Exemplo n.º 1
def find_path(q_start, q_goal, graph):
    path = []
    trial = []

    # print('goal',q_goal)
    # print('start',q_start)
    # Use the OrderedSet for your closed list
    closed_set = OrderedSet()

    # Use the PriorityQueue for the open list
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order=min, f=lambda v: v.f)
    grids = graph.getVertices()  # nodes/ vertices

    # Path
    f = 0
    g = 0
    h = 0
    for q in range(0, 1):
        h = sqrt((grids[0].q[0] - grids[1].q[0])**2 +
                 (grids[0].q[1] - grids[1].q[1])**2)

    f = g + h
    open_set.put(grids[0], Value(f=f, g=g))
    while len(open_set) > 0:
        parent, val = open_set.pop()
        new = (RoadmapVertex.getConfiguration(parent))
        new1 = new[0]
        new2 = new[1]
        trial = [new1, new2]

        if parent == grids[1]:
            for child in grids:
                sssss = RoadmapVertex.getEdge(parent, child.id)
                if sssss is not None:
                    if child not in closed_set:
                        g_val = distance(child, parent) + val.g
                        if child not in open_set or open_set.get(
                                child).g > g_val:
                            h_val = distance(parent, grids[1])
                            # print('The H value is:',h_val)
                            f_val = g_val + h_val
                            open_set.put(child, Value(f=f_val, g=g_val))
        # print('The trial is:', trial)
    return path
Exemplo n.º 2
def build_roadmap(q_range, robot_dim, scene_obstacles):

    global obstacles, robot_width, robot_height, robot_radius

    obstacles = scene_obstacles  # setting the global obstacle variable
    x_limit = q_range[0]  # the range of x-positions for the robot
    y_limit = q_range[1]  # the range of y-positions for the robot
    theta_limit = q_range[
        2]  # the range of orientations for the robot (advanced extension)
    robot_width, robot_height = robot_dim[0], robot_dim[
        1]  # the dimensions of the robot, represented as an oriented bounding box

    robot_radius = max(robot_width, robot_height) / 2.
    # the roadmap
    graph = Roadmap()
    # scene1= Scene
    # qop = scene1.default_query()
    graph.addVertex((14.378, -4.328))  # Adding the start as the first vertex.
    graph.addVertex((-44.184, -26.821))  # Adding the goal as the last vertex.
        The below for loop is used to create samples (vertices) where the coordinate x will be spaced equally 
        of length 3 and y will be spaced equally of length 2.5 throughout the entire plot. Both the x and y coordinate
        will be having a random noise ranging from -0.5 to 0.5.
        All these samples are checked first whether they are on the collision free space or not, if they are then
        they get added as vertices. 
    for i in range(0, 33):
        x = -48 + 3 * i + (random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5))
        for j1 in range(0, 40):
            y = -48 + 2.5 * j1 + (random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5))
            coll = collision(x, y)
            if coll is True:
                graph.addVertex((x, y))
    Vertices = graph.getVertices(
    )  # A Vertices list is created with all the vertices being currently placed.
    max_dist = 5  # A maximum distance value is set to connect the vertices between them with a edge.
        The for loop below will add edge between the vertices which are spaced at a distance less than the max_dist 
        variable. Once the edge is added, the interpolate function will check if the edge is passing through the C 
        obstacle space or not. If it is, then the edge gets removed. 
        Once the edge gets removed, for each parent we shall create a list of children and to remove the edges among 
        them to reduce the number of unnecessary edges.  
    for i in Vertices:
        list_vertex = []
        for j in Vertices:
            dist = distance(i, j)
            if dist < max_dist and dist != 0:
                graph.addEdge(i, j, dist)
                some = interpolate(i, j, 0.5)
                if some is False:
                    graph.removeEdge(i, j)
        if len(list_vertex) >= 2:
            for rem in range(0, len(list_vertex)):
                for rem1 in range(0, len(list_vertex)):
                    if rem != rem1:
                        ss = RoadmapVertex.getEdge(list_vertex[rem],
                        if ss is not None:
    # uncomment this to export the roadmap to a file
    # graph.saveRoadmap("prm_roadmap.txt")

    return graph
Exemplo n.º 3
def build_roadmap(q_range, robot_dim, scene_obstacles):

    global obstacles, robot_width, robot_height, robot_radius

    obstacles = scene_obstacles  # setting the global obstacle variable
    x_limit = q_range[0]  # the range of x-positions for the robot
    y_limit = q_range[1]  # the range of y-positions for the robot
    theta_limit = q_range[
        2]  # the range of orientations for the robot (advanced extension)
    robot_width, robot_height = robot_dim[0], robot_dim[
        1]  # the dimensions of the robot, represented as an oriented bounding box

    robot_radius = max(robot_width, robot_height) / 2.
    A = np.zeros((1000, 2))
    # the roadmap
    graph = Roadmap()
    list_app = []
    vertices_app = []
    scene1 = Scene
    # qop = scene1.default_query()
    goof = graph.addVertex((14.378, -4.328))
    goof1 = graph.addVertex((-44.184, -26.821))

    for i in range(0, 33):
        # x = int(np.random.uniform(-50,50))
        # y = int(np.random.uniform(-50,50))
        x = -44 + 3 * i + (random.uniform(-0.5, 1))
        for j1 in range(0, 33):
            y = -44 + 3 * j1 + (random.uniform(-0.5, 1))
            coll = collision(x, y)
            if coll is True:
                graph.addVertex((x, y))
    Vertices = graph.getVertices()
    max_dist = 5
    for i in Vertices:
        list_vertex = []
        for j in Vertices:
            dist = distance(i, j)
            # print('in loop dist', dist)
            if dist < max_dist and dist != 0:
                edge_check = graph.addEdge(i, j, dist)
                some = interpolate(i, j, 0.5)
                # print('some',some)
                if some is False:
                    graph.removeEdge(i, j)
                list_a_x = i.id
                list_a_y = j.id
                list_a = (list_a_x, list_a_y)
                list_b = (list_a_y, list_a_x)
                if list_b not in list_app:
                    graph.removeEdge(i, j)
        if len(list_vertex) >= 2:
            for rem in range(0, len(list_vertex)):
                for rem1 in range(0, len(list_vertex)):
                    if rem != rem1:
                        ss = RoadmapVertex.getEdge(list_vertex[rem],
                        if ss is not None:
    # uncomment this to export the roadmap to a file
    # graph.saveRoadmap("prm_roadmap.txt")

    return graph
Exemplo n.º 4
def find_path(q_start, q_goal, graph):
    path = []
    trial = []
    goal0 = q_goal[0]
    goal1 = q_goal[1]
    start0 = q_start[0]
    start1 = q_start[1]
    goal = (goal0, goal1)
    start = (start0, start1)
    # print('The goal is:', goal)
    # print('The start is:', start)
    # goof = graph.addVertex(goal)
    # goof1 = graph.addVertex(start)
    # Use the OrderedSet for your closed list
    closed_set = OrderedSet()
    goal_coll = collision(goal0, goal1)
    start_coll = collision(start0, start1)
    if goal_coll and start_coll is True:
        aa = graph.addVertex((goal0, goal1))
        sas = graph.addVertex((start0, start1))
        # print(RoadmapVertex.getConfiguration(sas))
        # print(ss)
        return None
    # Use the PriorityQueue for the open list
    open_set = PriorityQueue(order=min, f=lambda v: v.f)
    grids = graph.getVertices()  # nodes/ vertices
    # print(grids)
    # print(len(grids))
    val_app = []
    # Path
    f = 0
    g = 0
    h = 0
    for q in range(0, 1):
        # h = sqrt((start0 - goal0) ** 2 + (start1 - goal1) ** 2)

        h = sqrt((grids[0].q[0] - grids[1].q[0])**2 +
                 (grids[0].q[1] - grids[1].q[1])**2)

    f = g + h
    # open_set.put(sas, Value(f=f, g=g))
    open_set.put(grids[0], Value(f=f, g=g))
    while len(open_set) > 0:
        parent, val = open_set.pop()
        # print('f', val_app)
        # print('inside',len(open_set))
        new = (RoadmapVertex.getConfiguration(parent))
        new1 = new[0]
        new2 = new[1]
        trial = [new1, new2]
        # if parent == aa:
        if parent == grids[1]:
            for child in grids:
                sssss = RoadmapVertex.getEdge(parent, child.id)
                if sssss is not None:
                    if child not in closed_set:
                        g_val = distance(child, parent) + val.g
                        # g_val = distance(child, parent) + val.g
                        if child not in open_set or open_set.get(
                                child).g > g_val:
                            # h_val = distance(parent, aa)
                            h_val = distance(parent, grids[1])
                            # print('The g value of child is:',g_val)
                            f_val = g_val + h_val
                            # print('The f value of child is:', f_val)
                            open_set.put(child, Value(f=f_val, g=g_val))
                        if val.g > g_val:
        # print('The trial is:', trial)
    # for alpha in grids:
    #     pare = RoadmapVertex.getEdge(parent,alpha.id)
    #     if pare is not None:
    #         print('pare', RoadmapVertex.getConfiguration(alpha))
    # parent = [[[' ' for row in range(len(grids[0]))] for col in range(len(grids))],
    #           [[' ' for row in range(len(grids[0]))] for col in range(len(grids))],
    #           [[' ' for row in range(len(grids[0]))] for col in range(len(grids))],
    #           [[' ' for row in range(len(grids[0]))] for col in range(len(grids))]]
    # print(parent)
    for i in range(len(val_app)):
        for j in range(len(val_app)):
            if i != j:
                if val_app[i] > val_app[j]:
                    # np.remove(val_app[i])
    return path
Exemplo n.º 5
def build_roadmap(q_range, robot_dim, scene_obstacles):

    global obstacles, robot_width, robot_height, robot_radius

    obstacles = scene_obstacles  # setting the global obstacle variable
    x_limit = q_range[0]  # the range of x-positions for the robot
    y_limit = q_range[1]  # the range of y-positions for the robot
    theta_limit = q_range[
        2]  # the range of orientations for the robot (advanced extension)
    robot_width, robot_height = robot_dim[0], robot_dim[
        1]  # the dimensions of the robot, represented as an oriented bounding box

    robot_radius = max(robot_width, robot_height) / 2.
    A = np.zeros((1000, 2))
    # the roadmap
    graph = Roadmap()
    list_app = []
    list_app = []
    vertices_app = []

    goof = graph.addVertex((14.378, -4.328))
    goof1 = graph.addVertex((-44.184, -26.821))
    for i in range(0, 33):
        # x = int(np.random.uniform(-50,50))
        # y = int(np.random.uniform(-50,50))
        x = -45 + 3 * i + (random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5))
        for j1 in range(0, 33):
            y = -45 + 3 * j1 + (random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5))
            A[i][0] = x
            A[i][1] = y
            for j in range(0, 26):
                xs = []
                ys = []
                for point in obstacles[j].points:
                    count = 0
                    x_min = min(xs) - 2
                    x_max = max(xs) + 2
                    y_min = min(ys) - 2
                    y_max = max(ys) + 2
                if x_min <= x <= x_max and y_min <= y <= y_max:
                    count = 1
            if count != 1:
                graph.addVertex((x, y))
    # for qq in range(len(A)):

    Vertices = graph.getVertices()

    max_dist = 5
    for i in Vertices:
        list_vertex = []
        for j in Vertices:
            dist = distance(i, j)
            # print('in loop dist', dist)
            if dist < max_dist and dist != 0:
                edge_check = graph.addEdge(i, j, dist)
                some = interpolate(i, j, 0.5)
                # print('some',some)
                if some is False:
                    graph.removeEdge(i, j)
                list_a_x = i.id
                list_a_y = j.id
                list_a = (list_a_x, list_a_y)
                list_b = (list_a_y, list_a_x)
                if list_b not in list_app:
                    graph.removeEdge(i, j)
        if len(list_vertex) >= 2:
            for rem in range(0, len(list_vertex)):
                for rem1 in range(0, len(list_vertex)):
                    if rem != rem1:
                        ss = RoadmapVertex.getEdge(list_vertex[rem],
                        if ss is not None:
    # p_neighbour = []
    # c_neighbour = []
    # for x in range(len(Vertices)):
    #     p_neighbour.clear()
    #     for z in range(len(Vertices)):
    #         if not x == z:
    #             parent = RoadmapVertex.getEdge(Vertices[x], Vertices[z].id)
    #             if not parent is None:
    #                 p_neighbour.append(Vertices[z])
    #         c_neighbour.clear()
    #         for u in range(len(p_neighbour)):
    #             for h in range(len(Vertices)):
    #                 if not u == h:
    #                     children = RoadmapVertex.getEdge(p_neighbour[u], Vertices[h].id)
    #                     if not children is None:
    #                         c_neighbour.append(Vertices[h])
    #             for r in range(len(p_neighbour)):
    #                 for m in range(len(c_neighbour)):
    #                     if p_neighbour[r] == c_neighbour[m]:
    #                         graph.removeEdge(Vertices[x], Vertices[z])
    #                         break
    aa = RoadmapVertex.getEdges(goof1)
    # uncomment this to export the roadmap to a file
    # graph.saveRoadmap("prm_roadmap.txt")

    return graph