Exemplo n.º 1
def find_path(data, grid_start, grid_goal, drone_altitude, safety_distance):
    # This is now the routine using Voronoi
    grid, edges = create_grid_and_edges(data, drone_altitude, safety_distance)

    # equivalent to
    # plt.imshow(np.flip(grid, 0))
    # plt.imshow(grid, origin='lower', cmap='Greys')
    # for e in edges:
    #     p1 = e[0]
    #     p2 = e[1]
    #     plt.plot([p1[1], p2[1]], [p1[0], p2[0]], 'b-')
    # plt.plot(start_ne[1], start_ne[0], 'rx')
    # plt.plot(goal_ne[1], goal_ne[0], 'rx')
    # plt.xlabel('EAST')
    # plt.ylabel('NORTH')
    # plt.show()

    G = nx.Graph()

    for p1, p2 in edges:
        dist = LA.norm(np.array(p2) - np.array(p1))
        G.add_edge(p1, p2, weight=dist)

    start_closest = closest_point(G, grid_start)
    print(grid_start, start_closest)
    goal_closest = closest_point(G, grid_goal)
    print(grid_goal, goal_closest)

    # 2. Compute the path from start to goal using A* algorithm
    path, cost = a_star(G, heuristic, start_closest, goal_closest)
    print("path :", len(path), "cost: ", cost)

    # insert actual start and goal positions
    if len(path) > 0:
        path.insert(0, grid_start)

    return grid, path, cost
# In[171]:

start_ne = (25, 100)
goal_ne = (750., 370.)

# In[172]:

# Static drone altitude (metres)
drone_altitude = 5
safety_distance = 3

# In[173]:

# This is now the routine using Voronoi
grid, edges = create_grid_and_edges(data, drone_altitude, safety_distance)
# print(len(edges))

# Plot the edges on top of the grid along with start and goal locations.

# In[174]:

# equivalent to
# plt.imshow(np.flip(grid, 0))
plt.imshow(grid, origin='lower', cmap='Greys')

for e in edges:
    p1 = e[0]
    p2 = e[1]
    plt.plot([p1[1], p2[1]], [p1[0], p2[0]], 'b-')
Exemplo n.º 3
close_goal_dist = 9999
start_ne = (25,  100)
#goal_ne = (750., 370.)
goal_ne = (750, 370)

close_start_pt = (9999,9999)
close_goal_pt = (9999,9999)

dist_s = 9999
dist_g = 9999

# Static drone altitude (metres)
drone_altitude = 5

# This is now the routine using Voronoi
grid, edges = create_grid_and_edges(data, drone_altitude)

# equivalent to
# plt.imshow(np.flip(grid, 0))
plt.imshow(grid, origin='lower', cmap='Greys')
G = nx.Graph()

def heuristic(n1, n2):
    # TODO: define a heuristic
    return distance(n1,n2)

for e in edges:
    p1 = (int(e[0][0]), int(e[0][1]))
    p2 = (int(e[1][0]), int(e[1][1]))
Exemplo n.º 4
data = np.loadtxt('vrhovi_new.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=2)


new_data = []
for row in data:
    if np.absolute(row[0]) > 4000 or np.absolute(row[1]) > 2000:

small_data = np.array(new_data) / 10

#s_data = np.array(data)/10
grid, edges = create_grid_and_edges(small_data, 1, 0.5)

grid_pickle_out = open("grid_p.pickel", mode='wb')
pickle.dump(grid, grid_pickle_out)

outfile = open("edges_p.pickel", mode='wb')
pickle.dump(edges, outfile)

in_grid = open("grid_p.pickel", mode='rb')
grid = pickle.load(in_grid)

in_edges = open("edges_p.pickel", mode='rb')
edges = pickle.load(in_edges)