Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_basic(self):
     """Basic substitution, symbolic"""
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y')
     p = 1 + x**2
     q = p.sub({x: y**2})
     self.assertEqual(q, 1 + y**4)
     self.assertEqual(x.sub({x: y}), y)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_quantity_sub(self):
     if gpkit.units:
         x = Variable("x", 1, "cm")
         y = Variable("y", 1)
         self.assertEqual(x.sub({x: 1*gpkit.units.m}).c.magnitude, 100)
         # NOTE: uncomment the below if requiring Quantity substitutions
         # self.assertRaises(ValueError, x.sub, x, 1)
         self.assertRaises(ValueError, x.sub, {x: 1*gpkit.units.N})
         self.assertRaises(ValueError, y.sub, {y: 1*gpkit.units.N})
         v = gpkit.VectorVariable(3, "v", "cm")
         subbed = v.sub({v: [1, 2, 3]*gpkit.units.m})
         self.assertEqual([z.c.magnitude for z in subbed], [100, 200, 300])
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_string_mutation(self):
     x = Variable("x", "m")
     descr_before = list(x.exp)[0].descr
     y = x.sub("x", "y")
     descr_after = list(x.exp)[0].descr
     self.assertEqual(descr_before, descr_after)
     x_changed_descr = dict(descr_before)
     x_changed_descr["name"] = "y"
     y_descr = list(y.exp)[0].descr
     self.assertEqual(x_changed_descr["name"], y_descr["name"])
     if not isinstance(descr_before["units"], str):
     self.assertEqual(x.sub("x", x), x)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_signomial(self):
     """Test Signomial substitution"""
     D = Variable('D', units="N")
     x = Variable('x', units="N")
     y = Variable('y', units="N")
     a = Variable('a')
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         sc = (a*x + (1 - a)*y - D)
         subbed = sc.sub({a: 0.1})
         self.assertEqual(subbed, 0.1*x + 0.9*y - D)
         self.assertTrue(isinstance(subbed, Signomial))
         subbed = sc.sub({a: 2.0})
         self.assertTrue(isinstance(subbed, Signomial))
         self.assertEqual(subbed, 2*x - y - D)
         _ = a.sub({a: -1}).value  # fix monomial assumptions
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_mono_lower_bound(self):
     "Test monomial approximation"
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y')
     p = y**2 + 1
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: y.mono_lower_bound({y: 1}))
     self.assertEqual(p.mono_lower_bound({y: 1}), 2*y)
     self.assertEqual(p.mono_lower_bound({y: 0}), 1)
     self.assertEqual((x*y**2 + 1).mono_lower_bound({y: 1, x: 1}),
     # test with units
     d = Variable('d', units='ft')
     h = Variable('h', units='ft')
     p = (d*h**2 + h*d**2)
     m = p.mono_lower_bound({d: 1, h: 1})
     self.assertEqual(m, 2*(d*h)**1.5)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_scalar_units(self):
     x = Variable("x", "m")
     xvk = x.key
     y = Variable("y", "km")
     yvk = y.key
     units_exist = bool(x.units)
     for x_ in ["x", xvk, x]:
         for y_ in ["y", yvk, y]:
             if not isinstance(y_, str) and units_exist:
                 expected = 0.001
                 expected = 1.0
             self.assertAlmostEqual(expected, mag(x.sub(x_, y_).c))
     if units_exist:
         z = Variable("z", "s")
         self.assertRaises(ValueError, y.sub, y, z)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_variable(self):
     """Test special single-argument substitution for Variable"""
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y')
     m = x*y**2
     self.assertEqual(x.sub(3), 3)
     self.assertEqual(x.sub(y), y)
     self.assertEqual(x.sub(m), m)
     # make sure x was not mutated
     self.assertEqual(x, Variable('x'))
     self.assertNotEqual(x.sub(3), Variable('x'))
     # also make sure the old way works
     self.assertEqual(x.sub({x: 3}), 3)
     self.assertEqual(x.sub({x: y}), y)
     # and for vectors
     xvec = VectorVariable(3, 'x')
     self.assertEqual(xvec[1].sub(3), 3)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_mono_lower_bound(self):
     "Test monomial approximation"
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y')
     p = y**2 + 1
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: y.mono_lower_bound({y: 1}))
     # TODO: remove pylint warning below after Nomials refactor
     # pylint is confused because it thinks p is a Signomial
     # pylint: disable=no-member
     self.assertEqual(p.mono_lower_bound({y: 1}), 2*y)
     self.assertEqual(p.mono_lower_bound({y: 0}), 1)
     self.assertEqual((x*y**2 + 1).mono_lower_bound({y: 1, x: 1}),
     # test with units
     d = Variable('d', units='ft')
     h = Variable('h', units='ft')
     p = (d*h**2 + h*d**2)
     m = p.mono_lower_bound({d: 1, h: 1})
     self.assertEqual(m, 2*(d*h)**1.5)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_diff(self):
     "Test differentiation (!!)"
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y')
     self.assertEqual(x.diff(x), 1)
     self.assertEqual(x.diff(y), 0)
     self.assertEqual((y**2).diff(y), 2*y)
     self.assertEqual((x + y**2).diff(y), 2*y)
     self.assertEqual((x + y**2).diff('x'), 1)
     self.assertEqual((x + x*y**2).diff(y), 2*x*y)
     self.assertEqual((2*y).diff(y), 2)
     # test with units
     x = Variable('x', units='ft')
     d = (3*x**2).diff(x)
     self.assertEqual(d, 6*x)
     # test negative exponent
     d = (1 + 1/y).diff(y)
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         expected = -y**-2
     self.assertEqual(d, expected)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_quantity_sub(self):
     if gpkit.units:
         x = Variable("x", 1, "cm")
         y = Variable("y", 1)
         self.assertEqual(x.sub({x: 1*gpkit.units.m}).c.magnitude, 100)
         # NOTE: uncomment the below if requiring Quantity substitutions
         # self.assertRaises(ValueError, x.sub, x, 1)
         self.assertRaises(ValueError, x.sub, {x: 1*gpkit.ureg.N})
         self.assertRaises(ValueError, y.sub, {y: 1*gpkit.ureg.N})
         v = gpkit.VectorVariable(3, "v", "cm")
         subbed = v.sub({v: [1, 2, 3]*gpkit.ureg.m})
         self.assertEqual([z.c.magnitude for z in subbed], [100, 200, 300])
         v = VectorVariable(1, "v", "km")
         v_min = VectorVariable(1, "v_min", "km")
         m = Model(v.prod(), [v >= v_min],
                   {v_min: [2*gpkit.units("nmi")]})
         cost = m.solve(verbosity=0)["cost"]
         self.assertAlmostEqual(cost/(3.704*gpkit.ureg("km")), 1.0)
         m = Model(v.prod(), [v >= v_min],
                   {v_min: np.array([2])*gpkit.units("nmi")})
         cost = m.solve(verbosity=0)["cost"]
         self.assertAlmostEqual(cost/(3.704*gpkit.ureg("km")), 1.0)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def setup(self):
        # define the structures of the rocket.
        # includes upper rocket airframe, nosecone, fins
        constraints = []
        components = self.components = []

        ######### components ##########

        m = self.m = Variable("m", "kg", "Mass of Structures")
        if len(components) > 0:
            constraints += [Tight([m >= sum(comp.m for comp in components)])]

        ######### constraints #########

        m_fins = self.m_fins = Variable("m_{fins}", 1.2, "kg",
                                        "Mass of fins and mounting of fins")
        m_nc = self.m_nc = Variable("m_{nc}", 0.5, "kg", "Mass of nose cone")
        m_tube = self.m_tube = Variable("m_{tube}", 4, "kg")
        m_booster_struc = self.m_booster_struc = Variable(
            "m_{booster_struc}", 0.3, "kg", "Mass needed to mount boosters")
        constraints += [m >= m_fins + m_nc + m_tube + m_booster_struc]

        return [constraints, components]
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_emp():

    Sw = Variable("S_w", 50, "ft**2", "wing area")
    bw = Variable("b_w", 20, "ft", "wing span")
    cmac = Variable("cmac", 15, "in", "wing MAC")
    emp = Empennage()
    fs = FlightState()
    emp.substitutions.update({emp.W: 10, emp.tailboom.l: 5,
                              emp.htail.planform.AR: 4,
                              emp.vtail.planform.AR: 4,
                              emp.vtail.Vv: 0.04,
                              emp.htail.Vh: 0.4,
                              emp.htail.mh: 0.01})
    htperf = emp.htail.flight_model(emp.htail, fs)
    vtperf = emp.vtail.flight_model(emp.vtail, fs)
    tbperf = emp.tailboom.flight_model(emp.tailboom, fs)

    m = Model(htperf.Cd + vtperf.Cd + tbperf.Cf,
              [emp.vtail.lv == emp.tailboom.l, emp.htail.lh == emp.tailboom.l,
               emp.htail.Vh <= emp.htail.planform.S*emp.htail.lh/Sw/cmac,
               emp.vtail.Vv <= emp.vtail.planform.S*emp.vtail.lv/Sw/bw,
               emp, fs, htperf, vtperf, tbperf])
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_vector_sweep(self):
     """Test sweep involving VectorVariables"""
     x = Variable("x")
     y = VectorVariable(2, "y")
     m = Model(x, [x >= y.prod()])
     m.substitutions.update({y: ('sweep', [[2, 3], [5, 7, 11]])})
     a = m.solve(verbosity=0)["cost"]
     b = [10, 14, 22, 15, 21, 33]
     # below line fails with changing dictionary keys in py3
     # self.assertTrue(all(abs(a-b)/(a+b) < 1e-7))
     m = Model(x, [x >= y.prod()])
         {y: ('sweep', [[2, 3], [5, 7], [9, 11], [13, 15]])})
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, m.solve)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def setup(self, hptexp1, lptexp1):
        self.hptexp1 = hptexp1
        self.lptexp1 = lptexp1
        #define new variables
        Cpt1 = Variable('C_{p_{t1}}', 1280, 'J/kg/K',
                        "Cp Value for Combustion Products in HP Turbine"
                        )  #1300K gamma = 1.318
        Cpt2 = Variable('C_{p_{t2}}', 1184, 'J/kg/K',
                        "Cp Value for Combustion Products in LP Turbine"
                        )  #800K gamma = 1.354

        #-------------------------diffuser pressure ratios--------------------------
        pitn = Variable('\\pi_{tn}', '-', 'Turbine Nozzle Pressure Ratio')

        #---------------------------efficiencies & takeoffs-----------------------
        # Note: HP and LP shaft efficiencies smear losses for electrical power
        etaHPshaft = Variable(
            '\eta_{HPshaft}', '-',
            'Power Transmission Efficiency of High Pressure Shaft')
        etaLPshaft = Variable(
            '\eta_{LPshaft}', '-',
            'Power Transmission Efficiency of Low Pressure Shaft')
Exemplo n.º 15
    def setup(self,aircraft,state):
        self.aircraft = aircraft
        self.engineP  = aircraft.engine.dynamic(state)
        self.wingP    = aircraft.wing.dynamic(state)
        self.fuseP    = aircraft.fuse.dynamic(state)
        self.Pmodels  = [self.engineP, self.wingP, self.fuseP]

        # Free variables
        C_D       = Variable("C_D", "-", "drag coefficient")
        D         = Variable("D", "N", "total drag force")
        LoD       = Variable('L/D','-','lift-to-drag ratio')
        V         = Variable("V", "m/s", "cruising speed")

        constraints = []

        constraints += [self.engineP['T'] * V <= self.aircraft.engine['\\eta_{prop}'] * self.engineP['P_{shaft}'],
                    C_D >= self.fuseP['C_{D_{fuse}}'] + self.wingP['C_{D_{wpar}}'] + self.wingP['C_{D_{ind}}'],
                    D >= 0.5 * state['\\rho'] * self.aircraft['S'] * C_D * V ** 2,
                    self.wingP['Re'] == (state['\\rho'] / state['\\mu']) * V * (self.aircraft['S'] / self.aircraft['A']) ** 0.5,
                    self.fuseP['Re_{fuse}'] == state['\\rho']*V*self.aircraft.fuse['l_{fuse}']/state['\\mu'],
                    LoD == self.wingP['C_L'] / C_D]

        return constraints, self.Pmodels
Exemplo n.º 16
 def test_unbounded_debugging(self):
     "Test nearly-dual-feasible problems"
     x = Variable("x")
     y = Variable("y")
     m = Model(x * y, [x * y**1.01 >= 100])
     with self.assertRaises((DualInfeasible, UnknownInfeasible)):
         m.solve(self.solver, verbosity=0)
     # test one-sided bound
     m = Model(x * y, Bounded(m, lower=0.001))
     sol = m.solve(self.solver, verbosity=0)
     bounds = sol["boundedness"]
     self.assertEqual(bounds["sensitive to lower bound of 0.001"],
     # end test one-sided bound
     m = Model(x * y, [x * y**1.01 >= 100])
     m = Model(x * y, Bounded(m))
     sol = m.solve(self.solver, verbosity=0)
     bounds = sol["boundedness"]
     # depends on solver, platform, whims of the numerical deities
     if "sensitive to upper bound of 1e+30" in bounds:  # pragma: no cover
         self.assertIn(y.key, bounds["sensitive to upper bound of 1e+30"])
     else:  # pragma: no cover
         self.assertIn(x.key, bounds["sensitive to lower bound of 1e-30"])
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_sp_initial_guess_sub(self):
        x = Variable("x")
        y = Variable("y")
        x0 = 3
        y0 = 2
        with SignomialsEnabled():
            constraints = [y + x >= 4, y <= x]
        objective = x
        m = Model(objective, constraints)
        # Call to local solve with only variables
        sol = m.localsolve(x0={
            "x": x0,
            y: y0
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sol(x), 2, self.ndig)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"], 2, self.ndig)

        # Call to local solve with only variable strings
        sol = m.localsolve(x0={
            "x": x0,
            "y": y0
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sol("x"), 2, self.ndig)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"], 2, self.ndig)

        # Call to local solve with a mix of variable strings and variables
        sol = m.localsolve(x0={
            "x": x0,
            y: y0
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sol["cost"], 2, self.ndig)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def setup(self, aircraft, state, **kwargs):
        self.aircraft = aircraft
        self.aircraftP = aircraft.dynamic(state)
        self.wingP = self.aircraftP.wingP
        self.fuseP = self.aircraftP.fuseP
        self.engineP = self.aircraftP.engineP
        #variable definitions
        theta = Variable('\\theta', '-', 'Aircraft Climb Angle')
        excessP = Variable('P_{excess}', 'W', 'Excess Power During Climb')
        RC = Variable('RC', 'feet/min', 'Rate of Climb/Decent')
        dhft = Variable('dhft', 'feet', 'Change in Altitude Per Climb Segment [feet]')
        RngClimb = Variable('R_{climb}', 'nautical_miles', 'Down Range Covered in Each Climb Segment')

        constraints = []
            self.aircraft['numeng']*self.engineP['F'] >= self.aircraftP['D'] + self.aircraftP['W_{avg}'] * theta,
            #climb rate constraints
            TCS([excessP + state['V'] * self.aircraftP['D'] <=  state['V'] * aircraft['numeng'] * self.engineP['F']]),
            RC == excessP/self.aircraftP['W_{avg}'],
            RC >= 500*units('ft/min'),
            #make the small angle approximation and compute theta
            theta * state['V']  == RC,
            dhft == self.aircraftP['tmin'] * RC,
            #makes a small angle assumption during climb
            RngClimb == self.aircraftP['thr']*state['V'],

        return constraints, self.aircraftP
Exemplo n.º 19
    def setup(self, S, R, l):

        W = Variable("W", "lbf", "fuselage skin weight")
        m = Variable("m", "kg", "fuselage skin mass")
        g = Variable("g", 9.81, "m/s^2", "Gravitational acceleration")
        rhokevlar = Variable("\\rho_{kevlar}", 1.3629, "g/cm**3",
                             "kevlar density")
        t = Variable("t", "in", "skin thickness")
        tmin = Variable("t_{min}", 0.03, "in", "minimum skin thickness")
        I = Variable("I", "m**4", "wing skin moment of inertia")
        Ig = Variable("I_G", "kg*m**2", "mass moment of inertia")
        E = Variable("E", 30, "GPa", "Young's Modulus of Kevlar")

        constraints = [
            m >= S * rhokevlar * t, W >= m * g, t >= tmin,
            I <= np.pi * R**3 * t, Ig >= m * (4 * R**2 + 4 * R * t + t**2),
            l == l, E == E

        return constraints
def get_params_dict(df, feature_names, target_name):
    columns_dict = {}
    for c in df.columns:
        if c.endswith('_'):
            v = c[:-1]
            v = c
        columns_dict[c] = v
    df.rename(columns=columns_dict, inplace=True)

    params_dict = {}
    # Decision variable
    for value in [0, 1]:
        variable_name = (target_name, value)
        params_dict[variable_name] = (Variable(str(variable_name)), 0.0)
    for feature in feature_names:
        for v1 in [0, 1]:
            for v2 in [0, 1]:
                variable_name = (feature, v1, v2)
                params_dict[variable_name] = (Variable(str(variable_name)),

    df_selected = df.filter(items=feature_names)

    for i, row in df_selected.iterrows():
        v2 = row[target_name]
        variable_name = (target_name, v2)
        expo_info = params_dict[variable_name]
        params_dict[variable_name] = (expo_info[0], expo_info[1] + 1.0)
        for j, column in row.iteritems():
            if (j != target_name):
                variable_name = (j, column, v2)
                expo_info = params_dict[variable_name]
                params_dict[variable_name] = (expo_info[0], expo_info[1] + 1.0)
    return params_dict
Exemplo n.º 21
    def setup(self, aircraft, state, **kwargs):
        self.aircraft = aircraft
        self.aircraftP = AircraftP(aircraft, state)
        self.wingP = self.aircraftP.wingP
        self.fuseP = self.aircraftP.fuseP

        #variable definitions
        z_bre = Variable('z_{bre}', '-', 'Breguet Parameter')
        Rng = Variable('Rng', 'nautical_miles', 'Cruise Segment Range')

        constraints = []

            #taylor series expansion to get the weight term
                self.aircraftP['W_{burn}'] / self.aircraftP['W_{end}'] >=
                te_exp_minus1(z_bre, nterm=3)

            self.aircraftP['thr'] * state['V'] == Rng,

        return constraints, self.aircraftP
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test_init(self):
        "Test multiple ways to create a Monomial"
        m = Monomial({'x': 2, 'y': -1}, 5)
        m2 = Monomial({'x': 2, 'y': -1}, 5)
        x, = m.varkeys["x"]
        y, = m.varkeys["y"]
        self.assertEqual(m.varlocs, {x: [0], y: [0]})
        self.assertEqual(m.exp, {x: 2, y: -1})
        self.assertEqual(m.c, 5)
        self.assertEqual(m, m2)

        # default c and a
        m = Variable('x')
        x, = m.varkeys["x"]
        self.assertEqual(m.varlocs, {x: [0]})
        self.assertEqual(m.exp, {x: 1})
        self.assertEqual(m.c, 1)

        # single (string) var with non-default c
        m = 0.1 * Variable('tau')
        tau, = m.varkeys["tau"]
        self.assertEqual(m.varlocs, {tau: [0]})
        self.assertEqual(m.exp, {tau: 1})  # pylint: disable=no-member
        self.assertEqual(m.c, .1)  # pylint: disable=no-member

        # variable names not compatible with python namespaces
        crazy_varstr = 'what the !!!/$**?'
        m = Monomial({'x': 1, crazy_varstr: .5}, 25)
        crazy_varkey, = m.varkeys[crazy_varstr]
        self.assertTrue(crazy_varkey in m.exp)

        # non-positive c raises
        self.assertRaises(InvalidPosynomial, Monomial, -2)
        self.assertRaises(InvalidPosynomial, Monomial, -1.)
        self.assertRaises(InvalidPosynomial, Monomial, 0)
        self.assertRaises(InvalidPosynomial, Monomial, 0.0)

        # can create nameless Variables
        x1 = Variable()
        x2 = Variable()
        V = Variable('V')
        vel = Variable('V')
        self.assertNotEqual(x1, x2)
        self.assertEqual(V, vel)

        # test label kwarg
        x = Variable('x', label='dummy variable')
        self.assertEqual(list(x.exp)[0].descr['label'], 'dummy variable')
        _ = hash(m)
        _ = hash(x)
        _ = hash(Monomial(x))
Exemplo n.º 23
    def test_mul(self):
        "Test monomial multiplication"
        x = Monomial({"x": 1, "y": -1}, 4)
        # test integer division
        self.assertEqual(x / 5, Monomial({"x": 1, "y": -1}, 0.8))
        # divide by scalar
        self.assertEqual(x * 9, Monomial({"x": 1, "y": -1}, 36))
        # divide by Monomial
        y = x * Variable("z")
        self.assertEqual(y, Monomial({"x": 1, "y": -1, "z": 1}, 4))
        # make sure x unchanged
        self.assertEqual(x, Monomial({"x": 1, "y": -1}, 4))
        # mixed new and old vars
        z = x * Monomial({"x": -1, "t": 2}, .5)
        self.assertEqual(z, Monomial({"x": 0, "y": -1, "t": 2}, 2))

        x0 = Variable("x0")
        self.assertEqual(0.0, 0.0 * x0)
        x1 = Variable("x1")
        n_hat = [1, 0]
        p = n_hat[0] * x0 + n_hat[1] * x1
        self.assertEqual(p, x0)

        self.assertNotEqual((x + 1), (x + 1) * gpkit.units("m"))
Exemplo n.º 24
 def test_sp_relaxation(self):
     w = Variable("w")
     x = Variable("x")
     y = Variable("y")
     z = Variable("z")
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(x, [x + y >= w, x + y <= z / 2, y <= x, y >= 1], {
             z: 3,
             w: 3
     r1 = ConstantsRelaxed(m)
     self.assertEqual(len(r1.varkeys), 8)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         _ = Model(x * r1.relaxvars, r1)  # no "prod"
     sp = Model(x * r1.relaxvars.prod()**10, r1).sp(use_pccp=False)
     cost = sp.localsolve(verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)["cost"]
     self.assertAlmostEqual(cost / 1024, 1, self.ndig)
     m.debug(verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(x, [x + y >= z, x + y <= z / 2, y <= x, y >= 1], {z: 3})
     if self.solver != "cvxopt":
         m.debug(verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)
     r2 = ConstraintsRelaxed(m)
     self.assertEqual(len(r2.varkeys), 7)
     sp = Model(x * r2.relaxvars.prod()**10, r2).sp(use_pccp=False)
     cost = sp.localsolve(verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)["cost"]
     self.assertAlmostEqual(cost / 1024, 1, self.ndig)
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(x, [x + y >= z, x + y <= z / 2, y <= x, y >= 1], {z: 3})
     if self.solver != "cvxopt":
         m.debug(verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)
     r3 = ConstraintsRelaxedEqually(m)
     self.assertEqual(len(r3.varkeys), 4)
     sp = Model(x * r3.relaxvar**10, r3).sp(use_pccp=False)
     cost = sp.localsolve(verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)["cost"]
     self.assertAlmostEqual(cost / (32 * 0.8786796585), 1, self.ndig)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def test_sp_relaxation(self):
     w = Variable('w')
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y')
     z = Variable('z')
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(x, [x + y >= w, x + y <= z / 2, y <= x, y >= 1], {
             z: 3,
             w: 3
     r1 = ConstantsRelaxed(m)
     self.assertEqual(len(r1.varkeys), 8)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         mr1 = Model(x * r1.relaxvars, r1)  # no 'prod'
     mr1 = Model(x * r1.relaxvars.prod()**10, r1)
     cost1 = mr1.localsolve(verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)["cost"]
     self.assertAlmostEqual(cost1 / 1024, 1, self.ndig)
     m.debug(verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(x, [x + y >= z, x + y <= z / 2, y <= x, y >= 1], {z: 3})
     if self.solver != "cvxopt":
         m.debug(verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)
     r2 = ConstraintsRelaxed(m)
     self.assertEqual(len(r2.varkeys), 7)
     mr2 = Model(x * r2.relaxvars.prod()**10, r2)
     cost2 = mr2.localsolve(verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)["cost"]
     self.assertAlmostEqual(cost2 / 1024, 1, self.ndig)
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         m = Model(x, [x + y >= z, x + y <= z / 2, y <= x, y >= 1], {z: 3})
     if self.solver != "cvxopt":
         m.debug(verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)
     r3 = ConstraintsRelaxedEqually(m)
     self.assertEqual(len(r3.varkeys), 4)
     mr3 = Model(x * r3.relaxvar**10, r3)
     cost3 = mr3.localsolve(verbosity=0, solver=self.solver)["cost"]
     self.assertAlmostEqual(cost3 / (32 * 0.8786796585), 1, self.ndig)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def setup(self):
        constraints = []
        components = self.components = []

        ####### components ######

        m = self.m = Variable("m", "kg", "Mass of Engine Tank")
        if len(components) > 0:
            constraints += [Tight([m >= sum(comp.m for comp in components)])]


        constraints += [m >= 2 * ureg.kg]

        return [components, constraints]
Exemplo n.º 27
 def test_call_time(self):
     N = 20
     x = VectorVariable(N, 'x', 'm')
     y = VectorVariable(N, 'y', 'm')
     z1 = VectorVariable(N, 'z1', 'm')
     z2 = VectorVariable(N, 'z2', 'm')
     z3 = VectorVariable(N, 'z3', 'm')
     z4 = VectorVariable(N, 'z4', 'm')
     L = Variable('L', 5, 'm')
     prob = Model(sum(x),
                  [x >= y, y >= z1, z1 >= z2, z2 >= z3, z3 >= z4, z4 >= L])
     sol = prob.solve(verbosity=0)
     t1 = time.time()
     _ = sol(z1)
     self.assertLess(time.time() - t1, 0.05)
Exemplo n.º 28
 def test_quantity_sub(self):
     if gpkit.units:
         x = Variable("x", 1, "cm")
         y = Variable("y", 1)
         self.assertEqual(x.sub({x: 1 * gpkit.units.m}).c.magnitude, 100)
         # NOTE: uncomment the below if requiring Quantity substitutions
         # self.assertRaises(ValueError, x.sub, x, 1)
         self.assertRaises(DimensionalityError, x.sub,
                           {x: 1 * gpkit.ureg.N})
         self.assertRaises(DimensionalityError, y.sub,
                           {y: 1 * gpkit.ureg.N})
         v = gpkit.VectorVariable(3, "v", "cm")
         subbed = v.sub({v: [1, 2, 3] * gpkit.ureg.m})
         self.assertEqual([z.c.magnitude for z in subbed], [100, 200, 300])
         v = VectorVariable(1, "v", "km")
         v_min = VectorVariable(1, "v_min", "km")
         m = Model(v.prod(), [v >= v_min],
                   {v_min: [2 * gpkit.units("nmi")]})
         cost = m.solve(verbosity=0)["cost"]
         self.assertAlmostEqual(cost / 3.704, 1.0)
         m = Model(v.prod(), [v >= v_min],
                   {v_min: np.array([2]) * gpkit.units("nmi")})
         cost = m.solve(verbosity=0)["cost"]
         self.assertAlmostEqual(cost / 3.704, 1.0)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def test_init(self):
        "Test Posynomial construction"
        x = Variable('x')
        y = Variable('y')
        ms = [Monomial({'x': 1, 'y': 2}, 3.14),
              Monomial({'x': 3, 'y': 1}, 6),
        exps, cs = [], []
        for m in ms:
            cs += m.cs.tolist()
            exps += m.exps
        hmap = NomialMap(zip(exps, cs))
        p = Posynomial(hmap)
        # check arithmetic
        p2 = 3.14*x*y**2 + y/2 + x**3*6*y + 2
        self.assertEqual(p, p2)
        self.assertEqual(p, sum(ms))
        _ = hash(p2)

        hmap = NomialMap({HashVector({'m': 1, 'v': 2}): 0.5,
                          HashVector({'m': 1, 'g': 1, 'h': 1}): 1})
        p = Posynomial(hmap)
        m, = p.varkeys["m"]
        g, = p.varkeys["g"]
        h, = p.varkeys["h"]
        v, = p.varkeys["v"]
        self.assertTrue(all(isinstance(x, float) for x in p.cs))
        self.assertEqual(len(p.exps), 2)
        self.assertEqual(set(p.varlocs), set([m, g, h, v]))
        self.assertEqual(p.varlocs[g], p.varlocs[h])
        self.assertNotEqual(p.varlocs[g], p.varlocs[v])
        self.assertEqual(len(p.varlocs[m]), 2)
        self.assertTrue(all(len(p.varlocs[key]) == 1 for key in [g, h, v]))
Exemplo n.º 30
    def setup(self):
        W             = Variable("W", 2540, "lbf", "aircraft weight")
        S             = Variable("S", 55.17,"ft**2", "wing planform area")
        CL_max        = Variable("C_{L_{max, land}}", 2.5,"-", "Landing CL_max")
        Pshaftmax     = Variable("P_{shaft-max}", 200., "hp", "Maximum shaft power")
        AR            = Variable("AR", 10, "-", "Aspect ratio")
        e             = Variable("e", 1, "-", "Span efficiency")

        return []
Exemplo n.º 31
    def setup(self, aircraft, state, **kwargs):
        self.aircraft = aircraft
        self.aircraftP = AircraftP(aircraft, state)
        self.wingP = self.aircraftP.wingP
        self.fuseP = self.aircraftP.fuseP
        self.engineP = self.aircraftP.engineP
        #variable definitions
        z_bre = Variable('z_{bre}', '-', 'Breguet Parameter')
        Rng = Variable('Rng', 'nautical_miles', 'Cruise Segment Range')
        TotRng = Variable('TotRng', 'nautical_miles', 'Total Cruise Range')

        #new varibales for the TASOPT flight profile
        gammaCruise = Variable('\\gamma_{cruise}', '-', 'Cruise Climb Angle')
        RCCruise = Variable('RC_{cruise}', 'ft/min', 'Cruise Climb Rate')
        excessP = Variable('P_{excess}', 'W', 'Excess Power During Cruise')

        constraints = []

##        constraints.extend([
             #taylor series expansion to get the weight term
##             TCS([self.aircraftP['W_{burn}']/self.aircraftP['W_{end}'] >=
##                  te_exp_minus1(z_bre, nterm=3)]),
##             #breguet range eqn
##             TCS([z_bre >= (self.engineP['TSFC'] * self.aircraftP['thr']*
##                            self.aircraftP['D']) / self.aircraftP['W_{avg}']]),

##             #time
##             self.aircraftP['thr'] * state['V'] == Rng,
##             ])

        #new constarints for the TASOPT flight profile

        with SignomialsEnabled():
                #compute the cruise climb angle
                state['\\rho']*self.aircraftP['V']**2 == gammaCruise * state["P_{atm}"] * self.aircraftP['M']**2,
                #compute the cruise climb rate
                self.aircraftP['V'] * gammaCruise == RCCruise,

                #constraint on drag and thrust
                self.aircraft['numeng']*self.engineP['thrust'] >= self.aircraftP['D'] + self.aircraftP['W_{avg}'] * gammaCruise,

                RCCruise == excessP/self.aircraftP['W_{avg}'],

                #climb rate constraints
                TCS([excessP + state['V'] * self.aircraftP['D'] <=  state['V'] * aircraft['numeng'] * self.engineP['thrust']]),

                TCS([self.aircraftP['thr'] * state['V'] >= Rng + (.5*gammaCruise**2)*self.aircraftP['thr'] * state['V']]),

        return constraints, self.aircraftP
Exemplo n.º 32
    def setup(self):
        # Dimensional constants
        BSFC_ref    = Variable("BSFC_{ref}", 0.32, "lbf/(hp*hr)", "reference brake specific fuel consumption")
        eta_prop    = Variable("\\eta_{prop}",0.8,'-',"propeller efficiency")
        P_shaft_ref = Variable("P_{shaft,ref}", 10, "hp", "reference MSL maximum shaft power")
        W_e_ref     = Variable("W_{e,ref}", 10, "lbf","reference engine weight")
        h_ref       = Variable("h_{ref}", 15000,'ft','engine lapse reference altitude')

        # Free variables
        P_shaft_max = Variable("P_{shaft,max}","kW","MSL maximum shaft power")
        W_e         = Variable("W_e","N","engine weight")

        constraints = [(W_e/W_e_ref) == 1.27847 * (P_shaft_max/P_shaft_ref)**0.772392]
        return constraints
Exemplo n.º 33
    def setup(self, aircraft, revenue_mission, deadhead_mission):

        N_passengers = revenue_mission.passengers.N
        trip_distance = revenue_mission.cruise_segment.d_segment

        self.cpt = cpt = Variable("cost_per_trip", "-", "Cost for one trip")
        self.cptpp = cptpp = Variable(
            "cost_per_trip_per_passenger", "-",
            "Cost for one trip, per passenger carried on revenue trip")
        self.cpt_passenger_km = cpt_passenger_km = Variable(
            "cost_per_passenger_km", "km**-1",
            "Cost per trip, per seat (passenger) kilometer")
        self.cpt_revenue = cpt_revenue = Variable(
            "revenue_cost_per_trip", "-",
            "Portion of the cost per trip incurred during the revenue-generating flights"
        self.cpt_deadhead = cpt_deadhead = Variable(
            "deadhead_cost_per_trip", "-",
            "Portion of the cost per trip incurred during the deadhead flights"
        self.deadhead_ratio = deadhead_ratio = Variable(
            "deadhead_ratio", "-",
            "Number of deadhead missions per total missions")
        self.NdNr = NdNr = Variable(
            "N_{deadhead}/N_{revenue}", "-",
            "Number of deadhead missions per revenue mission")

        self.revenue_mission_cost = revenue_mission_cost = RevenueMissionCost(
            aircraft=aircraft, mission=revenue_mission)
        self.deadhead_mission_cost = deadhead_mission_cost = DeadheadMissionCost(
            aircraft=aircraft, mission=deadhead_mission)
        self.mission_costs = mission_costs = [
            revenue_mission_cost, deadhead_mission_cost

        constraints = [mission_costs]

        constraints += [1. >= deadhead_ratio * (NdNr**-1 + 1.)
                        ]  # Obtained via algebraic manipulation

        constraints += [cpt_revenue == revenue_mission_cost.cost_per_mission]
        constraints += [
            cpt_deadhead == deadhead_mission_cost.cost_per_mission * NdNr
        constraints += [cpt >= cpt_revenue + cpt_deadhead]

        constraints += [cpt == cptpp * N_passengers]
        constraints += [cpt == cpt_passenger_km * N_passengers * trip_distance]

        return constraints
Exemplo n.º 34
    def setup(self, Nclimb, Ncruise, enginestate, eng, Nfleet=0, **kwargs):
        #create submodels
        self.fuse = Fuselage()
        self.wing = Wing()
        if Nfleet != 0:
            self.engine = Engine(True, Nclimb + Ncruise, enginestate, eng,
            self.engine = Engine(True, Nclimb + Ncruise, enginestate, eng)

        #variable definitions
        numeng = Variable('numeng', '-', 'Number of Engines')

        self.components = [self.fuse, self.wing, self.engine]

        return self.components
Exemplo n.º 35
    def test_vector_init(self):
        N = 6
        Weight = 50000
        xi_dist = 6 * Weight / float(N) * (
            (np.array(range(1, N + 1)) - .5 / float(N)) / float(N) -
            (np.array(range(1, N + 1)) - .5 / float(N))**2 / float(N)**2)

        xi = VectorVariable(N, "xi", xi_dist, "N", "Constant Thrust per Bin")
        P = Variable("P", "N", "Total Power")
        phys_constraints = [P >= xi.sum()]
        objective = P
        eqns = phys_constraints
        m = Model(objective, eqns)
        sol = m.solve(verbosity=0)
        a, b = sol("xi"), xi_dist * gpkit.ureg.N
        self.assertTrue(all(abs(a - b) / (a + b) < 1e-7))
Exemplo n.º 36
    def setup(self, h=0 * ureg.m):

        self.v = v = Variable("v", "m/s", "Flight speed")
        self.L = L = Variable("L", "N", "Lift")
        self.T = T = Variable("T", "N", "Thrust")
        self.D = D = Variable("D", "N", "Drag")
        self.L_D = L_D = Variable("L/D", "-", "Lift-to-drag ratio")
        self.P_electric = P_electric = Variable(
            "P_{electric}", "kW", "Electrical power draw (from the battery)")
        self.P_shaft = P_shaft = Variable("P_{shaft}", "kW",
                                          "Shaft power (to all rotors)")
        self.P_shaft_thrust = P_shaft_thrust = Variable(
            "P_{shaft,thrust}", "kW", "Shaft power (to generate thrust)")
        self.P_shaft_tailRotor = P_shaft_tailRotor = Variable(
            "P_{shaft,tailRotor}", "kW", "Shaft power (to the tail rotor)")

        self.atmosphere = atmosphere = FixedStandardAtmosphere(h)

        constraints = [atmosphere]
        constraints += [L_D == L / D]

        return constraints
Exemplo n.º 37
 def test_bad_elements(self):
     x = Variable("x")
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         _ = Model(x, [x == "A"])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         _ = Model(x, [x >= 1, x == "A"])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         _ = Model(x, [x >= 1, x == "A", x >= 1, ])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         _ = Model(x, [x == "A", x >= 1])
     v = VectorVariable(2, "v")
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         _ = Model(x, [v == "A"])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         _ = Model(x, [v <= ["A", "B"]])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         _ = Model(x, [v >= ["A", "B"]])
Exemplo n.º 38
    def test_init(self):
        "Test multiple ways to create a Monomial"
        m = Monomial({"x": 2, "y": -1}, 5)
        m2 = Monomial({"x": 2, "y": -1}, 5)
        x, = m.varkeys["x"]
        y, = m.varkeys["y"]
        self.assertEqual(m.exp, {x: 2, y: -1})
        self.assertEqual(m.c, 5)
        self.assertEqual(m, m2)

        # default c and a
        v = Variable("x")
        x, = v.varkeys["x"]
        self.assertEqual(v.exp, {x: 1})
        self.assertEqual(v.c, 1)

        # single (string) var with non-default c
        v = 0.1 * Variable("tau")
        tau, = v.varkeys["tau"]  # pylint: disable=no-member
        self.assertEqual(v.exp, {tau: 1})  # pylint: disable=no-member
        self.assertEqual(v.c, .1)  # pylint: disable=no-member

        # variable names not compatible with python namespaces
        crazy_varstr = "what the !!!/$**?"
        m = Monomial({"x": 1, crazy_varstr: .5}, 25)
        crazy_varkey, = m.varkeys[crazy_varstr]
        self.assertTrue(crazy_varkey in m.exp)

        # non-positive c raises
        self.assertRaises(InvalidPosynomial, Monomial, -2)
        self.assertRaises(InvalidPosynomial, Monomial, -1)
        self.assertRaises(InvalidPosynomial, Monomial, 0)
        self.assertRaises(InvalidPosynomial, Monomial, 0.0)

        # can create nameless Variables
        x1 = Variable()
        x2 = Variable()
        V = Variable("V")
        vel = Variable("V")
        self.assertNotEqual(x1, x2)
        self.assertEqual(V, vel)

        # test label kwarg
        x = Variable("x", label="dummy variable")
        self.assertEqual(list(x.exp)[0].descr["label"], "dummy variable")
        _ = hash(m)
        _ = hash(x)
        _ = hash(Monomial(x))
Exemplo n.º 39
    def setup(self):
        # Env. constants
        alt_top = Variable('h_{top}', 10000, 'm', 'highest altitude valid')
        #a_MSL   = Variable('a_{MSL}',340.20,'m/s','Speed of sound at MSL')
        mu_MSL = Variable('\\mu_{MSL}',
                          'dynamic viscosity at MSL',
        #nu_MSL  = Variable('\\nu_{MSL}', 1.4524e-5, 'm^2/s', 'kinematic viscosity at MSL')
        #T_MSL   = Variable('T_{MSL}', 288.19, 'K', 'temperature at MSL')
        rho_MSL = Variable("\\rho_{MSL}",
                           "density of air at MSL",
        #p_MSL   = Variable('P_{MSL}', 101308, 'Pa', 'pressure at MSL')

        alt = Variable('h', 'm', 'altitude')
        #a   = Variable('a','m/s','Speed of sound')
        mu = Variable('\\mu', "kg/m/s", 'dynamic viscosity', pr=4.)
        #nu  = Variable('\\nu', 'm^2/s', 'kinematic viscosity')
        #p   = Variable('P', 'Pa', 'pressure')
        #T   = Variable('T', 'K', 'temperature ')
        rho = Variable("\\rho", "kg/m^3", "density of air", pr=5.)

        # Defining ratios needed for constraints
        alt_rat = alt / alt_top
        #a_rat = a/a_MSL
        mu_rat = mu / mu_MSL
        #nu_rat = nu/nu_MSL
        #p_rat = p/p_MSL
        rho_rat = rho / rho_MSL
        #T_rat = T/T_MSL

        constraints = []
        with SignomialsEnabled():
            constraints += [
                alt <= alt_top,
                #a_rat ** -0.0140    >= 1.00 * (alt_rat) ** 1.20e-05 + 0.00173 * (alt_rat) ** 1.13,
                    1.00 * (alt_rat)**1.33e-05 + 0.00156 * (alt_rat)**1.17),
                #nu_rat ** 0.00490   >= 1.00 * (alt_rat) ** 1.67e-05,# + 0.00424 * (alt_rat) ** 1.10,
                #p_rat ** -0.00318   >= 1.00 * (alt_rat) ** 2.18e-05,# + 0.00416 * (alt_rat) ** 1.12,
                    1.00 * (alt_rat)**1.72e-05 + 0.00357 * (alt_rat)**1.11),
                #T_rat ** -0.00706   >=  1.00 * (alt_rat) ** 1.21e-05,# + 0.00173 * (alt_rat) ** 1.13,

        return constraints
Exemplo n.º 40
    def setup(self):

        W = Variable("W", "lbf", "motor weight")
        Pmax = Variable("P_{max}", "W", "max power")
        Bpm = Variable("B_{PM}", 4140.8, "W/kg", "power mass ratio")
        m = Variable("m", "kg", "motor mass")
        g = Variable("g", 9.81, "m/s**2", "gravitational constant")
        eta = Variable("\\eta", 0.95, "-", "motor efficiency")

        constraints = [Pmax == Bpm*m,
                       W >= m*g]

        return constraints
Exemplo n.º 41
 def test_unitless_monomial_sub(self):
     "Tests that dimensionless and undimensioned subs can interact."
     x = Variable("x", "-")
     y = Variable("y")
     self.assertEqual(x.sub({x: y}), y)
Exemplo n.º 42
 def test_to(self):
     if gpkit.units:
         x = Variable("x", "ft")
         self.assertEqual(x.to("inch").c.magnitude, 12)