def step( self ) :
		error = None
		# print "uuid '" + self.command_line.uuid_property + "'"
		properties = {}
		broken_properties = []
		if self.command_line.uuid_property == "" or "(process." in self.command_line.uuid_property : # If you request a process property from goobi that doesn't exist, it will return the name of what you asked for. e.g. "(process.uuid)" , therefore if it containts "(process." it must not have been set yet.
			# Set a property if not set already.
			properties['uuid'] = "urn:uuid:" + str( uuid.uuid4() )
			goobi_com = GoobiCommunicate(, self.config.goobi.passcode, self.debug )
			success = True
			for property, value in properties.iteritems() :
				if not goobi_com.addProperty( self.command_line.process_id, property, value ) :
					broken_properties.append( str(property) + ":" + str(value) )
					success = False
			if not success:
				error = "Failed to create properties:- " + str(broken_properties)
		return error
	def step( s ):

			Get settings and call communicate

		error = None

		goobi_com = GoobiCommunicate(, s.config.goobi.passcode, s.debug )
		if not goobi_com.addProperty( s.command_line.process_id, s.command_line.property_name, s.command_line.property_value ) :
			error = "Failed to add exportpath property"

		return error