Exemplo n.º 1
    def renderer (self, report):

        # this actually implements the report look

        # for some reason if do this if any error occurs in report GUI is locked

        # lots of stuff about getting option values

        optobj = self.options.lookup_name('General','Start Date')
        from_date_tp = optobj.get_option_value()
        optobj = self.options.lookup_name('General','End Date')
        to_date_tp = optobj.get_option_value()


        # now for html creation
        # where do we actually instantiate the Html object

        # in scheme created new scheme html doc
        # in python probably should pass the report xml document 
        # does the possibility of having new HtmlDocument make sense??
        document = gnc_html_document.HtmlDocument(stylesheet=report.stylesheet())

        # temporary measure - set the document style
        # some this should be done auto by the stylesheet set
        # but the StyleTable is not currently stored in the stylesheet
        # or at least not the right one
        document.style = report.style

        optobj = self.options.lookup_name('General',"Report's currency")
        report_currency = optobj.get_value()
        optobj = self.options.lookup_name('General','Price Source')
        price_source = optobj.get_option_value()

        optobj = self.options.lookup_name('General','Show Full Account Names')
        show_full_names = optobj.get_value()

        optobj = self.options.lookup_name('Accounts','Account Display Depth')
        display_depth = optobj.get_option_value()

        rptopt = self.options.lookup_name('General','Report name')
        rptttl = rptopt.get_value() + " - " + N_("%s to %s"%(gnc_print_date(from_date_tp),gnc_print_date(to_date_tp)))
        document.title = rptttl

        accobj = self.options.lookup_name('Accounts','Account')
        accounts = accobj.get_option_value()

        shwobj = self.options.lookup_name('Accounts','Always show sub-accounts')
        shwopt = shwobj.get_value()

        print("shwobj",shwobj,shwopt, file=sys.stderr)

        if shwopt:
            subacclst = get_all_subaccounts(accounts)
            for subacc in subacclst:
                if not Dividends.account_in_list(subacc,accounts):

        #exchange_fn = gnc_commodity_utilities.case_exchange_fn(price_source, report_currency, to_date_tp)


        if len(accounts) > 0:

            if display_depth == 'all':
                tree_depth = self.accounts_get_children_depth(accounts)
                tree_depth = int(display_depth)

            #self.time_exchange_fn = gnc_commodity_utilities.case_exchange_time_fn(price_source, report_currency, commodity_list, to_date_tp, 0.0, 0.0)


            # need to figure out how to sort by full name
            # well this is useless - we need the account name!!

            # find dividend accounts - junkily just look for name
            # - they have already been filtered for ACCT_TYPE_INCOME by default
            # - do we check again here??

            dividend_accounts = []

            for acc in accounts:
                if acc.get_current_depth() <= tree_depth:
                    accnm = acc.GetName()
                    if accnm.find('Dividend') >= 0 or accnm.find('dividend') >= 0:
                        if not Dividends.account_in_list(acc,dividend_accounts):
                            subacclst = get_all_subaccounts([acc])
                            for subacc in subacclst:
                                if not Dividends.account_in_list(subacc,dividend_accounts):
                        parent = acc.get_parent()
                        prntnm = parent.GetName()
                        if prntnm.find('Dividend') >= 0 or prntnm.find('dividend') >= 0:
                            if not Dividends.account_in_list(acc,dividend_accounts):
                                subacclst = get_all_subaccounts([acc])
                                for subacc in subacclst:
                                    if not Dividends.account_in_list(subacc,dividend_accounts):

            base_text = document.StyleElement('body')
            base_text.text = N_("Selected Accounts")+"\n"
            base_text.tail = "\n"

            ultxt = document.doc.Element("ul")

            work_done = 0
            work_to_do = len(dividend_accounts)

            for acc in dividend_accounts:
                work_done += 1

                if acc.get_current_depth() <= tree_depth:

                    if show_full_names:
                        #accnm = acc.GetFullName()
                        accnm = acc.get_full_name()
                        accnm = acc.GetName()
                    if acc.get_current_depth() == tree_depth and \
                        not len(acc.get_children()) == 0:
                        if shwopt:
                            acctxt = N_(" and subaccounts")
                            acctxt = N_(" and selected subaccounts")
                        acctxt = ""
                    accurl = gnc_html_utilities.account_anchor_text(acc)

                    anchor_li = document.doc.SubElement(ultxt,"li")

                    anchor_markup = document.doc.SubElement(anchor_li,"a")
                    anchor_markup.attrib['href'] = accurl
                    anchor_markup.text = N_(accnm) + "\n"
                    anchor_markup.tail = acctxt + "\n"

            do_accounts = []
            for acc in dividend_accounts:
                doacc = False
                for split in acc.GetSplitList():
                    parent = split.GetParent()
                    txn_date = parent.RetDatePosted().date()
                    if (txn_date >= from_date_tp.date() and txn_date <= to_date_tp.date()):
                        doacc = True
                if doacc:

            # Scheme uses a whole subclass of functions for dealing with
            # tables - indirectly creating all table elements
            # ignoring all this for now - just using CSS styles
            new_table = document.StyleElement('table')
            new_table.text = "\n"

            new_row = document.doc.SubElement(new_table,"tr")
            new_row.tail = "\n"
            new_data = document.doc.SubElement(new_row,"td",attrib={'rowspan' : "1", 'colspan' : "2" })
            new_ruler = document.doc.SubElement(new_data,"hr")

            new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'primary-subheading')
            new_row.text = ""
            new_row.tail = "\n"

            #new_col = document.doc.SubElement(new_row,"td",attrib={'rowspan' : "1", 'colspan' : "1"})
            new_col = document.doc.SubElement(new_row,"td")
            new_col.text = N_("Dividend Account")

            new_col = document.doc.SubElement(new_row,"td")
            new_col.text = N_("Payment Date")

            new_col = document.doc.SubElement(new_row,"td")
            new_col.text = N_("Dividend Income")

            new_col = document.doc.SubElement(new_row,"td")
            new_col.text = N_("Exchange Rate")

            new_col = document.doc.SubElement(new_row,"td")
            new_col.text = N_("Report Currency")
            row_num = 0
            work_done = 0
            work_to_do = len(dividend_accounts)


            total_coll = CommodityCollector()
            total_rpt_coll = CommodityCollector()

            # this is bad - this assumes all dividends in single currency
            total_commod = None

            #for acc in dividend_accounts:
            for acc in do_accounts:

                row_num += 1
                work_done += 1

                if (row_num % 2) == 0:
                    new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'normal-row')
                    new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'alternate-row')

                new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'normal-row')
                new_row.text = "\n"
                new_row.tail = "\n"

                if show_full_names:
                    #accnm = acc.GetFullName()
                    accnm = acc.get_full_name()
                    accnm = acc.GetName()
                accurl = gnc_html_utilities.account_anchor_text(acc)

                new_col = document.doc.SubElement(new_row,"td")

                anchor_markup = document.doc.SubElement(new_col,"a")
                anchor_markup.attrib['href'] = accurl
                anchor_markup.text = accnm + "\n"

                acc_coll = CommodityCollector()
                acc_rpt_coll = CommodityCollector()

                for split in acc.GetSplitList():

                    parent = split.GetParent()
                    txn_date = parent.RetDatePosted().date()
                    commod_currency = parent.GetCurrency()
                    commod_currency_frac = commod_currency.get_fraction()

                        other_split = split.GetOtherSplit()
                    except Exception as errexc:
                        other_split = None
                    print("other split for", other_split)

                    #if other_split != None:
                    #    other_accnt = 

                    corr_accnm = split.GetCorrAccountName()
                    print("corr account", corr_accnm)

                    # what do the functions eg GetCorrAccountName() do??

                    #if splt.GetAccount()

                    if (txn_date >= from_date_tp.date() and txn_date <= to_date_tp.date()):

                        row_num += 1

                        if (row_num % 2) == 0:
                            new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'normal-row')
                            new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'alternate-row')

                        new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                        new_col.text = N_(parent.GetDescription())

                        new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                        new_col.text = N_(gnc_print_date(txn_date))

                        split_val = split.GetValue()

                        # we need to change the sign
                        split_val = split_val.neg()
                        # which is currency acc or other_acct??

                        colval = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(commod_currency,split_val)

                        new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'number-cell')
                        new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

                        # no easy way to get exchange rate
                        # - even in scheme do it by transforming an amount of 1
                        # actually uses 1000 to get the sig figs
                        # if no price we get none - make it 1
                        if not engine_ctypes.CommodityEquiv(commod_currency,report_currency):
                            prcval = GncNumeric(1000,1000)
                            prcmny = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(commod_currency,prcval)
                            prcxch = gnc_commodity_utilities.exchange_by_pricedb_nearest(prcmny,report_currency,txn_date)
                            if prcxch == None:
                                prcxch = gnc_commodity_utilities.exchange_by_pricedb_latest(prcmny,report_currency)
                                if prcxch == None:
                                    prcxch = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(report_currency,GncNumeric(1000,1000))
                            sclval = GncNumeric(1000,1000)
                            prcxch.amount = sclval.div(prcxch.amount,GNC_DENOM_AUTO,GNC_HOW_DENOM_SIGFIG | 6*256 | GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND)
                            #exch_rate = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(report_currency,prcxch)
                            exch_rate = prcxch.amount
                            #exch_rate = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(report_currency,GncNumeric(1000,1000))
                            exch_rate = GncNumeric(1000,1000)

                        new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'number-cell')
                        #new_col.text = exch_rate.to_currency_string()
                        new_col.text = str(exch_rate.to_double())

                        if not engine_ctypes.CommodityEquiv(commod_currency,report_currency):
                            split_mny = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(commod_currency,split_val)
                            splt_rpt = gnc_commodity_utilities.exchange_by_pricedb_nearest(split_mny,report_currency,txn_date)
                            if splt_rpt == None:
                                splt_rpt = gnc_commodity_utilities.exchange_by_pricedb_latest(split_mny,report_currency)
                                if splt_rpt == None:
                                    splt_rpt = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(report_currency,GncNumeric(1000,1000))
                            splt_rpt = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(report_currency,split_val)

                        acc_coll.add(commod_currency, split_val)
                        total_coll.add(commod_currency, split_val)
                        acc_rpt_coll.add(splt_rpt.commodity, splt_rpt.amount)
                        total_rpt_coll.add(splt_rpt.commodity, splt_rpt.amount)

                        total_commod = commod_currency

                        colval = splt_rpt

                        new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'number-cell')
                        new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

                new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'normal-row')

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = "Balance"

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = ""

                #colval = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(acc.GetCommodity(),acc.GetBalance().neg())
                colval = acc_coll.getmonetary(acc.GetCommodity())

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'number-cell')
                new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = ""

                colval = acc_rpt_coll.getmonetary(report_currency)

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'number-cell')
                new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

                new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'normal-row')

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = "Joint contribution"

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = ""

                #colval = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(acc.GetCommodity(),acc.GetBalance().neg())
                colval = acc_coll.getmonetary(acc.GetCommodity())
                colval.amount = colval.amount.div(GncNumeric(2,1),GNC_DENOM_AUTO,GNC_HOW_DENOM_SIGFIG | 5*256 | GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND)

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'number-cell')
                new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = ""

                colval = acc_rpt_coll.getmonetary(report_currency)
                colval.amount = colval.amount.div(GncNumeric(2,1),GNC_DENOM_AUTO,GNC_HOW_DENOM_SIGFIG | 5*256 | GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND)

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'number-cell')
                new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

            if len(do_accounts) > 0:

                new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'normal-row')
                new_row.text = "\n"
                new_row.tail = "\n"

                new_data = document.doc.SubElement(new_row,"td",attrib={'rowspan' : "1", 'colspan' : "100%" })
                new_ruler = document.doc.SubElement(new_data,"hr")

                new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'grand-total')
                new_row.text = "\n"
                new_row.tail = "\n"

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = N_("Total")

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = " "

                colval = total_coll.getmonetary(total_commod)

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'total-number-cell')
                new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = " "

                colval = total_rpt_coll.getmonetary(report_currency)

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'total-number-cell')
                new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

                new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'grand-total')
                new_row.text = "\n"
                new_row.tail = "\n"

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = N_("Joint Contribution Total")

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = " "

                colval = total_coll.getmonetary(total_commod)
                colval.amount = colval.amount.div(GncNumeric(2,1),GNC_DENOM_AUTO,GNC_HOW_DENOM_SIGFIG | 5*256 | GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND)

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'total-number-cell')
                new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = " "

                colval = total_rpt_coll.getmonetary(report_currency)
                colval.amount = colval.amount.div(GncNumeric(2,1),GNC_DENOM_AUTO,GNC_HOW_DENOM_SIGFIG | 5*256 | GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND)

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'total-number-cell')
                new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

                new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'grand-total')
                new_row.text = "\n"
                new_row.tail = "\n"

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = N_("Joint Contribution US Tax (15%)")

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = " "

                # 15% is 0.15 (3/20) but halve for joint 0.15/2 or 3/40
                colval = total_coll.getmonetary(total_commod)
                colval.amount = colval.amount.mul(GncNumeric(3,40),GNC_DENOM_AUTO,GNC_HOW_DENOM_SIGFIG | 5*256 | GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND)

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'total-number-cell')
                new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = " "

                # 15% is 0.15 (3/20) but halve for joint 0.15/2 or 3/40
                colval = total_rpt_coll.getmonetary(report_currency)
                colval.amount = colval.amount.mul(GncNumeric(3,40),GNC_DENOM_AUTO,GNC_HOW_DENOM_SIGFIG | 5*256 | GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND)

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'total-number-cell')
                new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

            #new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
            #new_col.text = N_("Money In")
            #new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'total-number-cell')
            #colval = self.money_in_collector.sum(report_currency, exchange_fn)
            #new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()


        return document
Exemplo n.º 2
    def renderer (self, report):

        # this actually implements the report look

        # for some reason if do this if any error occurs in report GUI is locked

        # lots of stuff about getting option values

        optobj = self.options.lookup_name('General','Start Date')
        from_date_tp = optobj.get_option_value()
        optobj = self.options.lookup_name('General','End Date')
        to_date_tp = optobj.get_option_value()


        # now for html creation
        # where do we actually instantiate the Html object

        # in scheme created new scheme html doc
        # in python probably should pass the report xml document 
        # does the possibility of having new HtmlDocument make sense??
        document = gnc_html_document.HtmlDocument(stylesheet=report.stylesheet())

        # temporary measure - set the document style
        # some this should be done auto by the stylesheet set
        # but the StyleTable is not currently stored in the stylesheet
        # or at least not the right one
        document.style = report.style

        optobj = self.options.lookup_name('General',"Report's currency")
        report_currency = optobj.get_value()
        optobj = self.options.lookup_name('General','Price Source')
        price_source = optobj.get_option_value()

        optobj = self.options.lookup_name('General','Show Full Account Names')
        show_full_names = optobj.get_value()

        optobj = self.options.lookup_name('Accounts','Account Display Depth')
        display_depth = int(optobj.get_option_value())

        rptopt = self.options.lookup_name('General','Report name')
        rptttl = rptopt.get_value() + " - " + N_("%s to %s"%(gnc_print_date(from_date_tp),gnc_print_date(to_date_tp)))
        document.title = rptttl

        accobj = self.options.lookup_name('Accounts','Account')
        accounts = accobj.get_option_value()

        shwobj = self.options.lookup_name('Accounts','Always show sub-accounts')
        shwopt = shwobj.get_value()

        print("shwobj",shwobj,shwopt, file=sys.stderr)

        #if shwopt:
        #    subacclst = get_all_subaccounts(accounts)
        #    for subacc in subacclst:
        #        if not Interest.account_in_list(subacc,accounts):
        #            accounts.append(subacc)

        #exchange_fn = gnc_commodity_utilities.case_exchange_fn(price_source, report_currency, to_date_tp)


        print("account len",len(accounts), file=sys.stderr)

        if len(accounts) > 0:

            topdepth = 10000
            for acc in accounts:
                curdep = int(acc.get_current_depth())
                if curdep < topdepth: topdepth = curdep
            print("account min depth",topdepth, file=sys.stderr)

            if display_depth == 'all':
                tree_depth = self.accounts_get_children_depth(accounts)
                tree_depth = topdepth+display_depth
            print("treedepth",tree_depth, file=sys.stderr)

            #self.time_exchange_fn = gnc_commodity_utilities.case_exchange_time_fn(price_source, report_currency, commodity_list, to_date_tp, 0.0, 0.0)


            # need to figure out how to sort by full name
            # well this is useless - we need the account name!!

            base_text = document.StyleElement('body')
            base_text.text = N_("Selected Accounts")+"\n"
            base_text.tail = "\n"

            ultxt = document.doc.Element("ul")

            work_done = 0
            work_to_do = len(accounts)

            for acc in accounts:
                work_done += 1

                if acc.get_current_depth() <= tree_depth:

                    if show_full_names:
                        #accnm = acc.GetFullName()
                        accnm = acc.get_full_name()
                        accnm = acc.GetName()
                    if acc.get_current_depth() == tree_depth and \
                        not len(acc.get_children()) == 0:
                        if shwopt:
                            acctxt = N_(" and subaccounts")
                            acctxt = N_(" and selected subaccounts")
                        acctxt = ""
                    accurl = gnc_html_utilities.account_anchor_text(acc)

                    anchor_li = document.doc.SubElement(ultxt,"li")

                    anchor_markup = document.doc.SubElement(anchor_li,"a")
                    anchor_markup.attrib['href'] = accurl
                    anchor_markup.text = N_(accnm) + "\n"
                    anchor_markup.tail = acctxt + "\n"

            do_accounts = []
            for acc in accounts:
                doacc = False
                for split in acc.GetSplitList():
                    parent = split.GetParent()
                    txn_date = parent.RetDatePosted().date()
                    if (txn_date >= from_date_tp.date() and txn_date <= to_date_tp.date()):
                        doacc = True
                if doacc:

            # Scheme uses a whole subclass of functions for dealing with
            # tables - indirectly creating all table elements
            # ignoring all this for now - just using CSS styles
            new_table = document.StyleElement('table')
            new_table.text = "\n"

            new_row = document.doc.SubElement(new_table,"tr")
            new_row.tail = "\n"
            new_data = document.doc.SubElement(new_row,"td",attrib={'rowspan' : "1", 'colspan' : "2" })
            new_ruler = document.doc.SubElement(new_data,"hr")

            new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'primary-subheading')
            new_row.text = ""
            new_row.tail = "\n"

            #new_col = document.doc.SubElement(new_row,"td",attrib={'rowspan' : "1", 'colspan' : "1"})
            new_col = document.doc.SubElement(new_row,"td")
            new_col.text = N_("Date")

            new_col = document.doc.SubElement(new_row,"td")
            new_col.text = N_("Num")

            new_col = document.doc.SubElement(new_row,"td")
            new_col.text = N_("Description")

            new_col = document.doc.SubElement(new_row,"td")
            new_col.text = N_("Memo/Notes")

            new_col = document.doc.SubElement(new_row,"td")
            new_col.text = N_("Amount")

            new_col = document.doc.SubElement(new_row,"td")
            new_col.text = N_("Exchange Rate")

            new_col = document.doc.SubElement(new_row,"td")
            new_col.text = N_("Report Currency")
            row_num = 0
            work_done = 0
            work_to_do = len(accounts)


            total_coll = CommodityCollector()
            total_rpt_coll = CommodityCollector()

            # this is bad - this assumes all interest in single currency
            total_commod = None

            #for acc in accounts:
            for acc in do_accounts:

                row_num += 1
                work_done += 1

                new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'normal-row')
                new_row.text = "\n"
                new_row.tail = "\n"

                if show_full_names:
                    #accnm = acc.GetFullName()
                    accnm = acc.get_full_name()
                    accnm = acc.GetName()
                accurl = gnc_html_utilities.account_anchor_text(acc)

                new_col = document.doc.SubElement(new_row,"td")

                anchor_markup = document.doc.SubElement(new_col,"a")
                anchor_markup.attrib['href'] = accurl
                anchor_markup.text = accnm + "\n"
                    jnkstr = accnm.encode('utf-8')
                except Exception as errexc :


                acc_currency = acc.GetCommodity()
                acc_currency_frac = acc_currency.get_fraction()

                # for the moment get exchange rate per account - assuming we do not have mutiple currencies in accounts
                # no easy way to get exchange rate
                # - even in scheme do it by transforming an amount of 1
                # actually uses 1000 to get the sig figs
                # if no price we get none - make it 1
                if not engine_ctypes.CommodityEquiv(acc_currency,report_currency):
                    prcval = GncNumeric(1000,1000)
                    prcmny = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(acc_currency,prcval)
                    prcxch = gnc_commodity_utilities.exchange_by_pricedb_nearest(prcmny,report_currency,txn_date)
                    if prcxch == None:
                        prcxch = gnc_commodity_utilities.exchange_by_pricedb_latest(prcmny,report_currency)
                        if prcxch == None:
                            prcxch = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(report_currency,GncNumeric(1000,1000))
                    sclval = GncNumeric(1000,1000)
                    prcxch.amount = sclval.div(prcxch.amount,GNC_DENOM_AUTO,GNC_HOW_DENOM_SIGFIG | 6*256 | GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND)
                    #exch_rate = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(report_currency,prcxch)
                    exch_rate = prcxch.amount
                    #exch_rate = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(report_currency,GncNumeric(1000,1000))
                    exch_rate = GncNumeric(1000,1000)

                acc_coll = CommodityCollector()
                acc_rpt_coll = CommodityCollector()

                # new idea - lets have a dict of commodities we find to get a subtotal for each commodity
                # well thats the goal but we have no connection to the original stock in the Tax
                # - all we have is the memo - which at least is constant per stock
                commod_colls = {} 

                for split in acc.GetSplitList():

                    parent = split.GetParent()
                    txn_date = parent.RetDatePosted().date()
                    split_currency = parent.GetCurrency()
                    split_currency_frac = split_currency.get_fraction()

                        other_split = split.GetOtherSplit()
                    except Exception as errexc:
                        other_split = None
                    print("other split for", other_split)

                    #if other_split != None:
                    #    other_accnt = 

                    corr_accnm = split.GetCorrAccountName()
                    print("corr account", corr_accnm)

                    # what do the functions eg GetCorrAccountName() do??

                    #if splt.GetAccount()

                    if (txn_date >= from_date_tp.date() and txn_date <= to_date_tp.date()):

                        row_num += 1

                        if (row_num % 2) == 0:
                            new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'normal-row')
                            new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'alternate-row')

                        # Date column
                        new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                        new_col.text = N_(gnc_print_date(txn_date))

                        # Num column
                        new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                        new_col.text = N_("")

                        # Description
                        new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')

                        #new_col.text = N_(parent.GetDescription())
                        # unfortunately GetDescription returns a str type for utf-8 encoded data
                        # - we need to fix it
                        desctxt = parent.GetDescription()
                            newtxt = desctxt.encode('utf-8')
                        except Exception as errexc:
                            newtxt = desctxt.decode('utf-8')
                            desctxt = newtxt
                        new_col.text = N_(desctxt)

                        # Memo/Notes
                        # so the transaction has the Notes and the splits the memo
                        new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                        #new_col.text = N_(split.GetMemo())
                        #new_col.text = N_(parent.GetNotes())
                        memotxt = split.GetMemo()
                        notestxt = parent.GetNotes()
                        new_col.text = N_(memotxt)

                        split_val = split.GetValue()

                        ## we need to change the sign
                        #split_val = split_val.neg()

                        # so this is not right - the transaction description
                        # is what has the stock description now
                        memostr = ""
                        if other_split != None:
                            # sum the splits per memo
                            memostr = other_split.GetMemo()
                            #if memostr in commod_colls:
                            #    commod_colls[memostr].add(acc_currency, split_val)
                            #    commod_colls[memostr] = CommodityCollector()
                            #    commod_colls[memostr].add(acc_currency, split_val)
                            if desctxt in commod_colls:
                                commod_colls[desctxt].add(acc_currency, split_val)
                                commod_colls[desctxt] = CommodityCollector()
                                commod_colls[desctxt].add(acc_currency, split_val)

                        print("split val", memostr, str(split_val.to_double()))

                        # which is currency acc or other_acct??

                        #colval = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(commod_currency,split_val)
                        colval = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(acc_currency,split_val)
                        print("coll val", str(colval.to_currency_string()))

                        # Account
                        new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'number-cell')
                        new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

                        # Exchange rate
                        new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'number-cell')
                        #new_col.text = exch_rate.to_currency_string()
                        new_col.text = str(exch_rate.to_double())

                        if not engine_ctypes.CommodityEquiv(acc_currency,report_currency):
                            split_mny = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(acc_currency,split_val)
                            splt_rpt = gnc_commodity_utilities.exchange_by_pricedb_nearest(split_mny,report_currency,txn_date)
                            if splt_rpt == None:
                                splt_rpt = gnc_commodity_utilities.exchange_by_pricedb_latest(split_mny,report_currency)
                                if splt_rpt == None:
                                    splt_rpt = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(report_currency,GncNumeric(1000,1000))
                            splt_rpt = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(report_currency,split_val)

                        acc_coll.add(acc_currency, split_val)
                        #total_coll.add(acc_currency, split_val)
                        acc_rpt_coll.add(splt_rpt.commodity, splt_rpt.amount)
                        #total_rpt_coll.add(splt_rpt.commodity, splt_rpt.amount)

                        #total_commod = acc_currency

                        #colval = splt_rpt

                        new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'number-cell')
                        new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

                new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'normal-row')

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = ""

                new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'normal-row')

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = "Account Total"

                # Num
                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = ""

                # Description
                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = ""

                # Memo/Notes
                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = ""

                # Amount
                #colval = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(acc.GetCommodity(),acc.GetBalance().neg())
                colval = acc_coll.getmonetary(acc.GetCommodity())

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'number-cell')
                new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

                # Exchange Rate
                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'number-cell')
                new_col.text = N_("")

                # Amount report currency
                colval = acc_rpt_coll.getmonetary(report_currency)

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'number-cell')
                new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

                new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'normal-row')

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = "Joint contribution"

                # Num
                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = ""

                # Description
                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = ""

                # Memo/Notes
                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = ""

                # Amount
                #colval = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(acc.GetCommodity(),acc.GetBalance().neg())
                colval = acc_coll.getmonetary(acc.GetCommodity())
                colval.amount = colval.amount.div(GncNumeric(2,1),GNC_DENOM_AUTO,GNC_HOW_DENOM_SIGFIG | 5*256 | GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND)

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'number-cell')
                new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

                # Exchange Rate
                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = ""

                # Amount report currency
                colval = acc_rpt_coll.getmonetary(report_currency)
                colval.amount = colval.amount.div(GncNumeric(2,1),GNC_DENOM_AUTO,GNC_HOW_DENOM_SIGFIG | 5*256 | GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND)

                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'number-cell')
                new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

                new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'normal-row')
                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = ""

                new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'normal-row')
                new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                new_col.text = ""

                # dump totals per stock - in this case per memo


                for commod in sorted(commod_colls.keys()):

                    new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'normal-row')

                    new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                    new_col.text = "Commodity Total"

                    # Num
                    new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                    new_col.text = ""

                    # Description
                    new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                    new_col.text = N_(commod)

                    # Memo/Notes
                    new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                    new_col.text = ""

                    # Amount
                    #colval = gnc_commodity_utilities.GncMonetary(acc.GetCommodity(),acc.GetBalance().neg())
                    commod_coll = commod_colls[commod]
                    colval = commod_coll.getmonetary(acc.GetCommodity())
                    #colval.amount = colval.amount.div(GncNumeric(2,1),GNC_DENOM_AUTO,GNC_HOW_DENOM_SIGFIG | 5*256 | GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND)

                    new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'number-cell')
                    new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

                    # Exchange Rate
                    new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                    new_col.text = ""

                    # Amount report currency
                    commod_coll = commod_colls[commod]
                    colval = commod_coll.getmonetary(report_currency)
                    #colval.amount = colval.amount.div(GncNumeric(2,1),GNC_DENOM_AUTO,GNC_HOW_DENOM_SIGFIG | 5*256 | GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND)

                    new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'number-cell')
                    new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

            if len(do_accounts) > 0:

                #new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'normal-row')
                #new_row.text = "\n"
                #new_row.tail = "\n"

                #new_data = document.doc.SubElement(new_row,"td",attrib={'rowspan' : "1", 'colspan' : "100%" })
                #new_ruler = document.doc.SubElement(new_data,"hr")

                #new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'grand-total')
                #new_row.text = "\n"
                #new_row.tail = "\n"

                #new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                #new_col.text = N_("Total")

                #new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                #new_col.text = " "

                #colval = total_coll.getmonetary(total_commod)

                #new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'total-number-cell')
                #new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

                #new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                #new_col.text = " "

                #colval = total_rpt_coll.getmonetary(report_currency)

                #new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'total-number-cell')
                #new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

                #new_row = document.StyleSubElement(new_table,'grand-total')
                #new_row.text = "\n"
                #new_row.tail = "\n"

                #new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                #new_col.text = N_("Joint Contribution Total")

                #new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                #new_col.text = " "

                #colval = total_coll.getmonetary(total_commod)
                #colval.amount = colval.amount.div(GncNumeric(2,1),GNC_DENOM_AUTO,GNC_HOW_DENOM_SIGFIG | 5*256 | GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND)

                #new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'total-number-cell')
                #new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()

                #new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
                #new_col.text = " "

                #colval = total_rpt_coll.getmonetary(report_currency)
                #colval.amount = colval.amount.div(GncNumeric(2,1),GNC_DENOM_AUTO,GNC_HOW_DENOM_SIGFIG | 5*256 | GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND)

                #new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'total-number-cell')
                #new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()


            #new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'text-cell')
            #new_col.text = N_("Money In")
            #new_col = document.StyleSubElement(new_row,'total-number-cell')
            #colval = self.money_in_collector.sum(report_currency, exchange_fn)
            #new_col.text = colval.to_currency_string()


        return document