Exemplo n.º 1
 def free(self):
     a method to determine if the graph is ISK4-free
         sub: list of vertices that form a ISK4
                 is None if does not contain (list)
     # check if omega is greater than four
     sub = None
     if nx.graph_clique_number(self.g) > 3:
         sub = induced_subgraph(self.g, make_clique(4))
         # loop through all possible subdivisions between 4 and n
         n = len(self.g.nodes())
         i = 0
         while i < n - 3 and sub is None:
             for ball in unlabeled_balls_in_unlabeled_boxe(i,
                 graph = self.create_subdivions(ball)
                 sub = induced_subgraph(self.g, graph)
                 if sub is not None:
             i += 1
     return sub
Exemplo n.º 2
def TheAlgorithm(G):
    dColor = Dcolor(G)
    partialColoring = list()
    #Compute chi(G) (using brute force)
    k = len(dColor.color())
    hasStrongStableSet = False
    thisStableSet = FindStrongStableSet(G)
    if thisStableSet != None:
        hasStrongStableSet = True
    while hasStrongStableSet:
        #thisStableSet = FindStrongStableSet(G)
        #Remove this stable set from the graph
        for thisStableVertex in thisStableSet:
        thisStableSet = FindStrongStableSet(G)
        if thisStableSet == None:
            hasStrongStableSet = False
    #check for induced C7
    graphToTest = convert_node_labels_to_integers(G, 0, ordering='default', label_attribute = None)
    if induced_subgraph(graphToTest, make_cycle(CYCLE_LENGTH)) == None:
        stillHasInducedC7 = False
        stillHasInducedC7 = True
    while stillHasInducedC7 == True:
        thisStableSet = FindSimpleStableSet(G)
        for thisStableVertex in thisStableSet:
        graphToTest = convert_node_labels_to_integers(G, 0, ordering='default', label_attribute = None)
        if induced_subgraph(graphToTest, make_cycle(CYCLE_LENGTH)) == None:
            stillHasInducedC7 = False
    At this point, there does not exist a strong stable set of size 3, because there is no C7.
    This means that G is now a perfect graph.
    t = chromatic_number(G)
    #Find the chromatic number of our partial graph of stable sets
    s = len(partialColoring)
    if k == (s + t):
        result = True
        result = False

    return result
Exemplo n.º 3
def process():
    index = 0
    #Generate an array corresponding to the k-vertices we want to add to c7
    for add in combinations_with_replacement(range(4), 7):
        #We can have at most 3 Z's and 2 Y's, making 5 possible vertices we can add
        if count(add) > 5:
        for thisPermutation in permutations(add):
            #copy initial graph (c7) and add vertices
            #self.g = BASE.copy()
            g = make_cycle(7)
            add_vertices(g, thisPermutation)
            check = True
            #we want our graph to remain {4k1,c4,c6}-free
            for H in FORBIDDEN:
                if induced_subgraph(g, H):
                    check  = False
            if check:
                #log it
                f = File(DIRECTORY, G=g, logger=LOGGER, base="C5-")
                fp = f.save()
                if fp is not None:
                    index += 1
                    print("Created Graph: %d" % index)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def compare_graphs(self,g , h):
     same = False
     if (len(g.nodes()) == len(h.nodes())):
         induced = induced_subgraph(g, h)
         if induced is not None:
             same = True
     return same
Exemplo n.º 5
def GIsHFree(G, H):
    result = True
    for thisForbiddenInducedSubgraph in H:
        if induced_subgraph(G, thisForbiddenInducedSubgraph):
            result = False
    return result
def IsHFreeGraph(H,G):
    result = True
    for thisForbiddenGraph in H:
        if induced_subgraph(G, thisForbiddenGraph):
            result = False
    return result
Exemplo n.º 7
def even_hole_free(G):
    i_set = graph_clique_number(complement(G))
    free = True
    i = 4
    while i <= i_set * 2 and free:
        g = make_cycle(i)
        if induced_subgraph(G, g):
            free = False
        i += 2
    return free
Exemplo n.º 8
def even_hole_free(G):
    i_set = graph_clique_number(complement(G))
    free = None
    i = 4
    while i <= i_set * 2 and free is None:
        g = make_cycle(i)
        induced = induced_subgraph(G, g) 
        if induced is not None:
            free = induced
        i += 2
    return free
Exemplo n.º 9
 def compare(self, B):
     a method use to compare the two graphs of the File objects given
         B: the object to compare to (File)
         True if the two graphs are the same (isomorphic)
         False otherwise
     self.logger.debug("Comparing two graphs")
     same = False
     cond1 = len(self.G.nodes()) == len(B.G.nodes())
     cond2 = len(self.G.edges()) == len(B.G.edges())
     self.logger.debug("same edges: %r Same nodes: %r" % (cond1, cond2))
     if cond1 and cond2:
         induced = induced_subgraph(self.G, B.G)
         induced_2 = induced_subgraph(B.G, self.G)
         if induced is not None or induced_2 is not None:
             same = True
     self.logger.debug("The two graphs are the same: %r" % same)
     return same
Exemplo n.º 10
 def testForbidden(self):
     claw = make_claw()
     c4 = make_cycle(4)
     cok4 = make_cok4()
     g = make_cycle(5)
     not_allowed = [claw, c4, cok4]
     gen = Generator2(g, 1, forbidden=not_allowed)
     for graph in gen.iterate():
         for h in not_allowed:
             if induced_subgraph(graph, h) is not None:
                 self.assertEqual(True, False ,"Failed to forbid a graph")
Exemplo n.º 11
    def iterate(self):
        a generator for all the graphs starting with G adding
        up to N vertices not containing any H as a induced subgraph
            yields: a graph h (networx)
        self.logger.info("Generating graphs up to %d" % self.n)
        index = len(self.G.nodes()) - 1
        add_nodes = 0
        l_nodes = len(self.G.nodes())
        g = self.G.copy()
        while index  < (self.n + l_nodes - 1):
            # add a node
#             print("----------------")
#             print("Index: %d of %d" % (index, self.n + l_nodes - 1))
#             print("----------------")
            self.logger.info("Index: %d" % index)
            index += 1
            add_nodes += 1
            max_edges = int(l_nodes * add_nodes + ((add_nodes)*(add_nodes-1)) /2)
            self.logger.debug("Max Edges %d" % max_edges)
            for x in range(0, 2**max_edges):
                bitstring = self.to_bitstring(x, max_edges)
                h = g.copy()
                # add the edges
                for i, bit in enumerate(bitstring):
                    if bit == "1":
                        target, source = self.determine(i, l_nodes, add_nodes)
                        self.logger.debug("Target: %d " % target)
                        self.logger.debug("Source: %d" % source)
                        h.add_edge(target, source)
                allowed = True
                for not_allowed in self.forbidden:
                    if induced_subgraph(h, not_allowed) is not None:
                        allowed = False
                if allowed:
                    self.logger.info("Graph was not forbidden")
                    yield h
Exemplo n.º 12
def special_graph(g):
    valid = False
    if induced_subgraph(g, make_diamond()) is not None:
        if clique_cutset(g) is None:
            valid = True
    return valid
    for thisAVertex in A_VERTICES:
        for thisBVertex in B_VERTICES:
            G.add_edge(thisAVertex, thisBVertex)
    #Populate the C vertices and create the necessary edges        
    for i in range(0,rows):
        for j in range(0,cols):
            vertexToAdd = G.number_of_nodes()
            for thisAVertex in A_VERTICES:
                if thisAVertex >= i:
                    G.add_edge(vertexToAdd, thisAVertex)
            for thisBVertex in B_VERTICES:
                if (thisBVertex - 2) >= j:
                    G.add_edge(vertexToAdd, thisBVertex)
    return G
G = constructGn(3, 3)

#Check for forbidden subgraphs
if not induced_subgraph(G, make_cycle(5)):
    print("G has no induced C5!!!")
if not induced_subgraph(G, make_cycle(6)):
    print("G has no induced C6!!!")