Exemplo n.º 1
    def attributeLocation(self, name): #bruce 090302 renamed from self.attribute()
        Return location of an attribute (per-vertex input) shader variable.
        If it's not found, return -1 and warn once per session for end users,
        or raise an AssertionError for developers.

        @see: _has_shader_attribute
        loc = glGetAttribLocationARB(self.progObj, name)
        if loc == -1:
            msg = "Invalid or unused attribute variable name '%s'." % name
            if EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures():
                # Developers want to know of a mismatch between their Python
                # and shader programs as soon as possible.  Not doing so causes
                # logic errors, or at least incorrect assumptions, to silently
                # propagate through the code and makes debugging more difficult.
                assert 0, msg
                # End users on the other hand, may value program stability more.
                # Just print a warning if the program is released.  Do it only
                # once per session, since this will be in the inner draw loop!
                global _warnedVars
                if name not in _warnedVars:
                    print "Warning:", msg
                    _warnedVars += [name]
        return loc
Exemplo n.º 2
    def attributeLocation(self, name): #bruce 090302 renamed from self.attribute()
        Return location of an attribute (per-vertex input) shader variable.
        If it's not found, return -1 and warn once per session for end users,
        or raise an AssertionError for developers.

        @see: _has_shader_attribute
        loc = glGetAttribLocationARB(self.progObj, name)
        if loc == -1:
            msg = "Invalid or unused attribute variable name '%s'." % name
            if EndUser.enableDeveloperFeatures():
                # Developers want to know of a mismatch between their Python
                # and shader programs as soon as possible.  Not doing so causes
                # logic errors, or at least incorrect assumptions, to silently
                # propagate through the code and makes debugging more difficult.
                assert 0, msg
                # End users on the other hand, may value program stability more.
                # Just print a warning if the program is released.  Do it only
                # once per session, since this will be in the inner draw loop!
                global _warnedVars
                if name not in _warnedVars:
                    print "Warning:", msg
                    _warnedVars += [name]
        return loc
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _has_shader_attribute(self, name): #bruce 090309 [untested, not currently used]
        @return: whether the specified attribute (per-vertex input)
                 shader variable has a location.
        @rtype: boolean        

        @note: this can differ for different platforms based on the
            level of optimization done by their implementation of GLSL
            (if the attribute is allocated but not used by our shaders).

        @see: attributeLocation
        loc = glGetAttribLocationARB(self.progObj, name)
        return (loc != -1)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _has_shader_attribute(self, name): #bruce 090309 [untested, not currently used]
        @return: whether the specified attribute (per-vertex input)
                 shader variable has a location.
        @rtype: boolean

        @note: this can differ for different platforms based on the
            level of optimization done by their implementation of GLSL
            (if the attribute is allocated but not used by our shaders).

        @see: attributeLocation
        loc = glGetAttribLocationARB(self.progObj, name)
        return (loc != -1)