def LCEB(fitness_fn, ngens, popsize, st_maxdepth): """Linear combination of evolved bases. There is a single individual composed of many randomly-generated trees. At each step, we take them as bases for a GLM, fit, and look at their coefficients. Any tree which has a small coefficient is not helping much: replace it with a new randomly-generated tree, and repeat. FIXME problem: it rewards trees which require huge coefficients, ie hardly do anything.""" y = fitness_fn.train_y # make initial population pop = [gp.grow(st_maxdepth, random) for i in range(popsize)] for gen in xrange(ngens): X = None for ind in pop: fit, col = fitness_fn.get_semantics(gp.make_fn(ind)) if (fit != sys.maxint and all(np.isfinite(col))): pass else: print("Omitting a column") col = np.zeros(len(y)) if X is None: X = col else: X = np.c_[X, col] print("X") print(X.shape) print(X) model = LinearRegression(), y) coefs = model.coef_ output = model.predict(X) rmse = fitness_fn.rmse(y, output) print("rmse", rmse) print("coefs", coefs) worst_idx, worst_val = argabsmin(coefs) print("worst tree") print(pop[worst_idx]) pop[worst_idx] = gp.grow(st_maxdepth, random)
def test(): t, dep, nnodes = bubble_down(random.randint(5, 19), random) s, dep, nnodes = bubble_down(random.randint(10, 15), random) print(t) print(s) tN = gp.make_zssNode_from_tuple(t) sN = gp.make_zssNode_from_tuple(s) print(tN) print(sN) print(, sN)) print(, tN)) print(, sN)) print("---") cases = [(x, y) for x in range(4) for y in range(4)] print(cases) cases = zip(*cases) print(cases) tf = gp.make_fn(t) print(tf(cases))
def generate_bubble_down_tree_and_fn(rng): t, d, n = bubble_down(30, rng) return t, gp.make_fn(t)
def generate_grow_tree_and_fn_maxd(rng, max_depth=3): t = gp.grow(max_depth, rng) return t, gp.make_fn(t)
def generate_bubble_down_tree_and_fn_minn_maxn(minn, maxn, rng): t, d, n = bubble_down_minn_maxn(minn, maxn, rng) return t, gp.make_fn(t)