def draw_image(self): w, h = (self.w, self.h) clearws() setwindow(0, self.w, 0, self.h) setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) setbackgroundcolor(1, 1, 1, 0) vertices, normals = triangulate(data, \ (1.0/64, 1.0/64, 1.0/128), (-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), self.isolevel) mesh = createmesh(len(vertices)*3, vertices, normals, \ ones(vertices.shape)) drawmesh(mesh, 1, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1)) center = spherical_to_cartesian(-2, pi * self.y / self.h + pi / 2, pi * self.x / self.w) up = spherical_to_cartesian(1, pi * self.y / self.h + pi, pi * self.x / self.w) cameralookat(center[0], center[1], -0.25 + center[2], 0, 0, -0.25, up[0], up[1], up[2]) drawimage(0, self.w, 0, self.h, \ self.w, self.h, GR3_Drawable.GR3_DRAWABLE_GKS) if self.export: export("mri.html", 800, 800) print("Saved current isosurface to mri.html") self.export = False clear() deletemesh(c_int(mesh.value))
def draw_path(self, gc, path, transform, rgbFace=None): path = transform.transform_path(path) points = path.vertices codes = bbox = gc.get_clip_rectangle() if bbox is not None and not np.any(np.isnan(bbox.bounds)): x, y, w, h = bbox.bounds clrt = np.array([x, x + w, y, y + h]) else: clrt = np.array([0, self.width, 0, self.height]) gr.setviewport(*clrt / self.size) gr.setwindow(*clrt) if rgbFace is not None and len(points) > 2: color = gr.inqcolorfromrgb(rgbFace[0], rgbFace[1], rgbFace[2]) gr.settransparency(rgbFace[3]) gr.setcolorrep(color, rgbFace[0], rgbFace[1], rgbFace[2]) gr.setfillintstyle(gr.INTSTYLE_SOLID) gr.setfillcolorind(color) gr.drawpath(points, codes, fill=True) lw = gc.get_linewidth() if lw != 0: rgba = gc.get_rgb()[:4] color = gr.inqcolorfromrgb(rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2]) gr.settransparency(rgba[3]) gr.setcolorrep(color, rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2]) if isinstance(gc._linestyle, str): gr.setlinetype(linetype[gc._linestyle]) gr.setlinewidth(lw) gr.setlinecolorind(color) gr.drawpath(points, codes, fill=False)
def draw(self, clear=None, update=None): # obsolete kwargs clear, update (unused) just kept for compatibility GRWidget.draw(self, clear, update) gr.setwsviewport(0, self.mwidth, 0, self.mheight) gr.setwswindow(0, self.sizex, 0, self.sizey) for plot in self._lstPlot: plot.sizex, plot.sizey = self.sizex, self.sizey plot.drawGR() # logDomainCheck logXinDomain = plot.logXinDomain() logYinDomain = plot.logYinDomain() if logXinDomain != self._logXinDomain: self._logXinDomain = logXinDomain self.logXinDomain.emit(self._logXinDomain) if logYinDomain != self._logYinDomain: self._logYinDomain = logYinDomain self.logYinDomain.emit(self._logYinDomain) if self._pickEvent: event = self._pickEvent gr.setviewport(*event.viewport) wcPoint = event.getWC(event.viewport) window = gr.inqwindow() gr.setwindow(*event.getWindow()) gr.setmarkertype(gr.MARKERTYPE_PLUS) gr.polymarker([wcPoint.x], [wcPoint.y]) gr.setwindow(*window)
def draw(self, clear=False, update=True): if clear: gr.clearws() gr.setwsviewport(0, self.mwidth, 0, self.mheight) gr.setwswindow(0, self.sizex, 0, self.sizey) for plot in self._lstPlot: plot.sizex, plot.sizey = self.sizex, self.sizey plot.drawGR() # logDomainCheck logXinDomain = plot.logXinDomain() logYinDomain = plot.logYinDomain() if logXinDomain != self._logXinDomain: self._logXinDomain = logXinDomain self.logXinDomain.emit(self._logXinDomain) if logYinDomain != self._logYinDomain: self._logYinDomain = logYinDomain self.logYinDomain.emit(self._logYinDomain) if self._pickEvent: event = self._pickEvent wcPoint = event.getWC(event.viewport) window = gr.inqwindow() gr.setwindow(*event.getWindow()) gr.setmarkertype(gr.MARKERTYPE_PLUS) gr.polymarker([wcPoint.x], [wcPoint.y]) gr.setwindow(*window)
def draw(self, clear=None, update=None): # obsolete kwargs clear, update (unused) just kept for compatibility GRWidget.draw(self, clear, update) gr.setwsviewport(0, self.mwidth, 0, self.mheight) gr.setwswindow(0, self.sizex, 0, self.sizey) for plot in self._lstPlot: plot.sizex, plot.sizey = self.sizex, self.sizey plot.drawGR() # logDomainCheck logXinDomain = plot.logXinDomain() logYinDomain = plot.logYinDomain() if logXinDomain != self._logXinDomain: self._logXinDomain = logXinDomain self.logXinDomain.emit(self._logXinDomain) if logYinDomain != self._logYinDomain: self._logYinDomain = logYinDomain self.logYinDomain.emit(self._logYinDomain) if self._pickEvent: event = self._pickEvent gr.setviewport(*event.viewportscaled) wcPoint = event.getWC(event.viewport) window = gr.inqwindow() gr.setwindow(*event.getWindow()) gr.setmarkertype(gr.MARKERTYPE_PLUS) gr.polymarker([wcPoint.x], [wcPoint.y]) gr.setwindow(*window)
def draw_image(self): if not self.needs_refresh: return self.needs_refresh = False w, h = (self.w, self.h) clearws() setwindow(0, self.w, 0, self.h) setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) setbackgroundcolor(1, 1, 1, 0) vertices, normals = triangulate(data, \ (1.0/64, 1.0/64, 1.0/128), (-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), self.isolevel) mesh = createmesh(len(vertices)*3, vertices, normals, \ ones(vertices.shape)) drawmesh(mesh, 1, (0,0,0), (0,0,1), (0,1,0), (1,1,1), (1,1,1)) center = spherical_to_cartesian(-2, pi*self.y/self.h+pi/2, pi*self.x/self.w) up = spherical_to_cartesian(1, pi*self.y/self.h+pi, pi*self.x/self.w) cameralookat(center[0], center[1], -0.25+center[2], 0, 0, -0.25, up[0], up[1], up[2]) drawimage(0, self.w, 0, self.h, \ self.w, self.h, GR3_Drawable.GR3_DRAWABLE_GKS) if self.export: export("mri.html", 800, 800) print("Saved current isosurface to mri.html") self.export = False clear() deletemesh(c_int(mesh.value))
def expose(self, widget, event): cr = widget.window.cairo_create() environ["GKS_WSTYPE"] = "142" pc = PyCairoContext.from_address(id(cr)) environ['GKSconid'] = "%lu" % pc.ctx cr.move_to(15, 15) cr.set_font_size(14) cr.show_text("Contour Plot using Gtk ...") seed(0) xd = uniform(-2, 2, 100) yd = uniform(-2, 2, 100) zd = xd * np.exp(-xd**2 - yd**2) gr.setviewport(0.15, 0.95, 0.1, 0.9) gr.setwindow(-2, 2, -2, 2) gr.setspace(-0.5, 0.5, 0, 90) gr.setmarkersize(1) gr.setmarkertype(gr.MARKERTYPE_SOLID_CIRCLE) gr.setcharheight(0.024) gr.settextalign(2, 0) gr.settextfontprec(3, 0) x, y, z = gr.gridit(xd, yd, zd, 200, 200) h = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, 20) gr.surface(x, y, z, 5) gr.contour(x, y, h, z, 0) gr.polymarker(xd, yd) gr.axes(0.25, 0.25, -2, -2, 2, 2, 0.01) gr.updatews()
def draw(self, clear=False, update=True): if clear: gr.clearws() gr.setwsviewport(0, self.mwidth, 0, self.mheight) gr.setwswindow(0, self.sizex, 0, self.sizey) for plot in self._lstPlot: plot.sizex, plot.sizey = self.sizex, self.sizey plot.drawGR() # logDomainCheck logXinDomain = plot.logXinDomain() logYinDomain = plot.logYinDomain() if logXinDomain != self._logXinDomain: self._logXinDomain = logXinDomain self.logXinDomain.emit(self._logXinDomain) if logYinDomain != self._logYinDomain: self._logYinDomain = logYinDomain self.logYinDomain.emit(self._logYinDomain) if self._pickEvent: event = self._pickEvent gr.setviewport(*event.viewport) wcPoint = event.getWC(event.viewport) window = gr.inqwindow() gr.setwindow(*event.getWindow()) gr.setmarkertype(gr.MARKERTYPE_PLUS) gr.polymarker([wcPoint.x], [wcPoint.y]) gr.setwindow(*window)
def draw(self, event): = wx.EmptyBitmap(self.GetSizeTuple()[0], self.GetSizeTuple()[1]) dc = wx.MemoryDC( os.environ['GKSconid'] = "%x!%x" % (get_address(repr(self)), get_address(repr(dc))) dc.SetBackground(wx.WHITE_BRUSH) dc.Clear() dc.DrawText("Surface Plot using wxWidgets ...", 15, 15) x = range(1, 481) y = range(1, 481) w, h, d = gr.readimage( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'surf.png')) z = map(lambda x: x & 0xff, d) gr.setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) gr.setwindow(1, 480, 1, 480) gr.setspace(1, 1000, 30, 80) gr.setcolormap(3) gr.surface(x, y, z, 6) gr.contour(x, y, range(1), z, 0) gr.updatews() self.Refresh() event.Skip()
def draw_image(self): if not self.needs_refresh: return self.needs_refresh = False gr.clearws() gr.setwindow(0, self.w, 0, self.h) gr.setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) gr3.setbackgroundcolor(1, 1, 1, 0) vertices, normals = gr3.triangulate(data, (1.0 / 64, 1.0 / 64, 1.0 / 128), (-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), self.isolevel) mesh = gr3.createmesh( len(vertices) * 3, vertices, normals, np.ones(vertices.shape)) gr3.drawmesh(mesh, 1, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1)) center = spherical_to_cartesian(-2, np.pi * self.y / self.h + np.pi / 2, np.pi * self.x / self.w) up = spherical_to_cartesian(1, np.pi * self.y / self.h + np.pi, np.pi * self.x / self.w) gr3.cameralookat(center[0], center[1], -0.25 + center[2], 0, 0, -0.25, up[0], up[1], up[2]) gr3.drawimage(0, self.w, 0, self.h, self.w, self.h, gr3.GR3_Drawable.GR3_DRAWABLE_GKS) if self.export: gr3.export("mri.html", 800, 800) print("Saved current isosurface to mri.html") self.export = False gr3.clear() gr3.deletemesh(c_int(mesh.value))
def draw_path(self, gc, path, transform, rgbFace=None): path = transform.transform_path(path) points = path.vertices codes = bbox = gc.get_clip_rectangle() if bbox is not None: x, y, w, h = bbox.bounds clrt = np.array([x, x + w, y, y + h]) else: clrt = np.array([0, self.width, 0, self.height]) gr.setviewport(*clrt / self.size) gr.setwindow(*clrt) if rgbFace is not None and len(points) > 2: color = gr.inqcolorfromrgb(rgbFace[0], rgbFace[1], rgbFace[2]) gr.settransparency(rgbFace[3]) gr.setcolorrep(color, rgbFace[0], rgbFace[1], rgbFace[2]) gr.setfillintstyle(gr.INTSTYLE_SOLID) gr.setfillcolorind(color) gr.drawpath(points, codes, fill=True) lw = gc.get_linewidth() if lw != 0: rgba = gc.get_rgb()[:4] color = gr.inqcolorfromrgb(rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2]) gr.settransparency(rgba[3]) gr.setcolorrep(color, rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2]) if isinstance(gc._linestyle, str): gr.setlinetype(linetype[gc._linestyle]) gr.setlinewidth(lw) gr.setlinecolorind(color) gr.drawpath(points, codes, fill=False)
def __init__(self, dpi): self.dpi = dpi self.width = 640.0 * dpi / 80 self.height = 480.0 * dpi / 80 mwidth, mheight, width, height = gr.inqdspsize() if (width / (mwidth / 0.0256) < 200): mwidth *= self.width / width gr.setwsviewport(0, mwidth, 0, mwidth * 0.75) else: gr.setwsviewport(0, 0.192, 0, 0.144) gr.setwswindow(0, 1, 0, 0.75) gr.setviewport(0, 1, 0, 0.75) gr.setwindow(0, self.width, 0, self.height) self.mathtext_parser = MathTextParser('agg') self.texmanager = TexManager()
def configure(self): aspect_ratio = self.width / self.height if aspect_ratio > 1: rect = np.array([0, 1, 0, 1.0 / aspect_ratio]) self.size = self.width else: rect = np.array([0, aspect_ratio, 0, 1]) self.size = self.height mwidth, mheight, width, height = gr.inqdspsize() if width / (mwidth / 0.0256) < 200: mwidth *= self.width / width gr.setwsviewport(*rect * mwidth) else: gr.setwsviewport(*rect * 0.192) gr.setwswindow(*rect) gr.setviewport(*rect) gr.setwindow(0, self.width, 0, self.height)
def draw(self, wsviewport=None): if self.xvalues is not None and self.widths is not None: maxidx = np.argmax(self.xvalues) rangex = (self.xvalues.min(), self.xvalues[maxidx] + self.widths[maxidx]) else: rangex = (0.0, 100.0) if self.yvalues is not None: rangey = gr.adjustrange(0.0, self.yvalues.max()) else: rangey = (0.0, 8.0) if wsviewport is None: gr.setwsviewport(0, self.mwidth, 0, self.mheight) else: gr.setwsviewport(*wsviewport) gr.setwswindow(0, self.sizex, 0, self.sizey) gr.setviewport(0.075 * self.sizex, 0.95 * self.sizex, 0.075 * self.sizey, 0.95 * self.sizey) gr.setwindow(rangex[0], rangex[1], rangey[0], rangey[1]) gr.setcharheight(0.012) gr.setfillintstyle(1) gr.setfillcolorind(0) gr.fillrect(rangex[0], rangex[1], rangey[0], rangey[1]) if self.xvalues is not None and self.yvalues is not None \ and self.widths is not None: gr.setfillintstyle(1) gr.setfillcolorind(2) for i in range(self.xvalues.size): gr.fillrect(self.xvalues[i], self.xvalues[i] + self.widths[i] * 0.8, 0.0, self.yvalues[i]) else: gr.text(0.45 * self.sizex, 0.5 * self.sizey, "no data") gr.setlinecolorind(1) xtick = floor(0.02 * (rangex[1] - rangey[0]) * 100.0) / 100.0 ytick = floor(0.04 * (rangey[1] - rangey[0]) * 50.0) / 50.0 gr.axes(xtick, ytick, rangex[0], rangey[0], 10, 5, 0.0075) gr.axes(xtick, ytick, rangex[1], rangey[1], -10, -5, -0.0075) if self.title is not None: gr.text(0.8 * self.sizex, 0.9 * self.sizey, self.title)
def draw(self): if not self._draw_graphics: return x = range(0, 128) y = range(0, 128) z = readfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "kws.dat"), separator="$") zrange = max(z) - min(z) h = [min(z) + i * 0.025 * zrange for i in range(0, 40)] gr.setviewport(0.075, 0.95, 0.075, 0.95) gr.setwindow(1, 128, 1, 128) gr.setspace(min(z), max(z), 0, 90) gr.setcharheight(0.018) gr.setcolormap(-3) gr.surface(x, y, z, 5) gr.contour(x, y, h, z, -1) gr.axes(5, 5, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0.0075)
def pendulum(theta, length, mass): l = length[0] + length[1] gr.clearws() gr.setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) gr.setwindow(-l, l, -l, l) gr.setmarkertype(gr.MARKERTYPE_SOLID_CIRCLE) gr.setmarkercolorind(86) pivot = [0, 0.775] # draw pivot point gr.fillarea([-0.2, 0.2, 0.2, -0.2], [0.75, 0.75, 0.8, 0.8]) for i in range(2): x = [pivot[0], pivot[0] + sin(theta[i]) * length[i]] y = [pivot[1], pivot[1] - cos(theta[i]) * length[i]] gr.polyline(x, y) # draw rod gr.setmarkersize(3 * mass[i]) gr.polymarker([x[1]], [y[1]]) # draw bob pivot = [x[1], y[1]] gr.updatews() return
def draw(self): if not self._draw_graphics: return x = range(0, 128) y = range(0, 128) z = readfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "kws.dat"), separator='$') zrange = max(z) - min(z) h = [min(z) + i * 0.025 * zrange for i in range(0, 40)] gr.setviewport(0.075, 0.95, 0.075, 0.95) gr.setwindow(1, 128, 1, 128) gr.setspace(min(z), max(z), 0, 90) gr.setcharheight(0.018) gr.setcolormap(-3) gr.surface(x, y, z, 5) gr.contour(x, y, h, z, -1) gr.axes(5, 5, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0.0075)
def write(self, image, device_pixel_ratio=1): height, width = image.shape[:2] gr.clearws() if width > height: xmax = 1.0 ymax = 1.0*height/width else: xmax = 1.0*width/height ymax = 1.0 metric_width, metric_height, pixel_width, pixel_height = gr.inqdspsize() meter_per_horizontal_pixel = metric_width/pixel_width meter_per_vertical_pixel = metric_height/pixel_height gr.setwsviewport(0, meter_per_horizontal_pixel*width*device_pixel_ratio, 0, meter_per_vertical_pixel*height*device_pixel_ratio) gr.setwswindow(0, xmax, 0, ymax) gr.setviewport(0, xmax, 0, ymax) gr.setwindow(0, xmax, 0, ymax) gr.drawimage(0, xmax, 0, ymax, width*device_pixel_ratio, height*device_pixel_ratio, image.view('uint32')) gr.updatews()
def _colorbar(off=0.0, colors=256): global _plt gr.savestate() viewport = _plt.kwargs['viewport'] zmin, zmax = _plt.kwargs['zrange'] gr.setwindow(0, 1, zmin, zmax) gr.setviewport(viewport[1] + 0.02 + off, viewport[1] + 0.05 + off, viewport[2], viewport[3]) l = [1000+int(255*i/(colors-1)) for i in range(colors)] gr.cellarray(0, 1, zmax, zmin, 1, colors, l) diag = ((viewport[1] - viewport[0])**2 + (viewport[3] - viewport[2])**2)**0.5 charheight = max(0.016 * diag, 0.012) gr.setcharheight(charheight) if _plt.kwargs['scale'] & gr.OPTION_Z_LOG: gr.setscale(gr.OPTION_Y_LOG) gr.axes(0, 2, 1, zmin, 0, 1, 0.005) else: ztick = 0.5 * gr.tick(zmin, zmax) gr.axes(0, ztick, 1, zmin, 0, 1, 0.005) gr.restorestate()
def draw(self, wsviewport=None): if self.xvalues is not None: rangex = (self.xvalues.min(), self.xvalues.max()) else: rangex = (0, 10) if self.yvalues is not None: rangey = gr.adjustrange(self.yvalues.min(), self.yvalues.max()) else: rangey = (0, 4) if wsviewport is None: gr.setwsviewport(0, self.mwidth, 0, self.mheight) else: gr.setwsviewport(*wsviewport) gr.setwswindow(0, self.sizex, 0, self.sizey) gr.setviewport(0.075 * self.sizex, 0.95 * self.sizex, 0.075 * self.sizey, 0.95 * self.sizey) gr.setwindow(rangex[0], rangex[1], rangey[0], rangey[1]) gr.setcharheight(0.012) gr.setfillintstyle(1) gr.setfillcolorind(0) gr.fillrect(rangex[0], rangex[1], rangey[0], rangey[1]) if self.xvalues is not None and self.yvalues is not None: gr.setlinecolorind(2) gr.polyline(self.xvalues, self.yvalues) else: gr.text(0.4 * self.sizex, 0.5 * self.sizey, "no elements selected") gr.setlinecolorind(1) gr.axes(0.2, 0.2, rangex[0], rangey[0], 5, 5, 0.0075) gr.axes(0.2, 0.2, rangex[1], rangey[1], -5, -5, -0.0075) if self.title is not None: gr.text(0.8 * self.sizex, 0.9 * self.sizey, self.title)
def write(self, image, device_pixel_ratio=1): height, width = image.shape[:2] gr.clearws() if width > height: xmax = 1.0 ymax = 1.0 * height / width else: xmax = 1.0 * width / height ymax = 1.0 metric_width, metric_height, pixel_width, pixel_height = gr.inqdspsize() meter_per_horizontal_pixel = metric_width / pixel_width meter_per_vertical_pixel = metric_height / pixel_height gr.setwsviewport( 0, meter_per_horizontal_pixel * width * device_pixel_ratio, 0, meter_per_vertical_pixel * height * device_pixel_ratio, ) gr.setwswindow(0, xmax, 0, ymax) gr.setviewport(0, xmax, 0, ymax) gr.setwindow(0, xmax, 0, ymax) gr.drawimage(0, xmax, 0, ymax, width * device_pixel_ratio, height * device_pixel_ratio, image.view("uint32")) gr.updatews()
if mic is None: pa = pyaudio.PyAudio() mic =, channels=1, rate=FS, input=True, frames_per_buffer=SAMPLES) amplitudes = numpy.fromstring(, dtype=numpy.short) return abs(numpy.fft.fft(amplitudes / 32768.0))[:SAMPLES/2] def parabolic(x, f, i): xe = 1/2. * (f[i-1] - f[i+1]) / (f[i-1] - 2 * f[i] + f[i+1]) + x ye = f[i] - 1/4. * (f[i-1] - f[i+1]) * (xe - x) return xe, ye f = [FS/float(SAMPLES)*t for t in range(0, SAMPLES//2)] gr.setviewport(0.1, 0.95, 0.1, 0.95) gr.setwindow(50, 25000, 0, 100) gr.setscale(1) start = time.time() while time.time() - start < 10: try: power = get_spectrum() peakind = signal.find_peaks_cwt(power, numpy.array([5])) except (IOError): continue gr.clearws() gr.setlinewidth(1) gr.setlinecolorind(1) gr.grid(1, 5, 50, 0, 1, 2)
Play an audio file and display signal and power spectrum in realtime """ import os, wave, pyaudio import numpy import gr SAMPLES = 2048 wf =, 'Monty_Python.wav'), 'rb') pa = pyaudio.PyAudio() stream =, channels=wf.getnchannels(), rate=wf.getframerate(), output=True) gr.setwindow(0, SAMPLES, -30000, 30000) gr.setviewport(0.05, 0.95, 0.05, 0.95) gr.setlinecolorind(218) gr.setfillintstyle(1) gr.setfillcolorind(208) data = wf.readframes(SAMPLES) while data != '' and len(data) == SAMPLES * wf.getsampwidth(): stream.write(data) amplitudes = numpy.fromstring(data, dtype=numpy.short) power = abs(numpy.fft.fft(amplitudes / 512.0))[:SAMPLES/2:2] - 30000 gr.clearws() gr.fillrect(0, SAMPLES, -30000, 30000) gr.grid(40, 1200, 0, 0, 5, 5) gr.polyline(range(SAMPLES)[0::4], amplitudes[0::4])
def main(): ymin, ymax = 0.0, 5.0 timestep = 0.03 kp, ki, kd = 0.5, 8.0, 0.001 pid = PIDController(kp, ki, kd, (ymax - ymin) / 2, timestep, min_output=0, max_output=1.0) plant = EmaFilter(alpha=0.7) init_plot_window(0, 1, 0, 1) queue_size = 100 t = deque(maxlen=queue_size) y1 = deque(maxlen=queue_size) y2 = deque(maxlen=queue_size) counter = 0 target = 0.0 t0 = time() while True: start = time() if counter % 100 == 0: target = np.random.randint(low=1, high=5) pid.setpoint = target / ymax # Normalize to lie inside [0, 1] # Simulation of measured input plant_value = plant.ema(pid.output * (ymax - ymin)) pid.update(plant_value / (ymax - ymin), time()) t.append(time() - t0) y1.append(target) y2.append(pid.output * (ymax - ymin)) if counter > 0: xmin, xmax = t[0], t[-1] # ymin, ymax = min(min(y1), min(y2)), max(max(y1), max(y2)) gr.clearws() gr.setwindow(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) # Target gr.setlinewidth(2) linecolor(0, 0, 1.0) gr.polyline(t, y1) # Controller value gr.setlinewidth(2) linecolor(1.0, 0, 0) gr.polyline(t, y2) gr.setlinewidth(1) linecolor(0, 0, 0) draw_axes(1.0, 5.0 / 10, xmin, ymin, x_major=2, y_major=2) gr.updatews() counter += 1 sleep(max(timestep - (time() - start), 0.0))
x = [-2 + i * 0.5 for i in range(0, 29)] y = [-7 + i * 0.5 for i in range(0, 29)] z = list(range(0, 841)) for i in range(0, 29): for j in range(0, 29): r1 = math.sqrt((x[j] - 5)**2 + y[i]**2) r2 = math.sqrt((x[j] + 5)**2 + y[i]**2) z[i * 29 - 1 + j] = (math.exp(math.cos(r1)) + math.exp(math.cos(r2)) - 0.9) * 25 gr.setcharheight(24.0 / 500) gr.settextalign(gr.TEXT_HALIGN_CENTER, gr.TEXT_VALIGN_TOP) gr.textext(0.5, 0.9, "Surface Example") (tbx, tby) = gr.inqtextext(0.5, 0.9, "Surface Example") gr.fillarea(tbx, tby) gr.setwindow(-2, 12, -7, 7) gr.setspace(-80, 200, 45, 70) gr.setcharheight(14.0 / 500) gr.axes3d(1, 0, 20, -2, -7, -80, 2, 0, 2, -0.01) gr.axes3d(0, 1, 0, 12, -7, -80, 0, 2, 0, 0.01) gr.titles3d("X-Axis", "Y-Axis", "Z-Axis") gr.surface(x, y, z, 3) gr.surface(x, y, z, 1) gr.updatews()
output = calc_fractal(q, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, width, height, iters) return output if getenv('PYOPENCL_CTX') == None: environ['PYOPENCL_CTX'] = '0' x = -0.9223327810370947027656057193752719757635 y = 0.3102598350874576432708737495917724836010 f = 0.5 for i in range(200): start = timer() pixels = create_fractal(x-f, x+f, y-f, y+f, 500, 500, 400) dt = timer() - start print("Mandelbrot created in %f s" % dt) gr.clearws() gr.setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) gr.setcolormap(113) z = np.resize(pixels, (500, 500)) gr.setwindow(0, 500, 0, 500) gr.setspace(0, 600, 30, 80) gr3.surface(range(500), range(500), z, 3) gr.updatews() f *= 0.9
return abs(np.fft.fft(amplitudes / 32768.0))[:SAMPLES/2] spectrum = np.zeros((256, 256), dtype=float) t = -255 dt = float(SAMPLES) / FS df = FS / float(SAMPLES) / 2 / 2 start = time.time() while time.time() - start < 10: try: power = get_spectrum() except (IOError): continue gr.clearws() spectrum[:, 255] = power[:256] spectrum = np.roll(spectrum, 1) gr.setcolormap(-113) gr.setviewport(0.05, 0.95, 0.1, 1) gr.setwindow(t * dt, (t + 255) * dt, 0, df) gr.setscale(gr.OPTION_FLIP_X) gr.setspace(0, 200, 30, 80) gr3.surface((t + np.arange(256)) * dt, np.linspace(0, df, 256), spectrum, 4) gr.setscale(0) gr.axes3d(0.2, 0.2, 0, (t + 255) * dt, 0, 0, 5, 5, 0, -0.01) gr.titles3d('t [s]', 'f [kHz]', '') gr.updatews() t += 1
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import sys import os import numpy as np import gr sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../src')) from statistics.rdf import Kernels x = np.linspace(-1.25, 1.25, 500) for name in dir(Kernels): if name.startswith('_') or name == 'bandwidth': continue kernel = getattr(Kernels, name) y = kernel(x) gr.beginprint(name.lower()+'.svg') gr.clearws() gr.setwsviewport(0, 0.1, 0, 0.06) gr.setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) gr.setwindow(-1.25, 1.25, -0.25, 1.25) gr.grid(0.1, 0.1, 0, 0, 5, 5) gr.axes(0.1, 0.1, 0, 0, 5, 5, -0.01) gr.setlinewidth(2) gr.setlinecolorind(2) gr.polyline(x, y) gr.setlinecolorind(1) gr.setlinewidth(1) gr.updatews() gr.endprint()
lens = [] gr.setregenflags(gr.MPL_POSTPONE_UPDATE) for t in range(100): plt.cla() fig = plt.subplot(133) fig.xaxis.set_ticks([-100, 0, 100]) fig.yaxis.set_ticks([]) plt.ylim([0, 1000]) plt.hist(angles[t], 20, normed=0, facecolor='g', alpha=0.5) gr.setviewport(0, 0.7, 0, 0.7) gr.setwindow(0.1, 0.9, 0.05, 0.85) mogli.draw(molecules[t], bonds_param=1.15, camera=((60, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0))) gr.settextalign(gr.TEXT_HALIGN_CENTER, gr.TEXT_VALIGN_HALF) gr.text(0.35, 0.7, '700K (%.1f ps) # of bonds: %d' % (t / 10.0, len(angles[t]))) lens.append(len(angles[t])) if t > 0: gr.setwindow(0, 10, 3500, 5000) gr.setviewport(0.1, 0.6, 0.05, 0.1) gr.axes(1, 0, 0, 3500, 2, 0, 0.005) gr.polyline(np.arange(t + 1) / 10.0, lens) gr.updatews()
import numpy import gr import scipy.fftpack SAMPLES = 2048 wf = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'Monty_Python.wav'), 'rb') pa = pyaudio.PyAudio() stream =, channels=wf.getnchannels(), rate=wf.getframerate(), output=True) gr.setwindow(0, SAMPLES, -30000, 30000) gr.setviewport(0.05, 0.95, 0.05, 0.95) gr.setlinecolorind(218) gr.setfillintstyle(1) gr.setfillcolorind(208) data = wf.readframes(SAMPLES) while data != '' and len(data) == SAMPLES * wf.getsampwidth(): stream.write(data) amplitudes = numpy.fromstring(data, dtype=numpy.short) power = abs(scipy.fftpack.fft(amplitudes / 512.0))[:SAMPLES / 2:2] - 30000 gr.clearws() gr.fillrect(0, SAMPLES, -30000, 30000) gr.grid(40, 1200, 0, 0, 5, 5) gr.polyline(range(SAMPLES)[0::4], amplitudes[0::4])
q = np.zeros(width * height).astype(np.complex128) output = calc_fractal(q, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, width, height, iters) return output os.environ['PYOPENCL_CTX'] = os.environ.get('PYOPENCL_CTX', '0') x = -0.9223327810370947027656057193752719757635 y = 0.3102598350874576432708737495917724836010 f = 0.5 for i in range(200): start = timer() pixels = create_fractal(x - f, x + f, y - f, y + f, 500, 500, 400) dt = timer() - start print("Mandelbrot created in %f s" % dt) gr.clearws() gr.setviewport(0, 1, 0, 1) gr.setcolormap(113) z = np.resize(pixels, (500, 500)) gr.setwindow(0, 500, 0, 500) gr.setspace(0, 600, 30, 80) gr3.surface(range(500), range(500), z, 3) gr.updatews() f *= 0.9
if args.output is not None: os.environ["GKS_VIDEO_OPTS"] = "2000x2000" os.environ["GKS_WSTYPE"] = args.output[-3:] os.environ["GKS_FILEPATH"] = args.output if args.filename.endswith('.xyz'): molecules = elif args.filename.endswith('.npz'): fixs = np.array([args.fixx,args.fixy,args.fixz]) molecules = mogli.load(args.filename,,,args.scaling,fixs) if args.fix_bond: bonds_method = 'fix_bond' bonds_param = else: bonds_method = 'radii' bonds_param = for t in range(args.batch): print(str(t)+" of "+str(args.batch)) gr.clearws() gr.setviewport(0, 0.7, 0, 0.7) gr.setwindow(0.1, 0.9, 0.05, 0.85) #mogli.draw(molecules[t],, camera=((12, 0, 12),(0, 0, 0),(0, 1, 0))) mogli.draw(molecules[t], width=500, height=500, bonds_method=bonds_method,bonds_param=bonds_param, camera=((args.camera_distance, 0, args.camera_distance),(0, 0, 0),(0, 1, 0))) #mogli.draw(molecules[t], bonds_method=bonds_method,bonds_param=bonds_param, camera=((12, 0, 12),(0, 0, 0),(0, 1, 0))) gr.updatews()
def _set_window(kind): global _plt scale = 0 scale |= gr.OPTION_X_LOG if _plt.kwargs.get('xlog', False) else 0 scale |= gr.OPTION_Y_LOG if _plt.kwargs.get('ylog', False) else 0 scale |= gr.OPTION_Z_LOG if _plt.kwargs.get('zlog', False) else 0 scale |= gr.OPTION_FLIP_X if _plt.kwargs.get('xflip', False) else 0 scale |= gr.OPTION_FLIP_Y if _plt.kwargs.get('yflip', False) else 0 scale |= gr.OPTION_FLIP_Z if _plt.kwargs.get('zflip', False) else 0 _minmax() if kind in ('wireframe', 'surface', 'plot3', 'scatter3'): major_count = 2 else: major_count = 5 x_min, x_max = _plt.kwargs['xrange'] if not scale & gr.OPTION_X_LOG: x_min, x_max = gr.adjustlimits(x_min, x_max) x_major_count = major_count x_tick = gr.tick(x_min, x_max) / x_major_count else: x_tick = x_major_count = 1 if not scale & gr.OPTION_FLIP_X: xorg = (x_min, x_max) else: xorg = (x_max, x_min) _plt.kwargs['xaxis'] = x_tick, xorg, x_major_count y_min, y_max = _plt.kwargs['yrange'] if kind in ('hist', 'stem') and 'ylim' not in _plt.kwargs: y_min = 0 if not scale & gr.OPTION_Y_LOG: y_min, y_max = gr.adjustlimits(y_min, y_max) y_major_count = major_count y_tick = gr.tick(y_min, y_max) / y_major_count else: y_tick = y_major_count = 1 if not scale & gr.OPTION_FLIP_Y: yorg = (y_min, y_max) else: yorg = (y_max, y_min) _plt.kwargs['yaxis'] = y_tick, yorg, y_major_count _plt.kwargs['window'] = (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) gr.setwindow(x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) if kind in ('wireframe', 'surface', 'plot3', 'scatter3'): z_min, z_max = _plt.kwargs['zrange'] if not scale & gr.OPTION_Z_LOG: z_min, z_max = gr.adjustlimits(z_min, z_max) z_major_count = major_count z_tick = gr.tick(z_min, z_max) / z_major_count else: z_tick = z_major_count = 1 if not scale & gr.OPTION_FLIP_Z: zorg = (z_min, z_max) else: zorg = (z_max, z_min) _plt.kwargs['zaxis'] = z_tick, zorg, z_major_count rotation = _plt.kwargs.get('rotation', 40) tilt = _plt.kwargs.get('tilt', 70) gr.setspace(z_min, z_max, rotation, tilt) _plt.kwargs['scale'] = scale gr.setscale(scale)
input=True, frames_per_buffer=SAMPLES) amplitudes = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.short) return abs(np.fft.fft(amplitudes / 32768.0))[:SAMPLES // 2] def parabolic(x, f, i): xe = 1 / 2. * (f[i - 1] - f[i + 1]) / (f[i - 1] - 2 * f[i] + f[i + 1]) + x ye = f[i] - 1 / 4. * (f[i - 1] - f[i + 1]) * (xe - x) return xe, ye f = [FS / float(SAMPLES) * t for t in range(0, SAMPLES // 2)] gr.setviewport(0.1, 0.95, 0.1, 0.95) gr.setwindow(50, 25000, 0, 100) gr.setscale(1) start = time.time() while time.time() - start < 10: try: power = get_spectrum() peakind = signal.find_peaks_cwt(power, np.array([5])) except (IOError): continue gr.clearws() gr.setlinewidth(1) gr.setlinecolorind(1) gr.grid(1, 5, 50, 0, 1, 2)
from gr.pygr import Plot, PlotAxes, PlotCurve, Text tx, ty = 0, -20 x = [-3.3 + t * .1 for t in range(66)] y = [t**5 - 13 * t**3 + 36 * t for t in x] txtfmt = "Text drawn on\n(%g, %g) with\nhalign left, valign top" plt = Plot((.1, .95, .1, .88)) plt.title = "Text on Axes Example" plt.subTitle = "Show usage of gr.pygr.Text" plt.xlabel = "x" plt.ylabel = "y" curve = PlotCurve(x, y, legend="foo bar") axes = PlotAxes(plt.viewport).addCurves(curve) axes.setWindow(-4.0, 4.0, -60.0, 40.0) text = Text(tx, -ty, txtfmt % (tx, -ty), axes, .02) plt.addAxes(axes) text2 = Text(tx, ty, txtfmt % (tx, ty), axes, .02) tbx, tby = text2.getBoundingBox() plt.drawGR() text.drawGR() text2.drawGR() # set viewport and window accordingly to draw in NDC space gr.setviewport(0, axes.sizex, 0, axes.sizey) gr.setwindow(0, axes.sizex, 0, axes.sizey) gr.fillarea(tbx, tby) gr.updatews()
stream =, channels=wf.getnchannels(), rate=wf.getframerate(), output=True) spectrum = np.zeros((256, 64), dtype=float) t = -63 dt = float(SAMPLES) / FS df = FS / float(SAMPLES) / 2 / 2 data = wf.readframes(SAMPLES) while data != '' and len(data) == SAMPLES * wf.getsampwidth(): stream.write(data) amplitudes = np.fromstring(data, dtype=np.short) power = abs(np.fft.fft(amplitudes / 32768.0))[:SAMPLES/2] gr.clearws() spectrum[:, 63] = power[:256] spectrum = np.roll(spectrum, 1) gr.setcolormap(-113) gr.setviewport(0.05, 0.95, 0.1, 1) gr.setwindow(t * dt, (t + 63) * dt, 0, df) gr.setscale(gr.OPTION_FLIP_X) gr.setspace(0, 256, 30, 80) gr3.surface((t + np.arange(64)) * dt, np.linspace(0, df, 256), spectrum, 4) gr.setscale(0) gr.axes3d(0.2, 0.2, 0, (t + 63) * dt, 0, 0, 5, 5, 0, -0.01) gr.titles3d('t [s]', 'f [kHz]', '') gr.updatews() data = wf.readframes(SAMPLES) t += 1
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Create a contour plot of irregular distributed data """ from numpy.random import uniform, seed import numpy as np import gr seed(0) xd = uniform(-2, 2, 100) yd = uniform(-2, 2, 100) zd = xd * np.exp(-xd ** 2 - yd ** 2) gr.setviewport(0.1, 0.95, 0.1, 0.95) gr.setwindow(-2, 2, -2, 2) gr.setspace(-0.5, 0.5, 0, 90) gr.setmarkersize(1) gr.setmarkertype(gr.MARKERTYPE_SOLID_CIRCLE) gr.setcharheight(0.024) gr.settextalign(2, 0) gr.settextfontprec(3, 0) x, y, z = gr.gridit(xd, yd, zd, 200, 200) h = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, 20) gr.surface(x, y, z, 5) gr.contour(x, y, h, z, 0) gr.polymarker(xd, yd) gr.axes(0.25, 0.25, -2, -2, 2, 2, 0.01) gr.updatews()
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Create a contour plot of irregular distributed data """ import numpy as np import gr np.random.seed(0) xd = np.random.uniform(-2, 2, 100) yd = np.random.uniform(-2, 2, 100) zd = xd * np.exp(-xd**2 - yd**2) gr.setviewport(0.1, 0.95, 0.1, 0.95) gr.setwindow(-2, 2, -2, 2) gr.setspace(-0.5, 0.5, 0, 90) gr.setmarkersize(1) gr.setmarkertype(gr.MARKERTYPE_SOLID_CIRCLE) gr.setcharheight(0.024) gr.settextalign(2, 0) gr.settextfontprec(3, 0) x, y, z = gr.gridit(xd, yd, zd, 200, 200) h = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, 20) gr.surface(x, y, z, 5) gr.contour(x, y, h, z, 0) gr.polymarker(xd, yd) gr.axes(0.25, 0.25, -2, -2, 2, 2, 0.01) gr.updatews()
from gr.pygr import Plot, PlotAxes, PlotCurve, Text if __name__ == "__main__": tx, ty = 0, -20 x = [-3.3 + t * 0.1 for t in range(66)] y = [t ** 5 - 13 * t ** 3 + 36 * t for t in x] txtfmt = "Text drawn on\n(%g, %g) with\nhalign left, valign top" plt = Plot((0.1, 0.95, 0.1, 0.88)) plt.title = "Text on Axes Example" plt.subTitle = "Show usage of gr.pygr.Text" plt.xlabel = "x" plt.ylabel = "y" curve = PlotCurve(x, y, legend="foo bar") axes = PlotAxes(plt.viewport).addCurves(curve) axes.setWindow(-4.0, 4.0, -60.0, 40.0) text = Text(tx, -ty, txtfmt % (tx, -ty), axes, 0.02) plt.addAxes(axes) text2 = Text(tx, ty, txtfmt % (tx, ty), axes, 0.02) tbx, tby = text2.getBoundingBox() plt.drawGR() text.drawGR() text2.drawGR() # set viewport and window accordingly to draw in NDC space gr.setviewport(0, axes.sizex, 0, axes.sizey) gr.setwindow(0, axes.sizex, 0, axes.sizey) gr.fillarea(tbx, tby)
rate=wf.getframerate(), output=True) spectrum = np.zeros((256, 64), dtype=float) t = -63 dt = float(SAMPLES) / FS df = FS / float(SAMPLES) / 2 / 2 data = wf.readframes(SAMPLES) while data != '' and len(data) == SAMPLES * wf.getsampwidth(): stream.write(data) amplitudes = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.short) power = abs(np.fft.fft(amplitudes / 32768.0))[:SAMPLES // 2] gr.clearws() spectrum[:, 63] = power[:256] spectrum = np.roll(spectrum, 1) gr.setcolormap(-113) gr.setviewport(0.05, 0.95, 0.1, 1) gr.setwindow(t * dt, (t + 63) * dt, 0, df) gr.setscale(gr.OPTION_FLIP_X) gr.setspace(0, 256, 30, 80) gr3.surface((t + np.arange(64)) * dt, np.linspace(0, df, 256), spectrum, 4) gr.setscale(0) gr.axes3d(0.2, 0.2, 0, (t + 63) * dt, 0, 0, 5, 5, 0, -0.01) gr.titles3d('t [s]', 'f [kHz]', '') gr.updatews() data = wf.readframes(SAMPLES) t += 1
def init_plot_window(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax): gr.clearws() gr.setwsviewport(0.0, 0.25, 0.0, 0.25) # Desktop window extents in meters gr.setviewport(0.15, 0.95, 0.15, 0.95) gr.setwindow(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
def _set_window(kind): global _plt scale = 0 if kind != 'polar': scale |= gr.OPTION_X_LOG if _plt.kwargs.get('xlog', False) else 0 scale |= gr.OPTION_Y_LOG if _plt.kwargs.get('ylog', False) else 0 scale |= gr.OPTION_Z_LOG if _plt.kwargs.get('zlog', False) else 0 scale |= gr.OPTION_FLIP_X if _plt.kwargs.get('xflip', False) else 0 scale |= gr.OPTION_FLIP_Y if _plt.kwargs.get('yflip', False) else 0 scale |= gr.OPTION_FLIP_Z if _plt.kwargs.get('zflip', False) else 0 _minmax() if kind in ('wireframe', 'surface', 'plot3', 'scatter3', 'polar', 'trisurf'): major_count = 2 else: major_count = 5 x_min, x_max = _plt.kwargs['xrange'] if not scale & gr.OPTION_X_LOG: x_min, x_max = gr.adjustlimits(x_min, x_max) x_major_count = major_count x_tick = gr.tick(x_min, x_max) / x_major_count else: x_tick = x_major_count = 1 if not scale & gr.OPTION_FLIP_X: xorg = (x_min, x_max) else: xorg = (x_max, x_min) _plt.kwargs['xaxis'] = x_tick, xorg, x_major_count y_min, y_max = _plt.kwargs['yrange'] if kind in ('hist', 'stem') and 'ylim' not in _plt.kwargs: y_min = 0 if not scale & gr.OPTION_Y_LOG: y_min, y_max = gr.adjustlimits(y_min, y_max) y_major_count = major_count y_tick = gr.tick(y_min, y_max) / y_major_count else: y_tick = y_major_count = 1 if not scale & gr.OPTION_FLIP_Y: yorg = (y_min, y_max) else: yorg = (y_max, y_min) _plt.kwargs['yaxis'] = y_tick, yorg, y_major_count _plt.kwargs['window'] = (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) if kind == 'polar': gr.setwindow(-1, 1, -1, 1) else: gr.setwindow(x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) if kind in ('wireframe', 'surface', 'plot3', 'scatter3', 'trisurf'): z_min, z_max = _plt.kwargs['zrange'] if not scale & gr.OPTION_Z_LOG: z_min, z_max = gr.adjustlimits(z_min, z_max) z_major_count = major_count z_tick = gr.tick(z_min, z_max) / z_major_count else: z_tick = z_major_count = 1 if not scale & gr.OPTION_FLIP_Z: zorg = (z_min, z_max) else: zorg = (z_max, z_min) _plt.kwargs['zaxis'] = z_tick, zorg, z_major_count rotation = _plt.kwargs.get('rotation', 40) tilt = _plt.kwargs.get('tilt', 70) gr.setspace(z_min, z_max, rotation, tilt) _plt.kwargs['scale'] = scale gr.setscale(scale)
spectrum = np.zeros((256, 256), dtype=float) t = -255 dt = float(SAMPLES) / FS df = FS / float(SAMPLES) / 2 / 2 start = time.time() while time.time() - start < 10: try: power = get_spectrum() except (IOError): continue gr.clearws() spectrum[:, 255] = power[:256] spectrum = np.roll(spectrum, 1) gr.setcolormap(-113) gr.setviewport(0.05, 0.95, 0.1, 1) gr.setwindow(t * dt, (t + 255) * dt, 0, df) gr.setscale(gr.OPTION_FLIP_X) gr.setspace(0, 200, 30, 80) gr3.surface((t + np.arange(256)) * dt, np.linspace(0, df, 256), spectrum, 4) gr.setscale(0) gr.axes3d(0.2, 0.2, 0, (t + 255) * dt, 0, 0, 5, 5, 0, -0.01) gr.titles3d('t [s]', 'f [kHz]', '') gr.updatews() t += 1
CYCLE = 1000 N_PAR_CYCLE = 1000 n = CYCLE * N_PAR_CYCLE df = pd.DataFrame({ "idx": np.arange(1, n + 1), "cycle_no": np.repeat(range(1, CYCLE + 1), N_PAR_CYCLE), "cycle_cnt": np.tile(np.arange(1, N_PAR_CYCLE + 1), CYCLE), "val": randn(n) + np.repeat(range(CYCLE), N_PAR_CYCLE) }) import gr from gr.pygr import Plot, PlotAxes, PlotContour, PlotCurve gr.setwindow(-2, 1000, -2, 1000) gr.setviewport(0.05, 0.95, 0.05, 0.95) gr.setfillintstyle(1) gr.setfillcolorind(208) # create figure with plot # fig = plt.Fig() # ax_left = fig[0, 0] # ax_right = fig[0, 1] # ax_left._configure_2d() # ax_left.title.text = 'Current Clamp Recording' # ax_left.ylabel.text = 'Membrane Potential (mV)' # ax_left.xlabel.text = 'Time (ms)' selected = None # cmap = get_colormap('hsl', value=0.5)