Exemplo n.º 1
def test_pymain_print_function_future():
    if PY2:
        _ = pyout([], stdin=b'print "print", "is", "a", "statement"\n')
        assert _ == b"print is a statement\n"
        _ = pyout(['-c', 'print "print", "is", "a", "statement"'])
        assert _ == b"print is a statement\n"
        _ = pyout(['print_statement.py'], cwd=testprog)
        assert _ == b"print is a statement\n"
    _ = pyout(['future_print_function.py'], cwd=testprog)
    assert _ == b"print is a function with print_function future\n"
Exemplo n.º 2
def check_gpy_vs_py(argv, postprocessf=None, **kw):
    gpyout = u(pyout(argv, **kw))
    stdpyout = u(pyout(argv, pyexe=sys._gpy_underlying_executable, **kw))
    gpyoutv = gpyout.splitlines()
    stdpyoutv = stdpyout.splitlines()

    if postprocessf is not None:
        postprocessf(gpyoutv, stdpyoutv)

    assert gpyoutv == stdpyoutv
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_pymain_run_via_relpath():
    from gpython import _is_buildout_script
    if _is_buildout_script(sys.executable):
            "with buildout raw underlying interpreter does not have " +
            "access to installed eggs")
    argv = ['-c', 'import sys; print(sys.version)']
    out1 = pyout(argv, pyexe=sys.executable)
    out2 = pyout(['./__init__.py'] + argv,
    assert out1 == out2
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_executable():
    # sys.executable must point to gpython and we must be able to execute it.
    import gevent
    assert 'gpython' in sys.executable
    out = pyout(['-c', 'import sys; print(sys.version)'])
    assert ('[GPython %s]' % golang.__version__) in str(out)
    assert ('[gevent %s]' % gevent.__version__) in str(out)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_dso_build():
    dsouser = testprog + "/golang_dso_user"
    pyrun(["setup.py", "build_dso", "-i"], cwd=dsouser)
    pyrun(["setup.py", "build_ext", "-i"], cwd=dsouser)

    # run built test.
    _ = pyout(["-c",
        # XXX `import golang` is a hack - see test_pyx_build for details.
        "import golang;" +
        "from dsouser import test; test.main()"], cwd=dsouser)
    assert _ == b"dso.cpp: OK\n"
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_executable(runtime):
    # sys.executable must point to gpython and we must be able to execute it.
    import gevent
    assert 'gpython' in sys.executable
    ver = pyout(['-c', 'import sys; print(sys.version)'], env=gpyenv(runtime))
    ver = str(ver)
    assert ('[GPython %s]' % golang.__version__) in ver
    if runtime != 'threads':
        assert ('[gevent %s]' % gevent.__version__) in ver
        assert ('[threads]') not in ver
        assert ('[gevent ') not in ver
        assert ('[threads]') in ver
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_pyx_build():
    pyxuser = testprog + "/golang_pyx_user"
    pyrun(["setup.py", "build_ext", "-i"], cwd=pyxuser)

    # run built test.
    _ = pyout(["-c",
        # XXX `import golang` is a hack: it dynamically loads _golang.so -> libgolang.so,
        # and this way dynamic linker already has libgolang.so DSO found and in
        # memory for all further imports. If we don't, current state of setuptools_dso
        # is that `import pyxuser.test` will fail finding libgolang.so.
        "import golang;" +
        "from pyxuser import test; test.main()"], cwd=pyxuser)
    assert _ == b"test.pyx: OK\n"
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_pymain():
    from golang import b
    from os.path import join, dirname, realpath
    here = dirname(__file__)
    testdata = join(dirname(__file__), 'testdata')

    # interactive
    _ = pyout([], stdin=b'import hello\n', cwd=testdata)
    assert _ == b"hello\nworld\n['']\n"

    # -c
    _ = pyout(['-c', 'import hello', 'abc', 'def'], cwd=testdata)
    assert _ == b"hello\nworld\n['-c', 'abc', 'def']\n"

    # -m
    _ = pyout(['-m', 'hello', 'abc', 'def'], cwd=testdata)
    # realpath rewrites e.g. `local/lib -> lib` if local/lib is symlink
    hellopy = realpath(join(testdata, 'hello.py'))
    assert _ == b"hello\nworld\n['%s', 'abc', 'def']\n" % b(hellopy)

    # file
    _ = pyout(['testdata/hello.py', 'abc', 'def'], cwd=here)
    assert _ == b"hello\nworld\n['testdata/hello.py', 'abc', 'def']\n"
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_Xruntime(runtime):
    env = os.environ.copy()
    env.pop('GPYTHON_RUNTIME', None)  # del

    argv = []
    if runtime != '':
        argv += ['-X', 'gpython.runtime=' + runtime]
    prog = 'from gpython import gpython_test as t; '
    if runtime != 'threads':
        prog += 't.assert_gevent_activated(); '
        prog += 't.assert_gevent_not_activated(); '
    prog += 'print("ok")'
    argv += ['-c', prog]

    out = pyout(argv, env=env)
    assert out == b'ok\n'
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_pymain():
    from golang import b

    # stdin
    _ = pyout([], stdin=b'import hello\n', cwd=testdata)
    assert _ == b"hello\nworld\n['']\n"
    _ = pyout(['-'], stdin=b'import hello\n', cwd=testdata)
    assert _ == b"hello\nworld\n['-']\n"
    _ = pyout(['-', 'zzz'], stdin=b'import hello\n', cwd=testdata)
    assert _ == b"hello\nworld\n['-', 'zzz']\n"

    # -c <command>
    _ = pyout(['-c', 'import hello', 'abc', 'def'], cwd=testdata)
    assert _ == b"hello\nworld\n['-c', 'abc', 'def']\n"
    # -c<command> should also work
    __ = pyout(['-cimport hello', 'abc', 'def'], cwd=testdata)
    assert __ == _

    # -m <module>
    _ = pyout(['-m', 'hello', 'abc', 'def'], cwd=testdata)
    # realpath rewrites e.g. `local/lib -> lib` if local/lib is symlink
    hellopy = realpath(join(testdata, 'hello.py'))
    assert _ == b"hello\nworld\n['%s', 'abc', 'def']\n" % b(hellopy)
    # -m<module>
    __ = pyout(['-mhello', 'abc', 'def'], cwd=testdata)
    assert __ == _

    # file
    _ = pyout(['testdata/hello.py', 'abc', 'def'], cwd=here)
    assert _ == b"hello\nworld\n['testdata/hello.py', 'abc', 'def']\n"

    # -i after stdin (also tests interactive mode as -i forces interactive even on non-tty)
    d = {
        b'hellopy': b(hellopy),
        b'ps1': b''  # cpython emits prompt to stderr
    if is_pypy and not is_gpython:
        d[b'ps1'] = b'>>>> '  # native pypy emits prompt to stdout and >>>> instead of >>>
    _ = pyout(['-i'], stdin=b'import hello\n', cwd=testdata)
    assert _ == b"%(ps1)shello\nworld\n['']\n%(ps1)s" % d
    _ = pyout(['-i', '-'], stdin=b'import hello\n', cwd=testdata)
    assert _ == b"%(ps1)shello\nworld\n['-']\n%(ps1)s" % d
    _ = pyout(['-i', '-', 'zzz'], stdin=b'import hello\n', cwd=testdata)
    assert _ == b"%(ps1)shello\nworld\n['-', 'zzz']\n%(ps1)s" % d

    # -i after -c
    _ = pyout(['-i', '-c', 'import hello'], stdin=b'hello.tag', cwd=testdata)
    assert _ == b"hello\nworld\n['-c']\n%(ps1)s'~~HELLO~~'\n%(ps1)s" % d
    # -i after -m
    _ = pyout(['-i', '-m', 'hello'], stdin=b'world.tag', cwd=testdata)
    assert _ == b"hello\nworld\n['%(hellopy)s']\n%(ps1)s'~~WORLD~~'\n%(ps1)s" % d
    # -i after file
    _ = pyout(['-i', 'testdata/hello.py'], stdin=b'tag', cwd=here)
    assert _ == b"hello\nworld\n['testdata/hello.py']\n%(ps1)s'~~HELLO~~'\n%(ps1)s" % d

    # -W <opt>
    _ = pyout([
        '-Werror', '-Whello', '-W', 'ignore::DeprecationWarning',
    if PY2:
        # py2 threading, which is imported after gpython startup, adds ignore
        # for sys.exc_clear
        _ = grepv(r'ignore:sys.exc_clear:DeprecationWarning:threading:*', _)
    assert _.startswith(
        b"sys.warnoptions: ['error', 'hello', 'ignore::DeprecationWarning']\n\n" + \
        b"warnings.filters:\n" + \
        b"- ignore::DeprecationWarning::*\n" + \
        b"- error::Warning::*\n"), _
    _ = pyout(['testprog/print_warnings_setup.py'],
              envadj={'PYTHONWARNINGS': 'ignore,world,error::SyntaxWarning'})
    if PY2:
        # see ^^^
        _ = grepv(r'ignore:sys.exc_clear:DeprecationWarning:threading:*', _)
    assert _.startswith(
        b"sys.warnoptions: ['ignore', 'world', 'error::SyntaxWarning']\n\n" + \
        b"warnings.filters:\n" + \
        b"- error::SyntaxWarning::*\n" + \
        b"- ignore::Warning::*\n"), _
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_pyx_build_cmdclass():
    _ = pyout(["cmdclass_custom.py", "build_ext"], cwd=testprog)
    assert b"pyx.build:RUN_BUILD_EXT" in _