def getSpeech(): try: if request.method == 'POST': data = request.json text = data["raw_text"] current_indent = firebase_api.get_indent(data["uid"], data["file_id"], data["line_no"]) revcode, new_indent, just_cut, before_detext = grammar.grammar( text, current_indent) if (revcode.isspace()): revcode = "" firebase_api.set_indent(data["uid"], data["file_id"], data["line_no"], new_indent, revcode) print( json.dumps( { "status": "ok", "before_text": text, "cut_text": just_cut, "before_detect": before_detext, "code": revcode }, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False, separators=(',', ': '))) return jsonify({ "status": "ok", "before_text": text, "cut_text": just_cut, "before_detect": before_detext, "code": revcode }) else: text = request.args.get("text") revcode, new_indent, just_cut, before_detext = grammar.grammar( text, 0) return jsonify({ "status": "ok", "before_text": text, "cut_text": just_cut, "before_detect": before_detext, "code": revcode }) except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) traceback.print_exc() return jsonify({"status": "error"})
def parse(vars_file, template_file): with open(vars_file, 'r') as f: vars_file = vars = grammar.grammar(vars_file).vars_file() vars = sorted(vars, key=lambda x: x['name']) THIS_DIR = os.getcwd() j2_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(THIS_DIR), trim_blocks=True) out = j2_env.get_template(template_file).render(variables=vars) with open(template_file[:-3], 'w') as f: f.write(out)
def test(): """""" g = grammar(G) for key, value in g.items(): print '{}: {}'.format(key, value)
"declaration -> var-declaration | fun-declaration", "var-declaration -> type-specifier ID ; | type-specifier ID [ NUM ] ;", "type-specifier -> int | void", "fun-declaration -> type-specifier ID ( params ) compound-stmt", "params -> param-list | void", "param-list -> param-list , param | param", "param -> type-specifier ID | type-specifier ID [ ]", "compound-stmt -> { local-declarations statement-list }", "local-declarations -> local-declarations var-declaration | #", "statement-list -> statement-list statement | #", "statement -> expression-stmt | compound-stmt | selection-stmt | iteration-stmt | return-stmt", "expression-stmt -> expression ; | ;", "selection-stmt -> if ( expression ) statement | if ( expression ) statement else statement", "iteration-stmt -> while ( expression ) statement", "return-stmt -> return ; | return expression ;", "expression -> var = expression | simple-expression", "var -> ID | ID [ expression ]", "simple-expression -> additive-expression RELOP additive-expression | additive-expression", "additive-expression -> additive-expression ADDOP term | term", "term -> term MULOP factor | factor", "factor -> ( expression ) | var | call | NUM", "call -> ID ( args )", "args -> arg-list | #", "arg-list -> arg-list , expression | expression" ] string = "\n".join(re.sub(r"//.*$", "", x) for x in re.sub(r"/\*.*?\*/", "", open(sys.argv[1], "r").read(), flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL).split("\n")) gram = grammar(cfg) x = gram.parse(gram.lex(string, patterns)) print("ACCEPT" if x else "REJECT")
from grammar import grammar, parse, Fail JSON = grammar( r"""value => object | array | string | number | true | false | null string => ["][^"\\]+["] number => int frac exp | int exp | int frac | int int => [-]?[\d]+ frac => [.][\d]+ exp => [eE][+-]?[\d]+ object => [{] members [}] | {} array => [\[] elements [\]] elements => value [,] elements | value members => pair [,] members | pair pair => string [:] value""", whitespace="\s*", ) def json_parse(text): return parse("value", text, JSON) def test(): assert json_parse('["testing", 1, 2, 3]') == ( [ "value", [ "array", "[", [ "elements",
while inp != "e": inp = input() if inp == "1": translate.translate(dictionaries) # enter Dictionary-Module elif inp == "2": dictionaries = vocab.trainer(dictionaries) # enter Vocabulary-Module elif inp == "3": grammar.grammar(dictionaries) # enter Grammar-Module elif inp == "4": mad.madlib(dictionaries) # enter MadLib-Module elif inp == "5": load.update(dictionaries) vocab.statistics(dictionaries) #update statistics in statistics.csv elif inp == "i": print("Info" ) # print information about the program and underlying processes
for line in lines: if line == "": groups.append([]) else: groups[-1].append(line) # for part 1, just return s def rpl(s): if s.startswith("8:"): return "8: 42 | 42 8" if s.startswith("11:"): return "11: 42 31 | 42 11 31" return s rules = [ x.replace(":", " ->").replace('"', "") for x in map(rpl, sorted(groups[0])) ] gram = grammar(rules) ct = 0 for ip in groups[1]: tokens = [(x, x) for x in ip] ast = gram.parse(tokens) print(ip, ast) if ast is not None: ct += 1 print(ct)
URL = grammar(""" url => httpaddress | ftpaddress | mailtoaddress httpaddress => http:// hostport /path? ?search? ftpaddress => ftp:// login / path ; ftptype | ftp:// login / path /path? => / path | () ?search? => [?] search | () mailtoaddress => mailto: xalphas @ hostname hostport => host : port | host host => hostname | hostnumber hostname => ialpha . hostname | ialpha hostnumber => digits . digits . digits . digits ftptype => A formcode | E formcode | I | L digits formcode => [NTC] port => digits | path path => void | segment / path | segment segment => xalphas search => xalphas + search | xalphas login => userpassword hostport | hostport userpassword => user : password @ | user @ user => alphanum2 user | alphanum2 password => alphanum2 password | password path => void | segment / path | segment void => () digits => digit digits | digit digit => [0-9] alpha => [a-zA-Z] safe => [-$_@.&+] extra => [()!*''""] escape => % hex hex hex => [0-9a-fA-F] alphanum => alpha | digit alphanums => alphanum alphanums | alphanum alphanum2 => alpha | digit | [-_.+] ialpha => alpha xalphas | alpha xalphas => xalpha xalphas | xalpha xalpha => alpha | digit | safe | extra | escape """, whitespace = '()')
from grammar import grammar, parse # Sets regular expression grammar REGRAMMAR = grammar(""" RE => ALT | RE2 RE2 => SEQ | EXP EXP => MOD | VAL MOD => STAR | PLUS | OPT ALT => RE2 \| RE GRP => \( RE \) SEQ => EXP RE2 VAL => GRP | LIT | DOT | EOL LIT => [^()|?+*.$] DOT => \. EOL => \$ STAR => VAL \* PLUS => VAL \+ OPT => VAL \? """, whitespace='') def parse_re(pattern): """Parses a regular expression pattern and returns a string in a format readable by a custom regex compiler. Parameters: pattern : a string regex pattern Returns: string : a string containing regex pattern converted into string of functions readable by regex compiler
''' JSON parse. ''' from grammar import grammar, parse, verify JSON = grammar(r""" value => array | object | string | number | true | false | null array => [[] []] | [[] elements []] elements => value , elements | value string => "[^"]*" number => int frac exp | int frac | int exp | int int => -?[1-9]\d* frac => [.]\d+ exp => [eE][+-]?\d+ object => { } | { members } members => pair , members | pair pair => string : value """, whitespace='\s*') def json_parse(text): "JSON parse." return parse('value', text, JSON) def test(): "tests" assert json_parse('["testing", 1, 2, 3]') == ([ 'value',
from grammar import grammar, parse, Fail JSON = grammar( r"""value => object | array | string | number | true | false | null string => ["][^"\\]+["] number => int frac exp | int exp | int frac | int int => [-]?[\d]+ frac => [.][\d]+ exp => [eE][+-]?[\d]+ object => [{] members [}] | {} array => [\[] elements [\]] elements => value [,] elements | value members => pair [,] members | pair pair => string [:] value""", whitespace='\s*') def json_parse(text): return parse('value', text, JSON) def test(): assert json_parse('["testing", 1, 2, 3]') == ([ 'value', [ 'array', '[', [ 'elements', ['value', ['string', '"testing"']], ',', [ 'elements', ['value', ['number', ['int', '1']]], ',', [
alaki2 = [] s = '\t' old_c = '\t' cnt = 0 else: if (s.__eq__('\t')): s = '' s = s + c old_c = c action.remove([]) goto.remove([]) #print(action) #print(goto) grammar = grammar() #print(grammar) inp = scanner() #print(inp) s_input = Stack() s_input.push(('z', '')) for i in range(0, inp.__len__()): #print(inp[inp.__len__()-1-i]) s_input.push(inp[inp.__len__() - 1 - i]) s_parsser = Stack() s_parsser.push((0, ''))
def main(): g = grammar.grammar(grammar.rules_from_file(sys.argv[1])) l = lexicon.lexicon(lexicon.lexemes_from_file(sys.argv[2])) for i in range(10): print g.gen_random_sentence(l)