Exemplo n.º 1
def hovmoller(lon, tm, z, zo=None, zz=None, title=None, label=None,
              labels=dict(), crange=None, cmap=cm.GMT_no_green,
              orientation='landscape', show=False, save='', ftype='png',
              adjustprops=None, bottom=None, right=None, loc=[], std=None,
              xunits='deg', draft=False, hookx=None, hooky=None):
    """Hovmoller plots.

        lon (array like) :
            Longitude axis.
        tm (array like) :
            Time axis.
        z (array like) :
            Filled contour variable.
        zo (array like) :
            Overlapping contour variable (e.g. relative significance of
            wavelet analysis) to be ploted with a thick solid black line.
        zz (array like) :
            Another overlapping contour variagle (e.g. original data) to be
            ploted with a thin solid white line.
        title (string, array like, optional) :
            Sets the contour plot title. If array like, each element of
            the array becomes the title for plot.
        label (string, array like, optional) :
            Sets the label for each plot. If array like, each element
            of the array becomes the label for each plot.
        labels (dictionary, optional) :
            Sets the labels for the plot axis.
        units (string, array like, optional) :
            Determines the units for all the contours together or
        crange (array like, optional) :
            Sets the color range of the maps. If not given then the
            range is calculated from the input data.
        cmap (colormap, optional) :
            Sets the colormap to be used in the plots. The default is
            the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) no green.
        orientation (string, optional) :
            Sets the orientation of the figure. Allowed options are
            'landscape' (default), 'portrait', 'squared'.
        show (boolean, optional) :
            If set to true the the resulting maps are explicitly shown
            on screen.
        save (string, optional) :
            The path in which the resulting plots are to be saved. If
            not set, then no images will be saved.
        ftype (string, optional) :
            The image file type. Most backends support png, pdf, ps,
            eps and svg.
        adjustprops (dict, optional) :
            Dictionary containing the subplot parameters.
        bottom (string, optional) :
            If set to ether 'std' or 'avg' plots respectively the
            standard deviation or mean of the signal at the bottom.
        loc (list, optional) :
            Lists the longitude of locations to be marked in plot.
        xunit (string, optional) :
            Determines the x-axis unit. Valid options are either 'deg'
            for degrees (default) or 'km' for kilometers.
        draft (boolean, optional) :
            If set to true, then reduces the size of the colorbar to
            approximatelly two colors to save time. Default is false.
        hookx, hooky (function, optional) :
            Executes a hook function after the plot in the x and y
            axes, respectivelly.

        Hovmoller contour plots plots either on screen and or on file
        according to the specified parameters.


    t1 = time()

    # Setting undefined label strings.
    if 'units' not in labels.keys():
        labels['units'] = ''
    if 'Year' not in labels.keys():
        labels['Year'] = 'Year'
    if 'std' not in labels.keys():
        labels['std'] = 'Std'
    if 'avg' not in labels.keys():
            labels['avg'] = 'Avg'

    # Transforms input arrays in numpy arrays and numpy masked arrays.
    lon = numpy.asarray(lon)
    tm = numpy.asarray(tm)
    if type(z).__name__ != 'MaskedArray':
        z = numpy.ma.asarray(z)
        z.mask = numpy.isnan(z)
        z.mask = z.mask | numpy.isnan(z.data)

    # Determines the number of dimensions of the variable to be plotted and
    # the sizes of each dimension.
    dim = len(z.shape)
    if dim == 3:
        c, b, a = z.shape
    elif dim == 2:
        b, a = z.shape
        c = 1
        z = z.reshape(c, b, a)
        raise Warning, ('Hovmoller plots require either bi-dimensional or tri-'
                        'dimensional data.')
    if lon.size != a:
        raise Warning, 'Longitude and data lengths do not match.'
    if tm.size != b:
        raise Warning, 'Time and data lengths do not match.'

    if type(zo).__name__ != 'NoneType':
        dimo = len(zo.shape)
        if dimo == 2:
            co, ao = zo.shape
            bo = b
            zo = zo * numpy.ones([bo, co, ao])
        if (co != c) | (ao != a):
                raise Warning ('Overlapping array dimensions do not match')
        overlap = True
        overlap = False
    if type(zz).__name__ != 'NoneType':
        dimz = len(zz.shape)
        if dimz == 2:
            bz, az = zz.shape
            cz = 0
        elif dimz == 3:
            cz, bz, az = zz.shape
            cz = bz = az = 0
        if (bz != b) | (az != a):
                raise Warning ('Overlapping array dimensions do not match')
        zero = True
        zero = False

    # Verifies if title, label, unit and std parameters have the same number
    # of items as the number of plots to be drawn.
    if type(title).__name__ == 'str':
        title = [title] * c
    elif type(title).__name__ in ['list', 'tuple', 'ndarray']:
        C = len(title)
        if c > C:
            title = list(title) * int(numpy.ceil(float(c) / C))
    if type(label).__name__ == 'str':
        label = [label] * c
    elif type(label).__name__ in ['list', 'tuple', 'ndarray']:
        C = len(label)
        if c > C:
            label = list(label) * int(numpy.ceil(float(c) / C))

    # If the edges contain only NaN's, then slice them out.
    sel = pylab.find(~numpy.isnan(z.data).all(axis=0).all(axis=0))
    if len(sel) != a:
        a = len(sel)
        if a == 0:
        lon = lon[sel[0]:sel[-1]]
        z = z[:, :, sel[0]:sel[-1]]
        if overlap:
            zo = zo[:, :, sel[0]:sel[-1]]
        if zero:
            if dimz == 2:
                zz = zz[:, sel[0]:sel[-1]]
            elif dimz == 3:
                zz = zz[:, :, sel[0]:sel[-1]]

    # Setting the color ranges
    bbox = dict(edgecolor='w', facecolor='w', alpha=0.9)
    if crange == None:
        cmajor, cminor, crange, cticks, extend = common.step(z,
        crange = numpy.asarray(crange)
        cminor = numpy.diff(crange).mean()
        if crange.size > 11:
            cmajor = 2 * cminor
        if len(crange) < 15 :
            cticks = crange[::2]
            cticks = crange[::5]

        xmin, xmax = z.min(), z.max()
        rmin, rmax = crange.min(), crange.max()
        if (xmin < rmin) & (xmax > rmax):
            extend = 'both'
        elif (xmin < rmin) & (xmax <= rmax):
            extend = 'min'
        elif (xmin >= rmin) & (xmax > rmax):
            extend = 'max'
        elif (xmin >= rmin) & (xmax <= rmax):
            extend = 'neither'
            raise Warning, 'Unable to determine extend'
    if draft:
        crange = [min(crange), crange[len(crange) / 2], max(crange)]

    # Turning interactive mode on or off according to show parameter.
    if show == False:
    elif show == True:
        raise Warning, 'Invalid show option.'

    # Sets the figure properties according to the orientation parameter and to
    # the data dimensions including the subplot number of rows and columns.
    if orientation == 'landscape':
        #figprops = dict(figsize=(7.33, 5.33), dpi=96)
        plcols = c
        plrows = 1
    elif orientation == 'portrait':
        #figprops = dict(figsize=(5.33, 7.33), dpi=96)
        plcols = 1
        plrows = c
    elif orientation == 'squared':
        #figprops = dict(figsize=(5.33, 5.33), dpi=96)
        plrows = plcols = numpy.ceil(c ** 0.5)
        raise Warning, 'Orientation \'%s\' not allowed.' % (orientation, )
    if adjustprops == None:
        adjustprops = dict(left=0.1, bottom=0.15, right=0.99, top=0.9,
                           wspace=0.05, hspace=0.02)
    fig = graphics.figure(ap=adjustprops, orientation=orientation)

    # Some figure parameters definitions and initializations
    if bottom:
        bottommin, bottommax = [0, -65535]
        baxes = []
    if right:
        rightmin, rightmax = [0, -65535]
        grey = [0.66, 0.66, 0.66]
        lfmt = ['-', '-', '-', '-']
        lclr = ['k', 'k', grey, grey]
        lwth = [2., 1., 2., 1.]
        c += 1 # Adds one more sub-plot for size calculations only.

    # Subplot width and height parameters
    w = ((adjustprops['right'] - adjustprops['left']) / c -
    if bottom:
        y = 0.25 + adjustprops['bottom'] - adjustprops['wspace']
        y = adjustprops['bottom']
    if bottom:
        h = 0.75 - adjustprops['bottom']
        h = adjustprops['top'] - y + adjustprops['wspace']

    if right:
        c -= 1 # Adjusts to original number of Hovmoller sub-plots.

    for k in range(c):
        x = (w + adjustprops['hspace']) * k + adjustprops['left']

        if k == 0:
            ax = pylab.axes([x, y, w, h])
            bx = ax
            if right:
                xx = ((w + adjustprops['hspace']) * c + adjustprops['left'])
                rx = pylab.axes([xx, y, w, h], sharey=ax)
                pylab.setp(rx.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
            bx = pylab.axes([x, y, w, h], sharex=ax, sharey=ax)

        if zero:
            if dimz == 2:
                oz = zz
            elif dimz == 3:
                oz = zz[k, :, :]
            pylab.contour(lon, tm, oz, [-1e10, 0, 1e10],
                colors=[[0.9, 0.9, 0.9]], linestyles='-', linewidths=0.5,

        if overlap:
            if dimo == 2:
                o = (z[k, :, :].data >= zo[:, k, :])
            elif dimo == 3:
                o = (z[k, :, :].data >= zo[k, :, :])
            pylab.contour(lon, tm, o, [0, 1],
                colors='k', linestyles='-', linewidths=1.)

        # Plots the contour. Uses assigned data for power hovmollers.
        pylab.contourf(lon, tm, z[k, :, :].data, crange, cmap=cmap,

        # Running x and y hooks on current axis.

        if right:
            if right == 'std':
                rz = nanstd(z[k, :, :].data, axis=1)
            elif right == 'avg':
                rz = nanmean(z[k, :, :].data, axis=1)
            rx.plot(rz, tm, lfmt[k], color=lclr[k], linewidth=lwth[k])

            # Running y hook on right axis.

            rightmin = min([numpy.nanmin(rz), rightmin])
            rightmax = max([numpy.nanmax(rz), rightmax])

        for i in loc:
            pylab.plot([i, i], [tm.min(), tm.max()], 'D', markersize=14,
                color='w', alpha=1)

        if bottom:
            yb, hb = adjustprops['bottom'], 0.175
            if k == 0:
                cx = pylab.axes([x, yb, w, hb], sharex=ax)
                dx = cx
                dx = pylab.axes([x, yb, w, hb], sharex=ax, sharey=cx)
            if bottom == 'avg':
                bz = nanmean(z[k, :, :].data, axis=0)
            elif bottom == 'std':
                bz = nanstd(z[k, :, :].data, axis=0)
            pylab.plot(lon, bz, 'k-')
            # Running x hook on bottom axis.

            bottommin = min([numpy.nanmin(bz), bottommin])
            bottommax = max([numpy.nanmax(bz), bottommax])
            pylab.setp(bx.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
            if k > 0:
                pylab.setp(dx.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)

        if k == 0:
            if orientation == 'landscape':
                corientation = 'horizontal'
                cax = pylab.axes([adjustprops['left'] + 0.15, 0.05,
                    adjustprops['right'] - adjustprops['left'] - 0.3, 0.03])
                ci, cj, ha, va = 1.05, 0.5, 'left', 'center'
            elif orientation == 'portrait':
                corientation = 'vertical'
                cax = pylab.axes([adjustprops['right'] + 0.02, y + 0.05, 
                    0.03, h - 0.1])
                ci, cj, ha, va = 0.5, -0.05, 'center', 'baseline'
            pylab.colorbar(cax=cax, ax=ax, orientation=corientation,
                extend=extend, ticks=cticks)
            if labels['units']:
                cax.text(ci, cj, r'$\left[%s\right]$' % (labels['units']),
                         ha=ha, va=va, transform=cax.transAxes)
            pylab.setp(bx.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)

        if title:
            bx.set_title('%s' % (title[k]), va='baseline', fontsize='medium')
        if label:
            bx.text(0.07, 0.97, '%s' % (label[k]), ha='left', va='top',
                transform=bx.transAxes, bbox=bbox)

    # Formatting the plot axis.
    if bottom:
        ystep, ystep1 = common.step([bottommin, bottommax], 1.5)
        bottommax = pylab.ceil(bottommax / ystep) * ystep

        for dx in baxes:
            for i in loc:
                dx.plot([i, i], [bottommin, bottommax], 'D', markersize=10,
                    color='w', alpha=1)

        cx.set_ylim([bottommin, bottommax])
        ymajor = pylab.matplotlib.ticker.MultipleLocator(ystep)
        yminor = pylab.matplotlib.ticker.MultipleLocator(ystep1)
        if labels['units']:
            cx.set_ylabel(r'\textbf{%s} $\left[%s\right]$' % (labels[bottom],
            cx.set_ylabel(r'\textbf{%s}' % (labels[bottom]))
        if xunits == 'km':
            cx.set_xlabel(r'\textbf{%s}' % (xunits))
        if xunits == 'km':
            ax.set_xlabel(r'\textbf{%s}' % (xunits))
    if right:
        xstep, xstep1 = common.step([rightmin, rightmax], 1.5)
        rightmax = pylab.ceil(rightmax / xstep) * xstep

        rx.set_xlim([rightmin, rightmax])
        xmajor = pylab.matplotlib.ticker.MultipleLocator(xstep)
        xminor = pylab.matplotlib.ticker.MultipleLocator(xstep1)
        if labels['units']:
            rx.set_title(r'%s $\left[%s\right]$' % (labels[right],
            rx.set_title(r'%s' % (labels[right]))

    ax.set_xlim([lon.min(), lon.max()])
    ax.set_ylim([tm.min(),  tm.max()])
    if xunits == 'deg':
        xstep, xstep1 = common.step(lon, 2)
    elif xunits == 'km':
        xstep, xstep1 = common.step(lon, 5)
    xmajor = pylab.matplotlib.ticker.MultipleLocator(xstep)
    xminor = pylab.matplotlib.ticker.MultipleLocator(xstep1)
    graphics.timeformat(ax, dt=tm[-1]-tm[0], axis='y')
    if xunits == 'deg':
        ax.set_xticklabels([common.num2latlon(i, 0, mode='each', x180=False,
            dtype='label')[1] for i in ax.get_xticks()])
    ax.set_ylabel(r'\textbf{%s}' % (labels['Year']))

    # Drawing and saving the figure if appropriate.
    if save:
        pylab.savefig('%s.%s' % (save, ftype), dpi=150)
    if show == False:
Exemplo n.º 2
def map(lon, lat, z, z2=None, tm=None, projection='cyl', save='', ftype='png',
        crange=None, crange2=None, cmap=cm.GMT_no_green, show=False,
        shiftgrd=0., orientation='landscape', title='', label='', units='',
        subplot=None, adjustprops=None, loc=[], xlim=None, ylim=None,
        xstep=None, ystep=None, etopo=False, profile=True, hook=None, 
    """Generates maps.

    The maps can be either saved as image files or simply showed on

        lon, lat (array like) :
            Longitude and latitude arrays.
        z (array like) :
            Variable data array. For bi-dimensional MxN arrays, then a
            single map is plotted where M and N should have the same
            lengths as the latitude and the longitude respectively.

            For tri-dimensional TxMxN arrays, eather a sequence of maps
            is generated if T has the same length as tm or, in case tm
            is not set, T maps are plotted on the save figure.
        z2 (array like, optional) :
            Second variable to be plotted using simple line contours.
        t (array like, optional) :
            Time array. It should contain values in matplotlib date
            format (i.e. number of days since 0001-01-01 UTC).
        projection (text, optional) :
            Sets the map projection. Implemented projections are:
                cyl -- Equidistant cylindrical
                ortho -- Orthographic
                robin -- Robinson
                moll -- Mollweide
                eqdc -- Equidistant conic
                poly -- Polyconic
                omerc -- Oblique mercator
            Default is the equidistant cylindrical projection (cyl).
        save (string, optional) :
            The path in which the resulting plots are to be saved. If
            not set, then no images will be saved.
        ftype (string, optional) :
            The image file type. Most backends support png, pdf, ps,
            eps and svg.
        crange (array like, optional) :
            Sets the color range of the maps. If not given then the
            range is calculated from the input data.
        crange2 (array like, optional) :
            Sets the contour line interval.
        cmap (colormap, optional) :
            Sets the colormap to be used in the plots. The default is
            the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) no green.
        show (boolean, optional) :
            If set to true the the resulting maps are explicitly shown
            on screen.
        shiftgrd (float, optional) :
            Shifts the longitude and variable data arrays east or west.
            Its value determines the starting longitude for the shifted
            TODO: update functionality
        orientation (string, optional) :
            Sets the orientation of the figure. Allowed options are
            'landscape' (default), 'portrait', 'squared'.
        title (string, array like, optional) :
            Sets the map title. If array like, each element of the
            array becomes the title for each map. If the title is set
            to '%date%' then the ISO formated date is written.
        label (string, array like, optional) :
            Sets the label for each plot. If array like, each element
            of the array becomes the label for each plot.
        units (string, array like, optional) :
            Determines the units for all the maps of for each map
            sepparetely if a text array is given.
        subplot (array like, optional) :
            Two item list containing the number of rows and columns for
        adjustprops (dict, optional) :
            Dictionary containing the subplot parameters.
        loc (list, optional) :
            Lists the longitude of locations to be marked in map.
        xlim, ylim (array like, optional) :
            List containing the upper and lower zonal and meridional
            limits, respectivelly.
        xstep, ystep (float, optional) :
            Determines the parallel and meridian spacing.
        etopo (boolean, optional) :
            If true, overlays ETOPO contour lines on map.
        profile (boolean, optional) :
            Turns profiler on/off. If set to true (default) outputs the
            ETA and other information on screen.
        hook (function, optional) :
            Executes a hook function after the plot. The map instance
            is passed along as parameter.

        Map plots either on screen and or on file according to the
        specified parameters.


    t1 = time()

    # Transforms input arrays in numpy arrays and numpy masked arrays.
    lat = numpy.asarray(lat)
    lon = numpy.asarray(lon)
    if type(tm).__name__ != 'NoneType':
        tm = numpy.asarray(tm)
    if type(z).__name__ != 'MaskedArray':
        z = numpy.ma.asarray(z)
        z.mask = numpy.isnan(z)

    # Determines the number of dimensions of the variable to be plotted and
    # the sizes of each dimension.
    dim = len(z.shape)
    if dim == 3:
        c, b, a = z.shape
    elif dim == 2:
        b, a = z.shape
        c = 1
        z = z.reshape(c, b, a)
        raise Warning, ('Map plots require either bi-dimensional or tri-'
                        'dimensional data.')
    if lon.size != a:
        raise Warning, 'Longitude and data lengths do not match.'
    if lat.size != b:
        raise Warning, 'Latitude and data lengths do not match.'
    #if type(tm).__name__ != 'NoneType':
    #    if tm.size != c:
    #        raise Warning, 'Time and data lengths do not match.'

    # Shifts the longitude and data grid if applicable and determines central
    # latitude and longitude for the map.
    lon180 = common.lon180(lon)
    if xlim == None:
            mask = ~z.mask.all(axis=0).all(axis=0)
            xlim = [lon180[mask].min(), lon180[mask].max()]
            xlim = [lon.min(), lon.max()]
    if ylim == None:
            mask = ~z.mask.all(axis=0).all(axis=1)
            ylim = [lat[mask].min(), lat[mask].max()]
            ylim = [lat.min(), lat.max()]
    lon0 = numpy.mean(xlim)
    lat0 = numpy.mean(ylim)
    if (shiftgrd != 0): # | (projection in ['ortho', 'robin', 'moll']):
        dx, dy = lon[1] - lon[0], lat[1] - lat[0]
        lon = lon180
        shift = pylab.find(pylab.diff(lon) < 0) + 1
          lon = numpy.roll(lon, -shift)
          z = numpy.roll(z, -shift)
        #z, lon = shiftgrid(shiftgrd, z, lon0)
        # Pad borders with NaN's to avoid distorsions
        #lon = numpy.concatenate([[lon[0] - dx], lon, [lon[-1] + dx]])
        #lat = numpy.concatenate([[lat[0] - dy], lat, [lat[-1] + dy]])
        #nan = numpy.ma.empty((c, 1, a)) * numpy.nan
        #nan.mask = True
        #z = numpy.ma.concatenate([nan, z, nan], axis=1)
        #nan = numpy.ma.empty((c, b+2, 1)) * numpy.nan
        #nan.mask = True
        #z = numpy.ma.concatenate([nan, z, nan], axis=2)
    # Loads topographic data, if appropriate.
    if etopo:
        ez = common.etopo.z
        ex = common.etopo.x
        ey = common.etopo.y
        er = -numpy.arange(1000, 12000, 1000)

    # Setting the color ranges
    if crange == None:
        cmajor, cminor, crange, cticks, extend = common.step(z,
        crange = numpy.asarray(crange)
        cminor = numpy.diff(crange).mean()
        if crange.size > 11:
            cmajor = 2 * cminor
        if len(crange) < 15 :
            cticks = crange[::2]
            cticks = crange[::5]

        xmin, xmax = z.min(), z.max()
        rmin, rmax = crange.min(), crange.max()
        if (xmin < rmin) & (xmax > rmax):
            extend = 'both'
        elif (xmin < rmin) & (xmax <= rmax):
            extend = 'min'
        elif (xmin >= rmin) & (xmax > rmax):
            extend = 'max'
        elif (xmin >= rmin) & (xmax <= rmax):
            extend = 'neither'
            raise Warning, 'Unable to determine extend'
    if type(z2).__name__ != 'NoneType' and crange2 == None:
        cmajor2, cminor2, crange2, cticks2, extend2 = common.step(z2,

    # Turning interactive mode on or off according to show parameter.
    if show == False:
    elif show == True:
        raise Warning, 'Invalid show option.'

    # Sets the figure properties according to the orientation parameter and to
    # the data dimensions.
    if adjustprops == None:
        if projection in ['cyl', 'eqdc', 'poly', 'omerc', 'vandg', 'nsper']:
            adjustprops = dict(left=0.1, bottom=0.15, right=0.95, top=0.9,
                               wspace=0.05, hspace=0.5)
            adjustprops = dict(left=0.05, bottom=0.15, right=0.95, top=0.9,
                               wspace=0.05, hspace=0.2)

    # Sets the meridian and the parallel coordinates and necessary parameters
    # depending on the chosen projection.
    if xstep == None:
        xstep = int(common.step(xlim, 5, kind='polar')[0])
    if ystep == None:
        ystep = int(common.step(ylim, 3, kind='polar')[0])
    merid = numpy.arange(10 * int(min(xlim) / 10 - 2),
                         10 * int(max(xlim) / 10 + 3), xstep)
    if (max(ylim) - min(ylim)) > 130 | (projection in ['ortho', 'robin', 
        #paral = numpy.array([-(66. + 33. / 60. + 38. / (60. * 60.)),
        #                     -(23. + 26. / 60. + 22. / (60. * 60.)), 0.,
        #                      (23. + 26. / 60. + 22. / (60. * 60.)),
        #                      (66. + 33. / 60. + 38. / (60. * 60.))])
        #paral = numpy.round(paral)
        paral = numpy.array([-60, -30, 0, 30, 60])
        paral = numpy.arange(numpy.floor(min(ylim) / ystep) * ystep,
                             numpy.ceil(max(ylim) / ystep) * ystep + ystep,
    if projection == 'eqdc':
        if not (('lat_0' in kwargs.keys()) and ('lat_1' in kwargs.keys())):
            kwargs['lat_0'] = min(ylim) + (max(ylim) - min(ylim)) / 3.
            kwargs['lat_1'] = min(ylim) + 2 * (max(ylim) - min(ylim)) / 3.
        if not ('lon_0' in kwargs.keys()):
            kwargs['lon_0'] = lon0
    elif projection == 'poly':
        if not ('lat_0' in kwargs.keys()):
            kwargs['lat_0'] = (max(ylim) - min(ylim)) / 2.
        if not ('lon_0' in kwargs.keys()):
            kwargs['lon_0'] = lon0
    elif projection == 'omerc':
        if not (('lat_0' in kwargs.keys()) and ('lat_1' in kwargs.keys())):
            kwargs['lat_1'] = min(ylim) + (max(ylim) - min(ylim)) / 4.
            kwargs['lat_2'] = min(ylim) + 3 * (max(ylim) - min(ylim)) / 4.
        if not (('lon_0' in kwargs.keys()) and ('lon_1' in kwargs.keys())):
            kwargs['lon_1'] = min(xlim) + (max(ylim) - min(ylim)) / 4.
            kwargs['lon_2'] = min(xlim) + 3 * (max(ylim) - min(ylim)) / 4.
        kwargs['no_rot'] = False
    elif projection == 'vandg':
        kwargs['lon_0'] = lon0
    elif projection == 'nsper':
        kwargs['lon_0'] = lon0
        kwargs['lat_0'] = lat0
    elif projection in ['aea', 'lcc']:
        kwargs['lon_0'] = lon0
        kwargs['lat_0'] = (min(ylim) + max(ylim)) / 2.
        kwargs['lat_1'] = max(ylim) - (max(ylim) - min(ylim)) / 4.
        kwargs['lat_2'] = min(ylim) + (max(ylim) - min(ylim)) / 4.

    # Setting the subplot parameters in case multiple maps per figure.
        plrows, plcols = subplot
        if type(tm).__name__ in ['NoneType', 'float']:
            if orientation in ['landscape', 'worldmap']:
                plcols = min(3, c)
                plrows = numpy.ceil(float(c) / plcols)
            elif orientation == 'portrait':
                plrows = min(3, c)
                plcols = numpy.ceil(float(c) / plrows)
            elif orientation == 'squared':
                plrows = plcols = numpy.ceil(float(c) ** 0.5)
            plcols = plrows = 1

    bbox = dict(edgecolor='w', facecolor='w', alpha=0.9)

    # Starts the plotting routines
    if profile:
        if c == 1:
            plural = ''
            plural = 's'
        s = 'Plotting %d map%s... ' % (c, plural)

    fig = graphics.figure(fp=dict(), ap=adjustprops, orientation=orientation)
    for n in range(c):
        t2 = time()
        if plcols * plrows > 1:
            ax = pylab.subplot(plrows, plcols, n + 1)
            ax = pylab.subplot(plcols, plrows, 1)
        if (projection in ['ortho', 'robin', 'moll']):
            m = Basemap(projection=projection, lat_0=lat0, lon_0=lon0, *kwargs)
            xoffset = (m.urcrnrx - m.llcrnrx) / 50.
        elif projection in ['aea', 'cyl', 'eqdc', 'poly', 'omerc', 'vandg', 
                            'nsper', 'lcc']:
            m = Basemap(projection=projection, llcrnrlat=min(ylim),
                        urcrnrlat=max(ylim), llcrnrlon=min(xlim),
                        urcrnrlon=max(xlim), **kwargs)
            xoffset = None
            raise Warning, 'Projection \'%s\' not implemented.' % (projection)

        x, y = m(*numpy.meshgrid(lon, lat))
        dat = z[n, :, :]
        # Set the merdians' and parallels' labels
        if plcols * plrows > 1:
            if (n % plcols) == 0:
                plabels =  [1, 0, 0, 0]
                plabels = [0, 0, 0, 0]
            if (n >= c - plcols):
                mlabels = [0, 0, 0, 1]
                mlabels = [0, 0, 0, 0]
            mlabels = [0, 0, 0, 1]
            plabels = [1, 0, 0, 0]
        if projection in ['ortho']:
            plabels = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        if projection in ['geos', 'ortho', 'aeqd', 'moll']:
            mlabels = [0, 0, 0, 0]

        # Plots locations
        for item in loc:
            m.scatter(item[0], item[1], s=24, c='w', marker='o', alpha=1, 

        # Plot contour
        im = m.contourf(x, y, dat, crange, cmap=cmap, extend=extend, hold='on')

        if type(z2).__name__ != 'NoneType':
            dat2 = z2[n, :, :]
            im2 = m.contour(x, y, dat2, crange2, colors='k', hatch='x',
                hold='on', linewidths=numpy.linspace(0.25, 2., len(crange2)),
            #pylab.clabel(im2, fmt='%.1f')

        # Plot topography, if appropriate
        if etopo:
            xe, ye = m(*numpy.meshgrid(ex, ey))
            cs = m.contour(xe, ye, ez, er, colors='k', linestyles='-',
                alpha=0.3, hold='on')

        # Run hook function, if appropriate

        if projection != 'nsper':
        m.drawmeridians(merid, linewidth=0.5, labels=mlabels)
        m.drawparallels(paral, linewidth=0.5, labels=plabels, xoffset=xoffset)
        # Draws colorbar
        if orientation == 'squared':
            cx = pylab.axes([0.25, 0.07, 0.5, 0.03])
        elif orientation  in ['landscape', 'worldmap']:
            cx = pylab.axes([0.2, 0.05, 0.6, 0.03])
        elif orientation == 'portrait':
            cx = pylab.axes([0.25, 0.05, 0.5, 0.02])
        pylab.colorbar(im, cax=cx, orientation='horizontal', ticks=cticks,

        # Titles, units and other things
        ttl = None
        if title.__class__ == str:
            ttl = title
                ttl = title[n]
        if ttl:
            if ttl == '%date%':
                    ttl = dates.num2date(tm[n]).isoformat()[:10]
                        ttl = dates.num2date(tm).isoformat()[:10]
                        ttl = ''
            ax.text(0.5, 1.05, ttl, ha='center', va='baseline',
        lbl = None
        if label.__class__ == str:
            lbl = label
                lbl = label[n]
        if lbl:
            if lbl == '%date%':
                    ttl = dates.num2date(tm[n]).isoformat()[:10]
                        ttl = dates.num2date(tm).isoformat()[:10]
                        ttl = ''
            ax.text(0.04, 0.83, lbl, ha='left', va='bottom', 
                transform=ax.transAxes, bbox=bbox)

        unt = None
        if units.__class__ == str:
            unt = units
                unt = units[n]
        if unt:
            cx.text(1.05, 0.5, r'$\left[%s\right]$' % (unt), ha='left',
                va='center', transform=cx.transAxes)

        # Drawing and saving the figure if appropriate.
        if save:
            if (c == 1) | (plcols * plrows > 1):
                pylab.savefig('%s.%s' % (save, ftype), dpi=150)
                pylab.savefig('%s%06d.%s' % (save, n+1, ftype), dpi=150)

        if profile:
            stdout.write(len(s) * '\b')
            s = 'Plotting %d map%s... %s ' % (c, plural, common.profiler(c, 
                n + 1, 0, t1, t2),)

    if profile:
    if show == False:
        return fig