def test_multiple_underscores(self):
     proc = start_command(
         'g.region', _raster_=self.raster, stderr=PIPE)
     stderr = proc.communicate()[1]
     returncode = proc.poll()
     self.assertEquals(returncode, 1)
     self.assertIn(b'raster', stderr)
Exemplo n.º 2
def reproject_region(region, from_proj, to_proj):
    region = copy.copy(region)
    print "to reproject:", region
    proj_input = '{east} {north}\n{west} {south}'.format(**region)
    print proj_input
    proc = gcore.start_command('m.proj', input='-', separator=' , ',
                               proj_in=from_proj, proj_out=to_proj,
                               stdout=gcore.PIPE, stderr=gcore.PIPE)
    proc.stdin = None
    proj_output, stderr = proc.communicate()
    if proc.returncode:
        print from_proj, to_proj, proj_input
        raise RuntimeError("reprojecting region: m.proj error: " + stderr)
    enws = proj_output.split(os.linesep)
    print proj_output
    print enws
    elon, nlat, unused = enws[0].split(' ')
    wlon, slat, unused = enws[1].split(' ')
    region['east'] = elon
    region['north'] = nlat
    region['west'] = wlon
    region['south'] = slat
    return region
 def test_suffixed_underscore(self):
     proc = start_command(
         'g.region', raster_=self.raster, stderr=PIPE)
     stderr = proc.communicate()[1]
     self.assertNotIn(b'raster_', stderr)
     self.assertIn(self.raster, stderr,
         msg="Raster map name should appear in the error output")
Exemplo n.º 4
 def read_grass(self, *args, **kwargs):
     """execute a grass function with error output """
     kwargs['stdout'] = grass.PIPE
     kwargs['stderr'] = grass.PIPE
     ps = grass.start_command(*args, **kwargs)
     # returns a tuple (stderr,stdout)
     return ps.communicate()
 def test_prefixed_underscore(self):
     proc = start_command('g.region', _rast=self.raster, stderr=PIPE)
     stderr = proc.communicate()[1]
     self.assertNotIn('_rast', stderr)
                   msg="Raster map name should appear in the error output")
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_suffixed_underscore(self):
     proc = start_command("g.region", raster_=self.raster, stderr=PIPE)
     stderr = proc.communicate()[1]
     self.assertNotIn(b"raster_", stderr)
         self.raster, stderr, msg="Raster map name should appear in the error output"
 def test_multiple_underscores(self):
     proc = start_command(
         'g.region', _rast_=self.raster, stderr=PIPE)
     stderr = proc.communicate()[1]
     returncode = proc.poll()
     self.assertEquals(returncode, 1,
         msg="Undersocre at both sides was accepted")
     self.assertIn('rast', stderr)
 def test_suffixed_underscore(self):
     proc = start_command(
         'g.region', rast_=self.raster, stderr=PIPE)
     stderr = proc.communicate()[1]
     returncode = proc.poll()
     self.assertEquals(returncode, 0,
         msg="Undersocre as suffix was not accepted, stderr is:\n%s" % stderr)
     self.assertNotIn('rast_', stderr)
 def test_prefixed_underscore(self):
     proc = start_command(
         'g.region', _rast=self.raster, stderr=PIPE)
     stderr = proc.communicate()[1]
     returncode = proc.poll()
     self.assertEquals(returncode, 0,
         msg="Undersocre as prefix was not accepted")
     self.assertNotIn('_rast', stderr)
 def test_prefixed_underscore(self):
     proc = start_command('g.region', _rast=self.raster, stderr=PIPE)
     stderr = proc.communicate()[1]
     returncode = proc.poll()
                       msg="Undersocre as prefix was not accepted")
     self.assertNotIn('_rast', stderr)
 def test_multiple_underscores(self):
     proc = start_command('g.region', _rast_=self.raster, stderr=PIPE)
     stderr = proc.communicate()[1]
     returncode = proc.poll()
                       msg="Undersocre at both sides was accepted")
     self.assertIn('rast', stderr)
Exemplo n.º 12
def clean_default_db():
    # clean the default db if it is sqlite
    from grass.script import db as gdb
    from grass.script import core as gcore

    conn = gdb.db_connection()
    if conn and conn['driver'] == 'sqlite':
        # check if db exists
        gisenv = gcore.gisenv()
        database = conn['database']
        database = database.replace('$GISDBASE', gisenv['GISDBASE'])
        database = database.replace('$LOCATION_NAME', gisenv['LOCATION_NAME'])
        database = database.replace('$MAPSET', gisenv['MAPSET'])
        if os.path.exists(database):
            gcore.message(_("Cleaning up default sqlite database ..."))
            gcore.start_command('db.execute', sql = 'VACUUM')
            # give it some time to start
            import time
 def test_suffixed_underscore(self):
     proc = start_command('g.region', rast_=self.raster, stderr=PIPE)
     stderr = proc.communicate()[1]
     returncode = proc.poll()
         msg="Undersocre as suffix was not accepted, stderr is:\n%s" %
     self.assertNotIn('rast_', stderr)
Exemplo n.º 14
def clean_default_db():
    # clean the default db if it is sqlite
    from grass.script import core as gcore
    from grass.script import db as gdb

    conn = gdb.db_connection()
    if conn and conn["driver"] == "sqlite":
        # check if db exists
        gisenv = gcore.gisenv()
        database = conn["database"]
        database = database.replace("$GISDBASE", gisenv["GISDBASE"])
        database = database.replace("$LOCATION_NAME", gisenv["LOCATION_NAME"])
        database = database.replace("$MAPSET", gisenv["MAPSET"])
        if os.path.exists(database):
            gcore.message(_("Cleaning up default sqlite database ..."))
            gcore.start_command("db.execute", sql="VACUUM")
            # give it some time to start
            import time

Exemplo n.º 15
def map_exists(name, type, mapset=None):
    """Check if map exists

    :param name: name of the map (without a Mapset)
    :param type: data type ('raster', 'raster_3d', and 'vector')
    :param mapset: Mapset (you can use dot to refer to the current Mapset)
    # change type to element used by find file
    # otherwise, we are not checking the input,
    # so anything accepted by g.findfile will work
    # also supporting both short and full names
    # but this can change in the
    # future (this function documentation is clear about what's legal)
    if type == "raster" or type == "rast":
        type = "cell"
    elif type == "raster_3d" or type == "rast3d" or type == "raster3d":
        type = "grid3"
    elif type == "vect":
        type = "vector"

    extra_params = {}
    if mapset:
        if mapset == ".":
            mapset = get_current_mapset()
        extra_params.update({"mapset": mapset})

    # g.findfile returns non-zero when file was not found
    # so we ignore return code and just focus on stdout
    process = start_command(
    output, errors = process.communicate()
    info = parse_key_val(output)
    # file is the key questioned in grass.script.core find_file()
    # return code should be equivalent to checking the output
    # g.findfile returns non-zero when nothing found but scripts are used to
    # check the output, so it is unclear what should be or is the actual
    # g.findfile interface
    # see also #2475 for discussion about types/files
    if info["file"]:
        return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 16
    def CalcBoundsFromPoints(self, lats, lngs):
        """Calculates the max/min lat/lng in the lists.

        This method takes in a list of lats and a list of lngs, and
        outputs the southwest and northeast bounds for these points.
        We use this method when we have done a search for points on the
        map, and we get multiple results. In the results we don't get a
        bounding box so this method calculates it for us.

        param: list lats: list of latitudes
        param: lsit lngs: list of longitudes

        returns list: a list of length 2, each holding a list of
        length 2. It holds the southwest and northeast lat/lng
        bounds of a map.  It should look like this:
        [[southwestLat, southwestLng], [northeastLat, northeastLng]]
        lats = [float(x) for x in lats]
        lngs = [float(x) for x in lngs]
        flats = list(map(float, lats))
        flngs = list(map(float, lngs))
        west = min(flngs)
        east = max(flngs)
        north = max(flats)
        south = min(flats)

        coords = "{bottom_left}\n{top_right}".format(
            bottom_left="{} {}".format(west, south),
            top_right="{} {}".format(east, north),

        proc = grass.start_command(
        result, error = proc.communicate(input=grass.encode(coords))

        bounds = []
        for row in grass.decode(result).split("\n"):
            if row:
                x, y, z = row.split("|")
                bounds.append([float(x), float(y)])

        return bounds
Exemplo n.º 17
def proj_to_wgs84(region):
    proj_in = '{east} {north}\n{west} {south}'.format(**region)
    proc = gcore.start_command('m.proj', input='-', separator=' , ',
                               stdin=gcore.PIPE, stdout=gcore.PIPE,
    proc.stdin = None
    proj_out, errors = proc.communicate()
    if proc.returncode:
        raise RuntimeError("m.proj error: %s" % errors)
    enws = proj_out.split(os.linesep)
    elon, nlat, unused = enws[0].split(' ')
    wlon, slat, unused = enws[1].split(' ')
    return {'east': elon, 'north': nlat,
            'west': wlon, 'south': slat}
Exemplo n.º 18
def is_map_in_mapset(name, type, mapset=None):
    """Check is map is present in the mapset (current mapset by default)

    This function is different from what we would expect in GRASS
    because it cares only about specific mapset, the current one by default,
    and it does not care that the map is accessible in other mapset.

    :param name: name of the map
    :param type: data type ('raster', 'raster3d', and 'vector')
    if not mapset:
        mapset = get_current_mapset()

    # change type to element used by find file
    # otherwise, we are not checking the input,
    # so anything accepted by g.findfile will work but this can change in the
    # future (the documentation is clear about what's legal)
    # supporting both short and full names
    if type == "rast" or type == "raster":
        type = "cell"
    elif type == "rast3d" or type == "raster3d":
        type = "grid3"
    elif type == "vect":
        type = "vector"
    # g.findfile returns non-zero when file was not found
    # se we ignore return code and just focus on stdout
    process = start_command(
    output, errors = process.communicate()
    info = text_to_keyvalue(decode(output), sep="=")
    # file is the key questioned in grass.script.core find_file()
    # return code should be equivalent to checking the output
    if info["file"]:
        return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 19
def is_map_in_mapset(name, type, mapset=None):
    """Check is map is present in the mapset (current mapset by default)

    This function is different from what we would expect in GRASS
    because it cares only about specific mapset, the current one by default,
    and it does not care that the map is accessible in other mapset.

    :param name: name of the map
    :param type: data type ('raster', 'raster3d', and 'vector') 
    if not mapset:
        mapset = get_current_mapset()

    # change type to element used by find file
    # otherwise, we are not checking the input,
    # so anything accepted by g.findfile will work but this can change in the
    # future (the documentation is clear about what's legal)
    # supporting both short and full names
    if type == 'rast' or  type == 'raster':
        type = 'cell'
    elif type == 'rast3d' or type == 'raster3d':
        type = 'grid3'
    elif type == 'vect':
        type = 'vector'
    # g.findfile returns non-zero when file was not found
    # se we ignore return code and just focus on stdout
    process = start_command('g.findfile', flags='n',
                            element=type, file=name, mapset=mapset,
                            stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    output, errors = process.communicate()
    info = text_to_keyvalue(output, sep='=')
    # file is the key questioned in grass.script.core find_file()
    # return code should be equivalent to checking the output
    if info['file']:
        return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 20
def main():
    infile = options["input"]
    output = options["output"]
    method = options["method"]
    dtype = options["type"]
    fs = options["separator"]
    x = options["x"]
    y = options["y"]
    z = options["z"]
    value_column = options["value_column"]
    vrange = options["vrange"]
    vscale = options["vscale"]
    percent = options["percent"]
    pth = options["pth"]
    trim = options["trim"]
    workers = int(options["workers"])
    scan_only = flags["s"]
    shell_style = flags["g"]
    ignore_broken = flags["i"]

    if workers == 1 and "WORKERS" in os.environ:
        workers = int(os.environ["WORKERS"])

    if not os.path.exists(infile):
        grass.fatal(_("Unable to read input file <%s>") % infile)

    addl_opts = {}
    if pth:
        addl_opts["pth"] = "%s" % pth
    if trim:
        addl_opts["trim"] = "%s" % trim
    if value_column:
        addl_opts["value_column"] = "%s" % value_column
    if vrange:
        addl_opts["vrange"] = "%s" % vrange
    if vscale:
        addl_opts["vscale"] = "%s" % vscale
    if ignore_broken:
        addl_opts["flags"] = "i"

    if scan_only or shell_style:
        if shell_style:
            doShell = "g"
            doShell = ""
            flags="s" + doShell,

    if dtype == "float":
        data_type = "FCELL"
        data_type = "DCELL"

    region = grass.region(region3d=True)

    if region["nsres"] != region["nsres3"] or region["ewres"] != region[
        grass.run_command("g.region", flags="3p")
            _("The 2D and 3D region settings are different. Can not continue.")

        _("Region bottom=%.15g  top=%.15g  vertical_cell_res=%.15g  (%d depths)"
          ) % (region["b"], region["t"], region["tbres"], region["depths"]))

    grass.verbose(_("Creating slices ..."))

    # to avoid a point which falls exactly on a top bound from being
    # considered twice, we shrink the
    # For the top slice we keep it though, as someone scanning the bounds
    # may have set the bounds exactly to the data extent (a bad idea, but
    # it happens..)
    eps = 1.0e-15

    # if there are thousands of depths hopefully this array doesn't get too
    # large and so we don't have to worry much about storing/looping through
    # all the finished process infos.
    proc = {}
    pout = {}

    depths = list(range(1, 1 + region["depths"]))

    for i in depths:
        tmp_layer_name = "tmp.r3xyz.%d.%s" % (os.getpid(), "%05d" % i)

        zrange_min = region["b"] + (region["tbres"] * (i - 1))

        if i < region["depths"]:
            zrange_max = region["b"] + (region["tbres"] * i) - eps
            zrange_max = region["b"] + (region["tbres"] * i)

        # spawn depth layer import job in the background
        # grass.debug("slice %d, <%s>  %% %d" % (band, image[band], band % workers))
            _("Processing horizontal slice %d of %d [%.15g,%.15g) ...") %
            (i, region["depths"], zrange_min, zrange_max))

        proc[i] = grass.start_command(
            zrange="%.15g,%.15g" % (zrange_min, zrange_max),

        grass.debug("i=%d, %%=%d  (workers=%d)" % (i, i % workers, workers))
        # print sys.getsizeof(proc)  # sizeof(proc array)  [not so big]

        if i % workers == 0:
            # wait for the ones launched so far to finish
            for p_i in depths[:i]:
                pout[p_i] = proc[p_i].communicate()[0]
                if proc[p_i].wait() != 0:
                    grass.fatal(_("Trouble importing data. Aborting."))

    # wait for jSobs to finish, collect any stray output
    for i in depths:
        pout[i] = proc[i].communicate()[0]
        if proc[i].wait() != 0:
            grass.fatal(_("Trouble importing data. Aborting."))

    del proc

    grass.verbose(_("Assembling 3D cube ..."))

    # input order: lower most strata first
    slices = grass.read_command("g.list",
                                pattern="tmp.r3xyz.%d.*" % os.getpid()).rstrip(

        grass.run_command("", input=slices, output=output)
    except CalledModuleError:
        grass.message(_("Done. 3D raster map <%s> created.") % output)
Exemplo n.º 21
def call_module(module,
    r"""Run module with parameters given in `kwargs` and return its output.

    >>> print (call_module('g.region', flags='pg'))  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    >>> call_module('m.proj', flags='i', input='-', stdin="50.0 41.5")
    >>> call_module('g.region', aabbbccc='notexist')  # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    CalledModuleError: Module run g.region ... ended with error

    If `stdin` is not set and `kwargs` contains ``input`` with value set
    to ``-`` (dash), the function raises an error.

    Note that ``input`` nor ``output`` parameters are used by this
    function itself, these are usually module parameters which this
    function just passes to it. However, when ``input`` is in parameters
    the function checks if its values is correct considering value of
    ``stdin`` parameter.

    :param str module: module name
    :param stdin: string to be used as module standard input (stdin) or `None`
    :param merge_stderr: if the standard error output should be merged with stdout
    :param kwargs: module parameters

    :returns: module standard output (stdout) as string or None if apture_stdout is False

    :raises CalledModuleError: if module return code is non-zero
    :raises ValueError: if the parameters are not correct

    .. note::
        The data read is buffered in memory, so do not use this method
        if the data size is large or unlimited.
    # TODO: remove this:
    # implementation inspired by subprocess.check_output() function
    if stdin:
        if 'input' in kwargs and kwargs['input'] != '-':
            raise ValueError(
                _("input='-' must be used when stdin is specified"))
        if stdin == subprocess.PIPE:
            raise ValueError(_("stdin must be string or buffer, not PIPE"))
        kwargs['stdin'] = subprocess.PIPE  # to be able to send data to stdin
    elif 'input' in kwargs and kwargs['input'] == '-':
        raise ValueError(_("stdin must be used when input='-'"))
    if merge_stderr and not (capture_stdout and capture_stderr):
        raise ValueError(
            _("You cannot merge stdout and stderr and not capture them"))
    if 'stdout' in kwargs:
        raise TypeError(
            _("stdout argument not allowed, it could be overridden"))
    if 'stderr' in kwargs:
        raise TypeError(
            _("stderr argument not allowed, it could be overridden"))

    if capture_stdout:
        kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE
    if capture_stderr:
        if merge_stderr:
            kwargs['stderr'] = subprocess.STDOUT
            kwargs['stderr'] = subprocess.PIPE
    process = start_command(module, **kwargs)
    # input=None means no stdin (our default)
    # for no stdout, output is None which is out interface
    # for stderr=STDOUT or no stderr, errors is None
    # which is fine for CalledModuleError
    output, errors = process.communicate(
        input=encode(decode(stdin)) if stdin else None)
    returncode = process.poll()
    if returncode:
        raise CalledModuleError(returncode, module, kwargs, errors)
    return decode(output) if output else None
Exemplo n.º 22
def call_module(module, stdin=None,
                merge_stderr=False, capture_stdout=True, capture_stderr=True,
    r"""Run module with parameters given in `kwargs` and return its output.

    >>> print call_module('g.region', flags='pg')  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    >>> call_module('m.proj', flags='i', input='-', stdin="50.0 41.5")
    >>> call_module('g.region', aabbbccc='notexist')  # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    CalledModuleError: Module run g.region ... ended with error

    If `stdin` is not set and `kwargs` contains ``input`` with value set
    to ``-`` (dash), the function raises an error.

    Note that ``input`` nor ``output`` parameters are used by this
    function itself, these are usually module parameters which this
    function just passes to it. However, when ``input`` is in parameters
    the function checks if its values is correct considering value of
    ``stdin`` parameter.

    :param str module: module name
    :param stdin: string to be used as module standard input (stdin) or `None`
    :param merge_stderr: if the standard error output should be merged with stdout
    :param kwargs: module parameters

    :returns: module standard output (stdout) as string or None if apture_stdout is False

    :raises CalledModuleError: if module return code is non-zero
    :raises ValueError: if the parameters are not correct

    .. note::
        The data read is buffered in memory, so do not use this method
        if the data size is large or unlimited.
    # TODO: remove this:
    # implemenation inspired by subprocess.check_output() function
    if stdin:
        if 'input' in kwargs and kwargs['input'] != '-':
            raise ValueError(_("input='-' must be used when stdin is specified"))
        if stdin == subprocess.PIPE:
            raise ValueError(_("stdin must be string or buffer, not PIPE"))
        kwargs['stdin'] = subprocess.PIPE  # to be able to send data to stdin
    elif 'input' in kwargs and kwargs['input'] == '-':
        raise ValueError(_("stdin must be used when input='-'"))
    if merge_stderr and not (capture_stdout and capture_stderr):
        raise ValueError(_("You cannot merge stdout and stderr and not capture them"))
    if 'stdout' in kwargs:
        raise TypeError(_("stdout argument not allowed, it could be overridden"))
    if 'stderr' in kwargs:
        raise TypeError(_("stderr argument not allowed, it could be overridden"))

    if capture_stdout:
        kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE
    if capture_stderr:
        if merge_stderr:
            kwargs['stderr'] = subprocess.STDOUT
            kwargs['stderr'] = subprocess.PIPE
    process = start_command(module, **kwargs)
    # input=None means no stdin (our default)
    # for no stdout, output is None which is out interface
    # for stderr=STDOUT or no stderr, errors is None
    # which is fine for CalledModuleError
    output, errors = process.communicate(input=stdin)
    returncode = process.poll()
    if returncode:
        raise CalledModuleError(returncode, module, kwargs, errors)
    return output
Exemplo n.º 23
def main():
    infile = options['input']
    output = options['output']
    method = options['method']
    dtype = options['type']
    fs = options['separator']
    x = options['x']
    y = options['y']
    z = options['z']
    value_column = options['value_column']
    vrange = options['vrange']
    vscale = options['vscale']
    percent = options['percent']
    pth = options['pth']
    trim = options['trim']
    workers = int(options['workers'])
    scan_only = flags['s']
    shell_style = flags['g']
    ignore_broken = flags['i']

    if workers is 1 and "WORKERS" in os.environ:
        workers = int(os.environ["WORKERS"])

    if not os.path.exists(infile):
        grass.fatal(_("Unable to read input file <%s>") % infile)

    addl_opts = {}
    if pth:
        addl_opts['pth'] = '%s' % pth
    if trim:
        addl_opts['trim'] = '%s' % trim
    if value_column:
        addl_opts['value_column'] = '%s' % value_column
    if vrange:
        addl_opts['vrange'] = '%s' % vrange
    if vscale:
        addl_opts['vscale'] = '%s' % vscale
    if ignore_broken:
        addl_opts['flags'] = 'i'

    if scan_only or shell_style:
        if shell_style:
            doShell = 'g'
            doShell = ''
        grass.run_command('', flags='s' + doShell, input=infile,
                          output='dummy', sep=fs, x=x, y=y, z=z,

    if dtype == 'float':
        data_type = 'FCELL'
        data_type = 'DCELL'

    region = grass.region(region3d=True)

    if region['nsres'] != region['nsres3'] or region['ewres'] != region['ewres3']:
        grass.run_command('g.region', flags='3p')
        grass.fatal(_("The 2D and 3D region settings are different. Can not continue."))

    grass.verbose(_("Region bottom=%.15g  top=%.15g  vertical_cell_res=%.15g  (%d depths)")
                  % (region['b'], region['t'], region['tbres'], region['depths']))

    grass.verbose(_("Creating slices ..."))

    # to avoid a point which falls exactly on a top bound from being
    # considered twice, we shrink the
    # For the top slice we keep it though, as someone scanning the bounds
    # may have set the bounds exactly to the data extent (a bad idea, but
    # it happens..)
    eps = 1.0e-15

    # if there are thousands of depths hopefully this array doesn't get too
    # large and so we don't have to worry much about storing/looping through
    # all the finished process infos.
    proc = {}
    pout = {}

    depths = list(range(1, 1 + region['depths']))

    for i in depths:
        tmp_layer_name = 'tmp.r3xyz.%d.%s' % (os.getpid(), '%05d' % i)

        zrange_min = region['b'] + (region['tbres'] * (i - 1))

        if i < region['depths']:
            zrange_max = region['b'] + (region['tbres'] * i) - eps
            zrange_max = region['b'] + (region['tbres'] * i)

        # spawn depth layer import job in the background
        #grass.debug("slice %d, <%s>  %% %d" % (band, image[band], band % workers))
        grass.message(_("Processing horizontal slice %d of %d [%.15g,%.15g) ...")
                      % (i, region['depths'], zrange_min, zrange_max))

        proc[i] = grass.start_command('', input=infile, output=tmp_layer_name,
                                      sep=fs, method=method, x=x, y=y, z=z,
                                      percent=percent, type=data_type,
                                      zrange='%.15g,%.15g' % (zrange_min, zrange_max),

        grass.debug("i=%d, %%=%d  (workers=%d)" % (i, i % workers, workers))
        # print sys.getsizeof(proc)  # sizeof(proc array)  [not so big]

        if i % workers is 0:
            # wait for the ones launched so far to finish
            for p_i in depths[:i]:
                pout[p_i] = proc[p_i].communicate()[0]
                if proc[p_i].wait() is not 0:
                    grass.fatal(_("Trouble importing data. Aborting."))

    # wait for jSobs to finish, collect any stray output
    for i in depths:
        pout[i] = proc[i].communicate()[0]
        if proc[i].wait() is not 0:
            grass.fatal(_("Trouble importing data. Aborting."))

    del proc

    grass.verbose(_("Assembling 3D cube ..."))

    # input order: lower most strata first
    slices = grass.read_command('g.list', type='raster', sep=',',
                                pattern='tmp.r3xyz.%d.*' % os.getpid()).rstrip(os.linesep)

        grass.run_command('', input=slices, output=output)
    except CalledModuleError:
        grass.message(_("Done. 3D raster map <%s> created.") % output)
Exemplo n.º 24
def main():
    infile = options['input']
    output = options['output']
    method = options['method']
    dtype = options['type']
    fs = options['separator']
    x = options['x']
    y = options['y']
    z = options['z']
    value_column = options['value_column']
    vrange = options['vrange']
    vscale = options['vscale']
    percent = options['percent']
    pth = options['pth']
    trim = options['trim']
    workers = int(options['workers'])
    scan_only = flags['s']
    shell_style = flags['g']
    ignore_broken = flags['i']

    if workers == 1 and "WORKERS" in os.environ:
        workers = int(os.environ["WORKERS"])

    if not os.path.exists(infile):
        grass.fatal(_("Unable to read input file <%s>") % infile)

    addl_opts = {}
    if pth:
        addl_opts['pth'] = '%s' % pth
    if trim:
        addl_opts['trim'] = '%s' % trim
    if value_column:
        addl_opts['value_column'] = '%s' % value_column
    if vrange:
        addl_opts['vrange'] = '%s' % vrange
    if vscale:
        addl_opts['vscale'] = '%s' % vscale
    if ignore_broken:
        addl_opts['flags'] = 'i'

    if scan_only or shell_style:
        if shell_style:
            doShell = 'g'
            doShell = ''
        grass.run_command('', flags='s' + doShell, input=infile,
                          output='dummy', sep=fs, x=x, y=y, z=z,

    if dtype == 'float':
        data_type = 'FCELL'
        data_type = 'DCELL'

    region = grass.region(region3d=True)

    if region['nsres'] != region['nsres3'] or region['ewres'] != region['ewres3']:
        grass.run_command('g.region', flags='3p')
        grass.fatal(_("The 2D and 3D region settings are different. Can not continue."))

    grass.verbose(_("Region bottom=%.15g  top=%.15g  vertical_cell_res=%.15g  (%d depths)")
                  % (region['b'], region['t'], region['tbres'], region['depths']))

    grass.verbose(_("Creating slices ..."))

    # to avoid a point which falls exactly on a top bound from being
    # considered twice, we shrink the
    # For the top slice we keep it though, as someone scanning the bounds
    # may have set the bounds exactly to the data extent (a bad idea, but
    # it happens..)
    eps = 1.0e-15

    # if there are thousands of depths hopefully this array doesn't get too
    # large and so we don't have to worry much about storing/looping through
    # all the finished process infos.
    proc = {}
    pout = {}

    depths = list(range(1, 1 + region['depths']))

    for i in depths:
        tmp_layer_name = 'tmp.r3xyz.%d.%s' % (os.getpid(), '%05d' % i)

        zrange_min = region['b'] + (region['tbres'] * (i - 1))

        if i < region['depths']:
            zrange_max = region['b'] + (region['tbres'] * i) - eps
            zrange_max = region['b'] + (region['tbres'] * i)

        # spawn depth layer import job in the background
        #grass.debug("slice %d, <%s>  %% %d" % (band, image[band], band % workers))
        grass.message(_("Processing horizontal slice %d of %d [%.15g,%.15g) ...")
                      % (i, region['depths'], zrange_min, zrange_max))

        proc[i] = grass.start_command('', input=infile, output=tmp_layer_name,
                                      sep=fs, method=method, x=x, y=y, z=z,
                                      percent=percent, type=data_type,
                                      zrange='%.15g,%.15g' % (zrange_min, zrange_max),

        grass.debug("i=%d, %%=%d  (workers=%d)" % (i, i % workers, workers))
        # print sys.getsizeof(proc)  # sizeof(proc array)  [not so big]

        if i % workers == 0:
            # wait for the ones launched so far to finish
            for p_i in depths[:i]:
                pout[p_i] = proc[p_i].communicate()[0]
                if proc[p_i].wait() != 0:
                    grass.fatal(_("Trouble importing data. Aborting."))

    # wait for jSobs to finish, collect any stray output
    for i in depths:
        pout[i] = proc[i].communicate()[0]
        if proc[i].wait() != 0:
            grass.fatal(_("Trouble importing data. Aborting."))

    del proc

    grass.verbose(_("Assembling 3D cube ..."))

    # input order: lower most strata first
    slices = grass.read_command('g.list', type='raster', sep=',',
                                pattern='tmp.r3xyz.%d.*' % os.getpid()).rstrip(os.linesep)

        grass.run_command('', input=slices, output=output)
    except CalledModuleError:
        grass.message(_("Done. 3D raster map <%s> created.") % output)
Exemplo n.º 25
def RunCommand(prog,
    """Run GRASS command

    :param prog: program to run
    :param flags: flags given as a string
    :param overwrite, quiet, verbose: flags
    :param parent: parent window for error messages
    :param read: fetch stdout
    :param parse: fn to parse stdout (e.g. grass.parse_key_val) or None
    :param stdin: stdin or None
    :param getErrorMsg: get error messages on failure
    :param kwargs: program parameters
    :return: returncode (read == False and getErrorMsg == False)
    :return: returncode, messages (read == False and getErrorMsg == True)
    :return: stdout (read == True and getErrorMsg == False)
    :return: returncode, stdout, messages (read == True and getErrorMsg == True)
    :return: stdout, stderr
    cmdString = ' '.join(
        grass.make_command(prog, flags, overwrite, quiet, verbose, **kwargs))

    Debug.msg(1, "gcmd.RunCommand(): %s" % cmdString)

    kwargs['stderr'] = subprocess.PIPE

    if read:
        kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE

    if stdin:
        kwargs['stdin'] = subprocess.PIPE

    if parent:
        messageFormat = os.getenv('GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT', 'gui')
        os.environ['GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT'] = 'standard'

    Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): command started")
    start = time.time()

    ps = grass.start_command(prog, flags, overwrite, quiet, verbose, **kwargs)

    if stdin:
        ps.stdin = None

    Debug.msg(3, "gcmd.RunCommand(): decoding string")
    stdout, stderr = map(DecodeString, ps.communicate())

    if parent:  # restore previous settings
        os.environ['GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT'] = messageFormat

    ret = ps.returncode
    Debug.msg(1, "gcmd.RunCommand(): get return code %d (%.6f sec)" % \
                  (ret, (time.time() - start)))

    Debug.msg(3, "gcmd.RunCommand(): print error")
    if ret != 0:
        if stderr:
            Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): error %s" % stderr)
            Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): nothing to print ???")

        if parent:
                   caption=_("Error in %s") % prog,

    Debug.msg(3, "gcmd.RunCommand(): print read error")
    if not read:
        if not getErrorMsg:
            return ret
            return ret, _formatMsg(stderr)

    if stdout:
        Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): return stdout\n'%s'" % stdout)
        Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): return stdout = None")

    if parse:
        stdout = parse(stdout)

    if not getErrorMsg:
        return stdout

    Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): return ret, stdout")
    if read and getErrorMsg:
        return ret, stdout, _formatMsg(stderr)

    Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): return result")
    return stdout, _formatMsg(stderr)
Exemplo n.º 26
def RunCommand(
    """Run GRASS command

    :param prog: program to run
    :param flags: flags given as a string
    :param overwrite, quiet, verbose: flags
    :param parent: parent window for error messages
    :param read: fetch stdout
    :param parse: fn to parse stdout (e.g. grass.parse_key_val) or None
    :param stdin: stdin or None
    :param getErrorMsg: get error messages on failure
    :param env: environment (optional, uses os.environ if not provided)
    :param kwargs: program parameters

    The environment passed to the function (env or os.environ) is not modified (a copy is used internally).

    :return: returncode (read == False and getErrorMsg == False)
    :return: returncode, messages (read == False and getErrorMsg == True)
    :return: stdout (read == True and getErrorMsg == False)
    :return: returncode, stdout, messages (read == True and getErrorMsg == True)
    :return: stdout, stderr
    cmdString = " ".join(
        grass.make_command(prog, flags, overwrite, quiet, verbose, **kwargs)

    Debug.msg(1, "gcmd.RunCommand(): %s" % cmdString)

    kwargs["stderr"] = subprocess.PIPE

    if read:
        kwargs["stdout"] = subprocess.PIPE

    if stdin:
        kwargs["stdin"] = subprocess.PIPE

    # Do not change the environment, only a local copy.
    if env:
        env = env.copy()
        env = os.environ.copy()

    if parent:
        env["GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT"] = "standard"

    start = time.time()

    ps = grass.start_command(prog, flags, overwrite, quiet, verbose, env=env, **kwargs)

    if stdin:
        ps.stdin = None

    stdout, stderr = ps.communicate()
    stderr = decode(stderr)
    stdout = decode(stdout) if read else stdout

    ret = ps.returncode
        "gcmd.RunCommand(): get return code %d (%.6f sec)"
        % (ret, (time.time() - start)),

    if ret != 0:
        if stderr:
            Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): error %s" % stderr)
            Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): nothing to print ???")

        if parent:
            GError(parent=parent, caption=_("Error in %s") % prog, message=stderr)

    if not read:
        if not getErrorMsg:
            return ret
            return ret, _formatMsg(stderr)

    if stdout:
        Debug.msg(3, "gcmd.RunCommand(): return stdout\n'%s'" % stdout)
        Debug.msg(3, "gcmd.RunCommand(): return stdout = None")

    if parse:
        stdout = parse(stdout)

    if not getErrorMsg:
        return stdout

    if read and getErrorMsg:
        return ret, stdout, _formatMsg(stderr)

    return stdout, _formatMsg(stderr)
Exemplo n.º 27
def RunCommand(prog, flags = "", overwrite = False, quiet = False, verbose = False,
               parent = None, read = False, parse = None, stdin = None, getErrorMsg = False, **kwargs):
    """!Run GRASS command

    @param prog program to run
    @param flags flags given as a string
    @param overwrite, quiet, verbose flags
    @param parent parent window for error messages
    @param read fetch stdout
    @param parse fn to parse stdout (e.g. grass.parse_key_val) or None
    @param stdin stdin or None
    @param getErrorMsg get error messages on failure
    @param kwargs program parameters
    @return returncode (read == False and getErrorMsg == False)
    @return returncode, messages (read == False and getErrorMsg == True)
    @return stdout (read == True and getErrorMsg == False)
    @return returncode, stdout, messages (read == True and getErrorMsg == True)
    @return stdout, stderr
    cmdString = ' '.join(grass.make_command(prog, flags, overwrite,
                                            quiet, verbose, **kwargs))
    Debug.msg(1, "gcmd.RunCommand(): %s" % cmdString)
    kwargs['stderr'] = subprocess.PIPE
    if read:
        kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE
    if stdin:
        kwargs['stdin'] = subprocess.PIPE
    ps = grass.start_command(prog, flags, overwrite, quiet, verbose, **kwargs)
    Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): command started")

    if stdin:
        ps.stdin = None
    Debug.msg(3, "gcmd.RunCommand(): decoding string")
    stdout, stderr = map(utils.DecodeString, ps.communicate())
    ret = ps.returncode
    Debug.msg(1, "gcmd.RunCommand(): get return code %d" % ret)
    Debug.msg(3, "gcmd.RunCommand(): print error")
    if ret != 0 and parent:
        Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): error %s" % stderr)
        if (stderr == None):
            Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): nothing to print ???")
            GError(parent = parent,
                   message = stderr)
    Debug.msg(3, "gcmd.RunCommand(): print read error")
    if not read:
        if not getErrorMsg:
            return ret
            return ret, _formatMsg(stderr)

    if stdout:
        Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): return stdout\n'%s'" % stdout)
        Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): return stdout = None")
    if parse:
        stdout = parse(stdout)
    if not getErrorMsg:
        return stdout
    Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): return ret, stdout")
    if read and getErrorMsg:
        return ret, stdout, _formatMsg(stderr)
    Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): return result")
    return stdout, _formatMsg(stderr)
Exemplo n.º 28
def read2_command(*args, **kwargs):
    kwargs["stdout"] = gcore.PIPE
    kwargs["stderr"] = gcore.PIPE
    ps = gcore.start_command(*args, **kwargs)
    stdout, stderr = ps.communicate()
    return ps.returncode, DecodeString(stdout), DecodeString(stderr)
Exemplo n.º 29
def read2_command(*args, **kwargs):
    kwargs['stdout'] = gcore.PIPE
    kwargs['stderr'] = gcore.PIPE
    ps = gcore.start_command(*args, **kwargs)
    stdout, stderr = ps.communicate()
    return ps.returncode, stdout, stderr
Exemplo n.º 30
def _read2_command(*args, **kwargs):
    kwargs['stdout'] = gcore.PIPE
    kwargs['stderr'] = gcore.PIPE
    ps = gcore.start_command(*args, **kwargs)
    stdout, stderr = ps.communicate()
    return ps.returncode, stdout, stderr
Exemplo n.º 31
def RunCommand(prog, flags = "", overwrite = False, quiet = False,
               verbose = False, parent = None, read = False,
               parse = None, stdin = None, getErrorMsg = False, **kwargs):
    """Run GRASS command

    :param prog: program to run
    :param flags: flags given as a string
    :param overwrite, quiet, verbose: flags
    :param parent: parent window for error messages
    :param read: fetch stdout
    :param parse: fn to parse stdout (e.g. grass.parse_key_val) or None
    :param stdin: stdin or None
    :param getErrorMsg: get error messages on failure
    :param kwargs: program parameters
    :return: returncode (read == False and getErrorMsg == False)
    :return: returncode, messages (read == False and getErrorMsg == True)
    :return: stdout (read == True and getErrorMsg == False)
    :return: returncode, stdout, messages (read == True and getErrorMsg == True)
    :return: stdout, stderr
    cmdString = ' '.join(grass.make_command(prog, flags, overwrite,
                                            quiet, verbose, **kwargs))
    Debug.msg(1, "gcmd.RunCommand(): %s" % cmdString)
    kwargs['stderr'] = subprocess.PIPE
    if read:
        kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE
    if stdin:
        kwargs['stdin'] = subprocess.PIPE

    if parent:
        messageFormat = os.getenv('GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT', 'gui')
        os.environ['GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT'] = 'standard'
    start = time.time()
    ps = grass.start_command(prog, flags, overwrite, quiet, verbose, **kwargs)
    if stdin:
        ps.stdin = None
    stdout, stderr = map(DecodeString, ps.communicate())
    if parent: # restore previous settings
        os.environ['GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT'] = messageFormat
    ret = ps.returncode
    Debug.msg(1, "gcmd.RunCommand(): get return code %d (%.6f sec)" % \
                  (ret, (time.time() - start)))
    if ret != 0:
        if stderr:
            Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): error %s" % stderr)
            Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): nothing to print ???")
        if parent:
            GError(parent = parent,
                   caption = _("Error in %s") % prog,
                   message = stderr)
    if not read:
        if not getErrorMsg:
            return ret
            return ret, _formatMsg(stderr)

    if stdout:
        Debug.msg(3, "gcmd.RunCommand(): return stdout\n'%s'" % stdout)
        Debug.msg(3, "gcmd.RunCommand(): return stdout = None")
    if parse:
        stdout = parse(stdout)
    if not getErrorMsg:
        return stdout
    if read and getErrorMsg:
        return ret, stdout, _formatMsg(stderr)
    return stdout, _formatMsg(stderr)
Exemplo n.º 32
def RunCommand(prog,
    """!Run GRASS command

    @param prog program to run
    @param flags flags given as a string
    @param overwrite, quiet, verbose flags
    @param parent parent window for error messages
    @param read fetch stdout
    @param stdin stdin or None
    @param getErrorMsg get error messages on failure
    @param kwargs program parameters
    @return returncode (read == False and getErrorMsg == False)
    @return returncode, messages (read == False and getErrorMsg == True)
    @return stdout (read == True and getErrorMsg == False)
    @return returncode, stdout, messages (read == True and getErrorMsg == True)
    @return stdout, stderr
    cmdString = ' '.join(
        grass.make_command(prog, flags, overwrite, quiet, verbose, **kwargs))

    Debug.msg(1, "gcmd.RunCommand(): %s" % cmdString)

    kwargs['stderr'] = subprocess.PIPE

    if read:
        kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE

    if stdin:
        kwargs['stdin'] = subprocess.PIPE

    ps = grass.start_command(GetRealCmd(prog), flags, overwrite, quiet,
                             verbose, **kwargs)

    Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): command started")

    if stdin:
        ps.stdin = None

    Debug.msg(3, "gcmd.RunCommand(): decoding string")
    stdout, stderr = map(DecodeString, ps.communicate())

    ret = ps.returncode
    Debug.msg(1, "gcmd.RunCommand(): get return code %d" % ret)

    Debug.msg(3, "gcmd.RunCommand(): print error")
    if ret != 0 and parent:
        Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): error %s" % stderr)
        if (stderr == None):
            Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): nothing to print ???")
            GError(parent=parent, message=stderr)

    Debug.msg(3, "gcmd.RunCommand(): print read error")
    if not read:
        if not getErrorMsg:
            return ret
            return ret, _formatMsg(stderr)

    if stdout:
        Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): return stdout\n'%s'" % stdout)
        Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): return stdout = None")
    if not getErrorMsg:
        return stdout

    Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): return ret, stdout")
    if read and getErrorMsg:
        return ret, stdout, _formatMsg(stderr)

    Debug.msg(2, "gcmd.RunCommand(): return result")
    return stdout, _formatMsg(stderr)