Exemplo n.º 1
def _clr_trace_local():
    if  coro.get_local(CORO_LOCAL_TCTRL, {}).get('clear', False):
        data = coro.pop_local(CORO_LOCAL_TCTRL, {})
        data = coro.get_local(CORO_LOCAL_TCTRL, {})

    return data.get('value', False)
Exemplo n.º 2
def _set_trace_local(value, clear):
    if not coro.has_local(CORO_LOCAL_TCTRL):
        coro.set_local(CORO_LOCAL_TCTRL, {})
    data = coro.get_local(CORO_LOCAL_TCTRL)
    data['value'] = value
    data['clear'] = clear
Exemplo n.º 3
def _trace_data(start, obj, cmd, vids, **kwargs):
    if not _get_trace_local():
        return None

    if not _trace_check_limits(obj, cmd, vids):
        return None

    elapse = time.time() - start

    if not coro.has_local(CORO_LOCAL_TDATA):
        coro.set_local(CORO_LOCAL_TDATA, {})
    data = coro.get_local(CORO_LOCAL_TDATA)
    data = data.setdefault(obj, {})

    look = not isinstance(vids, (list, tuple)) and 1 or len(vids)

    data[cmd] = sum_tuple(data.get(cmd, (0, 0, 0)), (elapse, look, 1))

    if _get_trace_local() > ACCESS_TRACE_DEBUG:
        stack = pyinfo.rawstack()
        stack = stack[:-5] # remove 5 levels of mod_python, publisher
        while stack and stack[0][0].startswith('access'):
        stack = ' @ %s' % '|'.join(['%s:%s:%s' % x for x in stack])
        stack = ''

    if _get_trace_local() < ACCESS_TRACE_DEBUG:
        return None

    print 'Access | %.4f | obj: %s cmd: %s vid: %s args: %s kwargs: %s%s' % (
        elapse, obj, cmd, vids,
        kwargs.get('args', ()), kwargs.get('kwargs', {}),
Exemplo n.º 4
def trace_dump(clear = True):

    Dump to stdout current trace data at the current trace level. An optional
    clear parameter to reset or preserve the trace data. (default: True)

    See Also: enable_trace()
    if clear:
        tdata = coro.pop_local(CORO_LOCAL_TDATA, {})
        tlevl = _clr_trace_local()
        tdata = coro.get_local(CORO_LOCAL_TDATA, {})
        tlevl = _get_trace_local()

    if not tlevl:
        return None

    total, idcnt, count = 0, 0, 0
    for obj, data in tdata.items():
        for cmd, (elapse, ids, cnt) in data.items():
            total += elapse
            count += cnt
            idcnt += ids

            if tlevl > ACCESS_TRACE_TERSE:
                print 'Access | %0.4f | %4d | %4d | Summary (%s.%s)' % (
                    elapse, cnt, ids, obj, cmd)

    if not total:
        return None

    lmt = has_trace_limits()
    if lmt is None:
        lmt = ''
        lmt = 'limit: %s' % lmt
    print 'Access | %.4f | %4d | %4d | Summary (TOTAL) %s' % (
        total, count, idcnt, lmt)
Exemplo n.º 5
def _get_trace_local():
    data = coro.get_local(CORO_LOCAL_TCTRL, {})
    return data.get('value', False)
Exemplo n.º 6
def _tlb_status(object):
    return coro.get_local('tlb-%s' % object, False)
Exemplo n.º 7
def execute(
    object, notifier, command, vids,
    args = (), kwargs = {}, timeout = None, retry = None, raw = False):
    # emtpy sets fail to no RPC. still, match the type the caller expects.
    if not vids and isinstance(vids, list):
        return []
    # default retry when none specificed
    if retry is None:
        retry = DEFAULT_RETRY
    # lookaside determination/setup. Three possible values:
    #   None  - No lookup currently in progress
    #   False - Lookup in progress but first order
    #   True  - Second order lookup in progress, do not
    #           initiate a recursive lookup.
    tlb = 'tlb-%s' % object
    val = coro.get_local(tlb)

    if val is None:
        val = False
    elif not val:
        val = True
        raise LookAside((tlb, val))

    look = (isinstance(vids, (list, tuple)) and [vids] or [[vids]])[0]
    data = {
        'tlb':     (tlb, val),
        'slave':   ('slave-read', slave_read()),
        'source':  socket.gethostname(), 
        'command': command,
        'args':    args,
        'kwargs':  kwargs}
    retry += 1

    results = map(lambda i: None, xrange(len(look)))
    pending = {}
    # quick pass on empty lookup set.
    if not look:
        return results
    # create a dictionary of pending vector elements to result
    # array offsets, de-duplicate the lookup vector, order is
    # no longer imporatant since order is now maintained in the
    # pending dictionary
        lambda i: pending.setdefault(i[0], set([])).add(i[1]),
        zip(look, xrange(len(look))))
    # process blank requests
    for pos in pending.pop(BLANK_TOKEN, []):
        results[pos] = [{}]
    # process remaining retry number of times.
    while retry and pending:
        retry -= 1
        lookup = pending.keys()
        values = notifier.rpcs(
            object,    lookup,    'execute', data,
            timeout = timeout,
            local   = not val)
        if not values:
        # map values to correct result location
        for i in xrange(len(lookup)):
            if not values[i]:
                push = pending.get(lookup[i]) 
                push = pending.pop(lookup[i])
            for pos in push:
                results[pos] = values[i]

    # look for absence of any results, raize an error even if only
    # one element is in error
    errors = filter(lambda i: not i, results)
    if errors:
        # since we can only raise one type of error, decide based on
        # the type of the first list element in the error set.
        # (empty list is a server error, none is a client error
        if errors[0] is None:
            raise ClientError(look, data, errors)
            raise ServerError(look, data, errors)
    # if we're not looking for raw data (function called with raw=True) then
    # strip out all but the first result and _unwrap it. otherwise just
    # _unwrap all the results and return them.
    if not raw:
        results = map(lambda i: _unwrap((i and [i[0]] or [None])[0]), results)
        results = map(lambda i: map(_unwrap, i), results)
    # when request is for a single ID and not a list of IDs rip the
    # result to match the request.
    if not isinstance(vids, list):
        results = results[0]

    return results
Exemplo n.º 8
def slave_read(status = None):
    if status is None:
        return coro.get_local('slave-read', False)
        return coro.set_local('slave-read', status)