Exemplo n.º 1
            key, value = items
            print(("            \"%s\"   : %s" % (key, value)), end=' ')
            key_count += 1
            if key_count < len(entry):
        print("         }")
        print("   },")
        entry_count += 1

pk = 4
for section in config.get_sections():
    for setting in config.get_section_settings(section):
        key = "%s.%s" % (section, setting)
        value = config.get_default(key)
        print("   {")
        print("      \"model\": \"grampsdb.config\",")
        print("      \"pk\": %d," % pk)
        print("      \"fields\":")
        print("         {")
        print("            \"setting\"   : \"%s\"," % key)
        print("            \"value_type\"   : \"%s\"," % type(value).__name__)
        print("            \"value\": \"%s\"" % value)
        print("         }")
        print("   },", end=' ')
        pk += 1

## Add the data for the type models:

type_models = [NameType, NameOriginType, AttributeType, UrlType, ChildRefType,
Exemplo n.º 2
    def parse_args(self):
        Fill in lists with open, exports, imports, and actions options.

        Any errors are added to self.errors
            # Convert arguments to unicode, otherwise getopt will not work
            # if a non latin character is used as an option (by mistake).
            # getopt will try to treat the first char in an utf-8 sequence. Example:
            # -Ärik is '-\xc3\x84rik' and getopt will respond :
            # option -\xc3 not recognized
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                self.args[arg + 1] = conv_to_unicode(self.args[arg + 1],
            options, leftargs = getopt.getopt(self.args[1:], SHORTOPTS,
        except getopt.GetoptError as msg:
            # Extract the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of the list elemements
            # which is OK for latin characters, but not for non latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + " "
            cliargs += "]"
            # Must first do str() of the msg object.
            msg = str(msg)
            self.errors += [
                (_('Error parsing the arguments'), msg + '\n' +
                 _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                   "Type gramps --help for an overview of commands, or "
                   "read the manual pages.") % cliargs)

        if leftargs:
            # if there were an argument without option,
            # use it as a file to open and return
            self.open_gui = leftargs[0]
            print(_("Trying to open: %s ...") % leftargs[0], file=sys.stderr)
            #see if force open is on
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ('-u', '--force-unlock'):
                    self.force_unlock = True

        # Go over all given option and place them into appropriate lists
        cleandbg = []
        need_to_quit = False
        for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
            option, value = options[opt_ix]
            if option in ['-O', '--open']:
                self.open = value
            elif option in ['-C', '--create']:
                self.create = value
            elif option in ['-i', '--import']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if opt_ix < len(options) - 1 \
                   and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ( '-f', '--format'):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.imports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-e', '--export']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if opt_ix < len(options) - 1 \
                   and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ( '-f', '--format'):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.exports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-a', '--action']:
                action = value
                if action not in ('report', 'tool', 'book'):
                    print(_("Unknown action: %s. Ignoring.") % action,
                options_str = ""
                if opt_ix < len(options)-1 \
                            and options[opt_ix+1][0] in ( '-p', '--options' ):
                    options_str = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.actions.append((action, options_str))
            elif option in ['-d', '--debug']:
                print(_('setup debugging'), value, file=sys.stderr)
                logger = logging.getLogger(value)
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-l']:
                self.list = True
            elif option in ['-L']:
                self.list_more = True
            elif option in ['-t']:
                self.list_table = True
            elif option in ['-s', '--show']:
                print(_("Gramps config settings from %s:") % config.filename)
                for section in config.data:
                    for setting in config.data[section]:
                        print("%s.%s=%s" %
                              (section, setting,
            elif option in ['-c', '--config']:
                setting_name = value
                set_value = False
                if setting_name:
                    if ":" in setting_name:
                        setting_name, new_value = setting_name.split(":", 1)
                        set_value = True
                    if config.has_default(setting_name):
                        setting_value = config.get(setting_name)
                        print(_("Current Gramps config setting: "
                                "%(name)s:%(value)s") % {
                                    'name': setting_name,
                                    'value': repr(setting_value)
                        if set_value:
                            # does a user want the default config value?
                            if new_value in ("DEFAULT", _("DEFAULT")):
                                new_value = config.get_default(setting_name)
                                converter = get_type_converter(setting_value)
                                new_value = converter(new_value)
                            config.set(setting_name, new_value)
                            # translators: indent "New" to match "Current"
                            print(_("    New Gramps config setting: "
                                    "%(name)s:%(value)s") % {
                                        'name': setting_name,
                                        'value': repr(config.get(setting_name))
                            need_to_quit = True
                        print(_("Gramps: no such config setting: '%s'") %
                        need_to_quit = True
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-h', '-?', '--help']:
                self.help = True
            elif option in ['-u', '--force-unlock']:
                self.force_unlock = True
            elif option in ['--usage']:
                self.usage = True
            elif option in ['--qml']:
                self.runqml = True
            elif option in ['-y', '--yes']:
                self.auto_accept = True
            elif option in ['-q', '--quiet']:
                self.quiet = True

        #clean options list
        for ind in cleandbg:
            del options[ind]

        if len(options) > 0 and self.open is None and self.imports == [] \
                and not (self.list or self.list_more or self.list_table or
                         self.help or self.runqml):
            # Extract and convert to unicode the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of
            # the list elements, which is OK for latin characters
            # but not for non-latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += conv_to_unicode(self.args[arg + 1],
                                           sys.stdin.encoding) + ' '
            cliargs += "]"
            self.errors += [(_('Error parsing the arguments'),
                             _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                               "To use in the command-line mode, supply at "
                               "least one input file to process.") % cliargs)]
        if need_to_quit:
Exemplo n.º 3
    def parse_args(self):
        Fill in lists with open, exports, imports, and actions options.

        Any errors are added to self.errors
            options, leftargs = getopt.getopt(self.args[1:],
                                              SHORTOPTS, LONGOPTS)
        except getopt.GetoptError as msg:
            # Extract the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements
            # with repr() of the list elements
            # which is OK for latin characters,
            # but not for non latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + " "
            cliargs += "]"
            # Must first do str() of the msg object.
            msg = str(msg)
            self.errors += [(_('Error parsing the arguments'),
                             msg + '\n' +
                             _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                               "Type gramps --help for an overview of "
                               "commands, or read the manual pages."
                              ) % cliargs)]

        # Some args can work on a list of databases:
        if leftargs:
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ['-L', '-l', '-t']:
                    self.database_names = leftargs
                    leftargs = []

        if leftargs:
            # if there were an argument without option,
            # use it as a file to open and return
            self.open_gui = leftargs[0]
            print(_("Trying to open: %s ..."
                   ) % leftargs[0],
            #see if force open is on
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ('-u', '--force-unlock'):
                    self.force_unlock = True

        # Go over all given option and place them into appropriate lists
        cleandbg = []
        need_to_quit = False
        for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
            option, value = options[opt_ix]
            if option in ['-O', '--open']:
                self.open = value
            elif option in ['-C', '--create']:
                self.create = value
            elif option in ['-U', '--username']:
                self.username = value
            elif option in ['-P', '--password']:
                self.password = value
            elif option in ['-i', '--import']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if (opt_ix < len(options) - 1
                        and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ('-f', '--format')):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.imports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-r', '--remove']:
            elif option in ['-e', '--export']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if (opt_ix < len(options) - 1
                        and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ('-f', '--format')):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                abs_name = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(value))
                if not os.path.exists(abs_name):
                    # The file doesn't exists, try to create it.
                        open(abs_name, 'w').close()
                    except OSError as e:
                        message = _("WARNING: %(strerr)s "
                                    "WARNING: %(name)s\n") % {
                                      'strerr' : e.strerror,
                                      'errno'  : e.errno,
                                      'name'   : e.filename}
                self.exports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-a', '--action']:
                action = value
                if action not in ('report', 'tool', 'book'):
                    print(_("Unknown action: %s. Ignoring."
                           ) % action,
                options_str = ""
                if (opt_ix < len(options)-1
                        and options[opt_ix+1][0] in ('-p', '--options')):
                    options_str = options[opt_ix+1][1]
                self.actions.append((action, options_str))
            elif option in ['-d', '--debug']:
                print(_('setup debugging'), value, file=sys.stderr)
                logger = logging.getLogger(value)
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-l']:
                self.list = True
            elif option in ['-L']:
                self.list_more = True
            elif option in ['-t']:
                self.list_table = True
            elif option in ['-s', '--show']:
                print(_("Gramps config settings from %s:"
                       ) % config.filename)
                for sect in config.data:
                    for setting in config.data[sect]:
                        print("%s.%s=%s" % (sect, setting,
            elif option in ['-c', '--config']:
                cfg_name = value
                set_value = False
                if cfg_name:
                    if ":" in cfg_name:
                        cfg_name, new_value = cfg_name.split(":", 1)
                        set_value = True
                    if config.has_default(cfg_name):
                        setting_value = config.get(cfg_name)
                        print(_("Current Gramps config setting: "
                               ) % {'name'  : cfg_name,
                                    'value' : repr(setting_value)},
                        if set_value:
                            # does a user want the default config value?
                            if new_value in ("DEFAULT", _("DEFAULT")):
                                new_value = config.get_default(cfg_name)
                                converter = get_type_converter(setting_value)
                                new_value = converter(new_value)
                            config.set(cfg_name, new_value)
                            # translators: indent "New" to match "Current"
                            print(_("    New Gramps config setting: "
                                   ) % {'name'  : cfg_name,
                                        'value' : repr(config.get(cfg_name))},
                            need_to_quit = True
                        print(_("Gramps: no such config setting: '%s'"
                               ) % cfg_name,
                        need_to_quit = True
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-h', '-?', '--help']:
                self.help = True
            elif option in ['-u', '--force-unlock']:
                self.force_unlock = True
            elif option in ['--usage']:
                self.usage = True
            elif option in ['-y', '--yes']:
                self.auto_accept = True
            elif option in ['-q', '--quiet']:
                self.quiet = True

        #clean options list
        for ind in cleandbg:
            del options[ind]

        if (len(options) > 0
                and self.open is None
                and self.imports == []
                and self.removes == []
                and not (self.list
                         or self.list_more
                         or self.list_table
                         or self.help)):
            # Extract and convert to unicode the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of
            # the list elements, which is OK for latin characters
            # but not for non-latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + ' '
            cliargs += "]"
            self.errors += [(_('Error parsing the arguments'),
                             _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                               "To use in the command-line mode, supply at "
                               "least one input file to process."
                              ) % cliargs)]
        if need_to_quit:
Exemplo n.º 4
    def parse_args(self):
        Fill in lists with open, exports, imports, and actions options.

        Any errors are added to self.errors
            options, leftargs = getopt.getopt(self.args[1:],
                                              SHORTOPTS, LONGOPTS)
        except getopt.GetoptError as msg:
            # Extract the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements
            # with repr() of the list elements
            # which is OK for latin characters,
            # but not for non latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + " "
            cliargs += "]"
            # Must first do str() of the msg object.
            msg = str(msg)
            self.errors += [(_('Error parsing the arguments'),
                             msg + '\n' +
                             _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                               "Type gramps --help for an overview of "
                               "commands, or read the manual pages."
                              ) % cliargs)]

        # Some args can work on a list of databases:
        if leftargs:
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ['-L', '-l', '-t']:
                    self.database_names = leftargs
                    leftargs = []

        if leftargs:
            # if there were an argument without option,
            # use it as a file to open and return
            self.open_gui = leftargs[0]
            print(_("Trying to open: %s ..."
                   ) % leftargs[0],
            #see if force open is on
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ('-u', '--force-unlock'):
                    self.force_unlock = True

        # Go over all given option and place them into appropriate lists
        cleandbg = []
        need_to_quit = False
        for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
            option, value = options[opt_ix]
            if option in ['-O', '--open']:
                self.open = value
            elif option in ['-C', '--create']:
                self.create = value
            elif option in ['-U', '--username']:
                self.username = value
            elif option in ['-P', '--password']:
                self.password = value
            elif option in ['-i', '--import']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if (opt_ix < len(options) - 1
                        and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ('-f', '--format')):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.imports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-r', '--remove']:
            elif option in ['-e', '--export']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if (opt_ix < len(options) - 1
                        and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ('-f', '--format')):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                abs_name = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(value))
                if not os.path.exists(abs_name):
                    # The file doesn't exists, try to create it.
                        open(abs_name, 'w').close()
                    except OSError as e:
                        message = _("WARNING: %(strerr)s "
                                    "WARNING: %(name)s\n") % {
                                      'strerr' : e.strerror,
                                      'errno'  : e.errno,
                                      'name'   : e.filename}
                self.exports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-a', '--action']:
                action = value
                if action not in ('report', 'tool', 'book'):
                    print(_("Unknown action: %s. Ignoring."
                           ) % action,
                options_str = ""
                if (opt_ix < len(options)-1
                        and options[opt_ix+1][0] in ('-p', '--options')):
                    options_str = options[opt_ix+1][1]
                self.actions.append((action, options_str))
            elif option in ['-d', '--debug']:
                print(_('setup debugging'), value, file=sys.stderr)
                logger = logging.getLogger(value)
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-l']:
                self.list = True
            elif option in ['-L']:
                self.list_more = True
            elif option in ['-t']:
                self.list_table = True
            elif option in ['-s', '--show']:
                from gramps.gen.config import config
                print(_("Gramps config settings from %s:"
                       ) % config.filename)
                for sect in config.data:
                    for setting in config.data[sect]:
                        print("%s.%s=%s" % (sect, setting,
            elif option in ['-c', '--config']:
                from gramps.gen.config import config
                cfg_name = value
                set_value = False
                if cfg_name:
                    if ":" in cfg_name:
                        cfg_name, new_value = cfg_name.split(":", 1)
                        set_value = True
                    if config.has_default(cfg_name):
                        setting_value = config.get(cfg_name)
                        print(_("Current Gramps config setting: "
                               ) % {'name'  : cfg_name,
                                    'value' : repr(setting_value)},
                        if set_value:
                            # does a user want the default config value?
                            if new_value in ("DEFAULT", _("DEFAULT")):
                                new_value = config.get_default(cfg_name)
                                converter = get_type_converter(setting_value)
                                new_value = converter(new_value)
                            config.set(cfg_name, new_value)
                            # translators: indent "New" to match "Current"
                            print(_("    New Gramps config setting: "
                                   ) % {'name'  : cfg_name,
                                        'value' : repr(config.get(cfg_name))},
                            need_to_quit = True
                        print(_("Gramps: no such config setting: '%s'"
                               ) % cfg_name,
                        need_to_quit = True
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-h', '-?', '--help']:
                self.help = True
            elif option in ['-u', '--force-unlock']:
                self.force_unlock = True
            elif option in ['--usage']:
                self.usage = True
            elif option in ['-y', '--yes']:
                self.auto_accept = True
            elif option in ['-q', '--quiet']:
                self.quiet = True
            elif option in ['-S', '--safe']:
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-D', '--default']:
                def rmtree(path):
                    if os.path.isdir(path):
                        shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True)

                if 'E' in value or 'A' in value:  # clear addons
                if 'E' in value or 'P' in value:  # clear ini preferences
                    for fil in glob(os.path.join(VERSION_DIR, "*.*")):
                        if "custom_filters.xml" in fil:
                    # create gramps.ini so config won't load the one from an
                    # older version of Gramps.
                    with open(os.path.join(VERSION_DIR, 'gramps.ini'), 'w'):
                if 'E' in value or 'F' in value:  # clear filters
                    fil = os.path.join(VERSION_DIR, "custom_filters.xml")
                    if os.path.isfile(fil):
                if 'E' in value or 'X' in value:  # clear xml reports/tools
                    for fil in glob(os.path.join(HOME_DIR, "*.xml")):
                if 'E' in value or 'Z' in value:  # clear upgrade zips
                    for fil in glob(os.path.join(HOME_DIR, "*.zip")):
                if 'E' in value:  # Everything else
                    rmtree(os.path.join(HOME_DIR, "maps"))
                    for fil in glob(os.path.join(HOME_DIR, "*")):
                        if os.path.isfile(fil):
                sys.exit(0)  # Done with Default

        #clean options list
        for ind in cleandbg:
            del options[ind]

        if (len(options) > 0
                and self.open is None
                and self.imports == []
                and self.removes == []
                and not (self.list
                         or self.list_more
                         or self.list_table
                         or self.help)):
            # Extract and convert to unicode the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of
            # the list elements, which is OK for latin characters
            # but not for non-latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + ' '
            cliargs += "]"
            self.errors += [(_('Error parsing the arguments'),
                             _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                               "To use in the command-line mode, supply at "
                               "least one input file to process."
                              ) % cliargs)]
        if need_to_quit:
Exemplo n.º 5
    def parse_args(self):
        Fill in lists with open, exports, imports, and actions options.

        Any errors are added to self.errors
            options, leftargs = getopt.getopt(self.args[1:],
                                              SHORTOPTS, LONGOPTS)
        except getopt.GetoptError as msg:
            # Extract the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements
            # with repr() of the list elements
            # which is OK for latin characters,
            # but not for non latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + " "
            cliargs += "]"
            # Must first do str() of the msg object.
            msg = str(msg)
            self.errors += [(_('Error parsing the arguments'),
                             msg + '\n' +
                             _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                               "Type gramps --help for an overview of "
                               "commands, or read the manual pages."
                              ) % cliargs)]

        # Some args can work on a list of databases:
        if leftargs:
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ['-L', '-l', '-t']:
                    self.database_names = leftargs
                    leftargs = []

        if leftargs:
            # if there were an argument without option,
            # use it as a file to open and return
            self.open_gui = leftargs[0]
            print(_("Trying to open: %s ..."
                   ) % leftargs[0],
            #see if force open is on
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ('-u', '--force-unlock'):
                    self.force_unlock = True

        # Go over all given option and place them into appropriate lists
        cleandbg = []
        need_to_quit = False
        for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
            option, value = options[opt_ix]
            if option in ['-O', '--open']:
                self.open = value
            elif option in ['-C', '--create']:
                self.create = value
            elif option in ['-i', '--import']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if (opt_ix < len(options) - 1
                        and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ('-f', '--format')):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.imports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-r', '--remove']:
            elif option in ['-e', '--export']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if (opt_ix < len(options) - 1
                        and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ('-f', '--format')):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.exports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-a', '--action']:
                action = value
                if action not in ('report', 'tool', 'book'):
                    print(_("Unknown action: %s. Ignoring."
                           ) % action,
                options_str = ""
                if (opt_ix < len(options)-1
                        and options[opt_ix+1][0] in ('-p', '--options')):
                    options_str = options[opt_ix+1][1]
                self.actions.append((action, options_str))
            elif option in ['-d', '--debug']:
                print(_('setup debugging'), value, file=sys.stderr)
                logger = logging.getLogger(value)
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-l']:
                self.list = True
            elif option in ['-L']:
                self.list_more = True
            elif option in ['-t']:
                self.list_table = True
            elif option in ['-s', '--show']:
                print(_("Gramps config settings from %s:"
                       ) % config.filename)
                for sect in config.data:
                    for setting in config.data[sect]:
                        print("%s.%s=%s" % (sect, setting,
            elif option in ['-b', '--databases']:
                default = config.data["database"]["backend"]
                pmgr = BasePluginManager.get_instance()
                pmgr.reg_plugins(PLUGINS_DIR, self, None)
                pmgr.reg_plugins(USER_PLUGINS, self, None, load_on_reg=True)
                for plugin in pmgr.get_reg_databases():
                    pdata = pmgr.get_plugin(plugin.id)
                    mod = pmgr.load_plugin(pdata)
                    if mod:
                        database = getattr(mod, pdata.databaseclass)
                        summary = database.get_class_summary()
                        print("Database backend ID:",
                              "(default)" if pdata.id == default else "")
                        for key in sorted(summary.keys()):
                            print("   ", _("%s:") % key, summary[key])
            elif option in ['-c', '--config']:
                cfg_name = value
                set_value = False
                if cfg_name:
                    if ":" in cfg_name:
                        cfg_name, new_value = cfg_name.split(":", 1)
                        set_value = True
                    if config.has_default(cfg_name):
                        setting_value = config.get(cfg_name)
                        print(_("Current Gramps config setting: "
                               ) % {'name'  : cfg_name,
                                    'value' : repr(setting_value)},
                        if set_value:
                            # does a user want the default config value?
                            if new_value in ("DEFAULT", _("DEFAULT")):
                                new_value = config.get_default(cfg_name)
                                converter = get_type_converter(setting_value)
                                new_value = converter(new_value)
                            config.set(cfg_name, new_value)
                            # translators: indent "New" to match "Current"
                            print(_("    New Gramps config setting: "
                                   ) % {'name'  : cfg_name,
                                        'value' : repr(config.get(cfg_name))},
                            need_to_quit = True
                        print(_("Gramps: no such config setting: '%s'"
                               ) % cfg_name,
                        need_to_quit = True
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-h', '-?', '--help']:
                self.help = True
            elif option in ['-u', '--force-unlock']:
                self.force_unlock = True
            elif option in ['--usage']:
                self.usage = True
            elif option in ['-y', '--yes']:
                self.auto_accept = True
            elif option in ['-q', '--quiet']:
                self.quiet = True

        #clean options list
        for ind in cleandbg:
            del options[ind]

        if (len(options) > 0
                and self.open is None
                and self.imports == []
                and self.removes == []
                and not (self.list
                         or self.list_more
                         or self.list_table
                         or self.help)):
            # Extract and convert to unicode the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of
            # the list elements, which is OK for latin characters
            # but not for non-latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + ' '
            cliargs += "]"
            self.errors += [(_('Error parsing the arguments'),
                             _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                               "To use in the command-line mode, supply at "
                               "least one input file to process."
                              ) % cliargs)]
        if need_to_quit:
Exemplo n.º 6
    def parse_args(self):
        Fill in lists with open, exports, imports, and actions options.

        Any errors are added to self.errors
            options, leftargs = getopt.getopt(self.args[1:], SHORTOPTS,
        except getopt.GetoptError as msg:
            # Extract the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of the list elemements
            # which is OK for latin characters, but not for non latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + " "
            cliargs += "]"
            # Must first do str() of the msg object.
            msg = str(msg)
            self.errors += [
                (_('Error parsing the arguments'), msg + '\n' +
                 _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                   "Type gramps --help for an overview of commands, or "
                   "read the manual pages.") % cliargs)

        # Some args can work on a list of databases:
        if leftargs:
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ['-L', '-l', '-t']:
                    self.database_names = leftargs
                    leftargs = []

        if leftargs:
            # if there were an argument without option,
            # use it as a file to open and return
            self.open_gui = leftargs[0]
            print(_("Trying to open: %s ...") % leftargs[0], file=sys.stderr)
            #see if force open is on
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ('-u', '--force-unlock'):
                    self.force_unlock = True

        # Go over all given option and place them into appropriate lists
        cleandbg = []
        need_to_quit = False
        for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
            option, value = options[opt_ix]
            if option in ['-O', '--open']:
                self.open = value
            elif option in ['-C', '--create']:
                self.create = value
            elif option in ['-i', '--import']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if opt_ix < len(options) - 1 \
                   and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ( '-f', '--format'):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.imports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-r', '--remove']:
            elif option in ['-e', '--export']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if opt_ix < len(options) - 1 \
                   and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ( '-f', '--format'):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.exports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-a', '--action']:
                action = value
                if action not in ('report', 'tool', 'book'):
                    print(_("Unknown action: %s. Ignoring.") % action,
                options_str = ""
                if opt_ix < len(options)-1 \
                            and options[opt_ix+1][0] in ( '-p', '--options' ):
                    options_str = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.actions.append((action, options_str))
            elif option in ['-d', '--debug']:
                print(_('setup debugging'), value, file=sys.stderr)
                logger = logging.getLogger(value)
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-l']:
                self.list = True
            elif option in ['-L']:
                self.list_more = True
            elif option in ['-t']:
                self.list_table = True
            elif option in ['-s', '--show']:
                print(_("Gramps config settings from %s:") % config.filename)
                for section in config.data:
                    for setting in config.data[section]:
                        print("%s.%s=%s" %
                              (section, setting,
            elif option in ['-b', '--databases']:
                default = config.data["behavior"]["database-backend"]
                pmgr = BasePluginManager.get_instance()
                pmgr.reg_plugins(PLUGINS_DIR, self, None)
                pmgr.reg_plugins(USER_PLUGINS, self, None, load_on_reg=True)
                for plugin in pmgr.get_reg_databases():
                    pdata = pmgr.get_plugin(plugin.id)
                    mod = pmgr.load_plugin(pdata)
                    if mod:
                        database = getattr(mod, pdata.databaseclass)
                        summary = database.get_class_summary()
                        print("Database backend ID:", pdata.id,
                              "(default)" if pdata.id == default else "")
                        for key in sorted(summary.keys()):
                            print("   ", "%s:" % key, summary[key])
            elif option in ['-c', '--config']:
                setting_name = value
                set_value = False
                if setting_name:
                    if ":" in setting_name:
                        setting_name, new_value = setting_name.split(":", 1)
                        set_value = True
                    if config.has_default(setting_name):
                        setting_value = config.get(setting_name)
                        print(_("Current Gramps config setting: "
                                "%(name)s:%(value)s") % {
                                    'name': setting_name,
                                    'value': repr(setting_value)
                        if set_value:
                            # does a user want the default config value?
                            if new_value in ("DEFAULT", _("DEFAULT")):
                                new_value = config.get_default(setting_name)
                                converter = get_type_converter(setting_value)
                                new_value = converter(new_value)
                            config.set(setting_name, new_value)
                            # translators: indent "New" to match "Current"
                            print(_("    New Gramps config setting: "
                                    "%(name)s:%(value)s") % {
                                        'name': setting_name,
                                        'value': repr(config.get(setting_name))
                            need_to_quit = True
                        print(_("Gramps: no such config setting: '%s'") %
                        need_to_quit = True
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-h', '-?', '--help']:
                self.help = True
            elif option in ['-u', '--force-unlock']:
                self.force_unlock = True
            elif option in ['--usage']:
                self.usage = True
            elif option in ['-y', '--yes']:
                self.auto_accept = True
            elif option in ['-q', '--quiet']:
                self.quiet = True

        #clean options list
        for ind in cleandbg:
            del options[ind]

        if (len(options) > 0 and self.open is None and self.imports == []
                and self.removes == []
                and not (self.list or self.list_more or self.list_table
                         or self.help)):
            # Extract and convert to unicode the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of
            # the list elements, which is OK for latin characters
            # but not for non-latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + ' '
            cliargs += "]"
            self.errors += [(_('Error parsing the arguments'),
                             _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                               "To use in the command-line mode, supply at "
                               "least one input file to process.") % cliargs)]
        if need_to_quit:
Exemplo n.º 7
    def parse_args(self):
        Fill in lists with open, exports, imports, and actions options.

        Any errors are added to self.errors
            options, leftargs = getopt.getopt(self.args[1:], SHORTOPTS,
        except getopt.GetoptError as getopt_error:
                    "Type gramps --help for an overview of "
                    "commands, or read the manual pages.",


        # Some args can work on a list of databases:
        if leftargs:
            for option, value in options:
                if option in ['-L', '-l', '-t']:
                    self.database_names = leftargs
                    leftargs = []

        if leftargs:
            # if there were an argument without option,
            # use it as a file to open and return
            self.open_gui = leftargs[0]
            print(_("Trying to open: %s ...") % leftargs[0], file=sys.stderr)
            #see if force open is on
            for option, value in options:
                if option in ('-u', '--force-unlock'):
                    self.force_unlock = True

        # Go over all given option and place them into appropriate lists
        cleandbg = []
        need_to_quit = False
        for opt_ix, (option, value) in enumerate(options):
            if option in ['-O', '--open']:
                self.open = value
            elif option in ['-C', '--create']:
                self.create = value
            elif option in ['-U', '--username']:
                self.username = value
            elif option in ['-P', '--password']:
                self.password = value
            elif option in ['-i', '--import']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if (opt_ix < len(options) - 1
                        and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ('-f', '--format')):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.imports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-r', '--remove']:
            elif option in ['-e', '--export']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if (opt_ix < len(options) - 1
                        and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ('-f', '--format')):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                abs_name = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(value))
                if not os.path.exists(abs_name):
                    # The file doesn't exists, try to create it.
                        open(abs_name, 'w').close()
                    except OSError as e:
                        message = _("WARNING: %(strerr)s "
                                    "WARNING: %(name)s\n") % {
                                        'strerr': e.strerror,
                                        'errno': e.errno,
                                        'name': e.filename
                self.exports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-a', '--action']:
                action = value
                if action not in ('report', 'tool', 'book'):
                    print(_("Unknown action: %s. Ignoring.") % action,
                options_str = ""
                if (opt_ix < len(options) - 1
                        and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ('-p', '--options')):
                    options_str = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.actions.append((action, options_str))
            elif option in ['-d', '--debug']:
                print(_('setup debugging'), value, file=sys.stderr)
                logger = logging.getLogger(value)
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-l']:
                self.list = True
            elif option in ['-L']:
                self.list_more = True
            elif option in ['-t']:
                self.list_table = True
            elif option in ['-s', '--show']:
                from gramps.gen.config import config
                print(_("Gramps config settings from %s:") % config.filename)
                for sect, settings in config.data.items():
                    for settings_index, setting in settings.items():
                        print("%s.%s=%s" % (sect, settings_index, repr(value)))
            elif option in ['-c', '--config']:
                from gramps.gen.config import config
                cfg_name = value
                set_value = False
                if cfg_name:
                    if ":" in cfg_name:
                        cfg_name, new_value = cfg_name.split(":", 1)
                        set_value = True
                    if config.has_default(cfg_name):
                        setting_value = config.get(cfg_name)
                        print(_("Current Gramps config setting: "
                                "%(name)s:%(value)s") % {
                                    'name': cfg_name,
                                    'value': repr(setting_value)
                        if set_value:
                            # does a user want the default config value?
                            if new_value in ("DEFAULT", _("DEFAULT")):
                                new_value = config.get_default(cfg_name)
                                converter = get_type_converter(setting_value)
                                new_value = converter(new_value)
                            config.set(cfg_name, new_value)
                            # Translators: indent "New" to match "Current"
                            print(_("    New Gramps config setting: "
                                    "%(name)s:%(value)s") % {
                                        'name': cfg_name,
                                        'value': repr(config.get(cfg_name))
                            need_to_quit = True
                        print(_("Gramps: no such config setting: '%s'") %
                        need_to_quit = True
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-h', '-?', '--help']:
                self.help = True
            elif option in ['-u', '--force-unlock']:
                self.force_unlock = True
            elif option in ['--usage']:
                self.usage = True
            elif option in ['-y', '--yes']:
                self.auto_accept = True
            elif option in ['-q', '--quiet']:
                self.quiet = True
            elif option in ['-S', '--safe']:
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-D', '--default']:

                def rmtree(path):
                    if os.path.isdir(path):
                        shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True)

                if 'E' in value or 'A' in value:  # clear addons
                if 'E' in value or 'P' in value:  # clear ini preferences
                    for fil in glob(os.path.join(VERSION_DIR, "*.*")):
                        if "custom_filters.xml" in fil:
                    # create gramps.ini so config won't load the one from an
                    # older version of Gramps.
                    with open(os.path.join(VERSION_DIR, 'gramps.ini'), 'w'):
                if 'E' in value or 'F' in value:  # clear filters
                    fil = os.path.join(VERSION_DIR, "custom_filters.xml")
                    if os.path.isfile(fil):
                if 'E' in value or 'X' in value:  # clear xml reports/tools
                    for fil in glob(os.path.join(HOME_DIR, "*.xml")):
                if 'E' in value or 'Z' in value:  # clear upgrade zips
                    for fil in glob(os.path.join(HOME_DIR, "*.zip")):
                if 'E' in value:  # Everything else
                    rmtree(os.path.join(HOME_DIR, "maps"))
                    for fil in glob(os.path.join(HOME_DIR, "*")):
                        if os.path.isfile(fil):
                sys.exit(0)  # Done with Default

        #clean options list
        for ind in cleandbg:
            del options[ind]

        if (len(options) > 0 and self.open is None and self.imports == []
                and self.removes == []
                and not (self.list or self.list_more or self.list_table
                         or self.help)):
                    "To use in the command-line mode, supply at "
                    "least one input file to process."))

        if need_to_quit:
Exemplo n.º 8
    def parse_args(self):
        Fill in lists with open, exports, imports, and actions options.

        Any errors are added to self.errors
            # Convert arguments to unicode, otherwise getopt will not work
            # if a non latin character is used as an option (by mistake).
            # getopt will try to treat the first char in an utf-8 sequence. Example:
            # -Ärik is '-\xc3\x84rik' and getopt will respond :
            # option -\xc3 not recognized
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                self.args[arg+1] = conv_to_unicode(self.args[arg + 1],
            options, leftargs = getopt.getopt(self.args[1:],
                                             SHORTOPTS, LONGOPTS)
        except getopt.GetoptError as msg:
            # Extract the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of the list elemements
            # which is OK for latin characters, but not for non latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + " "
            cliargs += "]"
            # Must first do str() of the msg object.
            msg = str(msg)
            self.errors += [(_('Error parsing the arguments'),
                        msg + '\n' +
                        _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                        "Type gramps --help for an overview of commands, or "
                        "read the manual pages.") % cliargs)]

        if leftargs:
            # if there were an argument without option,
            # use it as a file to open and return
            self.open_gui = leftargs[0]
            print(_("Trying to open: %s ...") % leftargs[0],
            #see if force open is on
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ('-u', '--force-unlock'):
                    self.force_unlock = True

        # Go over all given option and place them into appropriate lists
        cleandbg = []
        need_to_quit = False
        for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
            option, value = options[opt_ix]
            if option in ['-O', '--open']:
                self.open = value
            elif option in ['-C', '--create']:
                self.create = value
            elif option in ['-i', '--import']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if opt_ix < len(options) - 1 \
                   and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ( '-f', '--format'):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.imports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-e', '--export']:
                family_tree_format = None
                if opt_ix < len(options) - 1 \
                   and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ( '-f', '--format'):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.exports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ['-a', '--action']:
                action = value
                if action not in ('report', 'tool', 'book'):
                    print(_("Unknown action: %s. Ignoring.") % action,
                options_str = ""
                if opt_ix < len(options)-1 \
                            and options[opt_ix+1][0] in ( '-p', '--options' ):
                    options_str = options[opt_ix+1][1]
                self.actions.append((action, options_str))
            elif option in ['-d', '--debug']:
                print(_('setup debugging'), value, file=sys.stderr)
                logger = logging.getLogger(value)
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-l']:
                self.list = True
            elif option in ['-L']:
                self.list_more = True
            elif option in ['-t']:
                self.list_table = True
            elif option in ['-s','--show']:
                print(_("Gramps config settings from %s:")
                              % config.filename)
                for section in config.data:
                    for setting in config.data[section]:
                               % (section, setting,
            elif option in ['-c', '--config']:
                setting_name = value
                set_value = False
                if setting_name:
                    if ":" in setting_name:
                        setting_name, new_value = setting_name.split(":", 1)
                        set_value = True
                    if config.has_default(setting_name):
                        setting_value = config.get(setting_name)
                        print(_("Current Gramps config setting: "
                                    % {'name' : setting_name,
                                       'value' : repr(setting_value)},
                        if set_value:
                            # does a user want the default config value?
                            if new_value in ("DEFAULT", _("DEFAULT")):
                                new_value = config.get_default(setting_name)
                                converter = get_type_converter(setting_value)
                                new_value = converter(new_value)
                            config.set(setting_name, new_value)
                            # translators: indent "New" to match "Current"
                            print(_("    New Gramps config setting: "
                                    "%(name)s:%(value)s") %
                                        {'name' : setting_name,
                                         'value' : repr(
                            need_to_quit = True
                        print(_("Gramps: no such config setting: '%s'")
                                      % setting_name, file=sys.stderr)
                        need_to_quit = True
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ['-h', '-?', '--help']:
                self.help = True
            elif option in ['-u', '--force-unlock']:
                self.force_unlock = True
            elif option in ['--usage']:
                self.usage = True
            elif option in ['--qml']:
                self.runqml = True
            elif option in ['-y', '--yes']:
                self.auto_accept = True
            elif option in ['-q', '--quiet']:
                self.quiet = True

        #clean options list
        for ind in cleandbg:
            del options[ind]

        if len(options) > 0 and self.open is None and self.imports == [] \
                and not (self.list or self.list_more or self.list_table or
                         self.help or self.runqml):
            # Extract and convert to unicode the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of
            # the list elements, which is OK for latin characters
            # but not for non-latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += conv_to_unicode(self.args[arg + 1],
                                           sys.stdin.encoding) + ' '
            cliargs += "]"
            self.errors += [(_('Error parsing the arguments'),
                             _("Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                               "To use in the command-line mode, supply at "
                               "least one input file to process.") % cliargs)]
        if need_to_quit:
Exemplo n.º 9
    def parse_args(self):
        Fill in lists with open, exports, imports, and actions options.

        Any errors are added to self.errors
            options, leftargs = getopt.getopt(self.args[1:], SHORTOPTS, LONGOPTS)
        except getopt.GetoptError as msg:
            # Extract the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of the list elemements
            # which is OK for latin characters, but not for non latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + " "
            cliargs += "]"
            # Must first do str() of the msg object.
            msg = str(msg)
            self.errors += [
                    _("Error parsing the arguments"),
                    + "\n"
                    + _(
                        "Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                        "Type gramps --help for an overview of commands, or "
                        "read the manual pages."
                    % cliargs,

        if leftargs:
            # if there were an argument without option,
            # use it as a file to open and return
            self.open_gui = leftargs[0]
            print(_("Trying to open: %s ...") % leftargs[0], file=sys.stderr)
            # see if force open is on
            for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
                option, value = options[opt_ix]
                if option in ("-u", "--force-unlock"):
                    self.force_unlock = True

        # Go over all given option and place them into appropriate lists
        cleandbg = []
        need_to_quit = False
        for opt_ix in range(len(options)):
            option, value = options[opt_ix]
            if option in ["-O", "--open"]:
                self.open = value
            elif option in ["-C", "--create"]:
                self.create = value
            elif option in ["-i", "--import"]:
                family_tree_format = None
                if opt_ix < len(options) - 1 and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ("-f", "--format"):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.imports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ["-e", "--export"]:
                family_tree_format = None
                if opt_ix < len(options) - 1 and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ("-f", "--format"):
                    family_tree_format = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.exports.append((value, family_tree_format))
            elif option in ["-a", "--action"]:
                action = value
                if action not in ("report", "tool", "book"):
                    print(_("Unknown action: %s. Ignoring.") % action, file=sys.stderr)
                options_str = ""
                if opt_ix < len(options) - 1 and options[opt_ix + 1][0] in ("-p", "--options"):
                    options_str = options[opt_ix + 1][1]
                self.actions.append((action, options_str))
            elif option in ["-d", "--debug"]:
                print(_("setup debugging"), value, file=sys.stderr)
                logger = logging.getLogger(value)
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ["-l"]:
                self.list = True
            elif option in ["-L"]:
                self.list_more = True
            elif option in ["-t"]:
                self.list_table = True
            elif option in ["-s", "--show"]:
                print(_("Gramps config settings from %s:") % config.filename)
                for section in config.data:
                    for setting in config.data[section]:
                        print("%s.%s=%s" % (section, setting, repr(config.data[section][setting])))
            elif option in ["-c", "--config"]:
                setting_name = value
                set_value = False
                if setting_name:
                    if ":" in setting_name:
                        setting_name, new_value = setting_name.split(":", 1)
                        set_value = True
                    if config.has_default(setting_name):
                        setting_value = config.get(setting_name)
                            _("Current Gramps config setting: " "%(name)s:%(value)s")
                            % {"name": setting_name, "value": repr(setting_value)},
                        if set_value:
                            # does a user want the default config value?
                            if new_value in ("DEFAULT", _("DEFAULT")):
                                new_value = config.get_default(setting_name)
                                converter = get_type_converter(setting_value)
                                new_value = converter(new_value)
                            config.set(setting_name, new_value)
                            # translators: indent "New" to match "Current"
                                _("    New Gramps config setting: " "%(name)s:%(value)s")
                                % {"name": setting_name, "value": repr(config.get(setting_name))},
                            need_to_quit = True
                        print(_("Gramps: no such config setting: '%s'") % setting_name, file=sys.stderr)
                        need_to_quit = True
                cleandbg += [opt_ix]
            elif option in ["-h", "-?", "--help"]:
                self.help = True
            elif option in ["-u", "--force-unlock"]:
                self.force_unlock = True
            elif option in ["--usage"]:
                self.usage = True
            elif option in ["--qml"]:
                self.runqml = True
            elif option in ["-y", "--yes"]:
                self.auto_accept = True
            elif option in ["-q", "--quiet"]:
                self.quiet = True

        # clean options list
        for ind in cleandbg:
            del options[ind]

        if (
            len(options) > 0
            and self.open is None
            and self.imports == []
            and not (self.list or self.list_more or self.list_table or self.help or self.runqml)
            # Extract and convert to unicode the arguments in the list.
            # The % operator replaces the list elements with repr() of
            # the list elements, which is OK for latin characters
            # but not for non-latin characters in list elements
            cliargs = "[ "
            for arg in range(len(self.args) - 1):
                cliargs += self.args[arg + 1] + " "
            cliargs += "]"
            self.errors += [
                    _("Error parsing the arguments"),
                        "Error parsing the arguments: %s \n"
                        "To use in the command-line mode, supply at "
                        "least one input file to process."
                    % cliargs,
        if need_to_quit: