Exemplo n.º 1
def test_new_from_dict_filename():
    test to_dict function for Wind object
    create a new wind object and make sure it has same properties

    wm = Wind(filename=wind_file)
    wm_state = wm.to_dict('create')
    print wm_state

    # this does not catch two objects with same ID

    wm2 = Wind.new_from_dict(wm_state)

    assert wm == wm2
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_from_dict():
    test update_from_dict function for Wind object
    update existing wind object update_from_dict
    wm = Wind(filename=wind_file)
    wm_dict = wm.to_dict()

    # let's update timeseries
    update_value = np.array((10., 180.))
    (wm_dict['timeseries'][0]['value'])[:] = update_value

    updatable_attr = wm._state.get_field_by_attribute('update')
    for key in wm_dict.keys():
        if key in updatable_attr and key != 'timeseries':
            assert getattr(wm, key) == wm_dict[key]

    assert np.all(wm.timeseries['value'][0] == update_value)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_from_dict():
    test from_dict function for Wind object
    update existing wind object from_dict

    wm = Wind(filename=wind_file)
    wm_dict = wm.to_dict()

    # let's update timeseries

    update_value = np.array((10., 180.))
    (wm_dict['timeseries'][0]['value'])[:] = update_value

    for key in wm_dict.keys():
        if key != 'timeseries':
            assert wm.__getattribute__(key) == wm_dict.__getitem__(key)

    assert np.all(wm.timeseries['value'][0] == update_value)