Exemplo n.º 1
def read_gps_ecef(gps_file):
    # Read and pre-process
    llh = read_gps_fields(gps_file, ['lat', 'long', 'height'])
    if len(llh[0]) == 0:
        return None
    llh = np.array(llh, dtype=np.float64).T
    # NOTE Working w/ ECEF
    xyz = WGS84toECEF(llh).T
    return xyz
Exemplo n.º 2
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Solve graphslam QP for positions')
        'gps_file', help='gps file to read raw positions and velocities from')
                        help='gps file to read for llh0 in conversion to ENU')
    parser.add_argument('out_file', help='file to save opt positions to')
                        help='display plots or not')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # NOTE We're reading un ENU order while by default it's in NEU
    gps_fields = read_gps_fields(
        args.gps_file, ['lat', 'long', 'height', 'v_east', 'v_north', 'v_up'])
    ref_gps_fields = read_gps_fields(args.ref_gps_file,
                                     ['lat', 'long', 'height'])
    llh = np.array(gps_fields[0:3], dtype=np.float64).T
    llh_ref = np.array(ref_gps_fields, dtype=np.float64).T
    vel = np.array(gps_fields[3:6], dtype=np.float64)
    itg_vel = integrateVelocity(vel.T)
    xyz = WGS84toENU(llh_ref[0, :], llh)
    N = xyz.shape[1]
    #N = 10000

    model = gurobipy.Model('graphslam_qp')

    # Create variables

    # Positions
Exemplo n.º 3
from graphslam_config import BIAS_GAMMA, dt
from gps_viewer import read_gps_fields
from GPSTransforms import R_to_i_from_w

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Solve graphslam QP for positions')
    parser.add_argument('gps_file', help='gps file to read raw positions and velocities from')
    parser.add_argument('ref_gps_file', help='gps file to read for llh0 in conversion to ENU')
    parser.add_argument('out_file', help='file to save opt positions to')
    parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='display plots or not')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # NOTE We're reading un ENU order while by default it's in NEU
    gps_fields = read_gps_fields(args.gps_file,
            ['lat', 'long', 'height', 'v_east', 'v_north', 'v_up'])
    ref_gps_fields = read_gps_fields(args.ref_gps_file, ['lat', 'long', 'height'])
    llh = np.array(gps_fields[0:3], dtype=np.float64).T
    llh_ref = np.array(ref_gps_fields, dtype=np.float64).T
    vel = np.array(gps_fields[3:6], dtype=np.float64)
    itg_vel = integrateVelocity(vel.T)
    xyz = WGS84toENU(llh_ref[0, :], llh)
    N = xyz.shape[1]
    #N = 10000

    model = gurobipy.Model('graphslam_qp')

    # Create variables

    # Positions
    xs = np.zeros((3, N), dtype=object)
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_enu0(gps_file, gps_ref_file):
    llh = read_gps_fields(gps_file, ['lat', 'long', 'height'])
    llh = np.array(llh, dtype=np.float64).T
    llh_ref = read_gps_fields(gps_ref_file, ['lat', 'long', 'height'])
    llh_ref = np.array(llh_ref, dtype=np.float64).T
    return WGS84toENU(llh_ref[0, :], llh)[:, 0]
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_ecef0(gps_file):
    llh = read_gps_fields(gps_file, ['lat', 'long', 'height'])
    llh = np.array(llh, dtype=np.float64).T
    ecef = WGS84toECEF(llh)
    return ecef[:, 0]