Exemplo n.º 1
    def closest_vertex(id, lat, lon):
        cv = None
        min_dist = sys.maxint

        for s_id, s_lat, s_lon in stations:
            dist = distance(lat, lon, s_lat, s_lon)

            if dist < min_dist:
                min_dist = dist
                cv = 'sta-' + s_id

        range = 0.05 # might not be the best number

        conn = psycopg2.connect(db_conn_string)
        c = conn.cursor()

        c.execute('''SELECT id, lat, lon FROM osm_nodes WHERE endnode_refs > 1 AND lat > %s AND lat < %s  AND lon > %s AND lon < %s''',
                                                                                            ( lat-range, lat+range, lon-range, lon+range ))
        nodes = [n for n in c]

        for n_id, n_lat, n_lon in nodes:
            dist = distance(lat, lon, n_lat, n_lon)

            if dist < min_dist:
                min_dist = dist
                cv = 'osm-' + n_id

        corres_vertices.append(( id, cv ))
        if not c.closed:
        if not conn.closed:
Exemplo n.º 2
def link_osm_gtfs(db_conn_string, max_link_dist=150):

    conn = psycopg2.connect(db_conn_string)
    cursor = conn.cursor()

    gdb = GraphDatabase(db_conn_string)

    cursor.execute('SELECT stop_id, stop_lat, stop_lon FROM gtfs_stops')
    for i, (s_label, s_lat, s_lon) in enumerate(cursor.fetchall()):
        j = False

        range = 0.05 # might not be the best number
        cursor.execute('''SELECT id, lat, lon FROM osm_nodes WHERE endnode_refs > 1 AND lat > %s AND lat < %s AND lon > %s AND lon < %s''', ( s_lat-range, s_lat+range, s_lon-range, s_lon+range ))
        nodes = cursor.fetchall()
        dists = []

        for n_label, n_lat, n_lon in nodes:
            dists.append( distance(s_lat, s_lon, n_lat, n_lon) )

        for d in dists:
            if d < max_link_dist:
                j = True

                n_label, n_lat, n_lon = nodes[dists.index(d)]

                gdb.add_edge('sta-'+s_label, 'osm-'+n_label, Street('gtfs-osm link', d))
                gdb.add_edge('osm-'+n_label, 'sta-'+s_label, Street('gtfs-osm link', d))

        if not j and dists: # fallback mode
            d = min(dists)

            n_label, n_lat, n_lon = nodes[dists.index(d)]

            gdb.add_edge('sta-'+s_label, 'osm-'+n_label, Street('gtfs-osm link', d))
            gdb.add_edge('osm-'+n_label, 'sta-'+s_label, Street('gtfs-osm link', d))

        if not dists:
            print(colored('WARNING: failed linking %s! (%s, %s)' % (s_label, s_lat, s_lon), 'yellow'))
