class DeploymentmanagerDeploymentsListRequest(_messages.Message):
    """A DeploymentmanagerDeploymentsListRequest object.

    filter: Sets a filter expression for filtering listed resources, in the
      form filter={expression}. Your {expression} must be in the format:
      field_name comparison_string literal_string.  The field_name is the name
      of the field you want to compare. Only atomic field types are supported
      (string, number, boolean). The comparison_string must be either eq
      (equals) or ne (not equals). The literal_string is the string value to
      filter to. The literal value must be valid for the type of field you are
      filtering by (string, number, boolean). For string fields, the literal
      value is interpreted as a regular expression using RE2 syntax. The
      literal value must match the entire field.  For example, to filter for
      instances that do not have a name of example-instance, you would use
      filter=name ne example-instance.  Compute Engine Beta API Only: When
      filtering in the Beta API, you can also filter on nested fields. For
      example, you could filter on instances that have set the
      scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested
      fields to take advantage of labels to organize and search for results
      based on label values.  The Beta API also supports filtering on multiple
      expressions by providing each separate expression within parentheses.
      For example, (scheduling.automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-
      central1-f). Multiple expressions are treated as AND expressions,
      meaning that resources must match all expressions to pass the filters.
    maxResults: The maximum number of results per page that should be
      returned. If the number of available results is larger than maxResults,
      Compute Engine returns a nextPageToken that can be used to get the next
      page of results in subsequent list requests.
    pageToken: Specifies a page token to use. Set pageToken to the
      nextPageToken returned by a previous list request to get the next page
      of results.
    project: The project ID for this request.

    filter = _messages.StringField(1)
    maxResults = _messages.IntegerField(2,
    pageToken = _messages.StringField(3)
    project = _messages.StringField(4, required=True)
class Status(_messages.Message):
    """A Status object.

    DetailsValueListEntry: A DetailsValueListEntry object.

    code: A integer attribute.
    details: A DetailsValueListEntry attribute.
    message: A string attribute.
    class DetailsValueListEntry(_messages.Message):
        """A DetailsValueListEntry object.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a DetailsValueListEntry

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            """An additional property for a DetailsValueListEntry object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A extra_types.JsonValue attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.MessageField('extra_types.JsonValue', 2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    code = _messages.IntegerField(1, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    details = _messages.MessageField('DetailsValueListEntry', 2, repeated=True)
    message = _messages.StringField(3)
class IamProjectsServiceAccountsListRequest(_messages.Message):
    """A IamProjectsServiceAccountsListRequest object.

    name: Required. The resource name of the project associated with the
      service accounts, such as "projects/my-project-123"
    pageSize: Optional limit on the number of service accounts to include in
      the response. Further accounts can subsequently be obtained by including
      the [ListServiceAccountsResponse.next_page_token] in a subsequent
    pageToken: Optional pagination token returned in an earlier
    removeDeletedServiceAccounts: Do not list service accounts deleted from
      Gaia. <b><font color="red">DO NOT INCLUDE IN EXTERNAL

    name = _messages.StringField(1, required=True)
    pageSize = _messages.IntegerField(2, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    pageToken = _messages.StringField(3)
    removeDeletedServiceAccounts = _messages.BooleanField(4)
Exemplo n.º 4
class ApiUploadInfo(messages.Message):
    """Media upload information for a method.

      accept: (repeated) MIME Media Ranges for acceptable media uploads
          to this method.
      max_size: (integer) Maximum size of a media upload, such as 3MB
          or 1TB (converted to an integer).
      resumable_path: Path to use for resumable uploads.
      resumable_multipart: (boolean) Whether or not the resumable endpoint
          supports multipart uploads.
      simple_path: Path to use for simple uploads.
      simple_multipart: (boolean) Whether or not the simple endpoint
          supports multipart uploads.
    accept = messages.StringField(1, repeated=True)
    max_size = messages.IntegerField(2)
    resumable_path = messages.StringField(3)
    resumable_multipart = messages.BooleanField(4)
    simple_path = messages.StringField(5)
    simple_multipart = messages.BooleanField(6)
Exemplo n.º 5
class FieldDescriptor(messages.Message):
    """Field definition descriptor.

      Variant: Wire format hint sub-types for field.
      Label: Values for optional, required and repeated fields.

      name: Name of field.
      number: Number of field.
      variant: Variant of field.
      type_name: Type name for message and enum fields.
      default_value: String representation of default value.

    Variant = messages.Variant  # pylint:disable=invalid-name

    class Label(messages.Enum):
        """Field label."""

        OPTIONAL = 1
        REQUIRED = 2
        REPEATED = 3

    name = messages.StringField(1, required=True)
    number = messages.IntegerField(3,
    label = messages.EnumField(Label, 4, default=Label.OPTIONAL)
    variant = messages.EnumField(Variant, 5)
    type_name = messages.StringField(6)

    # For numeric types, contains the original text representation of
    #   the value.
    # For booleans, "true" or "false".
    # For strings, contains the default text contents (not escaped in any
    #   way).
    # For bytes, contains the C escaped value.  All bytes < 128 are that are
    #   traditionally considered unprintable are also escaped.
    default_value = messages.StringField(7)
class Endpoint(_messages.Message):
    """A Endpoint object.

    addresses: User-provided addresses / ports of the service represented by
      an endpoint.
    creationTimestamp: [Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text
    description: An optional user-provided description of the endpoint.
    dnsIntegration: The DNS Integration configuration for this endpoint. This
      must be a list of fully-qualified URLs to Compute Engine networks.
    fingerprint: Supply the fingerprint value for update requests. The
      fingerprint value is generated by the server and ensures optimistic
      concurrency (so that only one update can be performed at a time). The
      fingerprint changes after each update.
    id: [Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the
    name: A user-provided name of the endpoint, which must be unique within
      the project. The name must comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name
      must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression
      [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a
      lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase
      letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.
    selfLink: [Output Only] Self link for the endpoint.
    state: [Output Only] The current state of the endpoint, as determined by
      the system.

    addresses = _messages.MessageField('EndpointEndpointAddress',
    creationTimestamp = _messages.StringField(2)
    description = _messages.StringField(3)
    dnsIntegration = _messages.MessageField('EndpointDnsIntegration', 4)
    fingerprint = _messages.BytesField(5)
    id = _messages.IntegerField(6, variant=_messages.Variant.UINT64)
    name = _messages.StringField(7)
    selfLink = _messages.StringField(8)
    state = _messages.StringField(9)
class PipelineResources(_messages.Message):
    """The system resources for the pipeline run.

    disks: Disks to attach.
    minimumCpuCores: Required at create time; optional at run time. The
      minimum number of cores to use.
    minimumRamGb: Required at create time; optional at run time. The minimum
      amount of RAM to use.
    preemptible: Optional. At create time means that preemptible machines may
      be used for the run. At run time, means they should be used. Cannot be
      true at run time if false at create time.
    zones: List of Google Compute Engine availability zones to which resource
      creation will restricted. If empty, any zone may be chosen.

    disks = _messages.MessageField('Disk', 1, repeated=True)
    minimumCpuCores = _messages.IntegerField(2,
    minimumRamGb = _messages.FloatField(3)
    preemptible = _messages.BooleanField(4)
    zones = _messages.StringField(5, repeated=True)
class HttpRequestContext(_messages.Message):
  """HTTP request data that is related to a reported error. This data should
  be provided by the application when reporting an error, unless the error
  report has been generated automatically from Google App Engine logs. All
  fields are optional.

    method: The type of HTTP request, such as `GET`, `POST`, etc.
    referrer: The referrer information that is provided with the request.
    remoteIp: The IP address from which the request originated. This can be
      IPv4, IPv6, or a token which is derived from the IP address, depending
      on the data that has been provided in the error report.
    responseStatusCode: The HTTP response status code for the request.
    url: The URL of the request.
    userAgent: The user agent information that is provided with the request.

  method = _messages.StringField(1)
  referrer = _messages.StringField(2)
  remoteIp = _messages.StringField(3)
  responseStatusCode = _messages.IntegerField(4, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  url = _messages.StringField(5)
  userAgent = _messages.StringField(6)
class DnsResourceRecordSetsListRequest(_messages.Message):
  """A DnsResourceRecordSetsListRequest object.

    managedZone: Identifies the managed zone addressed by this request. Can be
      the managed zone name or id.
    maxResults: Optional. Maximum number of results to be returned. If
      unspecified, the server will decide how many results to return.
    name: Restricts the list to return only records with this fully qualified
      domain name.
    pageToken: Optional. A tag returned by a previous list request that was
      truncated. Use this parameter to continue a previous list request.
    project: Identifies the project addressed by this request.
    type: Restricts the list to return only records of this type. If present,
      the "name" parameter must also be present.

  managedZone = _messages.StringField(1, required=True)
  maxResults = _messages.IntegerField(2, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  name = _messages.StringField(3)
  pageToken = _messages.StringField(4)
  project = _messages.StringField(5, required=True)
  type = _messages.StringField(6)
Exemplo n.º 10
class CloudresourcemanagerOrganizationsListRequest(_messages.Message):
    """A CloudresourcemanagerOrganizationsListRequest object.

    filter: An optional query string used to filter the Organizations to
      return in the response. Filter rules are case-insensitive.
      Organizations may be filtered by `owner.directoryCustomerId` or by
      `domain`, where the domain is a Google for Work domain, for example:
      |Filter|Description| |------|-----------|
      |owner.directorycustomerid:123456789|Organizations with
      `owner.directory_customer_id` equal to `123456789`.|
      ||Organizations corresponding to the domain
      ``.|  This field is optional.
    pageSize: The maximum number of Organizations to return in the response.
      This field is optional.
    pageToken: A pagination token returned from a previous call to
      `ListOrganizations` that indicates from where listing should continue.
      This field is optional.

    filter = _messages.StringField(1)
    pageSize = _messages.IntegerField(2, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    pageToken = _messages.StringField(3)
Exemplo n.º 11
class NodePool(_messages.Message):
  """NodePool contains the name and configuration for a cluster's node pool.
  Node pools are a set of nodes (i.e. VM's), with a common configuration and
  specification, under the control of the cluster master. They may have a set
  of Kubernetes labels applied to them, which may be used to reference them
  during pod scheduling. They may also be resized up or down, to accommodate
  the workload.

    config: The node configuration of the pool.
    initialNodeCount: The initial node count for the pool.
    instanceGroupUrl: [Output only] The resource URLs of [instance
      groups](/compute/docs/instance-groups/) associated with this node pool.
    name: The name of the node pool.
    selfLink: Server-defined URL for the resource.
    version: The version of the Kubernetes of this node.

  config = _messages.MessageField('NodeConfig', 1)
  initialNodeCount = _messages.IntegerField(2, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  instanceGroupUrl = _messages.StringField(3)
  name = _messages.StringField(4)
  selfLink = _messages.StringField(5)
  version = _messages.StringField(6)
class Zone(_messages.Message):
  """A Zone object.

    creationTimestamp: A string attribute.
    deprecated: A DeprecationStatus attribute.
    description: A string attribute.
    id: A string attribute.
    kind: [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#zone for zones.
    name: A string attribute.
    region: A string attribute.
    selfLink: A string attribute.
    status: A string attribute.

  creationTimestamp = _messages.StringField(1)
  deprecated = _messages.MessageField('DeprecationStatus', 2)
  description = _messages.StringField(3)
  id = _messages.IntegerField(4, variant=_messages.Variant.UINT64)
  kind = _messages.StringField(5, default=u'autoscaler#zone')
  name = _messages.StringField(6)
  region = _messages.StringField(7)
  selfLink = _messages.StringField(8)
  status = _messages.StringField(9)
class GenomicsOperationsListRequest(_messages.Message):
  """A GenomicsOperationsListRequest object.

    filter: A string for filtering Operations. The following filter fields are
      supported&#58;  * projectId&#58; Required. Corresponds to
      OperationMetadata.projectId. * createTime&#58; The time this job was
      created, in seconds from the
      [epoch]( Can use `>=` and/or
      `<=`   operators. * status&#58; Can be `RUNNING`, `SUCCESS`, `FAILURE`,
      or `CANCELED`. Only   one status may be specified.  Examples&#58;  *
      `projectId = my-project AND createTime >= 1432140000` * `projectId = my-
      project AND createTime >= 1432140000 AND createTime <= 1432150000 AND
      status = RUNNING`
    name: The name of the operation collection.
    pageSize: The maximum number of results to return. If unspecified,
      defaults to 256. The maximum value is 2048.
    pageToken: The standard list page token.

  filter = _messages.StringField(1)
  name = _messages.StringField(2, required=True)
  pageSize = _messages.IntegerField(3, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  pageToken = _messages.StringField(4)
Exemplo n.º 14
class Cluster(_messages.Message):
    """A Google Container Engine cluster.

    StatusValueValuesEnum: [Output only] The current status of this cluster.

    addonsConfig: Configurations for the various addons available to run in
      the cluster.
    clusterIpv4Cidr: The IP address range of the container pods in this
      cluster, in [CIDR](
      Domain_Routing) notation (e.g. ``). Leave blank to have one
      automatically chosen or specify a `/14` block in ``.
    createTime: [Output only] The time the cluster was created, in
      [RFC3339]( text format.
    currentMasterVersion: [Output only] The current software version of the
      master endpoint.
    currentNodeCount: [Output only] The number of nodes currently in the
    currentNodeVersion: [Output only] The current version of the node software
      components. If they are currently at multiple versions because they're
      in the process of being upgraded, this reflects the minimum version of
      all nodes.
    description: An optional description of this cluster.
    endpoint: [Output only] The IP address of this cluster's master endpoint.
      The endpoint can be accessed from the internet at
      `https://username:password@endpoint/`.  See the `masterAuth` property of
      this resource for username and password information.
    initialClusterVersion: [Output only] The software version of the master
      endpoint and kubelets used in the cluster when it was first created. The
      version can be upgraded over time.
    initialNodeCount: The number of nodes to create in this cluster. You must
      ensure that your Compute Engine <a href="/compute/docs/resource-
      quotas">resource quota</a> is sufficient for this number of instances.
      You must also have available firewall and routes quota. For requests,
      this field should only be used in lieu of a "node_pool" object, since
      this configuration (along with the "node_config") will be used to create
      a "NodePool" object with an auto-generated name. Do not use this and a
      node_pool at the same time.
    instanceGroupUrls: [Output only] The resource URLs of [instance
      groups](/compute/docs/instance-groups/) associated with this cluster.
    locations: The list of Google Compute Engine
      [locations](/compute/docs/zones#available) in which the cluster's nodes
      should be located.
    loggingService: The logging service the cluster should use to write logs.
      Currently available options:  * `` - the Google
      Cloud Logging service. * `none` - no logs will be exported from the
      cluster. * if left as an empty string,`` will be
    masterAuth: The authentication information for accessing the master
    monitoringService: The monitoring service the cluster should use to write
      metrics. Currently available options:  * `` -
      the Google Cloud Monitoring service. * `none` - no metrics will be
      exported from the cluster. * if left as an empty string,
      `` will be used.
    name: The name of this cluster. The name must be unique within this
      project and zone, and can be up to 40 characters with the following
      restrictions:  * Lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens only. * Must
      start with a letter. * Must end with a number or a letter.
    network: The name of the Google Compute Engine [network](/compute/docs
      /networks-and-firewalls#networks) to which the cluster is connected. If
      left unspecified, the `default` network will be used.
    nodeConfig: Parameters used in creating the cluster's nodes. See
      `nodeConfig` for the description of its properties. For requests, this
      field should only be used in lieu of a "node_pool" object, since this
      configuration (along with the "initial_node_count") will be used to
      create a "NodePool" object with an auto-generated name. Do not use this
      and a node_pool at the same time. For responses, this field will be
      populated with the node configuration of the first node pool.  If
      unspecified, the defaults are used.
    nodeIpv4CidrSize: [Output only] The size of the address space on each node
      for hosting containers. This is provisioned from within the
      `container_ipv4_cidr` range.
    nodePools: The node pools associated with this cluster. When creating a
      new cluster, only a single node pool should be specified. This field
      should not be set if "node_config" or "initial_node_count" are
    selfLink: [Output only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
    servicesIpv4Cidr: [Output only] The IP address range of the Kubernetes
      services in this cluster, in [CIDR](
      /Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing) notation (e.g. ``). Service
      addresses are typically put in the last `/16` from the container CIDR.
    status: [Output only] The current status of this cluster.
    statusMessage: [Output only] Additional information about the current
      status of this cluster, if available.
    subnetwork: The name of the Google Compute Engine
      [subnetwork](/compute/docs/subnetworks) to which the cluster is
    zone: [Output only] The name of the Google Compute Engine
      [zone](/compute/docs/zones#available) in which the cluster resides.
    class StatusValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        """[Output only] The current status of this cluster.

      PROVISIONING: The PROVISIONING state indicates the cluster is being
      RUNNING: The RUNNING state indicates the cluster has been created and is
        fully usable.
      RECONCILING: The RECONCILING state indicates that some work is actively
        being done on the cluster, such as upgrading the master or node
        software. Details can be found in the `statusMessage` field.
      STOPPING: The STOPPING state indicates the cluster is being deleted.
      ERROR: The ERROR state indicates the cluster may be unusable. Details
        can be found in the `statusMessage` field.
        PROVISIONING = 1
        RUNNING = 2
        RECONCILING = 3
        STOPPING = 4
        ERROR = 5

    addonsConfig = _messages.MessageField('AddonsConfig', 1)
    clusterIpv4Cidr = _messages.StringField(2)
    createTime = _messages.StringField(3)
    currentMasterVersion = _messages.StringField(4)
    currentNodeCount = _messages.IntegerField(5,
    currentNodeVersion = _messages.StringField(6)
    description = _messages.StringField(7)
    endpoint = _messages.StringField(8)
    initialClusterVersion = _messages.StringField(9)
    initialNodeCount = _messages.IntegerField(10,
    instanceGroupUrls = _messages.StringField(11, repeated=True)
    locations = _messages.StringField(12, repeated=True)
    loggingService = _messages.StringField(13)
    masterAuth = _messages.MessageField('MasterAuth', 14)
    monitoringService = _messages.StringField(15)
    name = _messages.StringField(16)
    network = _messages.StringField(17)
    nodeConfig = _messages.MessageField('NodeConfig', 18)
    nodeIpv4CidrSize = _messages.IntegerField(19,
    nodePools = _messages.MessageField('NodePool', 20, repeated=True)
    selfLink = _messages.StringField(21)
    servicesIpv4Cidr = _messages.StringField(22)
    status = _messages.EnumField('StatusValueValuesEnum', 23)
    statusMessage = _messages.StringField(24)
    subnetwork = _messages.StringField(25)
    zone = _messages.StringField(26)
Exemplo n.º 15
class Operation(_messages.Message):
  """An operation resource, used to manage asynchronous API requests.

    StatusValueValuesEnum: [Output Only] Status of the operation.

    ErrorValue: [Output Only] If errors occurred during processing of this
      operation, this field will be populated.
    WarningsValueListEntry: A WarningsValueListEntry object.

    clientOperationId: [Output only] An optional identifier specified by the
      client when the mutation was initiated. Must be unique for all operation
      resources in the project.
    creationTimestamp: [Output Only] The time that this operation was
      requested, in RFC3339 text format.
    endTime: [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed, in
      RFC3339 text format.
    error: [Output Only] If errors occurred during processing of this
      operation, this field will be populated.
    httpErrorMessage: [Output only] If operation fails, the HTTP error message
    httpErrorStatusCode: [Output only] If operation fails, the HTTP error
      status code returned.
    id: [Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource, generated by the
    insertTime: [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested, in
      RFC3339 text format.
    kind: [Output only] Type of the resource.
    name: [Output Only] Name of the resource.
    operationType: [Output only] Type of the operation. Operations include
      insert, update, and delete.
    progress: [Output only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0
      to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any
      granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess at when the
      operation will be complete. This number should be monotonically
      increasing as the operation progresses.
    region: [Output Only] URL of the region where the operation resides. Only
      available when performing regional operations.
    selfLink: [Output Only] Server-defined fully-qualified URL for this
    startTime: [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the
      server, in RFC3339 text format.
    status: [Output Only] Status of the operation.
    statusMessage: [Output Only] An optional textual description of the
      current status of the operation.
    targetId: [Output Only] Unique target ID which identifies a particular
      incarnation of the target.
    targetLink: [Output only] URL of the resource the operation is mutating.
    user: [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example:
      [email protected].
    warnings: [Output Only] If there are issues with this operation, a warning
      is returned.
    zone: [Output Only] URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only
      available when performing per-zone operations.

  class StatusValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
    """[Output Only] Status of the operation.

      DONE: <no description>
      PENDING: <no description>
      RUNNING: <no description>
    DONE = 0
    PENDING = 1
    RUNNING = 2

  class ErrorValue(_messages.Message):
    """[Output Only] If errors occurred during processing of this operation,
    this field will be populated.

      ErrorsValueListEntry: A ErrorsValueListEntry object.

      errors: [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing
        this operation.

    class ErrorsValueListEntry(_messages.Message):
      """A ErrorsValueListEntry object.

        code: [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        location: [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request which
          caused the error. This property is optional.
        message: [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.

      code = _messages.StringField(1)
      location = _messages.StringField(2)
      message = _messages.StringField(3)

    errors = _messages.MessageField('ErrorsValueListEntry', 1, repeated=True)

  class WarningsValueListEntry(_messages.Message):
    """A WarningsValueListEntry object.

      CodeValueValuesEnum: [Output only] The warning type identifier for this

      DataValueListEntry: A DataValueListEntry object.

      code: [Output only] The warning type identifier for this warning.
      data: [Output only] Metadata for this warning in key:value format.
      message: [Output only] Optional human-readable details for this warning.

    class CodeValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
      """[Output only] The warning type identifier for this warning.

        DEPRECATED_RESOURCE_USED: <no description>
        DISK_SIZE_LARGER_THAN_IMAGE_SIZE: <no description>
        INJECTED_KERNELS_DEPRECATED: <no description>
        NEXT_HOP_ADDRESS_NOT_ASSIGNED: <no description>
        NEXT_HOP_CANNOT_IP_FORWARD: <no description>
        NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND: <no description>
        NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE_NOT_ON_NETWORK: <no description>
        NEXT_HOP_NOT_RUNNING: <no description>
        NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE: <no description>
        REQUIRED_TOS_AGREEMENT: <no description>
        RESOURCE_NOT_DELETED: <no description>
        UNREACHABLE: <no description>
      UNREACHABLE = 12

    class DataValueListEntry(_messages.Message):
      """A DataValueListEntry object.

        key: [Output Only] Metadata key for this warning.
        value: [Output Only] Metadata value for this warning.

      key = _messages.StringField(1)
      value = _messages.StringField(2)

    code = _messages.EnumField('CodeValueValuesEnum', 1)
    data = _messages.MessageField('DataValueListEntry', 2, repeated=True)
    message = _messages.StringField(3)

  clientOperationId = _messages.StringField(1)
  creationTimestamp = _messages.StringField(2)
  endTime = _messages.StringField(3)
  error = _messages.MessageField('ErrorValue', 4)
  httpErrorMessage = _messages.StringField(5)
  httpErrorStatusCode = _messages.IntegerField(6, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  id = _messages.IntegerField(7, variant=_messages.Variant.UINT64)
  insertTime = _messages.StringField(8)
  kind = _messages.StringField(9, default=u'replicapool#operation')
  name = _messages.StringField(10)
  operationType = _messages.StringField(11)
  progress = _messages.IntegerField(12, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  region = _messages.StringField(13)
  selfLink = _messages.StringField(14)
  startTime = _messages.StringField(15)
  status = _messages.EnumField('StatusValueValuesEnum', 16)
  statusMessage = _messages.StringField(17)
  targetId = _messages.IntegerField(18, variant=_messages.Variant.UINT64)
  targetLink = _messages.StringField(19)
  user = _messages.StringField(20)
  warnings = _messages.MessageField('WarningsValueListEntry', 21, repeated=True)
  zone = _messages.StringField(22)
class Resource(_messages.Message):
    """Resource message type.

    WarningsValueListEntry: A WarningsValueListEntry object.

    finalProperties: [Output Only] The evaluated properties of the resource
      with references expanded. Returned as serialized YAML.
    id: [Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the
    insertTime: [Output Only] Timestamp when the resource was created or
      acquired, in RFC3339 text format .
    manifest: [Output Only] URL of the manifest representing the current
      configuration of this resource.
    name: [Output Only] The name of the resource as it appears in the YAML
    properties: [Output Only] The current properties of the resource before
      any references have been filled in. Returned as serialized YAML.
    type: [Output Only] The type of the resource, for example
      compute.v1.instance, or replicaPools.v1beta2.instanceGroupManager.
    update: [Output Only] If Deployment Manager is currently updating or
      previewing an update to this resource, the updated configuration appears
    updateTime: [Output Only] Timestamp when the resource was updated, in
      RFC3339 text format .
    url: [Output Only] The URL of the actual resource.
    warnings: [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during
      processing of this resource, this field will be populated.
    class WarningsValueListEntry(_messages.Message):
        """A WarningsValueListEntry object.

      DataValueListEntry: A DataValueListEntry object.

      code: [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute
        Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the
      data: [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format.
        For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
      message: [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
        class DataValueListEntry(_messages.Message):
            """A DataValueListEntry object.

        key: [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning
          being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results
          in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and
          the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key
          indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a
          warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance
          attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        value: [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        code = _messages.StringField(1)
        data = _messages.MessageField('DataValueListEntry', 2, repeated=True)
        message = _messages.StringField(3)

    finalProperties = _messages.StringField(1)
    id = _messages.IntegerField(2, variant=_messages.Variant.UINT64)
    insertTime = _messages.StringField(3)
    manifest = _messages.StringField(4)
    name = _messages.StringField(5)
    properties = _messages.StringField(6)
    type = _messages.StringField(7)
    update = _messages.MessageField('ResourceUpdate', 8)
    updateTime = _messages.StringField(9)
    url = _messages.StringField(10)
    warnings = _messages.MessageField('WarningsValueListEntry',
class Operation(_messages.Message):
    """An Operation resource, used to manage asynchronous API requests.

    ErrorValue: [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the
      operation, this field will be populated.
    WarningsValueListEntry: A WarningsValueListEntry object.

    clientOperationId: [Output Only] Reserved for future use.
    creationTimestamp: [Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text
    description: [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which
      is set when the operation is created.
    endTime: [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This
      value is in RFC3339 text format.
    error: [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the
      operation, this field will be populated.
    httpErrorMessage: [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field
      contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as NOT FOUND.
    httpErrorStatusCode: [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field
      contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a
      404 means the resource was not found.
    id: [Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier
      is defined by the server.
    insertTime: [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This
      value is in RFC3339 text format.
    kind: [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#operation for
      Operation resources.
    name: [Output Only] Name of the resource.
    operationType: [Output Only] The type of operation, such as insert,
      update, or delete, and so on.
    progress: [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0
      to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any
      granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the
      operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as
      the operation progresses.
    region: [Output Only] The URL of the region where the operation resides.
      Only available when performing regional operations.
    selfLink: [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
    startTime: [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the
      server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
    status: [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the
      following: PENDING, RUNNING, or DONE.
    statusMessage: [Output Only] An optional textual description of the
      current status of the operation.
    targetId: [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific
      incarnation of the target resource.
    targetLink: [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation
    user: [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example:
      [email protected].
    warnings: [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during
      processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    zone: [Output Only] The URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only
      available when performing per-zone operations.
    class ErrorValue(_messages.Message):
        """[Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the
    operation, this field will be populated.

      ErrorsValueListEntry: A ErrorsValueListEntry object.

      errors: [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing
        this operation.
        class ErrorsValueListEntry(_messages.Message):
            """A ErrorsValueListEntry object.

        code: [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        location: [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused
          the error. This property is optional.
        message: [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.

            code = _messages.StringField(1)
            location = _messages.StringField(2)
            message = _messages.StringField(3)

        errors = _messages.MessageField('ErrorsValueListEntry',

    class WarningsValueListEntry(_messages.Message):
        """A WarningsValueListEntry object.

      DataValueListEntry: A DataValueListEntry object.

      code: [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute
        Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the
      data: [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format.
        For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
      message: [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.
        class DataValueListEntry(_messages.Message):
            """A DataValueListEntry object.

        key: [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning
          being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results
          in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and
          the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key
          indicating a deprecated resource and a suggested replacement, or a
          warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance
          attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        value: [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        code = _messages.StringField(1)
        data = _messages.MessageField('DataValueListEntry', 2, repeated=True)
        message = _messages.StringField(3)

    clientOperationId = _messages.StringField(1)
    creationTimestamp = _messages.StringField(2)
    description = _messages.StringField(3)
    endTime = _messages.StringField(4)
    error = _messages.MessageField('ErrorValue', 5)
    httpErrorMessage = _messages.StringField(6)
    httpErrorStatusCode = _messages.IntegerField(
        7, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    id = _messages.IntegerField(8, variant=_messages.Variant.UINT64)
    insertTime = _messages.StringField(9)
    kind = _messages.StringField(10, default=u'deploymentmanager#operation')
    name = _messages.StringField(11)
    operationType = _messages.StringField(12)
    progress = _messages.IntegerField(13, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    region = _messages.StringField(14)
    selfLink = _messages.StringField(15)
    startTime = _messages.StringField(16)
    status = _messages.StringField(17)
    statusMessage = _messages.StringField(18)
    targetId = _messages.IntegerField(19, variant=_messages.Variant.UINT64)
    targetLink = _messages.StringField(20)
    user = _messages.StringField(21)
    warnings = _messages.MessageField('WarningsValueListEntry',
    zone = _messages.StringField(23)
class Operation(_messages.Message):
  """A Operation object.

    ErrorValue: A ErrorValue object.
    WarningsValueListEntry: A WarningsValueListEntry object.

    clientOperationId: A string attribute.
    creationTimestamp: A string attribute.
    description: A string attribute.
    endTime: A string attribute.
    error: A ErrorValue attribute.
    httpErrorMessage: A string attribute.
    httpErrorStatusCode: A integer attribute.
    id: A string attribute.
    insertTime: A string attribute.
    kind: [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#operation for
      Operation resources.
    name: A string attribute.
    operationType: A string attribute.
    progress: A integer attribute.
    region: A string attribute.
    selfLink: A string attribute.
    startTime: A string attribute.
    status: A string attribute.
    statusMessage: A string attribute.
    targetId: A string attribute.
    targetLink: A string attribute.
    user: A string attribute.
    warnings: A WarningsValueListEntry attribute.
    zone: A string attribute.

  class ErrorValue(_messages.Message):
    """A ErrorValue object.

      ErrorsValueListEntry: A ErrorsValueListEntry object.

      errors: A ErrorsValueListEntry attribute.

    class ErrorsValueListEntry(_messages.Message):
      """A ErrorsValueListEntry object.

        code: A string attribute.
        location: A string attribute.
        message: A string attribute.

      code = _messages.StringField(1)
      location = _messages.StringField(2)
      message = _messages.StringField(3)

    errors = _messages.MessageField('ErrorsValueListEntry', 1, repeated=True)

  class WarningsValueListEntry(_messages.Message):
    """A WarningsValueListEntry object.

      DataValueListEntry: A DataValueListEntry object.

      code: A string attribute.
      data: A DataValueListEntry attribute.
      message: A string attribute.

    class DataValueListEntry(_messages.Message):
      """A DataValueListEntry object.

        key: A string attribute.
        value: A string attribute.

      key = _messages.StringField(1)
      value = _messages.StringField(2)

    code = _messages.StringField(1)
    data = _messages.MessageField('DataValueListEntry', 2, repeated=True)
    message = _messages.StringField(3)

  clientOperationId = _messages.StringField(1)
  creationTimestamp = _messages.StringField(2)
  description = _messages.StringField(3)
  endTime = _messages.StringField(4)
  error = _messages.MessageField('ErrorValue', 5)
  httpErrorMessage = _messages.StringField(6)
  httpErrorStatusCode = _messages.IntegerField(7, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  id = _messages.IntegerField(8, variant=_messages.Variant.UINT64)
  insertTime = _messages.StringField(9)
  kind = _messages.StringField(10, default=u'autoscaler#operation')
  name = _messages.StringField(11)
  operationType = _messages.StringField(12)
  progress = _messages.IntegerField(13, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  region = _messages.StringField(14)
  selfLink = _messages.StringField(15)
  startTime = _messages.StringField(16)
  status = _messages.StringField(17)
  statusMessage = _messages.StringField(18)
  targetId = _messages.IntegerField(19, variant=_messages.Variant.UINT64)
  targetLink = _messages.StringField(20)
  user = _messages.StringField(21)
  warnings = _messages.MessageField('WarningsValueListEntry', 22, repeated=True)
  zone = _messages.StringField(23)
Exemplo n.º 19
class Project(_messages.Message):
    """A Project is a high-level Google Cloud Platform entity.  It is a
  container for ACLs, APIs, AppEngine Apps, VMs, and other Google Cloud
  Platform resources.

    LifecycleStateValueValuesEnum: The Project lifecycle state.  Read-only.

    LabelsValue: The labels associated with this Project.  Label keys must be
      between 1 and 63 characters long and must conform to the following
      regular expression: \[a-z\](\[-a-z0-9\]*\[a-z0-9\])?.  Label values must
      be between 0 and 63 characters long and must conform to the regular
      expression (\[a-z\](\[-a-z0-9\]*\[a-z0-9\])?)?.  No more than 256 labels
      can be associated with a given resource.  Clients should store labels in
      a representation such as JSON that does not depend on specific
      characters being disallowed.  Example: <code>"environment" :
      "dev"</code>  Read-write.

    createTime: Creation time.  Read-only.
    labels: The labels associated with this Project.  Label keys must be
      between 1 and 63 characters long and must conform to the following
      regular expression: \[a-z\](\[-a-z0-9\]*\[a-z0-9\])?.  Label values must
      be between 0 and 63 characters long and must conform to the regular
      expression (\[a-z\](\[-a-z0-9\]*\[a-z0-9\])?)?.  No more than 256 labels
      can be associated with a given resource.  Clients should store labels in
      a representation such as JSON that does not depend on specific
      characters being disallowed.  Example: <code>"environment" :
      "dev"</code>  Read-write.
    lifecycleState: The Project lifecycle state.  Read-only.
    name: The user-assigned name of the Project. It must be 4 to 30
      characters. Allowed characters are: lowercase and uppercase letters,
      numbers, hyphen, single-quote, double-quote, space, and exclamation
      point.  Example: <code>My Project</code>  Read-write.
    parent: An optional reference to a parent Resource.  The only supported
      parent type is "organization". Once set, the parent cannot be modified.
    projectId: The unique, user-assigned ID of the Project. It must be 6 to 30
      lowercase letters, digits, or hyphens. It must start with a letter.
      Trailing hyphens are prohibited.  Example: <code>tokyo-rain-123</code>
      Read-only after creation.
    projectNumber: The number uniquely identifying the project.  Example:
      <code>415104041262</code>  Read-only.
    class LifecycleStateValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        """The Project lifecycle state.  Read-only.

      LIFECYCLE_STATE_UNSPECIFIED: Unspecified state.  This is only
        used/useful for distinguishing unset values.
      ACTIVE: The normal and active state.
      DELETE_REQUESTED: The project has been marked for deletion by the user
        (by invoking DeleteProject) or by the system (Google Cloud Platform).
        This can generally be reversed by invoking UndeleteProject.
      DELETE_IN_PROGRESS: The process of deleting the project has begun.
        Reversing the deletion is no longer possible.
        ACTIVE = 1

    class LabelsValue(_messages.Message):
        """The labels associated with this Project.  Label keys must be between 1
    and 63 characters long and must conform to the following regular
    expression: \[a-z\](\[-a-z0-9\]*\[a-z0-9\])?.  Label values must be
    between 0 and 63 characters long and must conform to the regular
    expression (\[a-z\](\[-a-z0-9\]*\[a-z0-9\])?)?.  No more than 256 labels
    can be associated with a given resource.  Clients should store labels in a
    representation such as JSON that does not depend on specific characters
    being disallowed.  Example: <code>"environment" : "dev"</code>  Read-

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type LabelsValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            """An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    createTime = _messages.StringField(1)
    labels = _messages.MessageField('LabelsValue', 2)
    lifecycleState = _messages.EnumField('LifecycleStateValueValuesEnum', 3)
    name = _messages.StringField(4)
    parent = _messages.MessageField('ResourceId', 5)
    projectId = _messages.StringField(6)
    projectNumber = _messages.IntegerField(7)
class Operation(_messages.Message):
  """An operation resource, used to manage asynchronous API requests.

    ErrorValue: [Output Only] If errors occurred during processing of this
      operation, this field will be populated.
    WarningsValueListEntry: A WarningsValueListEntry object.

    clientOperationId: A string attribute.
    creationTimestamp: [Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text
    endTime: A string attribute.
    error: [Output Only] If errors occurred during processing of this
      operation, this field will be populated.
    httpErrorMessage: A string attribute.
    httpErrorStatusCode: A integer attribute.
    id: [Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the
    insertTime: [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This
      is in RFC 3339 format.
    kind: [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always
      replicapoolupdater#operation for Operation resources.
    name: [Output Only] Name of the resource.
    operationType: A string attribute.
    progress: A integer attribute.
    region: [Output Only] URL of the region where the operation resides.
    selfLink: [Output Only] The fully qualified URL for the resource.
    startTime: [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the
      server. This is in RFC 3339 format.
    status: [Output Only] Status of the operation. Can be one of the
      following: "PENDING", "RUNNING", or "DONE".
    statusMessage: [Output Only] An optional textual description of the
      current status of the operation.
    targetId: [Output Only] Unique target id which identifies a particular
      incarnation of the target.
    targetLink: [Output Only] URL of the resource the operation is mutating.
    user: A string attribute.
    warnings: A WarningsValueListEntry attribute.
    zone: [Output Only] URL of the zone where the operation resides.

  class ErrorValue(_messages.Message):
    """[Output Only] If errors occurred during processing of this operation,
    this field will be populated.

      ErrorsValueListEntry: A ErrorsValueListEntry object.

      errors: [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing
        this operation.

    class ErrorsValueListEntry(_messages.Message):
      """A ErrorsValueListEntry object.

        code: [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        location: [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused
          the error. This property is optional.
        message: [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.

      code = _messages.StringField(1)
      location = _messages.StringField(2)
      message = _messages.StringField(3)

    errors = _messages.MessageField('ErrorsValueListEntry', 1, repeated=True)

  class WarningsValueListEntry(_messages.Message):
    """A WarningsValueListEntry object.

      DataValueListEntry: A DataValueListEntry object.

      code: [Output only] The warning type identifier for this warning.
      data: [Output only] Metadata for this warning in key:value format.
      message: [Output only] Optional human-readable details for this warning.

    class DataValueListEntry(_messages.Message):
      """A DataValueListEntry object.

        key: [Output Only] Metadata key for this warning.
        value: [Output Only] Metadata value for this warning.

      key = _messages.StringField(1)
      value = _messages.StringField(2)

    code = _messages.StringField(1)
    data = _messages.MessageField('DataValueListEntry', 2, repeated=True)
    message = _messages.StringField(3)

  clientOperationId = _messages.StringField(1)
  creationTimestamp = _messages.StringField(2)
  endTime = _messages.StringField(3)
  error = _messages.MessageField('ErrorValue', 4)
  httpErrorMessage = _messages.StringField(5)
  httpErrorStatusCode = _messages.IntegerField(6, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  id = _messages.IntegerField(7, variant=_messages.Variant.UINT64)
  insertTime = _messages.StringField(8)
  kind = _messages.StringField(9, default=u'replicapoolupdater#operation')
  name = _messages.StringField(10)
  operationType = _messages.StringField(11)
  progress = _messages.IntegerField(12, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  region = _messages.StringField(13)
  selfLink = _messages.StringField(14)
  startTime = _messages.StringField(15)
  status = _messages.StringField(16)
  statusMessage = _messages.StringField(17)
  targetId = _messages.IntegerField(18, variant=_messages.Variant.UINT64)
  targetLink = _messages.StringField(19)
  user = _messages.StringField(20)
  warnings = _messages.MessageField('WarningsValueListEntry', 21, repeated=True)
  zone = _messages.StringField(22)
class ClouderrorreportingProjectsGroupStatsListRequest(_messages.Message):
  """A ClouderrorreportingProjectsGroupStatsListRequest object.

    AlignmentValueValuesEnum: The alignment of the timed counts to be
      returned. Default is `ALIGNMENT_EQUAL_AT_END`.
    OrderValueValuesEnum: The sort order in which the results are returned.
      Default is `COUNT_DESC`.
    TimeRangePeriodValueValuesEnum: Restricts the query to the specified time

    alignment: The alignment of the timed counts to be returned. Default is
    alignmentTime: Time where the timed counts shall be aligned if rounded
      alignment is chosen. Default is 00:00 UTC.
    groupId: List all `ErrorGroupStats` with these IDs. If not specified, all
      error group stats with a non-zero error count for the given selection
      criteria are returned.
    order: The sort order in which the results are returned. Default is
    pageSize: The maximum number of results to return per response. Default is
    pageToken: A `next_page_token` provided by a previous response. To view
      additional results, pass this token along with the identical query
      parameters as the first request.
    projectName: The resource name of the Google Cloud Platform project.
      Written as `projects/` plus the [Google Cloud Platform project
      ID]( Required. Example:
    serviceFilter_service: The exact value to match against
    serviceFilter_version: The exact value to match against
    timeRange_period: Restricts the query to the specified time range.
    timedCountDuration: The preferred duration for a single returned
      `TimedCount`. If not set, no timed counts are returned.

  class AlignmentValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
    """The alignment of the timed counts to be returned. Default is

      ALIGNMENT_EQUAL_ROUNDED: <no description>
      ALIGNMENT_EQUAL_AT_END: <no description>

  class OrderValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
    """The sort order in which the results are returned. Default is

      GROUP_ORDER_UNSPECIFIED: <no description>
      COUNT_DESC: <no description>
      LAST_SEEN_DESC: <no description>
      CREATED_DESC: <no description>
      AFFECTED_USERS_DESC: <no description>
    COUNT_DESC = 1

  class TimeRangePeriodValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
    """Restricts the query to the specified time range.

      PERIOD_UNSPECIFIED: <no description>
      PERIOD_1_HOUR: <no description>
      PERIOD_6_HOURS: <no description>
      PERIOD_1_DAY: <no description>
      PERIOD_1_WEEK: <no description>
      PERIOD_30_DAYS: <no description>
    PERIOD_1_HOUR = 1
    PERIOD_6_HOURS = 2
    PERIOD_1_DAY = 3
    PERIOD_1_WEEK = 4
    PERIOD_30_DAYS = 5

  alignment = _messages.EnumField('AlignmentValueValuesEnum', 1)
  alignmentTime = _messages.StringField(2)
  groupId = _messages.StringField(3, repeated=True)
  order = _messages.EnumField('OrderValueValuesEnum', 4)
  pageSize = _messages.IntegerField(5, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  pageToken = _messages.StringField(6)
  projectName = _messages.StringField(7, required=True)
  serviceFilter_service = _messages.StringField(8)
  serviceFilter_version = _messages.StringField(9)
  timeRange_period = _messages.EnumField('TimeRangePeriodValueValuesEnum', 10)
  timedCountDuration = _messages.StringField(11)
class SetOperationStatusRequest(_messages.Message):
  """Request to set operation status. Should only be used by VMs created by
  the Pipelines Service and not by end users.


    errorCode: A ErrorCodeValueValuesEnum attribute.
    errorMessage: A string attribute.
    operationId: A string attribute.
    timestampEvents: A TimestampEvent attribute.
    validationToken: A string attribute.

  class ErrorCodeValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
    """ErrorCodeValueValuesEnum enum type.

      OK: Not an error; returned on success  HTTP Mapping: 200 OK
      CANCELLED: The operation was cancelled, typically by the caller.  HTTP
        Mapping: 499 Client Closed Request
      UNKNOWN: Unknown error.  For example, this error may be returned when a
        `Status` value received from another address space belongs to an error
        space that is not known in this address space.  Also errors raised by
        APIs that do not return enough error information may be converted to
        this error.  HTTP Mapping: 500 Internal Server Error
      INVALID_ARGUMENT: The client specified an invalid argument.  Note that
        this differs from `FAILED_PRECONDITION`.  `INVALID_ARGUMENT` indicates
        arguments that are problematic regardless of the state of the system
        (e.g., a malformed file name).  HTTP Mapping: 400 Bad Request
      DEADLINE_EXCEEDED: The deadline expired before the operation could
        complete. For operations that change the state of the system, this
        error may be returned even if the operation has completed
        successfully.  For example, a successful response from a server could
        have been delayed long enough for the deadline to expire.  HTTP
        Mapping: 504 Gateway Timeout
      NOT_FOUND: Some requested entity (e.g., file or directory) was not
        found. For privacy reasons, this code *may* be returned when the
        client does not have the access rights to the entity, though such
        usage is discouraged.  HTTP Mapping: 404 Not Found
      ALREADY_EXISTS: The entity that a client attempted to create (e.g., file
        or directory) already exists.  HTTP Mapping: 409 Conflict
      PERMISSION_DENIED: The caller does not have permission to execute the
        specified operation. `PERMISSION_DENIED` must not be used for
        rejections caused by exhausting some resource (use
        `RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED` instead for those errors). `PERMISSION_DENIED`
        must not be used if the caller can not be identified (use
        `UNAUTHENTICATED` instead for those errors).  HTTP Mapping: 403
      UNAUTHENTICATED: The request does not have valid authentication
        credentials for the operation.  HTTP Mapping: 401 Unauthorized
      RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: Some resource has been exhausted, perhaps a per-user
        quota, or perhaps the entire file system is out of space.  HTTP
        Mapping: 429 Too Many Requests
      FAILED_PRECONDITION: The operation was rejected because the system is
        not in a state required for the operation's execution.  For example,
        the directory to be deleted is non-empty, an rmdir operation is
        applied to a non-directory, etc.  Service implementors can use the
        following guidelines to decide between `FAILED_PRECONDITION`,
        `ABORTED`, and `UNAVAILABLE`:  (a) Use `UNAVAILABLE` if the client can
        retry just the failing call.  (b) Use `ABORTED` if the client should
        retry at a higher level      (e.g., restarting a read-modify-write
        sequence).  (c) Use `FAILED_PRECONDITION` if the client should not
        retry until      the system state has been explicitly fixed.  E.g., if
        an "rmdir"      fails because the directory is non-empty,
        `FAILED_PRECONDITION`      should be returned since the client should
        not retry unless      the files are deleted from the directory.  HTTP
        Mapping: 400 Bad Request
      ABORTED: The operation was aborted, typically due to a concurrency issue
        such as a sequencer check failure or transaction abort.  See the
        guidelines above for deciding between `FAILED_PRECONDITION`,
        `ABORTED`, and `UNAVAILABLE`.  HTTP Mapping: 409 Conflict
      OUT_OF_RANGE: The operation was attempted past the valid range.  E.g.,
        seeking or reading past end-of-file.  Unlike `INVALID_ARGUMENT`, this
        error indicates a problem that may be fixed if the system state
        changes. For example, a 32-bit file system will generate
        `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if asked to read at an offset that is not in the
        range [0,2^32-1], but it will generate `OUT_OF_RANGE` if asked to read
        from an offset past the current file size.  There is a fair bit of
        overlap between `FAILED_PRECONDITION` and `OUT_OF_RANGE`.  We
        recommend using `OUT_OF_RANGE` (the more specific error) when it
        applies so that callers who are iterating through a space can easily
        look for an `OUT_OF_RANGE` error to detect when they are done.  HTTP
        Mapping: 400 Bad Request
      UNIMPLEMENTED: The operation is not implemented or is not
        supported/enabled in this service.  HTTP Mapping: 501 Not Implemented
      INTERNAL: Internal errors.  This means that some invariants expected by
        the underlying system have been broken.  This error code is reserved
        for serious errors.  HTTP Mapping: 500 Internal Server Error
      UNAVAILABLE: The service is currently unavailable.  This is most likely
        a transient condition, which can be corrected by retrying with a
        backoff.  See the guidelines above for deciding between
        503 Service Unavailable
      DATA_LOSS: Unrecoverable data loss or corruption.  HTTP Mapping: 500
        Internal Server Error
    OK = 0
    UNKNOWN = 2
    NOT_FOUND = 5
    ABORTED = 11
    OUT_OF_RANGE = 12
    INTERNAL = 14
    DATA_LOSS = 16

  errorCode = _messages.EnumField('ErrorCodeValueValuesEnum', 1)
  errorMessage = _messages.StringField(2)
  operationId = _messages.StringField(3)
  timestampEvents = _messages.MessageField('TimestampEvent', 4, repeated=True)
  validationToken = _messages.IntegerField(5, variant=_messages.Variant.UINT64)
class Operation(_messages.Message):
  """An Operation resource, used to manage asynchronous API requests.

    StatusValueValuesEnum: [Output Only] The status of the operation, which
      can be one of the following: PENDING, RUNNING, or DONE.

    ErrorValue: [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the
      operation, this field will be populated.
    WarningsValueListEntry: A WarningsValueListEntry object.

    clientOperationId: [Output Only] A unique client ID generated by the
    creationTimestamp: [Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text
    description: [Output Only] A textual description of the operation, which
      is set when the operation is created.
    endTime: [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This
      value is in RFC3339 text format.
    error: [Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the
      operation, this field will be populated.
    httpErrorMessage: [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field
      contains the HTTP error message that was returned, such as NOT FOUND.
    httpErrorStatusCode: [Output Only] If the operation fails, this field
      contains the HTTP error status code that was returned. For example, a
      404 means the resource was not found.
    id: [Output Only] The unique identifier for the resource. This identifier
      is defined by the server.
    insertTime: [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This
      value is in RFC3339 text format.
    kind: [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#operation for
      Operation resources.
    name: [Output Only] Name of the resource.
    operationType: [Output Only] The type of operation, which can be insert,
      update, or delete.
    progress: [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0
      to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any
      granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess when the
      operation will be complete. This number should monotonically increase as
      the operation progresses.
    region: [Output Only] URL of the region where the operation resides. Only
      available when performing regional operations.
    selfLink: [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource.
    startTime: [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the
      server. This value is in RFC3339 text format.
    status: [Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the
      following: PENDING, RUNNING, or DONE.
    statusMessage: [Output Only] An optional textual description of the
      current status of the operation.
    targetId: [Output Only] The unique target ID, which identifies a specific
      incarnation of the target resource.
    targetLink: [Output Only] The URL of the resource that the operation is
    user: [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example:
      [email protected].
    warnings: [Output Only] If warning messages are generated during
      processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
    zone: [Output Only] URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only
      available when performing per-zone operations.

  class StatusValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
    """[Output Only] The status of the operation, which can be one of the
    following: PENDING, RUNNING, or DONE.

      DONE: <no description>
      PENDING: <no description>
      RUNNING: <no description>
    DONE = 0
    PENDING = 1
    RUNNING = 2

  class ErrorValue(_messages.Message):
    """[Output Only] If errors are generated during processing of the
    operation, this field will be populated.

      ErrorsValueListEntry: A ErrorsValueListEntry object.

      errors: [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing
        this operation.

    class ErrorsValueListEntry(_messages.Message):
      """A ErrorsValueListEntry object.

        code: [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        location: [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request which
          caused the error. This property is optional.
        message: [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.

      code = _messages.StringField(1)
      location = _messages.StringField(2)
      message = _messages.StringField(3)

    errors = _messages.MessageField('ErrorsValueListEntry', 1, repeated=True)

  class WarningsValueListEntry(_messages.Message):
    """A WarningsValueListEntry object.

      CodeValueValuesEnum: [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For
        example, Compute Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no
        results in the response.

      DataValueListEntry: A DataValueListEntry object.

      code: [Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute
        Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the
      data: [Output Only] Metadata about this warning in key: value format.
        For example: "data": [ { "key": "scope", "value": "zones/us-east1-d" }
      message: [Output Only] A human-readable description of the warning code.

    class CodeValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
      """[Output Only] A warning code, if applicable. For example, Compute
      Engine returns NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE if there are no results in the

        DEPRECATED_RESOURCE_USED: <no description>
        DISK_SIZE_LARGER_THAN_IMAGE_SIZE: <no description>
        INJECTED_KERNELS_DEPRECATED: <no description>
        NEXT_HOP_ADDRESS_NOT_ASSIGNED: <no description>
        NEXT_HOP_CANNOT_IP_FORWARD: <no description>
        NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND: <no description>
        NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE_NOT_ON_NETWORK: <no description>
        NEXT_HOP_NOT_RUNNING: <no description>
        NOT_CRITICAL_ERROR: <no description>
        NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE: <no description>
        REQUIRED_TOS_AGREEMENT: <no description>
        RESOURCE_NOT_DELETED: <no description>
        UNREACHABLE: <no description>
      UNREACHABLE = 13

    class DataValueListEntry(_messages.Message):
      """A DataValueListEntry object.

        key: [Output Only] A key that provides more detail on the warning
          being returned. For example, for warnings where there are no results
          in a list request for a particular zone, this key might be scope and
          the key value might be the zone name. Other examples might be a key
          indicating a deprecated resource, and a suggested replacement, or a
          warning about invalid network settings (for example, if an instance
          attempts to perform IP forwarding but is not enabled for IP
        value: [Output Only] A warning data value corresponding to the key.

      key = _messages.StringField(1)
      value = _messages.StringField(2)

    code = _messages.EnumField('CodeValueValuesEnum', 1)
    data = _messages.MessageField('DataValueListEntry', 2, repeated=True)
    message = _messages.StringField(3)

  clientOperationId = _messages.StringField(1)
  creationTimestamp = _messages.StringField(2)
  description = _messages.StringField(3)
  endTime = _messages.StringField(4)
  error = _messages.MessageField('ErrorValue', 5)
  httpErrorMessage = _messages.StringField(6)
  httpErrorStatusCode = _messages.IntegerField(7, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  id = _messages.IntegerField(8, variant=_messages.Variant.UINT64)
  insertTime = _messages.StringField(9)
  kind = _messages.StringField(10, default=u'clouduseraccounts#operation')
  name = _messages.StringField(11)
  operationType = _messages.StringField(12)
  progress = _messages.IntegerField(13, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  region = _messages.StringField(14)
  selfLink = _messages.StringField(15)
  startTime = _messages.StringField(16)
  status = _messages.EnumField('StatusValueValuesEnum', 17)
  statusMessage = _messages.StringField(18)
  targetId = _messages.IntegerField(19, variant=_messages.Variant.UINT64)
  targetLink = _messages.StringField(20)
  user = _messages.StringField(21)
  warnings = _messages.MessageField('WarningsValueListEntry', 22, repeated=True)
  zone = _messages.StringField(23)
Exemplo n.º 24
class Variable(_messages.Message):
    """Represents a variable or an argument possibly of a compound object type.
  Note how the following variables are represented:  1) A simple variable:
  int x = 5      { name: "x", value: "5", type: "int" }  // Captured variable
  2) A compound object:      struct T {         int m1;         int m2;     };
  T x = { 3, 7 };      {  // Captured variable         name: "x",
  type: "T",         members { name: "m1", value: "3", type: "int" },
  members { name: "m2", value: "7", type: "int" }     }  3) A pointer where
  the pointee was captured:      T x = { 3, 7 };     T* p = &x;      {   //
  Captured variable         name: "p",         type: "T*",         value:
  "0x00500500",         members { name: "m1", value: "3", type: "int" },
  members { name: "m2", value: "7", type: "int" }     }  4) A pointer where
  the pointee was not captured:      T* p = new T;      {   // Captured
  variable         name: "p",         type: "T*",         value: "0x00400400"
  status { is_error: true, description { format: "unavailable" } }     }  The
  status should describe the reason for the missing value, such as `<optimized
  out>`, `<inaccessible>`, `<pointers limit reached>`.  Note that a null
  pointer should not have members.  5) An unnamed value:      int* p = new
  int(7);      {   // Captured variable         name: "p",         value:
  "0x00500500",         type: "int*",         members { value: "7", type:
  "int" } }  6) An unnamed pointer where the pointee was not captured:
  int* p = new int(7);     int** pp = &p;      {  // Captured variable
  name: "pp",         value: "0x00500500",         type: "int**",
  members {             value: "0x00400400",             type: "int*"
  status {                 is_error: true,                 description: {
  format: "unavailable" } }             }         }     }  To optimize
  computation, memory and network traffic, variables that repeat in the output
  multiple times can be stored once in a shared variable table and be
  referenced using the `var_table_index` field.  The variables stored in the
  shared table are nameless and are essentially a partition of the complete
  variable. To reconstruct the complete variable, merge the referencing
  variable with the referenced variable.  When using the shared variable
  table, the following variables:      T x = { 3, 7 };     T* p = &x;     T& r
  = x;      { name: "x", var_table_index: 3, type: "T" }  // Captured
  variables     { name: "p", value "0x00500500", type="T*", var_table_index: 3
  }     { name: "r", type="T&", var_table_index: 3 }      {  // Shared
  variable table entry #3:         members { name: "m1", value: "3", type:
  "int" },         members { name: "m2", value: "7", type: "int" }     }  Note
  that the pointer address is stored with the referencing variable and not
  with the referenced variable. This allows the referenced variable to be
  shared between pointers and references.  The type field is optional. The
  debugger agent may or may not support it.

    members: Members contained or pointed to by the variable.
    name: Name of the variable, if any.
    status: Status associated with the variable. This field will usually stay
      unset. A status of a single variable only applies to that variable or
      expression. The rest of breakpoint data still remains valid. Variables
      might be reported in error state even when breakpoint is not in final
      state.  The message may refer to variable name with `refers_to` set to
      `VARIABLE_NAME`. Alternatively `refers_to` will be set to
      `VARIABLE_VALUE`. In either case variable value and members will be
      unset.  Example of error message applied to name: `Invalid expression
      syntax`.  Example of information message applied to value: `Not
      captured`.  Examples of error message applied to value:  *   `Malformed
      string`, *   `Field f not found in class C` *   `Null pointer
    type: Variable type (e.g. `MyClass`). If the variable is split with
      `var_table_index`, `type` goes next to `value`. The interpretation of a
      type is agent specific. It is recommended to include the dynamic type
      rather than a static type of an object.
    value: Simple value of the variable.
    varTableIndex: Reference to a variable in the shared variable table. More
      than one variable can reference the same variable in the table. The
      `var_table_index` field is an index into `variable_table` in Breakpoint.

    members = _messages.MessageField('Variable', 1, repeated=True)
    name = _messages.StringField(2)
    status = _messages.MessageField('StatusMessage', 3)
    type = _messages.StringField(4)
    value = _messages.StringField(5)
    varTableIndex = _messages.IntegerField(6, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
Exemplo n.º 25
class NodeConfig(_messages.Message):
    """Parameters that describe the nodes in a cluster.

    LabelsValue: The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied
      to each node. These will added in addition to any default label(s) that
      Kubernetes may apply to the node. In case of conflict in label keys, the
      applied set may differ depending on the Kubernetes version -- it's best
      to assume the behavior is undefined and conflicts should be avoided. For
      more information, including usage and the valid values, see:
    MetadataValue: The metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the
      cluster.  Keys must conform to the regexp [a-zA-Z0-9-_]+ and be less
      than 128 bytes in length. These are reflected as part of a URL in the
      metadata server. Additionally, to avoid ambiguity, keys must not
      conflict with any other metadata keys for the project or be one of the
      four reserved keys: "instance-template", "kube-env", "startup-script",
      and "user-data"  Values are free-form strings, and only have meaning as
      interpreted by the image running in the instance. The only restriction
      placed on them is that each value's size must be less than or equal to
      32 KB.  The total size of all keys and values must be less than 512 KB.

    diskSizeGb: Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The
      smallest allowed disk size is 10GB.  If unspecified, the default disk
      size is 100GB.
    imageFamily: The image family to use for this node. Note that for a given
      image family, the latest version of it will be used.
    labels: The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to
      each node. These will added in addition to any default label(s) that
      Kubernetes may apply to the node. In case of conflict in label keys, the
      applied set may differ depending on the Kubernetes version -- it's best
      to assume the behavior is undefined and conflicts should be avoided. For
      more information, including usage and the valid values, see:
    localSsdCount: The number of local SSD disks that to be attached to the
      node.  The limit for this value is dependant upon the maximum number of
      disks available on a machine per zone. See:
      for more information.
    machineType: The name of a Google Compute Engine [machine
      type](/compute/docs/machine-types) (e.g. `n1-standard-1`).  If
      unspecified, the default machine type is `n1-standard-1`.
    metadata: The metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the
      cluster.  Keys must conform to the regexp [a-zA-Z0-9-_]+ and be less
      than 128 bytes in length. These are reflected as part of a URL in the
      metadata server. Additionally, to avoid ambiguity, keys must not
      conflict with any other metadata keys for the project or be one of the
      four reserved keys: "instance-template", "kube-env", "startup-script",
      and "user-data"  Values are free-form strings, and only have meaning as
      interpreted by the image running in the instance. The only restriction
      placed on them is that each value's size must be less than or equal to
      32 KB.  The total size of all keys and values must be less than 512 KB.
    oauthScopes: The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of
      the node VMs under the "default" service account.  The following scopes
      are recommended, but not required, and by default are not included:  *
      `` is required for mounting
      persistent storage on your nodes. *
      `` is required for
      communicating with **** (the [Google Container Registry
      ](/container-registry/)).  If unspecified, no scopes are added, unless
      Cloud Logging or Cloud Monitoring are enabled, in which case their
      required scopes will be added.
    class LabelsValue(_messages.Message):
        """The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each
    node. These will added in addition to any default label(s) that Kubernetes
    may apply to the node. In case of conflict in label keys, the applied set
    may differ depending on the Kubernetes version -- it's best to assume the
    behavior is undefined and conflicts should be avoided. For more
    information, including usage and the valid values, see:

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type LabelsValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            """An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    class MetadataValue(_messages.Message):
        """The metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the cluster.
    Keys must conform to the regexp [a-zA-Z0-9-_]+ and be less than 128 bytes
    in length. These are reflected as part of a URL in the metadata server.
    Additionally, to avoid ambiguity, keys must not conflict with any other
    metadata keys for the project or be one of the four reserved keys:
    "instance-template", "kube-env", "startup-script", and "user-data"  Values
    are free-form strings, and only have meaning as interpreted by the image
    running in the instance. The only restriction placed on them is that each
    value's size must be less than or equal to 32 KB.  The total size of all
    keys and values must be less than 512 KB.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a MetadataValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type MetadataValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            """An additional property for a MetadataValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    diskSizeGb = _messages.IntegerField(1, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    imageFamily = _messages.StringField(2)
    labels = _messages.MessageField('LabelsValue', 3)
    localSsdCount = _messages.IntegerField(4, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    machineType = _messages.StringField(5)
    metadata = _messages.MessageField('MetadataValue', 6)
    oauthScopes = _messages.StringField(7, repeated=True)
Exemplo n.º 26
class NodePool(_messages.Message):
    """NodePool contains the name and configuration for a cluster's node pool.
  Node pools are a set of nodes (i.e. VM's), with a common configuration and
  specification, under the control of the cluster master. They may have a set
  of Kubernetes labels applied to them, which may be used to reference them
  during pod scheduling. They may also be resized up or down, to accommodate
  the workload.

    StatusValueValuesEnum: The status of the nodes in this pool instance.

    config: The node configuration of the pool.
    initialNodeCount: The initial node count for the pool. You must ensure
      that your Compute Engine <a href="/compute/docs/resource-
      quotas">resource quota</a> is sufficient for this number of instances.
      You must also have available firewall and routes quota.
    instanceGroupUrls: [Output only] The resource URLs of [instance
      groups](/compute/docs/instance-groups/) associated with this node pool.
    name: The name of the node pool.
    selfLink: Server-defined URL for the resource.
    status: The status of the nodes in this pool instance.
    statusMessage: [Output only] Additional information about the current
      status of this node pool instance, if available.
    version: The version of the Kubernetes of this node.
    class StatusValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        """The status of the nodes in this pool instance.

      PROVISIONING: The PROVISIONING state indicates the node pool is being
      RUNNING: The RUNNING state indicates the node pool has been created and
        is fully usable.
      RUNNING_WITH_ERROR: The RUNNING_WITH_ERROR state indicates the node pool
        has been created and is partially usable. Some error state has
        occurred and some functionality may be impaired. Customer may need to
        reissue a request or trigger a new update.
      RECONCILING: The RECONCILING state indicates that some work is actively
        being done on the node pool, such as upgrading node software. Details
        can be found in the `statusMessage` field.
      STOPPING: The STOPPING state indicates the node pool is being deleted.
      ERROR: The ERROR state indicates the node pool may be unusable. Details
        can be found in the `statusMessage` field.
        PROVISIONING = 1
        RUNNING = 2
        RECONCILING = 4
        STOPPING = 5
        ERROR = 6

    config = _messages.MessageField('NodeConfig', 1)
    initialNodeCount = _messages.IntegerField(2,
    instanceGroupUrls = _messages.StringField(3, repeated=True)
    name = _messages.StringField(4)
    selfLink = _messages.StringField(5)
    status = _messages.EnumField('StatusValueValuesEnum', 6)
    statusMessage = _messages.StringField(7)
    version = _messages.StringField(8)
class Status(_messages.Message):
    """The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for
  different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is
  used by [gRPC]( The error model is designed to be:
  - Simple to use and understand for most users - Flexible enough to meet
  unexpected needs  # Overview  The `Status` message contains three pieces of
  data: error code, error message, and error details. The error code should be
  an enum value of google.rpc.Code, but it may accept additional error codes
  if needed.  The error message should be a developer-facing English message
  that helps developers *understand* and *resolve* the error. If a localized
  user-facing error message is needed, put the localized message in the error
  details or localize it in the client. The optional error details may contain
  arbitrary information about the error. There is a predefined set of error
  detail types in the package `google.rpc` which can be used for common error
  conditions.  # Language mapping  The `Status` message is the logical
  representation of the error model, but it is not necessarily the actual wire
  format. When the `Status` message is exposed in different client libraries
  and different wire protocols, it can be mapped differently. For example, it
  will likely be mapped to some exceptions in Java, but more likely mapped to
  some error codes in C.  # Other uses  The error model and the `Status`
  message can be used in a variety of environments, either with or without
  APIs, to provide a consistent developer experience across different
  environments.  Example uses of this error model include:  - Partial errors.
  If a service needs to return partial errors to the client,     it may embed
  the `Status` in the normal response to indicate the partial     errors.  -
  Workflow errors. A typical workflow has multiple steps. Each step may
  have a `Status` message for error reporting purpose.  - Batch operations. If
  a client uses batch request and batch response, the     `Status` message
  should be used directly inside batch response, one for     each error sub-
  response.  - Asynchronous operations. If an API call embeds asynchronous
  operation     results in its response, the status of those operations should
  be     represented directly using the `Status` message.  - Logging. If some
  API errors are stored in logs, the message `Status` could     be used
  directly after any stripping needed for security/privacy reasons.

    DetailsValueListEntry: A DetailsValueListEntry object.

    code: The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
    details: A list of messages that carry the error details.  There will be a
      common set of message types for APIs to use.
    message: A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any
      user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the
      google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
    class DetailsValueListEntry(_messages.Message):
        """A DetailsValueListEntry object.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a DetailsValueListEntry

      additionalProperties: Properties of the object. Contains field @ype with
        type URL.
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            """An additional property for a DetailsValueListEntry object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A extra_types.JsonValue attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.MessageField('extra_types.JsonValue', 2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    code = _messages.IntegerField(1, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    details = _messages.MessageField('DetailsValueListEntry', 2, repeated=True)
    message = _messages.StringField(3)
class RollingUpdate(_messages.Message):
  """The following represents a resource describing a single update (rollout)
  of a group of instances to the given template.

    ErrorValue: [Output Only] Errors that occurred during the rolling update.
    PolicyValue: Parameters of the update process.

    actionType: Specifies the action to take for each instance within the
      instance group. This can be RECREATE which will recreate each instance
      and is only available for managed instance groups. It can also be REBOOT
      which performs a soft reboot for each instance and is only available for
      regular (non-managed) instance groups.
    creationTimestamp: [Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text
    description: An optional textual description of the resource; provided by
      the client when the resource is created.
    error: [Output Only] Errors that occurred during the rolling update.
    id: [Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource; defined by the
    instanceGroup: Fully-qualified URL of an instance group being updated.
      Exactly one of instanceGroupManager and instanceGroup must be set.
    instanceGroupManager: Fully-qualified URL of an instance group manager
      being updated. Exactly one of instanceGroupManager and instanceGroup
      must be set.
    instanceTemplate: Fully-qualified URL of an instance template to apply.
    kind: [Output Only] Type of the resource.
    oldInstanceTemplate: Fully-qualified URL of the instance template
      encountered while starting the update.
    policy: Parameters of the update process.
    progress: [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0
      to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any
      granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess at when the
      update will be complete. This number should be monotonically increasing
      as the update progresses.
    selfLink: [Output Only] The fully qualified URL for the resource.
    status: [Output Only] Status of the update. Possible values are:   -
      "ROLLING_FORWARD": The update is going forward.  - "ROLLING_BACK": The
      update is being rolled back.  - "PAUSED": The update is temporarily
      paused (inactive).  - "ROLLED_OUT": The update is finished, all
      instances have been updated successfully.  - "ROLLED_BACK": The update
      is finished, all instances have been reverted to the previous template.
      - "CANCELLED": The update is paused and no longer can be resumed,
      undefined how many instances are running in which template.
    statusMessage: [Output Only] An optional textual description of the
      current status of the update.
    user: [Output Only] User who requested the update, for example:
      [email protected].

  class ErrorValue(_messages.Message):
    """[Output Only] Errors that occurred during the rolling update.

      ErrorsValueListEntry: A ErrorsValueListEntry object.

      errors: [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing
        this operation.

    class ErrorsValueListEntry(_messages.Message):
      """A ErrorsValueListEntry object.

        code: [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
        location: [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request that caused
          the error. This property is optional.
        message: [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.

      code = _messages.StringField(1)
      location = _messages.StringField(2)
      message = _messages.StringField(3)

    errors = _messages.MessageField('ErrorsValueListEntry', 1, repeated=True)

  class PolicyValue(_messages.Message):
    """Parameters of the update process.

      autoPauseAfterInstances: Number of instances to update before the
        updater pauses the rolling update.
      instanceStartupTimeoutSec: The maximum amount of time that the updater
        waits for a HEALTHY state after all of the update steps are complete.
        If the HEALTHY state is not received before the deadline, the instance
        update is considered a failure.
      maxNumConcurrentInstances: The maximum number of instances that can be
        updated simultaneously. An instance update is considered complete only
        after the instance is restarted and initialized.
      maxNumFailedInstances: The maximum number of instance updates that can
        fail before the group update is considered a failure. An instance
        update is considered failed if any of its update actions (e.g. Stop
        call on Instance resource in Rolling Reboot) failed with permanent
        failure, or if the instance is in an UNHEALTHY state after it finishes
        all of the update actions.
      minInstanceUpdateTimeSec: The minimum amount of time that the updater
        spends to update each instance. Update time is the time it takes to
        complete all update actions (e.g. Stop call on Instance resource in
        Rolling Reboot), reboot, and initialize. If the instance update
        finishes early, the updater pauses for the remainder of the time
        before it starts the next instance update.

    autoPauseAfterInstances = _messages.IntegerField(1, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    instanceStartupTimeoutSec = _messages.IntegerField(2, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    maxNumConcurrentInstances = _messages.IntegerField(3, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    maxNumFailedInstances = _messages.IntegerField(4, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    minInstanceUpdateTimeSec = _messages.IntegerField(5, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)

  actionType = _messages.StringField(1)
  creationTimestamp = _messages.StringField(2)
  description = _messages.StringField(3)
  error = _messages.MessageField('ErrorValue', 4)
  id = _messages.StringField(5)
  instanceGroup = _messages.StringField(6)
  instanceGroupManager = _messages.StringField(7)
  instanceTemplate = _messages.StringField(8)
  kind = _messages.StringField(9, default=u'replicapoolupdater#rollingUpdate')
  oldInstanceTemplate = _messages.StringField(10)
  policy = _messages.MessageField('PolicyValue', 11)
  progress = _messages.IntegerField(12, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  selfLink = _messages.StringField(13)
  status = _messages.StringField(14)
  statusMessage = _messages.StringField(15)
  user = _messages.StringField(16)