Exemplo n.º 1
def existence_accuracy(target, output, use_nodes=True, use_edges=True):
    if not use_nodes and not use_edges:
        raise ValueError("Nodes or edges (or both) must be used")
    tdds = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(target)
    odds = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(output)
    cs = []
    ss = []
    for td, od in zip(tdds, odds):

        nodes_to_predict = td["nodes"][:, 0] == 0
        xn = np.argmax(td["nodes"][:, 1:], axis=-1)
        xn = xn[nodes_to_predict]
        yn = np.argmax(softmax(od["nodes"][:, 1:], axis=1), axis=-1)
        yn = yn[nodes_to_predict]

        edges_to_predict = td["edges"][:, 0] == 0
        xe = np.argmax(td["edges"][:, 1:], axis=-1)
        xe = xe[edges_to_predict]
        ye = np.argmax(softmax(od["edges"][:, 1:], axis=1), axis=-1)
        ye = ye[edges_to_predict]

        c = []
        if use_nodes:
            c.append(xn == yn)
        if use_edges:
            c.append(xe == ye)
        c = np.concatenate(c, axis=0)
        s = np.all(c)
    correct = np.mean(np.concatenate(cs, axis=0))
    solved = np.mean(np.stack(ss))
    return correct, solved
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _compute_metrics(self, target, output):
        """Calculate model accuracy, precision, recall.

        Returns list with metrics

          target: A List of `graphs.GraphsTuple` that contains the target graph.
          output: A List of `graphs.GraphsTuple` that contains the output graph.

          metrics: A List with accuracy, recall and precision scores

          ValueError: Nodes or edges (or both) must be used
        true, preds = [], []

        # Unzip list of graphs
        for t, o in zip(target, output):
            d_t = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(t)
            d_o = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(o)
            # Obtain target and prediction for every graph
            for td, od in zip(d_t, d_o):

        metrics = [accuracy_score(true, preds), recall_score(true, preds), precision_score(true, preds)]

        return metrics, classification_report(true, preds, output_dict = True)
def compute_jaccard_accuracy(target, output, use_nodes=True, use_edges=False):
    if not use_nodes and not use_edges:
        raise ValueError("Nodes or edges (or both) must be used")
    tdds = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(target)
    odds = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(output)
    cs = []
    ss = []

    for td, od in zip(tdds, odds):
        xn = np.argmax(td["nodes"], axis=-1)
        yn = np.argmax(od["nodes"], axis=-1)
        xe = np.argmax(td["edges"], axis=-1)
        ye = np.argmax(od["edges"], axis=-1)
        c = []
        solved_pixels = []
        if use_nodes:
            c.append(float(1 - jaccard(xn, yn)))
            solved_pixels.append(xn == yn)
        if use_edges:
            c.append(float(1 - jaccard(xe, ye)))
            solved_pixels.append(xe == ye)
        "c = np.concatenate(c, axis=0)"
        s = np.all(solved_pixels)
    mean_koeficient = np.mean(cs)
    solved = np.mean(np.stack(ss))
    return mean_koeficient, solved
Exemplo n.º 4
def save_predicted_graphs(path, inputs, outputs, accurately=False):
    Saves the predicted graphs to a jsonl file
    :param path: The path where the file shall be saved
    :param inputs: Training input graphs
    :param outputs: Training output graphs
    :param accurately: Whether to save the scores or just whether the result was one or zero
    inputs_dict = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(inputs)
    outputs_dict = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(outputs)
    mode = 'a' if os.path.exists(path) else 'w'
    with open(path, mode) as output:
        for (in_, out_) in zip(inputs_dict, outputs_dict):
            if not accurately:
                out_dict = {"nodes": [[i.tolist(), int(np.argmax(o))] for (i, o) in zip(in_["nodes"], out_["nodes"])],
                            "edges": [[i[0], int(np.argmax(o))] for (i, o) in zip(in_["edges"], out_["edges"])],
                            "globals": [float(g) for g in in_["globals"]],
                            "senders": in_["senders"].tolist(),
                            "receivers": in_["receivers"].tolist()}
                out_dict = {"nodes": [[i.tolist(), o[1]] for (i, o) in zip(in_["nodes"], out_["nodes"])],
                            "edges": [[i[0], o[1]] for (i, o) in zip(in_["edges"], out_["edges"])],
                            "globals": [float(g) for g in in_["globals"]],
                            "senders": in_["senders"].tolist(),
                            "receivers": in_["receivers"].tolist()}
            print(json.dumps(out_dict), file=output)
Exemplo n.º 5
def compute_accuracy_ratio(target, output, is_categorical=False):
    Computes the accuracy ratio on nodes and edges, and also on the whole correctly predicted graph itself
    :param target: The target graphs
    :param output: The output graphs
    :param is_categorical: Whether the output is categorical (feature size = 1) or not
    :return: The ratio of correctly predicted nodes and edges, and the correctly predicted full graphs
    target_dicts = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(target)
    output_dicts = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(output)
    solved = 0
    corrects = []
    for target_dict, output_dict in zip(target_dicts, output_dicts):
        solved_nodes = False
        solved_edges = False
        num_elements = target_dict["nodes"].shape[0]
        num_edges = target_dict["edges"].shape[0]
        correct_nodes = 0
        correct_edges = 0

        for target_nodes, output_nodes in zip(target_dict["nodes"],
            if not is_categorical and (target_nodes[0] + 0.5 > output_nodes[0] >= target_nodes[0] - 0.5) and \
                    ((target_nodes[1] == 1. and output_nodes[1] >= 0.5) or (target_nodes[1] == 0. and
                                                                                    output_nodes[1] < 0.5)):
                correct_nodes += 1
            elif is_categorical and (
                (target_nodes[0] == 1. and output_nodes[0] >= 0.5) or
                (target_nodes[0] == 0. and output_nodes[0] < 0.5)):
                correct_nodes += 1
        if correct_nodes == num_elements:
            solved_nodes = True

        for target_edges, output_edges in zip(target_dict["edges"],
            if not is_categorical and (target_edges[0] + 0.5 > output_edges[0] >= target_edges[0] - 0.5) and \
                    ((target_edges[1] == 1. and output_edges[1] >= 0.5) or
                     (target_edges[1] == 0. and output_edges[1] < 0.5)):
                correct_edges += 1
            elif is_categorical and (
                (target_edges[0] == 1. and output_edges[0] >= 0.5) or
                (target_edges[0] == 0. and output_edges[0] < 0.5)):
                correct_edges += 1
        if correct_edges == num_edges:
            solved_edges = True

        if solved_edges and solved_nodes:
            solved += 1

        corrects.append((correct_nodes, num_elements))
        corrects.append((correct_edges, num_edges))

    corr_, all_ = 0, 0
    for c in corrects:
        corr_ += c[0]
        all_ += c[1]
    return corr_ / all_, solved / len(target)
Exemplo n.º 6
def compute_accuracy_class(target, output):
        tds = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(target)
        solved = [ int(np.argmax(t["globals"]) == np.argmax(o)) for t,o in zip(tds,output[0]) ]
        tds = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(target)
        ods = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(output)
        solved = [ int(np.argmax(t["nodes"]) == np.argmax(o)) for t,o in zip(tds,ods) ]
    return sum(solved), len(solved)
Exemplo n.º 7
def eval_output(target, output):
    tdds = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(target)
    odds = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(output)

    test_target = []
    test_pred = []
    for td, od in zip(tdds, odds):

    test_target = np.concatenate(test_target, axis=0)
    test_pred   = np.concatenate(test_pred,   axis=0)
    return test_pred, test_target
Exemplo n.º 8
def graphs_tuples_to_darwin_batches(graph_nets):
        graphs_tuple : GraphTuple from graph_nets
        graph : adjacency matrix of the graph, shape = (num_graphs, num_nodes, num_nodes)
        node_features :  Matrix of node features, shape = (num_graphs, num_nodes, num_node_features)
    adjs_gt = []
    node_features = []
    adjs_inp = []

    data_dicts = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(graph_nets)
    for data_dict in data_dicts:
        nodes = data_dict['nodes']
        num_nodes = len(nodes)

        adj_inp = np.zeros(shape=(num_nodes, num_nodes))
        adj_gt = np.zeros(shape=(num_nodes, num_nodes))

        senders = data_dict['senders']
        receivers = data_dict['receivers']
        edges = data_dict['edges']

        adj_inp[senders, receivers] = 1.0
        adjs_gt[senders, receivers] = edges


    return np.array(adjs_gt), np.array(node_features), np.array(adjs_inp)
Exemplo n.º 9
def eval_output(target, output):
    target, output are graph-tuple from TF-GNN,
    each of them contains N=batch-size graphs
    tdds = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(target)
    odds = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(output)

    test_target = []
    test_pred = []
    for td, od in zip(tdds, odds):

    test_target = np.concatenate(test_target, axis=0)
    test_pred = np.concatenate(test_pred, axis=0)
    return test_pred, test_target
def GraphsTupleToQpos(graphs_tuple, mean, std, env_len):
    edges = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(graphs_tuple)[0]['edges']
    # Initialise an array with all zeros (which will initialise the root position to 0)
    qpos = [0] * env_len
    for i in range(int(len(edges) / 2)):
        # edges are copied over as a mean of edges going both ways
        # +7 is required to skip over the root pos and quat
        qpos[i + 7] = (edges[i * 2] + edges[(i * 2) + 1]) / 2
        qpos[i + 7] = (qpos[i + 7] * std[i + 7]) + mean[i + 7]
    return np.array(qpos).flatten()
Exemplo n.º 11
def compute_accuracy(target, output, use_nodes=True, use_edges=False):
    """Calculate model accuracy.

    Returns the number of correctly predicted shortest path nodes and the number
    of completely solved graphs (100% correct predictions).

      target: A `graphs.GraphsTuple` that contains the target graph.
      output: A `graphs.GraphsTuple` that contains the output graph.
      use_nodes: A `bool` indicator of whether to compute node accuracy or not.
      use_edges: A `bool` indicator of whether to compute edge accuracy or not.

      correct: A `float` fraction of correctly labeled nodes/edges.
      solved: A `float` fraction of graphs that are completely correctly labeled.

      ValueError: Nodes or edges (or both) must be used
    if not use_nodes and not use_edges:
        raise ValueError("Nodes or edges (or both) must be used")
    tdds = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(target)
    odds = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(output)
    cs = []
    ss = []

    for td, od in zip(tdds, odds):
        xn = np.argmax(td["nodes"], axis=-1)
        yn = np.argmax(od["nodes"], axis=-1)
        xe = np.argmax(td["edges"], axis=-1)
        ye = np.argmax(od["edges"], axis=-1)
        c = []
        if use_nodes:
            c.append(xn == yn)
        if use_edges:
            c.append(xe == ye)
        c = np.concatenate(c, axis=0)
        s = np.all(c)
    correct = np.mean(np.concatenate(cs, axis=0))
    solved = np.mean(np.stack(ss))
    return correct, solved
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(self, none_fields):
   graphs_tuple = utils_np.data_dicts_to_graphs_tuple(self.graphs_dicts_in)
   graphs_tuple = graphs_tuple.map(lambda _: None, none_fields)
   data_dicts = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(graphs_tuple)
   for none_field, data_dict in itertools.product(none_fields, data_dicts):
     self.assertEqual(None, data_dict[none_field])
   for expected_data_dict, data_dict in zip(self.graphs_dicts_out, data_dicts):
     for k, v in expected_data_dict.items():
       if k not in none_fields:
         self.assertAllClose(v, data_dict[k])
Exemplo n.º 13
 def make_feed_dict(val):
     if isinstance(val, GraphsTuple):
         graphs_tuple = val
         dicts = []
         for graphs_tuple in val:
         graphs_tuple = utils_np.data_dicts_to_graphs_tuple(dicts)
     return utils_tf.get_feed_dict(placeholders, graphs_tuple)
    def test_get_single_item(self):
        index = 2
        expected = self.graphs_dicts_out[index]

        graphs = utils_np.data_dicts_to_graphs_tuple(self.graphs_dicts_in)
        graph = utils_np.get_graph(graphs, index)
        actual, = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(graph)

        for k, v in expected.items():
            self.assertAllClose(v, actual[k])
Exemplo n.º 15
def compute_tp_tn_fp_fn(target, output, types, print_steps=False):
    Calculates the True Positive, True Negative, False Positive and False Negative values in the batch.
    :param target: The expected values in the graph
    :param output: The calculated values in the graph
    :param types: The labels in the graph. (eq. edges0 means the edges with value 0)
    :param print_steps: Whether to print each batch's report
    results = {type_: {"tp": 0, "tn": 0, "fp": 0, "fn": 0} for type_ in types}
    tdds = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(target)
    odds = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(output)
    for td, od in zip(tdds, odds):
        if print_steps:
        for type_ in types:
            compute_one_tp_tn_fp_fn(results, type_, int(type_[-1]),
                                    np.argmax(td[type_[:-1]], axis=-1),
                                    np.argmax(od[type_[:-1]], axis=-1),
    return results
    def test_get_many_items(self):
        index = slice(1, 3)
        expected = self.graphs_dicts_out[index]

        graphs = utils_np.data_dicts_to_graphs_tuple(self.graphs_dicts_in)
        graphs2 = utils_np.get_graph(graphs, index)
        actual = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(graphs2)

        for ex, ac in zip(expected, actual):
            for k, v in ex.items():
                self.assertAllClose(v, ac[k])
Exemplo n.º 17
def predicted_graphs_to_nxs(gnn_output, input_graphs, target_graphs, **kwargs):
    output_nxs = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_networkxs(gnn_output)
    input_dds = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(input_graphs)
    target_dds = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(target_graphs)

    total_graphs = len(output_nxs)
    print("total_graphs", total_graphs)
    graphs = []
    for ig in range(total_graphs):
        input_dd = input_dds[ig]
        target_dd = target_dds[ig]

        graph = data_dict_to_nx(input_dd, target_dd, **kwargs)

        ## update edge features with TF output
        for edge in graph.edges():
            graph.edges[edge]['predict'] = output_nxs[ig].edges[
                edge + (0, )]['features']

    return graphs
Exemplo n.º 18
 def graphTupleValEqual(self, feat, val0, val1):
     if isinstance(val0, graphs.GraphsTuple) and isinstance(val1, dict):
         val0 = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(val0)[0]
         val0 = utils_np.data_dicts_to_graphs_tuple([val0])
         val0 = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(val0)[0]
     if isinstance(val1, graphs.GraphsTuple):
         val1 = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(val1)[0]
         val1 = utils_np.data_dicts_to_graphs_tuple([val1])
         val1 = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(val1)[0]
     for k in val0.keys():
         sub_feat = feat.features[k]
         if val0[k] is None or val1[k] is None:
             val0_none = val0[k] is None or val0[k].shape[0] == 0
             val1_none = val1[k] is None or val1[k].shape[0] == 0
             if val0_none != val1_none:
                 return False
         elif not self.isEqualSampleVals(sub_feat, val0[k], val1[k]):
             return False
     return True
Exemplo n.º 19
def compute_accuracy_on_nodes(target, output):
    Computes the accuracy ratio on nodes, and also on the whole correctly predicted graph (its nodes) itself
    :param target: The target graphs
    :param output: The output graphs
    :return: The ratio of correctly predicted nodes and edges, and the correctly predicted full graphs
    tdds = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(target)
    odds = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(output)
    cs = []
    ss = []
    for td, od in zip(tdds, odds):
        xn = np.argmax(td["nodes"], axis=-1)
        yn = np.argmax(od["nodes"], axis=-1)
        c = [xn == yn]
        c = np.concatenate(c, axis=0)
        s = np.all(c)
    correct = np.mean(np.concatenate(cs, axis=0))
    solved = np.mean(np.stack(ss))
    return correct, solved
Exemplo n.º 20
def predict_one_graph(model, checkpoint, json_data, device='/device:GPU:0'):
    Predicts one output for the one given input
    :param model: The model used for prediction
    :param checkpoint: The path to the previously saved checkpoint file
    :param json_data: The dictionary containing the information of one article
    :param device: Which device to use. GPU:0 is the default.
    :return: The scored ooutput
    data_dict_list = [
    inputs = utils_tf.data_dicts_to_graphs_tuple(data_dict_list)
    outputs = model(inputs, 1)
    saver = tf.train.Saver()
    with tf.device(device):
        with tf.Session() as sess:
            checkpoint = checkpoint if checkpoint.endswith(
                ".ckpt") else "{}.ckpt".format(checkpoint)
            saver.restore(sess, checkpoint)
            values = sess.run({"inputs": inputs, "outputs": outputs})
    inputs_dict = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(values["inputs"])[0]
    outputs_dict = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(values["outputs"][0])[0]
    return {
        [[[j.decode("utf-8") for j in i], o[1]]
         for (i, o) in zip(inputs_dict["nodes"], outputs_dict["nodes"])],
        [[i[0].decode("utf-8"), o[1]]
         for (i, o) in zip(inputs_dict["edges"], outputs_dict["edges"])],
        "globals": [float(g) for g in inputs_dict["globals"]],
Exemplo n.º 21
def compute_accuracy(target, output):
  """Calculate model accuracy.

  Returns the number of correctly predicted links and the number
  of completely solved list sorts (100% correct predictions).

    target: A `graphs.GraphsTuple` that contains the target graph.
    output: A `graphs.GraphsTuple` that contains the output graph.

    correct: A `float` fraction of correctly labeled nodes/edges.
    solved: A `float` fraction of graphs that are completely correctly labeled.
  tdds = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(target)
  odds = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(output)
  cs = []
  ss = []
  for td, od in zip(tdds, odds):
    num_elements = td["nodes"].shape[0]
    xn = np.argmax(td["nodes"], axis=-1)
    yn = np.argmax(od["nodes"], axis=-1)

    xe = np.reshape(
            np.reshape(td["edges"], (num_elements, num_elements, 2)), axis=-1),
    ye = np.reshape(
            np.reshape(od["edges"], (num_elements, num_elements, 2)), axis=-1),
    c = np.concatenate((xn == yn, xe == ye), axis=0)
    s = np.all(c)
  correct = np.mean(np.concatenate(cs, axis=0))
  solved = np.mean(np.stack(ss))
  return correct, solved
Exemplo n.º 22
  def test_getitem_one(self, use_tensor_index):
    index = 2
    expected = self.graphs_dicts_out[index]

    if use_tensor_index:
      index = tf.constant(index)

    graphs_tuple = utils_tf.data_dicts_to_graphs_tuple(self.graphs_dicts_in)
    graph = utils_tf.get_graph(graphs_tuple, index)

    graph = utils_tf.nest_to_numpy(graph)
    actual, = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(graph)

    for k, v in expected.items():
      self.assertAllClose(v, actual[k])
    self.assertEqual(expected["nodes"].shape[0], actual["n_node"])
    self.assertEqual(expected["edges"].shape[0], actual["n_edge"])
Exemplo n.º 23
    def test_getitem_one(self):
        index = 2
        expected = self.graphs_dicts_out[index]

        graphs_tuple = utils_tf.data_dicts_to_graphs_tuple(
        graph_op = utils_tf.get_graph(graphs_tuple, index)
        graph_op = utils_tf.make_runnable_in_session(graph_op)

        with self.test_session() as sess:
            graph = sess.run(graph_op)
        actual, = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(graph)

        for k, v in expected.items():
            self.assertAllClose(v, actual[k])
        self.assertEqual(expected["nodes"].shape[0], actual["n_node"])
        self.assertEqual(expected["edges"].shape[0], actual["n_edge"])
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test_getitem(self):
        index = slice(1, 3)
        expected = self.graphs_dicts_out[index]

        graphs_tuple = utils_tf.data_dicts_to_graphs_tuple(
        graphs2_op = utils_tf.get_graph(graphs_tuple, index)
        graphs2_op = utils_tf.make_runnable_in_session(graphs2_op)

        with self.test_session() as sess:
            graphs2 = sess.run(graphs2_op)
        actual = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(graphs2)

        for ex, ac in zip(expected, actual):
            for k, v in ex.items():
                self.assertAllClose(v, ac[k])
            self.assertEqual(ex["nodes"].shape[0], ac["n_node"])
            self.assertEqual(ex["edges"].shape[0], ac["n_edge"])
Exemplo n.º 25
  def test_getitem(self, use_tensor_slice):
    index = slice(1, 3)
    expected = self.graphs_dicts_out[index]

    if use_tensor_slice:
      index = slice(tf.constant(index.start), tf.constant(index.stop))

    graphs_tuple = utils_tf.data_dicts_to_graphs_tuple(self.graphs_dicts_in)
    graphs2 = utils_tf.get_graph(graphs_tuple, index)

    graphs2 = utils_tf.nest_to_numpy(graphs2)
    actual = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(graphs2)

    for ex, ac in zip(expected, actual):
      for k, v in ex.items():
        self.assertAllClose(v, ac[k])
      self.assertEqual(ex["nodes"].shape[0], ac["n_node"])
      self.assertEqual(ex["edges"].shape[0], ac["n_edge"])
Exemplo n.º 26
	gradients = tape.gradient(loss_tr, graph_network.trainable_variables)
	optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, graph_network.trainable_variables))
	return outputs_tr, loss_tr

def specs_from_tensor(tensor_sample,description_fn=tf.TensorSpec):
	shape = list(tensor_sample.shape)
	dtype = tensor_sample.dtype

	return description_fn(shape=shape, dtype=dtype) 

# Get some example data that resembles the tensors that will be fed
# into update_step():

Input_data, example_target_data = code.next_batch(0)
graph_dicts = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(Input_data)	
example_input_data = utils_tf.data_dicts_to_graphs_tuple(graph_dicts)

# Get the input signature for that function by obtaining the specs
input_signature = [

# Compile the update function using the input signature for speedy code.
compiled_update_step = tf.function(update_step, input_signature=input_signature)
############# tf_function ###################

for echo in range(max_iteration):
Exemplo n.º 27
ax.plot(x, y_ge, "k--", label="Test/generalization")
ax.set_title("Fraction solved across training")
ax.set_xlabel("Training iteration")
ax.set_ylabel("Fraction examples solved")

# Plot graphs and results after each processing step.
# The white node is the start, and the black is the end. Other nodes are colored
# from red to purple to blue, where red means the model is confident the node is
# off the shortest path, blue means the model is confident the node is on the
# shortest path, and purplish colors mean the model isn't sure.
max_graphs_to_plot = 8  #@param{type:"slider", min:4, max:8, step:1}
num_steps_to_plot = 4  #@param{type:"slider", min:1, max:8, step:1}
node_size = 120  #@param{type:"slider", min:64, max:2048, step:1}
min_c = 0.3
num_graphs = len(raw_graphs)
targets = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(test_values["target"])
step_indices = np.floor(
    np.linspace(0, num_processing_steps_ge - 1,

outputs = list(
          for i in step_indices)))
h = min(num_graphs, max_graphs_to_plot)
w = num_steps_to_plot + 1
fig = plt.figure(101, figsize=(18, h * 3))
ncs = []
for j, (graph, target, output) in enumerate(zip(raw_graphs, targets, outputs)):
    if j >= h:
Exemplo n.º 28
def get_graph_dict(graph_tuple):
    return utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(graph_tuple)
Exemplo n.º 29
def copy_graph(graphs_tuple):
    return utils_np.data_dicts_to_graphs_tuple(
Exemplo n.º 30
def print_graphs_tuple(graphs_tuple):
    print("Shapes of `GraphsTuple`'s fields:")
        graphs_tuple.map(lambda x: x if x is None else x.shape,
    print("\nData contained in `GraphsTuple`'s fields:")

# print_graphs_tuple(graphs_tuple)

recovered_data_dict_list = utils_np.graphs_tuple_to_data_dicts(graphs_tuple)
# print(recovered_data_dict_list)

n_node = 3

senders = [0, 1, 2]
receivers = [1, 2, 0]

data_dict = {"n_node": n_node, "senders": senders, "receivers": receivers}

graphs_tuple = utils_np.data_dicts_to_graphs_tuple([data_dict])