def reset_navgraph(self): ''' Create and store a new nav graph for this box world configuration. The graph is build by adding NavNode to the graph for each of the boxes in box world. Then edges are created (4-sided). ''' self.path = None # invalid so remove if present. self.graph = SparseGraph() # Set a heuristic cost function for the search to use. self.graph.cost_h = self._manhattan #self.graph.cost_h = self._hypot. #self.graph.cost_h = self._max. nx, ny = self.nx, self.ny # add all the nodes required. for i, box in enumerate(self.boxes): box.pos = (i % nx, i // nx) #tuple position. box.node = self.graph.add_node(Node(idx=i)) # build all the edges required for this world. for i, box in enumerate(self.boxes): # four sided N-S-E-W connections. if box.kind in no_edge: continue # UP (i + nx). if (i + nx) < len(self.boxes): self._add_edge(i, i + nx) # DOWN (i - nx). if (i - nx) >= 0: self._add_edge(i, i - nx) # RIGHT (i + 1). if (i % nx + 1) < nx: self._add_edge(i, i + 1) # LEFT (i - 1). if (i % nx - 1) >= 0: self._add_edge(i, i - 1)
def reset_navgraph(self): ''' Create and store a new nav graph for this box world configuration. The graph is build by adding NavNode to the graph for each of the boxes in box world. Then edges are created (4-sided). ''' self.path = None # invalid so remove if present self.graph = SparseGraph() # Set a heuristic cost function for the search to use self.graph.cost_h = self._manhattan #self.graph.cost_h = self._hypot #self.graph.cost_h = self._max nx, ny = self.nx, self.ny # add all the nodes required for i, box in enumerate(self.boxes): box.pos = (i % nx, i // nx) #tuple position box.node = self.graph.add_node(Node(idx=i)) # build all the edges required for this world for i, box in enumerate(self.boxes): # four sided N-S-E-W connections if box.kind in no_edge: continue # UP (i + nx) if (i+nx) < len(self.boxes): self._add_edge(i, i+nx) # DOWN (i - nx) if (i-nx) >= 0: self._add_edge(i, i-nx) # RIGHT (i + 1) if (i%nx + 1) < nx: self._add_edge(i, i+1) # LEFT (i - 1) if (i%nx - 1) >= 0: self._add_edge(i, i-1) # # Diagonal connections # # UP LEFT(i + nx - 1) j = i + nx if (j-1) < len(self.boxes) and (j%nx - 1) >= 0: self._add_edge(i, j-1, 1.4142) # sqrt(1+1) # # UP RIGHT (i + nx + 1) j = i + nx if (j+1) < len(self.boxes) and (j%nx + 1) < nx: self._add_edge(i, j+1, 1.4142) # # DOWN LEFT(i - nx - 1) j = i - nx if (j-1) >= 0 and (j%nx - 1) >= 0: print i, j, j%nx self._add_edge(i, j-1, 1.4142) # # DOWN RIGHT (i - nx + 1) j = i - nx if (j+1) >= 0 and (j%nx +1) < nx: self._add_edge(i, j+1, 1.4142)
class BoxWorld(object): '''A world made up of boxes. ''' def __init__(self, nx, ny, cx, cy): self.boxes = [None] * nx * ny self.nx, self.ny = nx, ny # number of box (squares) for i in range(len(self.boxes)): self.boxes[i] = Box() self.boxes[i].idx = i # use resize to set all the positions correctly = = self.wx = self.wy = None self.resize(cx, cy) # create nav_graph self.path = None self.graph = None self.reset_navgraph() self.start = None = None self.agent_pos = None self.items_and_points_done = False def get_box_by_index(self, ix, iy): idx = (self.nx * iy) + ix return self.boxes[idx] if idx < len(self.boxes) else None def get_box_by_pos(self, x, y): idx = (self.nx * (y // self.wy)) + (x // self.wx) return self.boxes[idx] if idx < len(self.boxes) else None def update(self, delta): pass def draw(self, agent_pos): for box in self.boxes: box.draw() if cfg['EDGES_ON']: egi.set_pen_color(name='LIGHT_BLUE') for node, edges in self.graph.edgelist.items(): # print node, edges for dest in edges: egi.line_by_pos(self.boxes[node]._vc, self.boxes[dest]._vc) if self.path: # put a circle in the visited boxes? if cfg['BOXUSED_ON']: egi.set_pen_color(name="GREEN") for i in self.path.closed:[i]._vc, 10) if cfg['TREE_ON']: egi.set_stroke(3) # Show open edges route = self.path.route egi.set_pen_color(name='GREEN') for i in self.path.open_nodes:[i]._vc, 10) # show the partial paths considered egi.set_pen_color(name='ORANGE') for i, j in route.items(): egi.line_by_pos(self.boxes[i]._vc, self.boxes[j]._vc) egi.set_stroke(1) if cfg['PATH_ON']: # show the final path delivered egi.set_pen_color(name='RED') egi.set_stroke(2) path = self.path.path for i in range(1, len(path)): egi.line_by_pos(self.boxes[path[i - 1]]._vc, self.boxes[path[i]]._vc) egi.set_stroke(1) if agent_pos: egi.set_stroke(4) egi.set_pen_color(name="BLUE"), 10) def resize(self, cx, cy):, = cx, cy # world size self.wx = (cx - 1) // self.nx self.wy = (cy - 1) // self.ny # int div - box width/height for i in range(len(self.boxes)): # basic positions (bottom left to top right) x = (i % self.nx) * self.wx y = (i // self.nx) * self.wy # top, right, bottom, left coords = (y + self.wy - 1, x + self.wx - 1, y, x) self.boxes[i].reposition(coords) def _add_edge(self, from_idx, to_idx, distance=1.0): b = self.boxes if b[to_idx].kind not in no_edge: # stone wall cost = edge_cost(b[from_idx].kind, b[to_idx].kind) self.graph.add_edge(Edge(from_idx, to_idx, cost * distance)) def _manhattan(self, idx1, idx2): ''' Manhattan distance between two nodes in boxworld, assuming the minimal edge cost so that we don't overestimate the cost). ''' x1, y1 = self.boxes[idx1].pos x2, y2 = self.boxes[idx2].pos return (abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2)) * min_edge_cost def _hypot(self, idx1, idx2): '''Return the straight line distance between two points on a 2-D Cartesian plane. Argh, Pythagoras... trouble maker. ''' x1, y1 = self.boxes[idx1].pos x2, y2 = self.boxes[idx2].pos return hypot(x1 - x2, y1 - y2) * min_edge_cost def _max(self, idx1, idx2): '''Return the straight line distance between two points on a 2-D Cartesian plane. Argh, Pythagoras... trouble maker. ''' x1, y1 = self.boxes[idx1].pos x2, y2 = self.boxes[idx2].pos return max(abs(x1 - x2), abs(y1 - y2)) * min_edge_cost def reset_navgraph(self): ''' Create and store a new nav graph for this box world configuration. The graph is build by adding NavNode to the graph for each of the boxes in box world. Then edges are created (4-sided). ''' self.path = None # invalid so remove if present self.graph = SparseGraph() # Set a heuristic cost function for the search to use #self.graph.cost_h = self._manhattan self.graph.cost_h = self._hypot #self.graph.cost_h = self._max nx, ny = self.nx, self.ny # add all the nodes required for i, box in enumerate(self.boxes): box.pos = (i % nx, i // nx) #tuple position box.node = self.graph.add_node(Node(idx=i)) # build all the edges required for this world for i, box in enumerate(self.boxes): # four sided N-S-E-W connections if box.kind in no_edge: continue # UP (i + nx) if (i + nx) < len(self.boxes): self._add_edge(i, i + nx) # DOWN (i - nx) if (i - nx) >= 0: self._add_edge(i, i - nx) # RIGHT (i + 1) if (i % nx + 1) < nx: self._add_edge(i, i + 1) # LEFT (i - 1) if (i % nx - 1) >= 0: self._add_edge(i, i - 1) # # Diagonal connections # # UP LEFT(i + nx - 1) j = i + nx if (j - 1) < len(self.boxes) and (j % nx - 1) >= 0: self._add_edge(i, j - 1, 1.4142) # sqrt(1+1) # # UP RIGHT (i + nx + 1) j = i + nx if (j + 1) < len(self.boxes) and (j % nx + 1) < nx: self._add_edge(i, j + 1, 1.4142) # # DOWN LEFT(i - nx - 1) j = i - nx if (j - 1) >= 0 and (j % nx - 1) >= 0: print(i, j, j % nx) self._add_edge(i, j - 1, 1.4142) # # DOWN RIGHT (i - nx + 1) j = i - nx if (j + 1) >= 0 and (j % nx + 1) < nx: self._add_edge(i, j + 1, 1.4142) def set_start(self, idx): '''Set the start box based on its index idx value. ''' # remove any existing start node, set new start node if == self.boxes[idx]: print("Can't have the same start and end boxes!") return if self.start: self.start.marker = None self.start = self.boxes[idx] self.start.marker = 'S' def set_target(self, idx): '''Set the target box based on its index idx value. ''' # remove any existing target node, set new target node if self.start == self.boxes[idx]: print("Can't have the same start and end boxes!") return if is not None: = None = self.boxes[idx] = 'T' def plan_path(self, search, limit): '''Conduct a nav-graph search from the current world start node to the current target node, using a search method that matches the string specified in `search`. ''' cls = SEARCHES[search] self.path = cls(self.graph, self.start.idx,, self.item_idx, self.point_idx, limit) @classmethod def FromFile(cls, filename, pixels=(500, 500)): '''Support a the construction of a BoxWorld map from a simple text file. See the module doc details at the top of this file for format details. ''' # open and read the file f = open(filename) lines = [] for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line and not line.startswith('#'): lines.append(line) f.close() # first line is the number of boxes width, height nx, ny = [int(bit) for bit in lines.pop(0).split()] # Create a new BoxWorld to store all the new boxes in... cx, cy = pixels world = BoxWorld(nx, ny, cx, cy) # Get and set the Start and Target tiles s_idx, t_idx = [int(bit) for bit in lines.pop(0).split()] world.set_start(s_idx) world.set_target(t_idx) # Ready to process each line assert len(lines) == ny, "Number of rows doesn't match data." # read each line idx = 0 for line in reversed(lines): # in reverse order bits = line.split() assert len(bits) == nx, "Number of columns doesn't match data." for bit in bits: bit = bit.strip() assert bit in box_kind, "Not a known box type: " + bit world.boxes[idx].set_kind(bit) idx += 1 return world def items_and_points(self): self.items_and_points_done = True clear_boxes = [] for box in self.boxes: if box.kind == '.': clear_boxes.append(box) box_change = clear_boxes[randrange(len(clear_boxes))] box_selected = next( (box for box in self.boxes if box.pos == box_change.pos), None) box_selected.kind = 'I' self.item_idx = box_selected.idx self.item_found = False clear_boxes.remove(box_change) box_change = clear_boxes[randrange(len(clear_boxes))] box_selected = next( (box for box in self.boxes if box.pos == box_change.pos), None) box_selected.kind = 'P' self.point_idx = box_selected.idx self.point_found = False
class BoxWorld(object): '''A world made up of boxes. ''' def __init__(self, nx, ny, cx, cy): self.boxes = [None]*nx*ny self.nx, self.ny = nx, ny # number of box (squares) for i in range(len(self.boxes)): self.boxes[i] = Box() self.boxes[i].idx = i # use resize to set all the positions correctly = = self.wx = self.wy = None self.resize(cx, cy) # create nav_graph self.path = None self.graph = None self.reset_navgraph() self.start = None = None def get_box_by_index(self, ix, iy): idx = (self.nx * iy) + ix return self.boxes[idx] if idx < len(self.boxes) else None def get_box_by_pos(self, x, y): idx = (self.nx * (y // self.wy)) + (x // self.wx) return self.boxes[idx] if idx < len(self.boxes) else None def update(self, delta): pass def draw(self): for box in self.boxes: box.draw() if cfg['EDGES_ON']: egi.set_pen_color(name='LIGHT_BLUE') for node, edges in self.graph.edgelist.items(): # print node, edges for dest in edges: egi.line_by_pos(self.boxes[node]._vc, self.boxes[dest]._vc) if self.path: # put a circle in the visited boxes? if cfg['BOXUSED_ON']: egi.set_pen_color(name="GREEN") for i in self.path.closed:[i]._vc, 10) if cfg['TREE_ON']: egi.set_stroke(3) # Show open edges route = self.path.route egi.set_pen_color(name='GREEN') for i in[i]._vc, 10) # show the partial paths considered egi.set_pen_color(name='ORANGE') for i,j in route.items(): egi.line_by_pos(self.boxes[i]._vc, self.boxes[j]._vc) egi.set_stroke(1) if cfg['PATH_ON']: # show the final path delivered egi.set_pen_color(name='RED') egi.set_stroke(2) path = self.path.path for i in range(1,len(path)): egi.line_by_pos(self.boxes[path[i-1]]._vc, self.boxes[path[i]]._vc) egi.set_stroke(1) def resize(self, cx, cy):, = cx, cy # world size self.wx = (cx-1) // self.nx self.wy = (cy-1) // self.ny # int div - box width/height for i in range(len(self.boxes)): # basic positions (bottom left to top right) x = (i % self.nx) * self.wx y = (i // self.nx) * self.wy # top, right, bottom, left coords = (y + self.wy -1, x + self.wx -1, y, x) self.boxes[i].reposition(coords) def _add_edge(self, from_idx, to_idx, distance=1.0): b = self.boxes if b[to_idx].kind not in no_edge: # stone wall cost = edge_cost(b[from_idx].kind, b[to_idx].kind) self.graph.add_edge(Edge(from_idx, to_idx, cost*distance)) def _manhattan(self, idx1, idx2): ''' Manhattan distance between two nodes in boxworld, assuming the minimal edge cost so that we don't overestimate the cost). ''' x1, y1 = self.boxes[idx1].pos x2, y2 = self.boxes[idx2].pos return (abs(x1-x2) + abs(y1-y2)) * min_edge_cost def _hypot(self, idx1, idx2): '''Return the straight line distance between two points on a 2-D Cartesian plane. Argh, Pythagoras... trouble maker. ''' x1, y1 = self.boxes[idx1].pos x2, y2 = self.boxes[idx2].pos return hypot(x1-x2, y1-y2) * min_edge_cost def _max(self, idx1, idx2): '''Return the straight line distance between two points on a 2-D Cartesian plane. Argh, Pythagoras... trouble maker. ''' x1, y1 = self.boxes[idx1].pos x2, y2 = self.boxes[idx2].pos return max(abs(x1-x2),abs(y1-y2)) * min_edge_cost def reset_navgraph(self): ''' Create and store a new nav graph for this box world configuration. The graph is build by adding NavNode to the graph for each of the boxes in box world. Then edges are created (4-sided). ''' self.path = None # invalid so remove if present self.graph = SparseGraph() # Set a heuristic cost function for the search to use self.graph.cost_h = self._manhattan #self.graph.cost_h = self._hypot #self.graph.cost_h = self._max nx, ny = self.nx, self.ny # add all the nodes required for i, box in enumerate(self.boxes): box.pos = (i % nx, i // nx) #tuple position box.node = self.graph.add_node(Node(idx=i)) # build all the edges required for this world for i, box in enumerate(self.boxes): # four sided N-S-E-W connections if box.kind in no_edge: continue # UP (i + nx) if (i+nx) < len(self.boxes): self._add_edge(i, i+nx) # DOWN (i - nx) if (i-nx) >= 0: self._add_edge(i, i-nx) # RIGHT (i + 1) if (i%nx + 1) < nx: self._add_edge(i, i+1) # LEFT (i - 1) if (i%nx - 1) >= 0: self._add_edge(i, i-1) # # Diagonal connections # # UP LEFT(i + nx - 1) j = i + nx if (j-1) < len(self.boxes) and (j%nx - 1) >= 0: self._add_edge(i, j-1, 1.4142) # sqrt(1+1) # # UP RIGHT (i + nx + 1) j = i + nx if (j+1) < len(self.boxes) and (j%nx + 1) < nx: self._add_edge(i, j+1, 1.4142) # # DOWN LEFT(i - nx - 1) j = i - nx if (j-1) >= 0 and (j%nx - 1) >= 0: print i, j, j%nx self._add_edge(i, j-1, 1.4142) # # DOWN RIGHT (i - nx + 1) j = i - nx if (j+1) >= 0 and (j%nx +1) < nx: self._add_edge(i, j+1, 1.4142) def set_start(self, idx): '''Set the start box based on its index idx value. ''' # remove any existing start node, set new start node if == self.boxes[idx]: print("Can't have the same start and end boxes!") return if self.start: self.start.marker = None self.start = self.boxes[idx] self.start.marker = 'S' def set_target(self, idx): '''Set the target box based on its index idx value. ''' # remove any existing target node, set new target node if self.start == self.boxes[idx]: print("Can't have the same start and end boxes!") return if is not None: = None = self.boxes[idx] = 'T' def plan_path(self, search, limit): '''Conduct a nav-graph search from the current world start node to the current target node, using a search method that matches the string specified in `search`. ''' cls = SEARCHES[search] self.path = cls(self.graph, self.start.idx,, limit) @classmethod def FromFile(cls, filename, pixels=(500,500) ): '''Support a the construction of a BoxWorld map from a simple text file. See the module doc details at the top of this file for format details. ''' # open and read the file f = file(filename) lines = [] for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line and not line.startswith('#'): lines.append(line) f.close() # first line is the number of boxes width, height nx, ny = [int(bit) for bit in lines.pop(0).split()] # Create a new BoxWorld to store all the new boxes in... cx, cy = pixels world = BoxWorld(nx, ny, cx, cy) # Get and set the Start and Target tiles s_idx, t_idx = [int(bit) for bit in lines.pop(0).split()] world.set_start(s_idx) world.set_target(t_idx) # Ready to process each line assert len(lines) == ny, "Number of rows doesn't match data." # read each line idx = 0 for line in reversed(lines): # in reverse order bits = line.split() assert len(bits) == nx, "Number of columns doesn't match data." for bit in bits: bit = bit.strip() assert bit in box_kind, "Not a known box type: "+bit world.boxes[idx].set_kind(bit) idx += 1 return world