Exemplo n.º 1
def grand_tour(gps, trgs, trgtype, windows, conf=0.68, plot=False):
    a function that compute the grand tour statistics 
    if trgtype == "kw":
        col = event.col_kw
        snrkey = 'signif'
    elif trgtype == "Omicron":
        col = event.col_snglBurst
        snrkey = 'snr'
        raise ValueError("do not understand trgtype=%s" % (trgtype))

    figax = []
    for win in windows:
        print "window=%.6f" % win

        ### downelect to only this window
        trgs = [
            trg for trg in trgs if (trg[col['tcent']] >= gps - win) and (
                trg[col['tcent']] <= gps + win)

        Pvalue = np.infty
        Snr = None
        Dt = None
        Frq = None
        for snrThr in sorted(list(set([trg[col[snrkey]] for trg in trgs
                                       ]))):  ### iterate over all snrs present
            print "snrThr=%.6f" % snrThr

            ctrgs = [trg for trg in trgs if trg[snrkey] >= snrThr]
            n = len(ctrgs)  ### number of triggers
            r = 0.5 * n / opts.window  ### point estimate of the rate

            if n:
                dt = np.array([ctrgs[col['tcent']] for trg in ctrgs]) - gps
                arg = np.argmin(np.abs(dt))

                snr = ctrgs[arg][col[snrkey]]
                frq = ctrgs[arg][col['fcent']]
                min_dt = dt[arg]
                absmin_dt = abs(min_dt)
                min_dt = win
                snr = None
                frq = None

            if r > 0:
                pvalue = 1 - np.exp(
                    -r * 2 * absmin_dt
                )  ### cumulative probability of observing min_dt <= observed min_dt | estimated rate, the factor of 2 comes from looking on either side of the specified gps time
                pvalue = 1  ### limit is not great here...need to add CI

            print "\n\tchannel=%s\n\t-> Ntrg=%d\n\t-> rate=%.9e Hz\n\t-> min_dt=%.9e sec\n\t-> pvalue=%.9e" % (
                chan, n, r, min_dt, pvalue)

            r_l, r_h = np.array(gci.poisson_bs(conf, n)) * 0.5 / win
            pvalue_l = 1 - np.exp(-r_l * 2 * absmin_dt)
            pvalue_h = 1 - np.exp(-r_h * 2 * absmin_dt)

            print "\t-> %.5e confidence:\n\t\tlow rate =%.9e Hz\n\t\thigh rate=%.9e Hz\n\t\tlow pvalue =%.9e\n\t\thigh pvalue=%.9e" % (
                conf, r_l, r_h, pvalue_l, pvalue_h)

            if pvalue_h < Pvalue:
                pvalue = pvalue_h
                Snr = snr
                Dt = dt
                Frq = frq

        ### separate plot for each window
        ### xaxis : time (relative to gps)
        ### yaxis SNR
        ### color = pvalue (upper limit?)
        if plot:
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
            figax.append((fig, ax))

            ### plot all triggers
            #            dts = np.array([ trg[col['tcent'] for trg in trgs ]) - gps
            #            snrs = [ trg[col[snrkey]] for trg in trgs ]
            #            frqs = [ trg[col['fcent']] for trg in trgs ]

            for trg in trgs:
                dt = trg[col['tcent']] - gps
                snr = trg[col[snrkey]]
                frq = trg[col['fcent']]

                color = snr_map(snr)

            ax.set_xlabel('time relative to %.6f [sec]' % gps)
            ax.set_ylabel('frequency [Hz]')

            if Dt:
                color = snr_map(Snr)
                ax.text(Dt, Frq, '%.3e' % Pvalue, ha='left', va='center')

            ax.set_xlim(xmin=-win, xmax=win)
            ymax = 1
            maxfrq = max([trg[col['fcent']] for trg in trgs])
            while maxfrq > ymax:
                ymax *= 2
            ax.set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=ymax)

    return figax
Exemplo n.º 2
            min_dt = dt[arg]
            min_dt = opts.window
            arg = None
        absmin_dt = abs(min_dt)

        if r > 0:
            pvalue = 1 - np.exp(
                -r * 2 * absmin_dt
            )  ### cumulative probability of observing min_dt <= observed min_dt | estimated rate, the factor of 2 comes from looking on either side of the specified gps time
            pvalue = 1  ### limit is not great here...need to add CI

        if opts.confidence_intervals:
            if n < opts.nmax:
                r_l, r_h = np.array(gci.poisson_bs(conf, n)) * 0.5 / (opts.window - opts.exclude)

                s = n ** 0.5 * (
                    scipy.special.erfinv(conf) * 2 ** 0.5
                )  ### the size of the standard deviation times the number of standard deviations needed to cover conf
                r_l = max(0, (n - s) * 0.5 / (opts.window - opts.exclude))
                r_h = (n + s) * 0.5 / (opts.window - opts.exclude)
            pvalue_l = 1 - np.exp(-r_l * 2 * absmin_dt)
            pvalue_h = 1 - np.exp(-r_h * 2 * absmin_dt)

        if pvalue <= opts.pvalue_print_thr:
            print "\n\tchannel=%s\n\t-> Ntrg=%d\n\t-> rate=%.9e Hz\n\t-> min_dt=%.9e sec" % (chan, n, r, min_dt)

            if arg != None:
                trg = trgdict[chan][arg]
Exemplo n.º 3
            min_dt = dt[arg]
            min_dt = opts.window
            arg = None
        absmin_dt = abs(min_dt)

        if r > 0:
            pvalue = 1 - np.exp(
                -r * 2 * absmin_dt
            )  ### cumulative probability of observing min_dt <= observed min_dt | estimated rate, the factor of 2 comes from looking on either side of the specified gps time
            pvalue = 1  ### limit is not great here...need to add CI

        if opts.confidence_intervals:
            if n < opts.nmax:
                r_l, r_h = np.array(gci.poisson_bs(
                    conf, n)) * 0.5 / (opts.window - opts.exclude)

                s = n**0.5 * (
                    scipy.special.erfinv(conf) * 2**0.5
                )  ### the size of the standard deviation times the number of standard deviations needed to cover conf
                r_l = max(0, (n - s) * 0.5 / (opts.window - opts.exclude))
                r_h = (n + s) * 0.5 / (opts.window - opts.exclude)
            pvalue_l = 1 - np.exp(-r_l * 2 * absmin_dt)
            pvalue_h = 1 - np.exp(-r_h * 2 * absmin_dt)

        if (pvalue <= opts.pvalue_print_thr):
            print "\n\tchannel=%s\n\t-> Ntrg=%d\n\t-> rate=%.9e Hz\n\t-> min_dt=%.9e sec" % (
                chan, n, r, min_dt)

            if arg != None:
Exemplo n.º 4
def grand_tour(gps, trgs, trgtype, windows, conf=0.68, plot=False):
    a function that compute the grand tour statistics 
    if trgtype == "kw":
        col = event.col_kw
        snrkey = 'signif'
    elif trgtype == "Omicron":
        col = event.col_snglBurst
        snrkey = 'snr'
        raise ValueError("do not understand trgtype=%s"%(trgtype))

    figax = []
    for win in windows:
        print "window=%.6f"%win

        ### downelect to only this window
        trgs = [ trg for trg in trgs if (trg[col['tcent']] >= gps-win) and (trg[col['tcent']] <= gps+win) ]

        Pvalue = np.infty
        Snr = None
        Dt = None
        Frq = None
        for snrThr in sorted(list(set([ trg[col[snrkey]] for trg in trgs ]))): ### iterate over all snrs present
            print "snrThr=%.6f"%snrThr

            ctrgs =  [ trg for trg in trgs if trg[snrkey] >= snrThr ]
            n = len( ctrgs ) ### number of triggers
            r = 0.5*n/opts.window ### point estimate of the rate

            if n:
                dt = np.array([ctrgs[col['tcent']] for trg in ctrgs]) - gps
                arg = np.argmin(np.abs(dt))

                snr = ctrgs[arg][col[snrkey]]
                frq = ctrgs[arg][col['fcent']]
                min_dt = dt[arg]
                absmin_dt = abs(min_dt)
                min_dt = win
                snr = None
                frq = None

            if r > 0:
                pvalue = 1 - np.exp(-r*2*absmin_dt) ### cumulative probability of observing min_dt <= observed min_dt | estimated rate, the factor of 2 comes from looking on either side of the specified gps time
                pvalue = 1 ### limit is not great here...need to add CI

            print "\n\tchannel=%s\n\t-> Ntrg=%d\n\t-> rate=%.9e Hz\n\t-> min_dt=%.9e sec\n\t-> pvalue=%.9e"%(chan, n, r, min_dt, pvalue)

            r_l, r_h = np.array( gci.poisson_bs(conf, n) ) * 0.5 / win
            pvalue_l = 1 - np.exp(-r_l*2*absmin_dt)
            pvalue_h = 1 - np.exp(-r_h*2*absmin_dt)

            print "\t-> %.5e confidence:\n\t\tlow rate =%.9e Hz\n\t\thigh rate=%.9e Hz\n\t\tlow pvalue =%.9e\n\t\thigh pvalue=%.9e"%(conf, r_l, r_h, pvalue_l, pvalue_h)

            if pvalue_h < Pvalue:
                pvalue = pvalue_h
                Snr = snr
                Dt = dt
                Frq = frq

        ### separate plot for each window
        ### xaxis : time (relative to gps)
        ### yaxis SNR
        ### color = pvalue (upper limit?)
        if plot:                 
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = plt.subplot(1,1,1)
            figax.append( (fig, ax) )

            ### plot all triggers
#            dts = np.array([ trg[col['tcent'] for trg in trgs ]) - gps
#            snrs = [ trg[col[snrkey]] for trg in trgs ]
#            frqs = [ trg[col['fcent']] for trg in trgs ]

            for trg in trgs:
                dt  = trg[col['tcent']] - gps
                snr = trg[col[snrkey]]
                frq = trg[col['fcent']]

                color = snr_map( snr )
                ax.plot( dt, frq, markerfacecolor=color, markeredgecolor='none', marker='o', linestyle='none', alpha=0.50, markersize=2 )

            ax.set_xlabel( 'time relative to %.6f [sec]'%gps )
            ax.set_ylabel( 'frequency [Hz]' )

            if Dt:
                color = snr_map( Snr )
                ax.plot( Dt, Frq, markerfacecolor='none', markeredgecolor=color, marker='o', linestyle='none', alpha=1.00, markersize=5 )
                ax.text( Dt, Frq, '%.3e'%Pvalue, ha='left', va='center' )

            ax.set_xlim(xmin=-win, xmax=win)
            ymax = 1
            maxfrq = max( [ trg[col['fcent']] for trg in trgs ] )
            while maxfrq > ymax:
                ymax *= 2
            ax.set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=ymax)

    return figax