > 0:
        bin_digit = int(gmpy2.log2(num))
        bin_num += working_base**bin_digit
        num -= BINARY**bin_digit

    return bin_num
def main():

    # Test local versions of libraries


    # Parse command line arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate BBS parameters.")
    parser.add_argument("input_file", help="""JSON file containing the seed used for generating the pseudo strong 
                                              strong prime (the name is "seed"). The required
                                              quantity of entropy it should contain depends on bitsize. As a rule of
                                              thumb the seed should contain at least 4*bitsize bits of entropy.""")
    parser.add_argument("output_file", help="""Output JSON file where this script will write the two generated strong
                                               strong primes "p" and "q". The output file should not exist already.""")
    parser.add_argument("min_prime_bitsize", type=int, help="minimum strong strong prime bit size (e.g. 2048).")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Check arguments
    output_file = args.output_file
    if os.path.exists(output_file):
        utils.exit_error("The output file '%s' already exists. Exiting."%(output_file))

    # Declare a few important variables
    min_prime_bitsize = args.min_prime_bitsize

    input_file = args.input_file
    with open(input_file, "r") as f:
        data = json.load(f)        
    seed = int(data["seed"])
    seed_upper_bound = int(data["seed_upper_bound"])
    approx_seed_entropy = math.floor(gmpy2.log2(seed_upper_bound))

    utils.colprint("Minimum strong strong prime size:", str(min_prime_bitsize))
    utils.colprint("Approximate seed entropy:", str(approx_seed_entropy))

    # Precomputations

    first_primes = [2]                     # List of the first primes
    PI = 2                                 # Product of the primes in "first_primes"
    strong_strong_integers = [[1]]         # strong_strong_integers[i] is the list of all strong strong integers modulo
                                           # first_primes[i]
    number_of_strong_strong_integers = [1] # number_of_strong_strong_integers[i] is the number of elements of the list
                                           # strong_strong_integers[i]
    C = 1                                  # Product of the elements of "number_of_strong_strong_integers"
    while not 2**(min_prime_bitsize-2) < PI:
        p = int(gmpy2.next_prime(first_primes[-1]))
        PI *= p
        ssi = [c for c in range(p) if is_strong_strong_basis(c, p)]
        C *= len(ssi)

    utils.colprint("Number of primes considered:", str(len(first_primes)))
    utils.colprint("Number of strong strong integers to choose from:", "about 2^%f"%(gmpy2.log2(C)))

    # Check that the seed is long enough

    if seed_upper_bound < C**2 * (1 << (2 * min_prime_bitsize)):
        utils.exit_error("The seed does not contain the required entropy.")

    # Precomputations for the CRT

    mu    = [gmpy2.divexact(PI,p) for p in first_primes]
    delta = [gmpy2.invert(x,y) for x,y in zip(mu,first_primes)]
    gamma = [gmpy2.mul(x,y) for x,y in zip(mu,delta)]

    # Generate the first strong prime
    print("Generating the first strong strong prime...")
    (p,seed) = generate_strong_strong_prime(seed,
    utils.colprint("\tThis is the first strong strong prime:", str(p))

    # Generate the second strong prime
    print("Generating the second strong strong prime...")
    (q,seed) = generate_strong_strong_prime(seed,
    utils.colprint("\tThis is the second strong strong prime:", str(q))

    # Generate the BBS start

    print("Generating the BBS starting point...")    
    n = p*q
    s = seed % n
    while s == 0 or s == 1 or s == p or s == q:
        s = (s+1) % n
    s0 = (s**2) % n
    utils.colprint("\tThis is the starting point s0 of BBS:", str(s0))

    # Save p,q, and s to the output_file

    print("Saving p,q, and s0 to %s"%(output_file))
    with open(output_file, "w") as f:
        json.dump({"bbs_p": int(p), 
                   "bbs_q": int(q), 
                   "bbs_s": int(s0)}, 
Exemplo n.º 21
def parse_and_print(filenames):
    # For polyfit of composite, prime
    timings = defaultdict(list)

    for fn in filenames:
        base, ext = os.path.splitext(fn)
        if ext == ".txt":
            pfgw_fn = min([
                for fn2 in filenames if fn2.startswith(base) and '.pfgw' in fn2
            gmp_fn = min([
                for fn2 in filenames if fn2.startswith(base) and '.gmp' in fn2
            print(f"{fn:25} | pfgw: {pfgw_fn:33} gmp: {gmp_fn}")

            if gmp_fn and pfgw_fn:
                with open(fn) as bf:
                    blines = list(map(str.strip, bf.readlines()))

                with open(gmp_fn) as gf:
                    glines = list(map(str.strip, gf.readlines()))

                with open(pfgw_fn) as pf:
                    plines = list(map(str.strip, pf.readlines()))

                rows = []
                for line in blines:
                    if not line: continue

                    match = POWER_RE.search(line)
                    match = match or PRIMORIAL_RE.search(line)
                    assert match, line
                    number, part, add = match.groups()

                    alt_number = number.replace("# +", "# + ").replace(
                        "# -", "# + -")

                    g_line = min(
                        [g for g in glines if number in g or alt_number in g],
                    p_line = min([p for p in plines if number in p],
                    if not g_line or not p_line:
                        print(number, "NOT FOUND")
                    g_s = TIME_RE.search(g_line).group(0)
                    p_s = TIME_RE.search(p_line).group(0)
                    status = "prime" if "prime" in g_line else "composite"

                    #print (number)
                    #print (g_line)
                    #print (p_line)
                    #print (g_s, p_s)

                    bits = round(
                        gmpy2.log2(10**int(part) if '10^' in
                                   number else gmpy2.primorial(int(part))))
                    ratio = round(float(g_s) / (float(p_s) + 1e-4), 1)

                    rows.append((number, bits, status, p_s, g_s, ratio))

                    timings["gmp_" + status].append(
                        (float(bits * math.log(2)), float(g_s)))
                    timings["pfgw_" + status].append(
                        (float(bits * math.log(2)), float(p_s)))

                for row in rows:
    return timings
Exemplo n.º 22
def _ilog2_gmpy(n):
   return int(gmpy.log2(n))
Exemplo n.º 23
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import bisect
from numpy import linspace
# gmpy2 precision initialization
BITS = (1 << 10)
gmpy2.get_context().precision = BITS # a whole lotta bits

def random():
    seed = int(os.urandom(BYTES).encode('hex'), 16)
    return gmpy2.mpfr_random(gmpy2.random_state(seed))

# Useful constants as mpfr
PI = gmpy2.acos(-1)
LOG2E = gmpy2.log2(gmpy2.exp(1))
LN2 = gmpy2.log(2)
# Same, as 192.64 fixedpoint
FX_PI = int(PI * 2**64)
FX_LOG2E = int(LOG2E * 2**64)
FX_LN2 = int(LN2 * 2**64)
FX_ONE = 1 << 64
## The index of a poly is the power of x,
## the val at the index is the coefficient.
## An nth degree poly is a list of len n + 1.
## The vals in a poly must all be floating point
## numbers.

def poly_add(p1, p2):
Exemplo n.º 24
def good_pair(p: int, q: int) -> int:
    n = p * q
    k = gmpy2.ceil(gmpy2.log2(n))
    if abs(p - q) > 2**(k / 2 - 100):
        return n
    return 0
def main():

    # Test local versions of libraries


    # Parse command line arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="From a table of draws, output a seed of appropriate length.")

    parser.add_argument("input_draw_file", help="""Text file with draws.""")
    parser.add_argument("output_seed_file", help="""JSON file where we can store the seed computed from the draws.""")
    parser.add_argument("entropy_to_gather", help="""Minimum entropy to extract before drawing lone bits.""")
    parser.add_argument("--nbr_lone_bits", type=int, help="""Number of lone bits to extract.""", default=0)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Check arguments
    output_seed_file = args.output_seed_file
    if os.path.exists(output_seed_file):
        utils.exit_error("The output file '%s' already exists. Exiting."%(output_seed_file))

    # Declare a few important variables
    two_pow_entropy_to_gather = (1<<int(args.entropy_to_gather))
    seed = 0
    L = 1 # before lone bits are drawn, seed lies in [0,L - 1]

    lone_bits_part = 0
    nbr_lone_bits = args.nbr_lone_bits

    # Scan the input file, construct the seed
    with open(args.input_draw_file, "r") as f:
        for line in f:

            if not line or line.strip() == "" or line.startswith("#"):

            (draw_id, m, n, draw) = re.split("\s+", line.strip(), maxsplit=3)

            if draw == "None":
            m = int(m)
            n = int(n)
            draw = [ int(x) for x in draw.split(",") ]
            index = index_from_draw(draw,m)

            if L < two_pow_entropy_to_gather:
                print("Draw %s used to extract entropy"%(draw_id))
                seed = gmpy2.bincoef(n,m)*seed + index
                L *= gmpy2.bincoef(n,m)
                print("Draw %s used to extract a lone bit"%(draw_id))
                b = index & 1
                seed += L * (b << (args.nbr_lone_bits - nbr_lone_bits))
                nbr_lone_bits -= 1

            if L >= two_pow_entropy_to_gather and nbr_lone_bits == 0:

    if nbr_lone_bits > 0 or L < two_pow_entropy_to_gather:
        utils.exit_error("There wasn't enough draws to collect to request quantity of entropy and lone bits.")

    seed_upper_bound = L * 2**(args.nbr_lone_bits)
    seed_entropy = math.floor(gmpy2.log2(seed_upper_bound))
    print("The seed contains more than %d bits of entropy (including the %s lone bits)."%(seed_entropy,args.nbr_lone_bits))
    print("The seed is %d"%(seed))

    print("Saving the seed to %s"%(output_seed_file))
    with open(output_seed_file, "w") as f:
        json.dump({"seed": int(seed),
                   "seed_upper_bound": int(seed_upper_bound),
                   "approx_seed_entropy": int(seed_entropy),
                   "lone_bits": int(args.nbr_lone_bits)}, 
Exemplo n.º 26
Arquivo: aks.py Projeto: gA4ss/MyAKS
def is_prime_by_AKS(n):
    def __is_integer__(n):
        i = gmpy2.mpz(n)
        f = n - i
        return not f

    def __phi__(n):
        res = gmpy2.mpz(n)
        a = gmpy2.mpz(n)
        for i in range(2, a + 1):
            if a % i == 0:
                res = res // i * (i - 1)
                while a % i == 0:
                    a //= i
        if a > 1:
            res = res // a * (a - 1)
        return res

    def __gcd__(a, b):
        计算a b的最大公约数
        if b == 0:
            return a
        return __gcd__(gmpy2.mpz(b), gmpy2.mpz(a) % gmpy2.mpz(b))

    print("步骤1, 确定%d是否是纯次幂" % n)
    for b in range(2, gmpy2.mpz(gmpy2.floor(gmpy2.log2(n))) + 1):
        a = n**(1 / b)
        if __is_integer__(a):
            return False

    print("步骤2,找到一个最小的r,符合o_r(%d) > (log%d)^2" % (n, n))
    maxk = gmpy2.mpz(gmpy2.floor(gmpy2.log2(n)**2))
    maxr = max(3, gmpy2.mpz(gmpy2.ceil(gmpy2.log2(n)**5)))
    nextR = True
    r = 0
    for r in range(2, maxr):
        if nextR == False:
        nextR = False
        for k in range(1, maxk + 1):
            if nextR == True:
            nextR = (gmpy2.mpz(n**k % r) == 0) or (gmpy2.mpz(n**k % r) == 1)
    r = r - 1  # 循环多增加了一层
    print("r = %d" % r)

    print("步骤3,如果 1 < gcd(a, %d) < %d,对于一些 a <= %d, 输出合数" % (n, n, r))
    for a in range(r, 1, -1):
        g = __gcd__(a, n)
        if g > 1 and g < n:
            return False

    print("步骤4,如果n=%d <= r=%d,输出素数" % (n, r))
    if n <= r:
        return True

    print("遍历a从1到\sqrt{\phi(r=%d)}logn=%d" % (r, n))
    print("如果(X+a)^%d != X^%d+a mod {X^%d-1, %d}$输出合数" % (n, n, r, n))
    # 构造P = (X+a)^n mod (X^r-1)

    print("构造多项式(X+a)^%d,并且进行二项式展开" % n)
    X = multi_ysymbols('X')
    a = multi_ysymbols('a')
    X_a_n_expand = binomial_expand(ypolynomial1(X, a), n)
    reduce_poly = ypolynomial1(X, ysymbol(value=-1.0))
    print("构造消减多项式 %s" % reduce_poly)
    print("进行运算 (X+a)^%d mod (X^%d-1)" % (n, r))
    r_equ = ypolynomial_mod(X_a_n_expand, reduce_poly)
    print("得到余式: %s" % r_equ)
    print("进行运算'余式' mod %d 得到式(A)" % n)
    A = ypolynomial_reduce(r_equ, n)
    print("A = %s" % A)
    print("B = x^%d+a mod x^%d-1" % (n, r))
    B = ypolynomial1(multi_ysymbols('X', power=31), a)
    B = ypolynomial_mod(B, reduce_poly)
    print("B = %s" % B)
    C = ypolynomial_sub(A, B)
    print("C = A - B = %s" % C)
    maxa = math.floor(math.sqrt(__phi__(r)) * math.log2(n))
    print("遍历a = 1 to %d" % maxa)
    print("检查每个'%s = 0 (mod %d)'" % (C, n))
    for a in range(1, maxa + 1):
        print("检查a = %d" % a)
        v = C.eval()
        if v % n != 0:
            return False

    print("步骤6 输出素数")
    return True
Exemplo n.º 27
 def compute_final(self, result_list, i, num_words, tag_list):
     return result_list[num_words - 1][i][0] + gmpy2.log2(self.get_transition_prob(tag_list[i]))
Exemplo n.º 28
 def compute_prev(self, result_list, t, i, j, word_list, tag_list):
     if t < 0:
         return gmpy2.log2(self.get_transition_prob(tag_list[i], tag_list[j])) + gmpy2.log2(self.get_emission_prob(tag_list[j], word_list[t + 1]))
     return result_list[t][i][0] + gmpy2.log2(self.get_transition_prob(tag_list[i], tag_list[j])) + gmpy2.log2(self.get_emission_prob(tag_list[j], word_list[t + 1]))
def main():

    # Test local versions of libraries


    # Parse command line arguments

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate BBS parameters.")

        """JSON file containing the seed used for generating the pseudo strong 
                                              strong prime (the name is "seed"). The required
                                              quantity of entropy it should contain depends on bitsize. As a rule of
                                              thumb the seed should contain at least 4*bitsize bits of entropy."""
        """Output JSON file where this script will write the two generated strong
                                               strong primes "p" and "q". The output file should not exist already."""
        help="minimum strong strong prime bit size (e.g. 2048).")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Check arguments

    output_file = args.output_file
    if os.path.exists(output_file):
        utils.exit_error("The output file '%s' already exists. Exiting." %

    # Declare a few important variables

    min_prime_bitsize = args.min_prime_bitsize

    input_file = args.input_file
    with open(input_file, "r") as f:
        data = json.load(f)
    seed = int(data["seed"])
    seed_upper_bound = int(data["seed_upper_bound"])
    approx_seed_entropy = math.floor(gmpy2.log2(seed_upper_bound))

    utils.colprint("Minimum strong strong prime size:", str(min_prime_bitsize))
    utils.colprint("Approximate seed entropy:", str(approx_seed_entropy))

    # Precomputations

    first_primes = [2]  # List of the first primes
    PI = 2  # Product of the primes in "first_primes"
    strong_strong_integers = [
    ]  # strong_strong_integers[i] is the list of all strong strong integers modulo
    # first_primes[i]
    number_of_strong_strong_integers = [
    ]  # number_of_strong_strong_integers[i] is the number of elements of the list
    # strong_strong_integers[i]
    C = 1  # Product of the elements of "number_of_strong_strong_integers"

    while not 2**(min_prime_bitsize - 2) < PI:
        p = int(gmpy2.next_prime(first_primes[-1]))
        PI *= p
        ssi = [c for c in range(p) if is_strong_strong_basis(c, p)]
        C *= len(ssi)

    utils.colprint("Number of primes considered:", str(len(first_primes)))
    utils.colprint("Number of strong strong integers to choose from:",
                   "about 2^%f" % (gmpy2.log2(C)))

    # Check that the seed is long enough

    if seed_upper_bound < C**2 * (1 << (2 * min_prime_bitsize)):
        utils.exit_error("The seed does not contain the required entropy.")

    # Precomputations for the CRT

    mu = [gmpy2.divexact(PI, p) for p in first_primes]
    delta = [gmpy2.invert(x, y) for x, y in zip(mu, first_primes)]
    gamma = [gmpy2.mul(x, y) for x, y in zip(mu, delta)]

    # Generate the first strong prime

    print("Generating the first strong strong prime...")
    (p, seed) = generate_strong_strong_prime(seed, min_prime_bitsize,
                                             gamma, PI)
    utils.colprint("\tThis is the first strong strong prime:", str(p))

    # Generate the second strong prime

    print("Generating the second strong strong prime...")
    (q, seed) = generate_strong_strong_prime(seed, min_prime_bitsize,
                                             gamma, PI)
    utils.colprint("\tThis is the second strong strong prime:", str(q))

    # Generate the BBS start

    print("Generating the BBS starting point...")
    n = p * q
    s = seed % n
    while s == 0 or s == 1 or s == p or s == q:
        s = (s + 1) % n
    s0 = (s**2) % n
    utils.colprint("\tThis is the starting point s0 of BBS:", str(s0))

    # Save p,q, and s to the output_file

    print("Saving p,q, and s0 to %s" % (output_file))
    with open(output_file, "w") as f:
            "bbs_p": int(p),
            "bbs_q": int(q),
            "bbs_s": int(s0)
Exemplo n.º 30
def integer_log2(i: Integer) -> int:
    return int(log2(i.value))
def main():

    # Test local versions of libraries


    # Parse command line arguments

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        "From a table of draws, output a seed of appropriate length.")

    parser.add_argument("input_draw_file", help="""Text file with draws.""")
        """JSON file where we can store the seed computed from the draws.""")
        help="""Minimum entropy to extract before drawing lone bits.""")
                        help="""Number of lone bits to extract.""",

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Check arguments

    output_seed_file = args.output_seed_file
    if os.path.exists(output_seed_file):
        utils.exit_error("The output file '%s' already exists. Exiting." %

    # Declare a few important variables

    two_pow_entropy_to_gather = (1 << int(args.entropy_to_gather))

    seed = 0
    L = 1  # before lone bits are drawn, seed lies in [0,L - 1]

    lone_bits_part = 0
    nbr_lone_bits = args.nbr_lone_bits

    # Scan the input file, construct the seed

    with open(args.input_draw_file, "r") as f:

        for line in f:

            if not line or line.strip() == "" or line.startswith("#"):

            (draw_id, m, n, draw) = re.split("\s+", line.strip(), maxsplit=3)

            if draw == "None":

            m = int(m)
            n = int(n)
            draw = [int(x) for x in draw.split(",")]
            index = index_from_draw(draw, m)

            if L < two_pow_entropy_to_gather:

                print("Draw %s used to extract entropy" % (draw_id))
                seed = gmpy2.bincoef(n, m) * seed + index
                L *= gmpy2.bincoef(n, m)


                print("Draw %s used to extract a lone bit" % (draw_id))
                b = index & 1
                seed += L * (b << (args.nbr_lone_bits - nbr_lone_bits))
                nbr_lone_bits -= 1

            if L >= two_pow_entropy_to_gather and nbr_lone_bits == 0:

    if nbr_lone_bits > 0 or L < two_pow_entropy_to_gather:
            "There wasn't enough draws to collect to request quantity of entropy and lone bits."

    seed_upper_bound = L * 2**(args.nbr_lone_bits)
    seed_entropy = math.floor(gmpy2.log2(seed_upper_bound))
        "The seed contains more than %d bits of entropy (including the %s lone bits)."
        % (seed_entropy, args.nbr_lone_bits))
    print("The seed is %d" % (seed))

    print("Saving the seed to %s" % (output_seed_file))
    with open(output_seed_file, "w") as f:
                "seed": int(seed),
                "seed_upper_bound": int(seed_upper_bound),
                "approx_seed_entropy": int(seed_entropy),
                "lone_bits": int(args.nbr_lone_bits)
Exemplo n.º 32
dEX = cuda.to_device(np_str, stream)
dHH = cuda.device_array(np_str.shape[0], dtype=np.uint64)
dRR = cuda.device_array(10, dtype=np.int32)

r_str = np_str[rdrand.rand32() % np_str.shape[0]]
h_str = c_hash0(r_str)


hash0_kernel[DIM](dEX, dHH)

search_kernel[DIM](dHH, h_str, dRR)

np_res = dRR.copy_to_host()

v1 = gmpy2.mpz(int.from_bytes(bytes(np_str[np_res[1]]), 'big'))
v2 = gmpy2.mpz(int.from_bytes(bytes(r_str), 'big'))

assert (v1 == v2)
    "Total GPU (64bit hash) search results:\t{0:,d} of {1:,d}\t(index {2:d})".
    format(np_res[0], np_str.shape[0], np_res[1]))
print("{0}\tlength {1:d}".format(v1.digits(2), v1.bit_length()))
print("int\t{0:d}\t(log2 ~ {1:.9f})".format(v1, gmpy2.log2(v1)))

assert (np.unique(np_str, axis=0).shape[0] == np_str.shape[0])
np_h = dHH.copy_to_host()
assert (np.unique(np_h).shape[0] == np_h.shape[0])
Exemplo n.º 33
 def __init__(self, n):
     self.n = n
     self.n_sq = n * n
     self.g = n + 1
     self.bits = mpz(rint_round(log2(self.n)))
Exemplo n.º 34
def _get_max_prime(start, gap, max_prime):
    if max_prime is None or max_prime <= 1:
        log2 = float(gmpy2.log2(start + gap))
        max_prime = verify.sieve_limit(log2, gap)
    return max_prime
Exemplo n.º 35
import sys
import multiprocessing
import gmpy2
import scipy
import scipy.interpolate
import numpy
import random
import itertools
import time

gmpy2.get_context().precision = 256

LOG2E = int(gmpy2.log2(gmpy2.exp(1))*2**64)

def fxp_ilog2(x):
    y = x >> 64
    lo = 0
    hi = 191
    mid = (lo + hi) >> 1
    while lo < hi:
        if (1 << mid) > y:
            hi = mid - 1
            lo = mid + 1
        mid = (lo + hi) >> 1
    return lo

def fxp_lagrange(x, coeffs):
    result = 0
    xpow = 1 << 64
Exemplo n.º 36
def random_from_interval(random_state, low, high, m=32):
    M = int(g.ceil(g.log2(high)))
    random = g.mpz_urandomb(random_state, M + m)
    c = g.add(g.f_mod(random, g.add(g.sub(high, low), 1)), low)
    return c
Exemplo n.º 37
from SecMult_Sub import Sub
from Client_Server import *
import timeit
import time
import numpy as np
from sympy.polys.domains import ZZ
from sympy.polys.galoistools import gf_neg
from sympy.polys.galoistools import *
from sympy import *
import gmpy2
from gmpy2 import mpz, mpfr, log2
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
a = 12345678901234567890
gmpy2.get_context().precision = 70
N = 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
M1 = 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Prec = 100000000000000000000
In_Pre = 1000000000000000
Lambda = 1000000000000000000000000000000

def mod(x, modulus):
    numer, denom = x.as_numer_denom()
    return numer * mod_inverse(denom, modulus) % modulus

def Test():
Exemplo n.º 38
 def __init__(self, n):
     self.n = n
     self.n_sq = n * n
     self.g = n + 1
Exemplo n.º 39
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import bisect
from numpy import linspace
# gmpy2 precision initialization
BITS = (1 << 10)
gmpy2.get_context().precision = BITS # a whole lotta bits

def random():
    seed = int(os.urandom(BYTES).encode('hex'), 16)
    return gmpy2.mpfr_random(gmpy2.random_state(seed))

# Useful constants as mpfr
PI = gmpy2.acos(-1)
LOG2E = gmpy2.log2(gmpy2.exp(1))
LN2 = gmpy2.log(2)
# Same, as 192.64 fixedpoint
FX_PI = int(PI * 2**64)
FX_LOG2E = int(LOG2E * 2**64)
FX_LN2 = int(LN2 * 2**64)
FX_ONE = 1 << 64
## The index of a poly is the power of x,
## the val at the index is the coefficient.
## An nth degree poly is a list of len n + 1.
## The vals in a poly must all be floating point
## numbers.

def poly_add(p1, p2):
Exemplo n.º 40
                b0c = [gmpy2.mul(b, ci) for b, ci in zip(b0, c)]
                b1c = [gmpy2.mul(b, ci) for b, ci in zip(b1, c)]

                s_0b = gmpy2.mpz(0)
                s_1b = gmpy2.mpz(0)
                for j in range(n):
                    if a[j] != 0:
                        s_0b = gmpy2.add(s_0b, b0a[j])
                        s_1b = gmpy2.add(s_1b, b1a[j])
                        s_0b = gmpy2.add(s_0b, b0c[j])
                        s_1b = gmpy2.add(s_1b, b1c[j])

                diff0 = gmpy2.sub(Ep, s_0b)
                overflow0 = gmpy2.log2(diff0)
                diff1 = gmpy2.sub(Ep, s_1b)
                overflow1 = gmpy2.log2(diff1)
                s_0b = gmpy2.digits(s_0b)
                s_1b = gmpy2.digits(s_1b)

                #print("\na: " + str(a))
                #print("b0: " + str(b0))
                #print("b1: " + str(b1))
                #print("choice: " + str(choice))
                #print("s_Ep: " + s_Ep)
                #print("s_0b: " + s_0b)
                #print("s_1b: " + s_1b)

                guess = eq_digits(no_digits, s_Ep, s_1b)