Exemplo n.º 1
 def actions_for(self, ref, sha1, db):
     _c = golem.db.commit
     _a = golem.db.action
     _f = golem.db.artefact
     cid = db.execute(_c.select('id').where(sql.and_(_c.c.ref==ref, _c.c.sha1==sha1))).fetchone()['id']
     data = db.execute(_a.select().where(_a.c.commit==cid).order_by(sql.asc(_a.c.start_time))).fetchall()
     data = [{'name': x.name, 'status': x.status, 'start_time': x.start_time, 'end_time': x.end_time, 'host': x.host,
         'duration': x.duration, 'config': self.actions[x.name].config,
         'files':[{'filename': y.filename, 'sha1': y.sha1} for y in db.execute(_f.select().where(_f.c.action==x.id)).fetchall()]} 
         for x in data if x.name in self.actions]
     return data
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, daemon, config, db):
        self.configfile = config
        self.mtime = os.path.getmtime(config)
        config = ConfigParser(config)
        IniConfig.__init__(self, config,    'repo')
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('golem.repo.' + self.name)
        self.logger.info("Parsing configuration for %s" % self.name)
        self.path = os.path.join(daemon.repo_dir, self.name)
        self.repo_path = os.path.join(self.path, self.name + '.git')
        self.artefact_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'artefacts')
        self.shell = whelk.Shell(output_callback=OutputLogger(self.logger), run_callback=RunLogger(self.logger), cwd=self.repo_path)

        if hasattr(self, 'reflog_url'):
            self.reflogtype = 'http'
            self.reflogurl = self.reflog_url
        elif re.match('^https?://', self.upstream):
            self.reflogtype = 'http'
            self.reflogurl = self.upstream + '/logs/%REF%'
        elif self.upstream.startswith('file://'):
            self.reflogtype = 'file'
            self.upstream_path = self.upstream[7:]
            if self.git('config', 'core.bare', cwd=self.upstream_path).stdout.strip() != 'false':
                self.upstream_path = os.path.join(self.upstream_path, '.git')
        elif ':' in self.upstream:
            self.reflogtype = 'ssh'
            self.reflogtype = 'file'
            self.upstream_path = self.upstream
            if self.shell.git('config', 'core.bare', cwd=self.upstream).stdout.strip() != 'false':
                self.upstream_path = os.path.join(self.upstream_path, '.git')

        if re.match('^([a-z]+://|git@)github.com', self.upstream):
            self.reflogtype = 'github'

        if not self.reflogtype:
            raise GolemError("Don't know how to fetch reflogs for %s" % self.name)

        for section in config.sections():
            if section.startswith('action:'):
                action = section[7:]
                self.logger.info("  Adding action %s" % action)
                self.actions[action] = Action(config, section)
                self.actions[action].artefact_path = os.path.join(self.artefact_path, action)
                self.actions[action].daemon = daemon
                self.actions[action].repo_name = self.name
            elif section.startswith('notify:'):
                nf = section[7:]
                self.logger.info("  Adding notifier %s" % nf)
                self.notifiers[nf] = Notifier(config, section)
                self.notifiers[nf].daemon = daemon
                self.notifiers[nf].repo_name = self.name

        changed = True
        while changed:
            changed = False
            for action in self.actions:
                for req in self.actions[action].requires:
                    req = req[7:]

                    # Backlog is "inherited" from the dependencies
                    if self.actions[req].backlog < self.actions[action].backlog:
                        changed = True
                        self.actions[action].backlog = self.actions[req].backlog

                    # Same for branches and tags. Intersection of all parents
                    if self.actions[req].branches and not self.actions[action].branches:
                        changed = True
                        self.actions[action].branches = copy(self.actions[req].branches)
                    elif self.actions[req].branches:
                        for branch in self.actions[action].branches[:]:
                            if branch not in self.actions[req].branches:
                                changed = True
                    if self.actions[req].tags and not self.actions[action].tags:
                        changed = True
                        self.actions[action].tags = copy(self.actions[req].tags)
                    elif self.actions[req].tags:
                        for tag in self.actions[action].tags[:]:
                            if tag not in self.actions[req].tags:
                                changed = True

        if not daemon.dummy:

        _r = golem.db.repository
        self.id = db.execute(sql.select([_r.c.id]).where(_r.c.name==self.name)).fetchone()
        self.id = self.id.id if self.id else db.execute(_r.insert().values(name=self.name)).inserted_primary_key[0]
Exemplo n.º 3
    def schedule(self, job, db):
        ref = job.get('ref', None)
        why = job['why']
        repo = job['repo']

        _c = golem.db.commit
        _a = golem.db.action
        _r = golem.db.repository
        _f = golem.db.artefact

        refs = {}
        tags = []
        if why == 'reschedule':
            if job['sha1']:
                c = db.execute(_c.select().where(sql.and_(_c.c.ref==job['ref'], _c.c.sha1==job['sha1']))).fetchone()
                if not c:
                    self.logger.error("Commit %s for ref %s cannot be rescheduled, it does not exist" % (job['sha1'], job['ref']))
                c = db.execute(_c.select().where(_c.c.ref==job['ref']).order_by(sql.desc(_c.c.submit_time)).limit(1)).fetchone()
                if not c:
                    self.logger.error("Cannot reschedule actions for ref %s, no commits were processed yet" % job['ref'])
            job['prev_sha1'], job['sha1'] = c.prev_sha1, c.sha1

        if ref and ref.startswith(('refs/heads', 'refs/tags')):
            refs[ref] = [(job['prev_sha1'], job['sha1'])]
        if ref and ref.startswith('refs/tags'):
            tags = [(ref, 0)]

        if why == 'action-started':
            res = db.execute(_a.join(_c).join(_r).select(use_labels=True).where(
                    sql.and_(_r.c.name == job['repo'], _c.c.ref==job['ref'], _c.c.sha1==job['sha1'], _a.c.name==job['action']))).fetchone()
            aid, cid = res.action_id, res.commit_id
            db.execute(_a.update().values(status='started', start_time=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(job['start_time']),

        if why == 'action-done':
            res = db.execute(_a.join(_c).join(_r).select(use_labels=True).where(
                    sql.and_(_r.c.name == job['repo'], _c.c.ref==job['ref'], _c.c.sha1==job['sha1'], _a.c.name==job['action']))).fetchone()
            aid, cid = res.action_id, res.commit_id
            db.execute(_a.update().values(status=job['result'], start_time=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(job['start_time']), 
                                          end_time=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(job['end_time']), duration=job['duration'],
            if job['result'] == 'fail':
            elif db.execute(sql.select([sql.func.count(_a.c.id)]).where(sql.and_(_a.c.status!='success', _a.c.commit==cid))).scalar() == 0:
            artefact_path = os.path.join(self.actions[job['action']].artefact_path, '%s@%s' % (job['ref'], job['sha1']))
            for path, _, files in os.walk(artefact_path):
                for file in files:
                    if file != 'log':
                        file = os.path.join(path, file)
                        rfile = file[len(artefact_path)+len(os.sep):]
                        fsha1 = sha1_file(file)
                            db.execute(_f.insert().values(action=aid, filename=rfile, sha1=fsha1))
                            # XXX should reschedule not simply delete things?
                            db.execute(_f.update().where(sql.and_(_f.c.action==aid, _f.c.filename==rfile)).values(sha1=fsha1))
            for nf in self.notifiers.values():
                for what in nf.process:
                    if fnmatch.fnmatch('action:' + job['action'], what):

        if why == 'post-receive' and not refs:
            for head in self.git('for-each-ref', '--format', '%(refname)', 'refs/heads').stdout.splitlines():
                lf = os.path.join(self.repo_path, 'logs', 'refs', 'heads', head[11:])
                if not os.path.exists(lf):
                    refs[head] = []
                    with open(lf) as fd:
                        log = fd.readlines()
                        refs[head] = [x.split(None, 2)[:2] for x in log]
            null = '0' * 40
            for tag in self.git('for-each-ref', '--format', '%(refname) %(*objectname) %(objectname) %(taggerdate:raw) %(committerdate:raw)', 'refs/tags').stdout.splitlines():
                data = tag.split()
                if not (data[-2].isdigit() and data[-1][1:].isdigit()):
                    # Severely broken tag 
                tag, sha = data[:2]
                ts = data[-2:]
                ts = int(ts[0]) + (-1 if ts[1][0] == '-' else 1) * (3600 * int(ts[1][1:3]) + 60 * int(ts[1][3:]))
                refs[tag] = [(null, sha)]
                tags.append((tag, ts))

        if why == 'reschedule':
            # Set actions back to 'new'
            # Set dependent actions back to 'new'
            # Delete files from artefacts
            if job['action']:
                actions = [job['action']]
                actions = [x.name for x in db.execute(_a.select().where(sql.and_(_a.c.commit==c.id, _a.c.status=='retry'))).fetchall()]
            added = True
            while added:
                added = False
                for aname, action in self.actions.items():
                    if aname in actions:
                    for act in actions:
                        if 'action:' + act in action.requires:
                            added = True
            for action in actions:
                self.actions[action].clean(job['ref'], job['sha1'])
            db.execute(_a.update().values(status='new',host=None, start_time=None, end_time=None,
                       duration=None).where(sql.and_(_a.c.commit==c.id, _a.c.name.in_(actions))))

        tags.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

        for aname, action in self.actions.items():
            if job['why'] == 'action-done' and 'action:' + job['action'] not in action.requires:
            my_tags = []
            for tag in tags:
                tag = tag[0][10:]
                for tag_ in action.tags:
                    if tag_ == tag or (hasattr(tag_, 'match') and tag_.match(tag)):
            my_tags = my_tags[:action.backlog+1]
            for ref in refs:
                # Do we want to handle this thing?
                handle = False
                if ref.startswith('refs/heads'):
                    head = ref[11:]
                    for head_ in action.branches:
                        if head_ == head or (hasattr(head_, 'match') and head_.match(head)):
                            handle = True
                elif ref.startswith('refs/tags'):
                    tag = ref[10:]
                    if tag in my_tags:
                        handle = True

                if not handle:

                for prev_sha1, sha1 in refs[ref][-(action.backlog+1):]:
                    cid = db.execute(_c.select().where(_c.c.repository==self.id).where(_c.c.ref==ref).where(_c.c.sha1==sha1)).fetchone()
                    cid = cid.id if cid else db.execute(_c.insert().values(repository=self.id, ref=ref, sha1=sha1, prev_sha1=prev_sha1,
                                                        submit_time=now(), status='new')).inserted_primary_key[0]
                    act = db.execute(_a.select().where(_a.c.commit==cid).where(_a.c.name==action.name)).fetchone()
                    if not act:
                        db.execute(_a.insert().values(commit=cid, name=action.name, status='new'))
                        act = db.execute(_a.select().where(_a.c.commit==cid).where(_a.c.name==action.name)).fetchone()

                    # Check if all dependencies have been met
                    if action.requires:
                        requires = [x.replace('action:','') for x in action.requires]
                        actions = db.execute(_a.select().where(_a.c.commit==cid).where(_a.c.name.in_(requires)).where(_a.c.status=='success')).fetchall()
                        if len(actions) != len(action.requires):

                    if act.status == 'new':
                        db.execute(_c.update().where(sql.and_(_c.c.id==cid, _c.c.status!='fail')).values(status='in-progress'))
                        action.schedule(ref, prev_sha1, sha1)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def commit(self, ref, sha1, db):
     _c = golem.db.commit
     return db.execute(_c.select().where(sql.and_(_c.c.repository==self.id, _c.c.ref==ref, _c.c.sha1==sha1))).fetchone()
Exemplo n.º 5
 def last_commits(self, count, db):
     _c = golem.db.commit
     return db.execute(_c.select().where(_c.c.repository==self.id).order_by(sql.desc(_c.c.submit_time)).limit(count)).fetchall()