Exemplo n.º 1
def labelMobileDet( M, odd, parent ):

	labelMobileDet( M, odd, parent )

	In: M is a mobile.
		odd and parent are vertices in M.
		{odd,parent} is an edge in M.
		odd is of an odd generation (and thus,
		parent is of even generation).
		parent has already been given a label.
	Out: All descendants of odd of even generation
		have been given a label by the (-1)-rule.

	# The labels are determined by the label of odd's parent.
	parentLabel = M.node[parent][ 'label' ]

	# The children to be labeled.
	children = graphUtil.childrenOf( odd, M, parent )

	# Make sure that the children get the labels in the correct order.

	# Label odd's children.
	for i in range(len( children )):

		v = children[i]

		# The next vertex gets a label that is
		# one less than the preceding vertex.
		M.node[v][ 'label' ] = parentLabel - i - 1
		# Find all children of v (they are of an odd generation)
		# and label them.
		childrenOf_v = graphUtil.childrenOf( v, M, odd )

		for child_v in childrenOf_v:
			labelMobileDet( M, child_v, v )
Exemplo n.º 2
def relabelTree( T, root ):

	S = relabelTree( T, root )

	In: T is a tree with vertices 0, 1, ..., n-1 and root is a vertex in T.
		Each vertex in T has an integer 'age' attribute such that siblings
		have different ages.
		We take siblings to be drawn in ascending order by age from left to
		right in the plane.

	Out: S is a new tree that is just like T, except the vertices have been
		relabeled to 0, 1, ..., n-1 such that the root is 0 and for each
		vertex its children are in ascending order from left to right,
		all vertices in generation <=k are smaller than all vertices in
		generation >k (for all k).


	n = nx.number_of_nodes( T )
	# Dictionary for the new labels.
	newLabels = dict(zip( range(n), range(n) ))
	nextLabel = 0
	Q = Queue.Queue( maxsize = n )
	Q.put( ( root, None ) )

	while not Q.empty():
		# We have found labels for all the nextLabel vertices
		# that are not descendants of the vertices in the queue Q.
		# The next vertex, node, gets the next number.
		node, parent = Q.get()

		newLabels[node] = nextLabel
		nextLabel = nextLabel + 1

		# Put each child of node on the queue in ascending order by age.
		children = graphUtil.childrenOf( node, T, parent )
		children.sort( key = lambda child: T.node[child][ 'age' ] )
		for child in children:
			Q.put( ( child, node ) )

	# Relabel the vertices according to the dictionary.
	return nx.relabel_nodes( T, newLabels )
Exemplo n.º 3
def findContourSequence( contSeq, T, node, parent ):

	findContourSequence( contSeq, T, node, parent )
	In:	contSeq is a list
		T is a tree such that for each node, its
		children appear in ascending order from left
		to right in the plane.
		node and parent are nodes in T,
		except if parent == None, in which case node
		is the root of T.

	Out: node and all its descendants (assuming parent is
		the parent of node) have been added to contSeq 
		(with repetition) in the order they appear in a 
		clockwise walk around the subtree induced by node
		and its	descendants.

	contSeq.append( node )

	children = graphUtil.childrenOf( node, T, parent )

	# Ensure that the children are visited in the correct order.

	# Recursively finish the objective for each child of node.
	for child in children:

		findContourSequence( contSeq, T, child, node )

	# If node is not the root, walk back to its parent.
	if not parent is None:

		contSeq.append( parent )
Exemplo n.º 4
def findContourSequence(contSeq, T, node, parent):

	findContourSequence( contSeq, T, node, parent )
	In:	contSeq is a list
		T is a tree such that for each node, its
		children appear in ascending order from left
		to right in the plane.
		node and parent are nodes in T,
		except if parent == None, in which case node
		is the root of T.

	Out: node and all its descendants (assuming parent is
		the parent of node) have been added to contSeq 
		(with repetition) in the order they appear in a 
		clockwise walk around the subtree induced by node
		and its	descendants.


    children = graphUtil.childrenOf(node, T, parent)

    # Ensure that the children are visited in the correct order.

    # Recursively finish the objective for each child of node.
    for child in children:

        findContourSequence(contSeq, T, child, node)

    # If node is not the root, walk back to its parent.
    if not parent is None:

Exemplo n.º 5
def labelMobileRand( M, odd, parent ):

	labelMobileRand( M, odd, parent )

	In: M is a mobile.
		odd and parent are vertices in M.
		{odd,parent} is an edge in M.
		odd is of an odd generation (and thus,
		parent is of even generation).
		parent has already been given a label.
	Out: All descendants of odd of even generation
		have been given a random label.


	# The children to be labeled.
	children = graphUtil.childrenOf( odd, M, parent )

	# Make sure that the children get the labels in the correct order.

	n = len(children)

	if n == 0:

	# Make use of the multinomial method to get labels
	# such that the differences of nearby labels are
	# i.i.d.

	# Maximum number of trials:
	maxiter = 999

	# Probability distribution of jumps + 1:
	xi = lambda k: 0.5 ** ( k + 1. )
	trials = 0

	while True:
		N = graphUtil.multinomial( n + 1, xi )
		K = len(N)

		trials += 1
		# If sum( (j-1)*N[j] ) == 0, then we are done.
		# If not, try again.
		if ( ( np.arange(K) - 1 ) * N ).sum() == 0:


		if trials >= maxiter:

			raise RuntimeError('Maximum number of trials reached' +\
								' (%d). ' % maxiter +\
								'Try again or choose another' +\
								'probability distribution.')

	# Create a vector with N[j] copies of j
	# for j = 0, ..., K-1 and permute it randomly.
	Jumps = np.concatenate([ ( j - 1 ) * np.ones( N[j] ) for j in range(K) ])

	Jumps = np.random.permutation( Jumps ).astype( int )

	# Now, Jumps is a vector of n + 1 independent random variables
	# distributed by f(k) = 0.5^(k+2) for k >= -1 and sum(Jumps) == 0.

	# The labels are determined by the label of odd's parent.
	currentLabel = M.node[parent][ 'label' ]
	# Label odd's children.
	for i in range(len( children )):
		v = children[i]

		currentLabel =  currentLabel + Jumps[i]
		M.node[v][ 'label' ] = currentLabel
		# Find all children of v (they are of an odd generation)
		# and label them.
		childrenOf_v = graphUtil.childrenOf( v, M, odd )
		for child_v in childrenOf_v:

			labelMobileRand( M, child_v, v )