def bound(a): gpg = EasyGoPiGo3() servo1 = gpg.init_servo(port="SERVO1") robot = gopigo3.GoPiGo3() #while True: #a=input() print(a) if a == 'w': gpg.forward() elif a == 'a': gpg.right() elif a == 'd': gpg.left() elif a == 's': gpg.backward() elif a == 'i': gpg.drive_cm(10, True) elif a == 'j': gpg.backward_cm(10) elif a == 'k': gpg.turn_degrees(45) elif a == 'l': gpg.turn_degrees(-45) elif a == 'f': robot.set_servo(robot.SERVO_1, 1850) #servo1.rotate_servo(-5) time.sleep(1) #servo1.rotate_servo(5) robot.set_servo(robot.SERVO_1, 0) else: gpg.stop() return 1
def main(): GPG = gopigo3.GoPiGo3() rospy.init_node("ultra_sonic") port_id = rospy.get_param("~port", 1) if port_id == 1: port = GPG.GROVE_1 elif port_id == 2: port = GPG.GROVE_2 else: rospy.logerr("unknown port %i", port_id) return GPG.set_grove_type(port, GPG.GROVE_TYPE.US) pub_distance = rospy.Publisher("~distance", Range, queue_size=10) msg_range = Range() msg_range.header.frame_id = "ultra_sonic" msg_range.radiation_type = Range.ULTRASOUND msg_range.min_range = 0.02 msg_range.max_range = 4.3 rate = rospy.Rate(rospy.get_param('~hz', 30)) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # read distance in meter msg_range.range = GPG.get_grove_value(port) / 1000.0 msg_range.header.stamp = pub_distance.publish(msg_range) rate.sleep()
def __init__(self): """ Instantiates the key-bindings between the GoPiGo3 and the keyboard's keys. Sets the order of the keys in the menu. """ self.GPG = gopigo3.GoPiGo3() self.gopigo3 = easy.EasyGoPiGo3() self.keybindings = { "w": ["Move the GoPiGo3 forward", "forward"], "s": ["Move the GoPiGo3 backward", "backward"], "a": ["Turn the GoPiGo3 to the left", "left"], "d": ["Turn the GoPiGo3 to the right", "right"], "<SPACE>": ["Stop the GoPiGo3 from moving", "stop"], "f": ["fire the gun", "fire"], "<F1>": ["Drive forward for 10 centimeters", "forward10cm"], "<F2>": ["Drive forward for 10 inches", "forward10in"], "<F3>": [ "Drive forward for 360 degrees (aka 1 wheel rotation)", "forwardturn" ], "1": ["Turn ON/OFF left blinker of the GoPiGo3", "leftblinker"], "2": ["Turn ON/OFF right blinker of the GoPiGo3", "rightblinker"], "3": ["Turn ON/OFF both blinkers of the GoPiGo3", "blinkers"], "8": ["Turn ON/OFF left eye of the GoPiGo3", "lefteye"], "9": ["Turn ON/OFF right eye of the GoPiGo3", "righteye"], "0": ["Turn ON/OFF both eyes of the GoPiGo3", "eyes"], "<INSERT>": ["Change the eyes' color on the go", "eyescolor"], "<ESC>": ["Exit", "exit"], } self.order_of_keys = [ "w", "s", "a", "d", "<SPACE>", "<F1>", "<F2>", "<F3>", "1", "2", "3", "8", "9", "0", "<INSERT>", "<ESC>" ]
def __init__(self): ## TODO: some of this should probably go in startup()? self.api_full = gopigo3.GoPiGo3() # Create an instance of the GoPiGo3 class. GPG will be the GoPiGo3 object. self.api_easy = easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3() = False self.distance = self.api_easy.init_distance_sensor() self.distance_servo = self.api_easy.init_servo("SERVO1") = picamera.PiCamera() self.camera_servo = self.api_easy.init_servo("SERVO2") self.imu = inertial_measurement_unit.InertialMeasurementUnit(bus = "GPG3_AD1")
async def joystick_listen(): global exiting GPG = gopigo3.GoPiGo3( ) # Create an instance of the GoPiGo3 class. GPG will be the GoPiGo3 object. UDP_IP = "" UDP_PORT = 5005 print("UDP target IP:", UDP_IP) print("UDP target port:", UDP_PORT) sock = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, # Internet socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP server_address = (UDP_IP, UDP_PORT) sock.bind(server_address) while not exiting: try: data, address = sock.recvfrom(4096) coordinatesJson = data.decode('utf-8') coordinates = json.loads(coordinatesJson) powerLeft = (127 - coordinates['y']) - ( (127 - coordinates['x']) / 2) if (powerLeft > 100): powerLeft = 100 elif (powerLeft < -100): powerLeft = -100 powerRight = (127 - coordinates['y']) + ( (127 - coordinates['x']) / 2) if (powerRight > 100): powerRight = 100 elif (powerRight < -100): powerRight = -100 if (abs(127 - coordinates['y']) < 15 & (127 - coordinates['x']) > 110): powerLeft = -100 powerRight = 100 elif (abs(127 - coordinates['y']) < 15 & (127 - coordinates['x']) < -110): powerLeft = 100 powerRight = -100 GPG.set_motor_power(GPG.MOTOR_LEFT, powerLeft) GPG.set_motor_power(GPG.MOTOR_RIGHT, powerRight) except Exception as e: print(e) # Reset the GoPiGo GPG.reset_all( ) # Unconfigure the sensors, disable the motors, and restore the LED to the control of the GoPiGo3 firmware.
def navigate(): gpg = EasyGoPiGo3() #fire servo servo1 = gpg.init_servo(port="SERVO1") #tilt servo servo2 = gpg.init_servo(port="SERVO2") robot = gopigo3.GoPiGo3() rotate = 1750 robot.set_servo(robot.SERVO_2, rotate) while True: index() video_feed() a = input() print(a) if a == 'w': gpg.drive_cm(2, True) elif a == 'a': gpg.turn_degrees(-9) elif a == 'd': gpg.turn_degrees(9) elif a == 's': gpg.drive_cm(-2) elif a == 'i': gpg.drive_cm(10, True) elif a == 'k': gpg.drive_cm(-10) elif a == 'j': gpg.turn_degrees(-45) elif a == 'l': gpg.turn_degrees(45) elif a == 'f': robot.set_servo(robot.SERVO_1, 1850) #servo1.rotate_servo(-5) time.sleep(.25) #servo1.rotate_servo(5) robot.set_servo(robot.SERVO_1, 0) elif a == 't': rotate = rotate + 20 robot.set_servo(robot.SERVO_2, rotate) #time.sleep(1) #robot.set_servo(robot.SERVO_2,0) elif a == 'g': rotate = rotate - 20 robot.set_servo(robot.SERVO_2, rotate) #time.sleep(1) #robot.set_servo(robot.SERVO_2,0) elif a == '.': screen() time.sleep(5) else: gpg.stop()
def __init__(self): self.rwheel_motorcmd = Float32() self.lwheel_motorcmd = Float32() # Create gopigo object driver self.GPG = gopigo3.GoPiGo3() # Create encoder object self.encoder_reading = Encoder() # Create subscriber objects self.rwheel_motorcmd_sub = rospy.Subscriber( "/rwheel_motorcmd", Float32, self.rwheel_motorcmd_callback) self.lwheel_motorcmd_sub = rospy.Subscriber( "/lwheel_motorcmd", Float32, self.lwheel_motorcmd_callback) # Create publisher object self.encoders_pub = rospy.Publisher("/encoder_reading", Encoder, queue_size=10)
def find_gopigo3(): ''' boolean function that detects the presence of a GoPiGo3 returns True or False ''' debug_print("Detecting GoPiGo3") try: import gopigo3 try: GPG3 = gopigo3.GoPiGo3() return True except gopigo3.FirmwareVersionError: return True except: return False except: return False
# # Copyright (c) 2017 Dexter Industries # Released under the MIT license ( # For more information see # # This code is an example for using the GoPiGo3 software I2C busses. # # Hardware: Connect an I2C device to port AD1. from __future__ import print_function # use python 3 syntax but make it compatible with python 2 from __future__ import division # '' import time # import the time library for the sleep function import gopigo3 # import the GoPiGo3 drivers GPG = gopigo3.GoPiGo3( ) # Create an instance of the GoPiGo3 class. GPG will be the GoPiGo3 object. I2C_Slave_Address = 0x24 # the address of the I2C slave try: GPG.set_grove_type(GPG.GROVE_1, GPG.GROVE_TYPE.I2C) i = 0 while (True): GPG.grove_i2c_transfer(GPG.GROVE_1, I2C_Slave_Address, [i]) # write one byte #print(GPG.grove_i2c_transfer(GPG.GROVE_1, I2C_Slave_Address, [0, 1, 0, 1], 1)) # write four bytes and read one byte print(i, GPG.grove_i2c_transfer(GPG.GROVE_1, I2C_Slave_Address, [], 16)) # read sixteen bytes time.sleep(0.1)
def __init__(self): #### GoPiGo3 power management # export pin if not os.path.isdir("/sys/class/gpio/gpio" + self.POWER_PIN): gpio_export ="/sys/class/gpio/export", os.O_WRONLY) os.write(gpio_export, self.POWER_PIN.encode()) os.close(gpio_export) time.sleep(0.1) # set pin direction gpio_direction = "/sys/class/gpio/gpio" + self.POWER_PIN + "/direction", os.O_WRONLY) os.write(gpio_direction, "out".encode()) os.close(gpio_direction) # activate power management self.gpio_value = "/sys/class/gpio/gpio" + self.POWER_PIN + "/value", os.O_WRONLY) os.write(self.gpio_value, "1".encode()) # GoPiGo3 and ROS setup self.g = gopigo3.GoPiGo3() print("GoPiGo3 info:") print("Manufacturer : ", self.g.get_manufacturer()) print("Board : ", self.g.get_board()) print("Serial Number : ", self.g.get_id()) print("Hardware version: ", self.g.get_version_hardware()) print("Firmware version: ", self.g.get_version_firmware()) self.reset_odometry() rospy.init_node("gopigo3") = TransformBroadcaster() # subscriber rospy.Subscriber("motor/dps/left", Int16, lambda msg: self.g.set_motor_dps(self.ML, rospy.Subscriber("motor/dps/right", Int16, lambda msg: self.g.set_motor_dps(self.MR, rospy.Subscriber("motor/pwm/left", Int8, lambda msg: self.g.set_motor_power(self.ML, rospy.Subscriber("motor/pwm/right", Int8, lambda msg: self.g.set_motor_power(self.MR, rospy.Subscriber( "motor/position/left", Int16, lambda msg: self.g.set_motor_position(self.ML, rospy.Subscriber( "motor/position/right", Int16, lambda msg: self.g.set_motor_position(self.MR, rospy.Subscriber("servo/pulse_width/1", Int16, lambda msg: self.g.set_servo(self.S1, rospy.Subscriber("servo/pulse_width/2", Int16, lambda msg: self.g.set_servo(self.S2, rospy.Subscriber("servo/position/1", Float64, lambda msg: self.set_servo_angle(self.S1, rospy.Subscriber("servo/position/2", Float64, lambda msg: self.set_servo_angle(self.S2, rospy.Subscriber("cmd_vel", Twist, self.on_twist) rospy.Subscriber("led/blinker/left", UInt8, lambda msg: self.g.set_led(self.BL, rospy.Subscriber("led/blinker/right", UInt8, lambda msg: self.g.set_led(self.BR, rospy.Subscriber( "led/eye/left", ColorRGBA, lambda c: self.g.set_led( self.EL, int(c.r * 255), int(c.g * 255), int(c.b * 255))) rospy.Subscriber( "led/eye/right", ColorRGBA, lambda c: self.g.set_led( self.ER, int(c.r * 255), int(c.g * 255), int(c.b * 255))) rospy.Subscriber( "led/wifi", ColorRGBA, lambda c: self.g.set_led( self.EW, int(c.r * 255), int(c.g * 255), int(c.b * 255))) # publisher self.pub_enc_l = rospy.Publisher('motor/encoder/left', Float64, queue_size=10) self.pub_enc_r = rospy.Publisher('motor/encoder/right', Float64, queue_size=10) self.pub_battery = rospy.Publisher('battery_voltage', Float64, queue_size=10) self.pub_motor_status = rospy.Publisher('motor/status', MotorStatusLR, queue_size=10) self.pub_odometry = rospy.Publisher("odom", Odometry, queue_size=10) self.pub_joints = rospy.Publisher("joint_states", JointState, queue_size=10) # services self.srv_reset = rospy.Service('reset', Trigger, self.reset) self.srv_spi = rospy.Service( 'spi', SPI, lambda req: SPIResponse( data_in=self.g.spi_transfer_array(req.data_out))) self.srv_pwr_on = rospy.Service('power/on', Trigger, self.power_on) self.srv_pwr_off = rospy.Service('power/off', Trigger, self.power_off) # main loop rate = rospy.Rate(rospy.get_param('hz', 30)) # in Hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.pub_battery.publish( Float64(data=self.g.get_voltage_battery())) # publish motor status, including encoder value (flags, power, encoder, speed) = self.g.get_motor_status(self.ML) status_left = MotorStatus(low_voltage=(flags & (1 << 0)), overloaded=(flags & (1 << 1)), power=power, encoder=encoder, speed=speed) self.pub_enc_l.publish(Float64(data=encoder)) (flags, power, encoder, speed) = self.g.get_motor_status(self.MR) status_right = MotorStatus(low_voltage=(flags & (1 << 0)), overloaded=(flags & (1 << 1)), power=power, encoder=encoder, speed=speed) self.pub_enc_r.publish(Float64(data=encoder)) self.pub_motor_status.publish( MotorStatusLR(header=Header(, left=status_left, right=status_right)) # publish current pose (odom, transform) = self.odometry(status_left, status_right) self.pub_odometry.publish(odom) rate.sleep() self.g.reset_all() self.g.offset_motor_encoder(self.ML, self.g.get_motor_encoder(self.ML)) self.g.offset_motor_encoder(self.MR, self.g.get_motor_encoder(self.MR)) # deactivate power management os.write(self.gpio_value, "0".encode()) os.close(self.gpio_value) # unexport pin if os.path.isdir("/sys/class/gpio/gpio" + self.POWER_PIN): gpio_export ="/sys/class/gpio/unexport", os.O_WRONLY) os.write(gpio_export, self.POWER_PIN.encode()) os.close(gpio_export)
global l_speed global r_speed global current_angle print("LLL") if (l_speed > min_speed): l_speed = l_speed - step_speed if (r_speed < max_speed): r_speed = r_speed + step_speed if (current_angle > -30): current_angle = current_angle - angle_step ################### Main ################## if (config_no_motor == 0): GPG = gopigo3.GoPiGo3() # read weight readWeights() # Motor starts at initial speed if (config_no_motor == 0): GPG.set_motor_dps(GPG.MOTOR_LEFT, -1 * l_speed) GPG.set_motor_dps(GPG.MOTOR_RIGHT, -1 * r_speed) currentStatus[0] = 0.5 # speed currentStatus[1] = 0.0 # angle difference currentStatus[2] = 0.0 # -60, 0.0 = no blocking, 1.0 = very close currentStatus[3] = 0.0 # -30 currentStatus[4] = 0.0 # 0 currentStatus[5] = 0.0 # 30
import time # import the time library for the sleep function import gopigo3 # import the GoPiGo3 drivers import easygopigo3 as easy from di_sensors.light_color_sensor import LightColorSensor import gopigo3 # import the GoPiGo3 drivers gpg = easy.EasyGoPiGo3() GPG2 = gopigo3.GoPiGo3() lcs = LightColorSensor(led_state=True) counter = 0 def TurnDegrees(degrees, speed): # get the starting position of each motor StartPositionLeft = GPG2.get_motor_encoder(GPG2.MOTOR_LEFT) StartPositionRight = GPG2.get_motor_encoder(GPG2.MOTOR_RIGHT) # the distance in mm that each wheel needs to travel WheelTravelDistance = ((GPG2.WHEEL_BASE_CIRCUMFERENCE * degrees) / 360) # the number of degrees each wheel needs to turn WheelTurnDegrees = ((WheelTravelDistance / GPG2.WHEEL_CIRCUMFERENCE) * 360) # Limit the speed GPG2.set_motor_limits(GPG2.MOTOR_LEFT + GPG2.MOTOR_RIGHT, dps=speed) # Set each motor target GPG2.set_motor_position(GPG2.MOTOR_LEFT, (StartPositionLeft + WheelTurnDegrees)) GPG2.set_motor_position(GPG2.MOTOR_RIGHT, (StartPositionRight - WheelTurnDegrees))
import socket # Import socket module from gopigo import * #Has the basic functions for controlling the GoPiGo Robot import sys #Used for closing the running program import pygame #Gives access to KEYUP/KEYDOWN events import picamera import os, os.path import numpy as np import argparse import os import sys import gopigo3 camera = picamera.PiCamera() charpre = 'p' accelerate = 0 gpg = gopigo3.GoPiGo3() if __name__ == '__main__': iteration = 0 while True: imagename = '/home/pi/Desktop/DL4GPG/capture.jpg' camera.capture(imagename) s = socket.socket() # Create a socket object if (len(sys.argv) > 1): host = sys.argv[1] # Get local machine name from command arg else: host = '' # Get local machine name port = 12344 # Reserve a port for your service. s.connect((host, port)) f = open('capture.jpg', 'rb') print 'Sending...' l =
#!/usr/bin/env python # GoPiGo3 imports from di_sensors import distance_sensor import gopigo3 import time # ROS imports import rospy # TODO Int16 import is now obsolete (I think) from std_msgs.msg import Int16 from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan # Instantiate GoPiGo object objGpg = gopigo3.GoPiGo3() # Instantiate DistanceSensor object objDstSns = distance_sensor.DistanceSensor() # Variables stepSweep = 10 sweepDir = 1 def scan(): global stepSweep, sweepDir # Maximum count to the left countMax = 2420 # Minimum count to the right countMin = 620 # Populate the LaserScan message numReadings = (countMax - countMin) / abs(stepSweep) now = rospy.get_rostime() msgScan = LaserScan()
def run(): GPG = gopigo3.GoPiGo3() server_socket = socket.socket() server_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) server_socket.bind(('', 8002)) server_socket.listen(0) while True: print "Matlab server awaiting connection" GPG.reset_all() GPG.set_grove_type(GPG.GROVE_1, GPG.GROVE_TYPE.CUSTOM) GPG.set_grove_mode(GPG.GROVE_1, GPG.GROVE_INPUT_ANALOG) GPG.set_grove_type(GPG.GROVE_2, GPG.GROVE_TYPE.CUSTOM) GPG.set_grove_mode(GPG.GROVE_2, GPG.GROVE_INPUT_ANALOG) connection = server_socket.accept()[0] print "Matlab server connected" had_command = True last_battery_good = time.time() try: while True: # Battery check battery = GPG.get_voltage_battery() if battery < 10: print "Low battery: ", battery if time.time() > last_battery_good + 10: print "Battery critically low, shutting down" os.system("sudo shutdown now -h") else: last_battery_good = time.time() ready =[connection], [], [], 1.0)[0] # 1000ms timeout if ready: had_command = True sz = struct.unpack('<L', connection.recv( struct.calcsize('<L')))[0] if sz: msg = connection.recv(sz) msg = struct.unpack('<lll', msg) # Apply commands if battery > 10.5: GPG.set_motor_dps(GPG.MOTOR_LEFT, msg[0]) GPG.set_motor_dps(GPG.MOTOR_RIGHT, msg[1]) GPG.set_servo(GPG.SERVO_1, msg[2]) else: print "Not executing command due to low battery (", battery, "V)" # Construct status msg = struct.pack( '<ll', GPG.get_motor_encoder(GPG.MOTOR_LEFT) * GPG.MOTOR_TICKS_PER_DEGREE, GPG.get_motor_encoder(GPG.MOTOR_RIGHT) * GPG.MOTOR_TICKS_PER_DEGREE) msg = msg + struct.pack('<lllll', *line_sensor.get_sensorval()) msg = msg + struct.pack('<f', battery) msg = msg + struct.pack( '<llll', grovepi.analogRead(0), grovepi.analogRead(1), grovepi.analogRead(2), grovepi.analogRead(3)) msg = msg + struct.pack( '<ll', GPG.get_grove_analog(GPG.GROVE_1_1), GPG.get_grove_analog(GPG.GROVE_2_1)) msg = struct.pack('<L', len(msg)) + msg connection.send(msg) else: if had_command: print "Command timeout" GPG.set_motor_dps(GPG.MOTOR_LEFT, 0) GPG.set_motor_dps(GPG.MOTOR_RIGHT, 0) had_command = False except: print "Matlab server error" pass finally: try: connection.close() except: pass server_socket.close()
def run(): GPG = gopigo3.GoPiGo3() last_command = time.time() last_battery_good = time.time() server_socket = socket.socket() server_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) server_socket.bind(('', 8002)) server_socket.listen(0) while True: print "Data server awaiting connection" GPG.reset_all() GPG.set_grove_type(GPG.GROVE_1, GPG.GROVE_TYPE.CUSTOM) GPG.set_grove_mode(GPG.GROVE_1, GPG.GROVE_INPUT_ANALOG) GPG.set_grove_type(GPG.GROVE_2, GPG.GROVE_TYPE.CUSTOM) GPG.set_grove_mode(GPG.GROVE_2, GPG.GROVE_INPUT_ANALOG) GPG.set_led(GPG.LED_WIFI, 0, 0, 0) try: grovepi.analogRead(0) has_grove = True except: has_grove = False print "Grove board detected: ", has_grove connection = server_socket.accept()[0] print "Data server connected" try: while True: # Battery check battery = GPG.get_voltage_battery() if battery < 10: print "Low battery: ", battery if time.time() > last_battery_good + 1: print "Battery critically low, shutting down" os.system("shutdown now -h") else: last_battery_good = time.time() ready =[connection], [], [], 0.100)[0] # 100ms timeout if ready: sz = struct.unpack('<L', connection.recv( struct.calcsize('<L')))[0] if not sz: break msg = '' while len(msg) < sz: msg = connection.recv(sz - len(msg)) # Apply commands if sz == 12: msg = struct.unpack('<lll', msg) msg = msg + (0, 0, 0) elif sz == 15: msg = struct.unpack('<lllBBB', msg) else: print "Unknown message size ", sz break if battery > 10.5: GPG.set_motor_dps(GPG.MOTOR_LEFT, msg[0]) GPG.set_motor_dps(GPG.MOTOR_RIGHT, msg[1]) GPG.set_servo(GPG.SERVO_1, msg[2]) GPG.set_servo(GPG.SERVO_2, msg[2]) GPG.set_led(GPG.LED_WIFI, msg[3], msg[4], msg[5]) last_command = time.time() # Auto-stop if no commands are sent if time.time() > last_command + 1: print "Stopping (no data or low battery). Battery is at ", battery, "V" last_command = time.time() + 3600 GPG.reset_all() # Construct status msg = struct.pack( '<ll', GPG.get_motor_encoder(GPG.MOTOR_LEFT) * GPG.MOTOR_TICKS_PER_DEGREE, GPG.get_motor_encoder(GPG.MOTOR_RIGHT) * GPG.MOTOR_TICKS_PER_DEGREE) msg = msg + struct.pack('<lllll', *line_sensor.get_sensorval()) msg = msg + struct.pack('<f', battery) if has_grove: msg = msg + struct.pack( '<llll', grovepi.analogRead(1), grovepi.analogRead(0), grovepi.analogRead(2), grovepi.analogRead(3)) msg = msg + struct.pack( '<ll', GPG.get_grove_analog(GPG.GROVE_1_1), GPG.get_grove_analog(GPG.GROVE_2_1)) msg = struct.pack('<L', len(msg)) + msg connection.send(msg) except Exception as e: print "Data server error: ", e pass finally: try: connection.close() except: pass server_socket.close()