Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, lat, lng):
     # maps neighbor node to distance
     a node representing a location on the map using latitude and longitude
     :param lat: latitude of this node
     :param lng: longitude
     self.neighbors = dict()  # dict of node -> distance
     self.latitude = lat
     self.longitude = lng
     self.elevation = elevation(Client(key='AIzaSyCtnZS7miejfbAh1FsKUBhxil1VXa0EicY'), (lat, lng))[0]['elevation']
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():

    # Get missing station elevations
    # [{'elevation': 182.4646606445312, 'location': {'lat': 41.93625, 'lng': -87.65357}, 'resolution': 152.7032318115234}]

    gmaps = Client(key=API_KEY)

    # print(elevation.elevation(gmaps, (41.936253, -87.653566)))

    db_conn = util.get_database_connection()

    while True:
        stations = db_conn.execute(GET_START_STATIONS_QUERY).fetchall()
        locations = list(map(lambda x: (x[1], x[2]), stations))
        if len(locations) > 0:
            location_results = elevation(gmaps, locations)
            updates = []
            for l, s in zip(location_results, stations):
                updates.append((l['elevation'], s[1], s[2]))

            db_conn.executemany(UPDATE_START_STATION_QUERY, updates)

    while True:
        stations = db_conn.execute(GET_END_STATIONS_QUERY).fetchall()
        locations = list(map(lambda x: (x[1], x[2]), stations))
        if len(locations) > 0:
            location_results = elevation(gmaps, locations)
            updates = []
            for l, s in zip(location_results, stations):
                updates.append((l['elevation'], s[1], s[2]))

            db_conn.executemany(UPDATE_END_STATION_QUERY, updates)

Exemplo n.º 3
def getElevation(client, address):
    Get elevation of given address
    :param client: a google map client
    :type client: googlemap.client.Client
    :param addresses: str represent address
    :type addresses: str
    :return: elev, representing elevation of the address given
    :rtype: float
    latitude, longitude = getLocation(client, address)
    elev = elevation(client, [(latitude, longitude)])[0]['elevation']
    return elev
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_elevation(gmaps, point):
    m = hashlib.md5()
    key = m.hexdigest()

    c = cache.get(key)
    if c:
        logging.warning("Use cache")
        return c
        r = elevation.elevation(gmaps, point)
        cache.set(key, r)
        return r
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, lat, lng, elev=None):
     # maps neighbor node to distance
     a node representing a location on the map using latitude and longitude
     :param lat: latitude of this node
     :param lng: longitude
     self.neighbors = dict()  # dict of node -> distance
     self.latitude = lat
     self.longitude = lng
     if not elev:
         self.elevation = elevation(gmaps, (lat, lng))[0]['elevation']
         self.elevation = elev
Exemplo n.º 6
def collect(display, data, lat, long):
    country_code = data['country_code']
    capital = get_capital(country_code)
    capital_location = capital_loc(capital)
    city = get_city(data)
    return {
        'verbose_name': display,
        'country': data['country'],
        'city': city or 'not found',
        'capital': capital,
        'elevation': round(elevation(gmaps, (float(lat), float(long)))[0]['elevation']),
        'street': data['road'],
        'state': data['state'],
        'postcode': data['postcode'],
        'house': data['house_number'],
        'code': country_code,
        'direct': direct_distance(capital_location, lat, long),
        'car_time': car_time(capital_location, lat, long),
        'near': ', '.join([x.name for x in nearly_capitals(lat, long)])
Exemplo n.º 7
def getElevationFromPath(gmaps, start, goal):
    get elevation gain using steps calculated by google map
    :return: latitudes, longitudes, elevation gain
    directionResult = gmaps.directions((start.latitude, start.longitude),
                                       (goal.latitude, goal.longitude))
    steps = directionResult[0]['legs'][0]['steps']
    latitudes = [start.latitude]
    longitudes = [start.longitude]
    elevGain = 0
    prevElev = start.elevation
    for step in steps:
        lat = step['end_location']['lat']
        lng = step['end_location']['lng']
        currElev = elevation(gmaps, (lat, lng))[0]['elevation']
        elevGain += max(0, currElev - prevElev)
        prevElev = currElev
    return latitudes, longitudes, elevGain
Exemplo n.º 8
    def upload(self):
        if (debug): print 'RunningRoutesFiles.upload()'


        thisfile = request.files['upload']
        filename = thisfile.filename
        filetype = filename.split('.')[-1]

        filecontents = thisfile.readlines()
        latlng = LatLng(thisfile, filetype)
        locations = latlng.getpoints()

        thisss = self.sheets.spreadsheets().create(body={
                'properties' : { 'title' : filename },
                'sheets' : [
                    { 'properties' : { 'title' : filename } },
                    { 'properties' : { 'title' : 'path' } },
                    { 'properties' : { 'title' : 'turns' } },
        # put file in appropriate folder
        # see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42938990/google-sheets-api-create-or-move-spreadsheet-into-folder
        fileid = thisss['spreadsheetId']
        thisfile = self.drive.files().get( fileId=fileid, fields='parents' ).execute()
        parents = ','.join(thisfile['parents'])
        self.drive.files().update( fileId=fileid, removeParents=parents, addParents=self.datafolderid ).execute()

        # calculate distance in km
        distance = 0.0
        maxinterval = app.config['APP_MAX_DIST_INTERVAL']/1000.0  # convert m to km
        locs = [locations[0]]
        # anno is list of [cumdist, inserted], where inserted is empty or 'inserted'
        anno = [[0, '']]
        for i in range(1,len(locations)):
            thisdist = geodist.haversineDistance(locations[i-1], locations[i], False)
            eachdist = thisdist
            # add additional points if the distance between these is longer than allowed
            if thisdist > maxinterval:
                numnew = int(thisdist / maxinterval)
                eachdist = thisdist / (numnew+1)
                bearing = calculateBearing(locations[i-1], locations[i])
                lastcoord = locations[i-1]
                for j in range(numnew):
                    distance += eachdist
                    anno.append([distance, 'inserted'])
                    # getDestinationLatLng expects distance in meters
                    newcoord = geodist.getDestinationLatLng(lastcoord, bearing, eachdist*1000)
                    lastcoord = newcoord
            distance += eachdist
            anno.append([distance, ''])

        # convert to miles
        distance /= 1.609344

        # query for elevation points
        ## slice off locations which meet max sample requirements from google for each query
        pathlen = MAX_SAMPLES
        gelevs = []
        while len(locs) > 0:
            if debug: print 'len(locs) = {}'.format(len(locs))

            theselocs = locs[:pathlen]
            del locs[:pathlen]

            ## get this set of elevations
            elev = elevation(gmapsclient, theselocs)
            gelevs += [[p['location']['lat'], p['location']['lng'], p['elevation'], p['resolution']] for p in elev]

        # calculate elevation gain
        elevations = numpy.array([float(p[2]) for p in gelevs])
        upthreshold = app.config['APP_ELEV_UPTHRESHOLD']
        downthreshold = app.config['APP_ELEV_DOWNTHRESHOLD']
        smoothwin = app.config['APP_SMOOTHING_WINDOW']

        ## first smooth the elevations using flat window
        ## see http://scipy-cookbook.readthedocs.io/items/SignalSmooth.html
        s = numpy.r_[elevations[smoothwin-1:0:-1],elevations,elevations[-2:-smoothwin-1:-1]]
        w = numpy.ones(smoothwin,'d')
        smoothed = y[(smoothwin/2):-(smoothwin/2)]
        # reference suggested below to 
        # smoothed = y[(smoothwin/2-1):-(smoothwin/2)]

        ## calculate the gain using the smoothed elevation profile
        gain = elevation_gain(smoothed, upthreshold=upthreshold, downthreshold=downthreshold)

        # combine gelevs with anno
        if len(gelevs) != len(anno) or len(gelevs) != len(smoothed):
            app.logger.debug('invalid list len len(gelevs)={} len(anno)={} len(smoothed)={}'.format(len(gelevs), len(anno), len(smoothed)))

        # construct rows we're going to save to the path sheet
        pathrows = []
        smoothedl = [[e] for e in smoothed]
        for i in range(len(gelevs)):
                pathrows.append(gelevs[i] + smoothedl[i] + anno[i])
            except IndexError:

        # update sheet with data values
        self.sheets.spreadsheets().values().batchUpdate(spreadsheetId=fileid, body={
                'valueInputOption' : 'USER_ENTERED',
                'data' : [
                    { 'range' : filename, 'values' : [['content']] + [[r.rstrip()] for r in filecontents]},
                    { 'range' : 'path',   'values' : [['lat', 'lng', 'orig ele', 'res', 'ele', 'cumdist(km)', 'inserted']] + pathrows },

        return {
            'upload' : {'id': fileid },
            'files' : {
                'data' : {
                    fileid : {'filename': filename}
            # round for user-friendly display
            'elev' : int(round(gain)),
            'distance': '{:.1f}'.format(distance),
            'filename': filename,
            # start defaults to first point
            'location' : ', '.join(['{:.6f}'.format(ll) for ll in locations[0]])
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_altitude(latitude, longitude):
    maps = Client(key=get_yml('./config.yml')['altitude']['mapstoken'])

    req = elevation.elevation(maps, (latitude, longitude))[0]
    altitude = req['elevation']
    return altitude
Exemplo n.º 10
    def upload(self):

        if (debug): print('RunningRoutesFiles.upload()')

        # save gpx file
        thisfile = request.files['upload']
        gpx_fid, filepath = create_fidfile(g.interest, thisfile.filename,

        # process file data; update route with calculated values
        # open file
        # process file contents
        filename = thisfile.filename
        filetype = filename.split('.')[-1]

        # latlng processing depends on file type
        latlng = LatLng(thisfile, filetype)
        locations = latlng.getpoints()

        # calculate distance in km
        distance = 0.0
        maxinterval = app.config[
            'APP_MAX_DIST_INTERVAL'] / 1000.0  # convert m to km
        locs = [locations[0]]
        # anno is list of [cumdist, inserted], where inserted is empty or 'inserted'
        anno = [[0, '']]
        for i in range(1, len(locations)):
            thisdist = geodist.haversineDistance(locations[i - 1],
                                                 locations[i], False)
            eachdist = thisdist
            # add additional points if the distance between these is longer than allowed
            if thisdist > maxinterval:
                numnew = int(thisdist / maxinterval)
                eachdist = thisdist / (numnew + 1)
                bearing = calculateBearing(locations[i - 1], locations[i])
                lastcoord = locations[i - 1]
                for j in range(numnew):
                    distance += eachdist
                    anno.append([distance, 'inserted'])
                    # getDestinationLatLng expects distance in meters
                    newcoord = geodist.getDestinationLatLng(
                        lastcoord, bearing, eachdist * 1000)
                    lastcoord = newcoord
            distance += eachdist
            anno.append([distance, ''])

        # convert to miles
        distance /= 1.609344

        # query for elevation points
        ## slice off locations which meet max sample requirements from google for each query
        pathlen = MAX_SAMPLES
        gelevs = []
        while len(locs) > 0:
            if debug: print('len(locs) = {}'.format(len(locs)))

            theselocs = locs[:pathlen]
            del locs[:pathlen]

            ## get this set of elevations
            elev = elevation(gmapsclient, theselocs)
            # keys need to match Path fields
            gelevs += [{
                'lat': p['location']['lat'],
                'lng': p['location']['lng'],
                'orig_ele': p['elevation'],
                'res': p['resolution']
            } for p in elev]

        # calculate elevation gain
        elevations = numpy.array([float(p['orig_ele']) for p in gelevs])
        upthreshold = current_app.config['APP_ELEV_UPTHRESHOLD']
        downthreshold = current_app.config['APP_ELEV_DOWNTHRESHOLD']
        smoothwin = current_app.config['APP_SMOOTHING_WINDOW']

        ## first smooth the elevations using flat window
        ## see http://scipy-cookbook.readthedocs.io/items/SignalSmooth.html
        s = numpy.r_[elevations[smoothwin - 1:0:-1], elevations,
                     elevations[-2:-smoothwin - 1:-1]]
        w = numpy.ones(smoothwin, 'd')
        y = numpy.convolve(w / w.sum(), s, mode='valid')
        # use floor division operator // (new in python 3)
        smoothed = y[(smoothwin // 2):-(smoothwin // 2)]
        # smoothedl = [[e] for e in smoothed]
        # reference suggested below to
        # smoothed = y[(smoothwin/2-1):-(smoothwin/2)]

        ## calculate the gain using the smoothed elevation profile
        gain = elevation_gain(smoothed,

        # combine gelevs with anno
        if len(gelevs) != len(anno) or len(gelevs) != len(smoothed):
                'invalid list len len(gelevs)={} len(anno)={} len(smoothed)={}'
                .format(len(gelevs), len(anno), len(smoothed)))

        # create csv file with calculated path points
        # create/write path file
        # see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7076042/what-mime-type-should-i-use-for-csv
        # see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7111
        path_fid, filepath = create_fidfile(g.interest,
                                            thisfile.filename + '.csv',
        with open(filepath, mode='w', newline='') as csvfile:
            pathfields = 'lat,lng,orig_ele,res,ele,cumdist_km,inserted'.split(
            pathcsv = DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=pathfields)

            for ndx in range(len(gelevs)):
                # TODO: this is probably a bit klunky from being ported from use of google sheets, clean up
                    ele = smoothed[ndx]
                except IndexError:
                    ele = None
                    cumdist_km = anno[ndx][0]
                    inserted = anno[ndx][1]
                except IndexError:
                    cumdist_km = None
                    inserted = None

                thispoint = dict(


        return {
            'upload': {
                'id': gpx_fid
            'files': {
                'data': {
                    gpx_fid: {
                        'filename': thisfile.filename
            # add calculated stuff to route
            # round for user-friendly display
            ', '.join(['{:.6f}'.format(ll) for ll in locations[0]])