Exemplo n.º 1
def check_for_shared_rule(rulename):
    # rulename has at least one hyphen so get all chars before the last hyphen
    prefix = rulename.rsplit('-',1)[0]
    # replace any illegal filename chars with underscores
    filename = prefix.replace("/","_").replace("\\","_") + "-shared.rule"
    rulepath = g.getdir("rules") + filename
    if not os.path.isfile(rulepath):
        rulepath = g.getdir("app") + "Rules/" + filename
        if not os.path.isfile(rulepath):
            # there is no prefix-shared.rule file
            return ""
    # ask user if they would prefer to edit icons in shared file
    sharedname = prefix + "-shared"
        answer = g.getstring("There are no icons in " + rulename + ".rule.\n" +
                             "Would you prefer to edit the icons in " + sharedname + ".rule?",
                             "Yes", "Edit icons in shared rule?")
        # user hit Cancel (which would normally abort script)
        return ""
    if len(answer) == 0 or (answer[0] != "Y" and answer[0] != "y"):
        return ""
    return sharedname   # user said Yes
Exemplo n.º 2
def check_for_shared_rule(rulename):
    # rulename has at least one hyphen so get all chars before the last hyphen
    prefix = rulename.rsplit('-', 1)[0]

    # replace any illegal filename chars with underscores
    filename = prefix.replace("/", "_").replace("\\", "_") + "-shared.rule"

    rulepath = g.getdir("rules") + filename
    if not os.path.isfile(rulepath):
        rulepath = g.getdir("app") + "Rules/" + filename
        if not os.path.isfile(rulepath):
            # there is no prefix-shared.rule file
            return ""

    # ask user if they would prefer to edit icons in shared file
    sharedname = prefix + "-shared"
        answer = g.getstring(
            "There are no icons in " + rulename + ".rule.\n" +
            "Would you prefer to edit the icons in " + sharedname + ".rule?",
            "Yes", "Edit icons in shared rule?")
        # user hit Cancel (which would normally abort script)
        return ""
    if len(answer) == 0 or (answer[0] != "Y" and answer[0] != "y"):
        return ""

    return sharedname  # user said Yes
Exemplo n.º 3
 def to_golly_rule(self):
 Writes the rule file directly into rule directory.
     from golly import getdir, show
     with open(getdir('rules') + self.n + '.rule', 'w') as f:
     show("Saved rule to " + getdir('rules') + self.n + '.rule')
     return self
Exemplo n.º 4
 def to_golly_rule(self):
   Writes the rule file directly into rule directory.
   from golly import getdir, show
   with open(getdir('rules')+self.n+'.rule','w') as f:
   show("Saved rule to "+getdir('rules')+self.n+'.rule')
   return self
def FindWssByDirection(isUp, modY):
    wssList = pickle.load(
        open(path.join(g.getdir("data"), "WssData.pkl"), "rb"))
    wssLaneList = pickle.load(
        open(path.join(g.getdir("data"), "WssLaneData.pkl"), "rb"))

    dy = 0
    if isUp:
        dy = 1

    objects = []

    for i in xrange(dy, len(wssList), 2):
        objects += FindObj(wssList[i], i)


    result = []

    for obj in objects:
        if len(result) == 0:
            x, y, v = obj
            result.append((x, y % modY, v))
            x, y, v = result[len(result) - 1]
            nx, ny, nv = obj

            if x == nx and y % modY == ny % modY and v == nv:

            result.append((nx, ny % modY, nv))

    tempRes = []

    for r in result:
        x, y, v = r
        l, r = wssLaneList[v]

        if isUp:
            tempRes.append((x + r, x, y, v))
            tempRes.append((x + l, x, y, v))


    result = []

    for r in tempRes:
        t, x, y, v = r
        result.append((x, y, v))

    return result
def FindWssByDirection(isUp, modY):
	wssList = pickle.load(open(path.join(g.getdir("data"),"WssData.pkl"),"rb") )
	wssLaneList = pickle.load(open(path.join(g.getdir("data"),"WssLaneData.pkl"),"rb") )
	dy = 0
	if isUp:
		dy = 1
	objects = []
	for i in xrange(dy, len(wssList), 2):
		objects += FindObj(wssList[i], i)
	result = []
	for obj in objects:
		if len(result) == 0:
			x, y, v = obj
			result.append((x, y % modY, v))
			nx, ny, nv = obj
			if (nx, ny % modY, nv) in result:
			result.append((nx, ny % modY, nv))
	tempRes = []
	for r in result:
		x, y, v = r
		l, r = wssLaneList[v]
		if isUp:
			tempRes.append((x + r, x, y, v))
			tempRes.append((x + l, x, y, v))
	result = [] 
	for r in tempRes:
		t, x, y, v = r 
		result.append((x, y, v))
	return result
Exemplo n.º 7
 def writeRuleTree(self,name):
     # create a .tree file in user's rules directory
     f=open(golly.getdir("rules")+name+".tree", 'w')
     f.write("# Automatically generated by make-ruletree.py.\n")
     f.write("num_states=" + str(self.numStates)+"\n")
     f.write("num_neighbors=" + str(self.numNeighbors)+"\n")
     f.write("num_nodes=" + str(len(self.r))+"\n")
     for rule in self.r:
     f.flush()                   # ensure file is complete (only on Windows?)
     golly.setalgo("RuleTree")   # in case name.table exists
     golly.show("Created "+name+".tree in "+golly.getdir("rules"))
def slideshow():
    oldalgo = g.getalgo()
    oldrule = g.getrule()

    message = "Hit space to continue or escape to exit the slide show..."
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(g.getdir("app") + "Patterns"):
        for name in files:
            if name.startswith("."):
                # ignore hidden files (like .DS_Store on Mac)
                g.setalgo("QuickLife")  # nicer to start from this algo
                fullname = join(root, name)
                       False)  # don't add file to Open/Run Recent submenu
                if name.endswith(".lua") or name.endswith(".py"):
                    # reshow message in case it was changed by script

                while True:
                    event = g.getevent()
                    if event == "key space none": break
                    g.doevent(event)  # allow keyboard/mouse interaction
                    sleep(0.01)  # avoid hogging cpu

    # if all patterns have been displayed then restore original algo and rule
    # (don't do this if user hits escape in case they want to explore pattern)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def saverule(self, name, comments, table, colours):
        ruledir = g.getdir("rules")
        filename = ruledir + name + ".rule"

        results = "@RULE " + name + "\n\n"
        results += "*** File autogenerated by saverule. ***\n\n"
        results += comments
        results += "\n\n@TABLE\n\n"
        results += table
        results += "\n\n@COLORS\n\n"
        results += colours
        results += "\n\n@ICONS\n\n"
        results += "circles\n"

        # Only create a rule file if it doesn't already exist; this avoids
        # concurrency issues when booting an instance of apgsearch whilst
        # one is already running.
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
                f = open(filename, 'w')
                g.warn("Unable to create rule table:\n" + filename)
Exemplo n.º 10
def slideshow ():
   oldalgo = g.getalgo()
   oldrule = g.getrule()
   message = "Hit space to continue or escape to exit the slide show..."
   for root, dirs, files in os.walk(g.getdir("app") + "Patterns"):
      for name in files:
         if name.startswith("."):
            # ignore hidden files (like .DS_Store on Mac)
            fullname = join(root, name)
            g.open(fullname, False)       # don't add file to Open/Run Recent submenu
            if name.endswith(".pl") or name.endswith(".py"):
               # reshow message in case it was changed by script
            while True:
               event = g.getevent()
               if event == "key space none": break
               g.doevent(event)           # allow keyboard/mouse interaction
               sleep(0.01)                # avoid hogging cpu
      if "CVS" in dirs:
         dirs.remove("CVS")  # don't visit CVS directories
   # if all patterns have been displayed then restore original algo and rule
   # (don't do this if user hits escape in case they want to explore pattern)
Exemplo n.º 11
def SaveWss(file):

	wss = [g.parse("bobo$4bo$o3bo$o3bo$4bo$bo2bo$2b3o!"), g.parse("bobo$4bo$o3bo$4bo$bo2bo$2b3o!"), g.parse("obo$3bo$3bo$o2bo$b3o!")]

	wssList = []
	for w in wss:
		for i in xrange(0, 4):
			wssList.append(PrepareList(g.evolve(w, i)))
			wssList.append(PrepareList(g.transform(g.evolve(w, i), 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1)))
	pickle.dump(wssList, open(path.join(g.getdir("data"),file), "wb"))
Exemplo n.º 12
def MakeTriangularIcons_CheckerboardMethod(n_states,colors,force_background,rule_name):

    width = 15*(n_states*2-1)
    if force_background and n_states>2:
    height = 22
    pixels = [[(0,0,0) for x in range(width)] for y in range(height)]

    lower =  [[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
    lower7x7 = [[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
    if force_background:
        bg_color = colors[0]
        bg_color = (0,0,0)
    for i in range(1,n_states):
        fg_color = colors[i]
        # draw 15x15 icons
        for row in range(15):
            for column in range(15):
                # draw lower triangle icons
                pixels[row][15*(i-1) + column] = [bg_color,fg_color][lower[row][column]]
                # draw upper triangle icons
                pixels[row][15*(n_states+i-2) + column] = [bg_color,fg_color][lower[13-row][column]]
        # draw 7x7 icons
        for row in range(7):
            for column in range(7):
                # draw lower triangle icons
                pixels[15+row][15*(i-1) + column] = [bg_color,fg_color][lower7x7[row][column]]
                # draw upper triangle icons
                pixels[15+row][15*(n_states+i-2) + column] = [bg_color,fg_color][lower7x7[6-row][column]]
    WriteBMP( pixels, golly.getdir('rules') + rule_name + ".icons" )
Exemplo n.º 13
def ConvertRuleTableTransitionsToRuleTree(neighborhood,n_states,transitions,input_filename):
    '''Convert a set of vonNeumann or Moore transitions directly to a rule tree.'''
    rule_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(input_filename)[1])[0]
    remap = {
        "vonNeumann":[0,3,2,4,1], # CNESW->CSEWN
        "Moore":[0,5,3,7,1,4,6,2,8] # C,N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW -> C,S,E,W,N,SE,SW,NE,NW
    numNeighbors = len(remap[neighborhood])-1
    tree = RuleTree(n_states,numNeighbors)
    for i,t in enumerate(transitions):
        golly.show("Building rule tree... ("+str(100*i/len(transitions))+"%)")
        tree.add_rule([ t[j] for j in remap[neighborhood] ],t[-1][0])
    tree.write(golly.getdir('rules')+rule_name+".tree" )
    return rule_name
Exemplo n.º 14
def TriangularTransitionsToRuleTree_CheckerboardMethod(neighborhood, n_states,
                                                       transitions, rule_name):

    # Background state 0 has no checkerboard, we infer it from its neighboring cells.
    def encode_lower(s):
        return s

    def encode_upper(s):
        ### AKT: this code causes syntax error in Python 2.3:
        ### return [0 if se==0 else n_states+se-1 for se in s]
        temp = []
        for se in s:
            if se == 0:
                temp.append(n_states + se - 1)
        return temp

    total_states = n_states * 2 - 1
    if total_states > 256:
        golly.warn("Number of states exceeds Golly's limit of 256!")

    tree = RuleTree(total_states, 4)
    for t in transitions:
        # as lower
                encode_lower(t[0]),  # C
                encode_upper(t[2]),  # S
                encode_upper(t[1]),  # E
                encode_upper(t[3]),  # W
            ],  # N
            encode_lower(t[4])[0])  # C'
        # as upper
                encode_upper(t[0]),  # C
                range(total_states),  # S
                encode_lower(t[3]),  # E
                encode_lower(t[1]),  # W
            ],  # N
            encode_upper(t[4])[0])  # C'

    # output the rule tree
    golly.show("Compressing rule tree and saving to file...")
    tree.write(golly.getdir('rules') + rule_name + '.tree')
Exemplo n.º 15
def ConvertRuleTableTransitionsToRuleTree(neighborhood, n_states, transitions,
    '''Convert a set of vonNeumann or Moore transitions directly to a rule tree.'''
    rule_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(input_filename)[1])[0]
    remap = {
        "vonNeumann": [0, 3, 2, 4, 1],  # CNESW->CSEWN
        "Moore": [0, 5, 3, 7, 1, 4, 6, 2,
                  8]  # C,N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW -> C,S,E,W,N,SE,SW,NE,NW
    numNeighbors = len(remap[neighborhood]) - 1
    tree = RuleTree(n_states, numNeighbors)
    for i, t in enumerate(transitions):
        golly.show("Building rule tree... (" +
                   str(100 * i / len(transitions)) + "%)")
        tree.add_rule([t[j] for j in remap[neighborhood]], t[-1][0])
    tree.write(golly.getdir('rules') + rule_name + ".tree")
    return rule_name
Exemplo n.º 16
def SaveWss(file):

    wss = [

    wssList = []
    for w in wss:
        for i in xrange(0, 4):
            wssList.append(PrepareList(g.evolve(w, i)))
                PrepareList(g.transform(g.evolve(w, i), 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1)))

    pickle.dump(wssList, open(path.join(g.getdir("data"), file), "wb"))
Exemplo n.º 17
def golly_main():

    bounding_box = g.getrect()

    g.show('Installing rule file...')
    src_rule = os.path.join(scriptdir, 'grills-examples', 'Grills.rule')
    dst_rule = os.path.join(g.getdir('rules'), 'Grills.rule')
    shutil.copyfile(src_rule, dst_rule)

    if (len(bounding_box) == 0):
        g.exit("Please draw or load an input pattern.")
    elif (g.getrule() == "Grills"):
    elif (g.getrule() == "LifeHistory"):
        g.exit("Pattern has the incorrect rule: '%s' != '%s'" %
               (g.getrule(), 'Grills'))
def TriangularTransitionsToRuleTree_CheckerboardMethod(neighborhood,n_states,transitions,rule_name):

    # Background state 0 has no checkerboard, we infer it from its neighboring cells.
    def encode_lower(s):
        return s
    def encode_upper(s):
        ### AKT: this code causes syntax error in Python 2.3:
        ### return [0 if se==0 else n_states+se-1 for se in s]
        temp = []
        for se in s:
            if se==0:
        return temp

    total_states = n_states*2 - 1
    if total_states>256:
        golly.warn("Number of states exceeds Golly's limit of 256!")
    tree = RuleTree(total_states,4)
    for t in transitions:
        # as lower
        tree.add_rule([encode_lower(t[0]),   # C
                       encode_upper(t[2]),   # S
                       encode_upper(t[1]),   # E
                       encode_upper(t[3]),   # W
                       range(total_states)],   # N
                      encode_lower(t[4])[0]) # C'
        # as upper
        tree.add_rule([encode_upper(t[0]),   # C
                       range(total_states),    # S
                       encode_lower(t[3]),   # E
                       encode_lower(t[1]),   # W
                       encode_lower(t[2])],  # N
                      encode_upper(t[4])[0]) # C'
    # output the rule tree
    golly.show("Compressing rule tree and saving to file...")
    tree.write(golly.getdir('rules') + rule_name + '.tree')
Exemplo n.º 19
def MakeTriangularIcons_SplittingMethod(n_states,colors,force_background,rule_name):

    width = 15*(n_states*n_states-1)
    if force_background and n_states>2:
    height = 22
    pixels = [[(0,0,0) for x in range(width)] for y in range(height)]

    for row in range(height):
        for column in range(width):
            if force_background and n_states>2 and column>=width-15:
                # add extra 'icon' filled with the intended background color
                pixels[row][column] = background_color
                # decide if this pixel is a lower or upper triangle
                iState = int(column/15)
                upper = int((iState+1) / n_states)
                lower = (iState+1) - upper*n_states
                is_upper = False
                is_lower = False
                if row<15: # big icon
                    if (column-iState*15) > row:
                        is_upper = True
                    elif (column-iState*15) < row:
                        is_lower = True
                elif (column-iState*15)<7: # little icon
                    if (column-iState*15) > row-15:
                        is_upper = True
                    elif (column-iState*15) < row-15:
                        is_lower = True
                if is_upper:
                    pixels[row][column] = colors[upper]
                elif is_lower:
                    pixels[row][column] = colors[lower]
                    pixels[row][column] = 0,0,0
    WriteBMP( pixels, golly.getdir('rules') + rule_name + ".icons" )
Exemplo n.º 20
    def saverule(self, name, comments, table, colours, icons):

        ruledir = g.getdir("rules")
        filename = ruledir + name + ".rule"

        results = "@RULE " + name + "\n\n"
        results += "*** File autogenerated by saverule. ***\n\n"
        results += comments
        results += "\n\n@TABLE\n\n"
        results += table
        results += "\n\n@COLORS\n\n"
        results += colours
        results += "\n\n@ICONS\n\n"
        results += icons

        # Change in behavior:  always create rule table,
        #   silently overwriting any file with the same name
            f = open(filename, 'w')
            g.warn("Unable to create rule table:\n" + filename)
Exemplo n.º 21
def ConvertRuleTableTransitionsToRuleTree(neighborhood, n_states, transitions,
                                          input_filename, timelimit):
    '''Convert a set of vonNeumann or Moore transitions directly to a rule tree.'''
    rule_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(input_filename)[1])[0]
    remap = {
        "vonNeumann": [0, 3, 2, 4, 1],  # CNESW->CSEWN
        "Moore": [0, 5, 3, 7, 1, 4, 6, 2,
                  8]  # C,N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW -> C,S,E,W,N,SE,SW,NE,NW
    numNeighbors = len(remap[neighborhood]) - 1
    tree = RuleTree(n_states, numNeighbors)
    tree.input_filename = input_filename
    tree.timelimit = timelimit
    l = len(transitions)
    for i, t in enumerate(transitions):
        tree.percent = 100 * i // l
        tree.add_rule([t[j] for j in remap[neighborhood]], t[-1][0])
        if tree.timeout > 0:
    if tree.timeout == 0:
        tree.write(golly.getdir('rules') + rule_name + ".tree")
        # use rule_name.tree to create rule_name.rule (no icons)
        ConvertTreeToRule(rule_name, n_states, [])
    return rule_name, tree.timeout
Exemplo n.º 22
def transition_function ( s ) :
    return ( s[0] + s[1] + s[2] ) % 5

import golly
from glife.RuleTree import *

# exec() only works if all lines end with LF, so we need to convert
# any Win line endings (CR+LF) or Mac line endings (CR) to LF
CR = chr(13)
LF = chr(10)

    MakeRuleTreeFromTransitionFunction( n_states, n_neighbors, transition_function,
                                        golly.getdir("rules")+name+".tree" )
    # use name.tree to create name.rule (with no icons);
    # note that if name.rule already exists then we only replace the info in
    # the @TREE section to avoid clobbering any other info added by the user
    ConvertTreeToRule(name, n_states, [])
    golly.show("Created "+golly.getdir("rules")+name+".rule and switched to that rule.")

    import sys
    import traceback
    exception, msg, tb = sys.exc_info()
Exemplo n.º 23
# To do:  Allow the user to specify their own name for a rule.

#  The following code cleans up the rule string to
#  make life easier for the parser.

if rulestring.startswith("B") or rulestring.startswith("S"):
    rulestring = rulestring.replace("/", "")
    rulestring = rulestring.replace("/", "B")

rulestring = rulestring + "\n" 

# Lets make a new file

f = open(golly.getdir("rules")+rule_name+".table", "w")

# Now create the header for the rule table

neighborhood = "Moore" 
# Incorporate Paul Callahan's hexagonal non-totaistic notation next?

# The next line is where the magic happens!

# Lets stick with 2 states for now, but it would be interesting
# to add generations-style decay states, as MCell's Weighted Life does.

n_states = 2   
Exemplo n.º 24
# emulate-Margolus-table.py
# reads a Margolus rule table, and produces a Moore-nhood rule table that
# emulates it.

import golly
import os

# ask user to select .table file
fn = golly.opendialog('Open a Margolus table to emulate',
                      'Rule tables (*.table)|*.table',

if len(fn) == 0: golly.exit()    # user hit Cancel

# state s becomes 1+2s and 2+2s, the first for when the cell is currently
# the top-left square of the Margolus partition, the other for when it isn't.

def as_top_left(s):
    return 1+2*s
def as_not_top_left(s):
    return 2+2*s

# for the various symmetries we need to remap the inputs and outputs:
symm = {
Exemplo n.º 25
         if multistate:
            n = cells[i+2] * 4 + 1
            im.putpixel((cells[i]-x,row), (colors[n],colors[n+1],colors[n+2]))
            im.putpixel((cells[i]-x,row), (colors[5],colors[6],colors[7]))
         cellcount += 1
         if cellcount % 1000 == 0:
            # allow user to abort huge pattern/selection
            g.dokey( g.getkey() )

if cellcount == 0: g.exit("Selection is empty.")

# set initial directory for the save dialog
initdir = ""
savename = g.getdir("data") + "save-image.ini"
   # try to get the directory saved by an earlier run
   f = open(savename, 'r')
   initdir = f.readline()
   # this should only happen the very 1st time
   initdir = g.getdir("data")

# remove any existing extension from layer name and append .png
initfile = g.getname().split('.')[0] + ".png"

# prompt user for output file (image type depends on extension)
outfile = g.savedialog("Save image file",
                       "PNG (*.png)|*.png|BMP (*.bmp)|*.bmp|GIF (*.gif)|*.gif" +
Exemplo n.º 26
# --------------------------------------------------------------------

def savegen(filename, gen):
        f = open(filename, 'w')
        g.warn("Unable to save given gen in file:\n" + filename)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------

# use same file name as in goto.pl
GotoINIFileName = g.getdir("data") + "goto.ini"
previousgen = ""
    f = open(GotoINIFileName, 'r')
    previousgen = f.readline()
    if not validint(previousgen):
        previousgen = ""
    # should only happen 1st time (GotoINIFileName doesn't exist)

gen = g.getstring(
    "Enter the desired generation number,\n" +
    "or -n/+n to go back/forwards by n:", previousgen, "Go to generation")
if len(gen) == 0:
Exemplo n.º 27

modForward = 1
while (2 * step * modForward) % distForward != 0:
    modForward += 1

modBack = 1
while (2 * step * modBack) % distBack != 0:
    modBack += 1

modDY = distBack / modBack

#Crucial init don't mark
directionType = "B"
#dir = r'C:\Users\SimSim314\Documents\GitHub\GlueNew\Glue\MonochromaticP2'
dir = g.getdir("temp")

g.show("Loading slow salvo recipes")
recipes = RecipeConstructor()
recipes.Init("OptimizedEven.txt", "OptimizedOdd.txt", "WSS.txt")

#This code creates the Tail part of the caterloopillar
g.show("Calculating WSS relative movement for Tail")
CreateWssMovementData(recipes, dir, True)

wssMovementList = pickle.load(
                  str(step) + "_" + str(period) + "_ForwardWssBaseAuto.pkl"),
Exemplo n.º 28
def choose_pickles(g):
  Present a GUI to ask the users which folder of pickles they
  would like to analyze.
    # Open a dialog window and ask the user to select two folders.
    g.note("Analyze Pickles\n\n" + \
           "You will be presented with two dialog menus:\n\n" + \
           "     (1) Select a FOLDER of pickled seeds.\n" + \
           "     (2) Select a FOLDER for storing the analysis results.\n\n" + \
           "The pickles will be analyzed and the results will be stored.\n")
    pickle_dir = g.opendialog("Choose a folder of pickled seeds", \
                 "dir", g.getdir("app"))
    analysis_dir = g.opendialog("Choose a folder for the analysis", \
                 "dir", g.getdir("app"))
    g.note("Verify Selection\n\n" + \
           "The chosen folder of pickled seeds:\n\n" + \
           "   " + pickle_dir + "\n\n" + \
           "The chosen folder for the analysis results:\n\n" + \
           "   " + analysis_dir + "\n\n" + \
           "Exit now if these folders are incorrect.")
    # Make a list of the pickles in pickle_dir.
    pickle_list = []
    for file in os.listdir(pickle_dir):
        if file.endswith(".bin"):
    # Verify that there are some ".bin" files in the list.
    if (len(pickle_list) == 0):
        g.note("No pickles were found in the directory:\n\n" + \
               "   " + pickle_dir + "\n\n" + \
               "Exiting now.")
    # Make a hash table that maps pickle names to the last
    # generation number of the given group of pickles.
    pickle_hash = hash_pickles(pickle_list)
    # Calculate the size of the smallest group of pickles.
    smallest_pickle_size = min(pickle_hash.values())
    # Report the base parts of the pickles and their maximum
    # values
    sorted_pickle_names = sorted(pickle_hash.keys())
    pickle_note = ""
    for pickle_base in sorted_pickle_names:
        pickle_note = pickle_note + \
          pickle_base + " ranges from 0 to " + \
          str(pickle_hash[pickle_base]) + "\n"
    g.note("These pickles were found:\n\n" +
      pickle_note + "\n" + \
      "The analysis will range from 0 to " + \
      str(smallest_pickle_size) + "\n\n" + \
      "Exit now if this is not what you expected.")
    return [pickle_dir, analysis_dir, \
      sorted_pickle_names, smallest_pickle_size]
def EmulateTriangular(neighborhood,n_states,transitions_list,input_filename):
    '''Emulate a triangularVonNeumann or triangularMoore neighborhood rule table with a rule tree.'''

    input_rulename = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(input_filename)[1])[0]
    # read rule_name+'.colors' file if it exists
    force_background = False
    background_color = [0,0,0]
    cfn = os.path.split(input_filename)[0] + "/" + input_rulename + ".colors"
        cf = open(cfn,'r')
    except IOError:
        # use Golly's default random colours
        colors = dict(zip(range(len(random_colors)),random_colors))
        # read from the .colors file
        colors = {0:[0,0,0]} # background is black
        for line in cf:
            if line[0:6]=='color ':
                entries = map(int,line[6:].replace('=',' ').replace('\n',' ').split())
                if len(entries)<4:
                    continue # too few entries, ignore
                if entries[0]==0:
                    force_background = True
                    background_color = [entries[1],entries[2],entries[3]]
        # (we don't support gradients in .colors)

    rule_name = input_rulename + '_emulated'
    # (we use a special suffix to avoid picking up any existing .colors or .icons)
    # make a rule tree and some icons
    if n_states <= 16:
        total_states = n_states * n_states
    elif neighborhood=='triangularVonNeumann' and n_states <= 128:
        total_states = n_states * 2 - 1
        golly.warn('Only support triangularMoore with 16 states or fewer, and triangularVonNeumann\n'+\
                   'with 128 states or fewer.')
    if n_states==2:    
        # the icons we wrote are monochrome, so we need a .colors file to avoid
        # them all having different colors or similar from Golly's preferences
        c = open(golly.getdir('rules')+rule_name+".colors",'w')
        if force_background:
            c.write('color = 0 '+' '.join(map(str,background_color))+'\n')
        for i in range(1,total_states):
            c.write('color = '+str(i)+' '+' '.join(map(str,colors[1]))+'\n')

    return rule_name
    for row in range(15):
        for column in range(15):
            pixels[row][(color-1)*15+column] = [palette[0],bg,bg][big[row][column]]
    for row in range(7):
        for column in range(7):
            pixels[15+row][(color-1)*15+column] = [palette[0],bg,bg][small[row][column]]
    for state in range(n_states):
        fg = palette[n_colors+state]
        # draw the 15x15 icon
        for row in range(15):
            for column in range(15):
                pixels[row][(encode(color,state)-1)*15+column] = [palette[0],bg,fg][big[row][column]]
        # draw the 7x7 icon
        for row in range(7):
            for column in range(7):
                pixels[15+row][(encode(color,state)-1)*15+column] = [palette[0],bg,fg][small[row][column]]
WriteBMP( pixels, golly.getdir('rules') + rule_name + ".icons" )

# -- select the new rule --


golly.setcell(0,0,encode(0,0)) # start with a single turmite

golly.show('Created '+rule_name+'.tree and '+rule_name+'.icons and selected that rule.')

Exemplo n.º 31
# We owe a lot to MCell's implementation of the Margolus neighbourhood. Thanks Mirek!
# Tim Hutton <*****@*****.**>

import golly as g

# ask the user for the MCell string to convert (comma-separated works too)
s = g.getstring("Enter a specification string.\n\nThis can either be an MCell format Margolus\nstring or just a comma-separated list of the 16 case indices.\n\nSee: http://psoup.math.wisc.edu/mcell/rullex_marg.html\n","MS,D0;8;4;3;2;5;9;7;1;6;10;11;12;13;14;15","Enter Margolus specification") # defaults to BBM

# pull out the 16 numeric tokens that tell us what each partition becomes
becomes = map(int,s.replace('M',' ').replace('S',' ').replace(',',' ').replace('D',' ').replace(';',' ').split())

# we should be able to write straight into the user's rules folder,
# so we can call setrule immediately
folder = g.getdir('rules')

# construct a rule_name from next case indices
rule_name = 'Margolus-' + '-'.join(map(str,becomes))
# ask the user to confirm this name or suggest a more readable one (e.g. "BBM")
rule_name = g.getstring("Enter a name for the rule:",rule_name,"Enter rule name")

# todo: detect slashes and tildes, tell user that can't change dir like that

# open the rule table file for writing
f = open(folder + rule_name + '.table','w')

# write the initial descriptors and some variables
f.write('# Emulation of Margolus neighbourhood for MCell string:\n# %s\n\n'%s)
f.write('# (see: http://psoup.math.wisc.edu/mcell/rullex_marg.html )\n')
f.write('# Rule table produced by convert-MCell-string.py, which can\n')
def TriangularTransitionsToRuleTree_SplittingMethod(neighborhood,n_states,transitions_list,rule_name):

    # each square cell is j*N+i where i is the lower triangle, j is the upper triangle
    # each i,j in (0,N]
    # (lower and upper are lists)
    def encode(lower,upper): 
        return [ up*n_states+low for up in upper for low in lower ]

    # what neighbors of the lower triangle overlap neighbors of the upper triangle?
    lower2upper = { 
        "triangularVonNeumann": [(0,1),(1,0)],
        "triangularMoore": [(0,1),(1,0),(2,12),(3,4),(4,3),(5,10),(6,11),(10,5),(11,6),(12,2)],
    numNeighbors = { "triangularVonNeumann":4, "triangularMoore":8 }

    # convert transitions to list of list of sets for speed
    transitions = [[set(e) for e in t] for t in transitions_list]
    tree = RuleTree(n_states*n_states,numNeighbors[neighborhood])
    # for each transition pair, see if we can apply them both at once to a square
    for i,t1 in enumerate(transitions): # as lower
        golly.show("Building rule tree... (pass 1 of 2: "+str(100*i/len(transitions))+"%)") 
        for t2 in transitions: # as upper
            # we can only apply both rules at once if they overlap to some extent
            ### AKT: any() and isdisjoint() are not available in Python 2.3:
            ### if any( t1[j].isdisjoint(t2[k]) for j,k in lower2upper[neighborhood] ):
            ###     continue
            any_disjoint = False
            for j,k in lower2upper[neighborhood]:
                if len(t1[j] & t2[k]) == 0:
                    any_disjoint = True
            if any_disjoint: continue
            # take the intersection of their inputs
            if neighborhood=="triangularVonNeumann":
                tree.add_rule( [ encode(t1[0]&t2[1],t1[1]&t2[0]), # C
                     encode(range(n_states),t1[2]), # S
                     encode(t2[3],range(n_states)), # E
                     encode(range(n_states),t1[3]), # W
                     encode(t2[2],range(n_states)) ], # N
                     encode(t1[4],t2[4])[0] ) # C'
            elif neighborhood=="triangularMoore":
                tree.add_rule( [ encode(t1[0]&t2[1],t1[1]&t2[0]), # C
                             encode(t1[7],t1[2]&t2[12]), # S
                             encode(t1[4]&t2[3],t2[9]), # E
                             encode(t1[9],t1[3]&t2[4]), # W
                             encode(t1[12]&t2[2],t2[7]), # N
                             encode(t1[6]&t2[11],t1[5]&t2[10]), # SE
                             encode(range(n_states),t1[8]), # SW
                             encode(t2[8],range(n_states)), # NE
                             encode(t1[10]&t2[5],t1[11]&t2[6]) ], # NW
                           encode(t1[13],t2[13])[0] ) # C'
    # apply each transition to an individual triangle, leaving the other unchanged
    for i,t in enumerate(transitions):
        golly.show("Building rule tree... (pass 2 of 2: "+str(100*i/len(transitions))+"%)") 
        for t_1 in t[1]:
            if neighborhood=="triangularVonNeumann":
                # as lower triangle:
                tree.add_rule( [ encode(t[0],[t_1]), # C
                                 encode(range(n_states),t[2]), # S
                                 range(n_states*n_states), # E
                                 encode(range(n_states),t[3]), # W
                                 range(n_states*n_states) ], # N
                                 encode(t[4],[t_1])[0] ) # C'
                # as upper triangle:
                tree.add_rule( [ encode([t_1],t[0]), # C
                                 range(n_states*n_states), # S
                                 encode(t[3],range(n_states)), # E
                                 range(n_states*n_states), # W
                                 encode(t[2],range(n_states)) ], # N
                                 encode([t_1],t[4])[0] ) # C'
            elif neighborhood=="triangularMoore":
                # as lower triangle:
                tree.add_rule( [encode(t[0],[t_1]), # C
                    encode(t[7],t[2]), # S
                    encode(t[4],range(n_states)), # E
                    encode(t[9],t[3]), # W
                    encode(t[12],range(n_states)), # N
                    encode(t[6],t[5]), # SE
                    encode(range(n_states),t[8]), # SW
                    range(n_states*n_states), # NE
                    encode(t[10],t[11]) ], # NW
                    encode(t[13],[t_1])[0] ) # C'
                # as upper triangle:
                tree.add_rule( [encode([t_1],t[0]),
                    encode(range(n_states),t[12]), # S
                    encode(t[3],t[9]), # E
                    encode(range(n_states),t[4]), # W
                    encode(t[2],t[7]), # N
                    encode(t[11],t[10]), # SE
                    range(n_states*n_states), # SW
                    encode(t[8],range(n_states)), # NE
                    encode(t[5],t[6]) ], # NW
                    encode([t_1],t[13])[0] ) # C'
    # output the rule tree
    golly.show("Compressing rule tree and saving to file...")
    tree.write(golly.getdir('rules') + rule_name + '.tree')
Exemplo n.º 33
def import_icons(rulename):
    global iconinfo31, iconinfo15, iconinfo7, iconcolors
    # replace any illegal filename chars with underscores
    rulename = rulename.replace("/","_").replace("\\","_")
    rulepath = g.getdir("rules") + rulename + ".rule"
    if not os.path.isfile(rulepath):
        rulepath = g.getdir("app") + "Rules/" + rulename + ".rule"
        if not os.path.isfile(rulepath):
            # there is no .rule file
        # open in universal newline mode to handle LF, CR, or CR+LF
        rulefile = open(rulepath,"rU")
        g.exit("Failed to open .rule file: " + rulepath)
    foundicons = False
    xpmcount = 0
    width = 0
    height = 0
    num_colors = 0
    chars_per_pixel = 0
    iconinfo = []
    colordict = {}
    iconcolors = []
    # WARNING: The code below must agree with how Golly looks for icon info
    # (see LoadRuleInfo and ParseIcons in wxlayer.cpp).  In particular, if
    # there are multiple @ICONS sections then only the 1st one is used.
    for line in rulefile:
        if foundicons and line.startswith("@"):
            # start of another section (possibly another @ICONS section)
        line = line.rstrip("\n")
        if line == "@ICONS":
            foundicons = True
        elif foundicons and line == "XPM":
            xpmcount = 1
            iconinfo = []
            colordict = {}
        elif foundicons and line in ("circles","diamonds","hexagons","triangles"):
            # don't break (agrees with Golly)
        elif xpmcount > 0 and line[0] == "\"":
            # extract the stuff inside double quotes, ignoring anything after 2nd one
            line = line.lstrip("\"").split("\"")[0]
            if xpmcount == 1:
                # parse "width height num_colors chars_per_pixel"
                header = line.split()
                width = int(header[0])
                height = int(header[1])
                num_colors = int(header[2])
                chars_per_pixel = int(header[3])
            elif xpmcount > 1 and xpmcount <= 1 + num_colors:
                # parse color index line like "A c #FFFFFF" or "AB c #FF009900BB00"
                key, c, hexrgb = line.split()
                rgb = parse_hex(hexrgb.lstrip("#"))
                if not rgb in iconcolors:
                colordict[key] = rgb
                if xpmcount == 1 + num_colors:
            elif xpmcount <= 1 + num_colors + height:
                # simply append pixel data in line like "......AAA......"
            if xpmcount == 1 + num_colors + height:
                if width == 31: iconinfo31 = iconinfo
                if width == 15: iconinfo15 = iconinfo
                if width == 7: iconinfo7 = iconinfo
                xpmcount = 0    # skip any extra lines
                xpmcount += 1
	def Main(self):
		g.show("left click on a pattern to change, 'h' for help")
		gollyMode = False
		while True:
			event = g.getevent()
			if ("key" in event and "return" in event) or (gollyMode and " a " in event):
				gollyMode = not gollyMode
				if gollyMode:
					g.show("In golly mode")

					g.show("left click on a pattern, right click to finish")
			if gollyMode:
				if " delete " in event: 
				if "click" in event and "ctrl" in event and g.getxy() != "":
					x, y = g.getxy().split()
					cell = g.getcell(int(x), int(y))
					if cell >= 0 and cell <= 1:
						g.setcell(int(x), int(y), 1 - cell)
				if " c " in event and "ctrl" in event and g.getselrect() != []:	
				if " v " in event and "ctrl" in event and g.getxy() != "":
					x, y = g.getxy().split()
					g.paste(int(x), int(y), "or")
				if " space " in event:	
					if "ctrl" in event:
			if "click" in event:
				if "left" in event:
					if self.ExistinCircuitHandler() == None:
						if self.SignalClickHandler(event) == None:
							g.show("left click on a pattern, h for help")
			elif "key" in event:
				if " space " in event:
					for i in xrange(0, 30):
				if " a " in event:
					if g.getrule() == "Perrier":
						for key in self.smarCells:
							x, y = key.split(":")
							g.setcell(int(x), int(y),  self.smarCells[key] + 2)
						gollyMode = True
						g.show("In golly mode")
				if " s " in event:
					fname = os.path.join(g.getdir("data"), "MetadataManager.json")
				if " h " in event:
					noteMessage = "Viewing and Selecting\n\n"
					noteMessage += "'left click' to chose gun or glider\n"
					noteMessage += "'a' to see in colors, a to go back \n"
					noteMessage += "'space' see ahead 1800 generations \n"
					noteMessage += "'enter' gollyMode, stays in the script \n"
					noteMessage += "\n Editing Gun \n\n"
					noteMessage += "'left click' to place\n"
					noteMessage += "'right click' to switch gun/orientation \n"
					noteMessage += "'delete' to delete the gun \n"
					noteMessage += "'left-right arrow' - one step adjustment\n"
					noteMessage += "\n In Golly Mode \n\n"
					noteMessage += "'delete' to clear selection\n"
					noteMessage += "'ctrl' + 'click' to draw \n"
					noteMessage += "'ctrl' + 'c' to copy selection \n"
					noteMessage += "'ctrl' + 'v' to paste in mouse location \n"
					noteMessage += "'space' + to run 1 generation \n"
					noteMessage += "'ctrl' +'space' to run 10 generations \n"
Exemplo n.º 35
import golly
import os
from glife.ReadRuleTable import *
from glife.RuleTree import *
from glife.EmulateTriangular import *
from glife.EmulateMargolus import *
from glife.EmulateOneDimensional import *
from glife.EmulateHexagonal import *

# ask user to select .table file
filename = golly.opendialog('Open a rule table to convert:',
                      'Rule tables (*.table)|*.table',

if len(filename) == 0: golly.exit()    # user hit Cancel

# add new converters here as they become available:
Converters = {

golly.show("Reading from rule table file...")
Exemplo n.º 36
# ask the user for the MCell string to convert (comma-separated works too)
s = golly.getstring(
'''Enter a specification string.

This can either be an MCell format Margolus string
or just a comma-separated list of the 16 case indices.

See: http://psoup.math.wisc.edu/mcell/rullex_marg.html
"MS,D0;8;4;3;2;5;9;7;1;6;10;11;12;13;14;15","Enter Margolus specification") # defaults to BBM

# pull out the 16 numeric tokens that tell us what each partition becomes
becomes = map(int,s.replace('M',' ').replace('S',' ').replace(',',' ').replace('D',' ').replace(';',' ').split())

# write straight into the user's rules folder, so we can call setrule immediately
folder = golly.getdir('rules')

# construct a rule_name from next case indices
rule_name = 'Margolus-' + '-'.join(map(str,becomes))
# ask the user to confirm this name or suggest a more readable one (e.g. "BBM")
rule_name = golly.getstring("Enter a name for the rule:",rule_name,"Enter rule name")

# todo: detect slashes and tildes, tell user that can't change dir like that

# open the rule table file for writing
tablepath = folder + rule_name + '.table'
f = open(tablepath,'w')

# write the initial descriptors and some variables
f.write('# Emulation of Margolus neighbourhood for MCell string:\n# %s\n\n'%s)
f.write('# (see: http://psoup.math.wisc.edu/mcell/rullex_marg.html )\n')
            ### transition_inputs = [leaving_color_behind[central_color]] + \
            ###     [ inputs if i==dir else not_arriving_from_here[i] for i in remap ]
            transition_inputs = [leaving_color_behind[central_color]]
            for i in remap:
                if i==dir:
            transition_output = encode(central_color,s)
            tree.add_rule( transition_inputs, transition_output )

# default: square is left with no turmite present
for output_color,inputs in leaving_color_behind.items():

# Write some colour icons so we can see what the turmite is doing
# A simple ball drawing, with specular highlights (2) and anti-aliasing (3):
icon15x15 = [[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
Exemplo n.º 38
            ###     [ inputs if i==dir else not_arriving_from_here[i] for i in remap ]
            transition_inputs = [leaving_color_behind[central_color]]
            for i in remap:
                if i == dir:
            transition_output = encode(central_color, s, opposite_dirs[dir])
            tree.add_rule(transition_inputs, transition_output)

# default: square is left with no turmite present
for output_color, inputs in list(leaving_color_behind.items()):
    tree.add_rule([inputs] + [list(range(total_states))] * 4, output_color)

rule_name = prefix + '_' + spec_string
tree.write(golly.getdir('rules') + rule_name + '.tree')

# Create some multi-colour icons so we can see what the turmite is doing
# Andrew's ant drawing: (with added eyes (2) and anti-aliasing (3))
ant31x31 = [[
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Exemplo n.º 39
# recognizer1.3.py
# Version 1.3:  fixed line 44 for Python3 compatibility (remove encode() to make it work in Python2)
# Version 1.2:  wrote populate-sample-library.py exporter script, created a sample archive
# Version 1.1:  added ability to read tickstorun and matchtype limitations from RLE file
# Version 1.0:  first working version

import golly as g
import hashlib
import os

libpath = g.getdir("data") + "recognizer-library/"
scriptFN = g.getdir("scripts") + "PatternBuildScript.py"
libraryFN = libpath + "library.txt"

xforms = [[1, 0, 0, 1], [0, -1, 1, 0], [-1, 0, 0, -1], [0, 1, -1, 0],
          [0, 1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0, -1], [0, -1, -1, 0], [-1, 0, 0, 1]]
xformnames = [
    "identity", "rcw", "flip", "rccw", "swap_xy", "flip_y", "swap_xy_flip",
]  # for glife script

# returns a cell list sorted into TL/BR order
def cellsort(clist):
    return g.evolve(clist, 0)

def findTL(clist):
    return findTLsorted(cellsort(clist))
See: http://psoup.math.wisc.edu/mcell/rullex_marg.html
''', "MS,D0;8;4;3;2;5;9;7;1;6;10;11;12;13;14;15",
                    "Enter Margolus specification")  # defaults to BBM

# pull out the 16 numeric tokens that tell us what each partition becomes
becomes = map(
              ' ').replace('S',
                           ' ').replace(',',
                                        ' ').replace('D',
                                                     ' ').replace(';',
                                                                  ' ').split())

# write straight into the user's rules folder, so we can call setrule immediately
folder = golly.getdir('rules')

# construct a rule_name from next case indices
rule_name = 'Margolus-' + '-'.join(map(str, becomes))
# ask the user to confirm this name or suggest a more readable one (e.g. "BBM")
rule_name = golly.getstring("Enter a name for the rule:", rule_name,
                            "Enter rule name")

# todo: detect slashes and tildes, tell user that can't change dir like that

# open the rule table file for writing
tablepath = folder + rule_name + '.table'
f = open(tablepath, 'w')

# write the initial descriptors and some variables
f.write('# Emulation of Margolus neighbourhood for MCell string:\n# %s\n\n' %
Exemplo n.º 41
            ### transition_inputs = [leaving_color_behind[central_color]] + \
            ###     [ inputs if i==dir else not_arriving_from_here[i] for i in remap ]
            transition_inputs = [leaving_color_behind[central_color]]
            for i in remap:
                if i==dir:
            transition_output = encode(central_color,s)
            tree.add_rule( transition_inputs, transition_output )

# default: square is left with no turmite present
for output_color,inputs in leaving_color_behind.items():


# Write some colour icons so we can see what the turmite is doing
# A simple ball drawing, with specular highlights (2) and anti-aliasing (3):
icon31x31 = [[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
Exemplo n.º 42
import golly as g
import hashlib
import os

libpath = g.getdir("data") + "recognizer-library/"
libraryFN = libpath + "library.txt"

def removecomments(s):
   temp = s + "#"
   return temp[:temp.find("#")].rstrip()

f = open(libraryFN, 'r')
patnames+=["library"] # export the library file, too

output_script_filename = g.getdir("scripts")+"populate-sample-library.py"
outfile = open(output_script_filename,"w")

outfile.write('import golly as g\nimport os\nlibpath = g.getdir("data") + "recognizer-library/"\n')

for name in patnames:
   basename = removecomments(name)
   if basename=="library":
   temp = basename.split(" ")
   if len(temp)==2: basename, tickstorun = temp
   if len(temp)==3: basename, tickstorun, matchtype = temp
Exemplo n.º 43
    mi0, ma0 = testCA.get_mm()
    mi1, ma1 = testCA.get_mm()

    if mi0 == mi1 and ma0 == ma1:
        return True
        return False

stablecnt = 0
explodecnt = 0
rule_cnt = 0

if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(g.getdir("files"), '3d')):
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(g.getdir("files"), '3d'))

for iter in range(1000000):
    testCA = CA3d(ruleFEV)

    if is_exploding(testCA):
        explodecnt += 1
        g.show(str((stablecnt, explodecnt)))

    fail = True

    for i in range(3):
Exemplo n.º 44
            ###     [ inputs if i==dir else not_arriving_from_here[i] for i in remap ]
            transition_inputs = [leaving_color_behind[central_color]]
            for i in remap:
                if i == dir:
            transition_output = encode(central_color, s, opposite_dirs[dir])
            tree.add_rule(transition_inputs, transition_output)

# default: square is left with no turmite present
for output_color, inputs in leaving_color_behind.items():
    tree.add_rule([inputs] + [range(total_states)] * 4, output_color)

rule_name = prefix + '_' + spec_string
tree.write(golly.getdir('rules') + rule_name + '.tree')

# Write some colour icons so we can see what the turmite is doing
# Andrew's ant drawing: (with added eyes (2) and anti-aliasing (3))
ant15x15 = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 3, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
Exemplo n.º 45
def ConvertTreeToRule(rule_name, total_states, icon_pixels):
    Convert rule_name.tree to rule_name.rule and delete the .tree file.
    If rule_name.colors exists then use it to create an @COLORS section
    and delete the .colors file.
    If icon_pixels is supplied then add an @ICONS section.
    Format of icon_pixels (in this example there are 4 icons at each size):
    |             |             |             |             |
    |             |             |             |             |
    |    31x31    |    31x31    |    31x31    |    31x31    |
    |             |             |             |             |
    |             |             |             |             |
    |       |.....|       |.....|       |.....|       |.....|
    | 15x15 |.....| 15x15 |.....| 15x15 |.....| 15x15 |.....|
    |       |.....|       |.....|       |.....|       |.....|
    The top layer of 31x31 icons is optional -- if not supplied (ie. the
    height is 22) then there are no gaps between the 15x15 icons.
    rulepath = golly.getdir('rules')+rule_name+'.rule'
    treepath = golly.getdir('rules')+rule_name+'.tree'
    colorspath = golly.getdir('rules')+rule_name+'.colors'

    # get contents of .tree file
        treefile = open(treepath,'r')
        treedata = treefile.read()
        golly.exit('Failed to open .tree file: '+treepath)
    # if the .rule file already exists then only replace the @TREE section
    # so we don't clobber any other info added by the user
    if os.path.isfile(rulepath):
        ReplaceTreeSection(rulepath, treedata)
        if os.path.isfile(colorspath): os.remove(colorspath)
    # create a new .rule file
    rulefile = open(rulepath,'w')
    rulefile.write('@RULE '+rule_name+'\n\n')
    # append contents of .tree file, then delete that file
    # if .colors file exists then append @COLORS section and delete file
    if os.path.isfile(colorspath):
        colorsfile = open(colorspath,'r')
        for line in colorsfile:
            if line.startswith('color') or line.startswith('gradient'):
                # strip off everything before 1st digit
                line = line.lstrip('colorgadient= \t')
    # if icon pixels are supplied then append @ICONS section
    if len(icon_pixels) > 0:
        wd = len(icon_pixels[0])
        ht = len(icon_pixels)
        iconsize = 15                   # size of icons in top row
        if ht > 22: iconsize = 31       # 31x31 icons are present
        numicons = wd / iconsize
        # get colors used in all icons (we assume each icon size uses the same set of colors)
        colors, multi_colored = GetColors(icon_pixels, wd, ht)
        if len(colors) > 256:
            golly.warn('Icons use more than 256 colors!')
        if multi_colored:
            # create @COLORS section using color info in icon_pixels (not grayscale)
            if numicons >= total_states:
                # extra icon is present so use top right pixel to set the color of state 0
                R,G,B = icon_pixels[0][wd-1]
                rulefile.write('0 ' + str(R) + ' ' + str(G) + ' ' + str(B) + '\n')
                numicons -= 1
            # set colors for each live state to the average of the non-black pixels
            # in each icon on top row (note we've skipped the extra icon detected above)
            for i in xrange(numicons):
                nbcount = 0
                totalR = 0
                totalG = 0
                totalB = 0
                for row in xrange(iconsize):
                    for col in xrange(iconsize):
                        R,G,B = icon_pixels[row][col + i*iconsize]
                        if R > 0 or G > 0 or B > 0:
                            nbcount += 1
                            totalR += R
                            totalG += G
                            totalB += B
                if nbcount > 0:
                    rulefile.write(str(i+1) + ' ' + str(totalR / nbcount) + ' ' \
                                                  + str(totalG / nbcount) + ' ' \
                                                  + str(totalB / nbcount) + '\n')
                    # avoid div by zero
                    rulefile.write(str(i+1) + ' 0 0 0\n')
        # create @ICONS section using (r,g,b) triples in icon_pixels[row][col]
        if ht > 22:
            # top row of icons is 31x31
            CreateXPMIcons(colors, icon_pixels, 31,  0, 31, numicons, rulefile)
            CreateXPMIcons(colors, icon_pixels, 15, 31, 31, numicons, rulefile)
            CreateXPMIcons(colors, icon_pixels,  7, 46, 31, numicons, rulefile)
            # top row of icons is 15x15
            CreateXPMIcons(colors, icon_pixels, 15,  0, 15, numicons, rulefile)
            CreateXPMIcons(colors, icon_pixels,  7, 15, 15, numicons, rulefile)
Exemplo n.º 46

# --------------------------------------------------------------------

def savegen(filename, gen):
        f = open(filename, 'w')
        g.warn("Unable to save given gen in file:\n" + filename)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------

# use same file name as in goto.lua
GotoINIFileName = g.getdir("data") + "goto.ini"
previousgen = ""
    f = open(GotoINIFileName, 'r')
    previousgen = f.readline()
    if not validint(previousgen):
        previousgen = ""
    # should only happen 1st time (GotoINIFileName doesn't exist)

gen = g.getstring("Enter the desired generation number,\n" +
                  "or -n/+n to go back/forwards by n:",
                  previousgen, "Go to generation")
if len(gen) == 0:
Exemplo n.º 47
# Shift current selection by given x y amounts using optional mode.
# Author: Andrew Trevorrow ([email protected]), June 2006.
# Updated to use exit command, Nov 2006.
# Updated to check for bounded grid, Oct 2010.

from glife import validint, inside
from string import lower
import golly as g

selrect = g.getselrect()
if len(selrect) == 0: g.exit("There is no selection.")

# use same file name as in shift.lua
INIFileName = g.getdir("data") + "shift.ini"
oldparams = "0 0 or"
    f = open(INIFileName, 'r')
    oldparams = f.readline()
    # should only happen 1st time (INIFileName doesn't exist)

answer = g.getstring("Enter x y shift amounts and an optional mode\n" +
                     "(valid modes are copy/or/xor, default is or):",
                     oldparams, "Shift selection")
xym = answer.split()

# extract x and y amounts
if len(xym) == 0: g.exit()
if len(xym) == 1: g.exit("Supply x and y amounts separated by a space.")
def ConvertTreeToRule(rule_name, total_states, icon_pixels):
    Convert rule_name.tree to rule_name.rule and delete the .tree file.
    If rule_name.colors exists then use it to create an @COLORS section
    and delete the .colors file.
    If icon_pixels is supplied then add an @ICONS section.
    Format of icon_pixels (in this example there are 4 icons at each size):
    |             |             |             |             |
    |             |             |             |             |
    |    31x31    |    31x31    |    31x31    |    31x31    |
    |             |             |             |             |
    |             |             |             |             |
    |       |.....|       |.....|       |.....|       |.....|
    | 15x15 |.....| 15x15 |.....| 15x15 |.....| 15x15 |.....|
    |       |.....|       |.....|       |.....|       |.....|
    The top layer of 31x31 icons is optional -- if not supplied (ie. the
    height is 22) then there are no gaps between the 15x15 icons.
    rulepath = golly.getdir('rules') + rule_name + '.rule'
    treepath = golly.getdir('rules') + rule_name + '.tree'
    colorspath = golly.getdir('rules') + rule_name + '.colors'

    # get contents of .tree file
        treefile = open(treepath, 'r')
        treedata = treefile.read()
        golly.exit('Failed to open .tree file: ' + treepath)

    # if the .rule file already exists then only replace the @TREE section
    # so we don't clobber any other info added by the user
    if os.path.isfile(rulepath):
        ReplaceTreeSection(rulepath, treedata)
        if os.path.isfile(colorspath): os.remove(colorspath)

    # create a new .rule file
    rulefile = open(rulepath, 'w')
    rulefile.write('@RULE ' + rule_name + '\n\n')

    # append contents of .tree file, then delete that file

    # if .colors file exists then append @COLORS section and delete file
    if os.path.isfile(colorspath):
        colorsfile = open(colorspath, 'r')
        for line in colorsfile:
            if line.startswith('color') or line.startswith('gradient'):
                # strip off everything before 1st digit
                line = line.lstrip('colorgadient= \t')

    # if icon pixels are supplied then append @ICONS section
    if len(icon_pixels) > 0:
        wd = len(icon_pixels[0])
        ht = len(icon_pixels)
        iconsize = 15  # size of icons in top row
        if ht > 22: iconsize = 31  # 31x31 icons are present
        numicons = wd / iconsize

        # get colors used in all icons (we assume each icon size uses the same set of colors)
        colors, multi_colored = GetColors(icon_pixels, wd, ht)
        if len(colors) > 256:
            golly.warn('Icons use more than 256 colors!')
        if multi_colored:
            # create @COLORS section using color info in icon_pixels (not grayscale)
            if numicons >= total_states:
                # extra icon is present so use top right pixel to set the color of state 0
                R, G, B = icon_pixels[0][wd - 1]
                rulefile.write('0 ' + str(R) + ' ' + str(G) + ' ' + str(B) +
                numicons -= 1
            # set colors for each live state to the average of the non-black pixels
            # in each icon on top row (note we've skipped the extra icon detected above)
            for i in xrange(numicons):
                nbcount = 0
                totalR = 0
                totalG = 0
                totalB = 0
                for row in xrange(iconsize):
                    for col in xrange(iconsize):
                        R, G, B = icon_pixels[row][col + i * iconsize]
                        if R > 0 or G > 0 or B > 0:
                            nbcount += 1
                            totalR += R
                            totalG += G
                            totalB += B
                if nbcount > 0:
                    rulefile.write(str(i+1) + ' ' + str(totalR / nbcount) + ' ' \
                                                  + str(totalG / nbcount) + ' ' \
                                                  + str(totalB / nbcount) + '\n')
                    # avoid div by zero
                    rulefile.write(str(i + 1) + ' 0 0 0\n')

        # create @ICONS section using (r,g,b) triples in icon_pixels[row][col]
        if ht > 22:
            # top row of icons is 31x31
            CreateXPMIcons(colors, icon_pixels, 31, 0, 31, numicons, rulefile)
            CreateXPMIcons(colors, icon_pixels, 15, 31, 31, numicons, rulefile)
            CreateXPMIcons(colors, icon_pixels, 7, 46, 31, numicons, rulefile)
            # top row of icons is 15x15
            CreateXPMIcons(colors, icon_pixels, 15, 0, 15, numicons, rulefile)
            CreateXPMIcons(colors, icon_pixels, 7, 15, 15, numicons, rulefile)

Exemplo n.º 49
def EmulateTriangular(neighborhood,n_states,transitions_list,input_filename):
    '''Emulate a triangularVonNeumann or triangularMoore neighborhood rule table with a rule tree.'''

    input_rulename = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(input_filename)[1])[0]

    # read rule_name+'.colors' file if it exists
    force_background = False
    background_color = [0,0,0]
    cfn = os.path.split(input_filename)[0] + "/" + input_rulename + ".colors"
        cf = open(cfn,'r')
    except IOError:
        # use Golly's default random colours
        colors = dict(list(zip(list(range(len(random_colors))),random_colors)))
        # read from the .colors file
        colors = {0:[0,0,0]} # background is black
        for line in cf:
            if line[0:6]=='color ':
                entries = list(map(int,line[6:].replace('=',' ').replace('\n',' ').split()))
                if len(entries)<4:
                    continue # too few entries, ignore
                if entries[0]==0:
                    force_background = True
                    background_color = [entries[1],entries[2],entries[3]]
        # (we don't support gradients in .colors)

    rule_name = input_rulename + '_emulated'
    # (we use a special suffix to avoid picking up any existing .colors or .icons)

    # make a rule tree and some icons
    if n_states <= 16:
        pixels = MakeTriangularIcons_SplittingMethod(n_states,colors,force_background,rule_name)
        total_states = n_states * n_states
    elif neighborhood=='triangularVonNeumann' and n_states <= 128:
        pixels = MakeTriangularIcons_CheckerboardMethod(n_states,colors,force_background,rule_name)
        total_states = n_states * 2 - 1
        golly.warn('Only support triangularMoore with 16 states or fewer, and triangularVonNeumann\n'+\
                   'with 128 states or fewer.')

    if n_states==2:
        # the icons we wrote are monochrome, so we need a .colors file to avoid
        # them all having different colors or similar from Golly's preferences
        c = open(golly.getdir('rules')+rule_name+".colors",'w')
        if force_background:
            c.write('color = 0 '+' '.join(map(str,background_color))+'\n')
        for i in range(1,total_states):
            c.write('color = '+str(i)+' '+' '.join(map(str,colors[1]))+'\n')
    # use rule_name.tree and rule_name.colors and icon info to create rule_name.rule
    ConvertTreeToRule(rule_name, total_states, pixels)
    return rule_name
Exemplo n.º 50
import model_parameters as mparam
import pickle
# Set the colours so they are suitable for printing.
# The background should be light and the foreground
# should be dark.
g.setcolors([0, 255, 255, 255, 1, 0, 0, 0])
# Ask the user to select a pickle.
g.note("You will be asked to select a pickled seed file.\n" + \
       "The top seed in the file will be inserted into Golly.")
pickle_path = g.opendialog("Select a pickled seed file (*.bin)", \
  "(*.bin)|*.bin", g.getdir("app"))
# Read the pickle file.
pickle_handle = open(pickle_path, "rb")  # rb = read binary
pickle = pickle.load(pickle_handle)
# Select the top seed from the pickle file.
seed = pickle[0]
# Write the seed into Golly.
for x in range(seed.xspan):
    for y in range(seed.yspan):
Exemplo n.º 51
def TriangularTransitionsToRuleTree_SplittingMethod(neighborhood,n_states,transitions_list,rule_name):

    # each square cell is j*N+i where i is the lower triangle, j is the upper triangle
    # each i,j in (0,N]
    # (lower and upper are lists)
    def encode(lower,upper):
        return [ up*n_states+low for up in upper for low in lower ]

    # what neighbors of the lower triangle overlap neighbors of the upper triangle?
    lower2upper = {
        "triangularVonNeumann": [(0,1),(1,0)],
        "triangularMoore": [(0,1),(1,0),(2,12),(3,4),(4,3),(5,10),(6,11),(10,5),(11,6),(12,2)],
    numNeighbors = { "triangularVonNeumann":4, "triangularMoore":8 }

    # convert transitions to list of list of sets for speed
    transitions = [[set(e) for e in t] for t in transitions_list]
    tree = RuleTree(n_states*n_states,numNeighbors[neighborhood])
    # for each transition pair, see if we can apply them both at once to a square
    for i,t1 in enumerate(transitions): # as lower
        golly.show("Building rule tree... (pass 1 of 2: "+str(100*i//len(transitions))+"%)")
        for t2 in transitions: # as upper
            # we can only apply both rules at once if they overlap to some extent
            ### AKT: any() and isdisjoint() are not available in Python 2.3:
            ### if any( t1[j].isdisjoint(t2[k]) for j,k in lower2upper[neighborhood] ):
            ###     continue
            any_disjoint = False
            for j,k in lower2upper[neighborhood]:
                if len(t1[j] & t2[k]) == 0:
                    any_disjoint = True
            if any_disjoint: continue
            # take the intersection of their inputs
            if neighborhood=="triangularVonNeumann":
                tree.add_rule( [ encode(t1[0]&t2[1],t1[1]&t2[0]), # C
                     encode(list(range(n_states)),t1[2]), # S
                     encode(t2[3],list(range(n_states))), # E
                     encode(list(range(n_states)),t1[3]), # W
                     encode(t2[2],list(range(n_states))) ], # N
                     encode(t1[4],t2[4])[0] ) # C'
            elif neighborhood=="triangularMoore":
                tree.add_rule( [ encode(t1[0]&t2[1],t1[1]&t2[0]), # C
                             encode(t1[7],t1[2]&t2[12]), # S
                             encode(t1[4]&t2[3],t2[9]), # E
                             encode(t1[9],t1[3]&t2[4]), # W
                             encode(t1[12]&t2[2],t2[7]), # N
                             encode(t1[6]&t2[11],t1[5]&t2[10]), # SE
                             encode(list(range(n_states)),t1[8]), # SW
                             encode(t2[8],list(range(n_states))), # NE
                             encode(t1[10]&t2[5],t1[11]&t2[6]) ], # NW
                           encode(t1[13],t2[13])[0] ) # C'
    # apply each transition to an individual triangle, leaving the other unchanged
    for i,t in enumerate(transitions):
        golly.show("Building rule tree... (pass 2 of 2: "+str(100*i//len(transitions))+"%)")
        for t_1 in t[1]:
            if neighborhood=="triangularVonNeumann":
                # as lower triangle:
                tree.add_rule( [ encode(t[0],[t_1]), # C
                                 encode(list(range(n_states)),t[2]), # S
                                 list(range(n_states*n_states)), # E
                                 encode(list(range(n_states)),t[3]), # W
                                 list(range(n_states*n_states)) ], # N
                                 encode(t[4],[t_1])[0] ) # C'
                # as upper triangle:
                tree.add_rule( [ encode([t_1],t[0]), # C
                                 list(range(n_states*n_states)), # S
                                 encode(t[3],list(range(n_states))), # E
                                 list(range(n_states*n_states)), # W
                                 encode(t[2],list(range(n_states))) ], # N
                                 encode([t_1],t[4])[0] ) # C'
            elif neighborhood=="triangularMoore":
                # as lower triangle:
                tree.add_rule( [encode(t[0],[t_1]), # C
                    encode(t[7],t[2]), # S
                    encode(t[4],list(range(n_states))), # E
                    encode(t[9],t[3]), # W
                    encode(t[12],list(range(n_states))), # N
                    encode(t[6],t[5]), # SE
                    encode(list(range(n_states)),t[8]), # SW
                    list(range(n_states*n_states)), # NE
                    encode(t[10],t[11]) ], # NW
                    encode(t[13],[t_1])[0] ) # C'
                # as upper triangle:
                tree.add_rule( [encode([t_1],t[0]),
                    encode(list(range(n_states)),t[12]), # S
                    encode(t[3],t[9]), # E
                    encode(list(range(n_states)),t[4]), # W
                    encode(t[2],t[7]), # N
                    encode(t[11],t[10]), # SE
                    list(range(n_states*n_states)), # SW
                    encode(t[8],list(range(n_states))), # NE
                    encode(t[5],t[6]) ], # NW
                    encode([t_1],t[13])[0] ) # C'

    # output the rule tree
    golly.show("Compressing rule tree and saving to file...")
    tree.write(golly.getdir('rules') + rule_name + '.tree')
def EmulateMargolus(neighborhood, n_states, transitions, input_filename):
    '''Emulate a Margolus or square4_* neighborhood rule table with a Moore neighborhood rule tree.'''
    rule_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(input_filename)[1])[0]
    total_states = 1 + 2 * n_states
    tree = RuleTree(total_states, 8)
    # now work through the transitions
    for tr in transitions:
        for iOutput, background_output in enumerate(
            bg_inputs = BackgroundInputs[iOutput]
            iEntry = iOutput % 4  # (0=top-left, 1=top-right, 2=bottom-left, 3=bottom-right)
            rule_inputs = []
            for i in range(9):
                if ForegroundInputs[iEntry][i] == -1:
                        encode(range(n_states), bg_inputs[i]) +
                        [0])  # wildcard
                        encode(tr[ForegroundInputs[iEntry][i]], bg_inputs[i]))
                          encode(tr[iEntry + 4], background_output)[0])
    # supply default behaviour: background still changes even if the state doesn't
    for iState in range(n_states):
        for iOutput, background_output in enumerate(
            bg_inputs = BackgroundInputs[iOutput]
                [encode([iState], bg_inputs[0])] + [
                    encode(range(n_states), bg_inputs[i]) + [0]
                    for i in range(1, 9)
                ],  # wildcard
                encode([iState], background_output)[0])

    # output the rule tree
    golly.show("Compressing rule tree and saving to file...")
    tree.write(golly.getdir('rules') + rule_name + '.tree')

    # also save a .colors file
    golly.show("Generating colors...")

    # read rule_name+'.colors' file if it exists
    cfn = os.path.split(input_filename)[0] + '/' + os.path.splitext(
        os.path.split(input_filename)[1])[0] + ".colors"
        cf = open(cfn, 'r')
    except IOError:
        # use Golly's default random colours
        random_colors = [[90, 90, 90], [0, 255, 127], [127, 0, 255],
                         [148, 148, 148], [128, 255, 0], [255, 0,
                                                          128], [0, 128, 255],
                         [1, 159, 0], [159, 0, 1], [255, 254, 96], [0, 1, 159],
                         [96, 255, 254], [254, 96, 255], [126, 125, 21],
                         [21, 126, 125], [125, 21, 126], [255, 116, 116],
                         [116, 255, 116], [116, 116, 255], [228, 227, 0],
                         [28, 255, 27], [255, 27, 28], [0, 228, 227],
                         [227, 0, 228], [27, 28, 255], [59, 59, 59],
                         [234, 195, 176], [175, 196, 255], [171, 194, 68],
                         [194, 68, 171], [68, 171, 194], [72, 184, 71],
                         [184, 71, 72], [71, 72, 184], [169, 255, 188],
                         [252, 179, 63], [63, 252, 179], [179, 63, 252],
                         [80, 9, 0], [0, 80, 9], [9, 0, 80], [255, 175, 250],
                         [199, 134, 213], [115, 100, 95], [188, 163, 0],
                         [0, 188, 163], [163, 0, 188], [203, 73, 0],
                         [0, 203, 73], [73, 0, 203], [94, 189, 0],
                         [189, 0, 94]]
        colors = dict(zip(range(len(random_colors)), random_colors))
        # read from the .colors file
        colors = {}
        for line in cf:
            if line[0:5] == 'color':
                entries = map(
                    int, line[5:].replace('=', ' ').replace('\n', ' ').split())
                if len(entries) < 4:
                    continue  # too few entries, ignore
                    {entries[0]: [entries[1], entries[2], entries[3]]})
        # (TODO: support gradients in .colors)

    # provide a deep blue background if none provided
    if not 0 in colors:
        colors.update({0: [0, 0, 120]})

    c = open(golly.getdir('rules') + rule_name + ".colors", 'w')
    for col in colors.items()[:n_states]:
        c.write('color=' + str(col[0] * 2 + 1) + ' ' +
                ' '.join(map(str, col[1])) + '\n')
        c.write('color=' + str(col[0] * 2 + 2) + ' ' +
                ' '.join([str(int(x * 0.7))
                          for x in col[1]]) + '\n')  # (darken slightly)

    # use rule_name.tree and rule_name.colors to create rule_name.rule (no icon info)
    ConvertTreeToRule(rule_name, total_states, [])
    return rule_name
Exemplo n.º 53
	res = []
	for i in xrange(0, len(splitVals)):

gld = g.parse("3o$o$bo!")
block = g.parse("2o$2o!", 0, 0)

d = 0 
for r in recipes:
	g.putcells(block, d)
	for i in xrange(0, len(r)):
		g.putcells(gld, 200 * (i + 1) + d, 200 * (i + 1) + r[i])
	d += 1000

wssList = pickle.load(open(path.join(g.getdir("data"),"WssData.pkl"),"rb") )
objects = FindObjects(wssList)

res = "Gen:50000,Step:200\n"
for i in xrange(0, len(objects)):
	x, y, val = object[i]
	x -= 1000 * i
	res += str((x, y)) + ":" + lines[i] + "\n"
with open(outputFile, "w") as text_file:
Exemplo n.º 54
   metalayer = g.addlayer()      # create new layer

# set rule to Life

Brle = Srle = "b10$b10$b26$b10$b10$b26$b10$b10$b!"
for ch in Bvalues:
    ind = 32-int(ch)*4 # because B and S values are highest at the top!
    Brle = Brle[:ind] + "o" + Brle[ind+1:]
for ch in Svalues:
    ind = 32-int(ch)*4
    Srle = Srle[:ind] + "o" + Srle[ind+1:]
RuleBits = pattern(Brle, 148, 1404) + pattern(Srle, 162, 1406)

# load or generate the OFFcell tile:
OFFcellFileName = g.getdir("data") + "metapixel-OFF.rle"
ONcellFileName = g.getdir("data") + "metapixel-ON.rle"
if os.access(OFFcellFileName, os.R_OK) and os.access(ONcellFileName, os.R_OK):
    g.show("Opening metapixel-OFF and metapixel-ON from saved pattern file.")
    OFFcell = pattern(g.transform(g.load(OFFcellFileName),-5,-5,1,0,0,1))
    ONcell = pattern(g.transform(g.load(ONcellFileName),-5,-5,1,0,0,1))

    g.show("Building OFF metacell definition...")
    # slide #21: programmables --------------------
    LWSS = pattern("b4o$o3bo$4bo$o2bo!", 8, 0)
    DiagProximityFuse = pattern("""
Exemplo n.º 55
modForward = 1
while (2 * step * modForward) % distForward != 0:
	modForward += 1

modBack = 1
while (2 * step * modBack) % distBack != 0:
	modBack += 1

modDY = distBack / modBack

#Crucial init don't mark
directionType = "B"
#dir = r'C:\Users\SimSim314\Documents\GitHub\GlueNew\Glue\MonochromaticP2'
dir = g.getdir("temp")

g.show("Loading slow salvo recipes")
recipes = RecipeConstructor()
recipes.Init("OptimizedEven.txt", "OptimizedOdd.txt", "WSS.txt")

#This code creates the Tail part of the caterloopillar
g.show("Calculating WSS relative movement for Tail")
CreateWssMovementData(recipes, dir, True)

wssMovementList = pickle.load(open(path.join(dir, str(step) + "_" + str(period) + "_ForwardWssBaseAuto.pkl"),"rb"))
wssForward = pickle.load(open(path.join(dir, str(step) + "_ForwardSalvoAuto.pkl"),"rb"))

g.show("creating the Tail part of the caterloopillar")
recipes.Goto(-23, 1)
Exemplo n.º 56
def EmulateMargolus(neighborhood,n_states,transitions,input_filename):
    '''Emulate a Margolus or square4_* neighborhood rule table with a Moore neighborhood rule tree.'''
    rule_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(input_filename)[1])[0]+'_emulated'
    total_states = 1+2*n_states
    tree = RuleTree(total_states,8)
    # now work through the transitions
    for tr in transitions:
        for iOutput,background_output in enumerate(BackgroundOutputs[neighborhood]):
            bg_inputs = BackgroundInputs[iOutput]
            iEntry = iOutput % 4  # (0=top-left, 1=top-right, 2=bottom-left, 3=bottom-right)
            rule_inputs = []
            for i in range(9):
                if ForegroundInputs[iEntry][i]==-1:
                    rule_inputs.append(encode( range(n_states), bg_inputs[i] ) + [0]) # wildcard
                    rule_inputs.append(encode( tr[ForegroundInputs[iEntry][i]], bg_inputs[i] ))
            tree.add_rule( rule_inputs, encode( tr[iEntry+4], background_output )[0] )
    # supply default behaviour: background still changes even if the state doesn't
    for iState in range(n_states):
        for iOutput,background_output in enumerate(BackgroundOutputs[neighborhood]):
            bg_inputs = BackgroundInputs[iOutput]
            tree.add_rule( [ encode( [iState], bg_inputs[0] ) ] +
                           [ encode( range(n_states), bg_inputs[i] )+[0] for i in range(1,9) ], # wildcard
                           encode( [iState], background_output )[0] )
    # output the rule tree
    golly.show("Compressing rule tree and saving to file...")
    tree.write(golly.getdir('rules') + rule_name + '.tree')
    # also save a .colors file
    golly.show("Generating colors...")

    # read rule_name+'.colors' file if it exists
    cfn = os.path.split(input_filename)[0] + '/' + os.path.splitext(os.path.split(input_filename)[1])[0] + ".colors"
        cf = open(cfn,'r')
    except IOError:
        # use Golly's default random colours
        colors = dict(zip(range(len(random_colors)),random_colors))
        # read from the .colors file
        colors = {}
        for line in cf:
            if line[0:5]=='color':
                entries = map(int,line[5:].replace('=',' ').replace('\n',' ').split())
                if len(entries)<4:
                    continue # too few entries, ignore
        # (TODO: support gradients in .colors)
    # provide a deep blue background if none provided
    if not 0 in colors:

    c = open(golly.getdir('rules')+rule_name+".colors",'w')
    for col in colors.items()[:n_states]:
        c.write('color='+str(col[0]*2+1)+' '+' '.join(map(str,col[1]))+'\n')
        c.write('color='+str(col[0]*2+2)+' '+' '.join([ str(int(x*0.7)) for x in col[1] ])+'\n')  # (darken slightly)
    return rule_name
Exemplo n.º 57
# Randomly fill cells in the current selection.
# Author: Andrew Trevorrow ([email protected]), March 2011.

import golly as g
from glife import rect, validint
from time import time
from random import randint

r = rect(g.getselrect())
if r.empty:
    g.exit("There is no selection.")

maxlive = g.numstates() - 1

# use previous values if they exist
inifilename = g.getdir("data") + "random-fill.ini"
previousvals = "50 1 " + str(maxlive)
    f = open(inifilename, "r")
    previousvals = f.readline()
    # should only happen 1st time (inifilename doesn't exist)

result = g.getstring(
    "Enter percentage minstate maxstate values\n"
    + "where the percentage is an integer from 0 to 100\n"
    + "and the state values are integers from 1 to "
    + str(maxlive)
    + "\n"