Exemplo n.º 1
def Create_water(grid):
    water_options = [1, 2, 3, 4]

    water_bodies = 1  #random.choice(water_options)

    if water_bodies > 1:
        water_coordinates = MakeWater(water_bodies)
        for body in range(water_bodies):
            if water_coordinates != None:
                if body == 0:
                    grid = Area().update_grid(grid, water_coordinates[body],
                elif body > 0:
                    if Area().watercheck(grid,
                                         water_coordinates[body]) == True:
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid,
                        return None

    elif water_bodies == 1:
        water_coordinates = MakeWater(water_bodies)
        if water_coordinates != None:
            grid = Area().update_grid(grid, water_coordinates[0], "water")

    return water_coordinates
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_water(grid):

    # create 1-4 bodies of water
    water_options = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    water_bodies = random.choice(water_options)

    # if more than 1 water body check if all the water bodies fit
    if water_bodies > 1:
        water_coordinates = make_water(water_bodies)
        for body in range(water_bodies):
            if water_coordinates != None:
                if body == 0:
                    grid = Area().update_grid(grid, water_coordinates[body],
                elif body > 0:
                    if Area().water_check(grid,
                                          water_coordinates[body]) == True:
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid,
                        return None

    # if only 1 water body place this
    elif water_bodies == 1:
        water_coordinates = make_water(water_bodies)
        if water_coordinates != None:
            grid = Area().update_grid(grid, water_coordinates[0], "water")

    # return the water coordinates
    return water_coordinates
Exemplo n.º 3
def rotate_house(coordinate_list, nr_of_houses, grid):

	# randomly pick one house from the coordinate list
	rotate_house = randint(0, (nr_of_houses -1))
	cord_rotate_house = coordinate_list[rotate_house]

	# determine height and width of the houses
	width = cord_rotate_house[2] - cord_rotate_house[0]
	height = cord_rotate_house[1] - cord_rotate_house[3]

	# set coordinates for rotated house
	x_l = cord_rotate_house[0]
	y_u = cord_rotate_house[1]
	x_r = cord_rotate_house[0] + height
	y_d = cord_rotate_house[1] - width

	# set new coordinates
	new_cord = [x_l, y_u, x_r, y_d, cord_rotate_house[4]]

	# determine space needed first
	if cord_rotate_house[4] == 1:
		build = single
	elif cord_rotate_house[4] == 2:
		build = bungalow
	elif cord_rotate_house[4] == 3:
		build = maison
	cord = (cord_rotate_house[0], cord_rotate_house[1])
	space_cords = build(cord).spacehouse(cord_rotate_house)

	# clear the space the houses were using
	if Area().create_space(space_cords, grid) == True:

		# determine space needed for new houses
		if new_cord[4] == 1:
			build = single
		elif new_cord[4] == 2:
			build = bungalow
		elif new_cord[4] == 3:
			build = maison
		cord = (new_cord[0], new_cord[1])
		new_space_cords = build(cord).spacehouse(new_cord)

		# check if there is enough space to place house
		if Area().housecheck(grid, new_cord) == True:

			# check if there is space to place house with extra space
			if Area().spacecheck(grid, new_space_cords) == True:

				# if everything is true swap the houses
				grid = Area().update_grid(grid, new_cord, "house")
				coordinate_list[rotate_house] = new_cord

	# if the houses were swapped return the grid information
	return [coordinate_list, grid]
Exemplo n.º 4
    def give_worth(self, house_coordinates, grid):
        space_vertical = Area().calculate_space_vertical(
            house_coordinates, grid)
        space_horizontal = Area().calculate_space_horizontal(
            house_coordinates, grid)
        if space_horizontal != None and space_vertical != None:
            if space_horizontal < space_vertical:
                space = space_horizontal
                space = space_vertical

            extra_space = (int(space - self.space)) / 2
            price = self.price * (1 + (self.percentage * extra_space))

            return price
Exemplo n.º 5
def random_algoritme(nr_of_houses, distribution):

    # create water coordinates for the grid
    water_coordinates = None
    while water_coordinates == None:
        total_value = 0
        grid = Area().make_basic_grid()
        water_coordinates = create_water(grid)

    # after water is succesful determine house distribution
    # and build the grid
    if water_coordinates != None:
        if distribution == "A":
            coordinate_list = build_amstelhaege(nr_of_houses, grid)

        elif distribution == "B":
            coordinate_list = random_amstelhaege(nr_of_houses, grid)
            print("Enter A or B")

        # determine worth of the houses build
        for cordinate in coordinate_list:
            cord = (cordinate[0], cordinate[1])
            build = house_type(cordinate[4])
            price = build(cord).give_worth(cordinate, grid)
            if price != None:
                total_value += price

        # return the neighbourhood specifics
        return ([coordinate_list, water_coordinates, total_value, grid])
Exemplo n.º 6
def move_house(coordinate_list, nr_of_houses, grid):

	# randomly pick one house from the coordinate list
	move_house = randint(0, (nr_of_houses -1))
	cord_move_house = coordinate_list[move_house]

	new_cord = move(cord_move_house)

	# determine space needed first
	build = house_type(cord_move_house[4])
	cord = (cord_move_house[0], cord_move_house[1])
	space_cords = build(cord).space_house(cord_move_house)

	# determine space needed after move
	build = house_type(new_cord[4])
	cord = (new_cord[0], new_cord[1])
	new_space_cords = build(cord).space_house(new_cord)

	if (new_space_cords[0] < 0 or new_space_cords[3] < 0 or
		new_space_cords[1] > 320 or new_space_cords[2] > 360):
		return None
	# clear the space the house was using
	grid = Area().create_space(space_cords, grid)

	# check if there is enough space to place house
	if Area().house_check(grid, new_cord) == True:

		# check if there is space to place house with extra space
		if Area().space_check(grid, new_space_cords) == True:

			# if everything is true move the house
			grid = reset(grid, new_cord, new_space_cords)
			coordinate_list[move_house] = new_cord

			grid = reset(grid, cord_move_house, space_cords)
			return None

		grid = reset(grid, cord_move_house, space_cords)
		return None

	# if the house was moved return the grid information
	return [coordinate_list, grid, cord_move_house, space_cords, move_house, new_space_cords]
Exemplo n.º 7
def Set_house_in_list(build, cord, coordinate_list, grid):

    # create coordinates for house
    house_coordinates = build(cord).coordinates_house()
    if house_coordinates != None:

        # if house coordinates are given create coordinates for house with space
        space_coordinates = build(cord).spacehouse(house_coordinates)

        # check room for house
        if Area().housecheck(grid, house_coordinates) == True:

            # check room for house with space around
            if Area().spacecheck(grid, space_coordinates) == True:

                # set house in grid
                grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_coordinates, "house")
                grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space_coordinates, "space")
                return True

            # if not enough room for house or space return false
            elif Area().spacecheck(grid, space_coordinates) != True:
                return False
        elif Area().housecheck(grid, house_coordinates) != True:
            return False
Exemplo n.º 8
def cancel_change(current_coordinate_list, grid, old_house_cords, old_space_cords, coordinate_number, new_space_cords):
	if len(old_house_cords) == 2 and len(new_space_cords) == 2:
		grid = Area().create_space(new_space_cords[0], grid)
		grid = Area().create_space(new_space_cords[1], grid)
		grid = reset(grid, old_house_cords[0], old_space_cords[0])
		grid = reset(grid, old_house_cords[1], old_space_cords[1])
		current_coordinate_list[coordinate_number[0]] = old_house_cords[0]
		current_coordinate_list[coordinate_number[1]] = old_house_cords[1]
	elif len(new_space_cords) == 1:
		grid = Area().create_space(new_space_cords[0], grid)
		grid = reset(grid, old_house_cords[0], old_space_cords[0])
		grid = reset(grid, old_house_cords[1], old_space_cords[1])
		current_coordinate_list[coordinate_number[0]] = old_house_cords[0]
		current_coordinate_list[coordinate_number[1]] = old_house_cords[1]
		grid = Area().create_space(new_space_cords, grid)
		grid = reset(grid, old_house_cords, old_space_cords)
		current_coordinate_list[coordinate_number] = old_house_cords
	return [current_coordinate_list, grid]
Exemplo n.º 9
def Build_Amstelhaege(amount, grid):
    build_single = int(amount * 0.6)
    build_bungalow = int(amount * 0.25)
    build_maison = int(amount * 0.15)

    coordinate_list = []
    housecount = 0
    # while housecount < amount:
    # 	housetype = randint(1, 3)

    # 	if housetype == 1:
    # 		build = single
    # 	if housetype == 2:
    # 		build = bungalow
    # 	if housetype == 3:
    # 		build = maison
    # 	cord = Randomizer(1)
    # 	if Set_house_in_list(build, cord, coordinate_list, grid) == True:
    # 		housecount += 1

    while housecount < build_maison:
        cord = Randomizer(1)
        build = maison
        if Set_house_in_list(build, cord, coordinate_list, grid) == True:
            housecount += 1

    while housecount < (build_maison + build_bungalow):
        cord = Randomizer(1)
        build = bungalow
        if Set_house_in_list(build, cord, coordinate_list, grid) == True:
            housecount += 1

    while housecount < amount:
        cord = Randomizer(1)
        build = single
        if Set_house_in_list(build, cord, coordinate_list, grid) == True:
            housecount += 1


    return coordinate_list
Exemplo n.º 10
def Random(nr_of_houses):
    # make empty coordinate list

    water_coordinates = None
    while water_coordinates == None:
        total_value = 0
        grid = Area().make_basic_grid()
        water_coordinates = Create_water(grid)

    if water_coordinates != None:
        coordinate_list = Build_Amstelhaege(nr_of_houses, grid)
        for cordinate in coordinate_list:
            cord = (cordinate[0], cordinate[1])
            if cordinate[4] == 1:
                build = single
            elif cordinate[4] == 2:
                build = bungalow
            elif cordinate[4] == 3:
                build = maison
            price = build(cord).giveworth(cordinate, grid)
            if price != None:
                total_value += price

        return ([coordinate_list, water_coordinates, total_value, grid])
Exemplo n.º 11
def main():
    nr_of_houses = int(input("Would you like 20, 40 or 60 houses?"))
    if nr_of_houses != 20 and nr_of_houses != 40 and nr_of_houses != 60:
        print("invalid number of houses")

    alg = input("Select A for Random, B for Hill Climber")
    if alg != "A" and alg != "B":
        print("this is not what I wanted")

    repeats = int(input("How many times do you want to run the algoritm?"))

    with open('scores.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
        fieldnames = ['algoritme', 'score', 'housecount']
        writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)

        start = time.time()
        best_gridvalues = []

        if alg == "A":
            for repeat in range(repeats):
                gridvalue = Random(int(nr_of_houses))
                    'algoritme': 'Random',
                    'score': gridvalue[2],
                    'housecount': nr_of_houses
                if len(best_gridvalues) != 0:
                    if best_gridvalues[2] > gridvalue[2]:
                        best_gridvalues = gridvalue
                    best_gridvalues = gridvalue

            coordinate_list = best_gridvalues[0]
            water_coordinates = best_gridvalues[1]
            total_value = best_gridvalues[2]
            end = time.time()
            print(end - start)
            Area().makegrid(coordinate_list, water_coordinates, total_value)

        if alg == "B":
            for repeat in range(repeats):
                final = HillClimber(nr_of_houses)
                    'algoritme': 'HillClimber',
                    'score': final[2],
                    'housecount': nr_of_houses
                if len(best_gridvalues) != 0:
                    if best_gridvalues[2] > final[2]:
                        best_gridvalues = final
                    best_gridvalues = final

            coordinate_list = final[0]
            water_coordinates = final[1]
            total_value = final[2]
            end = time.time()
            print(end - start)
            Area().makegrid(coordinate_list, water_coordinates, total_value)
Exemplo n.º 12
def main():

    # ask user for nr of houses they want
    nr_of_houses = int(input("Would you like 20, 40 or 60 houses? "))
    if nr_of_houses != 20 and nr_of_houses != 40 and nr_of_houses != 60:
        print("invalid number of houses")

    best_gridvalues = []

    # ask what algoritm they want
    alg = input(
        "Select A for Random, B for Hill Climber, C for Simulated Annealing, or D for Kerkhof algoritm "
    if alg != "A" and alg != "B" and alg != "C" and alg != "D":
        print("this is not what I wanted")

    # if uses picks A, run random algoritm
    elif alg == "A":
        distribution = input(
            "Required (A) or random (B) distribution of houses? ")

        if distribution != "A" and distribution != "B":
            print("Choose a distribution please")

        starttime = time.time()
        gridvalue = random_algoritme(nr_of_houses, distribution)

    # if uses picks B or C, choose starting grid
    elif alg == "B" or alg == "C":

        starting_state = (input("Is starting state Random(A) or Kerkhof(B)? "))

        if starting_state == "A":
            distribution = input(
                "Required (A) or random (B) distribution of houses? ")
            starttime = time.time()
            start = random_algoritme(nr_of_houses, distribution)

        # if startinf state is B then start with kerkhof
        elif starting_state == "B":
            starttime = time.time()
            start = kerkhof(nr_of_houses)

            print("Enter A or B for starting state")
        print("start value: {}".format(start[2]))

        # if B then run hill climber
        if alg == "B":
            gridvalue = hill_climber(nr_of_houses, start)

        # if C then run simulated annealing
        elif alg == "C":
            gridvalue = simulated_annealing(nr_of_houses, start)

    # if D then run kerkhof algoritm
    elif alg == "D":
        starttime = time.time()
        gridvalue = kerkhof(nr_of_houses)

    end = time.time()
    coordinate_list = gridvalue[0]
    water_coordinates = gridvalue[1]
    total_value = gridvalue[2]

    # print runtime, value of grid and grid
    print("time: {}".format(end - starttime))
    print("final value: {}".format(total_value))
    Area().make_grid(coordinate_list, water_coordinates, total_value)
Exemplo n.º 13
def house_swap(coordinate_list, nr_of_houses, grid):

	# randomly pick two houses from the coordinate list
	house_one = randint(0, (nr_of_houses -1))
	house_two = randint(0, (nr_of_houses - 1))
	if house_one == house_two:
		return None

	# look at old coordinates
	old_cords_one = coordinate_list[house_one]
	old_cords_two = coordinate_list[house_two]

	# create new coordinates
	new_cord_one = create_coordinates(old_cords_two, old_cords_one[4], 1, 0)
	new_cord_two = create_coordinates(old_cords_one, old_cords_two[4], 1, 0)

	# create space coordinates of old coordinates
	build = house_type(old_cords_one[4])
	cord_one = (old_cords_one[0], old_cords_one[1])
	space_old_cords_one = build(cord_one).space_house(old_cords_one)
	build = house_type(old_cords_two[4])
	cord_two = (old_cords_two[0], old_cords_two[1])
	space_old_cords_two = build(cord_two).space_house(old_cords_two)

	# create coordinates with space for new coordinates
	build = house_type(new_cord_one[4])
	cord_one_new = (new_cord_one[0], new_cord_one[1])
	new_space_cords_one = build(cord_one_new).space_house(new_cord_one)

	# check if space is in grid
	if (new_space_cords_one[0] < 0 or new_space_cords_one[3] < 0 or
		new_space_cords_one[1] > 320 or new_space_cords_one[2] > 360):
		return None

	# also for the second house
	build = house_type(new_cord_two[4])
	cord_two_new = (new_cord_two[0], new_cord_two[1])
	new_space_cords_two = build(cord_two_new).space_house(new_cord_two)

	if (new_space_cords_two[0] < 0 or new_space_cords_two[3] < 0 or
		new_space_cords_two[1] > 320 or new_space_cords_two[2] > 360):
		return None

	# clear the space the houses were using
	grid = Area().create_space(space_old_cords_one, grid)
	grid = Area().create_space(space_old_cords_two, grid)

	# check if there is enough space to place house
	if Area().house_check(grid, new_cord_one) == True:
		if Area().space_check(grid, new_space_cords_one) == True:
			grid = reset(grid, new_cord_one, new_space_cords_one)
			coordinate_list[house_one] = new_cord_two
			if Area().house_check(grid, new_cord_two) == True:
				if Area().space_check(grid, new_space_cords_two) == True:
					grid = reset(grid, new_cord_two, new_space_cords_two)
					coordinate_list[house_two] = new_cord_one

					cancel = cancel_change(coordinate_list, grid,
					[old_cords_one, old_cords_two], [space_old_cords_one, space_old_cords_two],
					[house_one, house_two], [new_space_cords_one])
					coordinate_list = cancel[0]
					grid = cancel[1]
					return None
				cancel = cancel_change(coordinate_list, grid,
				[old_cords_one, old_cords_two], [space_old_cords_one, space_old_cords_two],
				[house_one, house_two], [new_space_cords_one])
				coordinate_list = cancel[0]
				grid = cancel[1]
				return None
			grid = reset(grid, old_cords_one, space_old_cords_one)
			grid = reset(grid, old_cords_two, space_old_cords_two)
			return None
		grid = reset(grid, old_cords_one, space_old_cords_one)
		grid = reset(grid, old_cords_two, space_old_cords_two)
		return None			

	# if the houses were swapped return the grid information
	return [coordinate_list, grid, [old_cords_one, old_cords_two], [space_old_cords_one, space_old_cords_two], [house_one, house_two], [new_space_cords_one, new_space_cords_two]]
Exemplo n.º 14
def reset(grid, house_coordinates, space_coordinates):
	grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_coordinates, "house")
	grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space_coordinates, "space")
	return grid
Exemplo n.º 15
def kerkhof(nr_of_houses):

    # initialising empty grid
    grid = Area().make_basic_grid()

    # if 20 houses are chosen
    if nr_of_houses == 20:

        # placing water
        water = 1
        water_coordinates = [[135, 272, 225, 14]]

        # checking if there is place for water
        for body in range(water):
            if Area().water_check(grid, water_coordinates[body]) == True:
                grid = Area().update_grid(grid, water_coordinates[body],

        location_space = []
        location_list = []
        total_value = 0

        # placing 9 singles
        for i in range(9):
            size = Single([0, 0]).give_size()

            # choosing coordinates
            house_next = [
                24 + (21 + size[1]) * i, 300,
                24 + size[1] + (21 + size[1]) * i, 300 - size[0], 1
            cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

            # checking if there is place for house
            if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
                space = Single(cords).space_house(house_next)

                # checking if there is place for space
                if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                    # if all true place house and space
                    grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                    grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # placing 3 singles
        for i in range(3):
            size = Single([0, 0]).give_size()

            # choosing coordinates
            house_next = [
                24 + (21 + size[1]) * i, 36, 24 + size[1] + (21 + size[1]) * i,
                36 - size[0], 1
            cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

            # checking if there is place for house
            if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
                space = Single(cords).space_house(house_next)

                # checking if there is place for space
                if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                    # if all true place house and space
                    grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                    grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # placing 1 bungalow
        size = Bungalow([0, 0]).give_size()

        # choosing coordinates
        house_next = [28, 170, 28 + size[1], 170 - size[0], 2]
        cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

        # checking if there is place for house
        if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
            space = Bungalow(cords).space_house(house_next)

            # checking if there is place for space
            if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                # if all true place house and space
                grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # placing 2 bungalows
        for i in range(2):
            size = Bungalow([0, 0]).give_size()

            # choosing coordinates
            house_next = [
                71, 105 + size[0] + (70 + size[0]) * i, 71 + size[1],
                105 + (70 + size[0]) * i, 2
            cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

            # checking if there is place for house
            if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
                space = Bungalow(cords).space_house(house_next)

                # checking if there is place for space
                if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                    # if all true place house and space
                    grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                    grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # placing 2 bungalows
        for i in range(2):
            size = Bungalow([0, 0]).give_size()

            # choosing coordinates
            house_next = [
                295, 30 + size[0] + (size[0] + 82) * i, 295 + size[1],
                30 + (size[0] + 82) * i, 2
            cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

            # checking if there is place for house
            if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
                space = Bungalow(cords).space_house(house_next)

                # checking if there is place for space
                if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                    # if all true place house and space
                    grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                    grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # placing 1 maison
        size = Maison([0, 0]).give_size()

        # choosing coordinates
        house_next = [135 - size[1], 149 + size[0], 135, 171 - size[0], 3]
        cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

        # checking if there is place for house
        if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
            space = Maison(cords).space_house(house_next)

            # checking if there is place for space
            if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                # if all true place house and space
                grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # placing 2 maisons
        for i in range(2):
            size = Maison([0, 0]).give_size()

            # choosing coordinates
            house_next = [
                225, 80 + size[0] + (size[0] + 80) * i, 225 + size[1],
                80 + (size[0] + 80) * i, 3
            cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

            # checking if there is place for house
            if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
                space = Maison(cords).space_house(house_next)

                # checking if there is place for space
                if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                    # if all true place house and space
                    grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                    grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # determining worth
        for coordinate in location_list:
            cords = [coordinate[0], coordinate[1]]
            build = house_type(coordinate[4])
            price = build(cords).give_worth(coordinate, grid)
            if price != None:
                total_value += price

        return ([location_list, water_coordinates, total_value, grid])

    # if 40 houses are chosen
    if nr_of_houses == 40:

        # placing water
        water = 2
        water_coordinates = [[36, 294, 164, 204], [193, 120, 321, 30]]

        # checking if there is place for water
        for body in range(water):
            if Area().water_check(grid, water_coordinates[body]) == True:
                grid = Area().update_grid(grid, water_coordinates[body],

        location_space = []
        location_list = []
        total_value = 0

        # placing 16 singles
        for i in range(8):
            for j in range(2):
                size = Single([0, 0]).give_size()

                # choosing coordinates
                house_next = [
                    20 + (size[1] + 27) * i, 310 - 280 * j,
                    20 + size[1] + (27 + size[1]) * i, 310 - size[0] - 280 * j,
                cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

                # checking if there is place for house
                if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
                    space = Single(cords).space_house(house_next)

                    # checking if there is place for space
                    if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                        # if all true place house and space
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # placing 8 singles
        for i in range(4):
            for j in range(2):
                size = Single([0, 0]).give_size()

                # choosing coordinates
                house_next = [
                    20 + 301 * j, 280 - (size[0] + 55) * i,
                    20 + size[1] + 301 * j, 280 - size[0] - (55 + size[0]) * i,
                cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

                # checking if there is place for house
                if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
                    space = Single(cords).space_house(house_next)

                    # checking if there is place for space
                    if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                        # if all true place house and space
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # placing 6 bungalows
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(2):
                size = Bungalow([0, 0]).give_size()

                # choosing coordinates
                house_next = [
                    321 - 300 * j, 250 - (size[0] + 55) * i,
                    321 + size[1] - 300 * j,
                    250 - size[0] - (55 + size[0]) * i, 2
                cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

                # checking if there is place for house
                if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
                    space = Bungalow(cords).space_house(house_next)

                    # checking if there is place for space
                    if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                        # if all true place house and space
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # placing 2 bungalows
        for i in range(2):
            size = Bungalow([0, 0]).give_size()

            # choosing coordinates
            house_next = [
                101 + 140 * i, 204 - 64 * i, 101 + size[1] + 140 * i,
                204 - size[0] - 64 * i, 2
            cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

            # checking if there is place for house
            if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
                space = Bungalow(cords).space_house(house_next)

                # checking if there is place for space
                if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                    # if all true place house and space
                    grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                    grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # placing 1 bungalow
        size = Bungalow([0, 0]).give_size()
        house_next = [165, 259, 165 + size[1], 259 - size[0], 2]
        cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

        if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
            space = Bungalow(cords).space_house(house_next)

            # checking if there is place for space
            if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                # if all true place house and space
                grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # placing 1 bungalow
        size = Bungalow([0, 0]).give_size()

        # choosing coordinates
        house_next = [193 - size[1], 85, 193, 85 - size[0], 2]
        cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

        # checking if there is place for house
        if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
            space = Bungalow(cords).space_house(house_next)

            # checking if there is place for space
            if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                # if all true place house and space
                grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # placing 6 maisons
        for i in range(6):
            size = Maison([0, 0]).give_size()

            # choosing coordinates
            house_next = [
                65 + (size[1] + 20) * i, 65 + (size[0] + 20) * i,
                65 + size[1] + (20 + size[1]) * i,
                65 - size[0] + (20 + size[0]) * i, 3
            cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

            # checking if there is place for house
            if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
                space = Maison(cords).space_house(house_next)

                # checking if there is place for space
                if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                    # if all true place house and space
                    grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                    grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # determining worth
        for coordinate in location_list:
            cords = [coordinate[0], coordinate[1]]
            build = house_type(coordinate[4])
            price = build(cords).give_worth(coordinate, grid)
            if price != None:
                total_value += price

        return ([location_list, water_coordinates, total_value, grid])

    # if 60 houses are chosen
    if nr_of_houses == 60:

        # placing water
        water = 4
        water_coordinates = [[28, 224, 73, 96], [286, 224, 331, 96],
                             [116, 74, 244, 29], [116, 291, 244, 246]]

        # checking if there is place for water
        for body in range(water):
            if Area().water_check(grid, water_coordinates[body]) == True:
                grid = Area().update_grid(grid, water_coordinates[body],

        location_space = []
        location_list = []
        total_value = 0

        # placing 24 singles
        for i in range(12):
            for j in range(2):
                size = Single([0, 0]).give_size()

                # choosing coordinates
                house_next = [
                    12 + 29 * i, 307 - 278 * j, 12 + size[1] + 29 * i,
                    307 - 278 * j - size[0], 1
                cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

                # checking if there is place for house
                if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
                    space = Single(cords).space_house(house_next)

                    # checking if there is place for space
                    if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                        # if all true place house and space
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # placing 12 singles
        for i in range(6):
            for j in range(2):
                size = Single([0, 0]).give_size()

                # choosing coordinates
                house_next = [
                    331 - 319 * j, 29 + 26 + size[0] + (23 + size[0]) * i,
                    331 - 319 * j + size[1], 29 + 26 + (size[0] + 23) * i, 1
                cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

                # checking if there is place for house
                if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
                    space = Single(cords).space_house(house_next)

                    # checking if there is place for space
                    if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                        # if all true place house and space
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # placing 4 bungalows
        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(2):
                size = Bungalow([0, 0]).give_size()

                # choosing coordinates
                house_next = [
                    244 + 44 * j, 224 + size[0] + (14 + size[0]) * i,
                    244 + 44 * j + size[1], 224 + (14 + size[0]) * i, 2
                cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

                # checking if there is place for house
                if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
                    space = Bungalow(cords).space_house(house_next)

                    # checking if there is place for space
                    if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                        # if all true place house and space
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # placing 4 bungalows
        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(2):
                size = Bungalow([0, 0]).give_size()

                # choosing coordinates
                house_next = [
                    244 + 44 * j, 29 + 13 + size[0] + (14 + size[0]) * i,
                    244 + 44 * j + size[1], 29 + 13 + (14 + size[0]) * i, 2
                cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

                # checking if there is place for house
                if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
                    space = Bungalow(cords).space_house(house_next)

                    # checking if there is place for space
                    if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                        # if all true place house and space
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # placing 4 bungalows
        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(2):
                size = Bungalow([0, 0]).give_size()

                # choosing coordinates
                house_next = [
                    57 + (29 + size[1]) * i, 96 - (14 + size[0]) * j,
                    57 + size[1] + (29 + size[1]) * i,
                    96 - size[0] - (14 + size[0]) * j, 2
                cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

                # checking if there is place for house
                if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
                    space = Bungalow(cords).space_house(house_next)

                    # checking if there is place for space
                    if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                        # if all true place house and space
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # placing 2 bungalows
        for i in range(2):
            size = Bungalow([0, 0]).give_size()

            # choosing coordinates
            house_next = [
                57 + (29 + size[1]) * i, 244,
                57 + size[1] + (29 + size[1]) * i, 244 - size[0], 2
            cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

            # checking if there is place for house
            if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
                space = Bungalow(cords).space_house(house_next)

                # checking if there is place for space
                if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                    # if all true place house and space
                    grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                    grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # placing 1 bungalow
        size = Bungalow([0, 0]).give_size()

        # choosing coordinates
        house_next = [
            86 + size[1], 278, 86 + size[1] + size[1], 278 - size[0], 2
        cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

        # checking if there is place for house
        if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
            space = Bungalow(cords).space_house(house_next)

            # checking if there is place for space
            if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                # if all true place house and space
                grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # placing 1 maison
        size = Maison([0, 0]).give_size()

        # choosing coordinates
        house_next = [170, 171, 170 + size[1], 171 - size[0], 3]
        cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

        # checking if there is place for house
        if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
            space = Maison(cords).space_house(house_next)

            # checking if there is place for space
            if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                # if all true place house and space
                grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # placing 4 maisons
        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(2):
                size = Maison([0, 0]).give_size()

                # choosing coordinates
                house_next = [
                    145 + (size[1] + 28) * i, 246 - 150 * j,
                    145 + size[1] + (size[1] + 28) * i,
                    246 - size[0] - 150 * j, 3
                cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

                # checking if there is place for house
                if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
                    space = Maison(cords).space_house(house_next)

                    # checking if there is place for space
                    if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                        # if all true place house and space
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # placing 4 maisons
        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(2):
                size = Maison([0, 0]).give_size()

                # choosing coordinates
                house_next = [
                    73 + 192 * j, 196 - (size[0] + 28) * i,
                    73 + size[1] + 192 * j, 196 - size[0] - (size[0] + 28) * i,
                cords = [house_next[0], house_next[1]]

                # checking if there is place for house
                if Area().house_check(grid, house_next) == True:
                    space = Maison(cords).space_house(house_next)

                    # checking if there is place for space
                    if Area().space_check(grid, space) == True:

                        # if all true place house and space
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid, house_next, "house")
                        grid = Area().update_grid(grid, space, "space")

        # determining worth
        for coordinate in location_list:
            cords = [coordinate[0], coordinate[1]]
            build = house_type(coordinate[4])
            price = build(cords).give_worth(coordinate, grid)
            if price != None:
                total_value += price

        return ([location_list, water_coordinates, total_value, grid])
Exemplo n.º 16
def house_swap(coordinate_list, nr_of_houses, grid):

	# randomly pick two houses from the coordinate list
	house_one = randint(0, (nr_of_houses -1))
	house_two = randint(0, (nr_of_houses - 1))
	house_cords_one = coordinate_list[house_one]
	house_cords_two = coordinate_list[house_two]

	# determine height and width of the houses
	width_one = house_cords_one[2] - house_cords_one[0]
	height_one = house_cords_one[1] - house_cords_one[3]
	width_two = house_cords_two[2] - house_cords_two[0]
	height_two = house_cords_two[1] - house_cords_two[3]

	# create new coordinates for the houses
	# take the left upper corner
	# determine new coordinates with height and width
	x_l_one = house_cords_two[0]
	y_u_one = house_cords_two[1]
	x_r_one = house_cords_two[0] + width_one
	y_d_one = house_cords_two[1] - height_one
	new_cord_one = [x_l_one, y_u_one, x_r_one, y_d_one, house_cords_one[4]]

	x_l_two = house_cords_one[0]
	y_u_two = house_cords_one[1]
	x_r_two = house_cords_one[0] + width_two
	y_d_two = house_cords_one[1] - height_two
	new_cord_two = [x_l_two, y_u_two, x_r_two, y_d_two, house_cords_two[4]]

	# determine the space needed for old houses
	if house_cords_one[4] == 1:
		build = single
	elif house_cords_one[4] == 2:
		build = bungalow
	elif house_cords_one[4] == 3:
		build = maison
	cord = (x_l_one, y_u_one)
	space_cords_one = build(cord).spacehouse(new_cord_one)

	if house_cords_two[4] == 1:
		build = single
	elif house_cords_two[4] == 2:
		build = bungalow
	elif house_cords_two[4] == 3:
		build = maison
	cord = (x_l_two, y_u_two)
	space_cords_two = build(cord).spacehouse(new_cord_two)

	# clear the space the houses were using
	if Area().create_space(space_cords_one, grid) == True:
		if Area().create_space(space_cords_two, grid) == True:

			# determine space needed for new houses
			if new_cord_one[4] == 1:
				build = single
			elif new_cord_one[4] == 2:
				build = bungalow
			elif new_cord_one[4] == 3:
				build = maison
			cord = (x_l_one, y_d_one)
			space_cords_one = build(cord).spacehouse(new_cord_one)

			if new_cord_two[4] == 1:
				build = single
			elif new_cord_two[4] == 2:
				build = bungalow
			elif new_cord_two[4] == 3:
				build = maison
			cord = (x_l_two, y_d_two)
			space_cords_two = build(cord).spacehouse(new_cord_two)

			# check if there is enough space to place house
			if Area().housecheck(grid, new_cord_one) == True:
				if Area().housecheck(grid, new_cord_two) == True:

					# check if there is space to place house with extra space
					if Area().spacecheck(grid, space_cords_one) == True:
						if Area().spacecheck(grid, space_cords_two) == True:

							# if everything is true swap the houses
							grid = Area().update_grid(grid, new_cord_one, "house")
							coordinate_list[house_one] = new_cord_two
							grid = Area().update_grid(grid, new_cord_two, "house")
							coordinate_list[house_two] = new_cord_one

	# if the houses were swapped return the grid information
	return [coordinate_list, grid]
Exemplo n.º 17
def move_house(coordinate_list, nr_of_houses, grid):

	# randomly pick one house from the coordinate list
	move_house = randint(0, (nr_of_houses -1))
	cord_move_house = coordinate_list[move_house]

	# choose in which direction the house will move
	direction = randint(0, 3)

	# if direction is 0 move left
	if direction == 0:
		x_l = cord_move_house[0] - 2
		y_u = cord_move_house[1]
		x_r = cord_move_house[2] - 2
		y_d = cord_move_house[3]

	# if direction is 1 move right
	elif direction == 1:
		x_l = cord_move_house[0] + 2
		y_u = cord_move_house[1]
		x_r = cord_move_house[2] + 2
		y_d = cord_move_house[3]

	# if direction is 2 move up
	elif direction == 2:
		x_l = cord_move_house[0]
		y_u = cord_move_house[1] + 2
		x_r = cord_move_house[2]
		y_d = cord_move_house[3] + 2

	# if direction is 3 move down
	elif direction == 3:
		x_l = cord_move_house[0]
		y_u = cord_move_house[1] - 2
		x_r = cord_move_house[2]
		y_d = cord_move_house[3] - 2

	# set new coordinates
	new_cord = [x_l, y_u, x_r, y_d, cord_move_house[4]]

	# determine space needed first
	if cord_move_house[4] == 1:
		build = single
	elif cord_move_house[4] == 2:
		build = bungalow
	elif cord_move_house[4] == 3:
		build = maison
	cord = (cord_move_house[0], cord_move_house[1])
	space_cords = build(cord).spacehouse(cord_move_house)

	# clear the space the houses were using
	if Area().create_space(space_cords, grid) == True:

		# determine space needed for new houses
		if new_cord[4] == 1:
			build = single
		elif new_cord[4] == 2:
			build = bungalow
		elif new_cord[4] == 3:
			build = maison
		cord = (new_cord[0], new_cord[1])
		new_space_cords = build(cord).spacehouse(new_cord)

		# check if there is enough space to place house
		if Area().housecheck(grid, new_cord) == True:

			# check if there is space to place house with extra space
			if Area().spacecheck(grid, new_space_cords) == True:

				# if everything is true swap the houses
				grid = Area().update_grid(grid, new_cord, "house")
				coordinate_list[move_house] = new_cord

	# if the houses were swapped return the grid information
	return [coordinate_list, grid]