Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, options):

            gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex),  # Input signature
            gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_char),
        )  # Output signature

        self._samples_per_symbol = options.samples_per_symbol
        self._bits_per_sec = options.bits_per_sec
        self._samplerate = self._samples_per_symbol * self._bits_per_sec
        self._gain_mu = options.gain_mu
        self._mu = options.mu
        self._omega_relative_limit = options.omega_relative_limit
        self.fftlen = options.fftlen

        # right now we are going to hardcode the different options for VA mode here. later on we can use configurable options
        samples_per_symbol_viterbi = 2
        bits_per_symbol = 2
        samples_per_symbol = 6
        samples_per_symbol_clockrec = samples_per_symbol / bits_per_symbol
        BT = 0.4
        data_rate = 9600.0
        samp_rate = options.samp_rate

        self.gmsk_sync = gmsk_sync.square_and_fft_sync(self._samplerate, self._bits_per_sec, self.fftlen)

        if options.viterbi is True:
            # calculate the required decimation and interpolation to achieve the desired samples per symbol
            denom = gcd(data_rate * samples_per_symbol, samp_rate)
            cr_interp = int(data_rate * samples_per_symbol / denom)
            cr_decim = int(samp_rate / denom)
            self.resample = blks2.rational_resampler_ccc(cr_interp, cr_decim)
            # here we take a different tack and use A.A.'s CPM decomposition technique
            self.clockrec = gr.clock_recovery_mm_cc(
                samples_per_symbol_clockrec, 0.005 * 0.005 * 0.25, 0.5, 0.005, 0.0005
            )  # might have to futz with the max. deviation
            (fsm, constellation, MF, N, f0T) = make_gmsk(
                samples_per_symbol_viterbi, BT
            )  # calculate the decomposition required for demodulation
            self.costas = gr.costas_loop_cc(
                0.015, 0.015 * 0.015 * 0.25, 100e-6, -100e-6, 4
            )  # does fine freq/phase synchronization. should probably calc the coeffs instead of hardcode them.
            self.streams2stream = gr.streams_to_stream(int(gr.sizeof_gr_complex * 1), int(N))
            self.mf0 = gr.fir_filter_ccc(
                samples_per_symbol_viterbi, MF[0].conjugate()
            )  # two matched filters for decomposition
            self.mf1 = gr.fir_filter_ccc(samples_per_symbol_viterbi, MF[1].conjugate())
            self.fo = gr.sig_source_c(
                samples_per_symbol_viterbi, gr.GR_COS_WAVE, -f0T, 1, 0
            )  # the memoryless modulation component of the decomposition
            self.fomult = gr.multiply_cc(1)
            self.trellis = trellis.viterbi_combined_cb(
                fsm, int(data_rate), -1, -1, int(N), constellation, trellis.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN
            )  # the actual Viterbi decoder

            # this is probably not optimal and someone who knows what they're doing should correct me
            self.datafiltertaps = gr.firdes.root_raised_cosine(
                10,  # gain
                self._samplerate * 32,  # sample rate
                self._bits_per_sec,  # symbol rate
                0.4,  # alpha, same as BT?
                50 * 32,
            )  # no. of taps

            self.datafilter = gr.fir_filter_fff(1, self.datafiltertaps)

            sensitivity = (math.pi / 2) / self._samples_per_symbol
            self.demod = gr.quadrature_demod_cf(sensitivity)  # param is gain

            # self.clockrec = digital.clock_recovery_mm_ff(self._samples_per_symbol,0.25*self._gain_mu*self._gain_mu,self._mu,self._gain_mu,self._omega_relative_limit)
            self.clockrec = gr.pfb_clock_sync_ccf(self._samples_per_symbol, 0.04, self.datafiltertaps, 32, 0, 1.15)
            self.tcslicer = digital.digital.binary_slicer_fb()
            # 			self.dfe = digital.digital.lms_dd_equalizer_cc(
            # 										   32,
            # 										   0.005,
            # 										   1,
            # 										   digital.digital.constellation_bpsk()
            # 										)

            # 			self.delay = gr.delay(gr.sizeof_float, 64 + 16) #the correlator delays 64 bits, and the LMS delays some as well.
            self.slicer = digital.digital.binary_slicer_fb()
        # 			self.training_correlator = digital.correlate_access_code_bb("1100110011001100", 0)
        # 			self.cma = digital.cma_equalizer_cc
        # just a note here: a complex combined quad demod/slicer could be based on if's rather than an actual quad demod, right?
        # in fact all the constellation decoders up to QPSK could operate on complex data w/o doing the whole atan thing

        self.diff = gr.diff_decoder_bb(2)
        self.invert = ais.invert()  # NRZI signal diff decoded and inverted should give original signal

        self.connect(self, self.gmsk_sync)

        if options.viterbi is False:
            self.connect(self.gmsk_sync, self.clockrec, self.demod, self.slicer, self.diff, self.invert, self)
            # self.connect(self.gmsk_sync, self.demod, self.clockrec, self.tcslicer, self.training_correlator)
            # self.connect(self.clockrec, self.delay, (self.dfe, 0))
            # self.connect(self.training_correlator, (self.dfe, 1))
            # self.connect(self.dfe, self.slicer, self.diff, self.invert, self)

            self.connect(self.gmsk_sync, self.costas, self.resample, self.clockrec)
            self.connect(self.clockrec, (self.fomult, 0))
            self.connect(self.fo, (self.fomult, 1))
            self.connect(self.fomult, self.mf0)
            self.connect(self.fomult, self.mf1)
            self.connect(self.mf0, (self.streams2stream, 0))
            self.connect(self.mf1, (self.streams2stream, 1))
            self.connect(self.streams2stream, self.trellis, self.diff, self.invert, self)
Exemplo n.º 2
def run_test(seed,blocksize):
        tb = gr.top_block()

	# Variables
	M = 2
	K = 1
	P = 2
	h = (1.0*K)/P
	L = 3
	Q = 4
        frac = 0.99
        f = trellis.fsm(P,M,L)

        # CPFSK signals
        #p = numpy.ones(Q)/(2.0)
        #q = numpy.cumsum(p)/(1.0*Q)

        # GMSK signals
        #print tt
        #print p
        #print q

        (f0T,SS,S,F,Sf,Ff,N) = fsm_utils.make_cpm_signals(K,P,M,L,q,frac)
        #print N
        #print Ff
        Ffa = numpy.insert(Ff,Q,numpy.zeros(N),axis=0)
        #print Ffa
        MF = numpy.fliplr(numpy.transpose(Ffa))
        #print MF
        E = numpy.sum(numpy.abs(Sf)**2,axis=0)
        Es = numpy.sum(E)/f.O()
        #print Es

        constellation = numpy.reshape(numpy.transpose(Sf),N*f.O())
        #print Ff
        #print Sf
        #print constellation
        #print numpy.max(numpy.abs(SS - numpy.dot(Ff , Sf)))

	EsN0_db = 10.0
        N0 =  Es * 10.0**(-(1.0*EsN0_db)/10.0)
        #N0 = 0.0
        #print N0
        head = 4
        tail = 4
        data = numpy.random.randint(0, M, head+blocksize+tail+1)
        #data = numpy.zeros(blocksize+1+head+tail,'int')
        for i in range(head):
        for i in range(tail+1):

	# Blocks
	random_source_x_0 = blocks.vector_source_b(data.tolist(), False)
	digital_chunks_to_symbols_xx_0 = digital.chunks_to_symbols_bf((-1, 1), 1)
	filter_interp_fir_filter_xxx_0 = filter.interp_fir_filter_fff(Q, p)
	analog_frequency_modulator_fc_0 = analog.frequency_modulator_fc(2*math.pi*h*(1.0/Q))

	blocks_add_vxx_0 = blocks.add_vcc(1)
	analog_noise_source_x_0 = analog.noise_source_c(analog.GR_GAUSSIAN, (N0/2.0)**0.5, -long(seed))

	blocks_multiply_vxx_0 = blocks.multiply_vcc(1)
	analog_sig_source_x_0 = analog.sig_source_c(Q, analog.GR_COS_WAVE, -f0T, 1, 0)
        # only works for N=2, do it manually for N>2...
	filter_fir_filter_xxx_0_0 = filter.fir_filter_ccc(Q, MF[0].conjugate())
	filter_fir_filter_xxx_0_0_0 = filter.fir_filter_ccc(Q, MF[1].conjugate())
	blocks_streams_to_stream_0 = blocks.streams_to_stream(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*1, int(N))
	blocks_skiphead_0 = blocks.skiphead(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*1, int(N*(1+0)))
	viterbi = trellis.viterbi_combined_cb(f, head+blocksize+tail, 0, -1, int(N),
					      constellation, digital.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN)

        blocks_vector_sink_x_0 = blocks.vector_sink_b()

	# Connections
	tb.connect((random_source_x_0, 0), (digital_chunks_to_symbols_xx_0, 0))
	tb.connect((digital_chunks_to_symbols_xx_0, 0), (filter_interp_fir_filter_xxx_0, 0))
	tb.connect((filter_interp_fir_filter_xxx_0, 0), (analog_frequency_modulator_fc_0, 0))
	tb.connect((analog_frequency_modulator_fc_0, 0), (blocks_add_vxx_0, 0))
	tb.connect((analog_noise_source_x_0, 0), (blocks_add_vxx_0, 1))
	tb.connect((blocks_add_vxx_0, 0), (blocks_multiply_vxx_0, 0))
	tb.connect((analog_sig_source_x_0, 0), (blocks_multiply_vxx_0, 1))
	tb.connect((blocks_multiply_vxx_0, 0), (filter_fir_filter_xxx_0_0, 0))
	tb.connect((blocks_multiply_vxx_0, 0), (filter_fir_filter_xxx_0_0_0, 0))
	tb.connect((filter_fir_filter_xxx_0_0, 0), (blocks_streams_to_stream_0, 0))
	tb.connect((filter_fir_filter_xxx_0_0_0, 0), (blocks_streams_to_stream_0, 1))
	tb.connect((blocks_streams_to_stream_0, 0), (blocks_skiphead_0, 0))
	tb.connect((blocks_skiphead_0, 0), (viterbi, 0))
	tb.connect((viterbi, 0), (blocks_vector_sink_x_0, 0))

        dataest = blocks_vector_sink_x_0.data()
        #print data
        #print numpy.array(dataest)
        perr = 0
        err = 0
        for i in range(blocksize):
          if data[head+i] != dataest[head+i]:
            #print i
            err += 1
        if err != 0 :
          perr = 1
        return (err,perr)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self):
        gr.top_block.__init__(self, "Superposition Coding")
        self.setWindowTitle("Superposition Coding")
        self.top_scroll_layout = Qt.QVBoxLayout()
        self.top_scroll = Qt.QScrollArea()
        self.top_widget = Qt.QWidget()
        self.top_layout = Qt.QVBoxLayout(self.top_widget)
        self.top_grid_layout = Qt.QGridLayout()

        self.settings = Qt.QSettings("GNU Radio", "int_cancellation")

        # Variables
        self.snr_db = snr_db = 10
        self.prefix = prefix = "/opt/usr/src/gnuradio/gr-trellis/examples/python/fsm_files/"
        self.noisevar = noisevar = 10**(-snr_db / 10)
        self.fsm2 = fsm2 = "awgn1o2_4.fsm"
        self.fsm1 = fsm1 = "awgn1o2_16.fsm"
        self.block = block = 1000
        self.alpha = alpha = .1
        self.R = R = 100e3

        # Blocks
        self._alpha_range = Range(0, 1, .01, .1, 200)
        self._alpha_win = RangeWidget(self._alpha_range, self.set_alpha,
                                      'P1/P', "counter_slider", float)
        self.trellis_viterbi_combined_xx_2 = trellis.viterbi_combined_cb(
            trellis.fsm(prefix + fsm2), block, -1, -1, 1,
            ((1 - alpha)**0.5 * 1, (1 - alpha)**0.5 * 1j,
             (1 - alpha)**0.5 * (-1j), (1 - alpha)**0.5 * (-1)),
        self.trellis_viterbi_combined_xx_1 = trellis.viterbi_combined_cb(
            trellis.fsm(prefix + fsm1), block, -1, -1, 1,
            (alpha**0.5 * 1, alpha**0.5 * 1j, alpha**0.5 * (-1j), alpha**0.5 *
             (-1)), digital.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN)
        self.trellis_viterbi_combined_xx_0_0 = trellis.viterbi_combined_cb(
            trellis.fsm(prefix + fsm1), block, -1, -1, 1,
            (alpha**0.5 * 1, alpha**0.5 * 1j, alpha**0.5 * (-1j), alpha**0.5 *
             (-1)), digital.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN)
        self.trellis_viterbi_combined_xx_0 = trellis.viterbi_combined_cb(
            trellis.fsm(prefix + fsm2), block, -1, -1, 1,
            ((1 - alpha)**0.5 * 1, (1 - alpha)**0.5 * 1j,
             (1 - alpha)**0.5 * (-1j), (1 - alpha)**0.5 * (-1)),
        self.trellis_encoder_xx_2_0 = trellis.encoder_bb(
            trellis.fsm(prefix + fsm2), 0, 0) if False else trellis.encoder_bb(
                trellis.fsm(prefix + fsm2), 0)
        self.trellis_encoder_xx_2 = trellis.encoder_bb(
            trellis.fsm(prefix + fsm1), 0, 0) if False else trellis.encoder_bb(
                trellis.fsm(prefix + fsm1), 0)
        self.trellis_encoder_xx_1 = trellis.encoder_bb(
            trellis.fsm(prefix + fsm2), 0, 0) if False else trellis.encoder_bb(
                trellis.fsm(prefix + fsm2), 0)
        self.trellis_encoder_xx_0 = trellis.encoder_bb(
            trellis.fsm(prefix + fsm1), 0, 0) if False else trellis.encoder_bb(
                trellis.fsm(prefix + fsm1), 0)
        self._snr_db_range = Range(0, 20, 1, 10, 200)
        self._snr_db_win = RangeWidget(self._snr_db_range, self.set_snr_db,
                                       'P/sigma^2 (dB)', "counter_slider",
        self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0_0 = qtgui.number_sink(
            gr.sizeof_float, 0, qtgui.NUM_GRAPH_HORIZ, 1)
            'BER 1 (after cancelling user 2)')

        labels = ['BER', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
        units = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
        colors = [("black", "black"), ("black", "black"), ("black", "black"),
                  ("black", "black"), ("black", "black"), ("black", "black"),
                  ("black", "black"), ("black", "black"), ("black", "black"),
                  ("black", "black")]
        factor = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
        for i in xrange(1):
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0_0.set_min(i, 0)
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0_0.set_max(i, 1)
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0_0.set_color(i, colors[i][0],
            if len(labels[i]) == 0:
                    i, "Data {0}".format(i))
                self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0_0.set_label(i, labels[i])
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0_0.set_unit(i, units[i])
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0_0.set_factor(i, factor[i])

        self._qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0_0_win = sip.wrapinstance(
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0_0.pyqwidget(), Qt.QWidget)
        self.top_grid_layout.addWidget(self._qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0_0_win, 1,
                                       0, 1, 1)
        self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0 = qtgui.number_sink(
            gr.sizeof_float, 0, qtgui.NUM_GRAPH_HORIZ, 1)
            "BER 2 (after cancelling user 1)")

        labels = ['BER', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
        units = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
        colors = [("black", "black"), ("black", "black"), ("black", "black"),
                  ("black", "black"), ("black", "black"), ("black", "black"),
                  ("black", "black"), ("black", "black"), ("black", "black"),
                  ("black", "black")]
        factor = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
        for i in xrange(1):
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0.set_min(i, 0)
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0.set_max(i, 1)
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0.set_color(i, colors[i][0],
            if len(labels[i]) == 0:
                self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0.set_label(i, "Data {0}".format(i))
                self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0.set_label(i, labels[i])
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0.set_unit(i, units[i])
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0.set_factor(i, factor[i])

        self._qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0_win = sip.wrapinstance(
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0.pyqwidget(), Qt.QWidget)
        self.top_grid_layout.addWidget(self._qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0_win, 1, 1,
                                       1, 1)
        self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0 = qtgui.number_sink(gr.sizeof_float, 0,
        self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0.set_title("BER 2 (Raw)")

        labels = ['BER', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
        units = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
        colors = [("black", "black"), ("black", "black"), ("black", "black"),
                  ("black", "black"), ("black", "black"), ("black", "black"),
                  ("black", "black"), ("black", "black"), ("black", "black"),
                  ("black", "black")]
        factor = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
        for i in xrange(1):
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0.set_min(i, 0)
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0.set_max(i, 1)
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0.set_color(i, colors[i][0], colors[i][1])
            if len(labels[i]) == 0:
                self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0.set_label(i, "Data {0}".format(i))
                self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0.set_label(i, labels[i])
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0.set_unit(i, units[i])
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0.set_factor(i, factor[i])

        self._qtgui_number_sink_0_0_win = sip.wrapinstance(
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0.pyqwidget(), Qt.QWidget)
        self.top_grid_layout.addWidget(self._qtgui_number_sink_0_0_win, 0, 1,
                                       1, 1)
        self.qtgui_number_sink_0 = qtgui.number_sink(gr.sizeof_float, 0,
                                                     qtgui.NUM_GRAPH_HORIZ, 1)
        self.qtgui_number_sink_0.set_title("BER1 (Raw)")

        labels = ['BER', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
        units = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
        colors = [("black", "black"), ("black", "black"), ("black", "black"),
                  ("black", "black"), ("black", "black"), ("black", "black"),
                  ("black", "black"), ("black", "black"), ("black", "black"),
                  ("black", "black")]
        factor = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
        for i in xrange(1):
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0.set_min(i, 0)
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0.set_max(i, 1)
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0.set_color(i, colors[i][0], colors[i][1])
            if len(labels[i]) == 0:
                self.qtgui_number_sink_0.set_label(i, "Data {0}".format(i))
                self.qtgui_number_sink_0.set_label(i, labels[i])
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0.set_unit(i, units[i])
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0.set_factor(i, factor[i])

        self._qtgui_number_sink_0_win = sip.wrapinstance(
            self.qtgui_number_sink_0.pyqwidget(), Qt.QWidget)
        self.top_grid_layout.addWidget(self._qtgui_number_sink_0_win, 0, 0, 1,
        self.qtgui_const_sink_x_0 = qtgui.const_sink_c(
            1024,  #size
            "",  #name
            1  #number of inputs
        self.qtgui_const_sink_x_0.set_y_axis(-2, 2)
        self.qtgui_const_sink_x_0.set_x_axis(-2, 2)
                                                   qtgui.TRIG_SLOPE_POS, 0.0,
                                                   0, "")

        if not True:

        labels = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
        widths = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
        colors = [
            "blue", "red", "red", "red", "red", "red", "red", "red", "red",
        styles = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        markers = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        alphas = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
        for i in xrange(1):
            if len(labels[i]) == 0:
                    i, "Data {0}".format(i))
                self.qtgui_const_sink_x_0.set_line_label(i, labels[i])
            self.qtgui_const_sink_x_0.set_line_width(i, widths[i])
            self.qtgui_const_sink_x_0.set_line_color(i, colors[i])
            self.qtgui_const_sink_x_0.set_line_style(i, styles[i])
            self.qtgui_const_sink_x_0.set_line_marker(i, markers[i])
            self.qtgui_const_sink_x_0.set_line_alpha(i, alphas[i])

        self._qtgui_const_sink_x_0_win = sip.wrapinstance(
            self.qtgui_const_sink_x_0.pyqwidget(), Qt.QWidget)
        self.digital_chunks_to_symbols_xx_0_0_1 = digital.chunks_to_symbols_bc(
            (1, 1j, -1j, -1), 1)
        self.digital_chunks_to_symbols_xx_0_0_0 = digital.chunks_to_symbols_bc(
            (1, 1j, -1j, -1), 1)
        self.digital_chunks_to_symbols_xx_0_0 = digital.chunks_to_symbols_bc(
            (1, 1j, -1j, -1), 1)
        self.digital_chunks_to_symbols_xx_0 = digital.chunks_to_symbols_bc(
            (1, 1j, -1j, -1), 1)
        self.blocks_throttle_0 = blocks.throttle(gr.sizeof_char * 1, R, True)
        self.blocks_sub_xx_2_0 = blocks.sub_cc(1)
        self.blocks_sub_xx_2 = blocks.sub_cc(1)
        self.blocks_multiply_const_vxx_2_0 = blocks.multiply_const_vcc(
            ((1 - alpha)**0.5, ))
        self.blocks_multiply_const_vxx_2 = blocks.multiply_const_vcc(
            (alpha**0.5, ))
        self.blocks_multiply_const_vxx_1 = blocks.multiply_const_vcc(
            ((1 - alpha)**0.5, ))
        self.blocks_multiply_const_vxx_0 = blocks.multiply_const_vcc(
            (alpha**0.5, ))
        self.blocks_add_xx_0 = blocks.add_vcc(1)
        self.blks2_error_rate_0_0_0_0 = grc_blks2.error_rate(
            win_size=block * 100,
        self.blks2_error_rate_0_0_0 = grc_blks2.error_rate(
            win_size=block * 100,
        self.blks2_error_rate_0_0 = grc_blks2.error_rate(
            win_size=block * 100,
        self.blks2_error_rate_0 = grc_blks2.error_rate(
            win_size=block * 100,
        self.analog_random_source_x_1 = blocks.vector_source_b(
            map(int, numpy.random.randint(0, 2, block)), True)
        self.analog_random_source_x_0 = blocks.vector_source_b(
            map(int, numpy.random.randint(0, 2, block)), True)
        self.analog_noise_source_x_0 = analog.noise_source_c(
            analog.GR_GAUSSIAN, noisevar, -42)

        # Connections
        self.connect((self.analog_noise_source_x_0, 0),
                     (self.blocks_add_xx_0, 2))
        self.connect((self.analog_random_source_x_0, 0),
                     (self.blks2_error_rate_0, 0))
        self.connect((self.analog_random_source_x_0, 0),
                     (self.blks2_error_rate_0_0_0_0, 0))
        self.connect((self.analog_random_source_x_0, 0),
                     (self.trellis_encoder_xx_0, 0))
        self.connect((self.analog_random_source_x_1, 0),
                     (self.blks2_error_rate_0_0, 0))
        self.connect((self.analog_random_source_x_1, 0),
                     (self.blks2_error_rate_0_0_0, 0))
        self.connect((self.analog_random_source_x_1, 0),
                     (self.trellis_encoder_xx_1, 0))
        self.connect((self.blks2_error_rate_0, 0),
                     (self.qtgui_number_sink_0, 0))
        self.connect((self.blks2_error_rate_0_0, 0),
                     (self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0, 0))
        self.connect((self.blks2_error_rate_0_0_0, 0),
                     (self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0, 0))
        self.connect((self.blks2_error_rate_0_0_0_0, 0),
                     (self.qtgui_number_sink_0_0_0_0, 0))
        self.connect((self.blocks_add_xx_0, 0), (self.blocks_sub_xx_2, 0))
        self.connect((self.blocks_add_xx_0, 0), (self.blocks_sub_xx_2_0, 0))
        self.connect((self.blocks_add_xx_0, 0), (self.qtgui_const_sink_x_0, 0))
        self.connect((self.blocks_add_xx_0, 0),
                     (self.trellis_viterbi_combined_xx_1, 0))
        self.connect((self.blocks_add_xx_0, 0),
                     (self.trellis_viterbi_combined_xx_2, 0))
        self.connect((self.blocks_multiply_const_vxx_0, 0),
                     (self.blocks_add_xx_0, 0))
        self.connect((self.blocks_multiply_const_vxx_1, 0),
                     (self.blocks_add_xx_0, 1))
        self.connect((self.blocks_multiply_const_vxx_2, 0),
                     (self.blocks_sub_xx_2, 1))
        self.connect((self.blocks_multiply_const_vxx_2_0, 0),
                     (self.blocks_sub_xx_2_0, 1))
        self.connect((self.blocks_sub_xx_2, 0),
                     (self.trellis_viterbi_combined_xx_0, 0))
        self.connect((self.blocks_sub_xx_2_0, 0),
                     (self.trellis_viterbi_combined_xx_0_0, 0))
        self.connect((self.blocks_throttle_0, 0),
                     (self.digital_chunks_to_symbols_xx_0, 0))
        self.connect((self.digital_chunks_to_symbols_xx_0, 0),
                     (self.blocks_multiply_const_vxx_0, 0))
        self.connect((self.digital_chunks_to_symbols_xx_0_0, 0),
                     (self.blocks_multiply_const_vxx_1, 0))
        self.connect((self.digital_chunks_to_symbols_xx_0_0_0, 0),
                     (self.blocks_multiply_const_vxx_2, 0))
        self.connect((self.digital_chunks_to_symbols_xx_0_0_1, 0),
                     (self.blocks_multiply_const_vxx_2_0, 0))
        self.connect((self.trellis_encoder_xx_0, 0),
                     (self.blocks_throttle_0, 0))
        self.connect((self.trellis_encoder_xx_1, 0),
                     (self.digital_chunks_to_symbols_xx_0_0, 0))
        self.connect((self.trellis_encoder_xx_2, 0),
                     (self.digital_chunks_to_symbols_xx_0_0_0, 0))
        self.connect((self.trellis_encoder_xx_2_0, 0),
                     (self.digital_chunks_to_symbols_xx_0_0_1, 0))
        self.connect((self.trellis_viterbi_combined_xx_0, 0),
                     (self.blks2_error_rate_0_0_0, 1))
        self.connect((self.trellis_viterbi_combined_xx_0_0, 0),
                     (self.blks2_error_rate_0_0_0_0, 1))
        self.connect((self.trellis_viterbi_combined_xx_1, 0),
                     (self.blks2_error_rate_0, 1))
        self.connect((self.trellis_viterbi_combined_xx_1, 0),
                     (self.trellis_encoder_xx_2, 0))
        self.connect((self.trellis_viterbi_combined_xx_2, 0),
                     (self.blks2_error_rate_0_0, 1))
        self.connect((self.trellis_viterbi_combined_xx_2, 0),
                     (self.trellis_encoder_xx_2_0, 0))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, options):

		gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, "ais_demod",
                                gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex), # Input signature
                                gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_char)) # Output signature

		self._samples_per_symbol = options.samples_per_symbol
		self._bits_per_sec = options.bits_per_sec
		self._samplerate = self._samples_per_symbol * self._bits_per_sec
		self._gain_mu = options.gain_mu
		self._mu = options.mu
		self._omega_relative_limit = options.omega_relative_limit
		self.fftlen = options.fftlen

		#right now we are going to hardcode the different options for VA mode here. later on we can use configurable options
		samples_per_symbol_viterbi = 2
		bits_per_symbol = 2
		samples_per_symbol = 6
		samples_per_symbol_clockrec = samples_per_symbol / bits_per_symbol
		BT = 0.4
		data_rate = 9600.0
		samp_rate = options.samp_rate

		self.gmsk_sync = gmsk_sync.square_and_fft_sync(self._samplerate, self._bits_per_sec, self.fftlen)

		if(options.viterbi is True):
			#calculate the required decimation and interpolation to achieve the desired samples per symbol
			denom = gcd(data_rate*samples_per_symbol, samp_rate)
			cr_interp = int(data_rate*samples_per_symbol/denom)
			cr_decim = int(samp_rate/denom)
			self.resample = blks2.rational_resampler_ccc(cr_interp, cr_decim)
			#here we take a different tack and use A.A.'s CPM decomposition technique
			self.clockrec = gr.clock_recovery_mm_cc(samples_per_symbol_clockrec, 0.005*0.005*0.25, 0.5, 0.005, 0.0005) #might have to futz with the max. deviation
			(fsm, constellation, MF, N, f0T) = make_gmsk(samples_per_symbol_viterbi, BT) #calculate the decomposition required for demodulation
			self.costas = gr.costas_loop_cc(0.015, 0.015*0.015*0.25, 100e-6, -100e-6, 4) #does fine freq/phase synchronization. should probably calc the coeffs instead of hardcode them.
			self.streams2stream = gr.streams_to_stream(int(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*1), int(N))
			self.mf0 = gr.fir_filter_ccc(samples_per_symbol_viterbi, MF[0].conjugate()) #two matched filters for decomposition
			self.mf1 = gr.fir_filter_ccc(samples_per_symbol_viterbi, MF[1].conjugate())
			self.fo = gr.sig_source_c(samples_per_symbol_viterbi, gr.GR_COS_WAVE, -f0T, 1, 0) #the memoryless modulation component of the decomposition
			self.fomult = gr.multiply_cc(1)
			self.trellis = trellis.viterbi_combined_cb(fsm, int(data_rate), -1, -1, int(N), constellation, trellis.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN) #the actual Viterbi decoder

		#this is probably not optimal and someone who knows what they're doing should correct me
			self.datafiltertaps = gr.firdes.root_raised_cosine(10, #gain
													  self._samplerate*32, #sample rate
													  self._bits_per_sec, #symbol rate
													  0.4, #alpha, same as BT?
													  50*32) #no. of taps

			self.datafilter = gr.fir_filter_fff(1, self.datafiltertaps)

			sensitivity = (math.pi / 2) / self._samples_per_symbol
			self.demod = gr.quadrature_demod_cf(sensitivity) #param is gain

			#self.clockrec = digital.clock_recovery_mm_ff(self._samples_per_symbol,0.25*self._gain_mu*self._gain_mu,self._mu,self._gain_mu,self._omega_relative_limit)
			self.clockrec = gr.pfb_clock_sync_ccf(self._samples_per_symbol, 0.04, self.datafiltertaps, 32, 0, 1.15)
			self.tcslicer = digital.digital.binary_slicer_fb()
#			self.dfe = digital.digital.lms_dd_equalizer_cc(
#										   32,
#										   0.005,
#										   1,
#										   digital.digital.constellation_bpsk()
#										)

#			self.delay = gr.delay(gr.sizeof_float, 64 + 16) #the correlator delays 64 bits, and the LMS delays some as well.
			self.slicer = digital.digital.binary_slicer_fb()
#			self.training_correlator = digital.correlate_access_code_bb("1100110011001100", 0)
#			self.cma = digital.cma_equalizer_cc
#just a note here: a complex combined quad demod/slicer could be based on if's rather than an actual quad demod, right?
#in fact all the constellation decoders up to QPSK could operate on complex data w/o doing the whole atan thing

		self.diff = gr.diff_decoder_bb(2)
		self.invert = ais.invert() #NRZI signal diff decoded and inverted should give original signal

		self.connect(self, self.gmsk_sync)

		if(options.viterbi is False):
			self.connect(self.gmsk_sync, self.clockrec, self.demod, self.slicer, self.diff, self.invert, self)
			#self.connect(self.gmsk_sync, self.demod, self.clockrec, self.tcslicer, self.training_correlator)
			#self.connect(self.clockrec, self.delay, (self.dfe, 0))
			#self.connect(self.training_correlator, (self.dfe, 1))
			#self.connect(self.dfe, self.slicer, self.diff, self.invert, self)

			self.connect(self.gmsk_sync, self.costas, self.resample, self.clockrec)
			self.connect(self.clockrec, (self.fomult, 0))
			self.connect(self.fo, (self.fomult, 1))
			self.connect(self.fomult, self.mf0)
			self.connect(self.fomult, self.mf1)
			self.connect(self.mf0, (self.streams2stream, 0))
			self.connect(self.mf1, (self.streams2stream, 1))
			self.connect(self.streams2stream, self.trellis, self.diff, self.invert, self)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, options):

        gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, "ais_demod",
                                gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex), # Input signature
                                gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_char)) # Output signature

        self._samples_per_symbol = options[ "samples_per_symbol" ]
        self._bits_per_sec = options[ "bits_per_sec" ]
        self._samplerate = self._samples_per_symbol * self._bits_per_sec
        self._gain_mu = options[ "gain_mu" ]
        self._mu = options[ "mu" ]
        self._omega_relative_limit = options[ "omega_relative_limit" ]
        self.fftlen = options[ "fftlen" ]

        #right now we are going to hardcode the different options for VA mode here. later on we can use configurable options
        samples_per_symbol_viterbi = 2
        bits_per_symbol = 2
        samples_per_symbol = 6
        samples_per_symbol_clockrec = samples_per_symbol / bits_per_symbol
        BT = 0.4
        data_rate = 9600.0
        samp_rate = options[ "samp_rate" ]

        self.gmsk_sync = gmsk_sync.square_and_fft_sync(self._samplerate, self._bits_per_sec, self.fftlen)

        if(options[ "viterbi" ] is True):
            #calculate the required decimation and interpolation to achieve the desired samples per symbol
            denom = gcd(data_rate*samples_per_symbol, samp_rate)
            cr_interp = int(data_rate*samples_per_symbol/denom)
            cr_decim = int(samp_rate/denom)
            self.resample = filter.rational_resampler_ccc(cr_interp, cr_decim)
            #here we take a different tack and use A.A.'s CPM decomposition technique
            self.clockrec = digital.clock_recovery_mm_cc(samples_per_symbol_clockrec, 0.005*0.005*0.25, 0.5, 0.005, 0.0005) #might have to futz with the max. deviation
            (fsm, constellation, MF, N, f0T) = make_gmsk(samples_per_symbol_viterbi, BT) #calculate the decomposition required for demodulation
            self.costas = digital.costas_loop_cc(0.015, 0.015*0.015*0.25, 100e-6, -100e-6, 4) #does fine freq/phase synchronization. should probably calc the coeffs instead of hardcode them.
            self.streams2stream = blocks.streams_to_stream(int(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*1), int(N))
            self.mf0 = filter.fir_filter_ccc(samples_per_symbol_viterbi, MF[0].conjugate()) #two matched filters for decomposition
            self.mf1 = filter.fir_filter_ccc(samples_per_symbol_viterbi, MF[1].conjugate())
            self.fo = analog.sig_source_c(samples_per_symbol_viterbi, gr.GR_COS_WAVE, -f0T, 1, 0) #the memoryless modulation component of the decomposition
            self.fomult = blocks.multiply_cc(1)
            self.trellis = trellis.viterbi_combined_cb(fsm, int(data_rate), -1, -1, int(N), constellation, trellis.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN) #the actual Viterbi decoder

        #this is probably not optimal and someone who knows what they're doing should correct me
            self.datafiltertaps = filter.firdes.root_raised_cosine(10, #gain
                                                      self._samplerate*16, #sample rate
                                                      self._bits_per_sec, #symbol rate
                                                      0.4, #alpha, same as BT?
                                                      50*16) #no. of taps

            sensitivity = (math.pi / 2) / self._samples_per_symbol
            self.demod = analog.quadrature_demod_cf(sensitivity) #param is gain

            self.clockrec = digital.pfb_clock_sync_ccf(self._samples_per_symbol,
                                                       self.datafiltertaps, 16, 0, 1.15)
            self.tcslicer = digital.digital.binary_slicer_fb()
            self.slicer = digital.binary_slicer_fb()

        self.diff = digital.diff_decoder_bb(2)
        self.invert = ais.invert() #NRZI signal diff decoded and inverted should give original signal

        self.connect(self, self.gmsk_sync)

        if(options[ "viterbi" ] is False):
            self.connect(self.gmsk_sync, self.clockrec, self.demod, self.slicer, self.diff, self.invert, self)

            self.connect(self.gmsk_sync, self.costas, self.resample, self.clockrec)
            self.connect(self.clockrec, (self.fomult, 0))
            self.connect(self.fo, (self.fomult, 1))
            self.connect(self.fomult, self.mf0)
            self.connect(self.fomult, self.mf1)
            self.connect(self.mf0, (self.streams2stream, 0))
            self.connect(self.mf1, (self.streams2stream, 1))
            self.connect(self.streams2stream, self.trellis, self.diff, self.invert, self)