geneid2symbol = {}
# Get xlsx filename where data is stored
din_xlsx = r"C:\Users\krishna\Downloads\padj_converted.xlsx" ###excel file containing 3 columns:
                                                        ### gene_symbols (our test data), their respective ESENMBL gene ids, and their p adj values (test_data)

# Read data

if os.path.isfile(din_xlsx):
    import xlrd
    book = xlrd.open_workbook(din_xlsx)
    pg = book.sheet_by_index(0)
    for r in range(pg.nrows):
        symbol, geneid, pval = [pg.cell_value(r, c) for c in range(pg.ncols)]
        if geneid:
            geneid2symbol[int(geneid)] = symbol
    print('READ: {XLSX}'.format(XLSX=din_xlsx))
    raise RuntimeError('CANNOT READ: {XLSX}'.format(XLSX=fin_xlsx))

###         5. Run Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis (GOEA)

# 'p_' means "pvalue". 'fdr_bh' is the multipletest method we are currently using.
geneids_study = geneid2symbol.keys()
goea_results_all = goeaobj.run_study(geneids_study)
goea_results_sig = [r for r in goea_results_all if r.p_fdr_bh < 0.05]

### to export our analysis results one file with only gene symbols and second file with gene ids

goeaobj.wr_xlsx("GO_symbols.xlsx", goea_results_sig, itemid2name=geneid2symbol)
goeaobj.wr_xlsx("GO_geneids.xlsx", goea_results_sig)
Exemplo n.º 2
def pullGOenrichment(inputFile, project):
    GeneID2nt_hum = genes_NCBI_9606_ProteinCoding.GENEID2NT

    obo_fname = download_go_basic_obo()

    fin_gene2go = download_ncbi_associations()

    obodag = GODag("go-basic.obo")

    # Read NCBI's gene2go. Store annotations in a list of namedtuples
    objanno = Gene2GoReader(fin_gene2go, taxids=[9606])

    # Get namespace2association where:
    #    namespace is:
    #        BP: biological_process
    #        MF: molecular_function
    #        CC: cellular_component
    #    assocation is a dict:
    #        key: NCBI GeneID
    #        value: A set of GO IDs associated with that gene
    ns2assoc = objanno.get_ns2assc()

    for nspc, id2gos in ns2assoc.items():
        print("{NS} {N:,} annotated human genes".format(NS=nspc,


    goeaobj = GOEnrichmentStudyNS(
        GeneID2nt_hum.keys(),  # List of human protein-coding genes
        ns2assoc,  # geneid/GO associations
        obodag,  # Ontologies
        alpha=0.05,  # default significance cut-off
        methods=['fdr_bh'])  # defult multipletest correction method

    geneid2symbol = {}
    with open(inputFile, 'r') as infile:
        input_genes = csv.reader(infile)
        for line in input_genes:
            geneid = line[0]
            symbol = line[1]
            if geneid:
                geneid2symbol[int(geneid)] = symbol


    geneids_study = geneid2symbol.keys()
    goea_results_all = goeaobj.run_study(geneids_study)
    goea_results_sig = [r for r in goea_results_all if r.p_fdr_bh < 0.05]

    import collections as cx
    ctr = cx.Counter([r.NS for r in goea_results_sig])
    print('Significant results[{TOTAL}] = {BP} BP + {MF} MF + {CC} CC'.format(
        BP=ctr['BP'],  # biological_process
        MF=ctr['MF'],  # molecular_function
        CC=ctr['CC']))  # cellular_component

    goeaobj.wr_xlsx("Data/go_enrichment" + project + ".csv", goea_results_sig)
    goeaobj.wr_txt("Data/go_enrichment" + project + ".txt", goea_results_sig)