Exemplo n.º 1
E1 = np.asarray(e1)

N1 = np.eye(edges_2,  dtype=np.float32)
N1 = np.concatenate((N1, np.zeros((edges_2,1), dtype=np.float32)),  axis=1 )


E = np.concatenate((E, np.asarray(e2)), axis=0)

N_tot = np.eye(edges + edges_2,  dtype=np.float32)
N_tot = np.concatenate((N_tot, np.zeros((edges + edges_2,1), dtype=np.float32)),  axis=1 )

# Create Input to GNN

inp, arcnode, graphnode = gnn_utils.from_EN_to_GNN(E, N_tot)
labels = np.random.randint(2, size=(N_tot.shape[0]))

labels = np.eye(max(labels)+1, dtype=np.int32)[labels]  # one-hot encoding of labels


# set input and output dim, the maximum number of iterations, the number of epochs and the optimizer
threshold = 0.01
learning_rate = 0.01
state_dim = 5
Exemplo n.º 2
begin_index = 0
for k in range(len(graph_nodes)):
  for p in range(number_of_graphs_with_same_setting):
    node_size = graph_nodes[k]
    E1, N1, answer1 = load_graph_to_matrix("./Spanner_data/"+experiment_folder+"/graph_ER_"+str(graph_nodes[len(graph_nodes)-1])+"_1_L_"+str(node_size)+"_"+str(p)+"_train_node_weighted.txt",k*len(graph_nodes)+p)
    N1 = np.asarray(N1)
    for i in range(N1.shape[0]):
        for j in range(N1.shape[1]):
            N_tot[i+begin_index][j] = N1[i][j]
    begin_index += N1.shape[0]

# Create Input to GNN

#inp, arcnode, graphnode = gnn_utils.from_EN_to_GNN(E, N_tot)
inp, arcnode, graphnode = gnn_utils.from_EN_to_GNN(E_tot, N_tot)
#labels = np.zeros(26, dtype=int)

#labels = np.asarray(answer+answer1)
labels = np.asarray(answer_all)
Exemplo n.º 3
def Strukturni(x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, Se_train, Se_test, No_class):

    import tensorflow as tf
    import numpy as np
    import gnn.gnn_utils as gnn_utils
    import gnn.GNN as GNN
    import Net_Strukturni as n

    import networkx as nx
    import scipy as sp
    import time
    """ GNN """
    x_train = x_train.values
    x_test = x_test.values
    y_train = y_train.values.reshape(-1)
    y_train = np.eye(max(y_train) + 1, dtype=np.int32)[y_train]
    y_test = y_test.values.reshape(-1)
    y_test = np.eye(max(y_test) + 1, dtype=np.int32)[y_test]
    g = nx.complete_graph(No_class)
    E_start = np.asarray(g.edges())
    #    E_start = nx.to_numpy_matrix(g)
    E_start = np.hstack((E_start, np.ones([E_start.shape[0], 1]) * 0))
    E_start_2 = np.asarray([[i, j, num] for j, i, num in E_start])
    E_start = np.vstack((E_start, E_start_2))

    E = E_start.copy()

    E_test = E_start.copy()

    N = np.zeros([No_class * x_train.shape[0], x_train.shape[1] + 1])
    N[:No_class, :x_train.shape[1]] = np.tile(x_train[0, :], (No_class, 1))

    N_test = np.zeros([No_class * x_train.shape[0], x_train.shape[1] + 1])
    N_test[:No_class, :x_train.shape[1]] = np.tile(x_train[0, :],
                                                   (No_class, 1))
    for i in range(1, x_train.shape[0]):
        N[No_class * i:No_class * (i + 1), :x_train.shape[1]] = np.tile(
            x_train[0, :], (No_class, 1))
        N[No_class * i:No_class * (i + 1), x_train.shape[1]] = i
        E_new = E_start.copy()
        E_new[:, :2] = E_new[:, :2] + No_class * i
        E_new[:, 2] = E_new[:, 2] + i
        E = np.vstack((E, E_new))

    for i in range(1, x_test.shape[0]):
        N_test[No_class * i:No_class * (i + 1), :x_test.shape[1]] = np.tile(
            x_test[0, :], (No_class, 1))
        N_test[No_class * i:No_class * (i + 1), x_test.shape[1]] = i
        E_new_test = E_start.copy()
        E_new_test[:, :2] = E_new_test[:, :2] + No_class * i
        E_new_test[:, 2] = E_new_test[:, 2] + i
        E_test = np.vstack((E_test, E_new_test))

    E = E.astype('int32')
    E = np.asarray(E)
    E_test = E_test.astype('int32')
    E_test = np.asarray(E_test)
    inp, arcnode, graphnode = gnn_utils.from_EN_to_GNN(E, N)
    inp_test, arcnode_test, graphnode_test = gnn_utils.from_EN_to_GNN(
        E_test, N_test)
    input_train = np.zeros([inp.shape[0], Se_train.shape[1]])
    input_test = np.zeros([inp_test.shape[0], Se_test.shape[1]])
    m = 0
    for i in range(Se_train.shape[0]):
        for k in range(Se_train.shape[2]):
            for j in range(k + 1, Se_train.shape[3]):
                input_train[m, :] = Se_train[i, :, k, j]
                m += 1
    m = 0
    for i in range(Se_test.shape[0]):
        for k in range(Se_test.shape[2]):
            for j in range(k + 1, Se_test.shape[3]):
                input_test[m, :] = Se_test[i, :, k, j]
                m += 1
    inp = np.hstack((inp, input_train))
    inp_test = np.hstack((inp_test, input_test))
    """ Calculate GNN """
    threshold = 0.01
    learning_rate = 0.02
    state_dim = 5
    input_dim = inp.shape[1]
    output_dim = y_train.shape[1]
    max_it = 50
    num_epoch = 10
    optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer

    # initialize state and output network
    net = n.Net(input_dim, state_dim, output_dim)

    # initialize GNN
    param = "st_d" + str(state_dim) + "_th" + str(threshold) + "_lr" + str(

    tensorboard = False

    g = GNN.GNN(net,

    # train the model
    count = 0

    start_time = time.time()
    for j in range(0, num_epoch):
        _, it = g.Train(inputs=inp,

        if count % 30 == 0:
            print("Epoch ", count)
            print("Testing: ", g.Validate(inp, arcnode, y_train, count))

        count = count + 1

    print("\nEvaluate: \n")
    print(g.Evaluate(inp_test, arcnode_test, y_test))

    timeGNN = time.time() - start_time