Exemplo n.º 1
    def create_a_post(self):
        title = "Post 1, title needs to be sufficiently long"
        content = ('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod'
                   'tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.')
        post_type = Post.QUESTION

        post = Post(title=title, content=content, author=self.user, type=post_type)

        return post
Exemplo n.º 2
 def create_post(self, post_type, parent=None, days=3):
     # Create a post.
     title = "Post 1, title needs to be sufficiently long"
     content = ('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod'
                'tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.')
     post = Post(title=title, content=content, author=self.user,
                 type=post_type, parent=parent)
     post.creation_date = datetime.today() - timedelta(days=days)
     return post
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_post_creation(self):
        "Testing post creation."
        eq = self.assertEqual

        # Create an admin user and a post.
        title = "Hello Posts!"
        email = "*****@*****.**"
        jane = User.objects.create(email=email)
        html = "<b>Hello World!</b>"
        post = Post(title=title, author=jane, type=Post.QUESTION, content=html)

        # Get the object fresh.
        post = Post.objects.get(pk=post.id)

        eq(post.type, Post.QUESTION)
        eq(post.root, post)
        eq(post.parent, post)

        # Subscriptions are automatically created
        sub = Subscription.objects.get(user=jane)
        eq(sub.user, jane)
        eq(sub.post, post)

        # A new post triggers a message to the author.
        email = "*****@*****.**"
        john = User.objects.create(email=email)
        answer = Post(author=john, parent=post, type=Post.ANSWER)

        eq(answer.root, post)
        eq(answer.parent, post)
        eq(answer.type, Post.ANSWER)

        # Add comment. The parent will override the post type.
        email = "*****@*****.**"
        bob = User.objects.create(email=email)
        comment = Post(author=bob, type=Post.QUESTION, parent=answer)

        eq(comment.root, post)
        eq(comment.parent, answer)
        eq(comment.type, Post.COMMENT)

        # Everyone posting in a thread gets a subscription to the root post of the
        subs = Subscription.objects.filter(post=post)
        eq(len(subs), 3)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_note_creation(self):
        "Testing notifications"

        eq = self.assertEqual

        # Create some users
        title = "Test"
        emails = ["*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
                  "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ]

        email_count = len(emails)

        users, posts, user = [], [], None
        parent = None
        for email in emails:
            # Create users.
            user = User.objects.create(email=email)

        # A welcome message for each user.
        eq(note_count(), email_count)

        # Create a question.
        first = users[0]
        post = Post(title=title, author=first, type=Post.QUESTION)

        answers = []
        for user in users:
            # Every user adds an answer.
            answ = Post(author=user, type=Post.ANSWER, parent=post)

        # Total number of posts
        eq(note_count(), 21)

        # Every user has one subscription to the main post
        eq(email_count, Subscription.objects.all().count())

        # Each user has a messages for content posted after
        # they started following the thread.
        for index, user in enumerate(users):
            mesg_c = Message.objects.filter(user=user).count()
            eq (mesg_c, email_count - index )
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get_object(self):
        user = self.request.user

        obj = super(PostDetails, self).get_object()

        # Update the post views.
        Post.update_post_views(obj, request=self.request)

        # Adds the permissions
        obj = post_permissions(request=self.request, post=obj)

        # This will be piggybacked on the main object.
        obj.sub = Subscription.get_sub(post=obj, user=user)

        # Bail out if not at top level.
        if not obj.is_toplevel:
            return obj

        # Populate the object to build a tree that contains all posts in the thread.
        # Answers sorted before comments.
        thread = [post_permissions(request=self.request, post=post) for post in Post.objects.get_thread(obj, user)]

        tree = OrderedDict()
        for post in thread:

            if post.type == Post.COMMENT:
                tree.setdefault(post.parent_id, []).append(post)

        store = {Vote.UP: set(), Vote.BOOKMARK: set()}

        if user.is_authenticated():
            pids = [p.id for p in thread]
            votes = Vote.objects.filter(post_id__in=pids, author=user).values_list("post_id", "type")

            for post_id, vote_type in votes:
                store.setdefault(vote_type, set()).add(post_id)

        # Shortcuts to each storage.
        bookmarks = store[Vote.BOOKMARK]
        upvotes = store[Vote.UP]

        # Can the current user accept answers
        can_accept = obj.author == user

        def decorate(post):
            post.has_bookmark = post.id in bookmarks
            post.has_upvote = post.id in upvotes
            post.can_accept = can_accept or post.has_accepted

        # Add attributes by mutating the objects
        map(decorate, thread + [obj])

        # decorate answers
        # TODO: develop a more elegant solution to check the has_bookmark, has_upvote and can_accept
        # attributes
        answers_decorated = list(obj.answers)
        map(decorate, answers_decorated)
        obj.answers_decorated = answers_decorated

        # Additional attributes used during rendering
        obj.tree = tree

        return obj
Exemplo n.º 6
    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        user = request.user

        post = self.get_obj()
        post = post_permissions(request, post)

        # The default return url
        response = HttpResponseRedirect(post.root.get_absolute_url())

        if not post.is_editable:
            messages.warning(request, "You may not moderate this post")
            return response

        # Initialize the form class.
        form = self.form_class(request.POST, pk=post.id)

        # Bail out on errors.
        if not form.is_valid():
            messages.error(request, "%s" % form.errors)
            return response

        # A shortcut to the clean form data.
        get = form.cleaned_data.get

        # These will be used in updates, will bypasses signals.
        query = Post.objects.filter(pk=post.id)
        root  = Post.objects.filter(pk=post.root_id)

        action = get('action')
        if action == OPEN and not user.is_moderator:
            messages.error(request, "Only a moderator may open a post")
            return response

        if action == MOVE_TO_ANSWER and post.type == Post.COMMENT:
            # This is a valid action only for comments.
            messages.success(request, "Moved post to answer")
            query.update(type=Post.ANSWER, parent=post.root)
            root.update(reply_count=F("reply_count") + 1)
            return response

        if action == MOVE_TO_COMMENT and post.type == Post.ANSWER:
            # This is a valid action only for answers.
            messages.success(request, "Moved post to answer")
            query.update(type=Post.COMMENT, parent=post.root)
            root.update(reply_count=F("reply_count") - 1)
            return response

        # Some actions are valid on top level posts only.
        if action in (CLOSE_OFFTOPIC, DUPLICATE) and not post.is_toplevel:
            messages.warning(request, "You can only close or open a top level post")
            return response

        if action == OPEN:
            messages.success(request, "Opened post: %s" % post.title)
            return response

        if action in CLOSE_OFFTOPIC:
            messages.success(request, "Closed post: %s" % post.title)
            content = html.render(name="messages/offtopic_posts.html", user=post.author, comment=get("comment"), post=post)
            comment = Post(content=content, type=Post.COMMENT, parent=post, author=user)
            return response

        if action == CROSSPOST:
            content = html.render(name="messages/crossposted.html", user=post.author, comment=get("comment"), post=post)
            comment = Post(content=content, type=Post.COMMENT, parent=post, author=user)
            return response

        if action == DUPLICATE:
            posts = Post.objects.filter(id__in=get("dupe"))
            content = html.render(name="messages/duplicate_posts.html", user=post.author, comment=get("comment"), posts=posts)
            comment = Post(content=content, type=Post.COMMENT, parent=post, author=user)
            return response

        if action == DELETE:

            # Delete marks a post deleted but does not remove it.
            # Remove means to delete the post from the database with no trace.

            # Posts with children or older than some value can only be deleted not removed

            # The children of a post.
            children = Post.objects.filter(parent_id=post.id).exclude(pk=post.id)

            # The condition where post can only be deleted.
            delete_only = children or post.age_in_days > 7 or post.vote_count > 1 or (post.author != user)

            if delete_only:
                # Deleted posts can be undeleted by re-opening them.
                messages.success(request, "Deleted post: %s" % post.title)
                response = HttpResponseRedirect(post.root.get_absolute_url())
                # This will remove the post. Redirect depends on the level of the post.
                url = "/" if post.is_toplevel else post.parent.get_absolute_url()
                messages.success(request, "Removed post: %s" % post.title)
                response = HttpResponseRedirect(url)

            # Recompute post reply count

            return response

        # By this time all actions should have been performed
        messages.warning(request, "That seems to be an invalid action for that post. \
                It is probably ok! Actions may be shown even when not valid.")
        return response
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_tagging(self):
        "Testing tagging."
        eq = self.assertEqual

        eq(0, Tag.objects.all().count() )

        # Create an admin user and a post.
        title = "Hello Posts!"
        email = "*****@*****.**"
        jane = User.objects.create(email=email)
        html = "<b>Hello World!</b>"
        post = Post(title=title, author=jane, type=Post.QUESTION, content=html)
        post.add_tags("t1,t2, t3")

        eq(3, Tag.objects.all().count())

        post = Post(title=title, author=jane, type=Post.QUESTION, content=html)
        post.add_tags("t1, t2, t3, t2, t1, t1")

        t1 = Tag.objects.get(name="t1")
        t3 = Tag.objects.get(name="t3")

        eq(2, t1.count)
        eq(2, t3.count)

        post.add_tags("t2 t4")

        t1 = Tag.objects.get(name="t1")
        t3 = Tag.objects.get(name="t3")

        eq(1, t1.count)
        eq(1, t3.count)