def from_struct(struct): """ Given a struct with metadata, create a Gramps object. """ from gramps.gen.lib import (Person, Family, Event, Source, Place, Citation, Repository, MediaObject, Note, Tag) if isinstance(struct, dict): if "_class" in struct.keys(): if struct["_class"] == "Person": return Person.create(Person.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Family": return Family.create(Family.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Event": return Event.create(Event.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Source": return Source.create(Source.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Place": return Place.create(Place.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Citation": return Citation.create(Citation.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Repository": return Repository.create(Repository.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "MediaObject": return MediaObject.create(MediaObject.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Note": return Note.create(Note.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Tag": return Tag.create(Tag.from_struct(struct)) raise AttributeError("invalid struct: %s" % struct)
def __init__(self, dbstate, uistate, clicked): self.clicked_func = clicked self.filter_id = widgets.BasicEntry() self.filter_name = widgets.BasicEntry() self.filter_place = Place() self.filter_place.set_type((PlaceType.CUSTOM, '')) self.ptype = Gtk.ComboBox(has_entry=True) if dbstate.is_open(): self.custom_types = dbstate.db.get_place_types() else: self.custom_types = [] self.place_menu = widgets.MonitoredDataType( self.ptype, self.filter_place.set_type, self.filter_place.get_type, False, # read-only self.custom_types ) self.filter_code = widgets.BasicEntry() self.filter_enclosed = widgets.PlaceEntry(dbstate, uistate, []) self.filter_note = widgets.BasicEntry() self.filter_regex = Gtk.CheckButton(label=_('Use regular expressions')) self.tag = Gtk.ComboBox() self.generic = Gtk.ComboBox() SidebarFilter.__init__(self, dbstate, uistate, "Place")
def instance_from_struct(cls, struct): """ Given a struct with metadata, create a Gramps object. self is class when called as a classmethod. """ from gramps.gen.lib import (Person, Family, Event, Source, Place, Citation, Repository, Media, Note, Tag, Date) if isinstance(struct, dict): if "_class" in struct.keys(): if struct["_class"] == "Person": return Person.create(Person.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Family": return Family.create(Family.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Event": return Event.create(Event.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Source": return Source.create(Source.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Place": return Place.create(Place.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Citation": return Citation.create(Citation.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Repository": return Repository.create(Repository.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Media": return Media.create(Media.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Note": return Note.create(Note.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Tag": return Tag.create(Tag.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Date": return Date().unserialize( Date.from_struct(struct, full=True)) raise AttributeError("invalid struct: %s" % struct)
def instance_from_struct(cls, struct): """ Given a struct with metadata, create a Gramps object. self is class when called as a classmethod. """ from gramps.gen.lib import (Person, Family, Event, Source, Place, Citation, Repository, Media, Note, Tag, Date) if isinstance(struct, dict): if "_class" in struct.keys(): if struct["_class"] == "Person": return Person.create(Person.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Family": return Family.create(Family.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Event": return Event.create(Event.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Source": return Source.create(Source.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Place": return Place.create(Place.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Citation": return Citation.create(Citation.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Repository": return Repository.create(Repository.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Media": return Media.create(Media.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Note": return Note.create(Note.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Tag": return Tag.create(Tag.from_struct(struct)) elif struct["_class"] == "Date": return Date().unserialize(Date.from_struct(struct, full=True)) raise AttributeError("invalid struct: %s" % struct)
def __add_place(self, parent, plat, plon): """ Add a new place using longitude and latitude of location centered on the map """ self.select_fct.close() new_place = Place() new_place.set_latitude(str(plat)) new_place.set_longitude(str(plon)) if parent: if isinstance(parent, Place): placeref = PlaceRef() placeref.ref = parent new_place.add_placeref(placeref) else: found = None for place in self.dbstate.db.iter_places(): found = place if == parent: break placeref = PlaceRef() placeref.ref = found.get_handle() new_place.add_placeref(placeref) try: EditPlace(self.dbstate, self.uistate, [], new_place) self.add_marker(None, None, plat, plon, None, True, 0) except WindowActiveError: pass
def create_place(self): """ Used to create a new person we know doesn't exist """ place = Place() if self.default_tag: place.add_tag(self.default_tag.handle) self.db.add_place(place, self.trans) self.place_count += 1 return place
def column_title(self, data): handle = data[0] cached, value = self.get_cached_value(handle, "PLACE") if not cached: place = Place() place.unserialize(data) value = place_displayer.display(self.db, place) self.set_cached_value(handle, "PLACE", value) return value
def test_editreference(self): dbstate = DbState() dbstate.db = self.db source = Place() source.gramps_id = "P0001" self.db.place_map[source.handle] = source editor = MockEditReference(dbstate, uistate=None, track=[], source=source, source_ref=None, update=None) with patch('gramps.gui.editors.editreference.ErrorDialog') as MockED: editor.check_for_duplicate_id("Place") self.assertTrue(MockED.called)
def get_or_create_place(self,place_name): place = None if place_name in self.pkeys: place = self.db.get_place_from_handle(self.pkeys[place_name]) else: place = Place() place.set_title(place_name) self.db.add_place(place,self.trans) self.db.commit_place(place,self.trans) self.pkeys[place_name] = place.get_handle() return place
def get_or_create_place(self, place_name): place = None if place_name in self.pkeys: place = self.db.get_place_from_handle(self.pkeys[place_name]) else: place = Place() place.set_title(place_name) self.db.add_place(place, self.trans) self.db.commit_place(place, self.trans) self.pkeys[place_name] = place.get_handle() return place
def get_or_create_place(self, place_name): "Return the requested place object tuple-packed with a new indicator." LOG.debug("get_or_create_place: looking for: %s", place_name) for place_handle in self.db.iter_place_handles(): place = self.db.get_place_from_handle(place_handle) if place.get_title() == place_name: return (0, place) place = Place() place.set_title(place_name) self.db.add_place(place, self.trans) return (1, place)
def get_or_create_place(self, place_name): "Return the requested place object tuple-packed with a new indicator." LOG.debug("get_or_create_place: looking for: %s", place_name) for place_handle in self.db.iter_place_handles(): place = self.db.get_place_from_handle(place_handle) place_title = place_displayer.display(self.db, place) if place_title == place_name: return (0, place) place = Place() place.set_title(place_name) self.db.add_place(place, self.trans) return (1, place)
def object_extend(self, obj: Place, args: Dict, locale: GrampsLocale = glocale) -> Place: """Extend place attributes as needed.""" db_handle = self.db_handle if "profile" in args: obj.profile = get_place_profile_for_object(db_handle=db_handle, place=obj, locale=locale) if "extend" in args: obj.extended = get_extended_attributes(db_handle, obj, args) return obj
def __execute(self, obj): with DbTxn(_("Processing marriages"), self.dbstate.db) as self.trans: selected_handles = self.uistate.viewmanager.active_page.selected_handles( ) num_places = len(selected_handles) for eventhandle in selected_handles: event = self.dbstate.db.get_event_from_handle(eventhandle) print(event) if not event.get_type().is_marriage(): continue placehandle = event.get_place_handle() place = self.dbstate.db.get_place_from_handle(placehandle) pname = place.get_name().value places = self.__match2(pname) if not places: continue print(places) place1, husb_place, wife_place = places family_handles = list( self.dbstate.db.find_backlink_handles( eventhandle, ['Family'])) print(family_handles) for objtype, family_handle in family_handles: family = self.dbstate.db.get_family_from_handle( family_handle) father_handle = family.get_father_handle() mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle() if not father_handle or not mother_handle: continue father = self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_handle( father_handle) father_name = father.get_primary_name().get_name() mother = self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_handle( mother_handle) mother_name = mother.get_primary_name().get_name() print(father_name, mother_name) self.__add_resi_event(father, husb_place, event.get_date_object()) self.__add_resi_event(mother, wife_place, event.get_date_object()) pn = PlaceName() pn.set_value(place1) newplace = Place() newplace.set_name(pn) newplacehandle = self.dbstate.db.add_place( newplace, self.trans) event.set_place_handle(newplacehandle) event.set_description("marriage") self.dbstate.db.commit_event(event, self.trans) self.dbstate.db.commit_place(place, self.trans)
def add_place_from_kml(self, menu, event, lat, lon): """ Add new place(s) from a kml file 1 - ask for a kml file ? 2 - Read the kml file. 3 - create the place(s) with name and title found in the kml marker. """ dummy_menu = menu dummy_event = event dummy_lat = lat dummy_lon = lon # Ask for the kml file filtering = Gtk.FileFilter() filtering.add_pattern("*.kml") kml = Gtk.FileChooserDialog(_("Select a kml file used to add places"), action=Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN, parent=self.uistate.window, buttons=(_('_Cancel'), Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, _('_Apply'), Gtk.ResponseType.OK)) mpath = HOME_DIR kml.set_current_folder(os.path.dirname(mpath)) kml.set_filter(filtering) status = if status == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: val = kml.get_filename() if val: kmlfile = Kml(val) points = kmlfile.add_points() for place in points: (name, coords) = place latlong = coords.pop() (lat, lon) = latlong place_name = PlaceName() place_name.set_value(name) new_place = Place() new_place.set_name(place_name) new_place.set_title(name) new_place.set_latitude(str(lat)) new_place.set_longitude(str(lon)) try: EditPlace(self.dbstate, self.uistate, [], new_place) except WindowActiveError: pass kml.destroy()
def get_or_create_place(self, place_name): "Return the requested place object tuple-packed with a new indicator." if place_name.startswith("[") and place_name.endswith("]"): place = self.lookup("place", place_name) return (0, place) LOG.debug("get_or_create_place: looking for: %s", place_name) for place_handle in self.db.iter_place_handles(): place = self.db.get_place_from_handle(place_handle) place_title = place_displayer.display(self.db, place) if place_title == place_name: return (0, place) place = Place() place.set_title(place_name) = PlaceName(value=place_name) self.db.add_place(place, self.trans) return (1, place)
def importData(db, filename, user): """Function called by Gramps to import data on persons in CSV format.""" db.disable_signals() try: with DbTxn(_("JSON import"), db, batch=True) as trans: with OpenFileOrStdin(filename, encoding="utf-8") as fp: line = fp.readline() while line: data = json.loads(line) if data["_class"] == "Person": obj = Person.create(Person.from_struct(data)) db.add_person(obj, trans) elif data["_class"] == "Family": obj = Family.create(Family.from_struct(data)) db.add_family(obj, trans) elif data["_class"] == "Event": obj = Event.create(Event.from_struct(data)) db.add_event(obj, trans) elif data["_class"] == "Media": obj = Media.create(Media.from_struct(data)) db.add_media(obj, trans) elif data["_class"] == "Repository": obj = Repository.create(Repository.from_struct(data)) db.add_repository(obj, trans) elif data["_class"] == "Tag": obj = Tag.create(Tag.from_struct(data)) db.add_tag(obj, trans) elif data["_class"] == "Source": obj = Source.create(Source.from_struct(data)) db.add_source(obj, trans) elif data["_class"] == "Citation": obj = Citation.create(Citation.from_struct(data)) db.add_citation(obj, trans) elif data["_class"] == "Note": obj = Note.create(Note.from_struct(data)) db.add_note(obj, trans) elif data["_class"] == "Place": obj = Place.create(Place.from_struct(data)) db.add_place(obj, trans) else: LOG.warn("ignored: " + data) line = fp.readline() except EnvironmentError as err: user.notify_error(_("%s could not be opened\n") % filename, str(err)) db.enable_signals() db.request_rebuild()
def get_place_profile_for_object( db_handle: DbReadBase, place: Place, locale: GrampsLocale = glocale, parent_places: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get place profile given a Place.""" latitude, longitude = conv_lat_lon(, place.long, format="D.D8") profile = { "gramps_id": place.gramps_id, "type": _format_place_type(place.get_type(), locale=locale), "name": place.get_name().value, "alternate_names": [place_name.value for place_name in place.get_alternative_names()], "lat": float(latitude) if (latitude and longitude) else None, "long": float(longitude) if (latitude and longitude) else None, } if parent_places: parent_places_handles = [] _place = place handle = None while True: for placeref in _place.get_placeref_list(): handle = placeref.ref break if handle is None or handle in parent_places_handles: break _place = db_handle.get_place_from_handle(handle) if _place is None: break parent_places_handles.append(handle) profile["parent_places"] = [ get_place_profile_for_object( db_handle=db_handle, place=db_handle.get_place_from_handle(parent_place), locale=locale, parent_places=False, ) for parent_place in parent_places_handles ] return profile
def add(self, obj): """ Add a new place. Use the currently selected rows as parent places. """ parent_list = [] for handle in self.selected_handles(): placeref = PlaceRef() placeref.ref = handle parent_list.append(placeref) place = Place() if len(parent_list) > 0: place.placeref_list = parent_list try: EditPlace(self.dbstate, self.uistate, [], place) except WindowActiveError: pass
def __get_level0(self): countries = [] with self.dbstate.db.get_place_cursor() as cursor: pair = cursor.first() while pair: (handle, data) = pair print(pair) place = Place() place.unserialize(data) placetype = place.get_type().value print(placetype) # if getattr(PlaceType, place['type']).upper() == PlaceType.COUNTRY: if placetype == PlaceType.COUNTRY: print("Country found") countries.append(place) pair = # print(countries) return countries
def __add_resi_event(self, person, placename, date_object): pn = PlaceName() pn.set_value(placename) place = Place() place.set_name(pn) placehandle = self.dbstate.db.add_place(place, self.trans) e = Event() e.set_type(EventType.RESIDENCE) e.set_date_object(date_object) e.set_place_handle(placehandle) e.set_description("marriage") eventhandle = self.dbstate.db.add_event(e, self.trans) eref = EventRef() eref.ref = eventhandle person.add_event_ref(eref) self.dbstate.db.commit_person(person, self.trans)
def test_editreference(self): dbstate = DbState() db = make_database("bsddb") path = "/tmp/edit_ref_test" try: os.mkdir(path) except: pass db.load(path) dbstate.change_database(db) source = Place() source.gramps_id = "P0001" dbstate.db.place_map[source.handle] = source.serialize() editor = MockEditReference(dbstate, uistate=None, track=[], source=source, source_ref=None, update=None) with patch('gramps.gui.editors.editreference.ErrorDialog') as MockED: editor.check_for_duplicate_id("Place") self.assertTrue(MockED.called)
def add_button_clicked(self, obj): ref = PlaceRef() place = Place() try: from .. import EditPlaceRef EditPlaceRef(self.dbstate, self.uistate, self.track, place, ref, self.add_callback) except WindowActiveError: pass
def test_editreference(self): dbstate = DbState() db = dbstate.make_database("bsddb") path = "/tmp/edit_ref_test" try: os.mkdir(path) except: pass db.write_version(path) db.load(path) dbstate.change_database(db) source = Place() source.gramps_id = "P0001" dbstate.db.place_map[source.handle] = source.serialize() editor = MockEditReference(dbstate, uistate=None, track=[], source=source, source_ref=None, update=None) with patch('gramps.gui.editors.editreference.ErrorDialog') as MockED: editor.check_for_duplicate_id("Place") self.assertTrue(MockED.called)
def call_editor(self, obj=None): if obj is None: place = Place() func = self.obj_added else: place = obj func = self.after_edit try: EditPlace(self.dbstate, self.uistate, self.track, place, func) except WindowActiveError: pass
def __init__(self, dbstate, uistate, clicked): self.clicked_func = clicked self.filter_id = widgets.BasicEntry() self.filter_title = widgets.BasicEntry() self.filter_name = widgets.BasicEntry() self.filter_place = Place() self.filter_place.set_type((PlaceType.CUSTOM, '')) self.ptype = Gtk.ComboBox(has_entry=True) self.place_menu = widgets.MonitoredDataType(self.ptype, self.filter_place.set_type, self.filter_place.get_type) self.filter_code = widgets.BasicEntry() self.filter_note = widgets.BasicEntry() self.filter_regex = Gtk.CheckButton(label=_('Use regular expressions')) self.tag = Gtk.ComboBox() self.generic = Gtk.ComboBox() SidebarFilter.__init__(self, dbstate, uistate, "Place")
def run(self): """ Generate the hierarchy. """ with self.user.progress(_("Generating hierarchy"), '', self.db.get_number_of_places()) as step: for handle in self.db.get_place_handles(): step() place = self.db.get_place_from_handle(handle) if (int(place.get_type()) != PlaceType.UNKNOWN or ',' not in place.get_title()): # Only process places with a type of Unknown. continue names = [ name.strip() for name in place.get_title().split(',') if name.strip() ] place_name = PlaceName() place_name.set_value(names[0]) place.set_name(place_name) place.set_title('') parent_handle = None for name, handle in self.find_hierarchy(names)[:-1]: if handle is None: new_place = Place() place_name = PlaceName() place_name.set_value(name) new_place.set_name(place_name) if parent_handle is None: new_place.set_type(PlaceType.COUNTRY) if parent_handle is not None: placeref = PlaceRef() placeref.ref = parent_handle new_place.add_placeref(placeref) with DbTxn(_("Add Place"), self.db) as trans: parent_handle = self.db.add_place(new_place, trans) else: parent_handle = handle if parent_handle is not None: placeref = PlaceRef() placeref.ref = parent_handle place.add_placeref(placeref) with DbTxn(_("Edit Place"), self.db) as trans: self.db.commit_place(place, trans)
def add_place_from_kml(self, menu, event, lat, lon): """ Add new place(s) from a kml file 1 - ask for a kml file ? 2 - Read the kml file. 3 - create the place(s) with name and title found in the kml marker. """ # Ask for the kml file filtering = Gtk.FileFilter() filtering.add_pattern("*.kml") kml = Gtk.FileChooserDialog( _("Select a kml file used to add places"), action=Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN, parent=self.uistate.window, buttons=(_('_Cancel'), Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, _('_Apply'), Gtk.ResponseType.OK)) mpath = HOME_DIR kml.set_current_folder(os.path.dirname(mpath)) kml.set_filter(filtering) status = if status == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: val = kml.get_filename() if val: kmlfile = Kml(val) points = kmlfile.add_points() for place in points: (name, coords) = place latlong = coords.pop() (lat, lon) = latlong place_name = PlaceName() place_name.set_value(name) new_place = Place() new_place.set_name(place_name) new_place.set_title(name) new_place.set_latitude(str(lat)) new_place.set_longitude(str(lon)) try: EditPlace(self.dbstate, self.uistate, [], new_place) except WindowActiveError: pass kml.destroy()
def post(self, path): if "/" in path: handle, action = path.split("/") else: handle, action = path, "view" if handle == "add": place = Place() place.handle = handle = create_id() else: place = self.database.get_place_from_handle(handle) form = PlaceForm(self.database, _, instance=place) self.redirect("/place/%(handle)s" % {"handle": handle})
def test_editreference(self): dbstate = DbState() db = make_database("sqlite") path = "/tmp/edit_ref_test" try: os.mkdir(path) except: pass db.load(path) dbstate.change_database(db) source = Place() source.gramps_id = "P0001" with DbTxn("test place", dbstate.db) as trans: dbstate.db.add_place(source, trans) editor = MockEditReference(dbstate, uistate=None, track=[], source=source, source_ref=None, update=None) with patch('gramps.gui.editors.editreference.ErrorDialog') as MockED: editor.check_for_duplicate_id("Place") self.assertTrue(MockED.called)
def __generate_hierarchy(self, place, original_enclosing_places): # Generates the hierarchy. # Returns the place at the top of the hierarchy or None if no hierarchy was generated original_name = place.get_name().get_value() if original_name == "": original_name = place.get_title() separator = ',' if self.spaces.get_active(): separator = None if ' ' not in original_name: return None else: if ',' not in original_name: return None names = [ name.strip() for name in original_name.split(separator) if name.strip() ] if self.reverse.get_active(): names.reverse() place_name = PlaceName() place_name.set_value(names[0]) place.set_name(place_name) place.set_title('') parent_handle = None top_place = place for name, handle, new_place in self.find_hierarchy( names, original_enclosing_places)[:-1]: if handle is None: new_place = Place() place_name = PlaceName() place_name.set_value(name) new_place.set_name(place_name) if parent_handle is None: top_place = new_place if parent_handle is not None: placeref = PlaceRef() placeref.ref = parent_handle placeref.set_date_object(self.date_object) new_place.add_placeref(placeref) parent_handle = self.dbstate.db.add_place( new_place, self.trans) else: if parent_handle is None: top_place = new_place parent_handle = handle if parent_handle is not None: placeref = PlaceRef() placeref.ref = parent_handle placeref.set_date_object(self.date_object) place.set_placeref_list([placeref ]) # this removes any previous parent return top_place
def __add_place(self, parent, plat, plon): """ Add a new place using longitude and latitude of location centered on the map """ self.select_fct.close() new_place = Place() new_place.set_latitude(str(plat)) new_place.set_longitude(str(plon)) if parent: placeref = PlaceRef() placeref.ref = parent new_place.add_placeref(placeref) try: EditPlace(self.dbstate, self.uistate, [], new_place) self.add_marker(None, None, plat, plon, None, True, 0) except WindowActiveError: pass
def process_note(self,notehandle): if notehandle in self.notehandles: return # already found thru a place note = self.db.get_note_from_handle(notehandle) notetext = note.get() if notetext.startswith(self.tag): info = json.loads(notetext.split(maxsplit=1)[1]) id = info["id"] if id in self.places: #print("note {id} already found: {info}".format(**locals())) return # already found thru a place, should not get here! place = Place() self.set_info(place,info) placehandle = self.db.add_place(place,self.trans) self.db.commit_place(place, self.trans) self.places[id] = (placehandle,info) self.notehandles.add(notehandle) log(2,info,notehandle)
def __add_place(self, name, type_num, parent, title, trans): """ Add a missing place to the database. """ place = Place() = name place.title = title place.place_type = PlaceType(7 - type_num) if parent is not None: placeref = PlaceRef() placeref.ref = handle2internal(parent) place.set_placeref_list([placeref]) handle = self.db.add_place(place, trans) self.db.commit_place(place, trans) return handle
def get(self, path=""): """ HANDLE HANDLE/edit|delete /add b2cfa6ca1e174b1f63d/remove/eventref/1 """ page = int(self.get_argument("page", 1)) search = self.get_argument("search", "") if "/" in path: handle, action = path.split("/", 1) else: handle, action = path, "view" if handle: if handle == "add": place = Place() action = "edit" else: place = self.database.get_place_from_handle(handle) if place: self.render( "place.html", **self.get_template_dict(tview=_("place detail"), action=action, page=page, search=search, form=PlaceForm(self.database, _, instance=place), logform=None)) return else: self.clear() self.set_status(404) self.finish("<html><body>No such place</body></html>") return self.render( "page_view.html", **self.get_template_dict( tview=_("place view"), page=page, search=search, form=PlaceForm(self.database, _, table="Place"), ))
def __add_place(self, name, type_num, parent, title, trans): """ Add a missing place to the database. """ place = Place() place_name = PlaceName() place_name.set_value(name) = place_name place.title = title place.place_type = PlaceType(7 - type_num) if parent is not None: placeref = PlaceRef() placeref.ref = parent.decode('utf-8') place.set_placeref_list([placeref]) handle = self.db.add_place(place, trans) self.db.commit_place(place, trans) return handle
def __init__(self, dbstate, uistate, clicked): self.clicked_func = clicked self.filter_id = widgets.BasicEntry() self.filter_title = widgets.BasicEntry() self.filter_name = widgets.BasicEntry() self.filter_place = Place() self.filter_place.set_type((PlaceType.CUSTOM, '')) self.ptype = Gtk.ComboBox(has_entry=True) self.place_menu = widgets.MonitoredDataType( self.ptype, self.filter_place.set_type, self.filter_place.get_type) self.filter_code = widgets.BasicEntry() self.filter_note = widgets.BasicEntry() self.filter_regex = Gtk.CheckButton(label=_('Use regular expressions')) self.tag = Gtk.ComboBox() self.generic = Gtk.ComboBox() SidebarFilter.__init__(self, dbstate, uistate, "Place")
def __add_place(self, name, type_num, parent, title, trans): """ Add a missing place to the database. """ place = Place() place_name = PlaceName() place_name.set_value(name) = place_name place.title = title place.place_type = PlaceType(7-type_num) if parent is not None: placeref = PlaceRef() placeref.ref = handle2internal(parent) place.set_placeref_list([placeref]) handle = self.db.add_place(place, trans) self.db.commit_place(place, trans) return handle
class PlaceSidebarFilter(SidebarFilter): def __init__(self, dbstate, uistate, clicked): self.clicked_func = clicked self.filter_id = widgets.BasicEntry() self.filter_name = widgets.BasicEntry() self.filter_place = Place() self.filter_place.set_type((PlaceType.CUSTOM, '')) self.ptype = Gtk.ComboBox(has_entry=True) if dbstate.is_open(): self.custom_types = dbstate.db.get_place_types() else: self.custom_types = [] self.place_menu = widgets.MonitoredDataType( self.ptype, self.filter_place.set_type, self.filter_place.get_type, False, # read-only self.custom_types ) self.filter_code = widgets.BasicEntry() self.filter_enclosed = widgets.PlaceEntry(dbstate, uistate, []) self.filter_note = widgets.BasicEntry() self.filter_regex = Gtk.CheckButton(label=_('Use regular expressions')) self.tag = Gtk.ComboBox() self.generic = Gtk.ComboBox() SidebarFilter.__init__(self, dbstate, uistate, "Place") def create_widget(self): cell = Gtk.CellRendererText() cell.set_property('width', self._FILTER_WIDTH) cell.set_property('ellipsize', self._FILTER_ELLIPSIZE) self.generic.pack_start(cell, True) self.generic.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0) self.on_filters_changed('Place') cell = Gtk.CellRendererText() cell.set_property('width', self._FILTER_WIDTH) cell.set_property('ellipsize', self._FILTER_ELLIPSIZE) self.tag.pack_start(cell, True) self.tag.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0) self.add_text_entry(_('ID'), self.filter_id) self.add_text_entry(_('Name'), self.filter_name) self.add_entry(_('Type'), self.ptype) self.add_text_entry(_('Code'), self.filter_code) self.add_text_entry(_('Enclosed By'), self.filter_enclosed) self.add_text_entry(_('Note'), self.filter_note) self.add_entry(_('Tag'), self.tag) self.add_filter_entry(_('Custom filter'), self.generic) self.add_regex_entry(self.filter_regex) def clear(self, obj): self.filter_id.set_text('') self.filter_name.set_text('') self.filter_code.set_text('') self.filter_enclosed.set_text('') self.filter_note.set_text('') self.ptype.get_child().set_text('') self.tag.set_active(0) self.generic.set_active(0) def get_filter(self): gid = str(self.filter_id.get_text()).strip() name = str(self.filter_name.get_text()).strip() ptype = self.filter_place.get_type().xml_str() code = str(self.filter_code.get_text()).strip() enclosed = str(self.filter_enclosed.get_text()).strip() note = str(self.filter_note.get_text()).strip() regex = self.filter_regex.get_active() tag = self.tag.get_active() > 0 gen = self.generic.get_active() > 0 empty = not (gid or name or ptype or code or enclosed or note or regex or tag or gen) if empty: generic_filter = None else: generic_filter = GenericPlaceFilter() if gid: rule = RegExpIdOf([gid], use_regex=regex) generic_filter.add_rule(rule) if enclosed: rule = IsEnclosedBy([enclosed, '0']) generic_filter.add_rule(rule) rule = HasData([name, ptype, code], use_regex=regex) generic_filter.add_rule(rule) if note: rule = HasNoteRegexp([note], use_regex=regex) generic_filter.add_rule(rule) # check the Tag if tag: model = self.tag.get_model() node = self.tag.get_active_iter() attr = model.get_value(node, 0) rule = HasTag([attr]) generic_filter.add_rule(rule) if self.generic.get_active() != 0: model = self.generic.get_model() node = self.generic.get_active_iter() obj = str(model.get_value(node, 0)) rule = MatchesFilter([obj]) generic_filter.add_rule(rule) return generic_filter def on_filters_changed(self, name_space): if name_space == 'Place': all_filter = GenericPlaceFilter() all_filter.set_name(_("None")) all_filter.add_rule([])) self.generic.set_model(build_filter_model('Place', [all_filter])) self.generic.set_active(0) def on_tags_changed(self, tag_list): """ Update the list of tags in the tag filter. """ model = Gtk.ListStore(str) model.append(('',)) for tag_name in tag_list: model.append((tag_name,)) self.tag.set_model(model) self.tag.set_active(0)
def __add_place(self, parent, plat, plon): """ Add a new place using longitude and latitude of location centered on the map """ self.select_fct.close() new_place = Place() new_place.set_latitude(str(plat)) new_place.set_longitude(str(plon)) if parent: if isinstance(parent, Place): placeref = PlaceRef() placeref.ref = parent new_place.add_placeref(placeref) elif isinstance(parent, gi.overrides.Gtk.TreeModelRow): # We are here because we selected a place from geocoding # parent[0] : country # parent[1] : state # parent[2] : town # parent[3] : name value = PlaceSelection.untag_text(parent[2], 1) plname = PlaceName() plname.set_value(value) handle = self.place_exists(value) if handle: # The town already exists. We create a place with name placeref = PlaceRef() placeref.ref = handle new_place.add_placeref(placeref) value = PlaceSelection.untag_text(parent[3], 1) plname.set_value(value) new_place.set_name(plname) else: found = None for place in self.dbstate.db.iter_places(): found = place if == parent: break placeref = PlaceRef() placeref.ref = found.get_handle() new_place.add_placeref(placeref) try: EditPlace(self.dbstate, self.uistate, [], new_place) self.add_marker(None, None, plat, plon, None, True, 0) except WindowActiveError: pass
def __get_place(self, gov_id, type_dic, preferred_lang): gov_url = '' + quote(gov_id) response = urlopen(gov_url) data = dom = parseString(data) top = dom.getElementsByTagName('gov:GovObject') place = Place() place.gramps_id = gov_id if not len(top) : return place, [] types = [] for element in top[0].getElementsByTagName('gov:hasName'): place_name = self.__get_hasname(element) place.add_name(place_name) for element in top[0].getElementsByTagName('gov:hasType'): place_type = self.__get_hastype(element, type_dic, preferred_lang) types.append(place_type) types.sort(key=lambda typ:, reverse=True) place.set_types(types) for element in top[0].getElementsByTagName('gov:position'): latitude, longitude = self.__get_position(element) place.set_latitude(latitude) place.set_longitude(longitude) ref_list = [] for element in top[0].getElementsByTagName('gov:isPartOf'): ref, date = self.__get_ispartof(element) ref_list.append((ref, date)) for element in top[0].getElementsByTagName('gov:hasURL'): url = self.__get_hasurl(element) place.add_url(url) return place, ref_list
def on_res_ok_clicked(self, dummy): """ Accept changes displayed and commit to place. Also find or create a new enclosing place from parent. """ # do the names namelist = [] for row in self.alt_store: if row[0] == 'P': = self.newplace.names[row[4]] elif row[0] == '\u2714': namelist.append(self.newplace.names[row[4]]) = namelist # Lat/lon/ID/code/type ='latitude').get_text() ='longitude').get_text() ='grampsid').get_text() ='postal').get_text() # Add in URLs if wanted if self.keepweb: for url in self.newplace.links: # Enclose in the next level place next_place = False parent = None if not self.keep_enclosure or not if self.newplace.parent_ids: # we might have a parent with geo id 'GEO12345' parent = self.dbstate.db.get_place_from_gramps_id( self.newplace.parent_ids[0]) if not parent and self.newplace.parent_names: # make one, will have to be examined/cleaned later parent = Place() parent.title = ', '.join(self.newplace.parent_names) name = PlaceName() name.value = parent.title = name parent.gramps_id = self.newplace.parent_ids[0] with DbTxn(_("Add Place (%s)") % parent.title, self.dbstate.db) as trans: self.dbstate.db.add_place(parent, trans) next_place = True if parent: if located_in(self.dbstate.db, parent.handle, # attempting to create a place loop, not good! ErrorDialog(_('Place cycle detected'), msg2=_("The place you chose is enclosed in the" " place you are workin on!\n" "Please cancel and choose another " "place."), parent=self.uistate.window) return # check to see if we already have the enclosing place already_there = False for pref in if parent.handle == pref.ref: already_there = True break if not already_there: placeref = PlaceRef() placeref.set_reference_handle(parent.handle)[placeref]) # Add in Citation/Source if wanted if self.addcitation and self.newplace.geoid: src_hndl = self.find_or_make_source() cit = Citation() cit.set_reference_handle(src_hndl) cit.set_page("GeoNames ID: %s" % self.newplace.geoid.replace('GEO', '')) with DbTxn(_("Add Citation (%s)") % "GeoNames", self.dbstate.db) as trans: self.dbstate.db.add_citation(cit, trans) # We're finally ready to commit the updated place with DbTxn(_("Edit Place (%s)") %, self.dbstate.db) as trans: self.dbstate.db.commit_place(, trans) # Jump to enclosing place to clean it if necessary if next_place: self.set_active('Place', parent.handle) = parent # if geoparse fails, leave us at main view if self.newplace.parent_ids and \ self.geoparse(self.newplace.parent_ids[0], _(", ").join(self.newplace.parent_names), self.newplace.parent_ids, self.newplace.parent_names): # geoparse worked, lets put up the results view self.gui.get_child().remove(self.mainwin) self.gui.get_child().add(self.results_win) self.res_gui() return self.reset_main() if self.gui.get_child().get_child() == self.results_win: self.gui.get_child().remove(self.results_win) self.gui.get_child().add(self.mainwin)
def exportData(database, filename, error_dialog=None, option_box=None, callback=None): if not callable(callback): callback = lambda percent: None # dummy with OpenFileOrStdout(filename, encoding="utf-8") as fp: total = (len(database.note_map) + len(database.person_map) + len(database.event_map) + len(database.family_map) + len(database.repository_map) + len(database.place_map) + len(database.media_map) + len(database.citation_map) + len(database.source_map) + len(database.tag_map)) count = 0.0 # --------------------------------- # Notes # --------------------------------- for handle in database.note_map.keys(): serial = database.note_map[handle] write_line(fp, Note.create(serial)) count += 1 callback(100 * count/total) # --------------------------------- # Event # --------------------------------- for handle in database.event_map.keys(): serial = database.event_map[handle] write_line(fp, Event.create(serial)) count += 1 callback(100 * count/total) # --------------------------------- # Person # --------------------------------- for handle in database.person_map.keys(): serial = database.person_map[handle] write_line(fp, Person.create(serial)) count += 1 callback(100 * count/total) # --------------------------------- # Family # --------------------------------- for handle in database.family_map.keys(): serial = database.family_map[handle] write_line(fp, Family.create(serial)) count += 1 callback(100 * count/total) # --------------------------------- # Repository # --------------------------------- for handle in database.repository_map.keys(): serial = database.repository_map[handle] write_line(fp, Repository.create(serial)) count += 1 callback(100 * count/total) # --------------------------------- # Place # --------------------------------- for handle in database.place_map.keys(): serial = database.place_map[handle] write_line(fp, Place.create(serial)) count += 1 callback(100 * count/total) # --------------------------------- # Source # --------------------------------- for handle in database.source_map.keys(): serial = database.source_map[handle] write_line(fp, Source.create(serial)) count += 1 callback(100 * count/total) # --------------------------------- # Citation # --------------------------------- for handle in database.citation_map.keys(): serial = database.citation_map[handle] write_line(fp, Citation.create(serial)) count += 1 callback(100 * count/total) # --------------------------------- # Media # --------------------------------- for handle in database.media_map.keys(): serial = database.media_map[handle] write_line(fp, Media.create(serial)) count += 1 callback(100 * count/total) # --------------------------------- # Tag # --------------------------------- for handle in database.tag_map.keys(): serial = database.tag_map[handle] write_line(fp, Tag.create(serial)) count += 1 callback(100 * count/total) return True
def __get_place(self, gov_id, type_dic, preferred_lang): gov_url = '' + quote(gov_id) response = urlopen(gov_url) data = dom = parseString(data) top = dom.getElementsByTagName('gov:GovObject') place = Place() place.gramps_id = gov_id if not len(top) : return place, [] count = 0 for element in top[0].getElementsByTagName('gov:hasName'): count += 1 place_name = self.__get_hasname(element) if count == 1: place.set_name(place_name) else: if place_name.lang == preferred_lang: place.add_alternative_name(place.get_name()) place.set_name(place_name) else: place.add_alternative_name(place_name) for element in top[0].getElementsByTagName('gov:hasType'): curr_lang = place.get_name().get_language() place_type = self.__get_hastype(element,curr_lang, type_dic, preferred_lang) place.set_type(place_type) for element in top[0].getElementsByTagName('gov:position'): latitude, longitude = self.__get_position(element) place.set_latitude(latitude) place.set_longitude(longitude) ref_list = [] for element in top[0].getElementsByTagName('gov:isPartOf'): ref, date = self.__get_ispartof(element) ref_list.append((ref, date)) for element in top[0].getElementsByTagName('gov:hasURL'): url = self.__get_hasurl(element) place.add_url(url) return place, ref_list
def column_title(self, data): place = Place() place.unserialize(data) return place_displayer.display(self.db, place)