Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_model_composition_units(self):
        class Above(Model):
            "A simple upper bound on x"
            def __init__(self):
                x = Variable("x", "ft")
                x_max = Variable("x_{max}", 1, "yard")
                Model.__init__(self, 1/x, [x <= x_max])

        class Below(Model):
            "A simple lower bound on x"
            def __init__(self):
                x = Variable("x", "m")
                x_min = Variable("x_{min}", 1, "cm")
                Model.__init__(self, x, [x >= x_min])

        a, b = Above(), Below()
        concatm = Model(a.cost*b.cost, [a, b])
        concat_cost = concatm.solve(verbosity=0)["cost"]
        if not isinstance(a["x"].key.units, str):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(a.solve(verbosity=0)["cost"], 0.3333333)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(b.solve(verbosity=0)["cost"], 0.01)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(concat_cost, 0.0109361)  # 1 cm/1 yd
        a1, b1 = Above(), Below()
        m = a1.link(b1)
        m.cost = m["x"]
        sol = m.solve(verbosity=0)
        if not isinstance(m["x"].key.units, str):
            expected = (1*gpkit.units.cm/(1*m.cost.units)).to("dimensionless")
            self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"], expected)  # 1 cm/(1 ft or 1 m)
        self.assertIn(m["x"], sol["variables"])
        self.assertIn(a1["x"], sol["variables"])
        self.assertIn(b1["x"], sol["variables"])
        self.assertNotIn(a["x"], sol["variables"])
        self.assertNotIn(b["x"], sol["variables"])
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_evalfn(self):
     x = Variable("x")
     x2 = Variable("x^2", evalfn=lambda solv: solv[x]**2)
     m = Model(x, [x >= 2])
     m.unique_varkeys = set([x2.key])
     sol = m.solve(verbosity=0)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol(x2), sol(x)**2)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_substitution_issue905(self):
     x = Variable("x")
     y = Variable("y")
     m = Model(x, [x >= y], {"y": 1})
     bm = Model(m.cost, Bounded(m))
     sol = bm.solve(verbosity=0)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"], 1.0)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_constants_in_objective_1(self):
     '''Issue 296'''
     x1 = Variable('x1')
     x2 = Variable('x2')
     m = Model(1. + x1 + x2, [x1 >= 1., x2 >= 1.])
     sol = m.solve(solver=self.solver, verbosity=0)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"], 3, self.ndig)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, N=4, **kwargs):
     EI = Variable("EI", 1e4, "N*m^2")
     dx = Variable("dx", "m", "Length of an element")
     L = Variable("L", 5, "m", "Overall beam length")
     q = VectorVariable(N, "q", 100*np.ones(N), "N/m",
                        "Distributed load at each point")
     V = VectorVariable(N, "V", "N", "Internal shear")
     V_tip = Variable("V_{tip}", 0, "N", "Tip loading")
     M = VectorVariable(N, "M", "N*m", "Internal moment")
     M_tip = Variable("M_{tip}", 0, "N*m", "Tip moment")
     th = VectorVariable(N, "\\theta", "-", "Slope")
     th_base = Variable("\\theta_{base}", 0, "-", "Base angle")
     w = VectorVariable(N, "w", "m", "Displacement")
     w_base = Variable("w_{base}", 0, "m", "Base deflection")
     # below: trapezoidal integration to form a piecewise-linear
     #        approximation of loading, shear, and so on
     # shear and moment increase from tip to base (left > right)
     shear_eq = (V >= V.right + 0.5*dx*(q + q.right))
     shear_eq[-1] = (V[-1] >= V_tip)  # tip boundary condition
     moment_eq = (M >= M.right + 0.5*dx*(V + V.right))
     moment_eq[-1] = (M[-1] >= M_tip)
     # slope and displacement increase from base to tip (right > left)
     theta_eq = (th >= th.left + 0.5*dx*(M + M.left)/EI)
     theta_eq[0] = (th[0] >= th_base)  # base boundary condition
     displ_eq = (w >= w.left + 0.5*dx*(th + th.left))
     displ_eq[0] = (w[0] >= w_base)
     # minimize tip displacement (the last w)
     Model.__init__(self, w[-1],
                    [shear_eq, moment_eq, theta_eq, displ_eq,
                     L == (N-1)*dx], **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_constants_in_objective_2(self):
     '''Issue 296'''
     x1 = Variable('x1')
     x2 = Variable('x2')
     m = Model(x1**2 + 100 + 3*x2, [x1 >= 10., x2 >= 15.])
     sol = m.solve(solver=self.solver, verbosity=0)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"]/245., 1, self.ndig)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_additive_constants(self):
     x = Variable('x')
     m = Model(1/x, [1 >= 5*x + 0.5, 1 >= 10*x])
     gp = m.program
     self.assertEqual(gp.cs[1], gp.cs[2])
     self.assertEqual(gp.A.data[1], gp.A.data[2])
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_sp_initial_guess_sub(self):
        x = Variable("x")
        y = Variable("y")
        x0 = 2
        y0 = 2
        with SignomialsEnabled():
            constraints = [y + x >= 4, y <= x]
        objective = x
        m = Model(objective, constraints)
            sol = m.localsolve(x0={x: x0, y: y0}, verbosity=0,
        except TypeError:
            self.fail("Call to local solve with only variables failed")
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sol(x), 2, self.ndig)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"], 2, self.ndig)

            sol = m.localsolve(x0={"x": x0, "y": y0}, verbosity=0,
        except TypeError:
            self.fail("Call to local solve with only variable strings failed")
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sol("x"), 2, self.ndig)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"], 2, self.ndig)

            sol = m.localsolve(x0={"x": x0, y: y0}, verbosity=0,
        except TypeError:
            self.fail("Call to local solve with a mix of variable strings "
                      "and variables failed")
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"], 2, self.ndig)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, min_rho=True, **kwargs):
        self.min_rho = min_rho

        Lval = 0.0065   # [K/m]

        L    = Variable('L', Lval, 'K/m', 'Temperature lapse rate')
        p_0  = Variable('p_0', 101325, 'Pa', 'Pressure at sea level')
        T_0  = Variable('T_0', 288.15, 'K', 'Temperature at sea level')

        if min_rho:
            objective = rho  # minimize density
            objective = 1/rho  # maximize density

        # Temperature lapse rate constraint
        if min_rho:
            with SignomialsEnabled():
                constraints = TCS([T_0 <= T + L*h])
            constraints = TCS([T_0 >= T + L*h])

        constraints += [h <= 11000*units.m,
                        h >= 1E-6*units.m,

                        # Pressure-altitude relation
                        (p/p_0)**(1/th) == T/T_0,

                        # Ideal gas law
                        rho == p/(R*T),
        su = Sutherland()
        lc = su.link(constraints)

        Model.__init__(self, objective, lc, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_trivial_sp2(self):
        x = Variable("x")
        y = Variable("y")

        # converging from above
        with SignomialsEnabled():
            constraints = [y + x >= 2, y >= x]
        objective = y
        x0 = 1
        y0 = 2
        m = Model(objective, constraints)
        sol1 = m.localsolve(x0={x: x0, y: y0}, verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)

        # converging from right
        with SignomialsEnabled():
            constraints = [y + x >= 2, y <= x]
        objective = x
        x0 = 2
        y0 = 1
        m = Model(objective, constraints)
        sol2 = m.localsolve(x0={x: x0, y: y0}, verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)

                               sol2["variables"]["x"], self.ndig)
                               sol2["variables"]["x"], self.ndig)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_partial_sub_signomial(self):
     """Test SP partial x0 initialization"""
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y')
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(x, [x + y >= 1, y <= 0.5])
     m.localsolve(x0={x: 0.5}, verbosity=0)
     self.assertEqual(m.program.gps[0].constraints[0].exp[x], -1./3)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_cvxopt_kwargs(self):
     if "cvxopt" not in settings["installed_solvers"]:
     x = Variable("x")
     m = Model(x, [x >= 12])
     # make sure it's possible to pass the kktsolver option to cvxopt
     sol = m.solve(solver="cvxopt", verbosity=0, kktsolver="ldl")
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"], 12., NDIGS["cvxopt"])
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_no_naming_on_var_access(self):
     # make sure that analysis models don't add their names to
     # variables looked up from other models
     box = Box()
     area_bounds = BoxAreaBounds(box)
     M = Model(box["V"], [box, area_bounds])
     for var in ("h", "w", "d"):
         self.assertEqual(len(M.variables_byname(var)), 1)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_call_units(self):
     # test from issue541
     x = Variable("x", 10, "ft")
     y = Variable("y", "m")
     m = Model(y, [y >= x])
     sol = m.solve(verbosity=0)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol("y")/sol("x"), 1.0, 6)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol(x)/sol(y), 1.0, 6)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def test_additive_constants(self):
     x = Variable('x')
     m = Model(1/x, [1 >= 5*x + 0.5, 1 >= 10*x])
     # pylint: disable=no-member
     gp = m.program  # created by solve()
     self.assertEqual(gp.cs[1], gp.cs[2])
     self.assertEqual(gp.A.data[1], gp.A.data[2])
Exemplo n.º 16
 def test_sigs_not_allowed_in_cost(self):
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         x = Variable('x')
         y = Variable('y')
         J = 0.01*((x - 1)**2 + (y - 1)**2) + (x*y - 1)**2
         m = Model(J)
         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
Exemplo n.º 17
 def test_601(self):
     # tautological monomials should solve but not pass to the solver
     x = Variable("x")
     y = Variable("y", 2)
     m = Model(x,
               [x >= 1,
                y == 2])
     self.assertEqual(len(m.program.constraints), 2)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def test_partial_sub_signomial(self):
     "Test SP partial x0 initialization"
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y')
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(x, [x + y >= 1, y <= 0.5])
     gp = m.sp().gp(x0={x: 0.5})  # pylint: disable=no-member
     first_gp_constr_posy = gp[0][0].as_posyslt1()[0]
     self.assertEqual(first_gp_constr_posy.exp[x.key], -1./3)
Exemplo n.º 19
def simpleflight(verbosity=0):
    """Simple flight model"""
    # Constants
    k = Variable("k", 1.2, "-", "form factor")
    e = Variable("e", 0.95, "-", "Oswald efficiency factor")
    mu = Variable("\\mu", 1.78e-5, "kg/m/s", "viscosity of air")
    pi = Variable("\\pi", np.pi, "-", "half of the circle constant")
    rho = Variable("\\rho", 1.23, "kg/m^3", "density of air")
    tau = Variable("\\tau", 0.12, "-", "airfoil thickness to chord ratio")
    N_ult = Variable("N_{ult}", 3.8, "-", "ultimate load factor")
    V_min = Variable("V_{min}", 22, "m/s", "takeoff speed")
    C_Lmax = Variable("C_{L,max}", 1.5, "-", "max CL with flaps down")
    S_wetratio = Variable("(\\frac{S}{S_{wet}})", 2.05, "-",
                          "wetted area ratio")
    W_W_coeff1 = Variable("W_{W_{coeff1}}", 8.71e-5, "1/m",
                          "Wing Weight Coefficent 1")
    W_W_coeff2 = Variable("W_{W_{coeff2}}", 45.24, "Pa",
                          "Wing Weight Coefficent 2")
    CDA0 = Variable("(CDA0)", 0.031, "m^2", "fuselage drag area")
    W_0 = Variable("W_0", 4940.0, "N", "aircraft weight excluding wing")

    # Free Variables
    D = Variable("D", "N", "total drag force")
    A = Variable("A", "-", "aspect ratio")
    S = Variable("S", "m^2", "total wing area")
    V = Variable("V", "m/s", "cruising speed")
    W = Variable("W", "N", "total aircraft weight")
    Re = Variable("Re", "-", "Reynold's number")
    C_D = Variable("C_D", "-", "Drag coefficient of wing")
    C_L = Variable("C_L", "-", "Lift coefficent of wing")
    C_f = Variable("C_f", "-", "skin friction coefficient")
    W_w = Variable("W_w", "N", "wing weight")

    constraints = []

    # Drag model
    C_D_fuse = CDA0/S
    C_D_wpar = k*C_f*S_wetratio
    C_D_ind = C_L**2/(pi*A*e)
    constraints += [C_D >= C_D_fuse + C_D_wpar + C_D_ind]

    # Wing weight model
    W_w_strc = W_W_coeff1*(N_ult*A**1.5*(W_0*W*S)**0.5)/tau
    W_w_surf = W_W_coeff2 * S
    constraints += [W_w >= W_w_surf + W_w_strc]

    # and the rest of the models
    constraints += [D == 0.5*rho*S*C_D*V**2,
                    Re <= (rho/mu)*V*(S/A)**0.5,
                    C_f >= 0.074/Re**0.2,
                    W <= 0.5*rho*S*C_L*V**2,
                    W <= 0.5*rho*S*C_Lmax*V_min**2,
                    W >= W_0 + W_w]

    m = Model(D, constraints)
    return m
Exemplo n.º 20
 def test_call_vector(self):
     n = 5
     x = VectorVariable(n, 'x')
     prob = Model(sum(x), [x >= 2.5])
     sol = prob.solve(verbosity=0)
     solx = sol(x)
     self.assertEqual(type(solx), np.ndarray)
     self.assertEqual(solx.shape, (n,))
     self.assertTrue((abs(solx - 2.5*np.ones(n)) < 1e-7).all())
Exemplo n.º 21
 def test_zeroing(self):
     L = Variable("L")
     k = Variable("k", 0)
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         constr = [L-5*k <= 10]
     sol = Model(1/L, constr).solve(self.solver, verbosity=0)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol(L), 10, self.ndig)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"], 0.1, self.ndig)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def test_posyconstr_in_gp(self):
     """Tests tight constraint set with solve()"""
     x = Variable("x")
     x_min = Variable("x_{min}", 2)
     m = Model(x, [Tight([x >= 1], raiseerror=True), x >= x_min])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     m.substitutions[x_min] = 0.5
     self.assertAlmostEqual(m.solve(verbosity=0)["cost"], 1)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def test_601(self):
     # tautological monomials should solve but not pass to the solver
     x = Variable("x")
     y = Variable("y", 2)
     m = Model(x,
               [x >= 1,
                y == 2])
     m.solve(solver=self.solver, verbosity=0)
     self.assertEqual(len(m.program[0]), 2)  # pylint:disable=unsubscriptable-object
     self.assertEqual(len(m.program.posynomials), 2)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def test_tautological_spconstraint(self):
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y')
     z = Variable('z', 0)
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(x, [x >= 1-y, y <= 0.1, y >= z])
     with self.assertRaises(InvalidGPConstraint):
     sol = m.localsolve(self.solver, verbosity=0)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["variables"]["x"], 0.9, self.ndig)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def test_sub_tol(self):
     """ Test PosyIneq feasibility tolerance under substitutions"""
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y')
     z = Variable('z')
     PosynomialInequality.feastol = 1e-5
     m = Model(z, [x == z, x >= y], {x: 1., y: 1.0001})
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, m.solve, verbosity=0)
     PosynomialInequality.feastol = 1e-3
     self.assertEqual(m.substitutions('x'), m.solve(verbosity=0)('x'))
Exemplo n.º 26
 def test_cost_freeing(self):
     "Test freeing a variable that's in the cost."
     x = Variable("x", 1)
     x_min = Variable("x_{min}", 2)
     m = Model(x, [x >= x_min])
     self.assertRaises((RuntimeWarning, ValueError), m.solve, verbosity=0)
     del m.substitutions["x"]
     self.assertAlmostEqual(m.solve(verbosity=0)["cost"], 2)
     del m.substitutions["x_{min}"]
     self.assertRaises((RuntimeWarning, ValueError), m.solve, verbosity=0)
Exemplo n.º 27
 def test_composite_objective(self):
     L = Variable("L")
     W = Variable("W")
     eqns = [L >= 1, W >= 1,
             L*W == 10]
     obj = composite_objective(L+W, W**-1 * L**-3, sub={L: 1, W: 1})
     m = Model(obj, eqns)
     sol = m.solve(verbosity=0)
     a = sol["cost"]
     b = np.array([1.58856898, 2.6410391, 3.69348122, 4.74591386])
     self.assertTrue((abs(a-b)/(a+b+1e-7) < 1e-7).all())
Exemplo n.º 28
 def test_result_access(self):
     x = Variable("x")
     y = Variable("y")
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         sig = (y + 6*x >= 13 + x**2)
     m = Model(y, [sig])
     sol = m.localsolve(verbosity=0)
     self.assertTrue(all([isinstance(gp.result.table(), Strings)
                          for gp in m.program.gps]))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"]/4.0, 1.0, 5)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol("x")/3.0, 1.0, 3)
Exemplo n.º 29
 def test_reassigned_constant_cost(self):
     # for issue 1131
     x = Variable('x')
     x_min = Variable('x_min', 1)
     y = Variable('y')
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(y, [y + 0.5 >= x, x >= x_min, 6 >= y])
     m.localsolve(verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)
     del m.substitutions[x_min]
     m.cost = 1/x_min
     self.assertNotIn(x_min, m.sp().substitutions)
Exemplo n.º 30
 def test_sigeq(self):
     x = Variable("x")
     y = VectorVariable(1, "y")  # test vector input to sigeq
     c = Variable("c")
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(c, [c >= (x + 0.25)**2 + (y - 0.5)**2,
                       SignomialEquality(x**2 + x, y)])
     sol = m.localsolve(solver=self.solver, verbosity=0)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol("x"), 0.1639472, self.ndig)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol("y"), 0.1908254, self.ndig)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol("c"), 0.2669448, self.ndig)
Exemplo n.º 31
 def test_issue180(self):
     L = Variable("L")
     Lmax = Variable("L_{max}", 10)
     W = Variable("W")
     Wmax = Variable("W_{max}", 10)
     A = Variable("A", 10)
     Obj = Variable("Obj")
     a_val = 0.01
     a = Variable("a", a_val)
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         eqns = [
             L <= Lmax, W <= Wmax, L * W >= A,
             Obj >= a * (2 * L + 2 * W) + (1 - a) * (12 * W**-1 * L**-3)
     m = Model(Obj, eqns)
     spsol = m.solve(self.solver, verbosity=0)
     # now solve as GP
     m[-1] = (Obj >= a_val * (2 * L + 2 * W) + (1 - a_val) *
              (12 * W**-1 * L**-3))
     del m.substitutions[m["a"]]
     gpsol = m.solve(self.solver, verbosity=0)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(spsol["cost"], gpsol["cost"])
Exemplo n.º 32
    def test_trivial_gp(self):
        Create and solve a trivial GP:
            minimize    x + 2y
            subject to  xy >= 1

        The global optimum is (x, y) = (sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(2)).
        x = Variable('x')
        y = Variable('y')
        prob = Model(cost=(x + 2*y),
                     constraints=[x*y >= 1])
        sol = prob.solve(solver=self.solver, verbosity=0)
        self.assertEqual(type(prob.latex()), unicode)
        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        self.assertEqual(type(prob._repr_latex_()), unicode)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sol("x"), np.sqrt(2.), self.ndig)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sol("y"), 1/np.sqrt(2.), self.ndig)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sol("x") + 2*sol("y"),
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"], 2*np.sqrt(2), self.ndig)
Exemplo n.º 33
 def test_posyconstr_in_sp(self):
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y')
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         sig_constraint = (x + y >= 0.1)
     m = Model(x*y, [Tight([x >= y], raiseerror=True),
                     x >= 2, y >= 1, sig_constraint])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     self.assertAlmostEqual(m.localsolve(verbosity=0)["cost"], 1, 5)
Exemplo n.º 34
def rotors_analysis_function(T=2000 * ureg("lbf"),
                             h=0 * ureg.ft,
                             R=1.804 * ureg("ft"),

    #Function uses GPKit models as the backend to analyze a rotor.
    testRotor = Rotors()
        "R": R,
        "N": N,
        "s": s,
        "Cl_{mean_{max}}": Cl_mean_max
    testState = FlightState(h=h)
    testRotor_AeroAnalysis = testRotor.performance(testState)
        {"T": T.to(ureg.lbf).magnitude})

    if VT != "unconstrained":
        testRotor_AeroAnalysis.substitutions.update({"VT": VT})

    testModel = Model(testRotor_AeroAnalysis["P"],
                      [testRotor, testRotor_AeroAnalysis])
    testSolution = testModel.solve(verbosity=0)

    if print_summary == "Yes":
        print testSolution.summary()

    VT = testSolution["variables"]["VT_RotorsAero"]
    P = testSolution["variables"]["P_RotorsAero"]
    FOM = testSolution["variables"]["FOM_RotorsAero"]
    Cl_mean = testSolution["variables"]["Cl_mean_RotorsAero"]
    SPL = 20 * np.log10(testSolution["variables"]["p_{ratio}_RotorsAero"])

    return [VT, P, FOM, Cl_mean, SPL]
Exemplo n.º 35
    def test_simple_united_gp(self):
        R = Variable("R", "nautical_miles")
        if not R.units:
        a0 = Variable("a0", 340.29, "m/s")
        theta = Variable("\\theta", 0.7598)
        t = Variable("t", 10, "hr")
        T_loiter = Variable("T_{loiter}", 1, "hr")
        T_reserve = Variable("T_{reserve}", 45, "min")
        M = VectorVariable(2, "M")

        prob = Model(1 / R, [
            t >= sum(R / a0 / M / theta**0.5) + T_loiter + T_reserve, M <= 0.76
        sol = prob.solve(solver=self.solver, verbosity=0)
        almostequal = self.assertAlmostEqual
        almostequal(0.000553226 / R.units / sol["cost"], 1, self.ndig)
        almostequal(340.29 / sol["constants"]["a0"], 1, self.ndig)
        almostequal(340.29 / sol["variables"]["a0"], 1, self.ndig)
        almostequal(340.29 * a0.units / sol("a0"), 1, self.ndig)
        almostequal(1807.58 / sol["freevariables"]["R"], 1, self.ndig)
        almostequal(1807.58 * R.units / sol("R"), 1, self.ndig)
Exemplo n.º 36
    def test_becomes_posy_sensitivities(self):
        # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        # model from #1165
        ujet = Variable("ujet")
        PK = Variable("PK")

        # Constants
        Dp = Variable("Dp", 0.662)
        fBLI = Variable("fBLI", 0.4)
        fsurf = Variable("fsurf", 0.836)
        mdot = Variable("mdot", 1 / 0.7376)

        with SignomialsEnabled():
            m = Model(PK, [
                mdot * ujet + fBLI * Dp >= 1, PK >= 0.5 * mdot * ujet *
                (2 + ujet) + fBLI * fsurf * Dp
        var_senss = m.solve(verbosity=0)["sensitivities"]["constants"]
        self.assertAlmostEqual(var_senss[Dp], -0.16, 2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(var_senss[fBLI], -0.16, 2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(var_senss[fsurf], 0.19, 2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(var_senss[mdot], -0.17, 2)
Exemplo n.º 37
    def test_sp_bounded(self):
        x = Variable("x")
        y = Variable("y")

        with SignomialsEnabled():
            m = Model(x, [x + y >= 1, y <= 0.1])  # solves
        cost = m.localsolve(verbosity=0)["cost"]
        self.assertAlmostEqual(cost, 0.9, self.ndig)

        with SignomialsEnabled():
            m = Model(x, [x + y >= 1])  # dual infeasible
        with self.assertRaises((RuntimeWarning, ValueError)):

        with SignomialsEnabled():
            m = Model(x, Bounded([x + y >= 1], verbosity=0))
        sol = m.localsolve(verbosity=0)
        boundedness = sol["boundedness"]
        if "value near lower bound" in boundedness:
            self.assertIn(x.key, boundedness["value near lower bound"])
        if "value near upper bound" in boundedness:
            self.assertIn(y.key, boundedness["value near upper bound"])
def infeasibility_check(delta,
    is_fair = (patterns is not None)
    is_initialize = (result_dict is not None)
    s = Variable(str("s"))
    objective = s
    s_constraint = [s >= 1]

    constraints = get_feasibility_parity_constraints(params_dict, s,
    constraints += s_constraint

    if is_fair:
        fair_constraints = get_fairness_constraints(delta, patterns,
                                                    params_dict, target_name)
        constraints += fair_constraints

    m = Model(objective, constraints)

    if is_fair:
        if is_initialize:
            #print("Local solver with initialization")
            sol = m.localsolve(solver='mosek_cli', x0=result_dict)
            sol = m.localsolve(solver='mosek_cli')
        sol = m.solve(solver='mosek_cli')

    #print("Optimal cost:  %.4g" % sol["cost"])
    result_dict_2 = {}
    for key, value in params_dict.items():
        result_dict_2[key] = sol["variables"][value[0]]
    return result_dict_2
Exemplo n.º 39
 def test_trivial_sp(self):
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y')
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(x, [x >= 1 - y, y <= 0.1])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         # solve should catch the TypeError raised by an SP constraints
         # and raise its own ValueError instead
     sol = m.localsolve(self.solver, verbosity=0)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["variables"]["x"], 0.9, self.ndig)
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(x, [x + y >= 1, y <= 0.1])
     sol = m.localsolve(self.solver, verbosity=0)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["variables"]["x"], 0.9, self.ndig)
Exemplo n.º 40
def optimize_aircraft(m, substitutions, fixedBPR=False, pRatOpt=True, x0 = None):
    Optimizes an aircraft of a given configuration
    :param m: aircraft model with objective and configuration
    :param fixedBPR: boolean specifying whether or not BPR is fixed (depends on config)
    :param pRatOpt: boolean specifying whether or not pressure ratio is optimized (depends on config)
    :return: solution of aircraft model

    if fixedBPR:
            '\\alpha_{max}': 6.97, #8.62,

    if pRatOpt:
        del substitutions['\pi_{f_D}']
        del substitutions['\pi_{lc_D}']
        del substitutions['\pi_{hc_D}']

    m = Model(m.cost, Bounded(m), m.substitutions)
    sol = m.localsolve(verbosity=2, iteration_limit=200, reltol=0.01)
    return sol
Exemplo n.º 41
 def test_fmincon_generator(self):
     """Test fmincon comparison tool"""
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y')
     m = Model(x, [x**3.2 >= 17*y + y**-0.2,
                   x >= 2,
                   y == 4])
     obj, c, ceq, DC, DCeq = generate_mfiles(m, writefiles=False)
     self.assertEqual(obj, 'x(2)')
     self.assertEqual(c, ['-x(2)**3.2 + 17*x(1) + x(1)**-0.2', '-x(2) + 2'])
     self.assertEqual(ceq, ['-x(1) + 4'])
     self.assertEqual(DC, ['-0.2*x(1).^-1.2 + 17,...\n          ' +
                           '-3.2*x(2).^2.2', '0,...\n          -1'])
     self.assertEqual(DCeq, ['-1,...\n            0'])
Exemplo n.º 42
def run_M072_737(objective, fixedBPR, pRatOpt, mutategparg):
    # User definitions
    Nclimb = 3
    Ncruise = 2
    Nmission = 1
    aircraft = 'M072_737'

    m = Mission(Nclimb, Ncruise, objective, aircraft, Nmission)

    substitutions = get_M072_737_subs()

    if Nmission > 1:
            'R_{req}': [3000. * units('nmi'), 2500. * units('nmi')],
            'n_{pass}': [180., 180.],
            'R_{req}': 3000. * units('nmi'),
            'n_{pass}': 180.,

    if fixedBPR:
            '\\alpha_{max}': 6.97,

    if pRatOpt:
        del substitutions['\pi_{f_D}']

##        del substitutions['\pi_{lc_D}']
##        del substitutions['\pi_{hc_D}']


    m = Model(m.cost, BCS(m))
    m_relax = relaxed_constants(m, None, ['M_{takeoff}', '\\theta_{db}'])

    sol = m_relax.localsolve(verbosity=4,

    percent_diff(sol, aircraft, Nclimb)

    post_compute(sol, Nclimb)

    return sol
Exemplo n.º 43
def test_emp():

    Sw = Variable("S_w", 50, "ft**2", "wing area")
    bw = Variable("b_w", 20, "ft", "wing span")
    cmac = Variable("cmac", 15, "in", "wing MAC")
    emp = Empennage()
    fs = FlightState()
    emp.substitutions.update({emp.W: 10, emp.tailboom.l: 5,
                              emp.htail.planform.AR: 4,
                              emp.vtail.planform.AR: 4,
                              emp.vtail.Vv: 0.04,
                              emp.htail.Vh: 0.4,
                              emp.htail.mh: 0.01})
    htperf = emp.htail.flight_model(emp.htail, fs)
    vtperf = emp.vtail.flight_model(emp.vtail, fs)
    tbperf = emp.tailboom.flight_model(emp.tailboom, fs)

    m = Model(htperf.Cd + vtperf.Cd + tbperf.Cf,
              [emp.vtail.lv == emp.tailboom.l, emp.htail.lh == emp.tailboom.l,
               emp.htail.Vh <= emp.htail.planform.S*emp.htail.lh/Sw/cmac,
               emp.vtail.Vv <= emp.vtail.planform.S*emp.vtail.lv/Sw/bw,
               emp, fs, htperf, vtperf, tbperf])
Exemplo n.º 44
def relaxed_constants(model, include_only=None, exclude=None):
    Method to precondition an SP so it solves with a relaxed constants algorithm

    model: the model to solve with relaxed constants

    feas: the input model but with relaxed constants and a new objective

    if model.substitutions:
        constsrelaxed = ConstantsRelaxed(model, include_only, exclude)
        feas = Model(constsrelaxed.relaxvars.prod()**20 * model.cost,
        # NOTE: It hasn't yet been seen but might be possible that
        #       the model.cost component above could cause infeasibility
        feas = Model(model.cost, model)

    return feas
Exemplo n.º 45
 def test_posyconstr_in_gp(self):
     """Tests tight constraint set with solve()"""
     x = Variable('x')
     x_min = Variable('x_{min}', 2)
     m = Model(x, [Tight([x >= 1], raiseerror=True), x >= x_min])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     m.substitutions[x_min] = 0.5
     self.assertAlmostEqual(m.solve(verbosity=0)["cost"], 1)
Exemplo n.º 46
    def test_model_composition_units(self):
        class Above(Model):
            "A simple upper bound on x"

            def __init__(self):
                x = Variable("x", "ft")
                x_max = Variable("x_{max}", 1, "yard")
                Model.__init__(self, 1 / x, [x <= x_max])

        class Below(Model):
            "A simple lower bound on x"

            def __init__(self):
                x = Variable("x", "m")
                x_min = Variable("x_{min}", 1, "cm")
                Model.__init__(self, x, [x >= x_min])

        a, b = Above(), Below()
        concatm = Model(a.cost * b.cost, [a, b])
        concat_cost = concatm.solve(verbosity=0)["cost"]
        if not isinstance(a["x"].key.units, str):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(a.solve(verbosity=0)["cost"], 0.3333333)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(b.solve(verbosity=0)["cost"], 0.01)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(concat_cost, 0.0109361)  # 1 cm/1 yd
        a1, b1 = Above(), Below()
        m = a1.link(b1)
        m.cost = m["x"]
        sol = m.solve(verbosity=0)
        if not isinstance(m["x"].key.units, str):
            expected = (1 * gpkit.units.cm /
                        (1 * m.cost.units)).to("dimensionless")
            self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"], expected)  # 1 cm/(1 ft or 1 m)
        self.assertIn(m["x"], sol["variables"])
        self.assertIn(a1["x"], sol["variables"])
        self.assertIn(b1["x"], sol["variables"])
        self.assertNotIn(a["x"], sol["variables"])
        self.assertNotIn(b["x"], sol["variables"])
Exemplo n.º 47
    def test_sp_initial_guess_sub(self):
        x = Variable("x")
        y = Variable("y")
        x0 = 3
        y0 = 2
        with SignomialsEnabled():
            constraints = [y + x >= 4, y <= x]
        objective = x
        m = Model(objective, constraints)
        # Call to local solve with only variables
        sol = m.localsolve(x0={
            "x": x0,
            y: y0
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sol(x), 2, self.ndig)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"], 2, self.ndig)

        # Call to local solve with only variable strings
        sol = m.localsolve(x0={
            "x": x0,
            "y": y0
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sol("x"), 2, self.ndig)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"], 2, self.ndig)

        # Call to local solve with a mix of variable strings and variables
        sol = m.localsolve(x0={
            "x": x0,
            y: y0
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"], 2, self.ndig)
Exemplo n.º 48
    def test_sp_substitutions(self):
        x = Variable('x')
        y = Variable('y', 1)
        z = Variable('z', 4)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            with SignomialsEnabled():
                m = Model(x, [x + z >= y])

        with SignomialsEnabled():
            m = Model(x, [x + y >= z])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(m.solve(self.solver, verbosity=0)["cost"], 3)
Exemplo n.º 49
def synthetic_model(number_of_constraints):
    constraints = []
    obj = 1
    number_of_gp_variables = number_of_constraints / 2 + int(
        number_of_constraints * np.random.rand()) + 1
    gp_variables = []
    s = []  # Variable('s_relax_sm')
    for i in xrange(number_of_gp_variables):
        x = Variable('x_sm_%s' % i)
        constraints.append(x >= 0.01)
    number_of_uncertain_variables = int(50 * np.random.rand()) + 1
    uncertain_variables = []
    for i in xrange(number_of_uncertain_variables):
            Variable('u_sm_%s' % i,
                     2 * np.random.random(),
                     pr=50 * np.random.random()))

    for counter in xrange(number_of_constraints):
        number_of_monomials = int(15 * np.random.random()) + 1
        vector_to_choose_from = [0, 0, 0, 1,
                                 -1]  # , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,

        m = number_of_monomials * [1]

        for j in xrange(number_of_monomials):
            for _ in xrange(
                    int(number_of_gp_variables * np.random.rand() / 2) + 1):
                m[j] *= (np.random.choice(gp_variables))**(
                    10 * np.random.random())  # -5)

        for i in xrange(number_of_uncertain_variables):
            neg_pos_neutral_powers = [
                    len(vector_to_choose_from) * np.random.rand())]
                for _ in xrange(number_of_monomials)
            for j in xrange(number_of_monomials):
                m[j] *= uncertain_variables[i]**(np.random.rand() * 2 *
        s.append(Variable('s_relax_sm_%s' % counter))
        constraints.append(sum(m) <= s[counter])

    for x in gp_variables:
        obj += 1000 * np.random.rand() * x**(-np.random.rand() * 10)  # - 5)
    obj += sum([i**0.2 for i in s])
    m = Model(obj, constraints)
    return m
Exemplo n.º 50
 def test_unbounded_debugging(self):
     "Test nearly-dual-feasible problems"
     from gpkit.constraints.bounded import Bounded
     x = Variable("x")
     y = Variable("y")
     m = Model(x*y, [x*y**1.000001 >= 100])
     with self.assertRaises((RuntimeWarning, ValueError)):
         m.solve(self.solver, verbosity=0)
     m = Model(x*y, Bounded(m, verbosity=0))
     sol = m.solve(self.solver, verbosity=0)
     bounds = sol["boundedness"]
     self.assertEqual(bounds["sensitive to upper bound"], [y.key])
     self.assertEqual(bounds["sensitive to lower bound"], [x.key])
Exemplo n.º 51
def p1(Fs, Lmax) -> float:
    minimize E

    subject to:
      L <= L_{max}
      T_w >= T_w^{min}
      |I^0|*E_{tx}^1 <= 1/4

    var. Tw
    Tw = Variable('Tw')
    objective = computeEnergy(Fs)(Tw)
    constraints = [
        computeDelay(Tw, Fs) <= Lmax, Tw >= Tw_min,
        bottleneckConstraint(Fs, Tw)
    m = Model(objective, constraints)
    # m.debug() # Some problems are not feasible
        sol = m.solve(verbosity=0)
        return round(sol['variables'][Tw], 1)
    except Exception:
        return None
Exemplo n.º 52
def relaxed_constraints(model):
    Method to precondition an SP so it solves with a relaxed constants algorithm

    model: the model to solve with relaxed constants

    feas: the input model but with relaxed constants and a new objective

    constsrelaxed = ConstraintsRelaxedEqually(model)
    return Model(constsrelaxed.relaxvar**20 * model.cost, constsrelaxed)
Exemplo n.º 53
 def test_mdd_example(self):
     Cl = Variable("Cl", 0.5, "-", "Lift Coefficient")
     Mdd = Variable("Mdd", "-", "Drag Divergence Mach Number")
     m1 = Model(1 / Mdd, [1 >= 5 * Mdd + 0.5, Mdd >= 0.00001])
     m2 = Model(1 / Mdd, [1 >= 5 * Mdd + 0.5])
     m3 = Model(1 / Mdd, [1 >= 5 * Mdd + Cl, Mdd >= 0.00001])
     sol1 = m1.solve(solver=self.solver, verbosity=0)
     sol2 = m2.solve(solver=self.solver, verbosity=0)
     sol3 = m3.solve(solver=self.solver, verbosity=0)
     # pylint: disable=no-member
     gp1, gp2, gp3 = [m.program for m in [m1, m2, m3]]
         gp1.A, CootMatrix(row=[0, 1, 2], col=[0, 0, 0], data=[-1, 1, -1]))
     self.assertEqual(gp2.A, CootMatrix(row=[0, 1],
                                        col=[0, 0],
                                        data=[-1, 1]))
         gp3.A, CootMatrix(row=[0, 1, 2], col=[0, 0, 0], data=[-1, 1, -1]))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol1(Mdd), sol2(Mdd))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol1(Mdd), sol3(Mdd))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol2(Mdd), sol3(Mdd))
Exemplo n.º 54
 def test_posyconstr_in_sp(self):
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y')
     x_min = Variable('x_min', 1)
     y_min = Variable('y_min', 2)
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         sig_constraint = (x + y >= 3.5)
     m = Model(x*y, [Loose([x >= y], raiseerror=True),
                     x >= x_min, y >= y_min, sig_constraint])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     m.substitutions[x_min] = 2
     m.substitutions[y_min] = 1
     self.assertAlmostEqual(m.localsolve(verbosity=0)["cost"], 2.5, 5)
Exemplo n.º 55
 def test_vector_sweep(self):
     """Test sweep involving VectorVariables"""
     x = Variable("x")
     y = VectorVariable(2, "y")
     m = Model(x, [x >= y.prod()])
     m.substitutions.update({y: ('sweep', [[2, 3], [5, 7], [9, 11]])})
     a = m.solve(verbosity=0)["cost"]
     b = [6, 14, 22, 15, 35, 55, 27, 63, 99]
     # below line fails with changing dictionary keys in py3
     self.assertTrue(all(abs(a - b) / (a + b) < 1e-7))
     m = Model(x, [x >= y.prod()])
     m.substitutions.update({y: ('sweep', [[2, 3], [5, 7, 11]])})
     a = m.solve(verbosity=0)["cost"]
     b = [10, 14, 22, 15, 21, 33]
     self.assertTrue(all(abs(a - b) / (a + b) < 1e-7))
     m = Model(x, [x >= y.prod()])
     m.substitutions.update({y: ('sweep', [[2, 3, 9], [5, 7, 11]])})
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, m.solve, verbosity=0)
Exemplo n.º 56
 def test_reassigned_constant_cost(self):
     # for issue 1131
     x = Variable("x")
     x_min = Variable("x_min", 1)
     y = Variable("y")
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(y, [y + 0.5 >= x, x >= x_min, 6 >= y])
     m.localsolve(verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)
     del m.substitutions[x_min]
     m.cost = 1 / x_min
     self.assertNotIn(x_min, m.sp().gp().substitutions)  # pylint: disable=no-member
Exemplo n.º 57
 def test_becomes_signomial(self):
     "Test that a GP does not become an SP after substitutions"
     x = Variable("x")
     c = Variable("c")
     y = Variable("y")
     m = Model(x, [y >= 1 + c * x, y <= 0.5], {c: -1})
     with self.assertRaises(InvalidGPConstraint):
         with SignomialsEnabled():
     with self.assertRaises(UnnecessarySGP):
Exemplo n.º 58
 def test_trivial_sp(self):
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y')
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(x, [x >= 1 - y, y <= 0.1])
     sol = m.localsolve(verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["variables"]["x"], 0.9, self.ndig)
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(x, [x + y >= 1, y <= 0.1])
     sol = m.localsolve(verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["variables"]["x"], 0.9, self.ndig)
Exemplo n.º 59
 def test_reassigned_constant_cost(self):
     # for issue 1131
     x = Variable('x')
     x_min = Variable('x_min', 1)
     y = Variable('y')
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(y, [y + 0.5 >= x, x >= x_min, 6 >= y])
     m.localsolve(verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)
     del m.substitutions[x_min]
     m.cost = 1 / x_min
     self.assertNotIn(x_min, m.sp().substitutions)
Exemplo n.º 60
    def test_relaxation(self):
        x = Variable("x")
        y = Variable("y")
        with SignomialsEnabled():
            constraints = [y + x >= 2, y <= x]
        objective = x
        m = Model(objective, constraints)

        # issue #257

        A = VectorVariable(2, "A")
        B = ArrayVariable([2, 2], "B")
        C = VectorVariable(2, "C")
        with SignomialsEnabled():
            constraints = [A <= B.dot(C), B <= 1, C <= 1]
        obj = 1 / A[0] + 1 / A[1]
        m = Model(obj, constraints)