Exemplo n.º 1
def serialize_config(artifact: Artifact, data: Any) -> PbAny:
    json_data = json.dumps(data)
    msg = get_service_config_structure(artifact.module, artifact.module)()
    json_format.Parse(json_data, msg)

    output = PbAny()

    return output
    def test_unpack(self):
        # arrange
        fake_req = common_v1.InvokeRequest(method="test")
        test_data = GrpcAny()

        # act
        resp = InvokeServiceResponse(data=test_data)
        resp_proto = common_v1.InvokeRequest()

        # assert
        self.assertEqual("test", resp_proto.method)
Exemplo n.º 3
class InvokeServiceRequestData:
    """A request data representation for invoke_service API.

    This stores the request data with the proper serialization. This seralizes
    data to :obj:`google.protobuf.any_pb2.Any` if data is the type of protocol
    buffer message.

        data (:obj:`google.protobuf.any_pb2.Any`): the serialized data for
            invoke_service request.
        content_type (str, optional): the content type of data which is valid
            only for bytes array data.
    def __init__(self,
                 data: Union[bytes, str, GrpcMessage],
                 content_type: Optional[str] = None):
        """Inits InvokeServiceRequestData with data and content_type.

            data (bytes, str, or :obj:`google.protobuf.message.Message`): the data
                which is used for invoke_service request.
            content_type (str): the content_type of data when the data is bytes.
                The default content type is application/json.

            ValueError: data is not bytes or :obj:`google.protobuf.message.Message`.
        self._data = GrpcAny()

        if isinstance(data, str):
            data = data.encode('utf-8')

        if isinstance(data, bytes):
            self._data.value = data
            self._content_type = content_type
            if not content_type:
                self._content_type = DEFAULT_JSON_CONTENT_TYPE
        elif isinstance(data, GrpcMessage):
            self._content_type = None
            raise ValueError(f'invalid data type {type(data)}')

    def data(self) -> GrpcAny:
        return self._data

    def content_type(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self._content_type
 def test_is_proto_for_protobuf(self):
     fake_req = common_v1.InvokeRequest(method="test")
     test_data = GrpcAny()
     resp = InvokeServiceResponse(data=test_data)
 def test_proto(self):
     fake_req = common_v1.InvokeRequest(method="test")
     test_data = GrpcAny()
     resp = InvokeServiceResponse(data=test_data)
Exemplo n.º 6
class InvokeServiceRequest(DaprRequest):
    """A request data representation for invoke_service API.

    This stores the request data with the proper serialization. This seralizes
    data to :obj:`google.protobuf.any_pb2.Any` if data is the type of protocol
    buffer message.

        metadata(dict): A dict to include the headers from Dapr Request.
        data (str, bytes, GrpcAny, GrpcMessage, optional): the serialized data
            for invoke_service request.
        content_type (str, optional): the content type of data which is valid
            only for bytes array data.


    def __init__(self,
                 data: Union[str, bytes, GrpcAny, GrpcMessage, None] = None,
                 content_type: Optional[str] = None):
        """Inits InvokeServiceRequestData with data and content_type.

            data (bytes, str, GrpcAny, GrpcMessage, optional): the data
                which is used for invoke_service request.
            content_type (str): the content_type of data when the data is bytes.
                The default content type is application/json.

            ValueError: data is not supported.
        super(InvokeServiceRequest, self).__init__(())

        self._content_type = content_type
        self._http_verb = None
        self._http_querystring: Dict[str, str] = {}


        # Set content_type to application/json type if content_type
        # is not given and date is bytes or str type.
        if not self.is_proto() and not content_type:
            self.content_type = DEFAULT_JSON_CONTENT_TYPE

    def http_verb(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Gets HTTP method in Dapr invocation request."""
        return self._http_verb

    def http_verb(self, val: Optional[str]) -> None:
        """Sets HTTP method to Dapr invocation request."""
        if val not in self.HTTP_METHODS:
            raise ValueError(f'{val} is the invalid HTTP verb.')
        self._http_verb = val

    def http_querystring(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """Gets HTTP querystring as dict."""
        return self._http_querystring

    def is_http(self) -> bool:
        """Return true if this request is http compatible."""
        return hasattr(self, '_http_verb') and not (not self._http_verb)

    def proto(self) -> GrpcAny:
        """Gets raw data as proto any type."""
        return self._data

    def is_proto(self) -> bool:
        """Returns true if data is protocol-buffer serialized."""
        return hasattr(self, '_data') and self._data.type_url != ''

    def pack(self, val: Union[GrpcAny, GrpcMessage]) -> None:
        """Serializes protocol buffer message.

            message (:class:`GrpcMessage`, :class:`GrpcAny`): the protocol buffer message object

            ValueError: message is neither GrpcAny nor GrpcMessage.
        if isinstance(val, GrpcAny):
            self._data = val
        elif isinstance(val, GrpcMessage):
            self._data = GrpcAny()
            raise ValueError('invalid data type')

    def unpack(self, message: GrpcMessage) -> None:
        """Deserializes the serialized protocol buffer message.

            message (:obj:`GrpcMessage`): the protocol buffer message object
                to which the response data is deserialized.

            ValueError: message is not protocol buffer message object or message's type is not
                matched with the response data type
        unpack(self.proto, message)

    def data(self) -> bytes:
        """Gets request data as bytes."""
        if self.is_proto():
            raise ValueError('data is protocol buffer message object.')
        return self._data.value

    def data(self, val: Union[str, bytes]) -> None:
        """Sets str or bytes type data to request data."""

    def set_data(self, val: Union[str, bytes, GrpcAny, GrpcMessage,
                                  None]) -> None:
        """Sets data to request data."""
        if val is None:
            self._data = GrpcAny()
        elif isinstance(val, (bytes, str)):
            self._data = GrpcAny(value=to_bytes(val))
        elif isinstance(val, (GrpcAny, GrpcMessage)):
            raise ValueError(f'invalid data type {type(val)}')

    def text(self) -> str:
        """Gets the request data as str."""
        return to_str(self.data)

    def content_type(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Gets content_type for bytes data."""
        return self._content_type

    def content_type(self, val: Optional[str]) -> None:
        """Sets content type for bytes data."""
        self._content_type = val
Exemplo n.º 7
class InvokeServiceResponse(DaprResponse):
    """The response of invoke_service API.

    This inherits from DaprResponse and has the helpers to handle bytes array
    and protocol buffer data.

        headers (tuple, optional): the tuple for the headers from response.
        data (str, bytes, GrpcAny, GrpcMessage, optional): the serialized protocol
            buffer raw message
        content (bytes, optional): bytes data if response data is not serialized
            protocol buffer message
        content_type (str, optional): the type of `content`
    def __init__(self,
                 data: Union[str, bytes, GrpcAny, GrpcMessage, None] = None,
                 content_type: Optional[str] = None,
                 headers: MetadataTuple = ()):
        """Initializes InvokeServiceReponse from :obj:`common_v1.InvokeResponse`.

            data (str, bytes, GrpcAny, GrpcMessage, optional): the response data
                from Dapr response
            content_type (str, optional): the content type of the bytes data
            headers (tuple, optional): the headers from Dapr gRPC response
        super(InvokeServiceResponse, self).__init__(headers)
        self._content_type = content_type


        # Set content_type to application/json type if content_type
        # is not given and date is bytes or str type.
        if not self.is_proto() and not content_type:
            self.content_type = DEFAULT_JSON_CONTENT_TYPE

    def proto(self) -> GrpcAny:
        """Gets raw serialized protocol buffer message.

            ValueError: data is not protocol buffer message object
        return self._data

    def is_proto(self) -> bool:
        """Returns True if the response data is the serialized protocol buffer message."""
        return hasattr(self, '_data') and self._data.type_url != ''

    def data(self) -> bytes:
        """Gets raw bytes data if the response data content is not serialized
        protocol buffer message.

            ValueError: the response data is the serialized protocol buffer message
        if self.is_proto():
            raise ValueError('data is protocol buffer message object.')
        return self._data.value

    def data(self, val: Union[str, bytes]) -> None:
        """Sets str or bytes type data to request data."""

    def set_data(self, val: Union[str, bytes, GrpcAny, GrpcMessage,
                                  None]) -> None:
        """Sets data to request data."""
        if val is None:
            self._data = GrpcAny()
        elif isinstance(val, (bytes, str)):
            self._data = GrpcAny(value=to_bytes(val))
        elif isinstance(val, (GrpcAny, GrpcMessage)):
            raise ValueError(f'invalid data type {type(val)}')

    def text(self) -> str:
        """Gets content as str if the response data content is not serialized
        protocol buffer message.

            ValueError: the response data is the serialized protocol buffer message
        return to_str(self.data)

    def content_type(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Gets the content type of content attribute."""
        return self._content_type

    def content_type(self, val: Optional[str]) -> None:
        """Sets content type for bytes data."""
        self._content_type = val

    def pack(self, val: Union[GrpcAny, GrpcMessage]) -> None:
        """Serializes protocol buffer message.

            message (:class:`GrpcMessage`, :class:`GrpcAny`): the protocol buffer message object

            ValueError: message is neither GrpcAny nor GrpcMessage.
        if isinstance(val, GrpcAny):
            self._data = val
        elif isinstance(val, GrpcMessage):
            self._data = GrpcAny()
            raise ValueError('invalid data type')

    def unpack(self, message: GrpcMessage) -> None:
        """Deserializes the serialized protocol buffer message.

            message (:class:`GrpcMessage`): the protocol buffer message object
                to which the response data is deserialized.

            ValueError: message is not protocol buffer message object or message's type is not
                matched with the response data type
        unpack(self.proto, message)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def send_packet(self, packet):
     any = Any()
     Any.Pack(any, packet)
     return self.__send(any.SerializeToString())