Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, hyperparams, init_node=True, trace=True):
        self.fixed_pose = Pose(Point(0.5, -0.1628, 0.5),
                               Quaternion(0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5))

        # self.fixed_pose = Pose(Point(0.35, -0.1628, 0.5), Quaternion(0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5))
        # with open('/home/gwthomas/.gazebo/models/fixed_piece/model-static.sdf', 'r') as f:
        with open('/home/gwthomas/.gazebo/models/piece/model-static.sdf',
                  'r') as f:
            self.fixed_piece_xml = f.read()

        AgentCAD.__init__(self, hyperparams, init_node)

        if self._hyperparams['use_AR_markers']:
            self.ar = {
                'held_piece': 0,
                'fixed_piece': 1
            }  # Number of AR tag they have on them

            # Create the functions with the proper offsets and whatever
            self.ar_functions[self.ar['held_piece']] = self.create_AR_function( \
                self.ar['held_piece'], 0.003, -0.02, -0.0265, 0, 0, -1.57)
            #self.ar['held_piece'], 0.035, 0, -0.0465, 0, 0, -1.57)
            self.ar_functions[self.ar['fixed_piece']] = self.create_AR_function( \
                self.ar['fixed_piece'], 0, -0.025, -0.0325, 0, 0, 0)

        self.hack = -1.0
        self.try_mp = False

        if trace:
            pdb.set_trace()  # for optional setup, not debugging
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, hyperparams, init_node=True):

        AgentCAD.__init__(self, hyperparams, init_node)
        self.dists = []  # Get a list of the distances in the trajs
        self.sample_dists = []  # For collecting the distances for each sample
        self.attempts = 5
        self.samples_taken = [-1] * 5  # How many samples have been taken
        self.num_samples = 5
        self.cur_frac = [1] * 5  # What fraction
        self.full_ref_ee = [0] * 5  # Lol for the reference ee
        self.full_ref_ja = [0] * 5  # For the full reference ja
        self.prev_pose = None  # For storing previous pose of gear lmao

        self.cur_T = [0] * 5  # For storing the T of each of the conditions!
        self.final_T = self.T  # This is the original T WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWWOW
        self.varying_T = False  # If you want T to vary depending on a whole bunch of stuff
        self.the_tolerance = 0.03  # If the difference is that large it's concerning
        self.segments = 1.0  # How many segments to break the trajectory into
        self.iter_per_seg = 3  # Let's train this many iterations per segment
        self.iter_count = 0  # Count iterations
        self.padding = 20  # How many timesteps to put as padding for each of the segments
        self.chosen_parts = None  #[145, 230] # SET THIS TO NONE IF YOU WANT TO USE FRACTIONS LMAO

        self.use_saved_traj = False  # If we already have one saved (pickled DisplayTrajectory)
        self.pickled_traj_filename = 'pickled_robot_traj_cond0'  # Where you saved the DisplayTrajectory
        self.plan_filename = 'new_saved_robot_plan'
        self.data_files_dir = hyperparams['data_files_dir']
        self.saved_samples = [[] * 5]  # Just for storing this real quick

            hyperparams)  # Check if we are resuming from some state

        pdb.set_trace()  # for optional setup, not debugging
Exemplo n.º 3
 def reset(self, condition):
     AgentCAD.reset(self, condition)
     self.spawn_model('fixed_piece', self.fixed_piece_xml, self.fixed_pose)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, hyperparams, init_node=True, trace=True):

        #self.cur_T = [0] * 5 # For storing the T of each of the conditions!
        #self.final_T = self.T # This is the original T WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWWOW
        #self.varying_T = False # If you want T to vary depending on a whole bunch of stuff
        #self.the_tolerance = 0.01 # If the difference is that large it's concerning

        self.fixed_pose = Pose(Point(0.5, -0.1628, 0.5), Quaternion(0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5))
        self.diffPos, self.diffOri = None, None # Just set these

        AgentCAD.__init__(self, hyperparams, init_node)
        self.ar = {'held_piece': 4, 'fixed_piece': 24} # Number of AR tag they have on them

        # Create the functions with the proper offsets and whatever
        self.ar_functions[self.ar['held_piece']] = self.create_AR_function( \
            self.ar['held_piece'], 0.003 - 0.01, -0.02, -0.026, 1.57 - 0.1, 0, -1.57) #0, 1.57, 0)
            #self.ar['held_piece'], 0.035, 0, -0.0465, 0, 0, -1.57)
        self.ar_functions[self.ar['fixed_piece']] = self.create_AR_function( \
            #self.ar['fixed_piece'], -0.015, -0.025, -0.0325 - 0.015, 1.57, 0, 0)
            self.ar['fixed_piece'], -0.015 + 0.0165 + 0.01, -0.025 + 0.005, -0.032 - 0.02, 0, 0, 0)
        #self.wipe_plans() # Get rid of all the plans because we need to replan

        if trace:
            pdb.set_trace()     # for optional setup, not debugging
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, hyperparams, init_node=True):
     AgentCAD.__init__(self, hyperparams, init_node)
     self.trajs = []  # Get a list of trajectories and stuff
     self.dists = []  # Get a list of the distances in the trajs
     self.attempts = 50
     self.use_saved_traj = False  # If we already have one saved (pickled DisplayTrajectory)
     self.pickled_traj_filename = ''  # Where you saved the DisplayTrajectory
     pdb.set_trace()  # for optional setup, not debugging
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, hyperparams, init_node=True, trace=True):
        self.fixed_pose = Pose(Point(0.5, -0.1628, 0.5), Quaternion(0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5))

        with open(osp.join(hyperparams['exp_dir'], 'model-static.sdf'), 'r') as f:
           self.fixed_piece_xml = f.read()

        AgentCAD.__init__(self, hyperparams, init_node)

        self.hack = -1.0
        self.try_mp = False
        self.wipe_plans() # Make sure the condition info does not get saved
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, hyperparams, init_node=True):
        AgentCAD.__init__(self, hyperparams, init_node)
        # Number of AR tag they have on them
        self.ar = {'shaft2': 1, 'base_plate': 2} 

        # Create the functions with the proper offsets and whatever
        self.ar_functions[self.ar['shaft2']] = self.create_AR_function( \
        	self.ar['shaft2'], -0.027, -0.01, -0.0067, -3.14, 0, 3.14)

        self.ar_functions[self.ar['base_plate']] = self.create_AR_function( \
            self.ar['base_plate'], -0.005, -0.025, 0.05, 0.0067, 0, 0) 

        self.plans_made = False # Plans made or not
        self.stored_poses = {} # Stored poses for the objects in the scene
        self.change_conds_to_goals() # Because we want to reverse plan
        #self.wipe_plans() # Get rid of all the plans because we need to replan
        pdb.set_trace() # Need to stop and setup
Exemplo n.º 8
def setup_agent(cfg):
    condition_info = cfg['agent']['condition_info']
    targets = []
    for i, info in enumerate(condition_info):
        position = np.random.uniform(EE_LOW, EE_HIGH)
        orientation = np.random.uniform(ANGLE_LOW, ANGLE_HIGH)
        targets.append({'position': position, 'orientation': orientation})

        info.initial = np.random.uniform(JA_LOW, JA_HIGH)
        cfg['agent']['reset_conditions'][i][TRIAL_ARM]['data'] = info.initial
        cond = int(re.findall('[0-9]{2}', info.path)[-1])
        info.path = osp.join(DIR, 'info%02d.pkl' % cond)
        info.data_path = osp.join(DIR, 'cond%02d.pkl' % cond)
    cfg['agent']['targets'] = targets
    return AgentCAD(cfg['agent'])
Exemplo n.º 9
 def reset(self, condition):
     #    self.delete_model('fixed_piece')
     #    pass
     AgentCAD.reset(self, condition)