from grand import IndividualAnomalyInductive

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Get data from one unit (vehicle)
    dataset = load_artificial_toy(0)  #load_vehicles()
    unit1_train = [x for dt, x in dataset.stream_unit(1)
                   ]  # we use unit number 1 for training

    # Create an instance of IndividualAnomalyInductive
    indev = IndividualAnomalyInductive(
        w_martingale=15,  # Window size for computing the deviation level
        "median",  # Strangeness measure: "median" or "knn" or "lof"
        k=50,  # Used if non_conformity is "knn"
        dev_threshold=.6)  # Threshold on the deviation level

    # Fit the IndividualAnomalyInductive detector to unit1_train

    # At each time step dt, a data-point x comes from the stream of unit number 0
    for dt, x in dataset.stream_unit(0):
        devContext = indev.predict(dt, x)

        st, pv, dev, isdev = devContext.strangeness, devContext.pvalue, devContext.deviation, devContext.is_deviating
        print("Time: {} ==> strangeness: {}, p-value: {}, deviation: {} ({})".
              format(dt, st, pv, dev, "high" if isdev else "low"))

    # Plot p-values and deviation level over time
Exemplo n.º 2
from grand import IndividualAnomalyInductive

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Get data from one unit (vehicle)
    dataset = load_artificial(0)  #load_vehicles()
    unit1_train = [x for dt, x in dataset.stream_unit(1)
                   ]  # we use unit number 1 for training

    # Create an instance of IndividualAnomalyInductive
    indev = IndividualAnomalyInductive(
        w_martingale=15,  # Window size for computing the deviation level
        "median",  # Strangeness measure: "median" or "knn" or "lof"
        k=50,  # Used if non_conformity is "knn"
        dev_threshold=.6)  # Threshold on the deviation level

    # Fit the IndividualAnomalyInductive detector to unit1_train

    # At each time step dt, a data-point x comes from the stream of unit number 0
    for dt, x in dataset.stream_unit(0):
        devContext = indev.predict(dt, x)

        st, pv, dev, isdev = devContext.strangeness, devContext.pvalue, devContext.deviation, devContext.is_deviating
        print("Time: {} ==> strangeness: {}, p-value: {}, deviation: {} ({})".
              format(dt, st, pv, dev, "high" if isdev else "low"))

    # Plot p-values and deviation level over time
    indev.plot_deviations(figsize=(10, 5))