Exemplo n.º 1
def code_data(request):
    ctx = project_settings()

        'full_page_url': quote((settings.URL_PREFIX+request.get_full_path()).encode('utf8')),
        'PROFILE': json.dumps(request.PROFILE, ensure_ascii=False),
    return ctx
Exemplo n.º 2
def send_email(recipient, subject, template, ctx, type, from_email='noreply', reply_to=None, to_email=None):
    """ To send emails to admin account set recipient=None """
    # TODO: generate unsubscribe link with hash (page with confirmation); default place for it in base template
    context = project_settings()
    context['recipient'] = recipient
    html = render_to_string(template, context)

    # TODO: convert html to text
    # TODO: replace <a href="url">text</a> with 'text url', no GA tracking in it
    text = html

    name = str(recipient.user_id) if recipient else 'grakon'
    hash = hashlib.md5(name+' '+str(datetime.now())).hexdigest()[:20]

    params = urlencode({'mh': hash, 'utm_campaign': type, 'utm_medium': 'email', 'utm_source': 'main'})

    xml = fromstring(html)
    for a in xml.findall('.//a'):
        url = a.get('href')
        if url.startswith(settings.URL_PREFIX):
            # If hash is inside url - move it to the end of the newly generated link
            if '#' in url:
                start, end = url.split('#')
                url = start + ('&' if '?' in url else '?') + params + '#' + end
                url += ('&' if '?' in url else '?') + params

        a.set('href', url)

    img1x1 = xml.find(".//img[@id='img1x1']")
    if img1x1 is not None:
        img1x1.set('src', img1x1.get('src')+'?mh='+hash)

    html = tostring(xml)

    from_str = u'%s <%s>' % settings.EMAILS[from_email]
    if to_email is None:
        to_email = recipient.user.email if recipient else settings.ADMIN_EMAIL
    # TODO: check that email has appropriate format (like no dot at the end)

    headers = {}
    if reply_to:
        headers['Reply-To'] = reply_to

    msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text, from_str, [to_email], headers=headers)
    msg.attach_alternative(html, "text/html")

    message = msg.message().as_string()

    # TODO: set priority
    email = Email(recipient=recipient, hash=hash, type=type, raw_msg=message, from_email=from_email,
            to_email=to_email, priority=0)

    send_email_task(email) # TODO: run it in celery (use select_related)
Exemplo n.º 3
def code_data(request):
    ctx = {"resources": json.dumps(RESOURCE_CHOICES, ensure_ascii=False)}

    # Include mustache templates
    partials = {}
    for name, path in comments_templates.iteritems():
        partials[name] = get_mustache_template(path)

    ctx["mustache_partials"] = json.dumps(partials, ensure_ascii=False).replace("\\n", " ")

    return render_to_response("code_data.js", ctx, mimetype="application/javascript")
Exemplo n.º 4
def code_data(request):
    ctx = {}

    # Include mustache templates
    partials = {}
    for name, path in comments_templates.iteritems():
        partials[name] = get_mustache_template(path)

    ctx['mustache_partials'] = json.dumps(partials, ensure_ascii=False).replace('\\n', ' ')

    return render_to_response('code_data.js', ctx, mimetype='application/javascript')