Exemplo n.º 1
def LoadData(d, m, y, Offset):
    This function load the composit graph data by  calling getGraph function (built by the graph team) to build the COMPOSITE graph.
    It creates CSV file that represents the graph of transactions and addresses.

    code = None
    dd = d
    mm = m
    yy = y
    dOffset = Offset
    graphType = 'COMPOSITE'
    code, x = getGraph(dd, mm, yy, dOffset, graphType)

    while code == None and x == None:

    data = x.edges()
    data = list(data)

    return data
Exemplo n.º 2
def getFeatures(day, month, year, feature):
    df = pd.DataFrame()
        result, networkxObj = getGraph(day, month, year, 1, "COMPOSITE")
        if result == 'Success':
            if feature == 'LEVEL_OF_ACTIVITY':
                result, df = levelOfActivity(networkxObj)
                df.index = np.arange(1, len(df) + 1)
            elif feature == 'TOTAL_BTC_RECEIVED':
                result, df = amountToAddress(networkxObj)
                df.index = np.arange(1, len(df) + 1)
            elif feature == 'TOTAL_BTC_SENT':
                result, df = BitcoinSent(networkxObj)
            elif feature == 'CURRENT_BALANCE':
                result, df = CurrentBalance(networkxObj)
                return 'Fail', 'Incorrect node feature'
            return 'Fail', networkxObj
    except Exception as e:
        return 'Fail', e
    return 'Success', df
Exemplo n.º 3
def CurrentBalanceAnalysis(year, month, day):
    """To get the Current Balance of each address in the Bitcoin system at the end of each day"""
        dfObj = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Date", "Number of addresses with Current balance [0,1)",
                                      "Number of addresses with Current balance [1,10)",
                                      "Number of addresses with Current balance [10,100)",
                                      "Number of addresses with Current balance [100,1000)",
                                      "Number of addresses with Current balance [1000,10000)",
                                      "Number of addresses with Current balance [10000,50000)",
                                      "Number of addresses with Current balance greater than equal to 50000"])
        d0 = date(2009, 1, 9)
        d1 = date(year, month, day)
        delta = d1 - d0
        diff = delta.days
        d = 9
        m = 1
        g = nx.MultiDiGraph()
        while diff >= 0:

            result, dfobject = getGraph(d, m, year, 1, "COMPOSITE")
            g = nx.compose(g, dfobject)

            lt1 = lt10 = lt100 = lt1000 = lt10000 = lt50000 = gt50000 = 0
            outdegree = dict(g.out_degree(weight='weight'))
            indegree = dict(g.in_degree(weight='weight'))
            # print(outdegree)
            for ele, inval in indegree.items():
                if len(ele) != 64:
                    current = (inval - outdegree[ele]) / 100000000
                    if current < 1:
                        lt1 += 1
                    elif current < 10:
                        lt10 += 1
                    elif current < 100:
                        lt100 += 1
                    elif current < 1000:
                        lt1000 += 1
                    elif current < 10000:
                        lt10000 += 1
                    elif current < 50000:
                        lt50000 += 1
                        # print(ele,current)
                        gt50000 += 1
            dfObj = dfObj.append({"Date": str(year) + "-" + str(m) + "-" + str(d),
                                  "Number of addresses with Current balance [0,1)": lt1,
                                  "Number of addresses with Current balance [1,10)": lt10,
                                  "Number of addresses with Current balance [10,100)": lt100,
                                  "Number of addresses with Current balance [100,1000)": lt1000,
                                  "Number of addresses with Current balance [1000,10000)": lt10000,
                                  "Number of addresses with Current balance [10000,50000)": lt50000,
                                  "Number of addresses with Current balance greater than equal to 50000": gt50000
            x = str(year) + "-" + str(m) + "-" + str(d)
            res = (datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d') + timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            res = datetime.strptime(res, '%Y-%m-%d')
            d = res.day
            m = res.month
            diff -= 1
    except Exception as e:
        return 'Fail', e
    return "Success", dfObj
Exemplo n.º 4
def getAnalysisResults(startyear, startmonth, startday, endyear, endmonth, endday):
    """Get all the graph analytics results on daily basis within the start and end date"""
        # dataFrame for address distribution
        dfAddDist = pd.DataFrame(
            columns=["Date", "Total Addresses", "Receive-only Address %", "Send/receive Address %"])
        # dataFrame for Total BTC received
        dfTotRec = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Date", "Number of addresses with Total BTC received [0,1)",
                                         "Number of addresses with Total BTC received [1,10)",
                                         "Number of addresses with Total BTC received [10,100)",
                                         "Number of addresses with Total BTC received [100,1000)",
                                         "Number of addresses with Total BTC received [1000,10000)",
                                         "Number of addresses with Total BTC received [10000,50000)",
                                         "Number of addresses with Total BTC received greater than equal to 50000"])
        # dataFrame for Level of activity
        dfLOActivity = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Date", "Number of addresses with Level of activity [1,2)",
                                             "Number of addresses with Level of activity [2,5)",
                                             "Number of addresses with Level of activity [5,10)",
                                             "Number of addresses with Level of activity [10,100)",
                                             "Number of addresses with Level of activity [100,1000)",
                                             "Number of addresses with Level of activity [1000,5000)",
                                             "Number of addresses with Level of activity greater than equal to 5000"])
        # dataFrame for Strongly connected components
        dfSCC = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Date", "Number of Strongly connected components"])
        # dataFrame for Weakly connected components
        dfWCC = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Date", "Number of Weakly connected components"])
        # dataFrame for Transaction size
        dfTranSize = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Date", "Number of transaction of size [0,1)",
                                           "Number of transaction of size  [1,10)",
                                           "Number of transaction of size  [10,100)",
                                           "Number of transaction of size  [100,5000)",
                                           "Number of transaction of size  [5000,20000)",
                                           "Number of transaction of size  [20000,50000)",
                                           "Number of transaction of size  greater than equal to 50000"])
        # dataframe for Assortativity coefficient
        dfAssortCo = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Date", "Assortativity coefficient"])
        # dataframe for Bitcoin Circulation
        dfBTCCir = pd.DataFrame(
            columns=["Date", "Total Bitcoin", "Circulating Bitcoins %", "Not Circulating Bitcoins %"])

        # dataframe for Clustering coefficient
        dfClustering = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Date", "Clustering coefficient"])

        # dataframe for Pearson coefficient
        dfPearson = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Date", "Pearson coefficient"])

        # dataframe for Active Entity
        dfMostActive = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Date", "Node", "Total Number of Transaction"])
        # dataframe for Occurrence of different Chainlets
        dfChainletsOcc = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Date", "Occurrence of Split Chainlets", "Occurrence of Merge Chainlets",
                                               "Occurrence of Transition Chainlets"])
        # dataframe for Amount of different Chainlets
        dfChainletsAocc = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Date", "Amount of split Chainlets",
                                                "Amount of merge Chainlets",
                                                "Amount of transition Chainlets"])

        d0 = date(startyear, startmonth, startday)
        d1 = date(endyear, endmonth, endday)
        delta = d1 - d0
        diff = delta.days
        d = startday
        m = startmonth
        y = startyear
        while diff >= 0:

            result, ntObj = getGraph(d, m, y, 1, "COMPOSITE")
            curDate = str(y) + "-" + str(m) + "-" + str(d)

            # call Sarada's functions:
            res1, dfTotRec = TotalBTCreceived(curDate, ntObj, dfTotRec)
            if res1 == 'Fail':
                return dfTotRec
            res1, dfLOActivity = LevelOfActivity(curDate, ntObj, dfLOActivity)
            if res1 == 'Fail':
                return dfLOActivity
            res1, dfSCC = StronglyConnectedComponents(curDate, ntObj, dfSCC)
            if res1 == 'Fail':
                return dfSCC
            res1, dfWCC = WeaklyConnectedComponents(curDate, ntObj, dfWCC)
            if res1 == 'Fail':
                return dfWCC
            res1, dfChainletsOcc = diffChainlets(curDate, ntObj, dfChainletsOcc)
            if res1 == 'Fail':
                return dfChainletsOcc
            res1, dfChainletsAocc = diffChainletsAmount(curDate, ntObj, dfChainletsAocc)
            if res1 == 'Fail':
                return dfChainletsAocc
            occMat, AmtOccMat = diffChainletMatrix(curDate, ntObj)

            #call Saumya's functions:
            res2,dfBTCCir= BTCirculation(curDate,ntObj,dfBTCCir)
            if res2 == 'Fail':
                return dfBTCCir
            res2,dfMostActive = MostActiveEntity(curDate,ntObj,dfMostActive)
            if res2 == 'Fail':
                return dfMostActive
            res2, dfClustering = clusteringCoefficientonGraph(curDate, ntObj, dfClustering)
            if res2 == 'Fail':
                return dfClustering
            res2, dfPearson = PearsonCoefficient(curDate, ntObj, dfPearson)
            if res2 == 'Fail':
                return dfPearson

            # calling Srija's analysis functions
            res7, dfAddDist = AddressDistAnalysis(curDate, ntObj, dfAddDist)
            if res7 == 'Fail':
                return dfAddDist
            res8, dfTranSize = TransactionSizeAnalysis(curDate, ntObj, dfTranSize)
            if res8 == 'Fail':
                return dfTranSize
            res9, dfAssortCo = assortativityCoefficientAnalysis(curDate, ntObj, dfAssortCo)
            if res9 == 'Fail':
                return dfAssortCo
            res = (datetime.strptime(curDate, '%Y-%m-%d') + timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            res = datetime.strptime(res, '%Y-%m-%d')
            d = res.day
            m = res.month
            y = res.year
            diff -= 1

    except Exception as e:
        return e
    return "Success"
Exemplo n.º 5
from graph.getGraph.getAPIData import getGraph
from graph.getGraph.ethereumGraph.getAPIData import getEthereumgraph
from graph.getGraph.graphanalysisSrija import CurrentBalanceAnalysis
from graph.getGraph.mainAnalysis import getAnalysisResults
from graph.getGraph.addressFeatures import getFeatures

# to get Bitcoin graph object
res1, graphobj = getGraph(9, 1, 2009, 1, 'COMPOSITE')

# to get Ethereum graph object
res2, ethergraphobj = getEthereumgraph(24, 4, 2018, 1, "zrx")

# to evaluate current balance metric and store it in cummulative manner
res3, currBal = CurrentBalanceAnalysis(2009, 1, 9)

# evaluate all graph metrics and store it in daily basis from start and to date
res4 = getAnalysisResults(2009, 2, 1, 2009, 2, 28)

# get address feature for the specified date
res5, feat = getFeatures(2, 2, 2009, 'LEVEL_OF_ACTIVITY')