Exemplo n.º 1
    def _ClassifyFree(self, free, pool_name):

        # Ensure free machines are unique.
        free = setlib.make_dict(free)
        free = free.keys()

        inter = setlib.intersect(free, self._used_hosts)
        if inter:
            prodlib.log('Ignoring used machines: %s' % string.join(inter))
            free = setlib.diff(free, inter)

        # Preload hardware data.
        self._mach_mgr.MachineList(free, load_hardware=1)

        # Group free machines by their defining characteristics.  This
        # allows us to examine a smaller set of free machines as
        # candidates for a replacement.
        freedict = {}

        # Prune out free without hardware information.
        for host in free:
            mach = self._mach_mgr.Machine(host)
            if not mach or not mach.hardware(): continue
            freedict.setdefault(mach.ClassString(), []).append(mach.name())

        prodlib.log('Found %d free machs from %s.\n' % (len(free), pool_name))

        return freedict
Exemplo n.º 2
  def _ClassifyFree(self, free, pool_name):

    # Ensure free machines are unique.
    free = setlib.make_dict(free)
    free = free.keys()

    inter = setlib.intersect(free, self._used_hosts)
    if inter:
      prodlib.log('Ignoring used machines: %s' % string.join(inter))
      free = setlib.diff(free, inter)

    # Preload hardware data.
    self._mach_mgr.MachineList(free, load_hardware=1)

    # Group free machines by their defining characteristics.  This
    # allows us to examine a smaller set of free machines as
    # candidates for a replacement.
    freedict = {}

    # Prune out free without hardware information.
    for host in free:
      mach = self._mach_mgr.Machine(host)
      if not mach or not mach.hardware(): continue
      freedict.setdefault(mach.ClassString(), []).append(mach.name())

    prodlib.log('Found %d free machs from %s.\n' % (len(free), pool_name))

    return freedict
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _AllocateHostFromFreePool(self,
    Allocate a machine for the passed in server from specific pool.

        cnstr_mgr = srv_mgr.constraint_mgr()

        # Find currently used compatible machines.
        used_hosts = {}
        if self._used:
            used_hosts = cnstr_mgr.Constraint('sharing').CompatibleHosts(
                srv_mgr, server)

        # Find free machine set from the free_dict - we get one of each class
        # of machines and save the others in its class.  We know that we can
        # rank members of the same class with the same score.
        free = {}
        for (machclass, hosts) in free_dict.items():
            if not hosts: continue
            free[hosts[0]] = hosts

        prodlib.log(' Allocating server for %s (used=%d, free=%d, pool=%s)' % \
              (server, len(used_hosts), len(free), pool))

        hosts = used_hosts.keys() + free.keys()
        # Exclude optional excludes.
        if self._exclude: hosts = setlib.diff(hosts, self._exclude)
        # Exclude locally specified excludes.
        if exclude: hosts = setlib.diff(hosts, exclude)

        # Save the original host.
        orig_host = server.host()

        results = []
        failed = []

        # Assign weights and prune out ones that don't fit.
        for host in hosts:
            # Replace the server's host with the candidate host and verify.
            if self._verbose: prodlib.log('    ranking candidate: %s' % host)
            srv_mgr.ReplaceServer(server, host)
            servers = [server] + used_hosts.get(host, [])
            ver_results = cnstr_mgr.VerifyServer(srv_mgr,

            if self._verbose:
                for res in ver_results:
                    if res.error(): status = 'fail'
                    else: status = 'ok'
                    prodlib.log('      %s: %s' % (status, res))

            if ver_results[-1].error():
                # Compute total weight assigned to machine.
                weight = 0.0
                for res in ver_results:
                    weight = weight + res.weight()
                if self._verbose:
                    prodlib.log('      weight: %.2f' % weight)
                # Append results for machine.  We augment the hosts with
                # free machines of the same class since these should receive
                # the same score.
                if free.has_key(host):
                    for free_host in free[host]:
                        results.append((free_host, weight))
                    results.append((host, weight))

        # Sort the results by highest weight to find the best candidate.
        results.sort(lambda x, y: -cmp(x[1], y[1]))

        for (host, weight) in results:

            prodlib.log(' Trying %s (%.2f)' % (host, weight))

            # Set server to new host.
            srv_mgr.ReplaceServer(server, host)

            if not used_hosts.has_key(host):
                # Remove the machine from the free list if necessary.
                key = self._mach_mgr.Machine(host).ClassString()
                hosts = free_dict[key]
                if hosts == []: del (free_dict[key])

            # Return the server with its newly allocated host.
            prodlib.log(' Allocated %s (%.2f)' % (server, weight))
            return server

        # Failed so replace old host.
        srv_mgr.ReplaceServer(server, orig_host)

        prodlib.log(' Unable to allocate server.')
        return None
Exemplo n.º 4
  def _AllocateHostFromFreePool(self, srv_mgr, server, pool,
                                free_dict, force=0, exclude=None):
    Allocate a machine for the passed in server from specific pool.

    cnstr_mgr = srv_mgr.constraint_mgr()

    # Find currently used compatible machines.
    used_hosts = {}
    if self._used:
      used_hosts = cnstr_mgr.Constraint('sharing').CompatibleHosts(srv_mgr,

    # Find free machine set from the free_dict - we get one of each class
    # of machines and save the others in its class.  We know that we can
    # rank members of the same class with the same score.
    free = {}
    for (machclass, hosts) in free_dict.items():
      if not hosts: continue
      free[hosts[0]] = hosts

    prodlib.log(' Allocating server for %s (used=%d, free=%d, pool=%s)' % \
          (server, len(used_hosts), len(free), pool))

    hosts = used_hosts.keys() + free.keys()
    # Exclude optional excludes.
    if self._exclude: hosts = setlib.diff(hosts, self._exclude)
    # Exclude locally specified excludes.
    if exclude: hosts = setlib.diff(hosts, exclude)

    # Save the original host.
    orig_host = server.host()

    results = []
    failed = []

    # Assign weights and prune out ones that don't fit.
    for host in hosts:
      # Replace the server's host with the candidate host and verify.
      if self._verbose: prodlib.log('    ranking candidate: %s' % host)
      srv_mgr.ReplaceServer(server, host)
      servers = [server] + used_hosts.get(host, [])
      ver_results = cnstr_mgr.VerifyServer(srv_mgr, server,

      if self._verbose:
        for res in ver_results:
          if res.error(): status = 'fail'
          else: status = 'ok'
          prodlib.log('      %s: %s' % (status, res))

      if ver_results[-1].error():
        # Compute total weight assigned to machine.
        weight = 0.0
        for res in ver_results:
          weight = weight + res.weight()
        if self._verbose:
          prodlib.log('      weight: %.2f' % weight)
        # Append results for machine.  We augment the hosts with
        # free machines of the same class since these should receive
        # the same score.
        if free.has_key(host):
          for free_host in free[host]:
            results.append((free_host, weight))
          results.append((host, weight))

    # Sort the results by highest weight to find the best candidate.
    results.sort(lambda x,y: -cmp(x[1], y[1]))

    for (host, weight) in results:

      prodlib.log(' Trying %s (%.2f)' % (host, weight))

      # Set server to new host.
      srv_mgr.ReplaceServer(server, host)

      if not used_hosts.has_key(host):
        # Remove the machine from the free list if necessary.
        key = self._mach_mgr.Machine(host).ClassString()
        hosts = free_dict[key]
        if hosts == []: del(free_dict[key])

      # Return the server with its newly allocated host.
      prodlib.log(' Allocated %s (%.2f)' % (server, weight))
      return server

    # Failed so replace old host.
    srv_mgr.ReplaceServer(server, orig_host)

    prodlib.log(' Unable to allocate server.')
    return None
Exemplo n.º 5
def LoadConfigData(config_file,
                   do_includes=0, seen_files=[], config_load_dir=None,

  # We copy base scope (which we're going to exec over)
  # since we're going to delete some protected vars that shouldn't
  # be shared.
  if base_scope is None: base_scope = {}
  base_scope = copy.deepcopy(base_scope)
  original_base_scope = copy.deepcopy(base_scope)

  # Delete vars from the base_scope which should not be propagated.
  # INCLUDES and CURRENT_CONFIG are deleted, since we don't want to
  # be affected by earlier peoples includes when we actively process
  # includes below.  Servers defined in one file aren't made
  # available either - at some point only TOP level files will have
  # servers (except for glue files).
  protected_vars = [ 'INCLUDES', 'CURRENT_CONFIG', 'SERVERS', ]
  for var in protected_vars:
    if base_scope.has_key(var): del base_scope[var]

  # The files that we load
  loaded_files = []

  # Load the raw data over base_scope.  This allows variables from
  # earlier includes to be available and referenced in later includes.
  base_data = config_namespace.ConfigNameSpace(base_scope)
  if config_file:
      base_data.ExecFile(config_file, config_dir=config_load_dir)
      if type(config_file) == types.StringType:
    except IOError:
      raise IOError('unable to load config %s' % config_file)

  shared_ports = []

  orig_servers = base_data.namespace.get('SERVERS', {})

  # Find out directory of current config file.
  if type(config_file) == types.StringType:
    (config_dir, config_name) = os.path.split(config_file)
    config_name = '<>UNNAMED<>'

  # We only allow certain variables in servers.* files.
  allowed_vars = AllowedServerConfigVars() + \
  if config_name[:len('servers.')] == 'servers.':
    my_vars = setlib.diff(base_data.namespace.keys(),
    if setlib.diff(my_vars, allowed_vars):
      raise RuntimeError('Server file %s has vars outside allowed set: %s.'
                         ' bad vars: %s'
                         % (config_file, AllowedServerConfigVars(),
                            setlib.diff(my_vars, allowed_vars)))

  # Clone seen_files to silence pycheck
  seen_files = seen_files + [config_name]

  update_data = config_namespace.ConfigNameSpace(base_data.namespace)

  # INCLUDES is a list of files to include.  For backwards compatibility
  # support this as a dictionary as well.  However, INCLUDES as a dictionary
  include_specs = []
  if do_includes:
    includes = base_data.namespace.get('INCLUDES', {})
    if type(includes) == types.ListType:
      tmp = {}
      for source in includes:
        include_specs.append((source, {'ownservers' : 1, 'include_vars' : 1}))
        tmp[source] = { 'ownservers' : 1, 'include_vars' : 1 }
      # For now convert it in the actual data to a dictionary.
      # This is necessary if there are multiple levels of includes
      # and we try to merge different types.  Once we are no longer
      # using the dictionary type include, then get rid of this
      # and a lot of this other crap can be removed.
      base_data.namespace['INCLUDES'] = tmp
      include_specs = includes.items()

    # Extend includes with the active config file.
    active_config = base_data.namespace.get('CURRENT_CONFIG')
    if active_config:
                           {'ownservers' : 1, 'include_vars' : 1}))

  for (source, options) in include_specs:

    if source in seen_files:
      raise RuntimeError("Detected loop while loading %s: %s already in %s" %
                         (config_name, source, string.join(seen_files)))

    # Test if this is a service name.
    if type(source) == types.TupleType:
      colo = source[0]
      source = source[1]
      from google3.enterprise.legacy.production.babysitter import masterconfig
      factory = masterconfig.Factory(colo, config_dir = config_load_dir)
      source = factory.GetConfigFiles(source)[0]

    # Load the included data and remove servers.
    (include_data, _, lf) = LoadConfigData(source,
    # Update the loaded files list
    for f in lf:
      if f not in loaded_files: loaded_files.append(f)

    include_servers = include_data.namespace.get('SERVERS', {})
    if include_data.namespace.has_key('SERVERS'):
      del include_data.namespace['SERVERS']

    # Process the merging options.
    server_option = options.get('ownservers', 0)
    types_option = options.get('wantedtypes', [])
    include_vars = options.get('include_vars', 1)
    server_types = servertype.CollectTypes(types_option, {})

    # Handle server merge.
    for (port, servers) in include_servers.items():

      typelvl = servertype.GetTypeLevel(port)
      if not servertype.WantedType(typelvl, server_types): continue

      if orig_servers.has_key(port):
        raise RuntimeError("Attempt to overwrite %s servers (port %s) "
                           "for service %s." % (typelvl, port, source))
      elif server_option == 0:

      orig_servers[port] = copy.deepcopy(servers)

    # Handle variable merge.
    if include_vars:

      # Apply any included segment specific variables to the top level
      # if this is a segment.  This allows us to define in one file,
      # all differing per-segment variables.
      if base_data.namespace.has_key('SEGMENT_SET') and \

         segment = base_data.namespace['SEGMENT_SET']
         vars = include_data.namespace['SEGMENT_SET_VARS']
         if not vars.has_key(segment):
           raise RuntimeError('Segment %s data not found in SEGMENT_SET_VARS '
                              'for %s' % (segment, source))
         vars = vars[segment]

         # We change the variable values here for purposes of
         # regression testing.  This makes data.* files return
         # standard values.
         if segment_data.UseFakeData():
           vars = segment_data.MakeFakeSetVars(vars, segment)
         tmp_data = config_namespace.ConfigNameSpace(vars)
         include_data.MergeNamespace(tmp_data, 1)

      update_data.MergeNamespace(include_data, 1)

  # Merge included data into the params which contains the defaults.
  update_data.MergeNamespace(base_data, 1)

  # Convert the final servers map into lists (if needed) and save it.
  update_data.namespace['SERVERS'] = GetServers(orig_servers)

  return (update_data, shared_ports, loaded_files)
Exemplo n.º 6
def LoadConfigData(config_file,

    # We copy base scope (which we're going to exec over)
    # since we're going to delete some protected vars that shouldn't
    # be shared.
    if base_scope is None: base_scope = {}
    base_scope = copy.deepcopy(base_scope)
    original_base_scope = copy.deepcopy(base_scope)

    # Delete vars from the base_scope which should not be propagated.
    # INCLUDES and CURRENT_CONFIG are deleted, since we don't want to
    # be affected by earlier peoples includes when we actively process
    # includes below.  Servers defined in one file aren't made
    # available either - at some point only TOP level files will have
    # servers (except for glue files).
    protected_vars = [
    for var in protected_vars:
        if base_scope.has_key(var): del base_scope[var]

    # The files that we load
    loaded_files = []

    # Load the raw data over base_scope.  This allows variables from
    # earlier includes to be available and referenced in later includes.
    base_data = config_namespace.ConfigNameSpace(base_scope)
    if config_file:
            base_data.ExecFile(config_file, config_dir=config_load_dir)
            if type(config_file) == types.StringType:
                    GetConfigFilePath(config_file, config_dir=config_load_dir))
        except IOError:
            raise IOError('unable to load config %s' % config_file)

    shared_ports = []

    orig_servers = base_data.namespace.get('SERVERS', {})

    # Find out directory of current config file.
    if type(config_file) == types.StringType:
        (config_dir, config_name) = os.path.split(config_file)
        config_name = '<>UNNAMED<>'

    # We only allow certain variables in servers.* files.
    allowed_vars = AllowedServerConfigVars() + \
    if config_name[:len('servers.')] == 'servers.':
        my_vars = setlib.diff(base_data.namespace.keys(),
        if setlib.diff(my_vars, allowed_vars):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Server file %s has vars outside allowed set: %s.'
                ' bad vars: %s' % (config_file, AllowedServerConfigVars(),
                                   setlib.diff(my_vars, allowed_vars)))

    # Clone seen_files to silence pycheck
    seen_files = seen_files + [config_name]

    update_data = config_namespace.ConfigNameSpace(base_data.namespace)

    # INCLUDES is a list of files to include.  For backwards compatibility
    # support this as a dictionary as well.  However, INCLUDES as a dictionary
    # is DEPRECATED.
    include_specs = []
    if do_includes:
        includes = base_data.namespace.get('INCLUDES', {})
        if type(includes) == types.ListType:
            tmp = {}
            for source in includes:
                include_specs.append((source, {
                    'ownservers': 1,
                    'include_vars': 1
                tmp[source] = {'ownservers': 1, 'include_vars': 1}
            # For now convert it in the actual data to a dictionary.
            # This is necessary if there are multiple levels of includes
            # and we try to merge different types.  Once we are no longer
            # using the dictionary type include, then get rid of this
            # and a lot of this other crap can be removed.
            base_data.namespace['INCLUDES'] = tmp
            include_specs = includes.items()

        # Extend includes with the active config file.
        active_config = base_data.namespace.get('CURRENT_CONFIG')
        if active_config:
            include_specs.append((active_config, {
                'ownservers': 1,
                'include_vars': 1

    for (source, options) in include_specs:

        if source in seen_files:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Detected loop while loading %s: %s already in %s" %
                (config_name, source, string.join(seen_files)))

        # Test if this is a service name.
        if type(source) == types.TupleType:
            colo = source[0]
            source = source[1]
            from google3.enterprise.legacy.production.babysitter import masterconfig
            factory = masterconfig.Factory(colo, config_dir=config_load_dir)
            source = factory.GetConfigFiles(source)[0]

        # Load the included data and remove servers.
        (include_data, _,
         lf) = LoadConfigData(source,
        # Update the loaded files list
        for f in lf:
            if f not in loaded_files: loaded_files.append(f)

        include_servers = include_data.namespace.get('SERVERS', {})
        if include_data.namespace.has_key('SERVERS'):
            del include_data.namespace['SERVERS']

        # Process the merging options.
        server_option = options.get('ownservers', 0)
        types_option = options.get('wantedtypes', [])
        include_vars = options.get('include_vars', 1)
        server_types = servertype.CollectTypes(types_option, {})

        # Handle server merge.
        for (port, servers) in include_servers.items():

            typelvl = servertype.GetTypeLevel(port)
            if not servertype.WantedType(typelvl, server_types): continue

            if orig_servers.has_key(port):
                raise RuntimeError("Attempt to overwrite %s servers (port %s) "
                                   "for service %s." % (typelvl, port, source))
            elif server_option == 0:

            orig_servers[port] = copy.deepcopy(servers)

        # Handle variable merge.
        if include_vars:

            # Apply any included segment specific variables to the top level
            # if this is a segment.  This allows us to define in one file,
            # all differing per-segment variables.
            if base_data.namespace.has_key('SEGMENT_SET') and \

                segment = base_data.namespace['SEGMENT_SET']
                vars = include_data.namespace['SEGMENT_SET_VARS']
                if not vars.has_key(segment):
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        'Segment %s data not found in SEGMENT_SET_VARS '
                        'for %s' % (segment, source))
                vars = vars[segment]

                # We change the variable values here for purposes of
                # regression testing.  This makes data.* files return
                # standard values.
                if segment_data.UseFakeData():
                    vars = segment_data.MakeFakeSetVars(vars, segment)
                tmp_data = config_namespace.ConfigNameSpace(vars)
                include_data.MergeNamespace(tmp_data, 1)

            update_data.MergeNamespace(include_data, 1)

    # Merge included data into the params which contains the defaults.
    update_data.MergeNamespace(base_data, 1)

    # Convert the final servers map into lists (if needed) and save it.
    update_data.namespace['SERVERS'] = GetServers(orig_servers)

    return (update_data, shared_ports, loaded_files)